Monday, December 12, 2011

Just an update.

I thought I would let all of you know that I am still without power since 8:00 am this morning. That is about 12 hours thus far. I just spoke with the nice lady at Chugach Electric and she informed me that am one of the last 500 homes still without power of the 4000 plus from earlier today. Aren't I the lucky one? She also said they had NO idea how much longer the power would be out as the heavy snow did some serious damage to the lines. Anyway I am typing this on my I-Phone, which is the only Internet connection I still have left. So I guess we can treat this as an open thread until I can get the old computer fired up and my snark level turned up to eleven. Hmm sounds like a good time for a glass of wine. Dont'cha think?


  1. I guess my phone is also allergic to paragraphs.

    I swear I put some in.

  2. FEDUP!!!8:23 PM

    I hope you have a generator for heat...
    Stay warm! (And, I'll drink one with you. Chardonnay for tonight. ;)

  3. Anonymous8:27 PM

    I was without power here in N.Kenai for 28 hours during a bad windstorm late last month. I thank the ptb that I had a gas stove for some heat and cooking, a tub full of water to flush my toilet,lots of battery-operated LED lights for evenings and canned food. No Iphone, so no internet. Got caught up on my reading. ;-)

  4. Dennis Zaki8:32 PM

    No power !!! How is my fish doing??

  5. Anonymous8:34 PM

    Drink up Gryphen! :)
    The news of The Grifter shopping a reality show is all over the net!

    Now, Discovery is unwilling to pay that price, as is A&E.

    It's not been a lucky couple weeks for the Palin family as far as reality TV goes.

    Bristol Palin's show for the BIO channel -- producers had already shot tons of footage -- was unceremoniously scrapped two weeks ago.

    The bots are in a panic! or shock or whatnot!
    BooHoo, did she really rip us off for a reality show? Appears yes!
    Drink up plenty to write about tomorrow!

  6. Anonymous8:35 PM

    This explains why you haven't addressed the current Palin fail for another reality show... Stay warm and we'll be here when the lights come back on.

  7. Anonymous8:36 PM

    Shall we assume that the Palins DON'T have a connection to the electric company?


  8. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Just change to all caps and turn off specllcheck and everyone will think IM has ben hijacked by the trolls.

  9. Well's messed up that you can't post...what with Gov Dirty Wig's reality show for the Toad being turned down by the networks!

    You should read what the "Peeing4Palin" crowd are saying over in Denial land....they are begging the moderators to contact RAM and "refudiate" this rumor! They are hilarious.

    Here's what one of the genius' had to say....

    independents4palin 24 minutes ago

    I have been reading all over the internet about Sarah Palin pitching a reality show about the snowmobile races in Alaska, and that no network wants it. For one, Sarah has over 3 million facebook friends, a bunch of blogs about her, so I am sure if it was a good show, the network would buy it. So the rumor Sarah Palin is washed up is very far fetched.

    HUH? Well the next group of numbnuts are blaming Tammy Bruce for the rumor...this is what they said...

    blueniner Yesterday 10:58 PM
    I wish Sarah would put that rumor to rest about a Realty TV show, the media is reveling in that they cant find any buyers, and some are saying Sarah is washed up. Its on several internet sights. I dont know who started that rumour.

    MarkRNY and 5 more liked this

    jerseymark Yesterday 11:56 PM in reply to blueniner

    Again, he who laughs last laughs best. Let them laugh - their time is coming and it won't be pretty when their pretty little heads explode.

    generictrainee Yesterday 11:28 PM in reply to blueniner

    Would be nice to get it cleared up.

    I'm not against it , I just want it without media spin.

    John_Frank Yesterday 11:10 PM in reply to blueniner
    Well you can thank Ms. Bruce for helping to push the story.
    USMAgrandma and 7 more liked this

    FLREPUB Yesterday 11:34 PM in reply to John_Frank

    I wonder if Tammy has lost subscribers since Sarah's announcement. If so, and the # is plenty, this may be why she's still so bitter.

    I'm not suggesting that she was supporting The Gov for her own personal benefit but I would imagine she did gain quite of few Palin supporters as subscribers.

    No matter--I was trying to give Tammy a pass regarding her attitude toward Sarah but I lost a lot of respect after she tweeted that today. She should have remembered the rule she came up with when it comes to anything Palin--she showed her true colors by tweeting the article.

    YIKES!! Tammy better run for her life...cause when that crazy bunch is after her... her Twitter and Email will not be safe!

  10. Bummer about the power. I didn't know and was getting concerned. Thanks for the update...enjoy your wine and stay warm.

  11. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Yes it is time for wine. It will keep you warm. Here's to you getting your power back soon...Clink, Cheers!

    Thanks for all the hard work you do on your blog. You are much appreciated!


  12. Anonymous8:51 PM

    Breathe deep, drink the wine mindfully; enjoy the freedom from the constant, endless info buzz; think about our ancestors who had none of it; be grateful for the break from regular living.

  13. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Hope you get up soon. Was wondering where you were today. In the meantime we're all having a lot of fun over at the Hollywood Reporter who broke this story:

    Sarah Palin Pitching New Reality Show About Husband Todd's Snowmobile Adventures (Exclusive)

  14. Anonymous8:52 PM

    Aww. We miss you, Gryph.

    Stay warm.

    Can't wait to hear what you think about Tawd's new snowmachining show...

    ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haha


  15. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Thanks for the See of Pea updates. Those folks are just so hopeless that it's comical!!!

  16. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Feel your pain as I live in a cold frontier too. We just had our power out last Friday due to strong winds and rain. Usually we have snow by this time of year, but seems we are experiencing warmer climes these past few years. I hate losing power in winter; it's a worry for plumbing and pipes freezing.

    Nothing like the feeling when lights and heat are back on. Hope it's soon!

  17. Thanks for the kind words.

    Yes I am keeping warm. Thankfully I grew a luxurious fur covering just for such an emergency.

    Sorry about your fish Dennis. (I was. fishing sitting Zaki's carp.) I panicked and did not think I would have enough to get by so I ate him. Any how that was hour one. Then I got my wits and remembered I had a pantry full of food. Oops!

  18. Get your ass down to Starbucks! You have a bog to run! :D

  19. Sweet anny9:25 PM

    In Fargo, North Dakota, the city that won last year's Weather Channel worst weather in the US contest, there will be no snow for Christmas.

    I'm also thinking there will be no flood in the Spring.

    Winter will be short on the high plains this year.

    Thinking 'bout ya, Gryphen. Tomorrow we will get a bolus dose of our frustrated friends from the dark side. I can just see them, refreshing the page every few minutes to see your posts on the latest palinfail, their tiny little minds squirming w/witty comments to take down your defunct blog, and your sick immature friends.

    Soooo... relax Gryphen, and let the games begin when they will.

    And thanks again, also, too, for providing this forum where we can all get together. You're the best.

  20. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Still need to keep warm? I can be there in about 14 hrs.

    What kind of fish was that? Was it a little gold fish in a bowl or what?

  21. Anonymous9:31 PM

    oooo wine and fish! What a healthy way to ride out a snowstorm!

    Stay safe - and warm and dry - night before last our laundry room flooded about 4 inches in a 15 minute onslaught of rain - we're lucky to have not lost power.

    Well one good thing! The C4Prs can't blame this rumour about Sarah shopping a reality show on you! You're obviously POWERLESS!

    (rofl omg that was bad - sorry!)

  22. Anonymous9:47 PM

    ooo wait!

    You should totally give us your recipe for the Zaki Fish!

    You could call it...
    Dennis-zen from the Sea

    (throwing myself under a cloak of invisibility and slinking back to my corner now :)

  23. Lawrence O'Donnell had fun with it tonight on his show. It does my little heart good to see that, as LOD said, no one is interested in Sarah or her family anymore.
    Also the Not Debate is just about over, while The Donald tries to make himself relevant.

  24. YEOWEE !!!

    The report on ADN says anywhere between 5 and 25 inches SO FAR.... And it sounds like it's still comin.... Be careful... Crank up that fireplace and keep the faith... I've been stuck in snow storms like that with no power for days... We're pulling or you....

  25. justafarmer10:07 PM

    well, as I understand it, Alaska requires electrical powerline workers to pay big bucks for a license. Down here in the lower 48, we have union trained power linemen ... I know, because my husband is one ... and he gets called out all the time from his regular job to restore power after storms. Guess why Alaska has to sit in the dark? We are union and we don't pay for "licenses" to do what we are trained to do.

  26. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Gina said, "You should read what the "Peeing4Palin" crowd are saying over in Denial land....they are begging the moderators to contact RAM and "refudiate" this rumor! They are hilarious."

    Hahaha. Don't they realize there are photos to back this up? They even talked about how Sarah and Todd were in Malibu for a party at Burnett's house just last week?

  27. justafarmer10:17 PM

    and, FWIW, I feel your pain Gryph. During the ice storm of 2004, I was without power for two freakin weeks, even tho spouse is a power lineman and the local power co-op used my field (and completely wrecked it) as a staging area restoring power to EVERYONE else. Glad I had a generator...

  28. Anonymous10:21 PM

    I hope your power is restored soon.

    I am having a good laugh about Palin again pitching a reality show in light of the attention she was a serious politician until she played people leading them on.

    When will her die hards wake up? They were conned by a master. All the attention as the god appointed savior had cards up her sleeve!

    What is next? Selling Piper's virginity? A prepubescent abstinence show? The Palins would sell their kids for the right price. I hope her own actions and his take them crashing down.

  29. Anonymous10:24 PM

    Mark Burnett: pitch this concept for Todd "Pimpin (the wife/kids/Levi/daughters Ain't Easy".

  30. Amy in Juneau10:30 PM

    I hope power is restored soon Gryphen! Thank you for the update; was wondering why you were so quiet. Glad you have vino! :) Stay safe.

  31. Anonymous10:32 PM

    stay warm gryph!!!!

    Have a hot toddy, some food, comfy socks and try to make the best out of it!!!!

    You are SUCH a inspiation!!!!

  32. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Umm Justafarmer...

    That would be your husbands brothers and sisters of IBEW 1547 taking care of Gryph. Cut em some slack. It was a NASTY storm with High winds, rain and a lot of snow. Our guys go out all hours, too. Don't know what licensing fees you're talking about??

    fraternally, spouse of an Alaska ding-a-ling

  33. Know you're here with us in spirit and sorry you are having a 'forced' day off but you deserve a bit of a break. We so appreciate your diligence and efforts in keeping us entertained and informed on a daily basis.

    Bet there is plenty of heat and steam rising out of the Palin compound today but likely not as a result of the Wasilla power company. As usual the lights are still off in $arah's head.

  34. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Take care of yourself and stay warm! We lost electric for 3 days this past summer due to a storm in the area knocking down electric lines & trees. We wimped out and headed to Embassy Suites after 12 hours due to their telling us it might take up to 3 days. They were right on that point ;)

  35. Alaska WTF has funny comments about the reality show being pitched.

    Maybe Todd can pitch his other talent, fence buildimg, to HGTV.

  36. justafarmer11:12 PM

    anon at 10:42, hubby is IBEW #71. He has been out for Hurricane Ike, the Hurricane Irene, icestorms all over including the latest horrific snowstorm in New England. My point was that linemen in Alaska have to pay a substantial license fee to the state of Alaska outside of the union to work in Alaska, and union workers are highly trained and tested within the union, so why the extra grift from AK?
    Here's the link for AK fees for linemen:

    fraternally yours as well as a spouse of a lower 48 ding-a-ling!

  37. Anonymous12:32 AM

  38. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I'd be more worried about you staying warm, Gryph...hope you're back soon!

  39. Anonymous3:56 AM

    I'm in Michigan, where the first frost date is Sept. 20. This year, we had our first frost of any kind on October 27. We had six inxhes of wet heavy snow on November 28. It wsas melted in three days. Now it's December, and while the nights are below freezing, the days have been sunny and well above freezing.
    But there's no global warming. Our 90 degree summer days were ust..summer. My son's record number of 100 degree days in Texas? Nothing special.
    At least the TV execs know a loser family when they see one. I cannot believe Sarah thought she was still worth a mill an ego there!

  40. Anonymous5:25 PM

    I love being snowed in, but it gets stale after the fourth week. I just remembered, I need to buy more batteries, I gotta re-stock the liquour cabinet and get the chimney cleaned. That way it won't snow for sure this winter.

    So funny about Sarah and Burnett not getting a buyer for their "reality show" idea. I guess there isn't much interest in Todd preparing for the iron dog race, however there's plenty for the REAL Kardashians, who do exactly what for a living?


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