Sunday, December 11, 2011

Obama and the elves.

I have no other reason to post this except that it is almost too precious not to share.

What can I say? I'm just a sucker for Christmas and kids.

Besides, who doesn't love elves?


  1. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Joy unspeakable . . .

    Those images are precious-a-plenty!

    Thanks for sharing the moments!


  2. Ailsa7:50 PM


  3. Anonymous8:10 PM

    Their oldest daughter, Malia, is simply gorgeous and looks incredibly poised for a 13 year old. Bet that is yet one more thing that gives Obama sleepless nights!

  4. Anonymous8:19 PM

    What a beautiful family!
    Why can't the Palin family be more like the First family?

    Ummm maybe because the Palins are low down lying scamming grifters.

  5. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I betcha the Obama girls will be married before they get pregnant.

    Unlike the Palin and Heath girls who get pregnant first and then get married.

  6. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Hey Sarah, see the gorgeous First Lady?

    You will never see her doing a video wearing her bathroom red toilet rug around her shoulders.

  7. Anonymous8:24 PM

    Mrs. Obama has class.
    Sarah Palin is an ass.

  8. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Hey Sarah, do you see Malia?
    What a beautiful young lady and guess what? Malia is still in school.

    Can't say much about Willow and the rest of the uneducated Palin scum rats.

  9. Anonymous8:32 PM

    When will the rest of Sarah Palin's emails be released?

    Sarah ya didn't think we forgot about those did ya?

  10. Dinty8:39 PM

    Great interview with The President this evening on 60 Minutes (not typically a 60 minutes fan, but I digress).

  11. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Sweet Toddy Palin? WTF?

  12. Anonymous8:53 PM

    President Obama on 60 Minutes:;listingLeadStories

  13. Anonymous9:21 PM

    What an elegant looking family...unlike the trashy look of the Palin family.

  14. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I just love these photos! Put me in the holiday spirit. What remarkable role models the first family is for every parent. We barely get glimpses of the first daughters, and it's amazing how they've grown and matured into fine young ladies!

    Thank You, Gryphen!

    Comparing them to that family of grifters, or even mentioning them in a thread about winners must really chafe Sarah's butt! The veins in her neck are bulging, her hands are clenched, she's banging her head back and forth against the wall, and the roadkill on her head is doing a breakdance. Can't wait for her next appearance on Fox. She'll probably wear an elf's outfit with a star of david and the american flag. There's no way she can pull off what the First Lady is wearing. (triple dog dare you! ha ha ha!)


    Thanks for the great link, it's a must read/see. Well worth the time. And probably it's own post.

    While the Republican Candidates are running around the country, bickering and slithering their way around their records and their achievements, The President, in ONE interview, clearly defines, in plain english, how it matters not which one wins, he's the man with the plan and has placed himself well ahead of whomever gets chosen to lose to Obama.

    This is how it's done! Point, Set, Match! Congratulations on your re-nomination, Mr President!

    Get out the vote!

  15. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Just let myself get depressed by reading the comments on another blog.

    There is such a huge amount of comments along the line of, "...and how the current President has ruined the country."

    Such comments STINK of the Fox channel, to my nose.

    And I'm sure that if any of these robotic phrase repeaters were to be asked for some EXAMPLES of how Obama has ruined anything, they'd stammer for awhile, searching inside their cemented-over minds, hoping for some talking point they've had repeated to them many times, to surface.

    Settling, no doubt, on "Well, just EVERYthing, that's what."

    Such a pity that people like this want to think of themselves as well informed, and coming up with their own opinions on such matters.

  16. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Why can't the Palin girls dress like the Obama girls?

    It is so sad to see high school drop out Willow walking around with her tight daisey dukes jammed all up in her crotch showing her camel toe like a dog in heat.

  17. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Not only will the Obama girls be married before they have children, they'll almost certainly get a college degree (at least) before deciding to marry and start a family.
    That's the most sensible way to plan a life: grow up yourself first before having a child; and learn as much as you can so you can bring up your child in a home filled with books, interesting conversation, and a wide view of the world.
    You don't have to live in the White House to do this,nor do you have to have money, houses, cars, status, the works. Millions of people around the world follow this simple advice.
    Sadly, these ideas never filtered up to Wasilla, or at least to the denizens of Lake Lucille. More's the pity: the next generation of children are no wiser or better trained, and have no more impulse control than their parents.
    Here's hoping the Palin grandchildren, however many there are by now, will be given more opportunities.

  18. Anonymous2:50 AM

    Those Obama girls will make their parents proud.

  19. ...cute... these pictures are so touching....

  20. Anonymous4:58 AM

    Nice photos and precious young elves!

  21. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Where's our little Fairytale Trolly..take a good look at this picture, a strong, happy, beautiful family with class...the Palin's, not even close.

  22. The World is proud of our President!
    That "60" Minute interview wasn't softball either.
    He is the smartest man in the room.

  23. Marleycat7:03 AM

    Wow! Malia is just BEAUTIFUL! Great picture of the President, Malia, and the cute holiday elves! . . . Now, back to the task of dealing with the immense stress associated with this holiday! I just love it when I find out that paying extra for "2 day delivery" is a waste of money, expect it to require at least 6 days!!!

    Still better than venturing out to the actual Malls, with all the heavy breathing and forced shoulder to shoulder Christmas Shopping. At this time of the year - some very real evidence that sometimes it IS not so bad to not drive and to be poor, too. My list is short and sweet, and thank God for the internet. Hope everyone's having a good time! Off I go!

  24. Every time I see our President with little A-A children, I think how wonderful it must be for them to see that they CAN be anything they want, even President. Their generation is so lucky to have these roll models.
    I think our President doesn't get nearly enough credit for how hard he had to work to even get to/through college, let alone into politics and public service.

    (Malia is a real stunner! Suddenly a young lady. When Sasha hits her growth spurt, I think I'm gonna cry.)

  25. Anonymous8:34 AM

    ok, my grynch heart just grew a few sizes.

  26. Those little elves are ADORABLE! Where can I get me some of those? Malia and Sasha have gotten so tall! And they look like young ladies not like that other family of gargoyles...

    *looking hard at the "tree trunk leg" Palin sisters*

  27. Anonymous10:49 AM

    And the girls are appropriately dressed. Can you imagine Michelle dragging one of them, uninvited, to a funeral and letting her wear jeans and flip flops? (and that's all on Sarah, not on poor Piper).

  28. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I think I really need a pair of those curly-up-toe elf shoes!

    I can't believe how mature and beautiful Malia has become since the election (and Shasha's not far behind). Good thing that Daddy's got some SS agents keeping an eye on her because the boys would be lined up at the door otherwise!

    I love seeing how both girls are kept out of the spotlight most of the time but get involved in community projects with their parents. It must be incredibly difficult for the POTUS and FLOTUS to balance their privacy with the necessary public appearances for the girls, but they're doing a magnificent job of it!

    And I ALWAYS love seeing the President interact with children. It seems to be his very favorite part of the job!

  29. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Why can't the Palin girls dress like the Obama girls?

    It is so sad to see high school drop out Willow walking around with her tight daisey dukes jammed all up in her crotch showing her camel toe like a dog in heat.

    11:47 PM

    Why can't the Palin girls dress like the Obama girls?

    Why? Cuz the Paln girls are skanks raised by parents who have an open marriage which allows the other to screw other people.

    That's why!

  30. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Warning to the Wasilla boys.

    If you are dating a child of Sarah Palin, just know up front there is no exclusive dating in that family.

    Just like Sarah did to Toddy which is date Toddy but have sex with out of state basketball players, so will Brisket and Willow cheat on you as well.

  31. Anonymous3:19 PM

    I betcha the Obama girls don't sneak boys into their rooms like the Palin girls do.

  32. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Hey Sarah bet ya $10,000 that Obama'a little girl Sasha is way smarter than Piper.

  33. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Sarah if I were you, I would ignore the comments like the ones below. Don’t fret over it, what can you do about it? Nothing, so why worry over it? Your kids will forever be compared to the Obama children. Their comparisons through life will be like Frazier and Ali… Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant … who is the greatest? Sad thing about it is that Obama’s kids will go to college and will become doctors or lawyers and your children will be cosmetologists or adult movie stars. Nothing wrong with your children’s profession, it is just sad that their mother Sarah Palin is a multimillionaire and her children are uneducated. Talk about given opportunities and not taking advantage of it. Just be happy the Obama’s children will be lawyers or doctors because your children will still need a doctor to deliver their fatherless babies or a lawyer to get them out of jail.

    Sarah you used to talk down about President Obama’s humble beginnings as a community organizer, now look at him, President Obama! As they say, “Karma is a BITCH!”… your children will never achieve greatness and it must be humiliating for you out there hawking a reality tv show for unemployed Toddy that nobody wants, unemployed Brisket is out there begging for a reality show, unemployed Sarah Palin‘s Alaska reality show bombed… what is in store for high school drop out unemployed Willow? A reality show for Alaska kids that are kicked out of school with no parental guidance?

    Like I said, ignore comments like these below:
    Anonymous said...
    I betcha the Obama girls don't sneak boys into their rooms like the Palin girls do.
    3:19 PM
    Anonymous said...
    Hey Sarah bet ya $10,000 that Obama'a little girl Sasha is way smarter than Piper.
    3:21 PM

    Why can't the Palin girls dress like the Obama girls?

    Why? Cuz the Paln girls are skanks raised by parents who have an open marriage which allows the other to screw other people.

    That's why!
    3:11 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I betcha the Obama girls will be married before they get pregnant.

    Unlike the Palin and Heath girls who get pregnant first and then get married.

    8:21 PM


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