Saturday, December 03, 2011

I think Sarah Palin's holiday season is about to get a LOT less jolly.

This just showed up in my e-mail a few hours ago:

Judge Pamela Washington has signed an order for Shailey Tripp to "secure the return of her property from the APD" The order was signed and dated November 30, 2011 and gives the Plantiff (Municipality of Anchorage) 10 days to respond.

Judge Washington is a Parnell appointee so there is some chance that she does NOT owe Palin any favors, which is good for Shailey in this case. I have very little faith in government officials, cops, or judges that have any ties to Todd or Sarah anymore.

Shailey has worked hard to get her stuff back so this is very good news indeed.

Well not for everybody I guess.

By the way there are some who are saying that Shailey DID get all of her belongings back.

That is incorrect, there a few items that were not given back. I should know I helped to pick them up.

You know this judge's order MIGHT just have a little something to do with whatever it was that was pissing off the Lunatic from Lake Lucille during her Sean Hannity interview.

(P.S. Here is Shailey's post containing this new information.)


  1. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Ha! GO SHAY! love that pic of her(Shay), like the cat that ate the canary...!
    Well, Caribou crosshairs as much as admitted Shay gave her a massage when she was 7 mos preg and couldn't tell! Hey Shay she just wants you to swear on a stack of bibles! Not even a polygraph!
    Lets hope your returned stuff, has the EVIDENCE needed to crack this whole thing open!

  2. Olivia5:45 PM

    LOVING THIS!! Good work! You rock... both of you! I can't wait to see the results of this.

  3. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Now I have Happy Feet!

    Thanks Gryphen for helping Shailey.


  4. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, is one of the items Shailey will get back Trigs Birth Certificate?

  5. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Hoping the APD still has the items.

  6. Anonymous6:07 PM

    OMG! This is really getting good. No wonder Palin was so huffy on Hannity's show. Perhaps she received a heads up about the judge's ruling?


  7. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Good job Shailey. I hope every bad thing Sarah and Todd has ever done will come out. Orange jumpsuits for both.

  8. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Sarah Palin don't screw with SHAILEY TRIPP!

    Boys will be boys, but.......

  9. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Okay Anchorage Police Dept,

    Time to shit or git off the pot.

    Return my girl's possession.


  10. wakeUpAmerica6:38 PM

    I will be shocked and amazed if she gets anything important back. I suspect it will go inexplicably missing.

  11. angela6:41 PM

    Ok, not to pour cold water on anything, but I doubt whatever the APD has of Shailey's will be returned intact. Electronics can be wiped -- and paper can be lost . . . .

    Who trusts the Anchorage PD at this point?
    But I suppose an absence of info will be the actual evidence of corruption.

  12. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Merry X-Mas Shailey

    Ba Humbug Sarah and her retarded family

  13. Well in honor of the Christmas season I felt compelled to change my avatar....thank you Gov Dirty Wig!

    Shailey is the REAL pitbull!

  14. Anonymous6:46 PM

    5:44..I thought I read "on a stack of babies" LOL

  15. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Tick Tock, Sarah.

  16. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Hey Sarah

    It looks like Judge Pamela Washington of Alaska is not part of the BOYS WILL BE BOYS CLUB.

    Judge Pamela was raised by decent parents and went to school to fight for the rights of others.

    Unlike the rest of the APD, Judge Pamela is not in your pocket.

  17. Anonymous6:54 PM

    If Judge Pamela can stand up to the Palins so can the rest of Alaska.

    "You can do it!"

  18. Anonymous6:55 PM

    So there are people in Alaska with cajones.

  19. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Sarah: "Oh shit time to go to Plan B... divorce Tawd"

  20. Anonymous7:05 PM

    "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

    Go Shailey! Glad to hear the truth is finally going to come out about Todd Palin and his "boys will be boys" behavior.

  21. Anonymous7:08 PM

    The question is, is the Anchorage PD going to follow this court order? They have a habit of not.

  22. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I will be very surprised if the items are returned in the same condition they were taken. No doubt in my mind they've been severely (and illegally and obviously) tampered with and that's why the APD is stalling on returning them.

  23. Anonymous7:20 PM

    i love to contrast Shailey's picture with Sarah's (exactly as you've posted them here)...It really underscores the importance of "inner beauty" and how a person's integrity (or lack thereof) can shine through if we look beyond the surface appearance of things.

    Call me Pollyanna :)
    (or SunnyVee)

  24. sewnup7:24 PM

    You may be right about the bathrobe babe being rattled about that ruling when she was filmed yesterday. Nothing worse for a control freak than losing control....or even thinking about losing control. Not that she doesn't have other problems as well (we KNOW, Sarah :) )but this is one that usually bubbles to the top pretty fast, even in those not mentally ill to the degree she is.

  25. Anonymous7:38 PM

    Ya know, I was wondering, while watching Mme Wiglet in the red bathrobe and Sean "Can I sniff your panties?" Hannity, mentioning a certain masseuse who claims to have massaged her while she faked Trig's pregnancy while defending Herb's letcherous behavior.

    It was the first time I heard her mention it, and now I know why ;o)

    That cacocophony you hear is the sound of canned goods hitting the fridge.

    The next sound you'll hear are the "Concern Trolls" making stuff up about the happy Palin Family...3.......2..........1..........

  26. Anonymous7:58 PM


    Tripp will get her cell phone and computer back. These items will have nothing on them that incriminate Sarah or Todd.

    Everyone here will immediately insist that the records have been wiped clean.

    Just how dumb do you think we are?

  27. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Shailey will never receive her property that was seized, especially if the items in question contained incriminating evidence against Todd Palin. It seems pretty obvious to me, since the APD already returned most of her property, Shailey already received everything they intend to return. They issued a statement on behalf of the Palins, don't think for a second they won't conveniently "loose" a few items that belong to Shailey Tripp if it helps put an end to the story.

  28. Anonymous8:24 PM

    For the select media chopping at the bit to grab onto all things Palin this has the potential to launch into news cycles, esp after Sarah called attention to all her FOX viewers last week with the big "nothing to see here" shout out!

  29. I imagine the APD will seek Palin's help in devising one of her expert denial responses. Let's see, a herd of caribou broke into their evidence locker and....... or the -20 degree weather zapped the electronics they had stored in an unheated storage area or merely the APD are a happy, loving bunch who never, ever confiscated Shailey's property and she must have broken into their office and wrote all those fake items down on their report.

    The excuse possibilities are endless for Mrs P's imagination, this is truly where her expertise shines.

  30. Anonymous8:41 PM

    Anonymous said...


    Tripp will get her cell phone and computer back. These items will have nothing on them that incriminate Sarah or Todd.

    Everyone here will immediately insist that the records have been wiped clean.

    Just how dumb do you think we are?
    Hello Concern Troll...
    Nothing can ever be wiped clean...even from your hotshot SOA IT dept.
    If what is true... what Brad is saying the computer has already been looked at They will want to look at by FBI and other interested parties :)
    So Shay if your computer is wiped or your phones etc. Get them to the AK FBI pronto! Karen Loeffron (sp)
    Hey naughty red monkey's REALLY go with jailhouse orange?
    Ummm. NO.
    Your fucked.
    Bless your heart Sarah :)

  31. Anonymous8:44 PM

    It would seem that Sarah's
    busy two weeks may have been spent consulting and conferring with attorneys and her supportive and loving family, while using everything she has left to hide this story from the public eye. She lost, and knew it when she couldn't help herself from letting her preoccupation burst out when talking with Hannity.
    Whether or not the APD has already tampered with the evidence is another question. And who did the tampering, and for whom, will be the next question, which might blow things wide open.
    Merry Christmas, Sarah. I don't think your New Year will be all that Happy.

  32. Anonymous said...


    Tripp will get her cell phone and computer back. These items will have nothing on them that incriminate Sarah or Todd.

    Everyone here will immediately insist that the records have been wiped clean.

    Just how dumb do you think we are?

    7:58 PM

    Now, need to be such a "debbie downer" there RAM!


    Which is why she dusted off the wig, threw on that red fluffy carpet robe and acted like a cat who's tail was being stepped on...when she went on Insannity the other night! LOL!!!

  33. Anonymous8:55 PM

    "I should know I helped to pick them up."

    So what do you know? Did you actually open the evidence bags? Did you SEE any of it?

  34. Anonymous8:58 PM

    What EEXACTLY does the Anchorage Police Department have?

  35. Anonymous said...

    Shailey will never receive her property that was seized, especially if the items in question contained incriminating evidence against Todd Palin. It seems pretty obvious to me, since the APD already returned most of her property, Shailey already received everything they intend to return. They issued a statement on behalf of the Palins, don't think for a second they won't conveniently "loose" a few items that belong to Shailey Tripp if it helps put an end to the story.

    8:00 PM

    "loose" huh? I believe the word you were looking for Brisdull is "lose"....let me put it in a sentence so you can better understand...since you're missing some schooling there...

    "Governor Dirty Wig will "lose" her dirty wig when Shailey gets back her computer."

    Oh and as an is "loose" in language that you understand...

    "Stop being "loose"!

    You're welcome :)

  36. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Shay is a self-described computer genius. She may be able to retrieve data even from damaged property.
    So don't be surprised if more comes out. Happy New Year!

  37. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Please let this truly be the beginning of the end.

  38. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Even if Shay is a computer genius, she should take the computer to experts as soon as she has it-- she should be accompanied by a witness to preserve the chain of evidence. Experts (REAL experts) will at least be able to testify that the computer was tampered with, and they might be able to recover data.

    I really hope she doesn't try it herself.

  39. Anonymous said...

    "I should know I helped to pick them up."

    So what do you know? Did you actually open the evidence bags? Did you SEE any of it?

    8:55 PM

    SHAZAAM Gryphen! The trolls are just a wee bit nervous...lots and lots of questions....whatsamatter trolls....NERVOUS?

    Sounds like Gov Dirty herself...remember when she almost jumped in Charlie Gibson's lap when he told her somebody had said something truthful about her ass...she was like..."who said that?" LOL!!!

  40. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Sarah Palin really screwed up by justifying cheating husbands as Boy Will Be Boys.

    Women all over should be appalled by that idiot's justification of what Cain and Todd Palin does in their miserable lives.

  41. Why do I feel so supportive of this young woman? Partly because I'm old enough to be her mother.

    Because she's one woman who is seemingly going up against a political machine consisting of the Palins and the APD. I signed her petition. If I could do more, I would.

    When I saw her family pictures, with her kids' bedrooms furnished with inflatable mattresses and cheerful toys, my heart went out to her. She's clearly so caring and so engaged with her kids--which Sarah and Todd Palin do not seem to be.

    I was born and raised on the Gulf Coast, where Shailey is now. In spite of the occasional hurricanes, this is an easier and more nurturing environment than Alaska, if you can take the summer heat and humidity. Best of all, it's far from the Palins.

    I will have to confess next Saturday that I am cheered by Sarah Palin's obvious discomfiture. It's worth a few extra Hail Marys.

  42. Anonymous said...

    What EEXACTLY does the Anchorage Police Department have?

    8:58 PM

    Umm...if you head over to Shailey's blog she can let you know what they have...oh you might want to be careful...Shailey is REALLY good with computers and she can sniff out worries if you are not a troll :)

  43. AJ Billings9:53 PM

    I've been in the computer business for 25 years. Recovered many drives and much data. Lots of methods, and software out there to do that.

    Not giving any hints to the APD, let's just say that unless they have a really knowledgable and experienced PC tech on board, they may in fact underestimate what can be retrieved by the right method.

    How's that strike you $arah?

    Afraid of what might be on there?

    Maybe Granny Grifter was right, and told the truth for once, because if the ToddGate scandal blows wide open, her endorsement really won't be worth a hill 0' beans..

    Shades of Herb Cain, eh $arah?

  44. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Bristol, Willow and Piper what do you think of your retarded mother's values.

    Is it okay for men to cheat on their wives?

    No wonder your mother refuses to go on the Sunday talk shows, she is too ignorant to know when to shut her trailer park mouth shut.

    Your dad's perverted sex habits are about to be revealed to the world.

  45. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Sarah is SO dull of bullshit with her crony capitalism nonsense. She is the queen of manipulation and she couldn't manipulate this situation.

    And guess what bullies Sarah and Todd your days of influence are near and end. No more favors. It's over.

    To the Idiot defending them, shame on you./

  46. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Shailey looks so happy and healthy in that photo!

    One of the things about this story that HAS to be bugging she of the screeches and ratty wigs is that Shailey doesn't fit the conventional idea of beauty. She's not some plasticized, anorexic blond, like the stereotypical political mistress. She doesn't post photos of herself in glamorous clothing and makeup and seems to have no interest in depicting herself in that way. I doubt Sarah can begin to understand that kind of person.

    Although Todd treated Shailey horribly and he's clearly on a twisted power trip, I also think he might have found the idea of a down-to-earth, low-maintenance woman appealing. Not that I pity Todd--I find him more revolting than used toilet paper and he needs to pay for his actions. Pressuring a single mother of special-needs kids into prostitution is beyond reprehensible. I just think the type of woman he chose--both physically and in how she presents herself and her priorities--is very telling.

    When I read "The Rogue," I was very interested in a few comments about Sarah's childhood and adolescence. McGinnis notes that a classmate said she was the "unattractive" one vying with two prettier blond sisters. And he also quotes a former student of Chuck's who claimed that Chuck paid attention only to the pretty girls and athletic boys. I think these observations speak deeply to Sarah's obsession with looks and to her apparent belief that appearance can compensate for lack of knowledge, insight, compassion, and intelligence. (Though honestly, I never thought she was that attractive anyway--but then I'm a straight woman.)

    So for Sarah to have to face, publicly, the idea that Todd cheated on her with someone less conventionally "pretty"--and obviously far less interested in being "pretty" but far more dedicated to being a person of substance--has to be a bitter pill indeed.

  47. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Will we be surprised if the laptop and phone memory are wiped clean when Shailey gets them back?

    Too bad for Palin's APD friends-- hard drive stuff can be retrieved after it's been deleted.

    Merry Christmas Sarah!

  48. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Cute pic of Shailey!

    Sweet post!

  49. As many readers here know, I can be critical of Gryph, and of the commenters here.

    However, if it weren't for this blog, this important story wouldn't be covered anywhere.

    Hat off to Jesse!

  50. Anonymous11:25 PM

    Good pic of Shailey!!

    I do believe we have another 'camp' that believes they will resurrect Cain. Have been reading blogs, message boards and twitter & they 'know' they can do this as he only 'suspended' his campaign -- he didn't quit. It's only temporary according to them. Oh mannnn -- it's like Palin Pee'ers.

    It's a conspiracy of the LameStreamMedia, the Dems, etc. They paid these women to destroy him!!

    Can't wait to hear the whining when they see the money they continue to donate is becaused they are being fleeced!!! It's like someone has written a new screenplay - 'The Grifter: The Sequel'.

    We've been invaded by more 'space cadets'!!!!

    To read some message boards as they quote the Bible, call the women who came forward liars and many other names, and have pretty much anointed him!!!

    Someone said there was a Fox poll and Cain was at 53%, Newt 40% and Romney 6%. Sounds like one of those polls sat and voted and voted and voted again!

    Second Verse Same as the First!!

  51. Anonymous @ 10:31 you're speaking about inner beauty and how when you get to know someone who is truly beautiful inside, it is who you also see on the outside. When I look at Sarah, I see a woman who really wasn't the type of young girl who caught the boys attention. When she hit her late 20's to early 30's, she was at her best until all her negativity, scheming and vicious nature caught up with her exterior. The past 3 years have not been kind to Sarah while she in turn has been at her nastiest, most vile that anyone has ever seen. She continually berates others and pretends she has done no wrong despite the records of her past that tell us of her dirty dealings, helping her cronies and then using them to cover up her mistakes or firing them when she no longer needs them. You can't live with that type of hateful rhetoric that Sarah preaches regularly and have it not show on the outside.

    Todd was probably attracted to Shailey because she listened to him rather than ordering him around as Sarah is known to do. He's so accustomed to using people as he and Sarah have done over the years that he thinks it's his right to do so. Remember how he told Joe McGinnis not to get too comfortable in his rental house next door to them as he wouldn't be staying as long as he thought he would. Guess what, Todd? Joe had his timeline and he kept to it. Shailey has her life and she's going to live it the way she wants to despite the Palins' and the crap they put her through.

  52. Anonymous1:12 AM

    Good news for Shailey.

    Judge Washington's order probably wasn't good news for Team Palin. Do they have any idea what information might have been seized by the APD? Do they have any idea what is left of what was seized? Certainly this is far from done. Is Lt. Dave Parker working on another press release? Maybe the APD can hire BSMP LLC to help. The party planner is already booked.

    There is at least one other issue in the courts for Team Palin to deal with. That is Thoma v. Palin.
    This will be back in the news soon.
    Team Palin already knows the date when this will happen.

  53. Anonymous1:33 AM

    According to Palin's twitter feed and Arsenio Hall's twitter, Sarah is in Hollywood at an Xmas party. Gosh darn, dang, granny six-packs is just a regular old Joe, huh?

  54. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Just how dumb do you think we are?
    7:58 PM

    Pretty damned dumb since it is very easy to wipe a computer or cell phone as clean as a whistle with the right tools. McCain's folks did it with the Johnson computer pictures so why does it seem inconceivable that a law operation could and would not do it to Ms. Tripp's property? Is it so hard to believe especially after all this time? I mean I remember what is on my computer and cell phone but that's because I have it readily accessible. Ms. Tripp may be a computer genius (she does need a spell checker on her blog though) but no on remembers ever thing on every piece of hardware they own.

  55. Anonymous2:21 AM

    As for recovering data, it would be impossible to do it if the APD just dropped a brand new drive into the machine, loaded everything NOT Palin related onto it, and returned it. That's how I have done things when trying to get rid of evil malware. I had to physically replace the dive, reload the things I wanted and trash the old hard drive. All my games, photos, and other things were on the computer but the malware (never did find it) was not.

  56. Anonymous2:44 AM

    Her cell phone and computer were part of the list of evidence that she claimed and was returned to her - the stuff that her mother picked up.

    Shailey herself reports that she has not looked at the returned property because she doesn't want there to be a question of tampering at some later date.

    There does NOT seem to be a second computer and cell phone that was seized by warrant. So I do NOT understand at all, why she continues to push that her cell phone and computer have not been returned. Yes. They have.

    The condoms will not be returned. She knew that a long time ago as part of the court and plea deal process. If she wanted that sort of thing back, she should have had her Public Defender address it at the time that she agreed to it.

    See, when a defendant signs legal forms, from arrest to fingerprints to final disposition, they are signing their explicit uncoerced permission, approval and agreement, with a clear understanding. Ignorance is not a defense.

    There's a lot she can do(and has a duty to do) if she believes the legal advice given to her by state-provided attorneys was in error, incompetent or biased. She can and should file complaints, seek redress, and absolutely SHOULD reopen the case or appeal. That's how you do it. And you do get a response.

    It will be interesting to see what Judge Washington "ordered" on November 30th and in response to what. No motions were filed, which would be moot anyway because the case is closed. It will be public record.

  57. Anonymous2:46 AM

    One more time - what does the police department have? Does anyone know?

  58. Anonymous4:01 AM

    Have you noticed that the number of "likes" on Palin's Facebook page is actually DEcreasing?!

  59. Anonymous4:20 AM

    why doesn't shailey hire Gloria Allred and go national?

  60. Anonymous4:55 AM

    paylin lies. It's what she does best. She's a narcissistic, sociopathic liar. The fact that she's made millions from the bagtards speaks volumes about how fucked up the teatards are.

  61. Anonymous4:58 AM

    the funny thing in all of this -- is that only a handful of people know who is really behind most of the info found about Trig -- and no Shailey didn't even get close to crediting that person.

    Most of the people named, including Gryphen, would have had very little to go on were it not for this person.

    But alas, too many people handled their own business wrong and screwed everything up!!!

  62. Anonymous5:01 AM

    Sarah's "boys will be boys" comment was to set the stage for things that are about to surface going on record before it happens saying that she doesn't approve of cheating but, hey, everyone does it and it's not that big of a deal. As a result, she sounded like a sexist idiot, but there's no surprise there.

  63. Anonymous5:10 AM

    If the police tamper with Shailey's property, this has the potential to put gas on the fire and launch Todd's pimping business into the limelight and drag the police in with it. It could be interesting what sort of names the Palins are covering up from Todd's role as entertainment director for a governor. Big oil, business and politicians, maybe? I don't think this is as simple as just a thing between Todd and Shailey. Hmmm, does Trig have anything to do with a sex ring?

  64. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Maybe someone can help my memory, was there talk about massages being billed to the state as part of some campaign perk or something? I seem to recall hearing something like that a while back. Anyone else remember that?

  65. So the toad is a pimp? gawd. what a cluster fuck of a "family".

  66. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Dearest Gina M,

    Thanks for my Sunday morning giggle. Loved your spelling/dictionary lesson. They make it sooooo easy, don't they?

  67. Anonymous6:21 AM!/CoolChange

    Sarah and Todd were at Mark Burnett's party.

  68. Anonymous6:34 AM

    This is good news. Shailey is the key to this whole shady business. I wish her well and totally support her attempts to get it all out. Thanks also to Gryphen, Malia, and other blogs featured on this site. You are all a part of helping clear this up. Were it not for the committment you all share for the truth - and what is right - this story would have been flushed away as the Palins have tried so hard to do. I have also noticed a more knowledgeable group of peoplr on Huff Post. Some of them are checking in with these blogs to see what is really going on - and they are commenting on it.
    Pat Padrnos

  69. Anonymous6:51 AM

    best of luck...this isn't over.

  70. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Anonymous said...

    As for recovering data, it would be impossible to do it if the APD just dropped a brand new drive into the machine, loaded everything NOT Palin related onto it, and returned it. That's how I have done things when trying to get rid of evil malware.
    2:21 AM
    Ummmm putting in a new HD then it wouldn't be Shay's computer anymore?
    Illegal much?
    I'm sure.

  71. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Sarah's problem with this isn't the fact that Todd cheated on her. It's clear there's been infidelity on both sides for as long as they've been married.

    Sarah is worried for two reasons:

    1) Shailey knows and will show that Sarah Palin was not pregnant.

    2) Sarah knows that if Todd goes down, he'll take her down with him. She can't throw him to the wolves.

  72. Anonymous8:31 AM


    Tripp will get her cell phone and computer back. These items will have nothing on them that incriminate Sarah or Todd.

    Everyone here will immediately insist that the records have been wiped clean.

    Just how dumb do you think we are?


    Never said you Palin-bots were dumb, just calculating and dishonest. Bless yer hearts!

  73. Anon@ 4:58 Could you expound on that?

  74. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Wonder what has become of it so far - it is already the 4th - 6 more days to go.

  75. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Wanna bet that the pertinent info on the computer/phone IS MISSING?!?!!!

  76. lilly lily9:40 AM

    So it will be he said, she said if the property is returned with all pertinent to Toad removed as the posters have said.

    Hasn't she written a book about her pecuniary relations with Toad?

    Is it being published now?

    So, she said still has some weight in some peoples minds, even if the Alaskan police have tampered with the evidence to cover for Toad.

    Lie detector tests for example. Which Shaily has passed.

  77. Anonymous10:35 AM

    "There does NOT seem to be a second computer and cell phone that was seized by warrant. So I do NOT understand at all, why she continues to push that her cell phone and computer have not been returned. Yes. They have.

    The condoms will not be returned. She knew that a long time ago as part of the court and plea deal process. If she wanted that sort of thing back, she should have had her Public Defender address it at the time that she agreed to it."

    On first glance your post seems so rational and logical. You speak as though you have first hand knowledge do you? If not the shut up. Ms. Tripp seems to have been telling the truth about everything she has stated publicly and interviews. As far as I can tell she has been very consistent with what she has said. Who cares if she was trying to sell information early on, that really doesn't mean she made any of it up. That is why the polygraph results are important. She simply isn't hiding anything. Sure she misspelss but again so did Einstein and Carl Sagan. She can write and has her own style but didn't Hemmingway get riduculed? My point is she isn't a celebrity, she isn;t running for office, let us not forget she raises two handicapped kids to boot. I'd say she is just trying to get her head above water otherwise she would havwe robbed a bank or tried to blackmail people with the infor she does have. I have seen zero evidence that Ms. Tripp is a slimy seedy person. By the gyst of your post that is what you are really trying to make her out to be. Be objective but put it in context and perspective she is an everyday person. It should be Todd and Sarah admitting their wrong doings and faults. Were you there when her lawyers consulted her? Were you in the courtroom?

  78. Atheists for jesus10:44 AM

    "I can do whatever I want until the courts make me stop" OOps!

  79. Anonymous said...

    According to Palin's twitter feed and Arsenio Hall's twitter, Sarah is in Hollywood at an Xmas party. Gosh darn, dang, granny six-packs is just a regular old Joe, huh?

    1:33 AM

    Anonymous said...!/CoolChange

    Sarah and Todd were at Mark Burnett's party.
    6:21 AM

    How funny...did she wear the fluffy red carpet robe thingy or did she go all out and put on a Christmas tree dress! Winking and blinking all over the place!

    Roma Downey's is Mark Burnett's wife....didn't she do "Touched by an Angel" lonnnnngggg time ago...that show was on the Ion network.....Hmmmm.....very interesting!

  80. 2:44 said this...

    "There does NOT seem to be a second computer and cell phone that was seized by warrant. So I do NOT understand at all, why she continues to push that her cell phone and computer have not been returned. Yes. They have."

    If this is true according to YOU...then why did the judge order the return of her property? ......waiting.....buffering...still waiting....

  81. dmoreno56 said...

    Dearest Gina M,

    Thanks for my Sunday morning giggle. Loved your spelling/dictionary lesson. They make it sooooo easy, don't they?

    5:53 AM

    Yes they do....and how I love to explain it to them...over and over and over and see where I'm going here!

    That family of gargoyles THINK they are smart...what they are is....CUNNING and PROTECTED....for now!

  82. Anonymous11:09 AM

    GinaM and others:
    Based on stuff you read on the internet, you've concluded that the Anchorage Police Department is corrupt and illegal, falsely arrests innocent women, manipulates law, destroys property, and colludes with the judicial system to bury huge scandal that would implicate prominent businessmen.

    Based on stuff _I_ read on the internet, I am intrigued by the narrative. Wonder how much can be proven, if it's true. I'm flooded with questions. _Questions_.

    Why questions? Because I believe that it's possible. I'm imaginative and creative - I can conceive of how such a thing COULD happen. So I want to know details. Before I decide the validity of claims.
    If I _didn't_ believe it was possible and thought it was all bullshit - I wouldn't read another word or trouble myself to spend another second on the subject.

    Perfectly reasonable and a standard. If I say in a job interview that I have an advanced degree from Oxford, won the Nobel Peace Prize and have published research, they expect to see some evidence of that in my portfolio. If they don't, they WILL verify. Not because they don't _believe_ me, but because it's _routine_. There's no insult there.

    A few of you will take this entire story as true, part and parcel, based on face-value and faith. Good for you. I neither condemn nor judge that. That's fine.

    Consider this - those of us who ask the tough questions are possibly MORE supportive and provide greater credibility to this woman's claims, than those of you who are defensive. At the end of the day, questions asked (and answered) serve to establish the veracity of her story.
    If it stand the test of a few random anonymous questions on the internet, how could it possibly bear up under scrutiny of journalistic and judicial/law enforcement investigation?

    And come one, you don't wanna know the answers? Of course you do! You're not interested in the details? Baloney! Sure you are!

  83. Anonymous11:16 AM

    So this is why Sarah has had such a busy 2 weeks.

  84. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Anon @2:46:

    Tripp wrote: "they are still withholding another cellphone, a credit card machine, and some other items" in one of the posts linked in this post.

  85. Anonymous said...

    GinaM and others:
    Based on stuff you read on the internet, you've concluded that the Anchorage Police Department is corrupt and illegal, falsely arrests innocent women, manipulates law, destroys property, and colludes with the judicial system to bury huge scandal that would implicate prominent businessmen.
    11:09 AM

    Not sure why you mentioned my name...since I didn't address you Anonymous...or did I?

  86. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    GinaM and others:
    Based on stuff you read on the internet, you've concluded that the Anchorage Police Department is corrupt and illegal, falsely arrests innocent women, manipulates law, destroys property, and colludes with the judicial system to bury huge scandal that would implicate prominent businessmen.

    Based on stuff _I_ read on the internet, I am intrigued by the narrative. Wonder how much can be proven, if it's true. I'm flooded with questions. _Questions_.
    (snip) bla, bla, bla....
    So ummm exactly WHAT are your "tough" questions and what is exactly the point of your comment?
    Maila littman has been asking some pretty tough questions, Shay has a IA investigation going, Brad has written to numerous FEDERAL (not state) LAW enforcement agencies....
    So....again what is your point?

  87. If Tripp's things are destroyed (which I know they will be, the cop is way too assholey) then I have no choice but believe what she says.

    They are so stupid, all of them, the flunky lawyer, the flunky cop, the flunky arrest and the bullying, vidictive idiots toad and sarah at the wheel.

    Smart sarah, naming your grandkids after their conditions. Is ak that small?

  88. What woman goes to her husband's ho to get a stomach massage? WTF is a stomach massage and why would tripp give one?

    Why wouldn't sarah, or aka the top ho, go to the doctor first. At least call her.

    I had those questions until her vindictive mentioned. she was there with tripp all right.

  89. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Why does Shailey need the actual phone? Her outgoing and incoming call records should be available online in her phone history with her provider. The computer is a different story. Is there incriminating evidence referencing the Palins on it?

  90. Anonymous12:38 PM

    10:35 -
    "I have seen zero evidence that Ms. Tripp is a slimy seedy person. By the gyst of your post that is what you are really trying to make her out to be."
    Ridiculous. There's nothing there that speaks to Shailey's character. Nonsense. Don't suggest there is. You'd be reading something false into it, that isn't there. In fact, as far as I can tell, there is not one negative comment about Shailey Tripp on this thread.

    "Who cares if she was trying to sell information early on, that really doesn't mean she made any of it up."
    Who said it did? Of course not! That's not even logical!

    "She simply isn't hiding anything."
    You don't actually know that. YOU _feel_ sure_ that she's not. Okay. No problem. Nothing wrong with that.

    "Sure she misspelss but again so did Einstein and Carl Sagan."
    Wow. Random. Meaning what?

    "She can write and has her own style but didn't Hemmingway get riduculed?"
    I don't know what writing style has to do with the price of beans in Italy, but no, Hemmingway was not ridiculed. He was born into a moderately wealthy family, had a nice upper middle-class childhood with a summer house at a lake, played cello, etc. etc. With early successes as a very young man - soldier, journalist - he went on to live a pretty distinguished life. Lived in Paris, had adventures, hung out with European artist/writer elites, married well, published lots of stuff that was well-received by literary critics and earned many prizes and accolades. Not so much ridiculed at any point.

    "...she isn't a celebrity, she isn;t running for office, let us not forget she raises two handicapped kids to boot."
    None of which has anything at all to do with allegations of prostitution, sex trafficking, and conspiracy and corruption in the Anchorage Police Department.

  91. Anonymous12:44 PM

    An unequivocal reality - this woman needs REAL legal counsel. She needs a skilled experienced attorney that can practice IN Alaska.
    She needs a REAL legal defense fund set up as a trust with oversight, that is managed SPECIFICALLY to address this entire saga.

    Why not? Sarah has one.

    Enough with the armchair legal advice. 1000 of her closest internet friends can contribute $100 each (tax-free if the fund is set up properly) that pays to retain an attorney to handle this appropriately and effectively.

  92. Anonymous1:55 PM

    12:31 PM said...
    "Why does Shailey need the actual phone? Her outgoing and incoming call records should be available online in her phone history with her provider."

    Yeah, most readers totally agree with you. This question has been asked over and over for months now. First Shailey didn't want to address it. Then recently she says that all of her cell phone records (naming all the usual Alaska and national providers) have mysteriously disappeared. ALL of 'em.
    The most reasonable logical reason would be that cell phones were WalMart TracFones. Disposable. I'm not certain, but I believe that that type of service doesn't provide records of calls.
    Another explanation is that it's an account not in Shailey Tripp's name, and belonging to someone that she has no contact with, or is restricted from contact. Perhaps her phone was an added line. In which case, she wouldn't be able to get records.

    As far as the cell phone listed as seized as evidence by warrant in the prostitution arrest records - it's been returned. According to official documents posted on the internet in various places, including Shailey's blog.
    Shailey's mother (along with Gryphen) went to pick up the evidence bags a few weeks ago.

    "The computer is a different story. Is there incriminating evidence referencing the Palins on it?"
    Nobody knows. The computer is on APD's property list of stuff in the evidence bags picked up by Shailey's mother and Gryphen.
    Shailey hasn't looked at the property yet. If she hasn't turned on that computer and looked to see if files were deleted, then how does she know if electronic client records that she says she had, are there?

    From photos posted, it's obvious that there was quite a lot of stuff. If the stuff on the property list hasn't been returned - what IS in those bags?

    The police told her that there is a credit card machine of unconfirmed ownership, and that if she wants to claim an interest, she can. Obviously, she's not the documentable owner.

    With all the records of property seized and returned, how do you imagine the police would expect to get away it?
    Something tells me that corrupt or not, they aren't that stupid that they would risk an entire department, jobs, retirement accounts, criminal charges and prosecution.

  93. 12:38pm is hurting my head1:57 PM


    You are putting me to slee....ZZZZZZZZ!

  94. Tripp knows Trig cant be $arahs. $arah cant control herself on the teee vee machine. toad is a pimp.

    Also and too, who built their house, which I think is still one of their best routes to prison.

  95. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Doesn't anyone on this thread know how to spell Hemingway????


    Congratulation chased everybody away with your.....ZZZZZZZZZ!

  97. Anonymous3:41 PM

    The Anchorage Police Department - as a unit, as well as individual Alaskans - has no particular love or loyalty for Sarah and Todd Palin. Neither does the Municipality of Anchorage. Sarah never worked for or with them. They are not a state-wide entity, nor are they tied into Wasilla. There isn't really much of an obvious motive for all these unrelated people to lay it on the line risking everything to protect Todd Palin.
    On the contrary, I know for a fact that there's more than a handful that would be tickled and amused to bust out high-profile "johns" in a prostitution ring.

    Who is APD? Cops, detectives, special investigators, special crimes units, dispatchers, administrative staff, public relations, supply clerks, chaplains.

    If you take Todd Palin out of the scenario, what else is there? What's left that would be potentially harmful and they'd want to tamper with seized evidence like electronic files on a computer and cell phone records?

    Well, a computer and receipt book
    showing clients' names. Massage clients? Many more names than Todd Palin? Anchorage-area men that frequented Shailey's establishment for sex. Maybe women too? Judges, lawyers, school teachers, dentists, doctors, church pastors, policemen?

    Why write receipts for sex services, anyway? Who would want one? Would either the hooker or the john really want a receipt? Because the hooker is going to be reporting income to the IRS? :)

    So maybe not sex services; maybe for computer services and bonafide massage therapy. In which case, client names and phone numbers, no matter who they are, mean absolutely nothing.

  98. Anonymous3:56 PM

    ...yes, all the air just seems to go out of it when you realize that APD already returned Shailey Tripp's cell phone and computer...

  99. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The Anchorage Police Department - as a unit, as well as individual Alaskans - has no particular love or loyalty for Sarah and Todd Palin. Neither does the Municipality of Anchorage. Sarah never worked for or with them. They are not a state-wide entity, nor are they tied into Wasilla. There isn't really much of an obvious motive for all these unrelated people to lay it on the line risking everything to protect Todd Palin.
    On the contrary, I know for a fact that there's more than a handful that would be tickled and amused to bust out high-profile "johns" in a prostitution ring.
    Oh Puhlease!
    Duh! Everyperson who works in any city, state government knows that they serve the Paylins! Look at Wooten, Walt M!?
    Oh you say she is not the GOV now?
    She is still GINO but without a title.
    She has access to SOA EVERYTHING.
    That is why the Feds are going to come after her.
    I heard the word yesterday RICCO....

  100. Anonymous4:24 PM

    But here's something that stands to really be painful to Sarah and Todd Palin, as well as Kristin Cole and a handful of Palin cronys who all need a good spanking.

    You remember those massages donated to Sarah Palin's campaign?
    That's REAL. It's in the 2006 State General 30-DAY REPORT filed October 9, 2006 by PALIN/PARNELL (Candidate for Governor/Lt Governor). Mandatory disclosure. Alaska Public Offices Commission.

    09/01/2006 NON-MONETARY, IN KIND, $900.00
    POB 879547
    WASILLA AK 99654

    Why is this important after all this time?
    Because Shailey Tripp denies making a contribution to Sarah Palin. That's false campaign reporting.
    Now THAT'S an issue we can sink some teeth in. Very very serious. Fines and even prosecution possible. A definite media grabber, should Shailey be interested in pursuing that. Pretty easy.

    “We hear only those questions for which we are in a position to find answers.”

  101. Anonymous4:46 PM

    Okay, here's a little fascinating detail about Shailey Tripp making campaign contributions to Sarah Palin.
    Guess who's office is next door to the hair salon Shailey worked at in Wasilla?


  102. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Shailey Tripp knew Sarah Palin in 2006.

  103. anon @4:24 PM. awesome catch! thanks.

  104. Anonymous5:25 PM

    So what exactly does APD have of hers?

  105. Anonymous5:28 PM

    Trolls, you are a little behind the curve today. Must have had to await direction from Sarah or Todd on how to counter this, eh?

    ("ok, so I've called around, but all we can do now is to toe the APD line and insist that Shailey already got all of her property back.")

    Like Sarah said, it sure would be a crime to MISLEAD THE PUBLIC about things...If she is still paying you, you had better update your resume... ha ha hah ha ha ha ha.

  106. Anonymous5:36 PM

    anonymous 4:24 p.m. - exactly spot on! And a record WOULD be needed for the transaction to be logged.

    And as to the post about disposable (trac fones) NOT having a call record nor call log WRONG!

    I served on a jury, and there are ways to supbpoena all phone records from any sim chip, including Trac Fone. They are recorded electronically, and the pings go though all the same towers as sprint (in my state) and sprint/att in others. The case was about murder and drug trafficking, the defendant's lawyer was shocked at voir dire, (and tried like hell to not have them admitted), when the state produced these records, so I know for a fact it has been done, could be done, and will be done if need be. And I doubt they can be fudged with by any politician.

  107. Anonymous6:16 PM

    Gryphen, you going to get a copy of the judge's order? Should be interesting - there's no motion filed, no new civil complaint.

    Shailey submitted a letter to the court on the 28th, "pro per", representing herself. To the original criminal complaint. Which is closed now.

  108. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Very happy to see the website of Shailey's attorney. They appear BIG TIME!

  109. Anonymous said...

    Trolls, you are a little behind the curve today. Must have had to await direction from Sarah or Todd on how to counter this, eh?

    ("ok, so I've called around, but all we can do now is to toe the APD line and insist that Shailey already got all of her property back.")

    Like Sarah said, it sure would be a crime to MISLEAD THE PUBLIC about things...If she is still paying you, you had better update your resume... ha ha hah ha ha ha ha.

    5:28 PM

    I love the way you think! So Gov Dirty Wig and Mr. Wig hanging out in Hollywood last night is suppose to be some kind of distraction....interesting!

  110. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Any information on this regarding the Tripp custody case?

    11/23/2011 Notice Regarding Custody Stipulation Attorney: Tiemessen, John J (9111105) 0.00 0.00
    11/03/2011 Notice of Change of Firm Name and Responsible Attorney Attorney: Tiemessen, John J (9111105) 0.00 0.00

  111. Anonymous6:37 PM

    Sarah how's your lawsuit thingy against Joe McG doing?

  112. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Regarding her computer and cell phone, Shailey says on her blog:

    "Although I could do the leg work on my own electronics and other materials I will not be doing so in this case. Too many people would just say I fudged it or made it up or tampered with it, etc. I have great experts in place doing their job."

    See? She's got her computer and cell phone. And doing something, apparently.

    As far as the credit card machine, she doesn't need the actual machine. Records are kept through a vendor account.

  113. Anonymous7:06 PM

    The big story is which cronies and friends Todd lined up to be serviced. He wanted Shailey to give him all the records, but she kept copies of everything. Todd P. The P stands for PIMP!

    Rather than lions, tigers and bears, we get pimps, johns and corrupt PD, oh my!

  114. Anonymous7:31 PM

    @Gameoflife: I always questioned the stomach massage thing too because I have had numerous massages over the years and NEVER had my stomach massaged. Until last Tuesday that is. For the first time ever I was at the AK Club (a gym here in AK) getting an hour massage and the guy massaged my stomach! He didn't ask if he could do it, he just did it and the first thing that popped into my head was Sarah Palin. If Shay is telling the truth, and I think she is, then Sarah Heath Palin was NEVER pregnant, especially 5 months as she was said to be around the time of the massage, with Tri-G. She is NOT the biological mother of that child. And from the looks of it, she isn't even much of an adoptive/foster/stand-in mom either.

  115. Anonymous7:39 PM

    We keep talking about the need to capture the evidence of Todd Palin paying her for sex.
    And this is the central premise of an APD cover-up. That they have eliminated proof. The phone, the computer, electronic files of client lists.

    But that isn't it, is it? Whatever APD has, or doesn't have, makes no damn difference. According to her own post today, the evidence isn't lost at all.

    "They had spent months vetting me, including interviews with everyone who knew me; court records checks, and even polygraph exams. I passed it all with flying colors. Witnesses passed their polygraphs too. Finally on January 21 the supermarket tabloid reported that Todd Palin had cheated on his wife Sarah with massage therapist Shailey Tripp. They set it all up nicely for more damning revelations yet to come."

    The only way for the post about the National Enquirer to be true is if they were provided evidence.

    Well played, Shailey.

    I think the question of the day is what exactly it is that Shailey wants.

  116. Anonymous7:48 PM

    6:07 PM - "No wonder Palin was so huffy on Hannity's show. Perhaps she received a heads up about the judge's ruling?"

    Judge's ruling on what?

  117. The only comment I will make at this time is that all anyone has to do is compare the search and seizure list from the police report to the itemized list of returned items. Clearly many items such as another cell phone, credit card machine, client lists, paperwork, etc have not been returned. Det. Mc Kinnon assured me everything except 209.00 would be returned to me that was on the item and seizure list. He was shocked that not everything was returned. He then stated on record to Malia Litman to ask Parker about that. Also more than one phone was taken. Yes one cell phone was returned and one was not. There are many items still not returned. I never gave up rights to any of my property with the exception of 209.00. The paperwork from APD speaks for itself. Most of the paperwork has been posted online. Also I wrote a letter to ask the APD Internal Affairs to investigate. I forwarded that information along with all my attempts to get the rest of my property to Judge Washington. Which in turn was filed as a motion. If anyone cares they can get the audio of the June 15, 2011 court date. Judge Washington makes it clear that all my property is to be returned. Now she had filed paperwork labeled ORDER. I am pretty sure she is being very clear. Later this week I will do a better post of all these court events. Shaytripp.

  118. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Movie pick of the month!
    "The Client List", starring Jennifer Love Hewitt as a mother who turns to prostitution to pay the bills. Based on an actual living, breathing prostitute mom.

    So who is the real-life Samantha Horton? Most likely Cynthia Martinez, a woman whose life parallels the plot of The Client List. Both the fictional Horton and the real Martinez lived and plied their trade in Texas. Both hid their prostitution activity by calling it “massage.”

    The difference between the movie and Martinez? In the movie she's a “massage parlor” employee, but in real life Martinez owned her own “massage” business.

    Or it could be based on the 'Healing Touch' a massage therapy business covering for prostitution. More than 70 people were arrested, including prominent members of the local community, well-known attorneys and business men, even a pastor, and their arrests resulted in the story gaining national attention. CNN's Anderson Cooper did a report. The two owners were charged with felony aggravated promotion of prostitution.

    Or it could be about Deborah. She and her husband ran a sophisticated brothel that catered to the city’s high rollers. Similar to operations in New Orleans, they used Internet advertising, well-trained and educated young women and lots of word-of-mouth publicity. Clients paid $300 and up for a one-hour session.
    “She’s the Heidi Fleiss of Houston,” said Houston Police Sgt. Mark Kilty.

    The couple advertised on commonly used websites. They had a list of 1,000 "medical doctors, lawyers, financial services stockbrokers and that kind of stuff ... a lot of people you might see on television."
    An "incall" appointment at a rented apartment was $250. Credit cards were accepted, processed through PayPal.
    The sheriff's office got a complaint about the apartment from a neighbor, alleging that prostitution was taking place there.

    Interesting. Is Shailey Tripp the Heidi Fleiss of Anchorage?

  119. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Shailey Tripp has posted a comment. Thanks, Shailey, for your feedback.

    " the search and seizure list from the police report to the itemized list of returned items."

    The lists of seized and returned appear to match up. What gives?

  120. Anonymous5:46 AM

    This isn't about Todd tasting the wares, it's about an operation. This may be an iceberg we've been waiting for and I hope it plays out to the fullest extent. Maybe we'll finally find out why Levi named his kid Tripp.

  121. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Anon at 10:31 Really enjoyed reading your well-written analysis. I totally agree with you. Shailey is a beautiful young woman - inside and out! My heart goes out to her and I wish her success and happiness.

    Now NE - write the dang story and let's have it out in print and on the air waves.

    PS: It shouldn't have come as a surprise to me that Todd was pimping out young girls to business associates. Afterall, he started pimping his wife as soon as she entered politics.

  122. Anonymous8:59 AM

    So....does Sarah PAC pay for the trips to Christmas parties in Hollywood too?

  123. Anonymous12:53 PM

    wow - Sarah really did have a face lift - just look at the jowls in that photo! Is she dressed to kill or does she just look that way naturally?

  124. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Uh oh..... The Palins attend party hosted by Mark Burnett. Isn't he the producer of Trump's The Apprentice? Will we see a new reality show with The Scarah?

    Bet she fanagled an invitation out of the Donald and will work her wiles on Burnett, until he melts under her hypnotic charms, i.e. her word salad, and he cries uncle as Todd is at the ready with contract and pen in hand.

  125. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Uh oh..... The Palins attend party hosted by Mark Burnett. Isn't he the producer of Trump's The Apprentice? Will we see a new reality show with The Scarah?

    Bet she fanagled an invitation out of the Donald and will work her wiles on Burnett, until he melts under her hypnotic charms, i.e. her word salad, and he cries uncle as Todd is at the ready with contract and pen in hand.

  126. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Burnett had something to do with the Reality Show she already did...the S.P. Alaska fluff.
    Her minions at Sea O' Pee seem to think that she was there to convert the evil hollywood types...stepping into the "lions den"
    They just can't see her for what she is.

  127. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Omigosh, I hope this means:

    a.) Sarah's gonna be one of the featured candidates on Trump's planned presidential forum.

    or b.) She's finally going to be on The Apprentice. Hoo-rah! I'll watch that!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.