Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Julianne Moore learns that the closer you get to Sarah Palin, the faster you want to run away. Right Todd?

Courtesy of New York Daily News:

Julianne Moore didn’t bring her research on Sarah Palin home with her. At Waterford’s Live A Crystal Life party Center548 in Chelsea on Thursday night, the flame-haired actress told us she “read every single thing” she could about the Grizzly Mama and “watched every interview” in order to prepare for her role as the former Alaska governor in next spring’s HBO mini-series, “Game Change.” But when we asked Moore if she’d developed a newfound respect for Palin after delving deeper into her life, the actress, 51, raised an eyebrow and sighed deeply. “No,” she said quietly. 

One of the funniest things said by the Palin fairy tale trollss is that "You only think those things because you don't know Sarah" or "They have not even talked to her close friends so nothing that the reporter/author/blogger reports can be considered true."

The fact is (As Joe, Geoffrey, and Nick Broomfield learned the hard way) NOBODY who knows Palin seems to really like her.  We keep hearing about this close knit group of friends, but in fact they are mostly the mothers of friends of the Palin children, or people who benefit financially by kissing Sarah's ass. Beyond that there are really not too many of her old chums left.

As has been reported over, and over again, Palin is simply not an easy person to admire....up close.

In other words she benefits from keeping people at a distance. From afar she looks great, but up close in high defnition?

Not so much.

And just like Julianne Moore, that is the lesson learned by Palin supporters after her stint as mayor, after her gubernatorial campaign, and by the McCain campaign staff when they found themselves dealing with, instead of the great while Alaskan hope, an under educated narcissistic prima donna from a crappy over glorified truck stop in the ass crack of Alaska.

Moore should consider herself lucky that Palin was uncooperative in the making of this movie. Imagine how emotionally scarred she would have been if Palin had actually let her stay the night in her Wasilla Sanctum Sanitarium?

Dodged a bullet there Julie.

Possibly literally.


  1. LOL! Everything Palin touches turns to shit! Yeah, Julianne Moore dodged a bullet.


  2. Anonymous11:38 AM

    How do you know "Palin was uncooperative in the making of this movie"?

    By the way - not a movie. A cable television mini-series.

  3. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Who do I have to blow to git ma daddy a reality tv show?

    -Bristol P.

  4. Julianne Moore is much, much more attractive, has much, much more class, and I am certain smells much, much better than the the half term governor skank.

  5. Anonymous11:52 AM

    LOL..bet the Wasilla Visitors Bureau would love to use your description in their brochures.

    BTW...speaking of Joe...what's up with him these days?

  6. ThanksABunchJohn11:59 AM

    When Ms. Moore says she has read everything ever written about the Quitter, do you suppose she now knows that Palin is so insane she faked her pregnancy? At least I'm sure she's read Joe McGinnis' book, which gives a very fair account. I wonder if she discusses these things at dinner parties, and if the word is spreading through Hollywood, a very small town indeed.

    No wonder the question the reporter asked left her at nearly a loss for words. Could you imagine getting into character for such a monster?

  7. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Julianne Moore is too nice to play the part of SP. I'm not sure her acting skills are up to such a challenge. Of course I'm sure the show will be pulling its punches in regard to SP so maybe she's just right. Perhaps she was truly enlightened on what sort of person SP is, though!

  8. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Oh you hater you. Let's see how the lovely Sarah compares to people actually running.
    Unlike Mitt, she never tied a dog to the top of the family station wagon until it pooped down the window. She just took Piper out of school regularly
    Unlike Santorum, who also has a disabled child whose care he leaves to his wife, Sarah displayed Trig at every opportunity, even showing off his perfectly formed bare feet once. Too bad it was winter and past his bedtime.
    Unlike Perry, who only shot a coyote while running, Sarah almost shot a caibou on TV, and she can run on air!!
    Unlike Gingrich, who has had three wives, Sarah has had only Todd, or so she claims.
    And unlike Bachmann, who is always perfectly coiffed, but copies Sarah's red suits, Sarah has a myriad assortment of bad wigs, bed jackets, and high heels to choose from.

    So see also too and um. Sarah is the obvious choice. For something.

  9. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I'm starting to see a pattern developing here.

    Sarah's second book was a complete failure.

    Sarah's second attempt as a higher political person failed. Failed as VP and now POTUS.

    Sarah's second attempt at a reality showed failed along with her first attempt.

    Sarah failed as a tv sportscaster.

    Sarah failed as Miss Alaska.

    Sarah failed as governor.

    Sarah failed as mayor.

    Sarah failed building a hockey rink. Put the town in debt for 100 years.

    Sarah failed at paying her property tax.

    Sarah failed as governor to disclose the mail and gifts she received. She took them home after she quit and never accounted for what she took.

    Sarah failed as a wife.

    Sarah failed on her hygiene.

    Sarah failed to give Trig the care he needs. No sign language, eye glasses or hearing aides.

    Sarah failed at keeping her girls virgins.

    Sarah failed at keeping her kids off of drugs.

    Sarah failed keeping her kids off of alcohol.

    Sarah failed teaching her homophobic kids to get along with others.

    Sarah failed to keep her underage kids out of bars.

    Sarah failed to keep her underage kids from getting pregnant.

    Sarah failed keeping her kids out of trouble with the law.

    Sarah failed at keeping her kids in school.

    Sarah failed as a mother.

    Sarah failed lecturing America about history.

    Sarah failed as a Christian.

    Sarah failed at building a road to No Where.

    Can somebody tell me what the fuck Sarah Palin succeeded at besides running scams?

    It appears to me that Sarah Palin is successful at failing!

  10. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Can't wait to see this, it should be good!

  11. Anonymous12:36 PM

    @11:38 Palin Troll, United States Moniker is an IM Palin Scanner.

  12. Julianne Moore is a great, very talented actress!!
    $tupid $arah would have been better off cooperating with her, giving her a few days to get to know her.
    But we all know what a Coward $imple $arah really is.
    I guess Ms. Moore is better off not having to had spend time with her.
    Ms. Moore would have had to bleach her brain afterwards.

  13. Anonymous1:01 PM

    What a way for Satan Palin to start the holidays.

    Nipple Peeping Tom Toddy's reality show flops.

    Mechanical bull rider Brisket's reality show flops.

    Toddy will soon be outed as a pimp and a solicitor of prostitutes when Shailey Tripp's computer is looked at.

    Satan Palin has a negative movie coming out about her.

    Satan Palin finds out that politicians who visit Donald Chump are treated as royalty and are treated to 5 star meals in privacy while Satan only gets a slice of greasy pizza on a paper plate while people stare at her.

    See Sarah your shit does stink and you are not important.

  14. Anonymous1:12 PM

    That was one of the things that stuck me early on about SP - where were her mom, sisters, close girlfriends she had grown up with?

    She didn't seem to have any female peers; just star-struck groupies.

    Also that "Barracuda" nickname was a tip-off that SP was not a nice person.

    Where is that girl she went to Hawaii with? Are they still "friends" or has she been "shown her place".?

    Very much more recently, where is Meg Stapleton? Has she recovered from her meltdown? Has she begun to understand how SP charms, uses, and manipulates people?

    Where is RAM these days? Mulling over the difficulty of trying to befriend a bi-polar narcissist?

    I expect to see MANY more books and articles about SP as her kids grow up and former acquaintances no longer live in fear of her spite.

  15. Anonymous1:12 PM


    Hey, we can comment at MatuSu hospital website. Leave a comment asking why they allowed Palin to be induced there, or better yet, that we know there is no way in hell the hospital would take such a risk. Keep the pressure on them. With rad Scharlotts work, the more people who directly queation MatSu. the better. You need to leave a name and email address, but most of us have ways around letting our real identity be known. I personally left me real name as, being a healthcare provider, I want answers from them!!

  16. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Anon. 11:38, most people know you can't make a movie about Palin without her having control over the script. If they don't know that, it can be easily seen by listening to her and how she demonizing people who speak out against her. If that is not enough proof, how many unscripted interviews has she done with the media outside of FOX. Since the Katie Curic interview where she totally exposed her ignorance to the public, she has only allowed questions that were given to her in advance. Even then, she was even caught looking at her palm for the answer to a question she was asked during a question and answer session. Palin makes very few statements off the cuff so she can try to protect what little credibility she has left.

  17. Anonymous1:50 PM

    11:38am. Well it may be cable but it's HBO and their mini-series frequently win Emmy awards unike Sarah's Alaska misadventure or Bristol's gone-nowhere-reality-show.

  18. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Then Gryphen, please explain to me why there are so many lies in those "authors" books?

  19. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Anonymous said...

    That was one of the things that stuck me early on about SP - where were her mom, sisters, close girlfriends she had grown up with?

    She didn't seem to have any female peers; just star-struck groupies.


    Brings up another question? How come we never see Todd's family with Sarah?

    Todd's parents,siblings and his blood relatives must hate Sarah with a passion?

    Maybe Todd can do a reality show on how his side of the family hates Sarah and her family?

  20. Anonymous said...
    How do you know "Palin was uncooperative in the making of this movie"?...
    11:38 AM
    She is on the record as having bitched about the movie and ever the victim, whined ""I would ask, though, that -- if they're of the mind of spreading the wealth around -- that perhaps they want to spring for one of my kid's braces or something as they capitalize on pretending to be me.""


  21. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I hope Moore plays Palin like Nicole Kidman played Pamela Smart in To Die For.

    Palin is black comedy gold.

  22. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Can somebody tell me what the fuck Sarah Palin succeeded at besides running scams?

    It appears to me that Sarah Palin is successful at failing!

    12:16 PM


    Nice run down of her record. The 'bots always tell us that her "record speaks for itself" and truly it does. That's why sane-minded people see her for the low IQ scammer that she is. She resonates with the stupids, there is no way to fix that, but any person of reasonable intelligence can see that she's never been qualified for any public position she's held and truly is not qualified as a Mother or Wife either.

  23. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Anonymous said...
    LOL..bet the Wasilla Visitors Bureau would love to use your description in their brochures.


    Gryphen does seem to look down upon Wasilla as a place that one would choose to reside, but having lived in Anchorage, I must say that I didn't find it much to my liking either.

    Many people live here in the Valley because we can get more than 1/2 acre and a nice house with decent square footage without breaking the bank. We're close to nice trails and wilderness areas, and we don't have to deal with a lot of other people and crazy traffic. Anchorage is close, if we need to go there, but I for one don't want to spend 500 grand in Anchorage for a house that you can get in the Mat Su for half the price with five times the acreage. That's what sent me out here and really it's not a bad place; the Palins and the crazy druggies have given it a bad name, but in reality, it's just a nice quiet place to live, cheaply.

  24. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Off topic. The date for the Steve Menard recall election is set. Complete with clown nose for Menard.


    Menard said:

    “All I can say is I’m sorry, and I hope you’ll see it in your hearts to forgive me and give me a second chance.”

  25. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Um, it's not a "bot" thing to say that you don't know someone until you actually KNOW them. And 99% of your readers don't know any Palin, including you.

  26. Euromerican2:29 PM

    The Germans (if not the rest of Europe) are looking at the whole Republican line-up in horror, noting that it's the perfect time for SP to make her comeback:


  27. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Anon 1:12, don't plan on getting any information from the hospital. Due to privacy laws and particularly HIPPA, the hospital would be violating federal laws if they provided any information, no matter how small or insignificant. The only way for any information to get out would be someone willing to take a chance on being arrested and more than just likely, probably seeing the inside of a prison cell for a few years. She did mention at one time there are somethings in her medical records that would be harmful to her.

  28. Anonymous2:50 PM

    The bitch isn't going to run. She CAN'T or it will ALL come out. She's toast and she knows it.

  29. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Anonymous said...

    How did Willow do on her screen test in Hollywood?

    12:24 PM

    Great! The Palins and Heaths are very proud of Willow. Finally one of Sarah Palin's children passed something!

    Willow tested positive for gonorrhea and syphilis!


  30. Anonymous3:02 PM


    Europe pegged Palin as the charter member of the the GOTP Club of Liars, Demagogues and Ignoramuses years ago. Pouring gas on a burning house will not save it. It's common sense.

  31. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Sarah nobody is interested in Todd riding a snow vibrator reality tv show.

    But there is an interest and market in the other stuff you guys do.

    There are people interested in home movies of white guys who brings home big black men to screw their wives while their husbands watch.

    Just break out your old vhs tapes and sell them.

  32. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Anon 1:12, don't plan on getting any information from the hospital. Due to privacy laws and particularly HIPPA, the hospital would be violating federal laws if they provided any information, no matter how small or insignificant. The only way for any information to get out would be someone willing to take a chance on being arrested and more than just likely, probably seeing the inside of a prison cell for a few years. She did mention at one time there are somethings in her medical records that would be harmful to her.

    Wrong wrong wrong.
    If whe was never a pt they are not violating any hipaa laws.
    If they violated standards they have a huge public fiasco on their hands and need to let their paying public know they only practice safe medicine there. Nlo way in hell they let CBJ. a FP physician induce high risk pregnancy there. If they did, they deserve to be shut down. If they didn't then they havde no one to protect by saying so. People are so fucking focused on hipaa. Hipaa is overridable in fraud. This is a winnable provable case, people juist need to keep knocking on the doors, making waves and asking questions. Te key to breaking this is exposing the doctor and the hospital.

  33. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Last word- Palin:


  34. Anonymous4:30 PM

    At 51, Moore looks younger than Sarah Palin's 47.
    It's not all movie makeup, either.
    Moore looks healthy; Palin looks tired, empty, vacant.
    Moore can't hide the intelligence in her eyes. Palin never had any.

  35. I, who will be forever grateful to you for referring more readers to my Wasilla blog, still could not help take note of this descriptor of my town:

    "a crappy over glorified truck stop in the ass crack of Alaska."

    I don't ever remember us being over-glorified, but since Palin did her number on what then became our besieged town, we have certainly been over-mocked, over-simplified and over-vilified. Truth is, unless they've got something to drop off, most trucks don't bother to stop here at all but just roll right on through.

    As for "ass crack," well, in a magnificently sculpted body - as Alaska is the most magnificently sculpted of all states - ass cracks are set in the most beautiful of bodily views ever to be beheld.

  36. Anonymous5:27 PM

    OT: Gryphen here isAmerican Dad epi.
    I don't think you want to post the whole thing b/c its too gruesome and sadistic....
    I guess cons love this sort of thing?
    Maybe Dennis can edit to the relevant part?
    Its really sick. Watching this makes me understand the conservative mind much better...!

  37. Anonymous6:19 PM

    No one brings up when we first met Sarah Palin she opened up a glimse of her life to Charlie Gibson. One segment, Charlie interviewed Sarah Palin's friends. None were able to tell Charlie that she had their vote at the time. They all said the didn't know if they would vote for their dear friend Sarah. What does that tell you?

    I love picturing John McCain watching that for the first time and wondering, WTFFFFFF??!!!

  38. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Julianne Moore is way too beautiful, smart, and intelligent to play Sarah Palin.

    I know she'll probably win an award for the role, but couldn't they find someone a bit older and used up looking, like Victoria Jackson?

    Love the bot comments! The delusion never ends.

  39. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Dear non bot at 2:22....you do realize that no one ever really "knows" another person..not matter how much time you spend with them. Your constantly harping on the fact that none of us "know" the Palin's is tiresome and of no worth at all. I seriously doubt that you personally "know" them either. Just because they give you a weekly paycheck to write your drivel, doesn't mean you have a clue how they truly feel. I am sure you don't "know" all of their dark deep secrets, as no reasonable person would continue to support them. For instance..did you know about Glenn Rice before it came out? How about the fake pregnancy?

    So..UM...crawl back into your make believe room.

  40. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Thanks Bill Hess @ 5:11pm for standing up for us Wasillans. We're not all Palins and Johnstons, some of us actually make a difference and are upstanding citizens.

    Granted, the blog writer doesn't seem to have spent any time out here so I guess we should forgive him his oversight.

  41. Anonymous8:37 PM

    Anon 1:12, don't plan on getting any information from the hospital.

    I see nothing wrong with going to the link and asking them if I can give birth to a high-risk DS baby at their hospital and ask what kind of facilities they have for that.

  42. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Julianne Moore is way too beautiful, smart, and intelligent to play Sarah Palin.

    I know she'll probably win an award for the role, but couldn't they find someone a bit older and used up looking, like Victoria Jackson?

    Love the bot comments! The delusion never ends.

    7:11 PM

    How about somebody old and wrinkly like Sarah's twin on FOX Greta?

  43. Anonymous4:20 AM

    You are going to blow us away aren't you Julianne? I know you can't wash the stench of ineptitude and pathetic righteousness off your psyche, but it gets better. It'll fade away just like the manufactured image Sarah created for herself and her family well beyond what they could carry.

    Backwater church revivals are the only place they can shine anymore. They'll offer to be saved or claim they are saved in order to hear those simulated gibbering, slobbering sounds of adoration they once enjoyed on the public dollar in their unwarranted heyday.

    Game Change is going to be fun to watch.

  44. Sharon28534:30 AM

    Palin's 15 minutes may be up for her generally speaking, but her presence will linger for a long time.

    Think about all the books that have been written against her as well as this new mini-series coming out.

    I find it gratifying that after she used her notoriety to fleece and grift her way into millions, she's no longer a hot commodity. Now the worm has turned and others are now making a profit off of HER.

    I know that drives her insane - she's so pissed that others can cash in on her and she doesn't get one dime. haha...

    $carah and her trailer trash family are a goldmine for anyone that gets an inside track to one of the many lies and scandals that have yet to be exposed. And they will be....and it must keep her up at night, I'm sure.

    It's just so gratifying to hear that she tried to pitch another reality show and they said:
    "thanks but no thanks"...poetic justice to be sure.

    I've always said that $carah's most terrifying thought is to become irrelevant....and along with that awful fate is her terror of growing older..to lose her sexuality is the end of the road for her and it's quite apparent that is happening faster then she even expected.

    She looks haggard, angry and deeply troubled. Whenever I see her on faux news, she looks like she's about to blow any second - like she could suddenly just explode into a screaming rant.

    I'd pay to see that - I'd pay ALOT to see that....it's not fair that her family gets to see it and we don't....

  45. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Anon 2:22..I think we all know enough about Sarah and her family..their in our face on Fox, reality shows, etc. We don't need to know them personally to KNOW them. It's just like Kate + 8. I don't need to know her personally to know I don't like her or Hannity, don't need to know him personally either..we judge them all by what we see and hear about them.

  46. Beldar More Conehead7:36 AM

    "But when we asked Moore if she’d developed a newfound respect for Palin after delving deeper into her life, the actress, 51, raised an eyebrow and sighed deeply. “No,” she said quietly. "


    Run, Screechy, Run!!!

  47. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Thanks Bill Hess @ 5:11pm for standing up for us Wasillans. We're not all Palins and Johnstons, some of us actually make a difference and are upstanding citizens.

    Granted, the blog writer doesn't seem to have spent any time out here so I guess we should forgive him his oversight.

    8:11 PM

    If this is true then it is about time Wasilla cleanse itself of the Palin stench.

    Time for Wasillians and its outstanding citizens to open its doors and windows and finally get off their chest all the terrible and crooked things the Palins has done to your town and state.

    If you keep quiet about the rotten things the Palin family has done then don't bother telling us you have outstanding citizens.

    Otherwise, I hate to say it, you are one of them.

  48. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Sarah, you know how this terrible stuff about the football coaches are surfacing?

    Guess what, your time will come too when Wasillians gets some cajones and tell the world how evil and crooked you and your family truly are.

    Your past will catch up to you just like it was revealed how you cheated on Todd and you screwed black basketball players while dating Todd. Funny you never said Glen Rice was a liar.

    Hey Todd remember how you and your buddies beat up that kid for being black? Well Karma is a bitch Todd!

    Your wife was ridden by a black guy Mr. Tough Guy With A Sweet Voice!

    Your wife lost to a black woman who became Miss Alaska.

    Your wife could never beat President Obama.

    Your trailer park kids can never equal President Obama and First Lady Michelle's children.

    As I said Karma is a bitch?

    This must really chap your brokeback ass!

  49. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Hey Todd sorry about your reality show. Yeah right.

    There's always DWTS, maybe you can hook up with Max?

  50. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Hey Sarah if Glen Rice impregnated you, would you of named his son Track?

    Or would Glen's baby have been named:

    Cocoa Rice Krispy (play on Gen Rice)




Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.