Monday, January 30, 2012

Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy respond to Fox News attacks. Fox never had a chance!

Oh, I have to say that when even the Muppets consider you a joke, that you might as well stop even pretending to be a serious news organization.

That was a GREAT smackdown.

By the way doesn't Miss Piggy look lovelier than usual?

BTW the main reason I am posting this is that Kermit said it would be "all over the internet" and I just don't want to  disappoint my favorite amphibian.

P.S. I used to sing the song "Rainbow Connection" to my daughter in Kermit's voice at bedtime sometimes. She loved that and was always trying to get me to sing it to her friends, but I wouldn't.


  1. Anonymous3:05 PM

    That was PRICELESS! It's about time somebody smacked their behinds on FOX.

  2. Proud Tea Party Conservative3:06 PM


    Thanks so much for your support of Allen West. Palin was never a true conservative and I appreciate your supporting true Tea Party conservatives.

    I've always appreciated your allowing ads of true conservatives like Allen and Ron Paul.


  3. Anonymous3:11 PM

    O/T really interesting article on Saul Alinsky and why they are demonizing him in the GOP flame throwing rhetoric that Sarah has also adopted:

    The Real Reason Saul Alinsky Strikes Fear Into The Heart Of The Right

    ...It would be more accurate to compare Alinsky to a Jesuit priest minus the faith. In fact, he spent a great deal of his time coordinating with local Roman Catholics. He wasn’t an advocate of violence, the overthrow of democracy, or even flag-burning. Instead, he focused on community organizing because he believed, “Organization means hope for people. It means making their institutions relevant. But, most of all, organization means power. It means being able to do something about things they’ve been frustrated about all their lives.”

    Far from being a malignant threat to American democracy, Alinsky and the people he mentored fomented such revolutionary ideas as union membership, representation on city councils, and adequate trash collection. In fact, one of the best stories of his shenanigans is related to garbage. One of Chicago’s tenements was suffering from a stockpile of trash that wasn’t being collected by the city. Ordinary measures like appealing to government authorities weren’t working, so he had residents gather it all together and bring it to their alderman’s yard. Needless to say, this action worked. These are the kinds of elementary notions of fairness and justice he pursued.

    Alinsky was a tactician, not an ideologue. He provided this motivation to his lifelong pursuits, “What I wanted to try to do was apply the organizing techniques I’d mastered … to the worst slums and ghettos, so that the most oppressed and exploited elements in the country could take control of their own communities and their own destinies…” His strategies included honoring the importance of local leaders and helping them to develop stronger support in the community through tactics as controversial as going door-to-door and talking to neighbors. He spoke of coalitions between smaller organizations with the goal of forming larger, more powerful groups that could affect change. He believed in working within systems just as much as from outside of them.


    Yep, after reading that article, I can clearly see why they get their 'panties in a wad' over Mr. Alinsky. He truly knew how to garner grassroots power and support. Something our President also does with ease.

  4. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Check out the latest from Jan Brewer.

    Phoenix New Times:

    "Another Stupid-Governor Story
    Jan Brewer's Already Whoring Out Obama Finger-Gate Photo to Raise Money"

    JanPAC says:

    I need your help!

    When I met President Obama this week, I really wasn't pointing at him. I was telling him, "You have ONE more year!" The President needs to be reminded that he is the President of the FEDERAL REPUBLIC and not a KING lording over state governors.

    Which is yet another different story from Brewer about this. Once more I call B.S. I think if she had told the President this he would have burst out laughing.

  5. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Kermi, Kermi, Kermi :)

  6. TeaPotty TeaParty whats the diff3:24 PM

    Allen West has been shafted by the Republican establishment in Florida.

    Rush was squealing about it.

    Some blame Mitt!

    That's why he is advertising here.

    To divert the sudden stream of donations from SarahPac to his retirement fund. I'm clicking frequently.

  7. I love Kermit and Miss Piggy!

  8. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Miss Piggy knows how to rock a wig!
    Unlike some people...

  9. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Palin Talks to Judge Napolitano And Sean Hannity Tonight

    Talk about jamming her down the throats of America...

    And speaking of flame throwing whackjobs, Allen West is the guy:

  10. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Gravitas wise, compared to Miss Quittypants and Newt, Miss Piggy and Kermit are Thatcher and Reagan.

  11. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Proud Tea Party Conservative:

    I cannot speak for Gryphen, but I can tell you that he has NO control over the ads that run on his site, it's a Google thing.

    I would venture to guess that he DOES NOT support loudmouthed Allen West who has just verbally bludgeoned our president and honorable members of Congress with one of the more disgusting, attention getting, foul mouthed rants that has come down the pike in a while. He's a disgrace to the military, to the people of Florida and to the GOP. Just check out how they are turning on him and his nasty mouth, in droves.

    But again, you'll have to ask Gryphen about how he feels. If you've read over his blog, you will most likely find that he doesn't think highly at all of the Teabaggers or the GOP.

  12. Anonymous4:08 PM

    When I watched that video for a second there I thought that was Bristol and not Miss Piggy.

  13. Anonymous4:11 PM

    David Axelrod posted a cutting photo tweet implicitly targeting Republican hopeful Mitt Romney. The photo featured President Obama riding in his car with his Portuguese water dog, Bo, with the caption “How loving owners transport their dogs.” Oh snap!

  14. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Gryphen, what's your take on the news that Todd will campaign for Newt? How will this affect his participation in the Iron Dog?

  15. Anonymous4:17 PM

    UMM, TeaParty people at 3:06 and you realize that the ADS that you see on the site are a result of websites YOU have visited (because of cookies) rather than ADS Gryph has subscribed to???

    Just asking.

  16. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Miss Piggy is certainly more attractive than that blonde POS that is on their morning show.

    And Cookie Monster is a lot smarter than those two meat puppets that co-host with the aformentioned blonde POS.

  17. Anonymous4:38 PM

    OT - I agree with previous commenters calling attention to Palin's possible IQ at "mentally challenged" level. AK oppo research from the Governor's race put her IQ at 83.

    Oops, wrong thread.

  18. Anonymous5:02 PM

    O/T, but Gryph, you MUST see this expose of the well-documented, 160-year old Mormon Plan for America, and how the top level of the Mormon Church believes that Romney is the perfect implementer for this plan. This plan is probably a key reason why Mormons have been giving Romney huge sums of money behind the scenes for years. It is, pure and simple, a long-thought out plan for a theocratic takeover of the United States by the Mormon Church – something that is an essential part of their 'end-time' prophecies, and I am not kidding. Romney has taken a blood oath to implement this plan, and then to lie about his oath to the rest of us. This is doubly serious because Romney is literally a high priest in the Mormon Church's priesthood hierarchy. Like other Mormons of this rank, he literally believes that he is on the path to becoming a god.

    Also, are you familiar with the Mormon Oath of Vengeance against this nation? It is an oath to destroy the United States for having come against Joseph and Hiram Smith, and is also described in this article.

    The Mormon Plan for America is predicted in Mormon documents, and is thus an essential component of Mormon theology. It takes the concept of dominionism to a 'whole 'nother level', and should make the hair of any reasonable person stand on end. Imagine a 'church' that requires secret blood oaths among its Temple elite that requires them to carry out its secret plan to control the minds, consciences, and lives of all the rest of us, and you will have some glimmer into the breadth of this unbridled and egotistical evil.

    This is how the Mormon High Priesthood thinks and works:

    Another well-researched source is The God Makers, by Ed Decker and Dave Hunt (Harvest House, 1984), who have studied this matter in depth for many years.

  19. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Anon @3:11: I had never heard of Saul Alinsky before this week and now I am really interested and curious to learn more about him!

  20. Anonymous5:16 PM

    I can just see "Wretched" Carlson snarling at this one on "FOX and Fiends." Miss Piggy had it right: To try and counter the thoughts of a puppet is just about FOX's speed, given that all of their hosts are, you know, puppets as well.

  21. Anonymous5:40 PM

    hey! for some reason, i'm getting a vid called:
    "Climate Change 1958: The Bell Telephone Science Hour" in the miss piggy spot! what gives?

  22. Anonymous5:46 PM

    ok - i refreshed the page and the correct vid is on now. that was strange... can't figure what happened.

  23. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Oh, S N A P !

    When you get smacked down by a foam rubber frog and a pig in a blonde wig, you know it's time to pack it in!

  24. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Bully Bill O'Reilly threatens Miss Piggy:

    O’Reilly played the clip during his nightly “Reality Check,” in which Miss Piggy lashed out at the network while a surprised Kermit the Frog joked, “that’s going to be all over the internet.” O’Reilly did not strike back at Miss Piggy, instead saying that “we still like the Muppets,” but merely warning her that “you’d better watch it.”

  25. Anonymous9:01 PM

    I see the Republican dimwits didn't learn a thing from the hilarious outcome of one of their vice presidents from yesteryear:

    Dan Quayle, that bastion of high intellect, got all pissy over what a fictional tv character named Murphy Brown, was doing on that show.

    SANE people had to remind Quayle that there IS NO "Murphy Brown," that it is only a fictional character...and no one ELSE but him reacts to her life choices as if they actually matter.

    Miss Piggy planted a little bomb in her comment, that anyone who gets their panties in a knot over what she says, is in need of some serious help.

    So, lets see how many of the charlatans on Fox can hold their tongues.

  26. Anita Winecooler9:10 PM

    Go Kermit! Doesn't Miss Piggy look ravishing? She's aged pretty well!
    The Old Sow, not so much ;o)

    I can't believe O'Reilly took issue with this, but then it IS called Fox News for nothing.

    OT. People come to IM for the ads? It's like the cliche' about men buying playboy for the articles.

    And lastly, My husband used to sing "Baby Mine" from Dumbo and "Rainbow Connection", and he's STILL got his man card in my book!

  27. Would you do "Rainbow Connection" for us?

  28. Anonymous3:48 AM

    I wuv U Mr. Jesse Gryphen!!!


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