Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Sort of sums it up, doesn't it?

My power is back on and I am ready to blog the crap out of this day. 


  1. Anonymous2:04 AM

    Too funny! Glad your power is back on & hope all are safe and warm.

  2. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Sarah Palin is--I kid you not--trying to pitch a reality show about Todd's snowmachining exploits to the cable channels. So far TLC and Discovery have passed; she's asking over a million per episode. This is being reported this morning by various outlets. I wonder how the folks over at C4P will rationalize this?

  3. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Yay!!! Blog away.

  4. angela3:13 AM

    Welcome back, Gryphen.

    That dino wants the slimy thing off his back.

    Remember, Sarah refuses to read anything that might
    change or educate her ignorant, backward views.

  5. Sarah Jones at Politicususa has a piece suggesting the half term governor may yet run for the Republican nomination. I generally think Sarah Jones is very astute, but this seems absurd. What do others think?

  6. comeonpeople3:29 AM

    Over at teh Blind Gossip site there is a psot about Beyonce's fake pregnancy. Do a good deed everyone, register and comment about Palin's faked pregnancy. It is an easy opporune way to reach people who may have never heard about Palin's hoax, but mostly liberal people who just need some education.!!


  7. WakeUpAmerica3:44 AM

    Gryphen, do you ever sleep?

  8. Anonymous4:01 AM

    There's an article saying that the perfect storm is brewing for Sarah to ride in on her dinosaur (or Todd's snowmachine) and save the GOP. From what? If the issue is the insanity of the current crop, how is the most ignorant one of them all going to save them? How is a woman with an ego bigger than Newt's stomach going to sane them? A woman with one husband, but grandchildren all conceived out of wedlock? She may have 'three million FAcebook fans,' but three million gets you nothing in the GOP...fans or dollars. Mitt and Newt are pouring their own money into this fight...Sarah will never soend a cent of her 'bots cash for this. She doesn't even use her PAC in a legal way.
    Sorry, Sea$Pee, she ain't running. Her time has passed. And she's still a liar and a cheat.

  9. Anonymous4:27 AM

    So, apparently Sarah's "busy two weeks" was really her and Todd trying to find work. But, "says one network insider, “I think it’s safe to say her time has passed.”". Hmmm, no speaking engagements lined up either. Just a few headlines about how the "Palins, who?" hit and miss now. And occasionally FOX dragging her out so everyone can see the progression of Sarah's unavoidable self-destruction from a tease to just a nasty, bitter, angry attack puppet. Once FOX is through with her there will be no question that the door to the Palins should be shut forever. That will be the only positive thing FOX has done.

  10. Zina Saunders is an artistic genius

  11. Anonymous5:25 AM

    Welcome back! How's the fish?

  12. Anonymous5:27 AM

    Welcome back! How's the fish?

  13. Anonymous5:56 AM

    I think the name "Palin" will become synonymous for being a know-nothing idiot. I've already seen campaign trail gaffes referred to as "Palin moments." How sweet it is.

  14. Smirnonn5:58 AM

    I'm confused - which one is the paylump?!?

  15. A. J. Billings6:26 AM

    RE Bill's question on whether $arah $Paylin will get in the GOP race:

    I don't think so Bill, for at least 3 reasons.

    1) Granny grifter is too lazy to deal with the grueling schedule, the debates, and the hard work. To run an effective campaign has to be a 100 hour a week job

    2) Money isn't there, and she would not want to spend her own money. The PBots are about tapped out after being teased through this October 2011

    3) $arah knows that there are still a lot of dirt on her that can be told to reporters. Steve Schmidt and Nicole Wallace saw her insanity close up during 2008, and her catatonic depression periods too.
    They could really spill the beans on her.

    Babygate and all the other Gates would come back into focus, as well as all her disastrous interviews and gaffes.

  16. Beldar Bible Babble Conehead7:59 AM

    Anyway, how many actually even read that one book? To paraphrase an idiot: certainly not all of 'em. Any of 'em?

  17. hedgewytch8:20 AM

    Love it! Do you think I might upset the Creationist parent in the small school my son attends if I hang that poster in the entrance hallway? Better not, Santa might frown at me and take away my maple sugar candy. But it was a fun thought.

  18. Did you see THIS

    I want one for Christmas.

  19. "That dino wants the slimy thing off his back."

    TOO FUNNY, Angela,3:13!!! Thanks for the laugh!

  20. Anonymous5:38 PM

    What book did Sarah ever read?

    That photo is sacriligious to us who believe in Flintstoneism! At least put pearls on that wench! Sheesh - even Wilma and Betty wore them, and they were the 99 percent!

    Welcome Back, Gryphen!

  21. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Jesse watched Nick Broomfields documentary last night at its British premiere.It was good to see you in person but I was a little disappointed by the film of course after reading Immoral Minority for a couple of years there was nothing new and I think it was a copout not to deal with birthgate.However my companions who had not read your blog were horrified by Palin and very glad she wont be president and that is partly due to your work so well done.Now I hope you can do a similar job on the republican nutjobs left! Hugh Kerr Scotland


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