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Thanks to Beth for the picture. |
You know what I think don't you?
That the book is still way, way overpriced.
I could not help but notice that it was right next to the Bibles. Makes sense actually since both require magical thinking in order to take what is written inside seriously.
If they paid people to take it off their hands it would still be overpriced.
ReplyDeleteSo who owns the Dollar Tree chain that they'd want Borders remaindered ghostwritten Palin idiocy?
ReplyDeleteDid everyone hear how Snowdrift whined about people calling Trump an idiot? In Palin world big mouth idiots like her and Trump can say anything in America, but nobody has the right to call them big mouths and make fun of them. (She's taking this jinx thing she has on people really, really badly.)
Poor snotty, badly dressed, crazy lady.
At least when the GOP heeds her advice and reads Chapter 3!!!" it will be a cheap laugh.
ReplyDeleteomg, I wonder if they are in my dollar store? I will check. There must be something i can do with one of those books. Or I could buy several and give them as xmas presents next year. That would be fun. Can you imagine the expressions on the faces of the giftees? heheheh.
ReplyDeleteGryphen, you are starting to become downright offensive with your remarks about Christianity. I thought you were all "live & let live"???
ReplyDeleteWell I, just like our lovely president, DO happen to believe in a God who loves me and made the ultimate sacrifice for me. Many people are here because as "real" Christians who know God loves us all- black, white, gay, straight, etc- cannot stand Sarah Palin and her ilk co-opting Jesus' very liberal, open minded teachings and turning them into rancid GOP talking points.
Most people who subscribe to ANY faith feel it is an important aspect of our lives. My Muslim friends feel just as strongly about THEIR faith being co-opted by a few radicals as I do about people like Sarah Palin trying to turn Jesus into the only fox news spokesperson without a million dollar contract.
In the past few weeks, you have gone from seemingly respecting all faiths and choices- to bashing Christians at every single turn.
I have respected you and enjoyed your work for a long time. I organized the "two for Tuesday" push for donations for you. I have sent un told dozens to this blog. There's not much which could make me leave IM. But this continuing? Will.
Just where it belongs, in the deep discount bin... also too, just saw the clip of her on Fox with the double layers of Polar Fleece, multiple hair pieces, and pearls spewing some large chunks of word salad - "microcosm" is the new word du jour
ReplyDeleteHi Gryphen! It appears as if NO ONE wants this steaming pile of dung;it's not even worth processing through recycling or sewage systems!
ReplyDeleteI wonder if those were resold to the $ stores by one of the groups that bought them in bulk and then couldn't give them away.
ReplyDeletehahahahahahaha..I was wondering when it would turn up at the Dollar Tree, or the 99 Cent store.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't happen fast enough. I'm going to stock up on it and use it for my trade show displays, you know, as a tongue-in-cheek dig at our defeated half-term Governor.
ReplyDeleteThe Sarah Palin brand is more supply than demand and she is completely unable to make the transition from government critic to government executive. Even if she's got visions of Energy Secretary dancing in her head.
Anything beyond Wasilla was a fluke you crazy old bat.
You have never known what the hell you were doing, you just soak up the fact that there are some people out there that strive to give you an earthquake moment when all they can muster is something less than a vibration.
Sarah Palin is fracking personified. Poisonous and a threat to our foundations.
Wouldn't her book burst in to flames being next to a Science Hero's book?
ReplyDeleteEven on those tired and embarrassing shelves, she's out of her league.
ReplyDeletehappy new year, everyone!
ReplyDeleteOh, damn, I bet there are 500,000 of those stupid books that $arah didn't write in remainder.
Can't get a dollar for them? Why not just sell them by the pound to people who need something to use in their wood stoves?
I'd say they are worth about .01 per book for heating my house.
A perfect use for something that is a compendium of lies, snark, digs, saracasm, and putrid platitudes
At one dollar per book it may be a good deal.
ReplyDeleteIt is now priced to compete with Duraflame fireplace logs.
Buy the book and try it out... see how long it burns.
Now THAT'S funny!!
ReplyDeleteIt was just a matter of time before it wound up there.
And to think, the morons over at the PeePond still brag about buying multiple copies at full price!
ReplyDeleteI wish I could hear her spewing vitriol about this situation. It would be even funnier if this were in Wasilla.
ReplyDeleteNo more narcissistic feed for you, DirtyWig. Has been.
If my store has them I'm going to turn them all upside down.
ReplyDeleteYep. Still overpriced. Must have been waaaaay too many printed.
ReplyDeleteNext stop...dumpster..wonder how many cases are hidden away in her garage.
ReplyDeleteHi Gryphen,
ReplyDeleteThis is your blog so you get to write what you want. More power to you! You have helped me remain sane over the last three years and for that I am forever in your debt.
I assume many may have come to your blog for the politics and may have also been Christ followers, not the nasty Christian type, more of an Evangelical Light or maybe it was just me. I can't stand my beliefs put on display and twisted by Republicans in a manner that has nothing to do with the actual teachings that I value from the Bible. I don't appreciate those who want to force their religious views on others or mix church and state.
I love your political views, your take on candidates, etc. I am a strong liberal who supports Obama, is involved in the recall in WI, etc. I found your blog shortly after the night that Palin spoke at the Republican Convention. I thought she sounded hateful and bitter while the world went crazy for her. I didn't get it.
Lately, I feel attacked when I visit your page (it appears I am just as stupid as Palin's rabid followers this morning) rather than my go blog of the morning. Today I guess I have magical thinking. I know that it is 'your' blog, but I miss the political blog. Maybe you could have two blogs, one on politics and one on how nasty and stupid religion is! In the meantime, I will have to find my political niche blog.
Thanks for allowing me to laugh and help keep me sane for all these years, Gryph. My sincere gratitude!
I think Gryph has a valid point regarding the Bible requiring "magical thinking" and that christians shouldn't be personally insulted by that. There are some "miracles" written about in the Bible (walking on water, feeding thousands with a couple of fishes, etc.) that should not be taken as factual.
ReplyDeleteThey should be placed next to the bags of stale marshmallow peeps.
ReplyDeleteRegular poster here, Gryphen - you'd know me by my IP. That said - my husband works for Dollar Tree in upper management. Books are purchased wholesale generally for 10 cents on the dollar. Really. No shit.
ReplyDeleteI am ROTFLMAO!
That's rich! Now those cheap GOP bastards can justify spending that kind of money to get her advice on energy!!! I guess a dollar is about all it's worth! LOL!!! God bless you Sarah Palin!
ReplyDeleteon fox news she was wearing pearls and 2 fleece zip up tops, ugh, are there no mirrors in wasilla?
womanwithsardinecan said...
ReplyDeleteomg, I wonder if they are in my dollar store? I will check. There must be something i can do with one of those books. Or I could buy several and give them as xmas presents next year. That would be fun. Can you imagine the expressions on the faces of the giftees? heheheh.
4:15 AM
OMG! I got one from my MIL for Christmas in 2009! I was just like WTF? I thought it was some sort of sick and cruel joke! She even knew I liked Obama because I got her a campaign sign for her yard! I took it back immediately while Sarah Palin's stock was still high and got full price for it...$19.99! I really should've kept it for a white elephant gift exchange for all the smart, beautiful liberal women in my life! That would've been a riot!
Why couldn't it be Deer in the Headlights, the one I want to read?
ReplyDeleteBTW, in the Dollar Tree book section, it is hard for a book not to be next to a Bible, there are so many. Not remaindered. The chain owners in Virginia are religious.
AJBillings, I don't think you'd want the toxic pollution from burning those books.
ReplyDeleteThose books belong in the landfill to rot away just like Sarah is slowly withering and rotting away.
ReplyDeletePeople please don't buy this book. You will just be driving up sales for the Witch of Wasila. Giving her a false since of accomplishment
ReplyDeleteOh my how the mighty have fallen!
ReplyDeleteI wonder what motivates Palin to do her Fox job wearing polar fleece and windbreakers. Can you imagine any newscaster or pundit showing up for work in a costume to self promote an impression? How can she be taken seriously when she dresses inappropriately? I wonder if she tried to dress in camo with a rifle like she wears the giant props of religious symbols.
ReplyDeleteMy ex demanded our family dress in disguises to con people we were poor and he blue collar. He had props he would wear to con people he was just like them to get their business. He was mentally ill.
You see what Sarah was wearing with Eric Bolling on Fox News the other day? She and Bristol must dress in the dark - what else would explain their no sense of style whatsoever?
ReplyDeletePearls. Two kinds of clashing colored fleece. An American flag pin. This is rich bag-lady style.
No wonder she needed a complete million dollar make-over for the 2008 campaign trail.
I know 90 year old Chinese immigrant ladies who dress better and wear less make-up than Sister Sarah.
That's a pretty flippant and insulting comparison of the Bible to Sarah Palin's ghostwritten babblings.
ReplyDeleteThere are ethical and moral points stated over and over in the Bible - such as humility, mercy, grace, the seeking of wisdom, and generosity to the poor - that are directly opposite to everything Sarah Palin stands for. In fact, if she'd lived in Biblical times, I'm pretty certain she would have been part of the mob demanding that Jesus be crucified.
After I skimmed through one at Borders, I have seen them (signed too) for $3 a bag at our book sales. I resisted, but next time I see a signed copy I'll pick it up for resale at E-Bay.
ReplyDeleteHaven't starteda to sell anything at E-Bay, need to take a tutorial or get one of the dummy books.
Time for this woman to become a has been memoriabilia item.
If she doesn't sit down soon and shut up, the Republicans are either going to gag her, or dump all they know on her to the news media, bit, by loathsome bit.
And the Donald. He is a neighbor so I'll shut my mouth.
I'm with the posters who wish you'd show a bit more respect about our faith, Gryphen. Your scathing commentary is starting to predominate for some reason. Is it the season that got you going? Is it the lack of anything juicy about Sarah Palin?
ReplyDeleteI dunno, but for me your Namastes ring pretty hollow. I don't know many Buddhists who would show such outright hostility or superiority towards others. (And what is it about Buddhism that draws so many disgruntled or religion-alienated folks? It's rather puzzling. I love the Dalai Lama as much as anyone, but he respects all religious and non-religious paths and would never endorse your disrespect. In a recent talk which I attended, he urged people to find their way through the faith traditions of their childhoods, because he believes many people who come to it later in life tend to misinterpret Buddhism). I mention him not as the ultimate authority on all Buddhism, but as the best known exponent for most of us.
I do think you are fairly isolated up there, at least in terms of being exposed to practicing Christians who aren't fundamentalist or politically conservative. We do exist, and I don't even think we're in the minority.
I am sure you pride yourself on being educated and progressive. I wish you'd start behaving that way. I would bet a bunch of us see these swipes and sit at our computers deciding whether or not to take the bait. It gets old.
Having my beliefs dismissed as simply magical thinking makes me feel a myriad number of emotions, and I just am beyond saying much more on it - that's how much it bothers me.
I do think you need to examine whether or not you are living out the Buddhist creed, Gryphen. Or any creed. It's just not right, really. You can believe what you want. Perhaps you would love to drive we Christian readers away, but if not, you need to decide if the pleasure you seem to derive from provoking and ridiculing is worth it. We are sincere, intelligent people. You are persecuting us on your blog, plain and simple.
I guess that makes us masochists for even visiting... Food for thought; maybe I should stop. I know no one would care, but for someone who claimed to want the tone of his threads to improve, you surely aren't walking your own talk.
Yikes, not usually one to comment on appearances, but on Fox yesterday: a pink fleece vest over an orange zip-upped jacket, with pearls?
ReplyDeleteIs it really necessary to compare the value of Sarah's worthless book with the Bible? I think you have hurt some feelings of some of the people who have been following you for many years now. The Bible teaches us to turn the other cheek, but you may have gone too far this time. Through this Christmas season, many have said some very nasty things about the birth of Christ and those of us who are followers. We are upset that she is using her false religious beliefs to be a celebrity. It has upset us all. Putting us all down as fake is not called for. My faith in a higher being has brought me thru many difficult times and always know there is something stronger than all of us, if we just open our hearts for healing and know that treating people as we would want to be treated makes for a better place. Millions have found this happiness by reading the teaching of Jesus. Perhaps you should tame your rhetoric down if you want to keep some of your followers. After a while, if you keep grouping everyone in the same category, we will go elsewhere to learn what this woman has done to our country in the name of religion. You are judged by the people you associate with. I am seeing a lot of hate here, and would prefer to be around people with better morals at this difficult times we are going through. We must strive to be better if we want to change things. I like to be around happy people, and ones who want to make our world a better place to live in, not just tear people down and bully them if they are Christian.
ReplyDelete5:19 AM
ReplyDeleteReligion is politics.. And sadly religion is being used as a weapon to take away rights that a certain section of the population should enjoy like all the rest.
PS Maybe you don't care a whit about Buddhism, though. Most people I know who use that word are practicing. Perhaps you just like how it sounds.
ReplyDeleteGryphen; a lot of good people take what's inside a bible seriously. In fact, they'd say it's the words from it that change them, in spite of themselves.
ReplyDeleteIf there are no inspired writings at all, and we were to rely on our own "goodness" - would it prevail? Why is it that every culture in this world strives to find their wise men to find answers? Is it so wrong to find solace in this crazy world?
6:22. I care and couldn't agree more. I thought I would be the only one who thought that way this morning so I am glad to see others. My favorite blog has turned into one that insults and degrades me.
ReplyDeleteso now Gryphen is going to explain the bible to me-interesting.
ReplyDeleteThose dumb asses who paid full price must feel like shit this morning?
ReplyDeleteJust think some douche bags bought more than one book at full price... Sarah Palin was one of them... She bought the most!
What a way to start the New Year.
Gryphen, I read your blog everyday, I am Christian and believe in the Bible.I really try to live a good life. No one is perfect, I realize that Sarah has made Christians look like evil people, but most are loving, caring and kind. Sarah, Michelle Bauchmann and Rick Perry are using God's name for their own benefit. Someday they will pay. I feel the same as a couple of other people on this blog about making fun of God and the Bible, but love your outlook on politics. I voted for Obama before and will vote for him again.
ReplyDeleteI had to go look at the outfit after a couple of people mentioned it. lol. Even a distinctly unfashionable moi knows a fashion trainwreck when she sees one. Plus she dragged that ugly forehead of hers to the interview.
ReplyDeleteEven though I am a hard core non-theist, I can appreciate that thoughtful, rational folks are often religious, and believe in god, and whatever texts they hold sacred.
ReplyDeleteComparing Palin's drivel to the Bible certainly is offensive to many, even though you and I might not take umbrage at it.
Let's just say that because we are determined to expose Palin for the fraud and liar that she is, we may constitute a minority, but we aren't all immoral :)
Since when are christians bullied here in the states?
ReplyDeleteWhile I think Gryphen is a bit heavy on the homophobic and religion postings, it is his site.
Don't like it, don't read it, is my motto anywhere.
Though on rare visits to ultra right wing and ultra fundi sites I gag.
If truly offended I stay away. That goes for some places that have drunks who take over half way decent sites with some worthwhile posters and post every rambling thought and offensive rant, driving away any thoughtful person.
I think Gryphen doesn't fall into that grouping.
What I find offensive I don't read
P.s. it sounds like the same rant over and over again.
ReplyDeleteBrooklyn, or SarahPalincommondecency poster?
I wonder if Sarah is scheduled to do a book signing event at a Dollar Tree Book Store?
ReplyDeleteGod almighty. I listened to a few minutes, skimming quickly from point to obvious point of Sarah Palin talking to Eric Boling? Whoever he is, on Faux.
ReplyDeleteThat voice just drills into my ears. I wince.
Thank god we won't have 4 more years listening to that ear worm voice. I'm still cringing. God, God, God, how you do pick our candidates in the Republican base.
No wonder Sarah advised the GOP candidates to read chapter 3 in her book. She can't get rid of them, and she must really need the money.
ReplyDeleteRemember Todd and Willow were transporting snowmobiles in the lower 48 instead of home schooling Willow?
ReplyDeleteMe thinks Sarah was dumping crates of her books she personally bought and Willow was delivering them to the Dollar Tree Stores in the lower 48?
Bristol's book never made it to a dollar store.
ReplyDeleteIt went directly to a penny store!
ReplyDeleteI have read your blog these past couple of years and have enjoyed your take on politics and your 'live and let live' philosophy. As a fellow liberal I was horrified at the direction certain political parties were taking in this country and sickened by their use of religion. However I am a practicing Christian and I find your continued attacks on religion as offensive (and yes I would find attacks on any religion offensive). I read your blog for your thoughts on politics, political leaders and your take on national and international news stories. I do not come here to read about you mocking a religion I hold dear. Your comments are quite insensitive and I can't help but wonder why you've decided to abandon your 'live and let live' philosophy.
@4:25 AM
ReplyDeleteNow Gryphen didn't mention YOU by name why do you care? All he said was the Rogue was next to the Bible which require magical thinking?
Are you THAT insecure your "Religion"?
Blow it off move on, we are talking about the Wassilla bitches book here.
You seem to have a personal issue.
Live and let live. Its Gryphens blog.
This week Sarah's book is at a dollar store....
ReplyDeleteNext week, a crematorium!
And thank god for this!
ReplyDeleteMichele Bachmann falls from grace
...to bottom of the barrel
I'd buy them to burn in my wood burning stove but I'm afraid the snark and lies would gum up my chimney and cause a fire :)
ReplyDeleteJust goes to show you that even when she bought them all herself to give away as "campaign gifts", she couldn't give them all away.
ReplyDeleteLove the snark.......bible bashing... Not so much. As an agnostic myself, I believe that it's religion itself (the institution) and not so much the followers that's the problem. So I can see how one could get offended by the constant digs at religion. Mutual civility should be required of both sides to promote goodwill. I don't begrudge you your opinions - just wish you could be a little less snarky at believers.
ReplyDeleteHaving my beliefs dismissed as simply magical thinking makes me feel a myriad number of emotions, and I just am beyond saying much more on it - that's how much it bothers me.
I've never seen so many people personalizing a blog post as I do HERE!
I think is a personal problem with these posters who do this?
Narcissistic? Why on earth would you think Gryphen is "picking" on your "religion"?
Get over yourselves!
Goddess help You!!!!
Anon - 6:26 & 6:32 "I'm with the posters who wish you'd show a bit more respect for our faith". Where? Why be Anon? Could you please point specifically to "the posters" that you are with?
ReplyDeleteAlso, please, when did you see the Dalai Lama speak, and where? That's pushing it a bit much even for you, Rebecca. Don't you mean, "I read somewhere that someone said that their mother's friend saw the Dalai Lama, and he said..."
People believe a number of things, some of which can be proven and other things which have to be taken on faith. Racists claim that their race is superior, and that people of another race are inferior, bad, causing all the crime, you name it. There are people who don't believe in climate change, raising taxes, pick a controversial topic. But, there are also scientific studies which will prove or disprove a point of view.
ReplyDeleteReligion is a matter of faith, and at the risk of insulting people who already feel insulted (or a single person who has commented multiple times), there is no scientific evidence to back up the stories in the Bible. Many of the holidays that Christians celebrate have counterparts in other religions. From the earliest time, when man depended on the sun for his crops to survive, there has been some kind of religious ceremony associated with the darkest time of the year. People light fires, burn candles, or bind a gold disc to a rock to hold onto the sun and make it burn brightly. They were all exercising a form of magical thinking. The magic is this; if you make a fire, the sun will copy the light and burn more brightly each day. So far, it seems to have worked, year after year.
There are spring planting rituals based on fertility. The egg, a powerful symbol of fertility appears then, along with greens. People are free to practice and believe whatever they want.
All that Gryphen has done is to state his religious views. It's too bad that they conflict with some of the religious view held by people who comment here. That's what is so nice about a country where religion and government are supposed to be separate. I hear Republicans talking about getting prayer back in the schools. Nothing is stopping anyone from praying anytime they want to-- crossing the street (don't let a car hit me), taking a test (please let pass with a good grade), or just praying in general (I pray that this ticket is the lottery winner).
Just as people have different opinions and choices in the coming election, people have different beliefs about religion. Gryphen has stated his views before, so if he states them again, there is no reason to be shocked. Even if the Bible if only a dollar, I don't think that he is going to buy it, anymore than he will buy "Going Rogue." And speaking of magical thinking, one would have to suspend actual critical thinking to believe what Sarah Palin wrote in her book, too. To compare it to the Bible, where the stories have to be taken on faith is a fair comparison. Perhaps "magical thinking" is a little harsh. Maybe Gryphen should have candy-coated the phrase and described reading the Bible and Sarah's book as "taking those stories on faith."
The Bible-bashing is getting to be a bit much. Perhaps a dismissive bias against anyone who reveres Jesus is okay in your book. I hope I'm wrong.
ReplyDeleteBad experiences with organized religion in your past? Maybe you can grow beyond it.
You've written recently about Sam Harris, Dawkins, etc. They are called fundamentalist atheists, because they have the same limited understanding of the Bible as fundamentalist Christians. They set up a weak straw man with their literal portrayal of scripture, and then knock it down. They don't engage with intellectual heavyweights on the other side of the argument. Richard Dawkins would rather debate Bill O'Reilly than Jesuit philosophy professor Joe Koterski, because Dawkins doesn't know much about the Bible or the Christian faith. Like Harris, he has only skimmed the surface.
There's more to the Bible than magical thinking. You don't have to look deeply into it if you choose not to. (Freedom of religion also means we have freedom from religion, and the GOP/Tea Party will not change that.)
If you're interested in eastern religions as you've indicated, you might want to look into some of the writings of Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk who studied and wrote extensively on Zen. He was a colleague of Suzuki, Thich Nhat Han, and the Dalai Lama. Or read anything by Richard Rohr, or something neutral like "The Case for God" by religious historian Karen Armstrong.
Just a suggestion from an old English teacher: If you aren't going to get to know the subject matter, perhaps you should moderate your criticism of it.
Pace e bene.
Will they sell for a dollar? That's the final test of Sarah's infamy!
ReplyDeleteWill a huge tour bus pull up to all the Dollar Trees, a shadowy figure(s) emerge and buy up all the Sarah books?
Stay tuned!
London Bridges
Hey, all you offended by the digs at religiosity - we have to scroll past your constant proverbs and religious Youtube links and Biblical quotes on Facebook every single day.
ReplyDeleteYou don't see us complaining to the posters about them shoving their belief on Friends. We going to quit FB over that? No, we just ignore.
And are you so insecure in your beliefs that unless we all think the same of your faith that it is threatened?
Gawd, you bible thumpers are a sad lot.
ReplyDeleteThe Bible is BULLSHIT written by homophobic, women hating MEN. How can you waste your time with this nonsense? You really reveal your ignorance by attacking Gryphen for stating the OBVIOUS that any clear thinking person can see. Do you have no clarity on WHO YOU ARE without relying on a lot of dogma?
The Bible is a collection of stories, period. God didn't write the Bible, Jesus didn't write the Bible. It is a book that has been rewritten by kings to support their control, it's been skewed to support the thinking of whoever decides their interpretation is the closest to a 'godly' one.
Get real. This is the 21st Century. The Bible is the hugest indoctrination that ever existed and you Bible thumping 'christians' are just perpetuating the nonsense within. Why can't you SEE that?
I don't have to believe in the Bible or any disembodied being to be KIND, HUMBLE, THOUGHTFUL, GENEROUS, COMPASSIONATE, HONEST...or any other attribute that a human being can endeavor to embody. Stop attacking Gryphen and acting all hurty feelings because he expresses his point of view.
The ones that are fuming and fussing need to get a grip. It is EQUALLY distressing for ME as a reader here to listen to this 'christian' drivel as if it's valid or real. It's not. What IS real is behaving like a decent human being when NO ONE is watching, because you KNOW it's the right thing to do. It's innate. And it's the only thing that makes any sense to a thinking person who chooses their way in life.
So KNOCK OFF this holier than thou crap, it's really lame.
G -- Don't say that about the Bible. It is an important work, whether one approaches it from a religious or secular perspective.
ReplyDeleteThat may be your belief, and it's your blog, and anyone can of course say what he wants (esp on his own blog), but I'm writing in to say that you are misguided on this one.
The post would have ended better without that last paragraph. Which you could still delete. As a long-time reader and fan, I hope you do.
The Bible contains much wisdom and food for thought.
Wow! Color me confused. I had no idea that my mention of "magical thinking" would elicit such a response.
ReplyDeleteJust for the sake of clarification, are the people upset with me, angry because they believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible? Or are they just pissed that I mentioned the Bible and "Going Rogue" in the same sentence? Or do they not understand WHY Palin's book was heavily marketed to Christian book stores, and hawked on Christian radio and television stations?
Somebody also brought up my affection for Buddhism as a distraction. Does the fact that I don't believe that Siddartha's mother was impregnated by a white elephant, or that demons threw mountains and boulders at him while he meditated to achieve enlightenment, mean I cannot respect the teachings of Buddha?
Accepting those stories would also require magical thinking and, being a rational human being, I am unable to entertain those possibilities without some rather compelling evidence to support them. Yeah I know, how unreasonable is that?
On that same note, I don't have to believe that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, or healed the blind, nor multiplied the loaves and fishes, to think that Jesus said some profound, and important things which it would behoove people, especially those self identifying as Christians, to read.
Just in case I failed to insult everybody with my rejection of magical thinking, I also do not believe that Scientology auditing works, I don't believe Mohammed moved that mountain, and I don't believe that Apollo rides a chariot through the sky each day.
Recognizing that certain beliefs rely on a lack of critical thinking is NOT an attack. It is a recognition of fact.
Having said that I am glad that my words inspired such a robust discussion of religion and faith. Because in my opinion, that can NEVER be a bad thing.
I am one that feels all this religious talk by the Republican candidates (and/or those holding office currently) to be a total turnoff.
ReplyDeleteGovernment and religion do not mix!
Most of the supposed religious (take Palin as an example) do NOT display true christian values.
And, having the men tell women we are not to have an abortion for incest or rape OR use contraception methods - takes the cake.
Vet, vet, vet prior to going to the polls in November. Pay close to those Repubs up for reelection in Congress!
N'yah 4:25 am... Ditto
ReplyDeleteAs a "follow the money" exercise, I wish someone who knows publishing data could study and report on the sales history of this book.
ReplyDelete--My initial impression, when I heard about the $7M advance from Harper-Collins (owned by Rupert), was that it was simply a money transfer to SP for services rendered.
--Then I imagined Rupert and his pals chuckling over the $7M and the controversial SP, saying to themselves "let's give this loose cannon some rope, and see what she does with it: will she sink or swim? Can she continue 'energizing the base'?"
--SP's amazing longevity on the national scene, and the success of keeping the PalinBabyHoax under wraps re MSM perhaps gave Rupert the thought that it would be fun to do what Old Joe did for JFK and Profiles in Courage: buy up enough copies to put this book on the best-seller list. After all, the loss resulting from this would be tax-deductible, as would donating those books to right-wing groups.
--I would say the $7M expense must be viewed as worth it to Rupert and pals: they got a LOT of market data re "how low can we go," which I suspect was further refined by the info gleaned from the klown kar kandidate parade we have seen.
--So at this point, this seems to be the last stop for these books, before pulping.
Again, I wish someone who knows publishing can tell us the financial specifics of the wild ride trajectory of this book.
G: Your rebuttal misses the point, I think. The Bible is chocked with symbolism, which one can take symbolically and ponder with genuine profit. No magical thinking required.
ReplyDeleteOne can abuse any religious work and its teachings. One can be an idiot in any religion. Yes, we have plenty of examples from all sides of that.
I still say you should delete that last paragraph. Not needed to make your point.
Now we have a religion troll.Will it never end? Really,its Gryphen's blog,he gets to write what he wants,you don't have to read it.It takes magical thinking to believe a whole host of things taken as fact in many religions.If having that pointed out makes you uncomfortable,it may be you that has a problem.Does it shake your faith in some way?
ReplyDeleteAlso: did you not tell us to avoid ad hominem slurs? I put wig hat snickers into that category. It simply does not advance our issues to stoop that low.
ReplyDeleteOK, G., I'll always appreciate you and totally respect your beliefs.
ReplyDeleteBut I think you've got to realize that people, all people, have spiritual needs and who want a better world. I don't give a poop what some commenters who hate christians here think - these are the facts - we've seen loss of life this past year, for example, the military sons and daughters who've died serving their country. Would you call their grieving parents who need a praying community "magical thinkers" to their face? Or parents like the Taylor-Greens, who may have tried to find spiritual solace during their grieving, may intimately go to that higher power. Calling it "magical thinking" is insulting to all those who ask questions, search, look for comfort beyond what they can see.
>>The Bible contains much wisdom and food for thought.
ReplyDeleteYeah, so does Dr. Seuss, when you look deeply enough.
You so called 'christians' are calling for Gryphen to remove his statement because YOU are uncomfortable with it? How arrogant is THAT? Why is Gryphen, on HIS BLOG, not allowed to say what he wants, believe or not believe what he wants and STATE it on HIS BLOG?
Who ARE you people to take him to task because he doesn't believe in your 'book'? The sanctimonious wailing is pathetic. The Bible is suspect and is prime for refudiation. Do you people blindly follow everything in life, or do you use the brains that you got upon conception to THINK and not cow tow to the ridiculous 'magical thinking' that is promoted by the Bible.
And why don't you follow ALL the stuff in the Bible, instead of cherry picking what suits you. That in and of itself makes you disingenuous, at best and manipulative as hell, at worst.
Gryphen is absolutely RIGHT to call out this malarky and I fully support him in doing so.
Why is YOUR belief somehow better or superior than his? You arrogant, UN-Jesuslike frauds. You just ride the coattails of Jesus and crew, with no reasonable, logical thought as to what you are blindly adhering to.
Gryphen is the voice of reason and sanity for that matter. But you fake christians get your panties all in a ruffle when someone calls out the joke that you base your life around for exactly what it is, a joke. Why not choose to be a good and right person without the threat of hell and damnation coming down on you to do otherwise?
You're a bunch of children pissing in the wind. Get OVER IT and stop with making Gryphen wrong because he thinks differently than you do.
Oh no, Gryphen, you've stepped in it with your seeming disrespect for the Christian Bible! I really wish people who are offended by this post highlighting that the ghostwritten tome by the fake Bible Thumpin', no Family Values Sarah Palin is on the Dollar Store shelves right next to the Bible would not overreact - and redirect their anger towards the ones who really have denigrated the Bible AND Christianity!
ReplyDeleteI see it as just his way of pointing out the bizarre Karmic coincidences that seem to keep happening to the fake evangelical media whore we know as Sarah Palin. Also, you can't really deny, there is a lot of "magical thinking" stuff in the Bible that many people do not take literally, including Christians.
As an Agnostic who became a full-fledged Atheist due to the steady flow of abuses, extremism, political hate rhetoric from the Christian Right during the last 10 years or so - with an escalation during the '08 campaign and election of President Obama, I think tolerance should be practiced by all of us, not just Gryph.
Everybody here knows he is an atheist and should NOT go bananas that every now and then he may speak to that issue. Its not like it's ever vitriolic, hate-filled, or calling for the assassination of Christians, people!
Perhaps he could have used better phraseology to protect people's feelings, but his use of the phrase "magical thinking" in reference to the Bible is barely, mildly offensive, if that, and - with respect to the Biblical events we know literally could not happen - to some extent, accurate!
Compared to the disrespect and hate the Christian extremists and Palinites express every day towards you and I, God, Jesus, and the Bible - this post should be taken as is - the innocuous thoughts and writing style of an Atheist who didn't intend to demean Christians or their Bible - just point out the absurdity and hypocrisy of the situation - the incongruity and odd juxtapositon of the Palin book with the Holy Bible (Like, does the Dollar Store have no awareness of what this seems to be saying about the Bible?).
Criticize,rant, and rave about those who HAVE usurped Christ's teachings and message! While there are are mild murmured protestations here and there from mainstream Christians - there's really been NO organized activity or consistent denunciation against these Anti-Christians and the destruction they are doing to Christianity and the American Constitution.
In my opinion the onus of who's truly disrespecting the Bible should be on the Dollar Store management (and Palin, et al) since they chose to sell your treasured Bible next to a charlatan and fake Christian who has misused the Bible and Christian Faith to seek political power, money, and self-aggrandizement.
It is those actions you should be decrying not the messenger bringing this to your attention - even more so as the Palin-type Christian extremists have succeeded in accelerating the exodus of current and prospective believers (young and old) from the Christian Church.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteEverybody forgot about that motherfucking son of a bitch John McCain who brought that ignorant dumbass retarded backwoods skanky old don't know shit scamming fuck wad Sarah Palin and her fucked up grifting uneducated whoring trailer park family into our lives.
That piece of shit McCain should fucking quit his job and get the fuck out of politics and Washington DC!
John we didn't forget you started this bull shit.
Whew...... I said what I had to say and now I can go to sleep!
One more fuck you to Sarah, the Palins, John and to the McCains.
11:13 PM
Hmm, I also think the one roll for a dollar toilet paper is still a better deal.
ReplyDeleteN'yah, sorry to say, I agree with you 100%. I have always enjoyed the snarky humor associated with this blog, but it's becoming unpleasant to open it and see Gryphen on the attack again. I don't necessarily agree with the religions, but I respect the honest ones who follow their faith as it should be.
ReplyDeleteRegular toilet paper is cheaper, and doesn't leave ink stains on yer butt.
ReplyDeleteBorders went under 'cause it ordered too many Palin family books and all of the Republican garbage from Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, O'Reilly et all..
ReplyDeleteTables of the stuff which stayed there. Well see what happened to Borders...
I think Sarah should buy a couple of her dollar books and give them to Bristol, Willow and Piper as birth control devices and tell them to hold the book between their knees.
ReplyDeleteI gotta say, the intolerant attitude that you so called 'christians' have is reprehensible. Are you all that extreme and judgemental? You claim to follow the teaching of Jesus? What a sham that is. Would Jesus behave the way you freaks do? What is wrong with your brain that you can't see this for what it is. You remind me of the blind Sea of Pee supporters that doggedly dodge the truth when it hits you in your ever loving peabrains.
ReplyDeleteGet real, get with the program and stop wearing your religion like a goddamn banner. The genuine Christians that I have known and still know are non-judgemental, tolerant, kind and patient, living their life without broadcasting their faith. They LIVE IT and so it is apparent as an example, they don't pound it over my head, or dictate to me.
There is NOTHING even remotely Christlike about how you are behaving so KNOCK IT OFF! You're an UTTER EMBARRASSMENT coming to this fine man's blog and telling him how to conduct himself. Take a look in your own life before you come at him.
I hope that you who threaten to leave the blog as readers do exactly that. Take your goddamn marbles and throw a fit and go home to your righteous religious rhetoric, it's what a toddler would do and that's exactly the way you all are behaving by whining and bitching at Gryphen. GROW THE FUCK UP!
For some of us, the bible is only a book, one that can be critiqued and criticized, so I hope everyone understands that. So much politicking went into what we now call the bible; so much of it was left on the cutting-room floor. Let's be real.
ReplyDeleteThere are a number of Christians who are upset about how religion has been abused by the Republican Party. In fact, really good people flocked to this site because they didn't like what was happening and how their beliefs were being used. Many of us believe in marriage equality, women's rights, etc. As such, what good does it do to turn those people away? Shouldn't you embrace them, no matter what their beliefs, rather than insult them? You would never make that same statement about another religion's holy book.
ReplyDeleteI always find it comical that we want to be on the same team regarding reelecting the president, but at the same time throw team members under the bus for their religious views, almost a divide and conquer mentality. It is what liberals are famous for so it shouldn't be surprising.
Your response didn't do anything to alleviate how I feel about this. In fact, it was defensive. People who stated their opinion in a thoughtful manner were characterized as angry and pissed. I'm neither. I would have to say a little sad and disappointed, but not a big deal. Allowing the attacks on those who stated their opinion in a respectful manner only adds fuel to the fire. I thought you weren't allowing that kind of hatred on your blog?
It may be easy to dismiss us as trolls, but this type of divisiveness would be music to troll ears. Think about it?
Sarah doesn't come across to me as an an energy expert.
ReplyDeleteHow much money was spent on a ghost writer?
How many trees were cut down?
How much fuel to produce a book?
How much money did Sarah and the book publisher get?
How much for advertisement, shipping fees, storage fees and misc expenses.
Figure in all those expenses and Sarah is selling her books for a dollar?
I not an energy expert, but I think too much money and energy was spent to produce one dollar books that don't sell?
Sarah tell me again how you are an energy expert?
8:57am It would be much easier to read your opinion if you weren't so angry and reactive.
ReplyDeleteI respect that Gryphen is an atheist and always have. I believe all beliefs should be respected, mine, too.
It might be a better strategy to embrace the Christians who aren't extreme (similar to reaching out to those of the Muslim faith) so they can be a stronger voice against all the atrocities of the Republicans and tea party and their use of religion. You can insult them, but I think they were a large number of Gryphen's fans.
You know, MarleyCat, you are the one who needs to pipe down with the ranting.
ReplyDeleteSo all Jews are supposed to successfully tamp down the misguided fundamentalism of those who would seek to suppress the rights of people in the Occupied Territories? And all Muslims are to answer for the crimes of those who would turn to violence to further their cause around the world? And all Christians are cut from the same cloth and thus responsible for words and actions of the Far Right (mostly a bunch of evil Capitalists hiding behind their pretend faith)?
I am a mainstream Christian who works, on a daily basis in all my encounters, to make a difference in the world through my faith practice. But I am supposed to do the impossible and stop maniac idiots like George W. Bush and all who have come after? I work for Democrats who support progressive causes, I speak out when ever I can. It's MY fault that there are assholes out there who have perverted the name of my religion? Sorry I am not well-known enough to stop some of the most powerful people in the world. I marched against the war in Iraq, I chanted "Not in our Name", I did what I could.
It's all a cop out from people who have some sort of axe to grind about religion. Sorry it disappointed you in some way somewhere along the line, sorry it threatens you so, sorry there are religious people in the world (and there always will be, get used to it) and so you can't be 100% sure about what any of us believe, you included.
Anyway, Gryphen is a big boy and knows exactly what kind of response he's going to get when he thinks he's being funny, or he's making his point. This is his blog, he can write what he wants, but he's going to lose people. Guess he doesn't care, and obviously people like you would love to be left to your group consensus and don't want to be bothered with the reality that not everyone shares your views.
We are asking for respect, that is all. You don't have to agree with us, but I don't get on here and call Atheists names and hold them responsible for others' actions. It's really not that complicated a concept, and there is no need to be so defensive when some of us take the time and energy to speak out. Many times we are silent.
I second what N'yah said . . .
ReplyDeleteAmen to that.
ibiwilliamsi - I live in Chicago, I heard the Dalai Lama speak last July at the UIC Pavillion. Enough detail for you? I brought it up because Gryphen seems to reference Buddhism frequently, though I could be mistaken about his intentions in doing that.
ReplyDeleteI use Anon because names like ibiwilliamsi doesn't really tell any of us much about who you are, either.
Anon is good enough for many of us. Sorry to deprive you of the ability to track my posts and all.
I sincerely doubt that Rebecca person even reads here anymore. Why would she? She probably could care less about Sarah's fate at this point.
Oh Amy 1.
ReplyDeleteFirst people don't like that he posts about Bristol.
Then they don't like that snarky comments are made about the Palins and their ill educated brood.
Then they don't like any snarky comments about her wigs or clothes.
Then they don't like the words magical thinking. So there. REMOVE those words immediatly.
Then we are supposed to agree that the Palins are happy, happy, happy, happy.
Then the will tell you to stop posting about your own ideas about religion and politics.
Then they will tell you to shut down your blog, because they find it offensive.
What a load of camel noses under the tent.
Now only post what they agree with or want.
I see Santorum doesn't want anyone useing contraceptives.
Lets hear it for jackasses in politics and religion in politics.
Oh and Moses is a composite figure. Heard that from a reformed female rabbi at some boys bar mitzvah. (I'm not Jewish).
ReplyDeleteI also doubt that Jacob wrestled with an angel.
And I don't think Herman Cain is the new Moses, or that Perry, Bachman or Palin have any access to God.
So what?
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHmm, I also think the one roll for a dollar toilet paper is still a better deal.
9:13 AM
Some people will spend a dollar to wipe their butts with her face!
Sarah Palin Ass Wipes
As a Jew, I find it offensive that Christians hijacked the Torah, and turned it into the first 5 books of the New Testament.
ReplyDeleteThen, they added a whole bunch of stuff about worshipping Jesus, in direct violation of the first commandment as far as I can tell.
And then, to add insult to injury, even my sweetest Christian friends assure me that, since I don't worship Jesus right beside God, I'm going to hell.
Calling the bible "magical thinking" is nothing compared to that! But, I don't dump my Christian friends over it.
son of a gun! it's even too rough to wipe your fanny with. what a lovely ending.
ReplyDeleteIt may be easy to dismiss us as trolls, but this type of divisiveness would be music to troll ears. Think about it?
ReplyDeleteSo quit being divisive if you don't want trolls listening to music. As so many have said, Gryphen can put whatever he wants on his blog. You all are the ones whining about it.
I read this blog at least once a day but rarely comment. I have also been offended by some of Gryphen's recent blogs. Not so much the content but the overall sarcastic and superior tone. I am also a Christian but I respect others views.
ReplyDeleteAnd to the poster who said if we don't like what's written here, then don't come and read it. I think it is only fair for those who are offended to let Gryphen know that his continual Christianity bashing may cause him to lose readers. He can then decide for himself whether it is worth it instead of wondering why his reader numbers are declining.
Warning Will Rogers. Probably not fit for bonfires or burning for cheap heat. These books may be as toxic as the ideas in them. Printed in China? I wouldn't burn them in my house!
ReplyDeleteOh darn! I gave someone a fruitcake this year. If I'd only stopped by the dollar store...
ReplyDeleteAllison at ThePalinPlace.blogspot.com
I think there is a group who are going to weigh in on everything Gryphen posts claiming to be faithfull and offended readers who will leave because of what he writes that is offensive to Christians, blah, blah, blah, blah.
ReplyDeleteThey are going to be offended by every stance he takes.
I sure don't care.
Do you really feel so very offended by what he thinks and writes.
I doubt that he cares.
Well, from a purely literary viewpoint, the Bible is a much better deal at $1.00. There really is nothing to recommend the other.
ReplyDeleteHere's my thing with religion... Don't knock on MY front door to tell what I should think or believe. If I knock on YOUR front door, you can tell me whatever you please. I will turn and walk away if I choose.
ReplyDeleteWe all came here today and knocked on Gryphen's door, he did not show up at ours with his hands full of pamphlets.
Good Heavens! The comment section has been invaded by the "Holy Rollers"!!
ReplyDeleteIt always cracks me up when commenters take Gryphen's mention of religion or Christianity so PERSONAL!
I thought this post was about Gov Dirty Wig's book being sold at the Dollar Tree.
My 77 year-old mother tried to give me a deck of cards with Palin's image on it as a joke gift. I refused them! Turns out, they have been passed around from friend-to-friend for 3 years or more in her circle. Everyone hates getting stuck with them.
ReplyDeleteWas Bristol's book there too or was it down the street at the penny store?
ReplyDeleteMarleyCat.....*standing up and applauding*
ReplyDeleteBeautifully stated.
I'm finding the comments section of this blog to be rather obnoxious on both sides of the issues. The intolerance is discouraging. I think I will just stick to reading Gryphen's posts, skipping past his anti-religious remarks, and avoid the comments most of the time.
ReplyDeleteI have enjoyed this blog for a long time and also have noticed the recent increase in written hostility specifically towards Christians. What if the same phrases were used but against Muslims or teachers or some other group of people? How would everyone react to that? I feel like other faiths would get defended but Christians not so much. JMHO.
ReplyDeleteObviously it's G's right to post what he wants, but comments are allowed and encouraged - mine is that I've been offended and disappointed lately. It is fair to call the churchianity people out on their hypocrisy - I do it, too. But I don't agree with bashing an entire faith.
I don't expect G to bend his writing to suit me, and he won't lose sleep if I stay or go. But honestly, if a few of us have the courage to speak up about this there are probably dozens or hundreds of other blog fans silently disappointed. He probably doesn't intend that at all so it seems fair to let him know.
This needs to be said OVER and OVER again:
ReplyDelete'We all came here today and knocked on Gryphen's door, he did not show up at ours with his hands full of pamphlets.
11:09 AM'
ReplyDeleteAll because Gryphen commented that both the Palin book and the bible required magical thinking.
So very offensive?
Demands that he change his wording?
After all, take it or leave it, that is his opinion.
Outrage? You aren't going to come here any more?
Isn't that a bit over the top?
I guess I'm long since past becoming offended by blogs that I check into on the net.
You need to desentize a bit.
Go to Wonkette.
Gryphen said...
ReplyDeleteWow! Color me confused. I had no idea that my mention of "magical thinking" would elicit such a response.
Hey Gryph, what do you think about lucid dreaming? A la Carlos Castaneda?
N'yah and Amy1--You both said it well. I think that G. was being obtuse in his response. That is his choice, as it is our choice to continue reading or not. Each of us has choices in how we treat each other, both in the 'real world' and in the 'blog world'. Are we kind, respectful, and thoughtful, or just obnoxious and rude? The comments here are full of both kinds of comments. I prefer the former.
ReplyDeleteTo those who are saying if you don't like what Gryphen is saying, don't read it, don't knock on his door, etc. - that's a sensible point, BUT some of us actually do avoid his religion posts and just comment on his other ones. I myself thought this was just going to be a post cracking on the Sarah Palin book being relegated to the Dollar Store. I didn't know the main treatise of my religion was going to get mocked at the end, too. Even worse, actually put in the same category as Sarah Palin's book!
ReplyDeleteThe Christian bashing here is getting as obnoxious as the Muslim-bashing by rabid rightwingers. I realize, however, that some of this is in reaction to how ugly the rightwingers have been to other faiths, but please don't follow their lead. Never, ever follow their lead on anything.
"I could not help but notice that it was right next to the Bibles. Makes sense actually since both require magical thinking in order to take what is written inside seriously."
ReplyDeleteSeriously, G, it's fine that you don't believe a literal interpretation of the Bible. Many don't, including many flavors of Christianity.
But that's not the intent of the comment you made as you worded it above.
a) "To take what is written inside seriously" implies there's no other merit to taking the book seriously if you can't fathom someone literally being able to raise the dead, etc.
b) You compared the tundra trixie's trash to a book that millions find tremendous value in.
Maybe it was just a joke that to some of us isn't funny. I tell jokes that aren't funny all the time. It happens.
However, as others have noted it's not the first time in the past couple of weeks where many of us felt you were coming off as anti-Christian, as opposed to un-Christian, and it has been surprising since you seem like a pro-tolerance guy.
I'm not looking for a debate or a fight. Just clarifying that I'm not here to push religion on anyone or to bash you or anyone else here. Feelings have gotten stepped on, that's all.
Did you know Bertrand Russell said: "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts."
ReplyDeleteOops, sorry that was yesterday.
To Anon. 11:50 AM
ReplyDeleteI can only say I'm not being snarky. I know you might not believe me. I am genuinely curious.
When you say- "But honestly, if a few of us have the courage to speak up...." can you help me understand the nature of your courage? What is going to happen to you that you need to be very brave to withstand?
Anon at 10:19 - Nobody expects that mainstream Christians, Jews, Muslims, etc - to PUT A STOP to any of the extremist factions of any of their groups. It is my opinion only, however, if members of these mainstream groups WERE more vocal in calling out these fake Christians (Muslims, Jews, what have you), as quickly as they are to take offense to the occasional mild observation from a mostly tolerant, very mild mannered Atheistic blogger - it sure would be more effective in getting out the true message/teachings of Christ or whatever religion you're talking about.
ReplyDeleteIt's not the atheists (or Gryph) who are causing the exodus from and disrespect of religiosity of all kinds - it's the extremist factions that cause current members to leave and prospective members to look elsewhere for community. Educate the public as to what your religion really is rather than let the few extremists highjack your group AND your teachings.
Compared to the Atheists - your Bible has been subjected to far more disrespect, bastardization, and smearing from Palin, et al! Why don't you focus your anger on that?
Oh yeah - even though I am an atheist - I have done "God's work" each and every day of my life, with the exception of the "magical thinking" parts of the Bible and the belief in Jesus as some sort of supreme being, I actually think the teachings of Christ are really very good guidelines for living a worthwhile life. I reject all the anti-woman stuff.
I also believe at times there is some sort of higher power or spiriuality, as too many things occur that seem to be somehow related or dependent on each other - connected. But - perhaps this is just visitors from another planet coming here to dick with our human consciousness. In my opinion - as good a story as Genesis!
Anyways - I did mean to come on here earlier and give a warning to people who dared to even give the faintest whiff of criticism of all things (so-called)" Christian" - as this does surely awakens the hounds of hell upon you.
As you can see - while it wasn't Gryph who positioned that fake Christian's fake book on fake Christian Family Values and Morals next to the Holy Bible, thereby truly debasing that holy book (the DOLLAR TREE did it!)- it is he who is being attacked as if SURPRISE no one knew he is an atheist and might say something about the "magical thinking" contained in the Bible.
I enjoy this blog precisely because the blogger is independent, liberal, nonreligious but tolerant of all faiths, and allows a lot of views not in lockstep with his. I just find it illuminating that tolerance seems to be a one way street - Gryph must be respectful and tolerant of your religious views, but, hey, one very mild but accurate comment about the magical thinking in the Bible is interpreted as the whole of Christianity being attacked mercilessly!
Again - the rot in today's religious scene comes from within the realms of your religion - if you want to defend the respect paid to your particular belief system - start attacking there! If you can get the Palin's, Perrys, Santorums, Bachmanns, et al, you know, the fake Christians to STFU - maybe you can mitigate the exodus of members and your sensitivity to perceived "disrespect" be based on reality.
OOPS! Bad me, forgot to sign my name (I think)! I am the religious heretic - so pile on!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Jo 12:35. For me, it's not at all a matter of not reading if I disagree with G. And of course he (or anyone) can express a contrary opinion. And in my book, G is free to delete any comment as he sees fit. G runs a good site.
ReplyDeleteBut I do think the whole point here is to share opinions and comment on them. I've learned a lot from people disagreeing with me (unfortunately, not today). So some of us disagree with G about his tone re the Bible. He expressed his opinion; I expressed mine. Others did too. What's the big deal?
It's amusing to me to be called a troll -- although I don't mind at all: it's just someone's opinion, the right to which I defend. Fine. Anyone who knows me knows I am as dogged a BabyHoax-exposer as anyone. Per G's guidelines to stay in the upper part of the triangle, it does us little good to show an undue interest in SP's hair or hygiene. In fact, I think it is counterproductive to our goal of exposing BabyHoax and its high-up enablers. That's my reason for wanting to stay away from it.
ranter...I feel for you. And thanks for the white elephant idea. WAY better for a white elephant party than a Yanny CD. lol!
ReplyDelete"must dress in the dark...." SO glad I did not have beer in my mouth when I read that. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteNo surprise there. Borders just closed in Puerto Rico. My brother-in-law sent me a photo... The store was completely empty except for GR on clearance at 90% off.
ReplyDeleteExactly! "We all came here today and knocked on Gryphen's door, he did not show up at ours with his hands full of pamphlets."
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @11:09 AM
And thanks, Gina M. I don't think Gryphen or anyone else here is "anti-religious" or guilty of attacking the Bible.
There IS a difference of opinion about the topics, for sure, but people really need to not interpret a different POV as "attacks", or even anti-religion.
I forgot to add, one more thing I do, even though I am an atheist - I pray! Hahahaha! I'm not mocking anyone's faith, it's just that I do think it's somewhat odd/weird/funny to be praying, and exclaiming OMG! or Jesus Christ! or Lordy, Lordy! Well, last I'm going to comment on ANY religious topic - no more!
Instead, I will finish up with Joseph Campbell's series on Myths and Religion - totally fascinating! Humans do indeed need a unifying spiritual mythology (religion) in order to have a successful organized civilization.
I fully understand the comparison of the Native American belief system as being an inclusive, "open" system, acknowledging human's coexistence with Nature in stark contrast with European Christianity being the opposite - a "closed" belief system, exclusive, one giving "dominion" to (White) Christians over ALL the land, ALL the creatures, and ALL nonbelievers.
Justice at last. Everyone said that book would wind up in the dollar bin; and everyone was right.
ReplyDeleteWasn't she just saying that candidates need to look at her book for the answers to our problems. Is there nothing this woman will not do to sell one more copy of her book?
Just after her 2nd book came out, I saw a stack of them at my local grocery store, with a sign that said "Sarah Palin: America BS By Heart"
ReplyDeleteOh, for a camera.
@anon 1:23...trust me, we ARE outraged with Palin and her ilk claiming to be Christians, and then proving to be so hateful and ugly, they drive countless people away from Christianity. I personally believe that the decline in youths who continue to go to church after reaching adulthood is directly related to the rise of the rightwing dominionism theology.
ReplyDeleteAnd many Christians are vocally calling out the hypocrisy, too...on Internet forums and in real life.
But one big, big challenge we have is that the mainstream media never quotes Christians like Jim Wallis, or any number of compassionate, truly inclusive Christian pastors who are speaking out for social justice. No, the MSM has let the frightening brand of rightwing Christianity actually speak for the faith as a whole. No wonder you're thinking that a lot of Christians are just silent about people like Sarah Palin. They're not...but our voices aren't getting amplified, at least not in the media.
Okay, now that is funnier than when I was at out local B&N and they filed Justin Bieber's biography under "Animal Stories".
ReplyDeleteBut one big, big challenge we have is that the mainstream media never quotes Christians like Jim Wallis, or any number of compassionate, truly inclusive Christian pastors who are speaking out for social justice. No, the MSM has let the frightening brand of rightwing Christianity actually speak for the faith as a whole. No wonder you're thinking that a lot of Christians are just silent about people like Sarah Palin. They're not...but our voices aren't getting amplified, at least not in the media.
ReplyDelete3:12 PM
Not What You Want to Hear, you're right. The social justice message has somehow gotten lost. Even on a blog like this, with generally thoughtful posts and comments, the negative stereotypes of "organized religion" seem to hold sway.
What does Bristol and Sarah's book have in common?
ReplyDeleteYou can get them both for under a buck!
So much "Outrage" slung at Gryphen, and no one is at the least offended, in any way, that their cherished most Sacred Book is being sold for a dollar.
ReplyDeleteAs a non believer, THAT offends me more than anything Gryphen has in his original post, nor in his response in the thread.
It's a shame Gryphen has to deal with religion, because it's become part and parcel of politics, despite the seperation of Church and state.
Carry on, excuse me, while I join the Jehovah Witness Protection Program.
Wow, I just had time to read this tonight and I was amazed at all the "hurt" comments from the "christians." Get over yourselves!
ReplyDeleteTo 8:03 am, 8:14 am, 8:57 am and 9:55 am--AMEN!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteWhat does Bristol and Sarah's book have in common?
You can get them both for under a buck!
5:19 PM
That didn't come out right.
I didn't mean Bristol's book and Sarah's book.
I meant you can get Sarah's book for 99 cents.
And you can get Bristol for the price of a wine cooler or burger or a milkshake... 99 cents.
My apologies to you Bristol, I didn't mean your 2 cent book could be bought for 99 cent.
All hell would have broken lose if your post substituted the Quran for the Bible, but just to show you are fair minded, give it a go. See if anyone is offended then.
ReplyDeleteI think the reactions from the people who value the Bible weren't angry. They seemed respectful. Many have seen the change in tone over the last weeks, and finally thought they should provide their opinion.
This hadn't been a valuable discourse in the least.
Sarah Palin is a remarkable woman. She is smart, she is effective, she is a good wife and mother, she was a great governor who had the guts to make the right decisions, including the decision to hand the governorship over to Sean Parnell when circumstances warranted it. Her approval rating as Governor of Alaska was 80% 19 months into her administration when picked by McCain as his running mate. And as if that weren't enough, she also just happens to be strikingly gorgeous. Sarah Palin is a great American and would make a better president than any of the current crop of Republican candidates. And any of the current Republican candidates would be infinitely better than Barack Hussein Obama, who views the Constitution of the United States as an annoying obstacle to his real design of bringing about a Marxist utopia. You people seem to think that because copies of Sarah Palin's first book have finally made it to the Dollar Store that she can't sell them. Uh ... hello? Anybody home? She already sold over 2.6 million copies! (And the Bible is by far the most widely distributed book on Earth, by the way.) You leftists are so full of hate that you can't even see clearly. Do you ever stop to listen to your own vitriolic rhetoric? Do you ever realize just how blinded you have become by allowing yourselves to be so motivated by left-wing, venomous propaganda? I'm serious. The degree of hate with which some of you are filled is uncanny. And it is unhealthy. Your hatred will eat you alive from the inside, and it will make you miserable until you die an early death.