Sunday, December 11, 2011

Santorum's desperation grows. Ramps up his groveling for Palin endorsement.

Courtesy of Politico:

The GOP presidential nominee hasn't yet secured Palin's endorsement, he told Candy Crowley on CNN's "State of the Union" Sunday, but he said he was grateful for the kind words she's offered recently. 

“I reached out to her just to thank her for her kind comments and said I appreciate any help that she could give us. She was very kind in responding and she’s gonna make her decision as to when she’s gonna endorse or if she’s going to endorse, but I did not reach out to her before she made the kind comments about me," Santorum said. 

Santorum has been fundraising off Palin's comments after she told Sean Hannity on Fox News earlier this month: “If voters start shifting gears and deciding they want ideological consistency, then they’re going to start paying attention to say, Rick Santorum.”

THIS guy wants to be President of perhaps the most powerful nation on the planet? Seriously?

He is a pathetic excuse for  man who has lowered himself in the eyes of the voters by agreeing to participate in Donald Trump's sideshow masquerading as a debate, and is now sniffing around for support from perhaps the most ethically challenged, unqualified politician on the planet this side of Rod Blagojevich?

I am beginning to think that Dan Savage was too kind to Rickie when he created that Google bomb for his name. In fact I believe that he should aspire to be as well respected as that "frothy mixture."

Time to start a countdown to see how much longer Santorum can limp along without support, without money, without credibility, and apparently, without dignity.

By the way Rick. Palin has NO intention of endorsing you.

She will only back somebody she thinks might have a chance, or who can benefit her in some way in the future. You fail on both counts. 

She is fucking with you, just like she did her own supporters until she had milked all of their money out of them, and no longer needed their attention..


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    She's probably been talking to Trump - or trying too if he'll take her calls. She'll wait until Trump jumps in if he does as there's more money to hang around with him. Can she see that he wouldn't win -- no - either can he!! She just wants to follow the money believing she'll benefit.

    Remember -- Mark Burnett produces Trump's reality show and he produced Palin's.

  2. Anonymous3:27 PM

    How very true Gryph! You're so right. My bet is she'll endorse Newt because of his lead in the polls.

  3. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Wow. Wanting a Palin endorsement is desperate indeed. Thinking it will help gain respect or votes is delusional.

  4. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Wow. Wanting a Palin endorsement is desperate indeed. Thinking it will help gain respect or votes is delusional.

  5. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Santorum isn't going anywhere in the race even with Palin's endorsement...she is the kiss of death when backing someone. Look at her past record!!!

  6. Anonymous4:02 PM

    I'd actually be surprised if Santorum is really making any effort to get Dirty Wig's endorsement. I think his wording was pretty careful about making it clear that he hasn't solicited her, only that he's appreciative of the nice thing she said about him.

    He's desperate enough to grasp at any straw that's waved in his direction, but I don't sense that he actually believes a Palin endorsement would mean the nomination for him. He's hanging on in hopes of a VP nod, I'm sure of it.

    To be honest, I don't see Palin endorsing any of these people. Maybe after the nominating process is over, she might back the nominee in the general, but I don't really see any upside for her to back any of these losers before then.

    And I certainly don't see her wanting to encourage her last desperate followers to start sending their rent checks anywhere else but to her PAC.

  7. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Palin is already on the record as to making a negative statement about Gingrich. Now she'll support him? I would suspect he cannot stand her either!!!

  8. Newt is Palin's kind of guy and likely studies all his game films to further her scams and grifting techniques. She knows he would have a job for her and since she is already on the record as having no shame or the barest shred of decency, he wouldn't even have to do a background check on her.

    Desperate little weasly Santorum would fit right in with these super thugs and especially now that his rockbottom ratings show him that the rest of the country doesn't want him. Maybe he could sign on as a driver, babysitter or plain old errand boy for his internship. Not sure that Trump would fit in as there is not enough headroom for the combined egos of Newt and Trump in any unholy alliance.

    Burnett could populate his next edition of Survivor with the motley GOP/TP crew but with a new twist -- no one gets off the island!!

  9. Anonymous4:19 PM

    She is the essence of going with the way the wind blows. She's quiet now because she's as befuddled as the rest of the country about the clowns who are posturing for a run against POTUS. It wouldn't surprise me if she tries an end around play to get back in the mix; then again she has to know she is still in the cross hairs of everyone - if she makes too much noise the attacks renew and they won't be pretty. It might also be she's truly frightened about some of the information seeping out from behind the screen. As she loses her iron grip over people more and more will come forward. Some of Tiger Woods mystique was people were afraid of him. Once he lost that advantage he became just another very good golfer. This is no different save she's not even a good politician - that increases the pressure and she'll buckle as she always does

  10. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "... she’s gonna make her decision as to when she’s gonna ________ or if she’s going to ___________ ..."

    There's the Palin brand right there, completely summarized in two short clauses.

  11. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Santorum do you really want Sarah Palin's endorsement?

    Then you need Toddy's approval and from what's going around the way to Toddy's endorsement is not through his heart. You see it being revealed that Toddy is a switch hitter.

    So how bad do you want Toddy's approval?

  12. Anonymous4:40 PM

    The way to Palin's endorsement is through her wallet and it looks like Sarah will endorse whoever Donald Chump endorses.

    Palin is trying to get into tv and she knows her days at FOX are numbered. Her avenue into the business will be through Chump.

    You may see Palin as a pageant contestant judge or on a reality tv show with ties to Chump or Burnet.

  13. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Maybe Santorum just wants to borrow Palin's fake pregnancy belly for his wife....

  14. Anonymous4:50 PM

    Rick, what's your money lookin' like?


  15. Anonymous4:51 PM

    But...but...she can't endorse because...she's RUNNING an "unconventional campaign". I know because I learned it at sea o' pee.

  16. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Well, there you have it! Anyone who NEEDS a #arah endorsement to revive a flailing campaign is an ID-10-T and has no business running my country.

    KISS OF DEATH. That's our Dirty!

  17. Anonymous5:10 PM

    I just found this on Daily Kos. Comparing discovering Palin to introducing smallpox to the New World - brilliant !
    I have quite frequently opined on the state of conservative intellectualism in the past, and how illustrative that Paul Ryan, Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer and others are held up as the deepest thinkers of modern Republicanism.
    You may recall, however, that one of Bill Kristol's defining contributions to recent politics was none other than the supposed "discovery" of one Sarah Palin, one of the conservative saviors that he still pines for, even to this day:
    In June 2007, a cruise hosted by the political journal The Weekly Standard set anchor in Juneau, Alaska. Standard editors William Kristol and Fred Barnes then lunched with Governor Sarah Palin. It was a moment of discovery to equal Hernando Cortez’s landing at Veracruz.
    That description seems a bit hyperbolic, although I suppose if you wanted to more directly compare the discovery of Sarah Palin to the introduction of smallpox to the New World, I could get behind that.

    In any event, the sort of people that intellectual giant William Kristol praises as fellow intellectual giants should, at the least, give a person pause. The fellow who is currently pining for Paul Ryan to come save conservatism from the wreck of the current campaign season was previously pining for Sarah Palin to fill the same role. That right there should prove blunder enough for most people, but it is hard to discredit the undiscreditable, and so the merry, smarter-than-you ship of Kristol sails merrily on to its next destination. Paul Ryan it is.

  18. Meanwhile Rick's wife is at home with seven children, one of whom has a life threatening genetic condition. She cares for them and home schools them while he is out glad handing, and attending "important" meetings. In one interview she admitted that it hard to watch him leave, all dressed up, and she is home cleaning up spilled milk. Rick, how about going home and helping out your wife.

  19. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Hey Sarah, how's that lawsuit thingy against McG doing you cocaine sniffing off of a 55 gallon drum lid whore?

  20. Anonymous5:20 PM

    That nobody Palin really needs to pay attention to Piper while she stills lives at home!

    Piper does live at home, doesn't she?

    Satan did not pay attention to high school drop out Willow or underage pregnant Bristol or school bus brake line cutter Track.

    I hope Piper gets some family values from somebody before she looses her virginity in junior high..... If Piper ever makes it to junior high.

  21. Anonymous5:24 PM

    I actually watched this interview, Santorum actually defended his use of the term "appeasement" when referring to our most Illustrious, Brilliant President Obama. Notice the smiling bobblehead.

    I couldn't stop laughing because at first, he skirted the Palin issue, then tried to "school" Candy on foreign policy, something Santorum has no clue nor clear plan to fix.

    Actually, Rick and Sarah have something in common, They hate President Obama and both ignore their child's needs.

  22. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Did Track marry his baby's momma yet?

    Sarah and SarahPac was suppose to throw him a winter wedding?

  23. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Bottom line, underneath everything Palin does, she intends to create chaos and to stir up trouble. She seems to thrive on it as some people do. I feel like she will destroy 2012 for the Republicans. Palin can do alot of damage through her "toys" Bannon, Breitbart and Schweizer not to mention all of her other hounds. She may not be outfront but I bet she is stirring up trouble behind the scenes. Barack Obama took away her ball on the political playground when he won and she'll never get over it. Palin oozes, oozes, oozes negativity and she wants to push it off on everyone else.

    I don't think she will endorse anyone. Palin will use it to play the will she/won't she money$$$ game again--probably while she follows Obama around in her clown bus in 2012. Seriously.

  24. Anonymous5:37 PM

    What's the story on Willow?

    Why was she kicked out of Alaska's schools?

    I'm surprised Sarah does not send her to hockey camp in Michigan.

    Oh wait, that was Non combat Combat Vet Track Palin who was kicked out of Alaska and eventually paid for his crimes with a meager two year stint in the Army as a chauffeur in the green zone.

  25. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Don't miss the President on 60 minutes tonight - it's on the web. He showed why Rick Santorum or any of the other yahoos in the Republican race don't stand a chance.

  26. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Only a loser would solicit Palin's endorsement.

  27. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Gryph- you have to look at Sunday nights episode of American Dad. Sarah Palin putting the child of Satan to bed!

  28. Anonymous5:59 PM

    You've got to check out tonight's 'American Dad,' Uncle G. Hilarious.

  29. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Palin has sharply criticized Santorum and Gingrich and many others; then she goes on to "endorse" or "support" same. Just like she did/did not Ted Stevens. I have tried to make sense of her/SarahPAC endorsements, tracked her FEC records over the last three years, but there appears to be no political logic, no pattern, it is just one ugly mess, winners/losers trying to attach old Repub money to new Repub money. From this POV, no clarity. But it does rake in the money, just like Newt Gingrich once supposedly advised Palin, that pretending to run for President will bag you a whole shitload of money (Ibid. Ann Coulter.)

    In other words, SarahPAC bags a whole pot load of unattributable, free wheeling money that she wouldn't be able to spend legally were she to declare actual candidacy.


  30. Anonymous6:43 PM

    This is Off Topic

    While watching the "debates" last night, my husband had an eppiphany of sorts. For the longest time, he kept saying that Perry reminded him of someone, and I kept trying to give him suggestions.

    Last night, while bachman was doing her "I miss herman cain" speech, he jumped up and said he got it!!

    Shemp from the three stooges and Jethro Bodine of the beverly hillbillies!

    Shemp "Jethro" Perry - I love it!

  31. Beldar Angryman Conehead6:43 PM

    You go right ahead and mock Rick "GOOGLE ME NOW!!" Santorum, Gryphen (if that's REALLY your name, which I seriously doubt). But I'll tell you something, buddy boy, and you listen well: that whiny little right-wing douchebag weasel has something you and your little librul blog friends will NEVER have! And as soon as I figure out what that one thing is, I'll be back here to rub your collective noses in it!

    He may be a laughable loser to you, but to a LOT of people - and by a lot I mean, at least hundreds and possibly a few thousand - that frothy mixture of intractably unreasonable conservative ideology and demonstrable personal inadequacy could very well defeat your precious Barack HUSSEIN OBAMA and become the next president of the United States of America!!!!

    But, seriously, yeah, it's statistically more likely that you or a close family member would be hit by lightning and a meteorite on the same day you win a Powerball lottery jackpot exceeding $350,000,000 than that sad sack of shit ever gets elected president.

  32. Anonymous6:53 PM

    She won't endorse - it will send all her bots' meat money to the other guy. She wants to always be thought of as the queen. Endorsing to SP means admitting defeat.

    Endorsing is an act that hurts a narcissist like Palin as it denies her the crowning ceremony she didn't get in 2008. Admitting failure is not an option. And she loves to see others (Santorum) grovel for her golden wand's wave.

  33. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Check out tonight's episode of "American Dad." We find out in the last two minutes of the show that Sarah Palin has adopted the Antichrist.

    Morning, Sarah! Can't wait to see your Facebook rant and how nobody will take up your faux outrage for you this time.

  34. Does Politico know something we don't know in calling Santorum "the GOP nominee"? Has there been a convention, a caucus, a nominating process held in secret that appointed L'il Rick [as opposed to The Rickster} candidate? And even if there has been such an event, why do we need to worry? An endorsement by the WGE is the kiss of death.

    [I always 'pronounce' WGE as WIGGY in my head, The Wiggy].

  35. Gov Dirty Wig is a whore! Whoever pays her price...she will endorse.

    If "Frothy Mixture" thinks otherwise he hasn't been paying attention.

    And whoever said that Gov Dirty may be angling for a Beauty pageant judge spot...doesn't The Chump own Miss USA?

  36. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I bet Trump Paylin, and Burnett are scheming as I type. what losers.

  37. Anonymous8:36 PM

    I am always in complete agreement with your views, opinions, and castigating descriptions! I abhor Santorum, Palin, Drump, Newtron, Mitten, Shellie, Christie, McConnell, and Rickie, just to name a few. If that's all the GOP can
    come up with, then that party is in deep doodoo.

  38. sleuth18:50 PM

    wow, Santorum better look how well her two "endorsements" did in November. Ohio union bill referendum went down in flames for Kasich. In Kentucky, her pick for our AG, Todd P'Pool (pronounced Pee-Pool, still makes me laugh out loud) lost by 10 points. Her endorsements are kiss of death.

  39. Anonymous10:58 PM

    How is Santorum supporting his family? Does he have a real job?

  40. Aren't you being a little hard on Rod Blagojevich? Sure he lied, broke the law, has no clue what the ethics means, but to compare him to Sarah, that is a low blow indeed.

  41. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Some excellent comments here! There seems to be a consensus that Sarah will not endorse anyone unless that endorsement comes with a big pay-back.

    BECAUSE Todd expects to be paid for his wife's favors. Pimping is nothing new to him.

    BECAUSE Sarah's only passion is attention and money.

    She soooo much wants to be a celebrity like The Donald.

  42. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Sarah's FB numbers are dropping daily and steadily now.
    Meanwhile...this little gem is currently posted there by a follower:
    "You Are my Idle...."
    ...heh heh, yes indeed, she is your "idle".

  43. Anonymous10:51 AM

    He thinks he's sweating NOW, just WAIT until he gets his precious endorsement from the Whore of Babble-On...

  44. Anonymous2:33 PM

    He must be pretty desperate if he seeks HER endorsement! He's scraping the very bottom of the barrel.

    Seems like she already called him a "neanderthal" and so did she change her mind?!?

  45. Flipper2:55 PM

    Ricky's looking a little like Prince Charles in that shot.


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