Monday, January 30, 2012

President Obama shows Mitt Romney how to travel with your dog.

This from David Axelrod's Twitter account:

How loving owners transport their dogs.

 That Bo is one lucky dog. I bet he has never ONCE had to worry about being strapped to the roof in a dog carrier.

If you have not yet seen it you have to go and visit the Dogs Against Romney site.


  1. Not What You Want to Hear4:59 PM

    Ha ha! Good one, Axe.

    Off topic, but you know how the bots are trying to give Palin credit for the insider trading bill being debated in Congress right now? Well, surprise, was a Democrat that first introduced such a bill years ago, and continued to push for it for years.

    But hey, if they want to give Palin credit for getting another Democratic policy pushed through...sure, why not!

  2. Anonymous5:15 PM

    OK, G. You get all goopy over pics of the President soothing fractious infants. But, me? Give me a pic of Bo and his human. Does it to me every time.

  3. Loose Era5:16 PM

    wtf is up w alaska wtf? Palins off him or buy him off? where is willow and what happened to the whole engagement deal? anyone?

    Cute dog.

  4. Those are two very handsome gentlemen.

  5. I understand the Obama's don't have a long history with pets, but they're doing very well with the first one!

  6. Anonymous5:34 PM

    I love that David Axelrod tweeted that pic! I think how people treat their animals says a lot about a person. Mitt is a sick F&%K. Whenever I take my cat to the vet (which is 5 blocks from my house) I put her in her carrier and put the seat belt thru the handle to keep it secure.

  7. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Love this photo!! Love Bo, love the Prez!

  8. Anonymous5:53 PM

    O/T Palin on Freedom Watch tonight

  9. Anonymous5:58 PM

    I am in love with President Obama.

  10. Anonymous6:00 PM

    O/T Palin does Hannity tonight

  11. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I'm wondering about WTF blog also. Too quiet after such a promise. Bet "they" stopped it, one way or another

  12. Anonymous6:36 PM


  13. Anonymous6:44 PM

    I wonder how will Newt travel with his dogs Tawd and Sarah?

    How will he keep his two dogs from humping and sniffing other dogs asses?

  14. Hey, don't forget about cats! I have two cats, "Alice Obama" and "Robin Obama" who are both gung-ho Obama-fans! There are also some "Cats for Obama" Facebook pages.

    Dogs get all glory, and cats and cat lovers who support Obama should be recognised, too!

    "Alice Obama" and "Robin Obama" are both proud Demo-cats!

  15. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Dogs and Cats for Democrats ( and their owners)

    OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

  16. Anonymous7:19 PM

    David Axelrod is going to the lowest layer of hell. But anyone with brains knows that. However, that is related to this post. Bo is lovely. There are three things Obama and Palin have in common: adorable animals, cute kids, and the way they became famous.

  17. Anonymous7:24 PM

    Oh, that is such a cute picture! Bo is one lucky dog all right, well loved and well treated
    Poor Seamus had to live with Romney who thinks corporations are people and dogs are toys.

  18. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Sarah Palin Denounces GOP ‘Viciousness’: ‘Enough Is Enough With The Lies About Newt Gingrich’

    Sarah Palin was fairly busy over the weekend, writing an extensive post calling out Republican “Stalinesque” “cannibalism,” reappropriating the term “Rage Against the Machine” for Newt Gingrich, and all but endorsing the former House Speaker. On tonight’s Hannity, Palin continued to abstain from an official endorsement, but demanded of Republicans a vigorous nomination process that would guarantee a win for a “big dog” that could take down President Obama.

    Sean Hannity noted that Palin had said that, as a South Carolina voter, she would vote for Gingrich, and wondered if anything had changed. Palin responded that she wanted to “keep the process going” to find “who is best able to defend our republic,” and that the process must find “who has been sharpened and shaped through the school of hard knocks the most.” We need a big dog,” she continued, one capable of defeating the President.

    Palin acknowledged that things had gotten “vicious” in the Republican party, and that she did not believe that gratuitous attacks were warranted, but “what I will call people on is when they choose to lie about a candidate.” ‘I’m not whining about the viciousness,” she notes, but the “rewritten history” about Gingrich got to her. “Enough is enough with the lies about Newt Gingrich.”

  19. Anonymous8:13 PM

    Sarah is whining for him on FOX and Gingrich whines about Romney using Gingrich tactics against him in Florida. Such thin skinned, utter, losers. Karma, you bitches, karma.

  20. Gryphen...have you seen this?

  21. Anonymous9:02 PM

    @7:19 - I'm sorry but your IQ is too low to post a comment here. Liberals have higher standards. We abhor your anti-Semitic putdowns of Mr. Axelrod & we laugh at your false equivalency of anything about the gorgeous Obama family compared to the hillbilly AIP Palin gang, a.k.a. "the blood libelers."

  22. thenorwegianblue9:10 PM

    Um 7:19, there's a bit of a discrepancy in
    1) the way "adorable animals" are treated by the two families:
    Palins shoot 'em and stuff 'em, Obamas love 'em and take care of 'em.
    2) "cute kids" ... well this is just too painfully obvious
    3) "the way they became famous":
    Obama was a well-respected law professor and author before he became a Senator; Palin entered the spotlight doing a Republican lap dance for McCain
    Nothing at all in common, really.

  23. Anita Winecooler9:16 PM

    Love BO and The President!

    Here's one "Super Pack" I've joined, and I highly recommend everyone else do the same - some funny photos and cartoons as well

    BTW- even if you don't have a dog, all pet owners and animal lovers are welcome.

  24. Anonymous9:18 PM

    To fairy tale troll @ 7:19- Sarah has no adult pets. They all die before becoming adults. Why is that?

    Sarah has no cute kids. Piper is nasty like her mom. Have you seen the pictures? Trig is not Sarah's kid. She faked that pregnancy. Everyone with a brain knows that.

    Sarah became famous because of a horny senile old man desperate for female votes. Nothing at all like President Obama.

    Check and mate. False equivalency troll destroyed. Next!

  25. Anonymous10:08 PM

    I think the video of Sarah smacking the fish to kill them ranks right up there with Romney's dog on the roof of the car. She claims to be pro-life, yet she was willing to shoot wolves from a helicopter (very sporting).

  26. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Piper might have been cute, once upon a time. But we saw her act out when Sarah went on her American History Family Vacation. That cute little Piper pushed reporters, yelled at them for ruining what she thought was a vacation (it was a campaign trip or publicity stunt). She interrupted Sarah, pulling on her to get back in the bus. That's bratty, that's not cute.

    Palin's pets? All that we have heard of was one dog given to Sarah, named for some oil project. The dog didn't last too long. The Obamas didn't have pets because one of the girls is allergic. Obama did not bring his kids on the campaign.He promised them a dog if he made it to the White House, as a reward for their understanding and good behavior during the campaign. Sarah's kids got a bag full of clothes. You know, those kids are always losing their underwear.

  27. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Let us get real, okay?

    Is Bo more intelligent than Sarah?

    Sarah is either an imbecile or a moron, depending on the IQ test used.

    Bo has the POTUS feeding him.

    I say Bo is the smarter doggie.

  28. Anonymous11:11 PM

    OH. MY. GOD.

    The new trailer for HBO’s Game Change has been released.

    Julianne Moore is CREEPILY morphing into Sarah in this teaser and boy of boy Sarah will DEFINITELY have her panties in a wad and be fully wee-weed up once she gets a look at this!

    And just think, this is only the end of January and the movie doesn't come out until March...if this is a teaser, they'll be teasing this for weeks and weeks, building for the big release.


    In the trailer Sarah Palin, as played by Julianne Moore, is shown steadily going wild as she cracks under the pressure of the doomed McCain campaign. And they are NOT pulling any punches here. It is DEVASTATING. If we thought we'd seen Sarah before...

  29. Anonymous12:01 AM

    Anonymous said...
    David Axelrod is going to the lowest layer of hell. But anyone with brains knows that. However, that is related to this post. Bo is lovely. There are three things Obama and Palin have in common: adorable animals, cute kids, and the way they became famous.

    7:19 PM


    Palin doesn't have any animals and granted, some of her kids are cute, but certainly not all of them. Also, both did become famous in the political arena; one being declared POTUS 44, the other slinking back to irrelevance with tail firmly clinched between legs.

  30. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Thanks Axe. Now Bo is one who can wear stars with class. Enlarge picture to get a better look at this very lucky dog. BTW, Bo already looks like his daddy. Love em both.

  31. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Thanks Axe. Now Bo is one who can wear stars with class. Enlarge picture to get a better look at this very lucky dog. BTW, Bo already looks like his daddy. Love em both.

  32. Anonymous12:54 AM

    Palins clubbing halibut!

  33. Anonymous1:52 AM

    David Axelrod cannot go to hell. It is a restricted neighborhood for christians only. You moron, Jews don't believe in hell.

  34. F J Dandy3:24 AM

    Love this! My daughter and her husband have a Bo dog named Walter, who is now 10 months old. They are adorable dogs that don't shed and are hypo-allergenic, very soft, loving, and totally endearing.
    Lucky Bo! Lucky Michelle!

  35. Anonymous3:40 AM

    Willard tells us that he made up a wind shielding device that he put up on the top of the car. We have read that Willard did considerable spin control on their story after it became public and others told him it was a cruel thing to do. (He is an insensitive, cruel Alien Bounty Hunter who doesn't and will never know any better.)

    My guess is that he made up the wind shield story after it became public and that Mitt's Mutt suffered more than we were told.

  36. Anonymous3:51 AM


    Maybe you are a split personality of Sarah's that sees the two families as harmonious equals in your fantasy. It's not happening, Sybil.

    BTW- She was looking a little better on FOX. Must be they figured out covers for their current domestic crisis and she could relax briefly.

  37. An European viewpoint3:59 AM

    Huh. No seatbelt ?

  38. sharon28534:03 AM

    President Obama comes across as a warm, compassionate and caring man.
    He appears to be a good husband, father and intelligent leader.

    I say this based on the evidence, the pictures, the interviews, the speeches and the comments from those who know him personally.

    I know he's not perfect. But there is something extra about him - something different that sets him apart - he exudes a greatness that I cannot quite put my finger on...

    I laugh sometimes when I think about grifter granny and idiots like gingrich - I want to ask them this: "What if President Obama is the chosen one"?

    hahahahahaha...that whole religous thing palin uses as a dog whistle would kind of work against her at that point, doncha think??

    All I can say is this - I've been around for a while and I've never witnessed this level of disrespect towards any other president and it takes a special kind of person not to buckle under such a relentless assault.

    I love this picture of him and I love that dog!

  39. PalinsHoax4:21 AM

    Anonymous @ 10:11pm said...

    "Palin's pets? All that we have heard of was one dog given to Sarah, named for some oil project. The dog didn't last too long."


    And let's not forget Palin's "My Puppy", the label sewn onto baby Trig's knit hat. Come to think of it, he seems to have outgrown his usefullness as a prop for her.

    In my view, puppies and pets are much better off NOT being part of the chaotic Palin household.

  40. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Will Todd stump for Newt?

    Have you HEARD Todd?

  41. I didn't even need to bother to say anything to the troll. Already taken care of. Good job, folks.

  42. Anonymous5:26 AM

    Whenever I take my cat to the vet (which is 5 blocks from my house) I put her in her carrier and put the seat belt thru the handle to keep it secure.
    Good in theory, but your are better to put it around the crate. That handle is made or only about 20-30#of pressure. In an accident, there is much more.

    Sorry for the OT and just a friendly tip.

  43. Anonymous5:33 AM

    @ 7:19

    Palin? "cute kids,"
    With the exception of trig who it is rumored isn't hers, uhm please tell me what is cute about:

    an adult son who is too dumb to wear a condom or use other means of not having a child out of wedlock

    a teen daughter who is too dumb to use birth control, has major body image issues and thinks it is appropriate tomake remarks about "giving a big fat finger" to the public on national television. And who thinks it is appropriate to be rewarded in a competition, no matter how trivial, not for your skill or even your effort, but for who your parent is (nepotism, much?)

    Another teen who thinks bullying someone because of sexual orientation is OK, as well as being publicly disrespectful to elders.

    A child who thinks it is OK to physically attack adults, in public. (Granted the poor kid had been lied to and egged on by her parent, but STILL)

    No, they DO NOT have ANYTHING in common.

  44. Anonymous5:43 AM

    It would be a serious mistake to think that big-league pro David Axelrod - along with the ever strategic President Obama and his winning campaign staff - just coincidently sent out this image just before Romney wins Florida.

    Weeks ago, I wondered here on this site how perfect it would be if a coalition of dog-, pet-, and animal-lovers would be the force that stopped Seamus-abuser Romney.

    I hope we will see a steady flow of images and messages like this, which will rightfully contrast the characters of these two men.

    Poor Seamus is surely in his grave by now, but his legacy will be to reveal the true nature of the awful Romney.

  45. thanks for the great laugh! and great photo too!

  46. Now let's hear it from the right how the taxpayers will have to pay to vacuum up the dog hair.

  47. Marleycat7:11 AM

    Anonymous @9:18 PM said...

    "To fairy tale troll @ 7:19- Sarah has no adult pets. They all die before becoming adults. Why is that?"

    Good question - ME FIRST, ME FIRST - with the answer, 'cause Sarah will just act dumb and accuse you of harassing her with a gotcha question she's too stupid to answer, OR knows the truth (and she hates telling the truth when telling a lie will get her a few more $$$ in her pocket!) will show the world how truly pathological she and her family are:

    All the pets ended up right next to the mashed potatoes and gravy - that's why they didn't make it to adulthood - Sarah killed them and cooked them "family pets" up for dinner! Saved them from firing up the helicopters to shoot caribou, moose, bears, and wolves from for their victuals, not to mention not having to run to the store for poison gas/chemicals canister to kill wolf pups in their dens (that's a lot more work than Sarah likes to do sometimes, ya know)!

    If you look close at indoor pics of the Palin and Heath homesyou can prolly even see dog, cat, guinea pig, easter bunny, even hamster pelts hanging up on their walls, or draped fashionably over a chair - for a really cool home decor fashion statement.

    Course, ya know, Sarah has problems with bald patches on her head, so, also, too - Todd and Sarah make it a real family project with the kids to make up some wigs for when she goes on FUX NEWS.

    Hahahahaha - and you all thought it was roadkill she was wearing, no way - them are her very own darling pets up on her head! Shows jest how much, I mean - little, you know her and how smart and entre-manurial the grifters from the Great Land really are, like I know them!

    Course, Piper did cry piteously for the little critters when Sarah was hacking 'em up, but Mama Grizzly just said - hey, MY needs come first Piper, - I'm hungry AND I need a new wig for tonight's show! This I know, also, too!

  48. Marleycat7:41 AM

    Sorry Anonymous @7:19 PM - NO CAN DO!

    Sarah Palin and the President have absolutely nothing in common with each other! In fact, it's blasphemy to even attempt to claim that - I'd do you a list of the differences - but being a Palin troll, clone, or Sarah herself - I won't bother. I'm sure you can't read, let alone understand the few words you might recognize.

    Here's a thought, though, I hear there's a great movie out about Miss Quitler called "Game Change" - there's no reading involved - just pictures, yippee! The dialogue might be complex at times, since it's geared towards intelligent adults, not Common Sense Conservatives with low IQ's - just bring your tutor along to explain it to you.

    Be careful, you might have nightmares and feel like Quitler lied about how smart and competent to lead the country she was. Whatever you do, no matter how angry you feel at getting to know the real truth about how you got took - DO NOT under ANY circumstances put up a map of Wasilla, Alaska with crosshairs superimposed over the name PALIN!

    Also, it's not okay to mount pictures of Sarah and her family for target practice with your AK 47's, just because she lied and cheated you out of your life's savings! She's just trying to make a livin', just like you!

  49. Anonymous8:48 AM

    7:19 _ I was going to comment on your post, but it seems to be covered. :)

    Crawl back under the bridge, troll.

  50. Anonymous12:28 PM

    David Axelrod is going to the lowest layer of hell. But anyone with brains knows that. However, that is related to this post. Bo is lovely. There are three things Obama and Palin have in common: adorable animals, cute kids, and the way they became famous.

    @7:19 PM

    David Axelrod is going to the lowest layer of hell? Really? For what? No one with a brain would even think that. WTF is wrong with you?

    Barack Obama campaigned for two years, and earned his fame. $arah Palin is an unearned celebrity, who has John McCain to thank for her "fame." $arah Palin is a quitter, and the skank couldn't even handle a couple of months of campaigning.

    P.S., you better start packing...

  51. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Anonymous said...

    David Axelrod is going to the lowest layer of hell. But anyone with brains knows that. However, that is related to this post. Bo is lovely. There are three things Obama and Palin have in common: adorable animals, cute kids, and the way they became famous.
    7:19 PM
    Maybe I need to run your post through the magic thingy that shows what grade level you write? I know yours is 9th grad Sarah 8th grade.
    Why don't you fuck of bitch? Spamming us here?
    We are tired of your bullshit.
    Sarah palin is a cunt, a whore, a adultress, a cheat, a liar, and god knows what else?

  52. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Ok troll I know you aren't RAM you must be willard"

    Average Grade Level 6.62
    Willard, go to college bitch!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.