Thursday, January 12, 2012

Larry the Cable Guy visits the Palins. A sort of Wasilla "meeting of the mindless."

Apparently this was broadcast last night for Larry the Cable Guys, show "Only in America" for the History Channel, (The History Channel, really?)

Of course Larry the Cable Guy is a fictitious creation of Daniel Lawrence Whitney, who essentially makes jokes at the expense of the huge audiences of southern hicks who come to see him.

I assume he came to see Todd in order to get more material for his act.

Look how happy Todd is to be talking to somebody who at least sounds as ignorant as he is.

Snowdrift Snooki makes a distant, blurry appearance at the 2:14 mark.  Apparently she did not allow the History channel to show her face because she did not have enough Spackle on her face or her varmint roadkill wig attached properly.

Of course she did not agree to make another, properly made up. appearance later, because I would assume the History Channel could not meet her price.


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I feel bad for Willow Palin. She is a high school drop out with no education, no friends and no money. She is so terribly depressed and desperate that she is looking for any man to "knock her up" so she "can be like Big Sis". She dreams of being on DWTS and having her very own reality show someday. She thinks birthing a "public baby" ,as the Palins call them, will be her ticket to success. Poor girl doesn't realize her only ticket out of the hell that is the Palin family is to write a tell-all about mom.

  2. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Geezez, stupid is and stupid does. Yeppers Toad I'm sure you'll "git er done". WTF, these Palins are like fucking locusts, a plague upon America. Come one come all, join the ignorance train in Wasilla. I'll be thrilled when the day arrives that these less than stellar cretins are OFF all media maps.

    I see Sarah's making commentary about tranparency and such relating to Mittens. That wretched harpy has no business demanding anyone release anything! It's amazing that with all that cold in Alaska a diamond back rattler lives in Wasilla. She wriggles her rattlers, the stupid hear it and approach, then she mesmerizes then and springs with a gaping maw and sinks her dollar-grabbing fangs into said stupid person. Meh, they deserve her poison.

    She also should start wearing some ugly green clothes since her jealousy of Mrs. Obama is showing again. Instead she'll strap a rat on her head and pretend to be America's moron beauty queen. Geezez

    Simply shameful that some Americans think this wench is just t he best thing since sliced bread, so authentic, such a rill American and patriot. Ugh.

  3. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Any TRI-G sightings? Oddly we haven't seen him with Sarah in *literally* years. This is strange for a mother to never be seen with her "son" isn't it? I know TRI-G is better off without Sarah. She is a horrible person and terrible mother. Just refer to any of the grown Palins for example of the "Palin failure syndrome" that affects anyone who comes in contact with Sarah "The Devil" Palin.

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "could not meet her price" -- precisely.

    I think Madame Sarah's trademarking of her name and other branding efforts have made her unable to talk to her followers, unable to show up except when paid, etc.

    Her ghostliness is directly attributable to whatever contracts she's signed. She signed herself into a corner, however, since the speaking opportunities are getting fewer and fewer; she's a brand that's becoming worthless -- while she threw away her political opportunities.

  5. Anonymous12:49 PM

    EEEEKS! Was that dumb and dumbest at its best?

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    How dumb is she? She could have sneaked off using her front door.

  7. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Their "house" looks like a warehouse, and the TV studio, whatever else it is, only adds to the charm of the place. Whew.
    Ugly. And they grifted to build such a place?

    Where was Trig when they were out moose hunting for a few days? Todd says it's a family thing to do, so we can assume they brought him along? Was Piper out of school, too?
    It was clearly filmed in the fall, since the trees are in color and the lake's not frozen, although still dead.

    One way to counter the price of meat, Todd, is to eat less of it, which is a national trend (see Andrew Sullivan today). Doesn't mean you become a vegetarian -- just that you eat meat less often than you did. And the moose will thank you for it.

  8. Anonymous1:00 PM

    I call Bullshit on that interview....todd would invite them in but everything is a mess because they have been off incredible...a big beautiful home like that is in such a mess because they were gone a couple of days.....only a couple of is always a mess except when they know they have someone coming and can get the kids and todd to clean up.
    I buy sarah without her makeup not wanting to be seen....that's unfortunate that she is buying into her madeup look so much she can't be caught without it.
    However, if sarah, you were more gracious, truth telling, empathic, loving, intelligent,and wise, you would look better without makeup. instead, you look like the mean old hateful bitch that you are, with you mouth turning down on one side because of the ugliness you spew, can't hide that stuff.
    Todd and sarah out hunting moose with the kids, a family thing to do. Bullshit!!!
    Todd, sarah, why did you have officer parker destroy the phone and computer that belonged to shailey tripp, so that you could hide the pimping prostitutes that you do?
    todd and sarah.....before you call for anyone else's vetting, show your own damn grades, college diploma, trig's birth certificate, your kids high school diplomas, and your taxes. disgusting frauds.

  9. Anonymous1:02 PM

    ANON at 12:40 PM

    Willow has another way out of her parents clutches, and that is to get an education.

  10. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Am I imagining it, or does Todd look kinda thin again? Especially in his neck and face. Maybe he lost weight intentionally, but it's strange.

  11. OMG!!! What kind of wiggly walk did the Toad have going on when he "sashayed" out to meet Larry!!! And the lady jeans....WTF was he thinking!

    Poor Toad...trying to put some "bass" in his voice and failing! And the blurry picture of Gov Baldy...what's with the pitiful excuse that she didn't have any makeup on... did you notice that Larry didn't recognize her at first...that's because she "LOOKS LIKE A MAN, BABY!!!

    Larry the Cable Guy will always be known to me as "Mater" from "CARS"!!

  12. Anonymous1:08 PM

    That photo being shown was not done last night - there is no snow!
    It appears to be a fall time photo.

  13. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Is Larry one of TAWD the PIMP'S CLIENTS?

  14. Larry the Cable Guy named his daughter "Reagan" after Ronnie Ray-gun. Guess he's never seen The Exorcist (I know - that was "Regan")... And did you see how he recoiled when Todd asked him if he wanted to ride in the plane? Maybe he's heard the rumors.

    And Sarah looked the best we've seen her since 2008. When Doris Day was just in her 40's she famously said when a director suggested shooting her through cheesecloth for close-ups: "Cheesecloth!" she replied incredulously. "You'll have to shoot me through linoleum."

    Maybe Sarah should try being photographed through Todd's lame fence. Or cinder blocks ...

  15. Anonymous1:12 PM

    When was this filmed? September or so? (lots of leaves still on the trees).

    And do you think that was actually Sarah? I mean no Palin would ever have somebody else sub in for them would they?

  16. Did they blur out her face? WTF? She really must have looked like a hag - even from a distance. Nice hillbilly mansion. Not. Sarah, you have no taste. It looks like a real estate office.

  17. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Some time ago, there was a survey about the favorite TV programs of liberals and conservatives. Liberals liked The Daily Show, The Colbert Report, 30 Rock, Parks and Recreation. Conservatives watched reality TV shows like Car Auction, This old house, 700 club, Swamp Loggers and Larry the Cable guy.

    Sarah (and now, Todd) play to their base. Everyone in the Palin family seems to think that the road to fame and fortune is in reality TV instead of getting an education and doing some actual work.

  18. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Ouch, thats is my absolute last time I'd watch larry, thought he was kind of funny at first, years ago,
    then saw the light, his act at least proves what dumb ass he is, thought he was smart enough to marry a gal from WISCONSIN,
    sorry brisket, you missed again
    I missed willow in this clip, and cat bear to watch it a-gin!
    git er done willer, git that there book dun NOW

  19. Anonymous1:25 PM

    This is as interesting as watching paint dry. Seriously though, this footage should be used to torture people.

  20. laprofesora1:25 PM

    We're supposed to believe this "just happened". Gee, Scarah, do you think we're numbskulls???

    Hey, kids, see Scarah. See Scarah run. Run, Scarah, run!

    Why is Tawd's voice so girly? He definitely sounds like he's been de-balled.

    Those Paylins sure are a bunch of chuckle-heads.

  21. Anonymous1:30 PM

    I remember when he was here. It was all over town. I believe basically all Sarah's family were at the Heaths. Dan is the nicest guy ever!!!!!!!!! And way to judge and ridicule people you ignorantly place beneath you for whatever nonsensical reason.

    Anon 12:40, that was not only random but largely inaccurate and therefore mean. I appreciate satire, but only when there's truth in it, not when it's malicious and at the expense of others. 'Ahem' is funny because little does he/she know the things she/he mocks are accurate.

    Why don't you take a break, go get some oxygen and rejoin the civilized world when you're mentally prepared.

  22. Anonymous1:31 PM

    "these Palins are like fucking locusts, a plague upon America"

    For being real? Please stay home forever before you highly offend millions of good, hardworking Americans would choose NOT to become closedminded academics who turn their nose up at "rilllll people."

  23. lilli1:33 PM

    Does Todd take his teeth out at night?

  24. Anonymous1:34 PM

    I still maintain that Todd is sick. He doesn't look well at all.

    Although he looks a bit better than he did in the Barbara Walters interview, he still appears unhealthy.

    Anyone else see it?

  25. Why do people choose to fabricate such hateful opinions and bad fictional tales?

    Looking at you Anonymous 12:40PM

  26. That is perhaps the most animated and talkative I have ever seen Todd. You're right Gryphen, he actually looks happy talking to another "redneck".

    And, by the way, holy shit that complex that Sarah's wing nut welfare built is fucking huge. Apparently, spewing hate pays very well.

  27. Anonymous1:38 PM

    This isn't Sarah-related but does anyone know when Todd went hunting down in the Dakotas (I think?) with some NRA guys?

  28. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Larry the Cable Guy shows his ignorance near the end of the clip when he brags... 'moose hunting is only done in Alaska, in the United States, the greatest country in the world, only in America...can't do it anywhere else.'

    Someone needs to book him a moose hunting trip in British Columbia, Alberta or Ontario for starters.

    Larry and his ilk are the type of nitwit who extols America's so-called exceptionalism to the detriment of the country. The world laughs at this kind of buffoonery.

    Seeing Sarah run for cover was hilarious; comic gold. Would love to see that played over and over again.

  29. jcinco1:40 PM

    Gryph, I hope you're working on the story regarding the skank's latest insult to the first lady on insanity's show last night. Nothing pisses me off more than when she attacks the first lady, dumfuk palin isn't fit to lick the Obama's toilet. It's times like these when I am so disappointed in all those folks who have info that could finally knock the inarticulate, bitter harridan off her broomstick for good. We know you're out there, do the ultimate service to your country and come clean so we are no longer plagued by this vicious, bitter, hateful bitch.

  30. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I think a big problem for you is making up reasons for someone's actions. I can believe Sarah didn't want to be on camera without makeup, esp if she had just run or something. We know she does do events for free. ALL the military and DS stuff for starters. Some speeches too.

    You're still trying to exaggerate things making her what she is not. One reason the "mindful" don't read here is because anyone who believes they know a person JUST by rumors and other accounts are slightly moronic by nature.

  31. Olivia1:57 PM

    After they get the moose do they take it over to the Taco Bell and Applebees to get it cooked for them?

  32. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I think this was when Willow and Bristol made a short trip to Alaska and Bristol was in Juneau, September.

  33. Anonymous2:05 PM

    And they wonder why people guffaw at them.

  34. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Ok so this show is my guilty pleasure. Larry is the most real a person can get. America is such a great place and the people who would watch this show make the world a blast. Theyre always upbeat.

  35. Anonymous2:30 PM

    O...M...G. That voice. The more he speaks, the less people will be convinced of the outdoorsmanship or his prowess.
    Hide him away Sarah.

  36. Anonymous2:36 PM

    1:39 pm. Several years ago we were waiting at the border crossing (Sarnia Ontario to Port Huron Michigan) and two vehicles in the lane next to us each had a very large moose head on top. They, of course, got pulled over. We got through and kept driving home. There are moose in other countries! And hunters too even without the NRA!

  37. Anonymous2:36 PM


    Todd said look at the price of meat why not spend $100 to get a moose?

    Hey Todd instead of going to the gas station to get fuel for your plane, then going to the sporting good store to get bullets and what nots, then going to the store to buy beef jerky and what nots, instead of flying off to a remote spot where you have to spend time stalking a moose... how about sitting alto voice ass down at the table with your dumbass retarded homophobic daughter who was expelled from school and crack open a book and help her study? Ya might learn something from that family experience as well!

    Give me a fucking break!

    "... look at the price of meat why not spend $100 to get a moose?"

    That is Track, Bristol, Willow and Piper’s problem! They got a fucking redneck perverted Alaska Independence turd for a father/stepfather who doesn’t help his kids study, but git him a snowmobile and he wants to promote himself for a reality show… go figure…

    Todd why dontcha just buy some meat at the Piggly Wiggly with Sarah's million dollars and invest your time into Willow’s sad life so she won't end up like dumbass Bristol who has failed at everything?

    Fucking Todd spends time with prostitutes and making holes to peep at women’s nipples… how about yer “Git Er Done” and help your retarded daughter?

    My bad, maybe Willow is not your daughter and you feel why should you spend time with her?

    You prefer to endorse Newt and not endorse Willow’s future… hey do what ya gotta do Todd.

  38. Anonymous2:38 PM

    1:52 pm. What "military and DS stuff" does Sarah Palin do for free or at all?

  39. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Holy shit, is that a full acre of CEMENT they live on?? Weird that people so fixated on the beautiful perfection of nature would build their home in the middle of a Walmart parking lot...

  40. Anonymous2:42 PM

    What events has sarah done for the Military and to DS groups?? And for Cripes sakes, please cut the "maybe she came back from a run" baloney. She doesn't run. She may jog around an indoor track, but she is no longer a runner.

    1:40 PM
    Anonymous said...

    I think a big problem for you is making up reasons for someone's actions. I can believe Sarah didn't want to be on camera without makeup, esp if she had just run or something. We know she does do events for free. ALL the military and DS stuff for starters. Some speeches too.

    You're still trying to exaggerate things making her what she is not. One reason the "mindful" don't read here is because anyone who believes they know a person JUST by rumors and other accounts are slightly moronic by nature.

  41. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Todd didn't want to let the Cable Guy into his house because "the place is a mess"?


    Who in the fuck lives there? A multi millionaire and the place is a mess? I thought Sarah wants to be like Ivanna Trump? Do you think Trump's place is a mess?

    It's not like your kids are in school or studying? Git them and Sarah the fuck up, tell them to wash their asses and clean the house!

    What the fuck is Todd doing? What?

    Todd's job of doing nothing shouldn't take him 24/7?

  42. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Please specify what events SP has done for free? This has been said before, but never verified. If no examples can be offered, then it's not a FACT.

    Also, too, when a person has been a Vice Presidential candidate AND had a reality TV show in which she's starred, plus numerous speeches, magazine articles, interviews: the public is well-informed about the person and can draw its own opinions about her. We're not basing our views on "rumor."

  43. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Sarah Palin did not want to be seen without her makeup?

    Is she that hideous that she has to run and hide?

    Tell Sarah to git her mouth aligned and loose 5 pounds. That's what Bristol said she did?

    What do ya think America, Todd wouldn't let a famous star into his house because it is a mess and Sarah has to hide her old wrinkly wonky eyed ass because she did not put on her make up or good wig?

    Typical trailer park Valley Trash if you ask me...

  44. Olivia2:52 PM

    You can hunt moose in Minnesota.

  45. Teutonic132:53 PM

    What a little cowed she is

    Prob on a binge and no way they just finished 2 days of moose hunting

    She's been on fox the last 3 days

  46. Anonymous2:53 PM

    He also looks older than his age. No muscles it seems. Just raggy no muscle tone at all. Oh brother on scarah's stupid work comments. Load of crap from the scrapper.

  47. Olivia2:56 PM

    Anonymous@1:52 Please list the military, DS and charities that Sarah does for free. Bringing cookies to starving natives doesn't count

  48. Anonymous2:57 PM

    How utterly clueless this tribe is. They have no class or intelligence. Hanging with "Larry The Cable Guy" shows they're "rill?" GMAFB! Yeah, that's what I want in the White House representing me.

    Queen Esther has to be told how to dress appropriately from US, the enemy, and she STILL has to spew her jealousy over our class-personified First Lady. You're damn near 50, dumb broad, could you get over you came in 3rd in the Miss Alaska pageant and a black woman won? NO, I don't think you ever will. As for Miss Congeniality, the years sure have turned you into a most insufferable bitch, haven't they? You fire up your clueless pee pond to do your work for you and you still can't get one write-in vote. What does that tell you?

    First dud purse-carrier endorses Gingrich and look how THAT turned out. NO ONE pays attention to you anymore except to get clicks on their website so you can see just HOW MANY people support you. Next to none except your paid minions spewing your crap.

    And cut the crap about Bristol rejecting Hollywood. Hollywood rejected HER. WE know that, don't we, hmmmmm?

    DO your end run as the pee pond expects in May..."the perfect candidate." HAH! You think you're getting slapped now? Told you months ago, telling you again. TRY IT. It WILL be worse.

  49. Anonymous2:59 PM

    (CNN) - Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor who mused with a presidential bid of her own this cycle, suggested Wednesday that Mitt Romney should release records from his time at Bain Capital, as well as his personal tax returns.

    Maybe Mitt should get Dr Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, the Palin family physician, to write a letter explaining his finances?

    It was good enough for you Sarah... should be good enough for Mitt!

  50. Anonymous3:08 PM

    State of Maine, Moose Application Information, Number of Permits to be issued in 2011: 3,862

    Province of Ontario, 2009 survey:
    • About 88,000 resident hunters hunted for moose.
    • An estimated 5,438 moose were harvested

    But for Larry the Cable guy, "only in Alaska/America". What a twit.

  51. [ Anonymous said...
    That photo being shown was not done last night - there is no snow!
    It appears to be a fall time photo.

    1:08 PM]

    Um...hello? How about READING the post and watching the VIDEO 1st before commenting?

  52. Anonymous3:11 PM

    To all the people commenting on Todd's thinness--I would suggest drugs. The voice is why we don't get to hear from Todd very much. Also, the moose hunting story is not too convincing. The whole thing was staged so why would they come home right before the drop in by Larry TCG. I agree with whoever said Sarah meant to be seen because she could easily have slipped out the other side of the house.

  53. Anonymous3:14 PM

    One reason the "mindful" don't read here is because anyone who believes they know a person JUST by rumors and other accounts are slightly moronic by nature.

    2:42 PM
    You lose! Sarah Palin (and family) write books, give speeches, give interviews, appear in "reality" TV shows, etc. We even get to hear who Todd Palin endorses for GOP candidate. We know plenty about the Palin family because THEY tell us.

    For instance, we know that Sarah Palin boasts of boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check or going to a hospital with a NICU for a premature Down Syndrome baby when she is high-risk (over 40, 7th pregnancy, history of miscarriage) to have the baby in a small hospital that is not even rated for twins.

    Knowing that single fact about Ms. Palin is enough to make me despise her. No rumor necessary.

  54. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Numbskullery unbounded.

  55. Anonymous3:16 PM

    “…And the blurry picture of Gov Baldy...what's with the pitiful excuse that she didn't have any makeup on... did you notice that Larry didn't recognize her at first...that's because she "LOOKS LIKE A MAN, BABY!!!…”

    I have a question, if Todd is spending time with the Cable Guy and Sarah is trampling in the background like Bigfoot, aka the sasquatch monster, then who is watching Tri-G and who is home schooling Willow?

    Ya gotta admit that was some funny shit watching Sarah run in the background with a blurred face, it was like looking at someone's home movie of Big Foot...

  56. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Now this is just the kind of show Palin needs to be on. She is way too ignorant to giving her opinions on politics and especially her hateful venom about President Obama and Michelle. Huff Post is tearing Palin up about her ridiculous remarks about Michelle on Hannity last night.

  57. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Anonymous @1:52 Give up the nonsense about Palin's alleged free speeches, especially when it comes to special needs. It's already well known that the day before she gave her free speech to the NRA, she charged her regular fee plus transportation & Lodging to a special needs group. She did it last year when she was in Alabama, a group that was starting up a special needs group paid full price for her speech, after that she headed for the tornado disaster area pretending she flew there from Alaska to help. She stayed long enough for the cameras to get plenty of video.

    As far as the DS foundation goes, I had a cousin born with DS whose mother was very active while alive. Even after the death of their brother, his siblings continue with their dedication to helping special needs families. They do so financially and with their own time. I asked them a few times if they ever heard of Sarah appearing at any national or even state functions, the answer was a resounding "NO". Here's a woman who rather than concentrating on filling her own bank account, could have raised millions for DSF and did NOTHING! She is not the least bit respected among the special needs community. Palin does nothing without publicity if it is at all favorable to her image. Many of us have not forgotten her obsession with self-promotion after becoming Governor and how boosting her public image was the main reason for her staff each and every day. All you have to do is read her many emails and you'll see dozens of examples of the above. Take your fairy tales elsewhere because they won't fly here.

  58. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Hey Todd who is paying for the security guard? SarahPac?

    Todd is suppose to be the man of the house who likes to bully elderly Alaskan school teachers and elderly men at Alaska's airports... how about ya put on a pair of cajones and guard your own house?

  59. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Why does Todd sound like a teenage girl? Maybe Sarah really DID do a bobbit! And why is he so thin and pasty white?

  60. Bristol's Real Chin3:33 PM

    "We know she does do events for free. ALL the military and DS stuff for starters. Some speeches too."

    I think it's very charitable of Baldy and the Chin to pay money for trolls without requiring the trolls to support their claims with facts. We all know that the one DS speech Sarah did, she got paid for. So much for her lie about being an advocate for DS children in the future.

  61. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I read this statement and agree with it:

    Palin never planned to run for president – her own daughter said so in an interview on Fox. The plan was always to sucker her "supporters" for as much money as possible, drop out when all the Repub debates started (because there was no way she could fake her way through all of them), then reappear once the primaries started to trot herself out as a "kingmaker."
    Remind me again how this kind of hypocritical, money-grubbing, media-ho'ing somehow demonstrates Republicans are the party of good old, traditional, Founding-Fathers "values"?

  62. Betsy S3:45 PM

    I am stunned to see that long shot of the Palin compound. Not one scrap of landscaping material, no shrubs, no trees, no garden, no foundation planting,
    nothing but buildings in endless cement. One plastic kid's basketball hoop. Beyond pathetic. Utterly tasteless. How can people live like that?

  63. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Hey Larry, my husband has gotten 3 moose in Colorado. There are many moose in the lower 48. The license aren't cheap either! Can buy a lot of beef for the cost of a hunting trip. Will admit, moose is not bad too eat.Just because Rednecks don't bag them in the south, doesn't mean we don't have them here. Wonder how they got the carcass out? They are big and heavy. Not something I would want to put on a little sea plane! Did you leave the carcass there and just bring the rack out for Chuckies pile? That whole thing looked stage to me! A real hunter would have showed off his kill before they ever looked at the plane. It looked pretty tied down. Had they even gone anywhere in it? Didn't Todd just have a license for himself but no passengers on the water? Did one of his buddies have to fly them? Isn't that a 3 passenger....some family gig! Where did you put the moose?

  64. Anonymous3:49 PM

    I had seen some old videos of shows Larry the CG had done and they were hysterical. So I bought my husband & I tickets when he was up here to see him live. He was bitter and angry and pretty damned racist towards our sitting president. Both my husband and I would never go to see him again, and my hubby is an (R). Sarah & Todd can have him.

  65. lostinmn3:50 PM


    There are moose in MN, MT, WY, ME and probably even places like ID, CO, WA, NH, VT and the deep forests of upstate NY. Add in Canada and Larry's looking a little ignorant of the range of our friend the moose. Then again Toad didn't correct him.

  66. Anon @ 1:08p:

    I remember Beverly Sills saying the same thing when recounting how Paul Newman wanted her to be in a movie he was doing.

    Hmmmm. Who stole from whom?

  67. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Can you post this video about Mitt Romney? It was eye opening about the trail of destruction he left behind.

  68. How typical of Palin with her lame attempt to 'be' there while trying to make it look like an 'accident'.

    "Oh, gee, I didn't know Larry & crew were here and I was just comin' down to chop some wood and pick sum vittles outta the garden so I can feed the youngins. Don't pay no attention to me."

    desperate, delusional, despicable dame.

  69. Anonymous4:20 PM

    1:52 said: "... reason the "mindful" don't read here ..."

    Please, please explain why you are here.

  70. Anonymous4:30 PM

    The family brags about how much they have to pay for “security.” They believe it makes them special.

    Increasingly, I sense they love it when people note the Palin children are low-information and poorly educated. It resonates with their “base.” This is the reason Todd goes off about huntin’, fishin’ and snowmachinin'
    There really is nothing else going on in this family. Unfortunately, this is what they perceive as “real America.” I guess it is up to the rest of us to make sure our children are performing well in school, getting real jobs and looking ahead to interesting futures. Unfortunately, they will be paying for Palin-like behavior.

  71. Anonymous4:31 PM

    "We know she does do events for free. ALL the military and DS stuff for starters."

    How often is that? When was the last time? Dates, specifics are essential. Otherwise, this is meaningless information. Try again.

  72. Anonymous4:51 PM

    betcha $carah's wonky eye AND her herpes virus laden lips, chancre sores too, REALLY stand out with no makeup to distract..

    run $carah run, you fuk_tard coward, lyin' skank fraud griftin' bitch

    fuk you mccain...also..too..

  73. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Notice when Larry said how great America is, Todd said nothing. Notice!

  74. Anonymous5:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    He also looks older than his age. No muscles it seems. Just raggy no muscle tone at all. Oh brother on scarah's stupid work comments. Load of crap from the scrapper.

    2:53 PM

    You would think Tawdy with nothing to do but carry Sarah's purses would work out in his boy cave?

    I would of thought an outdoorsie snowmobile rider and hunter would have natural muscles? Maybe he only has butt muscles since he likes to squeeze that vibrator on skis with his ass?

  75. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Wow. Todd needs to man-up. He sounds like a eunuch. We all new has has been figuratively castrated by Ms. Quitty, but........hmmmmmmmm.

  76. SSS said...

    Why do people choose to fabricate such hateful opinions and bad fictional tales?

    Looking at you Anonymous 12:40PM

    1:35 PM

    Love the name....SSS...just like the snake you are turning into :)

  77. Anonymous said...

    Ok so this show is my guilty pleasure. Larry is the most real a person can get. America is such a great place and the people who would watch this show make the world a blast. Theyre always upbeat.

    2:22 PM

    Now THIS is some good satire!! Watch out (Ahem) you got some serious competition!

  78. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Oops! "new" should be Knew. Sorry for the typo.

  79. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Lay Off! Mater's got immunity

  80. Anonymous5:59 PM

    "Rill" Americans just hunt, 'n fish, 'n cook moose meat.
    The rest of us can just all go to hell because we aren't Patriots, and we've got that elite book learnin.

  81. Anonymous6:11 PM

    TAWD took up with whores and a nice little business they've had. Ever wonder why daughters have followed suit? Plenty of money to be made IF you stay in A-LASK-A. The heartbeat of America!

    C'mon, SARAH! RUN so it CAN all come to speak.

  82. Anonymous6:11 PM

    WTF? that's not a house or a family. That's the backside of an industrial park - YUCK.

  83. Anonymous6:15 PM

    Uhh, moose hunting for $100? Yet $carah's cariboo trip was in the five figure range?

    And Larry, you're an idiot - as if Canada doesn't have moose? And hunting?

  84. Anonymous said...

    I remember when he was here. It was all over town. I believe basically all Sarah's family were at the Heaths. Dan is the nicest guy ever!!!!!!!!! And way to judge and ridicule people you ignorantly place beneath you for whatever nonsensical reason.

    Anon 12:40, that was not only random but largely inaccurate and therefore mean. I appreciate satire, but only when there's truth in it, not when it's malicious and at the expense of others. 'Ahem' is funny because little does he/she know the things she/he mocks are accurate.

    Why don't you take a break, go get some oxygen and rejoin the civilized world when you're mentally prepared.

    1:30 PM

    I see our "benign troll" has decided to grace us with her presence. It seems that the comment at 12:40PM really bothered you.

    Hmmm...makes me think every thing posted in that comment must be true. So, tree trunk leg Wallow wants to follow in Beefy's footsteps eh'...but the gravy train has left the building and departed town and Wallow is to slow to jump on it! Especially now that the hillbilly family is on the decline!

    So's my advice to you I'm sure you will be reading this(maybe your shift hasn't started yet!) but if I was you...stay away from Beefy and your bald headed mama!

    You are the best looking out of that bunch so if Baldy says to you that she knows a good girl or you're going to end up looking like Beefy! You're welcome!

  85. Anonymous6:18 PM

    3:45..that yard is typical with Alaskans that believe and say "stay out of my business and don't tell us what to do" and "If you don't like it leave" attitude. Just because their house is big doesn't mean they got rid of the backwoods hillbilly lifestyle.

  86. Anonymous @1:52 PM said...
    "We know she does do events for free. ALL the military and DS stuff for starters. Some speeches too."

    WE know Palin hasn't given any speeches to the military since that Superbowl ad appearance 3 years ago. She read a Memorial Day proclamation to honor military members at Veterans Memorial Park in Fairbanks in May 2009. Wow. That's so figurehead-governor-like.

    We know she hasn't done anything for ANY special needs group since June 2009 in Auburn NY (and it was an autism walk, nothing for DS).

    I have no record of Sarah Palin giving a speech for free since she resigned in July 2009.

    Here's a challenge to you, Palin troll: Prove it. List some of these free speeches to special needs groups, speeches to the military since July 2009, that you refer to.

    But of course, you won't. You can't. You won't. You like to pathologically lie, JUST like Sarah.

  87. Re-posting this very lovely comment from case some folks missed it...It makes me giggle every time I read it!!

    Anonymous said...

    Sarah tells people she doesn't read "the blogs" but she is obsessed with this one. Bristol too. They both have google alerts on their names and they (especially Sarah reloads IM on her iPad and blackberry. She even has an icon on her iPad that says "AH" (asshole) which is a shortcut to IM.

    I am friends with one of her nephews and I couldn't believe when I met her how she was with the cell phone. She looks at it all of the time even if she is talking to someone else. It makes her sister mad, you can tell.

    I did not see Bristol on IM, but her cousin told me she even checks it when she gets up to pee in the middle of the night.

    If you get on your own cell, Todd & her both spaz. One of our other friends was just checking email and right away Todd was all DID YOU JUST SEND SOMEONE A PHOTO OF US? LET ME SEE YOUR PHONE. It was insane. They are nuts, and obsessed with this blog

    2:04 PM


  88. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Wow, I can't believe how much asphalt they put down around those buildings.

    They must want to keep that wild natural shit a bay and under control.

  89. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Todd looks like a coke or meth user, gaunt face, thin and pale, seems he may have had his teeth pulled and wears false teeth, especially in the side view.

  90. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Tawd and Sarah you guys must be thrilled that Shailey Tripp's property was destroyed by the Anchorage Police Dept.

    I believe that information will surface some day you pieces of shit!

  91. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Alaska Dispatch has a fascinating read up now about Palin’s pick in 2008 to the state wildlife conservation director. WHat a total loser. Curiously, on the same page an ad by the conservative group features Palin on their lead-in to the question “who will you vote for if the primary was in your state?”


    And, I love how the Dispatch places Sally Heath as her little girl’s advise maven. It certainly was a family affair that governor’s job! Who knew we would have the Heaths advising Palin? What a poorly run circus by a very unprofessional and lawless family.

  92. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Actually the Palin’s house (or compound) screams Alaskan values: you can’t have too much dry storage or a too-big house. Tacky. And tasteless. But, I’m sure they think it suits them just fine. I think the RV garage says "Wasillabilly!” Perfectly.

  93. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Palins are baaaaaak. Shailey's evidence is gone. They are free. Emails will never be released. Todd is being interviewed on Fox and now he is featured on a reality show - cable guy. Is he going to run for office along with Bristol? barf barf barf.

  94. Anonymous8:05 PM

    Sarah and Todd strike me as people not caring about beautifying anything..too much work. Did you notice their lawn chairs strewn about in the driveway and all the shacky looking out buildings (this was all visible on the show) also the chain across the driveway and the private posters on the fence. Could that security guard have been Track, couldn't see his face very good.

  95. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Gryph is that security guard the same thug who was there at the homer worst gov ever video of the teacher? What a knuckle dragger! Annalynne

  96. telah8:49 PM

    I'm telling you--look again, the "Security" guy is Track! Check out the 0:24 to 0:25 mark. It's totally Track. Ain't that the weirdest shit?

  97. Anonymous9:24 PM

    When in the hell are Alaskans going to do something about this crazy hate mongering women? The e-mails, the Anchorage police cover-up, the secrets people are keeping for her..WHY???

  98. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I love the Troll comments, so funny!

    Yeah, poor Willow, stuck at home being guarded, uh hunting,uh babysitting, uh homeschooled. She's like Rapunzel, but without the long hair and the edukation.

    And Sarah without makeup- now there's a horrific image, she looks bad fully spackled and crowned with roadkill.

    OMG, Todd! Did you hear Todd, did you see the girl jeans? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    He sashays up to the truck in lady jeans lmao

    Yeah, he looks gaunt, and his voice is kind of soft and mousey. He sounds sad in a way. Kind of poetic justice, though. Living a lie and keeping secrets kind of emasculates a guy, especially after the money dries up.

  99. Anonymous9:41 PM

    As for the landscaping of the Palin compound....they paved Paradise and put up a parking lot. (Jonie Mitchell)

  100. Yes, Sarah, you ARE just a big numbskull. How insightful of you.

  101. Anonymous10:12 PM

    The HUGENESS of the Palin compound is extremely unusual for Alaskans but the messy yard/concrete 'patios' is VERY typical. Very rare did I see an organized and clean-kept yard but they do exist. Granted, the weather is extreme but still not an excuse for crap thrown all over the place. This after 26 years of living in Anchorage/Wasilla.

    One trait I've always noticed in rather lowly-educated Alaskans (the 'real' people or 'who needs a high school diploma when a GED is good enough' if at all) is that they are VERY happy with themselves and their lifestyles - the drugs, the alcohol, their 'toys' (guns, snowmachines, ATVs, et al), the partying, the screwing around - whatever they feel like doing. For the most part, they are very weary and EXTREMELY intolerant of highly-educated people.

    This is the mind set of the Palins. They remind me of the Beverly Hillbillies - a lot of money doesn't change your basic personality whatsoever. Questioning SP's motives and 'opinions' won't get you anywhere - what you see is what you get and by now you should know how her mind works (or doesn't work). Obviously, she is NOT a highly-intelligent woman but is smart enough to know that her looks, personality, and being 'different' in politics would make her millions. And it worked.

    Just be thankful the Palins didn't get into the White House. Consider them entertainment - just like Larry the Cable Guy - who, BTW, is another multi-millionaire. I suppose wealth, by ANY means, is THE sign of success in America. Incredible but that's reality.

  102. Anonymous5:55 AM

    Todd looks like the poster child for meth users. Also, I've lived up here since '71 and never seen any Alaskan yard completely paved like theirs is. It's hideous!

  103. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Screech is 47, soon she will be having menopause hotflashes right when Toad is filming her for the faux news broadcasts, bet there won't be a fire roaring in the fireplace then! Not aging very well are you Screech?

  104. Anonymous9:00 AM

    The reason the house is too messy for people to come in is probably the same reason that she transferred the chef when she became governor. She can't hire a housekeeper because she doesn't want anyone inside the house to hear her secrets.

  105. Anonymous1:56 PM

    OMG, they PAVED their entire yard! I gotta say, I love my woods and natural area; the moose live here, the birds and squirrels find my property to be a very nice place to live, and that's how we like it. I can't imagine cutting down my old-growth Wasilla forest and paving my yard!

    Wow, these people have no connection to nature, except when they want to shoot it and eat it. I'll stick to my Angus beef, steroid and hormone free, thank you very much. I like my moose happy and living free on my 5 acres!

  106. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Wow. What a bunch of sweethearts you all are.

  107. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Wasn't aware this was a dem blog or wouldn't have entered


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.