To watch the interview just click the picture. |
However at around the 4:40 mark, Bolling plays the Palin-bot Iowa Earthquake ad asking people to write Palin's name in on the ballots, and it is THEN that Palin decides to drive a stake through the heart of the idea that she has ANY intention of entering this primary:
"I would not be surprised if there ARE names written in tomorrow evening in Iowa, this point the field is what it is."
And then about a minute later:
"The field is what it is and I look forward to supporting the winner of this primary process because the general's gonna be tough."
Bolling tries to coax Palin into continuing the tease by asking her if there is still room in the field.
But clearly Palin is finally tired of shaking her money maker in the faces of the sweaty old men who make up the bulk of her support, and responds in a fairly definitive manner:
"You know I said, I think it was to you Eric, a couple of weeks ago that there still is time, there still is room, in that field for others. And when I said it I was surprised at, um the fingers pointing back to me like I was talking about solely myself jumping in there."
Bolling, realizing that nobody is going to bother wanting to watch his interviews with the Lunatic from Lake Lucille if she stops the political prick tease, asks her yet again if there was a ground swell of support for her would she consider jumping in after Iowa?
"I don't see that happening. So, with that hypothetical, I have not even taken the time to consider it, I don't see it happening."
Now we all KNOW that the Sea O'Pee is chock full of the slowest learners on the planet but surely THIS is enough to convince EVEN THEM that they should move on and forget their fantasies of convincing Palin to humiliate herself, destroy what's left of her reputation, and demonstrate the vast stupidity of her followers by entering this race. Don't you think?
Well if you do, then you REALLY don't understand this sad, desperate, little group at all:
I was struck by the fact that she NEVER SAYS 'NO'!!
Yep. She could have VERY EASILY ended everything today.
To me, Sarah is clearly waiting for the field to shake out. She'll get in when more anti-Romney candidates either drop or don't seem viable--which is bound to happen soon.
I noticed she seemed almost elated as she stated that 41% of Iowans were still undecided on who thely would vote for, and she said people could write in the candidate they prefer!
Also that she still never shut the door on running. She did shut the door on a third party run, very specifically. My thoughts are, if she were not planning to enter the race, she would have been just as specific about that. Clarity is one of her strong suits, so if she were not planning to run, she would be very clear about it. I was also struck by her very serios focused look, for most of the interview. I believe she is waiting to see how many write-in votes she gets in Iowa. Oh, if I only lived in Iowa!!
Eric pointed to the "Earthquake" ad and Sarah pointed him in a different direction, thus effectively skirting the possibility of reconsideration.
Sarah is an championship 3 tiered chess player. And, an photographic memory... (WTF?)
Sarah will come out swinging for the fences with the TEA Party. She is talking about herself when she states the combined qualities of the candidates would be the perfect candidate.
That's her. She has all of the qualities that we are looking for in a POTUS.
I swear, if Palin went door to door, to convince these people, each individually, that she was not running, they would STILL throw there money at her and afterward tell everybody they knew that just the fact that she bothered to show up PROVES that she is still considering a run.
The stupid is just SO deep!
Hmmm, I wonder if her finally ending the tease has anything to do with that photo of her mother you posted the other day?
ReplyDeleteShe looks like she's heavily self medicating these days.
Wow... just wow... those people are so demented. I mean, she says NO to a run for the Republican nomination and they say "but notice how she didn't say anything about a third party run!! She's definitely running!!"
ReplyDeleteThen she says NO to an independent run and they say "but she didn't say anything about a Republican run! She's running!!"
I mean seriously, I suspect even if she categorically listed every political party throughout human history and said she wouldn't be running as ANY of them, the paint chip buffet crowd would decide that "obviously" means she's inventing an all NEW party to run under!!
The stupid bitch could absolutely say under NO circumstances is she running and light herself on fire and they'd STILL interpret that as "secret code" for "I'm running!"
Honestly, the loved ones of those people need to stage an intervention.
That's "pundint", Gryph. Clearly you don't have a 'rill spellchecker, you need to get one that includes Palineseā¢ also too.
ReplyDelete"Clarity is one of her strong suits"
ReplyDelete"An photographic memory"
Okay, I am now convinced that C4P is a Colbert-style satire site. Good one C4Peers! Hilarious!
I just cannot get over how much she has aged during the past three years.
ReplyDeleteAmazing that the media still covers her commentary. When is she done w/FOX?
ReplyDeletePeople who say the most about you have the least first- hand knowledge. This is true. I know because i talk and write anout Sarah Palin all the time. I have traveled to all the states and a couple dozens of countries, saying a lot about Sarah Palin and I will continue to post about Sarah Palin everyday on my blog and on the comment section, refutiating all these rumors.
All this simple, common woman wants to do is return to her life and live on the DL as a mother, grandmother, and housewife. Sarah Palin doesn't seek the spotlight, which is obvious in this clip. She went on national television to prove how little she seeks the spotlight.
Sarah is hardworking and pure, unlike Obama who is thuggish and urban and can't be trusted not to steal. He's lazy and doesn't know his place. You wouldn't want to meet Obama in a dark alley or when he's hanging out with his posse on the corner waiting for his government paycheck. Unlike Obama, anybody would feel perfectly comfortable riding alone in an elevator with Sarah Palin and nobody would cross the street to avoid her.
Why don't you NOT spread lies and rumors about how Sarah is saying the field is closed and how she's going to support whichever candidate wins the primary?
The orange and pink fuzzy stuff and the backwards wig are a secret sign that she is running. Duh! Anyone can see it. How can you be so blind?
ReplyDeleteThat wig looks like she picked it up from a dollar store - in the aisle right next to her books.
ReplyDeleteMy god woman! The color combination with the wig is just not working. Pink and orange?? wtf?? Laughed myself silly with Gryphen's comment about her wearing it backwards. Omfg! That's exactly what it looks like.
I've been to the c4pee site on occasion and came away totally convinced they were posting the comments from a shared computer in a mental health facility.
I remember reading one post that said she was sending messages to them by the decor in the room and also her hair and the lighting.
I swear to you - that was the actual post from a human being.
I'm convinced they are a group of mental health patients and they post these things during "computer time".
Russian Immigrants with a dollar store clothing budget dress with more style than the Wasillabilly.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 7:29 a.m.
ReplyDeleteIf she set herself on fire, they'd just say she's illustratin the fire in her belly to reluctantly press her Servant's Heart into public service as POTUS.
At least two of the "regular posters" on C4p are simply brilliant hilarious trolls. It is mean of them to so blatantly fool the others and take such advantage of the stupidity and vulnerability/craziness, but at the same time, I can't help but marvel at it. The two trolls have the others eating out of their hands.
ReplyDeleteThe woman says pointedly that she could beat Obama, says that anyone but Obama should lead this country, says that she has that fire in her belly to lead. . .yet she pees herself running away from the folks beggin her to still get in the race.
ReplyDeleteShe doesn't realize it, but she's sitting down and shutting up. Finally.
That wig is too big for her head. First she appears in public wearing RebeccaĀ“s shoes. Now she appears on Fox wearing RebbecaĀ“s wig.
ReplyDeleteBolling? Has Palin been demoted?
ReplyDeleteCult followers hear what they want to hear. It doesn't matter what Sarah Palin says to the followers she has honed to a mindless state of worship.
ReplyDeleteAnd the cult followers see what they want to see, the fertile mother oozing sex. It doesn't matter anymore what Sarah Palin looks like.
Sarah Palin will wallow in her mental instability sucking the teat of worship until she effectively removed from public life by criminal prosecution or the exposure of babygate.
Holy shit, the Palinese word salad was overabundant in that interview. Sarah definitely wins the prize when it comes to stringing together the most words with the least meaning. Bitch was on a roll.
ReplyDeleteResplendent in pink and orange....he,he. Sarah has more polar fleece than the LL Bean warehouse.
She's wearing her wig BACKwards, which means she's not looking BACK, she's looking forward and running!!! And she's dressed in orange and yellow, which are the color of jellybeans, which are an Easter candy, which means she's gonna jump in the race at Easter! Praise Jeebus and keep writing those breathless fan letters and Facebook comments to the future Lady Queen Warrior Princess President in Wasilla!! Send in your Social Security checks! Pass the sour cream and onion paint chips!
ReplyDeleteOy. Vey!
I would pay big money to never hear Sarah Palin say "dog gone it" again.
ReplyDeleteShe's twitching in her seat again. New medications?
The Internet is an empty pool that reflects our preferred images back to us (since we self-select what we'll read/see), thus it is a form of fantasy-narcissism. The Palin supporters will only see a form of Palin that reflects who THEY are. Their "organization" is just a virtual one; they have no regular face-to-face meetings. Supporting Palin is a like an "internet" date you meet via dating sites: the reality is never as good as the description online. They dwell only in the fantasy-narrative sold by the GOP/McCain/fundies in 2008. They cannot let go of that fantasy-narrative. Theie groupthink on this has made them into a cult, but their fantasy version of Sarah Palin cannot be shaken from their psyches. I wrote a long time ago that they see her as Viagra and worship her like a goddess. That is because they are mostly impotent and old.
ReplyDeletea little verbal "reach around"
This had me chuckling into my coffee this morning!
So disturbing!
But so funny! ;)
From the c4p pond:
"Clarity is one of her strong suits"
"Oil and coal? Of course, it's a fungible commodity and they don't flag, you know, the molecules, where it's going and where it's not. But in the sense of the Congress today, they know that there are very, very hungry domestic markets that need that oil first. So, I believe that what Congress is going to do, also, is not to allow the export bans to such a degree that it's Americans that get stuck to holding the bag without the energy source that is produced here, pumped here. It's got to flow into our domestic markets first." --Sarah Palin, billed by John McCain as the nation's foremost expert on energy, clumsily answering a question while speaking off the cuff at a town hall meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan, Sept. 17, 2008
Oh the denial is deep over there at the Pee Pond:
ReplyDelete...In reference to her remarks a few weeks ago to Bolling about there still being time for other candidates to jump in, she said she was surprised that many people assumed that it was SOLELY (emphasis mine) HERSELF that she was talking about. However, she did not EXCLUDE herself either.
A key moment of the interview was when Eric asked her whether, if there was a strong write-in swell of support for her, she would consider getting in.
Guys, when Sarah said in response, "I don't see that happening," I AT FIRST took it to mean "I don't see myself getting in." ON REFLECTION, I realized she was humbly referring to the write-in VOTE: In her humility, she doesn't see a lot of people writing her in. This is how, IMHO, this KEY bit of the interview, taken in context, must be interpreted.
She did not say she wouldn't get in; she did say she did not think many people would write her in!!
About the effect of third-party runs: "Heaven forbid that we have to go through four more years of barack obama and his failed Socialist policies."
Bolling, near the end, asks her for whom a real conservative should vote.
She replies that she is not ready to endorse, and says, "This is a tough one, Eric." She suggests that we might like to be able to COMBINE the candidates' best qualities, and thus find the perfect and ideal nominee. Bolling suggests that SHE is the one who combines these qualities. He says re the perfect candidate and nominee that he's "TALKING TO HER RIGHT NOW." Sarah did NOT say, "No you're not, Eric!""
Guys, the bottom line is that we CANNOT combine the best characteristics of these various candidates!
The bottom line is that, IMHO, we must PERSEVERE until or if she formally endorses another candidate.
The bottom line is that she is truly the RELUCTANT candidateā¦and for this among many other reasons is the one who must be our next POTUS!!!
It is up to US ("We the People") to keep fighting to convince her that the best and most patriotic part of the American People will have NO ONE BUT SARAH!!!
I guess it's "80's day" in Wasilla today, what with the bright orange and pink and big hair/hairspray vibe. Cue the "Simple Minds" song "Don't You Forget About Me." (man, that's appropriate on so many levels... :)
ReplyDeleteI am laughing my ass off at gingrinch and santorum for invoking the name that shall not be said just to glean the votes of some of her paint chip eaters. Like anyone will EVER bring her on board as a vice-anything (except, of course, her buddy Glen who likes to call her his vice-grip :) They all know what happened to mccain when he basically stuck his dick in a cuisinart by putting the wig on the gop ticket. (You know the difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom? One snarls a lot and licks it's own crotch and the other one is a pitbull).
That said, I hope and pray that one of these dullards tries to run sarag as vp. Man, that would make my '12 just to see her back with her hand on the toilet handle, swirling the gop around the bowl yet again.
Yeah!!Imagine her rolling out of bed,dragging on her old wig she just slept on,then struggling into some miss matched sweats she found on the floor.Then she staggers over to her dresser and digs out some Sarah Coventry jewelry ,pins it on,and hunting under the bed for some heels that matched.Now off to the oval office!
ReplyDeleteI don't pay any attention to what she SAYS, and very often the more forcefully she states something, the more probable it is that she is lying.
ReplyDeleteMalia Litman has a very persuasive list of the ACTIONS SP has taken last year.
Until she has some horny old evangelical lined up for her next scam, her grift is on the political stage.
If even three people write in her name in Iowa, she will consider it a "mandate from the people" because she is that delusional.
Nope, I'm not counting her out of the running yet. I think she is sitting back, waiting until the field narrows to consider her play.
....and you've got it wrong, Gryph. She clearly stated "The Filled is what it is".
ReplyDeleteShe said it twice. FILLED.
If she endorses a candidate will she have to contribute some of her PAC money to their campaign? Herman "The Fetid Herb" Cain hasn't endorsed anyone either, might it be because he's reluctant to part with a single penny also, too? Inquiring minds want to know.
ReplyDeleteIf this doesn't make you wretch your breakfast, I don't know what will:
ReplyDelete~ On Oct 5th, 2011, the cries of many could be heard throughout this land. The beautiful future we had envisioned for our country fell sharply to the ground, and shattered into a million tears....
But in that moment of hopelessness, those tears swelled into a river of passion that flowed through the h...earts of people from all walks of life. From that passion, there arose a group of normal everyday people, who came together and formed a place where it could grow and thrive into an empowering movement. Through the prayers and support of everyone, action was taken immediately, building a stronger platform where our message could be proclaimed ā a message so clear it pierced the hearts of those and gained momentum unlike any could have imagined. But today marked a most important moment, as we watched our efforts finally reach out and touch the most important heart of all ā Sarah Palin. Friends, we are creating a legacy for our children's future. One day, they will look back at the faith and tenacity of a small group people with high regard, they will write of our accomplishment for generations to come. They will marvel at our unwavering faith in a Providential Hand, and with curious hearts seek our Savior, in whom there is true redemption of souls. The Lord is truly blessing our group, and I believe our actions of today will impact the future of millions! We will look back to this moment one day with peace and joy, as we stand by Sarahās side that fateful night in November, when sheāll smile at us, and say Thank you for never giving up!
Gag, choke, spew chunks! It's almost like a satiric comedy, but it's 'rill' DirtyWIG supporters whining and pining for something that is NEVER gonna happen in a gazillion years.
Ahem!! Welcome back!
ReplyDeleteYou are the champion-
Others have tried, but failed miserably.
Why don't you NOT go away for so long? ;)
She was pretty full of clarity in her WTF story about Paul Revere.
ReplyDeleteSadly, these people who still flock to her must have some serious mental health problems. I can think of no other reason for their slavish devotion to her. And yet the lunatics keep making headlines. Is the MSM that desperate or is that a rhetorical question?
Meanwhile, another brilliant Republican spreading the "salad dressing" around...
I took a peek at the c4p last night....There are some truly delusional people there. There are a couple of people who seem to see the writing on the wall, but they are quickly told to leave. The die hard stalkers do not want to see the truth. They would prefer to think of her as a brilliant strategist who is playing some third level chess game that only she understands. They have convinced themselves that she is brilliant and this is all a huge plan for her to sweep into the primary and millions and millions of people will fall on their knees and thank the lord for Sarah Palin. This smacks of Jones Town to me.
ReplyDeleteThey all know what happened to mccain when he basically stuck his dick in a cuisinart by putting the wig on the gop ticket. (You know the difference between a pitbull and a hockey mom? One snarls a lot and licks it's own crotch and the other one is a pitbull).
Smirnon- Bwahahahaha!!!!!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteIf this doesn't make you wretch your breakfast, I don't know what will:
~ On Oct 5th, 2011, the cries of many could be heard throughout this land. The beautiful future we had envisioned for our country fell sharply to the ground, and shattered into a million tears....
But in that moment of hopelessness, those tears swelled into a river of passion that flowed through the h...earts of people from all walks of life. From that passion, there arose a group of normal everyday people, who came together and formed a place where it could grow and thrive into an empowering movement. Through the prayers and support of everyone, action was taken immediately, building a stronger platform where our message could be proclaimed ā a message so clear it pierced the hearts of those and gained momentum unlike any could have imagined. But today marked a most important moment, as we watched our efforts finally reach out and touch the most important heart of all ā Sarah Palin. Friends, we are creating a legacy for our children's future. One day, they will look back at the faith and tenacity of a small group people with high regard, they will write of our accomplishment for generations to come. They will marvel at our unwavering faith in a Providential Hand, and with curious hearts seek our Savior, in whom there is true redemption of souls. The Lord is truly blessing our group, and I believe our actions of today will impact the future of millions! We will look back to this moment one day with peace and joy, as we stand by Sarahās side that fateful night in November, when sheāll smile at us, and say Thank you for never giving up!
Gag, choke, spew chunks! It's almost like a satiric comedy, but it's 'rill' DirtyWIG supporters whining and pining for something that is NEVER gonna happen in a gazillion years.
8:33 AM
the end
OMG Sarah cracks me up..the clothes, the hair, the PEARLS! She must have escaped from her padded room in the tower. TODD, run to the store and get some more locks! and throw away the keys!
ReplyDeleteSanity returns tonight!! Yeahhhh!!!
ReplyDeleteThe Daily Show!! Guests:
Tues - Charles Barkley
Wed - Elizabeth Dowling Taylor
Thurs - Craig Shirley
Holy cannoli, she looks absolutely frightful. BBC just aired a new version of Great Expectations. I can't help but think she is like an Alaskan Miss Havisham, jilted by the GOP, half-crazed with bitterness, wandering around her lonely house wearing the designer clothes from 2008.
ReplyDeleteI have a confession... I have occasionally written over the top pro-palin comments to see how many "likes" it will get. The cee 4 pee'ers apparently love my posts. My posts are so off the wall any idiot could see they are goof posts. But they can't.
ReplyDeleteHey, what happened to that big wide fake smile she used to have? She looks like a has been to me.
ReplyDeleteIt's so sad that these unfortunate few bots are still convinced that Sarah entering the primary is all they have to live for. Think of the other cults who have followed their twisted leaders into a mass suicide or other acts of sheer desperation. I hope these people have relatives who can get them to the proper professional help before Palin sucks the rest of the life and money out of these unwittingly weak-minded followers she has duped for so long...
ReplyDeleteI don't see this romance ending amiably.
3 tiered chess? Perhaps they are thinking of a three layer cake, . . . . or a fruit cake? or a three bean salad?
ReplyDeleteYou are right about that ("the stupid is so deep") - in the case of the C4Pers it's bottomless, immeasurable, and frightening when you think about the desperate fanaticism these people have so easily fallen prey to.
ReplyDeleteWhenever you think about the Hitler or Jonestown phenomena and wonder how people could become so manipulated to commit atrocities - these last die-hard remnants of Palinbots - these are the ones who could be convinced to do ANYTHING for their Queen, or even for someone falsely purporting to be speaking for their Queen!
Truly scary to imagine them actually having power!
Funny that the Earthquake ad had a clip of Sarah with that same orange shirt on, the zipped up one she wore at Eric Bolling's interview. Or at least it looks like the same one.
ReplyDeleteI don't get a sporty zip-up orange shirt, with a sporty purple fleece vest with black edging, and a string of pearls!!! Is that a new fashion statement?
The wig is apparent now that it's truly a wig and reminds me of the 80's-style "shag" haircuts. Longer in the back and shorter around the face. I really feel bad for her. Her appearance and dress is less to be desired.
Agree with you, G., that she never says "no". She is the artful dodger. She'll never cut the cord about jumping in at the last minute, knowing that it just gets the bots salivating and opening their wallets.
ReplyDeleteHer defense of Donald is purely for getting a guest appearance on the "Apprentice".
Ahem, please direct me to your blog so I can read your daily writings. I'm fascinated that someone with your smarts thinks Sarah is a decent human being.
ReplyDeleteAnon@8:33, You took one for the team when you slogged through that C4P comment! Whew!
ReplyDeleteThe little gem that gleamed for me was:
"...reach out and touch the most important heart of all ā Sarah Palin. "
C4P-ers live in a fairy tale world. Maybe we do, too, but at least we recognize that Sarah, like Bristol and the Grinch, has a heart that's two sizes too small. (hmm, I think I wrote about that...)
8:56, keep up the good work over there!
ReplyDeleteI'm with "sharon2853 said..."! Palin was really odd looking in this clip - and was slurring words - I guess the mental hospital has a detox ward, too!
ReplyDeleteI think she is still hoping for the Earthquake to shake loose enough supporters that somebody with money will beg her to run on "their" money. Won't happen, but the Bots and her are thinking they can make it happen behind the scene...
ReplyDeleteThe Donald really needs her. Stick up for the big guy with the big combover honey.
OT, but just to prove what a long-lasting impression the Hottest Governor made with the lower 48...
ReplyDeleteRick Perry just denounced the "Bridge to Nowhere" ARIZONA!!!!
In challenging rival Rick Santorum's support for home-state projects funded with federal money, the Texas governor referred to "the Bridge to Nowhere in Arizona." Actually, the project that became a symbol of runaway pork-barrel spending was planned for Alaska.
Circa 2015-
Person 1: "Man, I can't believe that moron Palin was ever elected a Governor"
Person 2: She was a Governor?!?!?!
Pot meet kettle on describing others as slow learners.
ReplyDeleteHey her real hair!
ReplyDeleteMust have been a busy day again.
3-tiered chess? She can't even manage "Connect Four."
ReplyDeleteIf palinbots support Sarah because they believe she's just like them, I conclude that palinbots are figments of their own imaginations alsotoo. They must be simulations of people that are desperate to orchestrate a mutual pipe dream.
ReplyDeleteAt least two of the "regular posters" on C4p are simply brilliant hilarious trolls. It is mean of them to so blatantly fool the others and take such advantage of the stupidity and vulnerability/craziness, but at the same time, I can't help but marvel at it. The two trolls have the others eating out of their hands.
ReplyDelete7:55 AM
Do you think Exodus is a troll? Who else? This makes the site doubly entertaining. Guess the trolls! It also has the potential to sow paranoia over there. But maybe they're ALL trolls.
Not all of them are jumping off the cliff; among all the wailing and crying, one bright, hopeful voice posted "yeah, but damn she's hot, especially tonight!"
ReplyDeleteOops, sorry Gryphen. I misread earlier and thought it was your quote about "I was struck by the fact that she never says NO". I didn't realize yet it was from the C4P'ers.
ReplyDeleteWell at least I got the part right about her wig being on backwards.
And, I think even though she refuted running, she didn't say "NO" and that leaves a tiny little doubt in my mind that the fat lady hasn't sung yet.
Sarah likely has been promised a bought and paid for VP slot, so she figures she becomes VP has presidente offed and she is president of USA without all the work, debates or vetting!
ReplyDeleteI've always cringed when others got on Sarah's appearance. I don't think we should judge others by their appearance. All that said, she looks awful. I agree with the person who commented on how much she's aged. I wonder about her mental health, because she clearly isn't taking care of herself.
ReplyDeleteGreat post, really enjoyed reading this. Love your way with a word, Gryphen.
ReplyDeleteI did notice the same thing the Peebots did though... Palin didn't come right out and say no.
Don't get me wrong, I didn't interpret it as they did. I don't believe she has any intention of jumping in the race. I do think she would if she could, but she knows she couldn't withstand the increased media scrutiny.
But I do think Palin still wants to have it both ways. She has two very distinct motives for not giving a definitive "NO." She WANTS her minions to keep begging her to run, because it feeds her ego and makes her APPEAR to be a viable candidate.
And she also DOESN'T want you, Gryphen, to be able to say that her unequivocal refusal to run is due to the Trig hoax.
So she keeps giving these equivocal "refusals."
I know at least 7 women (via a 'net chatsite) that keep waiting and hoping "dear Sarah" will relent and enter the race. These are women who, by their own admission, only watch FauxGnus and worship Hannity, never miss Rush's daily diatribes, hate the fact that they might ever have to pay for anyone else's healthcare but their own, sent their kids to private "Christian" schools, belong to their local Tea Party and are convinced the TPers will totally take over the old GOP, and call their President and First Lady by the most disgusting names possible. And..they're proud of it. These are the followers of "dear Sarah". Blech!
ReplyDeleteI thought Palin acted extremely nervous in that Bolling interview--like she's being chased by something and hoping to deflect.
ReplyDeleteThe pearls are to show how classy she is. The fleece is to show how outdoorsy she is. The orange and pink together show how hip and trendy she is. The humungous forehead is to show what a deep thinker she is. The lumpy wig(did you see that thing hanging off the right side of her head? It looks like a part of it is trying to escape) The lumpy wig is to show how versatile she is. Put them all together and you see a woman who is all things to all people. A sure sign to the peebots that she is running.
ReplyDeleteSarah is not a energy expert or fashion expert and now we see that Sarah is not a tv producer either.
ReplyDeleteA good producer wouldn't show such a big forehead on a balding head and wear a bad wig!
A good producer would use better lighting and not bounce lights off a big ghost white background like her forehead.
A good producer would spend money on decent clothes and make up.
A good producer would spend money for a speech and language coach.
Ha Ha Ha LOL Whew! Do you realize what we just witnessed?
ReplyDeleteMaverick Sarah got her ass whipped, beat and blistered last time by Ailes for revealing on another non FOX show about her political future.
Sarah made sure this time she did not go against her masters and revealed her political intentions on FOX.
LOL... Ailes has broken the Maverick and she is not going rogue anymore...
Sarah Palin is now a vajayjay whipped quitter looser!
Aw. Pundant Tranny is attempting to "color block"!
ReplyDeleteShe looks really, really, really....I don't even know. More like a dude. Plastic and man-ish. Strange, indeed. Why the fuck can't someone make that wig look normal? Is someone playing a big joke on her? Is she so stoned she doesn't realize it?
Obamaās Shadow Operation
ReplyDeletePresident Obamaās robust campaign in Iowa. In spite of all the attention on the Republicans, Mr. Obama is the most organized candidate in the state.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDelete3-tiered chess? She can't even manage "Connect Four."
9:37 AM
More like "You sunk my Battleship"!
Mavericky Sarah Palin carefully weighed out her options whether or not she should run against Obama for POTUS.
ReplyDeleteOn one hand Sarah would be the leader of the free world, ride Air Force One to Wasilla, ride Marine One helicopters, has the presidential limousine fleet at her beckon call, go on vacations and not have to give bogus history lessons, never have to cook or clean house again, whole new wardrobes and gowns, band playing Hail to the Chief whenever she walks in and the thing Sarah likes best is the Secret Service.
On the hand weighing heavily and discouraging Sarah from running for this prestigious position is:
Sarah having to produce Tri-G's birth certificate and submitting her blue dress to see if Glen Rice left any DNA stains on them.
Sarah reluctantly decided to wear bad wigs, shitty ass clothes, pretend to know what she is talking about and be a mother and wife to the most uneducated breeding unemployable dysfunctional untalented family in the universe!
Hypocrite, thy name is Palin.
ReplyDeleteSarah who bragged repeatedly that IF she ran it would be in an "unconventional" way, criticizing other candidates who might or do run in "unconventional" ways.
Allison at The Palin Place blogspot
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHa Ha Ha LOL Whew! Do you realize what we just witnessed?
Maverick Sarah got her ass whipped, beat and blistered last time by Ailes for revealing on another non FOX show about her political future.
Sarah made sure this time she did not go against her masters and revealed her political intentions on FOX.
LOL... Ailes has broken the Maverick and she is not going rogue anymore...
Sarah Palin is now a vajayjay whipped quitter looser!
10:25 AM
That's why Maverick Sarah looks pissed, defeated and stoned on FOX!
The FOX has as destroyed the Lipstick Wearing Pig!
Anon 10:00 AM
ReplyDeleteShe IS being chased by something, it's called Karma and it's gaining ground on her thieving ass, ha ha!!
Three words for the wig....
It was sitting so far back on her giant pumpkin size head that her mean beady eyes looked like lasers staring at ya'! She is so creepy looking!
And whatever the fuck she was wearing needs to go back to Goodwill....STAT! The vest looked like fake vomit that my kids got from the Dollar Store!
And as far as the interview...I think Roger gave Eric BowlingPinhead the questions to ask her because the tap dancing she was doing on the "Reconsider Ad" was so loud all I could hear was "RAT-A-TAT-TAT" when she was babbling.
Back to her was so startling to see the difference and how OLD she looks now. Her face is so MANNISH and it looks like it's carved out of granite! I can't imagine anyone giving her kiss on the side of her cheek and not cut their lip...she's all sharp angles and points!
One good fly stuck on the shiny lip gloss. Good job Dirty!
Of course, she won't run for the nomination. Not under any circumstance. But it sounded to me like she was indefinite and contradictory enough to keep the tease going.
ReplyDeleteSarah I-Will-Not-Endorse-Anyone-Cause-I-Like-All-Any-None-Of-Them Palin's statement about Michelle Bachmann was the biggest 'tell':
"...perhaps, she [Bachmann] is one, too, who would start saying, āHey, supporters of mine, why donāt we coalesce around one of the other candidates and letās move together as a-a team to get that right primary candidate chosen'."
Since she doesn't take her own advice, she needs to take the blame for her bots insanity.
Speaking of taking her own advice: Isn't it time she took the words she directed at the anti-Trump folks and apply them to herself? "Just shut up about it!"
She's nonsense personified.
Maybe the saddest commentator at C4P is 20 year old Jasmine. She's an african-american college student and seems to have found a home and acceptance with that crowd. It really isn't funny - but it is sad - to read her pathetic remarks about Palin.
ReplyDeleteLooking at that picture of Sarah with the bad toupee and tranny features, Alaska should use Sarah's face as a poster child for
ReplyDelete"Just Say No To Meth!"
I'm floored that Glen Rice even tapped that ass!
I wouldn't touch Sarah Palin even with Bristol's dick!
I love Barney Frank's offering for the Democratic slogan: "We're not perfect, but they're crazy".
ReplyDeleteMediaite's cites a report on the Iowa Coffee Bean vote (a restaurant does it, each diner puts a coffee bean in the jar of his choice for President)...the results pretty cool:
From the Iowa City Press Citizen:
āFor the Republicans, Michele Bachmann, despite the polls showing her behind the lead pack, was the Hamburgās top Republican bean-getter with 1,147, defeating Mitt Romney by nearly 300 votes.
Bachmann, Rick Perry and Rick Santorum made stops at the restaurant in recent months, though all the candidates were extended invitations, Panther said.ā
Bachmann got a full 29% of the beans counted from Republican voters. However, she wasnāt the big winner overall. If you count all the beans, this yearās winner was current President Barack Obama who ended up with more than 6,400 beans. Obama won in 2008 as well.
Hmmm, in Iowa bean count vote the top Republican gets 1,147 votes and our President gets 6,400. Cool. That bodes well for our team.
The Bible cautions us not to cast pearls before swine but does is address the issue of putting pearls on a swine? Doesn't work much better than the lipstick from what I see.
ReplyDeletePoor Palin, if she somehow got a zillion write-in votes she still would have to tell her little friends she's NOT running cause she's too embarrassed to tell them that she CAN'T run. It feels so good to be on the side that knows WHY she can't run.
I think Ailes and Murdoch are punishing her by forcing her to fulfill what's left of her contract in an attempt to further showcase and negate her relevance. It's obvious she would prefer remaining alone in her cave in the hopes the boogeymen will go away.
Good grief, is Tawd dressing her now?
ReplyDeleteThis woman gets $1,000,000/year to walk to her in-home tv studio and spout stuff, how many times? A dozen or so?
So, Sarah cannot hire someone from the Bee Hive to come fix her hair before her appearance?
Couldn't she hire someone to lay out a bunch of acceptible and flattering clothes ensambles so she doesn't look like she just got out of bed?
I can think of no other female pundant (sic) - or male for that matter - who does not try to look their professional best on every tv appearance.
If Sarah is "dressing for the job she wants," whatever could that "job" be?
ReplyDeleteIt was sitting so far back on her giant pumpkin size head that her mean beady eyes looked like lasers staring at ya'! She is so creepy looking!
Creepy especially with that Glen Rice pearl necklace she is still wearing on tv!
Sad to say, Sarah will not be able to run for POTUS.
ReplyDeleteShe has accepted a new position as Sr Editor for "Vogue" magazine.
Sarah will write about new fashion trends in Wasilla and Paris.
Sarah soooo much wants to pal around with the 1%.
ReplyDeleteIf The Donald wasn't already taken, Sarah would be all over him like a bear after honey.
Tawd may not be the Sugar Daddy she wants, but he sure knows how to pimp his girls.
Yeah, I'm convinced of it now, C4P's comments section is in the grip of brilliant satirists that are stringing the rest along. I think many of the posts that end up copied here for our amusement are satire in disguise.
ReplyDeleteNo doubt in my mind.
She will not make an endorsement until 1) she knows who the winning candidate will be and 2) there is a guarantee of pay-back.
ReplyDeleteMrs. Palin will not give her support to anyone. It has to be bought and paid for.
I'll say one thing. For all those who said she's too lazy to do the work necessary to run, they were most certainly right! The pee pond refutes that fact, yet what are they doing? Running it for her and they don't even realize it. The ignorance astounds.
ReplyDeleteI would bet that Sarah makes an appearance on The Donald's show. He owes her after all her gushy school girl crush comments.
ReplyDeleteCaribou Crosshairs screams "leave Donald aloooooone"!
ReplyDeleteFairy-Tale troll Ahem screams "leave Sarah alooooone"!
At all of us here?
Its been explained time after time, AHEM if you don't like what you see here you can join the paint chip eaters who will welcome you with open arms... :)
That being said....No matter what you say about Caribou Crosshairs you will not change anyones mind here.
So really what do you get out of your pathetic little rantings here? You must get something b/c otherwise you would say "gee gosh darn it, this place is not my cup of tea so I shall not waste my time and energy here b/c no one listens to me and they all can't stand caribou crosshairs..."
But no you whine and cry...
I say-"hey put on yer big girl panties"!
You know why? We will not leave tundra turd alone until she is in jail or locked up in psycho ward!
And that's a FACT!
The news for November 5, 2012.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin is still hinting that it's not too late for another candidate to throw in her hat! Notice fellow C4P'ers that she said 'her'!!! This is clearly a hint tht Sarah is going to get into the race for predident. I just know she is because she has a way of hinting at what she really means. And tomorrow when we wake up we'll all find that Sarah has finally committed. Sleep well fellow C4P'ers, when you awaken tomorrow you can all put away your knives you were going to slash your throats with and the guns you were going to use to blow out what's left of your brains. God will speak through Sarah tomorrow!
Thank you baby jeeezzzuuuzzzz!
If she had looked like this when John McCain first introduced her on the national stage, we wouldn't be talking about her today. I wonder if she ever wishes she'd just stayed in Alaska and finished her term as Governor.
ReplyDelete"Clarity is one of her strong suits"
ReplyDeletePlease, you need to issue "don't eat while you're reading this" alerts-- I almost choked!
I was thinking Jasmine was one of the trolls. She does seem to finally "get it" as she was dropping the reconsider/draft stuff, last I read
ReplyDeleteThe video only has 307 views right now. You know most people at Sea of Pee watched it at least twice. Plus some of us have seen it because of your link. There are 77 comments here now, so if half of us had the courage to watch it, that means that about 35 of the views are from here.
ReplyDelete307-35=272. Divide that by 2 (since they watched it twice)=136.
That means that NOT many people at all are interested in what she has to say any more. Where are the "millions" who will vote for her the moment she declares that she's really been running a "stealth campaign" all this time?
ReplyDeleteThank you.
I have enjoyed deriding this inarticulate dullard for as long as anyone and her mean streak brought out the worst in myself and many others. That being said, it's less and less funny as it wears on and on and one wonders if this surreal journey may come to a very bad and sad ending indeed. This woman is clearly not well and someone who still cares about her welfare should attempt to intervene. As Nick Lowe once sang "I don't think it's funny no more....."
ReplyDeleteIs carltonwest one of the trolls at c4p? He is always waxing lyrical about her but now he has this to say!
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to our Sensational Sarah? She looks every day of her 48 years in this video.
Just an aside, have there been any real sightings of the sista out and about in wasilla? I'm so used to seeing her spread all over the internet that it dawned on me that they are reduced to using stock photos or screen grabs from her Fox noise appearances. Wonder if the sista even goes outdoors anymore?
ReplyDelete@8:56 AM Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI have a confession... I have occasionally written over the top pro-palin comments to see how many "likes" it will get. The cee 4 pee'ers apparently love my posts. My posts are so off the wall any idiot could see they are goof posts. But they can't.
I love it! The Peepee Place is so ridiculous that I have to wonder if a lot of people are doing what you are. When I have time I may join in on the fun.
lostinmn, yes Palin was spotted attending a church function either on, or around, Christmas Eve.
ReplyDeleteThere have been numerous sightings of some family members, but only rare sightings of Sarah, Bristol, or Todd.
Kinda odd.
ReplyDeleteJasmine is 20 going on 14, and while I do feel sorry for her and all the other mental cases over there, she has got a mean streak also when it gets down to it- they all do. Takes my warm, fuzzy sympathy away very fast.
What I don't understand about her, or any of the other blacks or gays (and they ARE there) is how they put up with the racist and homophobic remarks in the comments.
Okay...Dirty Wigā¢ has probably been reading these comments about her appearance from last night...well she's due to be on Bret Bumpfuck from FAUX news hopefully she will take our advice and hire a professional stylist...I'm not holding out hope but hey....maybe Kristen Cole will take pity on her best friend and help the Tranny out!
ReplyDeleteThe orange and pink is code for Denny's, which is code for Applebee's, which is code for the strong family getting together at Applebee's to vote on whether Sarah should do a third party run. The pearls are code for daisy petals, which are code for hell yeah, hell no, hell yeah, hell no....
ReplyDeleteThe fleece is code for, uh...fleecing her supporters! (oops, that was supposed to stay in code).
If Sarah "wig-on-backwards" and Donald combover had a kid, what would they call it's hairstyle. A Pa-Lump? A Trail-Pin?
ReplyDeleteStrump? A DonSar?
Anonymous @ 10:15am said...
ReplyDelete"A good producer wouldn't show such a big forehead on a balding head and wear a bad wig!
A good producer would use better lighting and not bounce lights off a big ghost white background like her forehead.
A good producer would spend money on decent clothes and make up.
A good producer would spend money for a speech and language coach.
AND a good producer would make absolutely sure that Ol' $cary was no where near any show or studio associated with same producer. After all, a good producer has to have some self-repsect and personal standards.
Anon 11:52 AM
ReplyDeleteI must ask, are you a Republican? Because the majority do not get sarcasm/parody/snark or any kind of subtle humor, there are still some out there who think Stephen Colbert really is a Conservative.
I've said it before, I'll say it again, these people would make an excellent study for a dissertation on group delusion. I have a list of examples that could be used in addition to this latest idiocy, starting with their certainty that she walked off her post as governor because she was running for the presidential election four years in advance. Oh, and then there was her Thanksgiving interview with a guy out of the movie Deliverance hacking away at a turkey in the background...the bots were convinced she intended for this to happen to intimidate her enemies. If memory serves, they characterized this fiasco as "brilliant."
ReplyDeleteI could go on and on, but I've lost count of how many times they've made me shudder for humanity.
My apologies to any Republicans here who do have a sense of humor and wit, and congrats on being the proverbial exceptions to the rule.
ReplyDeletePalin would NEVER accept a postion on Donald Trump's TV show. She'd flunk big time! She's too lazy and not smart enough UNLESS 'the Donald' gave her hints and help in 'trying' to be a success. I could actually see him doing that too!
ReplyDeleteGabby Giffords is supposed to be in AZ on Jan 8 to remember the shootings and victims last year. And just like clockwork, stories start showing up about the Palin stalkers today. Coincidence, I don't think so. The Palin stalkers popped up when the Giffords were in the news for their books, too. And of course, the one who released the story is Rachael D'Oro. Trying to drum up sympathy because Palin knows people will be reminded of her map, vile rhetoric, etc on Jan 8.
ReplyDeleteCouldn't she hire someone to lay out a bunch of acceptible and flattering clothes ensambles so she doesn't look like she just got out of bed?
What do ya expect? Sarah is still on her "One Night Stand" fuck!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI would bet that Sarah makes an appearance on The Donald's show. He owes her after all her gushy school girl crush comments.
11:51 AM
If Sarah shows up unexpected again, he will probably throw her another slice of greasy pizza on a paper plate and send ignorant wonky eyed wino wig wearing ass back to Wasilla!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteHmmm, I wonder if her finally ending the tease has anything to do with that photo of her mother you posted the other day?
She looks like she's heavily self medicating these days.
7:23 AM
Oh shit... My bad!
I always thought the little dude in the red baseball cap was a toothless derelict or the town drunk!
Sarah Palin's mother? Are you sure about that?
I don't want to comment on someone's looks, but, with that big hair, Sarah may want to change her name to "Primat Palin."
ReplyDeleteI am so surprised at the number of commenters here who do not know that (ahem) writes parody! Lighten up, folks!
ReplyDeleteA millionaire like Sarah Palin still shops at her favorite consignment store in Wasilla.
ReplyDeleteTheir second hand hair rugs and fashion department are second to none.
hmm, what can I say about her in that clip, "not" well put together, unkempt, bad personal hygiene, fashion challenged...list goes on and on. But one thing for sure the woman is mentally ill. Women do not show up looking like that when appearing on national tv. Do the other members of her family hate or fear her so much they are unwilling to address the problem? Is there no one close to her who doesn't recognize her need for commitment to a facility before she harms herself or others. As someone else said, this isn't funny anymore...
ReplyDeleteSarah is still as dumb as a box of rocks.
ReplyDeleteWell, I sucked it up and watched the tape of her interview - guess she got the Fox version of Nailin Palin. Ouch. Has anyone else noticed her eyebrows don't move? Is that the Botox? The forehead was kind of scary - like I thought she might just reach up and pull the wig back leaving a tattered mostly bald skull and hear her shouting "You see you Hate Bloggers, you see what you are doing to me?"
ReplyDeleteKeep it up, she's coming unhinged.
Funny thing is....the biggest trolls of all over there say only positive, glowing...positively worshipful things about SP. Actually, it isn't funny. It's kind of creepy in and of itself, because think of the kind of TIME it takes to troll to that extent? Oh well, to each his own hobby.
ReplyDeletePot meet kettle on describing others as slow learners.
@9:32 AM
Awww. What's the matter? Slow learner can't handle the truth? Sucks to be you!
(ahem), you are hilarious! I find it so very shocking that some people here cannot understand your approach. Please don't let their misuse of "troll" slow you down in your writing. The rest of us appreciate you!
ReplyDelete@8:56 AM Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteI have a confession... I have occasionally written over the top pro-palin comments to see how many "likes" it will get. The cee 4 pee'ers apparently love my posts. My posts are so off the wall any idiot could see they are goof posts. But they can't.
I love it! The Peepee Place is so ridiculous that I have to wonder if a lot of people are doing what you are. When I have time I may join in on the fun.
Guilty here!
But I have a different approach. My experiment was to see if I could get their trust and have them *like* me while also always telling the truth.
I have never expressed any opinion that I don't believe and wouldn't say here or on other progressive sites. I word my posts in such a way as to be ever so slightly ambiguous. Once several people decided I was OK, it became obvious they interpret what I say from their own viewpoint.
I've been silent for a week or so, because it's hard to come up with honest things to say, that will maintain my subterfuge, while they're ratcheting up the mania.
...sightings of some family members...
Just sitting here hoping that Trig is out and about, in good health and enjoying life with supportive care givers. Trig is entitled to privacy and some space, but it would be nice to hear that he is doing ok.
Ahem is parody, not troll.
ReplyDeletePalin isn't even getting national news coverage today even though she TRIED to make herself significant.
ReplyDeleteSarah - go hike in the Alaskan mountains and get lost! You are a 'has been' and it is about time!
ReplyDeleteJust remember "He who laughs last laughs last!"
You people ridicule me and my family but that's okay. You mocked me saying if you want my advice you need to buy my book. So I will share a little of what you might find in my book.
My kids quit school and are not wasting money on a college education. They will be cosmetologists and truck drivers and heavens knows there will be a shortage of these professionals.
The Obamas are wasting their time in middle school only to go to college and go into debt to be doctors and lawyers. My kids would already be out there making money. Bristol expects to make $7 an hour before tips.
So my book will point out where Michelle and Barrock Obama went wrong and advise families on how to get GEDs and avoid wasting their junior and senior years in high school.
-Sarah Palin
Governor of Alaska
"Hey, what happened to that big wide fake smile she used to have? "
Sarah WHO???
ReplyDeleteCome to think of it, like RunningL8 mentioned "why didn't someone make that wig look normal"...
ReplyDeleteWhere was Bristol, the wannabe hair stylist? Why wasn't she in studio working on her mother's wig?
I have a feeling either the seemingly mentally shallow Sally Heath tried to help, or the rats-nest-creator Juanita Fuller attacked that wig.
I wonder if the C4Peers and SarahNET realize that if the SOPA (H.R. 3261) legislation passes, SarahNET won't be able to pirate Fox News' Palin interviews and upload them to YouTube...
ReplyDelete(I viewed that Palin/Bolling video on YouTube/SarahNET, and the resolution was lousy. Viewing it directly from Fox News was much better, in HD)
Erick said...
ReplyDeleteAnon 11:52 AM
I must ask, are you a Republican? Because the majority do not get sarcasm/parody/snark or any kind of subtle humor, there are still some out there who think Stephen Colbert really is a Conservative.
1:26 PM
That was So funny...I forgot 2 laugh
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteGabby Giffords is supposed to be in AZ on Jan 8 to remember the shootings and victims last year. And just like clockwork, stories start showing up about the Palin stalkers today.
the palin "Stalkers"...are still locked up?
How can they be of any danger to her? Does she not trust Joe Schmidt who "Did her" in HS....her old BF to keep them locked up without a trial?
Don't tell me there are NEW stalkers?
Bullshit. Only stalkers are the FEDS waitin' to indict her JMO!!
Did anybody show up at that "Sign Holding for Palin" event in Iowa today? Not a peep about it.
ReplyDeleteGuess nobody showed up.
Anonymous said...
Jasmine is 20 going on 14, and while I do feel sorry for her and all the other mental cases over there, she has got a mean streak also when it gets down to it- they all do. Takes my warm, fuzzy sympathy away very fast.
What I don't understand about her, or any of the other blacks or gays (and they ARE there) is how they put up with the racist and homophobic remarks in the comments.
12:48 PM
and i'd bet good money that the fuk_tard, pig latin spewin', BrianusBerkleiANUS is a full blown registered pediophile...
Palinbots are a bunch of retards!! Yes, I said it.
ReplyDeleteI hope Ruffles and Tri-G are doing great.
ReplyDeleteIts not Tri-G's fault his real mother didn't want him.
Sarah you may have played a big part in Bristol giving up her baby. Was it better for your political image that your promiscuous pregnant underage daughter give up her baby and you fake the pregnancy?
Funny how history repeats itself with Bristol getting pregnant again and you wanting to take Tripp from her like last time.
Bristol decided to keep Tripp because she didn't consider him defective like her last one. You will never live this down because we all know.
Sarah, the iceberg cometh!
Keeping with the climate of this site, here's a link in case you are a federal whistle blower. The judge on one of the articles on this site is the same judge that's hearing the Monsanto case in New York NOW Jan 2012--Judge Naomi R. Buchwald. He also blasted Sara Palin for using her Down Syndrome son Trig as a "prop" during her campaigning:
Palin is trending tonight on Twitter because of her!
11:52 pm
ReplyDeleteObviously, you're new here.
"Ahem" is a brilliant Satirist, who does a fantastic, believable job at mocking the paint chip eaters.
The fact that you bought it, hook, line, and sinker, is a testament to "Ahem"'s talent.
Ahem, you rock! Welcome back! and please don't stop.
Your posts and Beldars always crack me up!
Holy FUCK. The dew isn't just off the rose, baby, the rose is wilted, dried and pressed. I don't usually comment on her looks, as I am a year older and have some experience with Karma and glass houses.
ReplyDeleteThey kept showing images of her from 2008, while jowly babbled her 20-minute-long sentence, and it is INSANE how much this bitch has aged!
So now karma will be giving me jowls while I sleep. Karma, if you touch my hair for typing this, you don't even know what a bitch can be!
Sarah Really has aged these past three years. Hard drinking, stewing in her own juices and not even being mentioned in the MSM have taken it's toll.
ReplyDeleteDirty Wig took her fashion cues from Howard Johnson's. Orange and pink outerwear, turqoise tongue.
I think this video shows how low she's sunk. She's twitching in her seat, hands closed in fists, talking in word salad run on sentences....
The sea of pee is still funny, a master in three tiered chess with a photographic mind.
Right, a woman who needs to write talking points on the palm of her hand has a photographic mind. Wonder if any photos of herself from the Campaign ever play in her mind?
This vid makes me think not.
A palin was seen out and about in wasilla? Really? Which streetcorner?
Palin used to shop at the designer consignment shops in Anchorage. They feature "gently used" high-end clothing that often is a great deal and doesn't "smell weird" like the stuff from thrift stores. We recently had a Value Village open here in Wasilla and as much as I'd like for my clothing choices to reflect my dedication to the recycling movement, I can't get beyond the weird smelling clothes.
ReplyDeleteHowever, it now looks like Palin might be frequenting Value Village, and perhaps even the Salvation Army thrift stores. I bet she smells strange.
It looks like Sarah has been helped with her endorsement pick.
ReplyDeleteSarah will not endorse:
Sarah liked Newt but after his showing in Iowa, she is on the fence with him.
So I predict by the night of the GOP convention, Sarah will have narrowed down her endorsement.
With her poor endorsement track record, Sarah will not be Mavericky and pick her endorsement until it is a sure thing... on the night of the GOP convention.
Me thinks Sarah Palin write in was not successful in Iowa.
ReplyDeleteIts a shame how the Iowains(?) and other Americans were fooled into thinking Palin was running and she took their money and then she took their best donations which was solicited by SarahPac. This "Best donation money" was given to change Sarah's mind into running. Well Sarah did not run and she kept their money anyway!
I would think a person with morals would of returned "Give Sarah your best donation" because she did not run.
Those donors must really feel like asses.
ReplyDeleteIt was just announced on MSNBC that John "Country First" McCain will endorse Romney on Wednesday.
John, nobody gives a fuck! You're the fuckwad who picked Sarah Palin to be your vp pick and you have yet to apologize for putting that retard into our lifes!
John what you did falls under treason! You picked an unqualified thieving scamming ignoramus who can't even tell us what she reads to be one old man's heartbeat away from being president.
We will never forgive you... you rat bastard!
I think she put her wig on backwards to look like Michelle Bachman. Michelle, while also is a looser, is at least relevant at least until South Carolina.
ReplyDelete6:59 shared:
Whoa! Palin's headed into Michael Jackson territory.
lol, the aging CMA look she's sporting on her faux interview regarding the Iowa caucus proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that she reads this blog.