Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New preview for movie "Game Change." This one should be labeled, "Sarah Palin cracks up!"

Oh yeah! Now THAT is the Sarah Palin that we know and loathe.  Now do you see why I worked so hard to keep her off of the national stage?

Julianne Moore has done an amazing job of capturing the insanity that is always right below the surface, and what it looks like when it bubbles up and destroys everything, and everyone, around her.

I see an Emmy in her future.

If the video will not play for you try clicking here.


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM


  2. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Yes you are our puppet Sarah. We pull the strings, you dance.

  3. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Hey Sarah, How's that fetal position thingy workin' out for ya?

  4. Anonymous6:07 AM

    Makes me want to sign up for HBO for a month. This is going to be GREAT!

  5. Anonymous6:09 AM

    OMG!! Love them showing her curdled up on the floor after a break from reality, but maybe that is harsh. You can't have a break from reality if you have never been in touch with reality.

    Little Rabbit

  6. Anonymous6:10 AM

    It is frightening how perfect that portrayal of Sarah is!

    A note to Gryphen: When you run out of timely material (not likely), please take a few minutes to try and transcribe a few minutes of any one of Sarah's appearances on Fox. Maybe the transcripts are on-line, saving your ears from bleeding. Sarah does not speak in complete thoughts or sentences; she is quickly becoming incoherent. Add her quirky body movements, and Sarah is completing the breakdown that we'll see in Game Change.

    Thanks for posting the preview. That movie looks fantastic!

  7. Anonymous6:11 AM

    YOWZA! If this is just a tease for what is in store, I can't even imagine when the full on show hits. That was almost creepy how Moore captures her mental illness. WOW!

  8. By the way, as for that last line?

    We did not want her to come back to Alaska either. We were just not willing to let her destroy the country to keep her out of here.

  9. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Newt is asked about Sarah in 2008


  10. Betsy S6:17 AM

    Finally time to get HBO. Looks great!

  11. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Time's up.


    They're all imploding.

  12. I'm thinking....did they honestly just assume that nobody coulda become a Governor who was that stupid?

    I'm thinkin' YES.

  13. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Not bitchy enough.

    And Sarah is still a puppet. She's been the top Obama attack dog since she quit her Governor job. She doesn't care how much of a bitter hateful bitch it makes her look like, as long as they pay her.

  14. Anonymous6:22 AM

    Wonder if anybody at fake news has the guts to ask her about the movie??
    This is going to be sooooo much fun!

  15. Anonymous6:24 AM

    It's a horror movie.

  16. Nancy In New York6:26 AM

    Chills!!!! Oh man, I can't WAIT to see this one!
    Side note, Ed Harris, for an old guy, has too much sex appeal to play Grampa McCain who has ZERO sex appeal, but he's a great actor and I doubt anyone else could do it better than him. Julianne Moore is always great! She really captured the ruthlessness behind Palin's fake smile.

    Somewhere deep in the woods of Wasilla, there's a refrigerator bracing for impact.

  17. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Hmmm. I'm wondering why Sarah Palin has not sicced her attack-dog lawyers on HBO to try to prevent the release of this unflattering film. I guess they tried it. Also, the portrayal of McCain is pretty negative too. Anyone know if there were legal challenges to airing this? Remember the series "The Kennedys?" Weren't the Kennedys successful in stopping this from being aired on a major TV channel?

    Also, where are the trolls? I'm surprised they weren't ready and waiting to pounce on this topic. It's not like this film is a surprise to them. They are probably all receiving their talking points right about now.

  18. Anonymous6:28 AM

    American woman, stay away from me!

  19. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Morning joe was going on and on about how great this made palin look this morning. I wanted to puke. Then why did they lose?

  20. melissa6:32 AM

    Whoa! That last line was especially creepy.

  21. Anonymous6:34 AM

    T R E A S O N

    (with sound track)

  22. Oh Yeah! Spread far and wide.

  23. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Interesting! I can't wait to see it. You know they make her look better than she probably did look. I don't see the evil and that face she makes with the straight mouth frown.
    Julianne Moore is so pretty compared to Sarah. I think that is part of the problem.

    Can you imagine Sarah's comments to this? The liberal media, blah, blah, Obama machine, socialism, blah blah blah blah.........

  24. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Does anyone have links to Sarah on Fox last night on Hannity and the Napolitano show ? I want to see her tie-dye look.........
    Gryphen, not sure if you are posting these. It is great when you do...Thanks

  25. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Sarah Palin For President: Because America Needs To Laugh Again (VIDEO)


  26. Anonymous6:39 AM

    I'm still impressed at her ability to go from Alaska to being on a national stage EVERYDAY for 2 months. There was not one moment where she wasn't visible. That takes talent and self-discipline. I hope she took that winter to rest. I can't get over how busy candidates are. at least 2 rallies a day, prep for interviews constantly... How was there time?

    Obviously Game Change is playing up the stereotypes. It does capture her perfectly as a rogue figure though, if not giving Schmidt too much leniency.

    I think people will treat this as they treated 'W'. Propaganda but entertaining propaganda. The film industry is pure entertainment isn't it?

    Sad thing is, none of these people, here or there, know her. It's all charicature based on bias and distortion.

  27. Anonymous6:39 AM

    Anon 6:07, how's that bias thing workin for ya?

  28. Anonymous6:39 AM

    For the REAL Sarah Palin movie,head on over to Huff-po where Huff-po Comedy has endorsed Sarah Palin for President. It is a thing of beauty.

  29. Anonymous6:40 AM

    wow - and to think that I did not want to see this when I first read about it

  30. Anonymous6:40 AM

    "When you run out of timely material"

    Are you on the right blog? I thought Gryphen lived for fluff and superficial, pointless news and rumors.

  31. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Sarah is completely the breakdown? When? Where? huh??????

    Did you read Game Change? Sarah looks like the sanest of all who are portrayed. Well, Obama looks sane, albeit cocky, but why wouldn't he? He had the media kissing his rear.

  32. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Hope movie helps more and people to see what a mentally ill fucking moron McCain chose.

    Sarah and Bristol have been "branding their names"... HBO movie will help tarnish the brand.

    Fuck all you Palins.. your grifting days are about over.

  33. Anonymous6:43 AM

    " That was almost creepy how Moore captures her mental illness"

    Shouldn't you NOT diagnose things you are ignorant about? Or let me say this. Shouldn't you NOT write ignorant things?

    She may have wanted to stay down there then but she obviously got over that quickly after the loss, as they purchased the vacant land in mid 09 next door.

  34. 8tseven6:44 AM

    Morning Joe went on and on about how great this movie is and how it's NOT about the downfall of Scarah. They all agreed how unfair it was to her how she was thrust into the public eye without any help. They even mentioned how relevent she is now.
    Made me want to gag. Can't stand any of them on that show. The only reason that I saw it was because the tv was tuned to msnbc from the night before.

  35. Anonymous6:45 AM

    "We were just not willing to let her destroy the country to keep her out of here."

    I still don't know how you think one person could destroy a country just by speaking common sense and ideals most people believe. Are you that ignorant of history? We are far less violent than even 50 years ago. We're far more civilized. Difference is, the internet has gravely distorted and ruined what were once small problems.

  36. Anonymous6:47 AM

    We have all heard about how her behavior during the campaign but it is interesting to see it played out.

  37. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Yeah, she'll do what she wants.

    Destroy the country because she is a crackpot and crazier than that West guy in Florida.

    She wasn't properly prepped because she doesn't listen and won't ever listen to anyone but her egotistical and stupid self.

  38. Anonymous6:47 AM

    "Morning joe was going on and on about how great this made palin look this morning. I wanted to puke. Then why did they lose?

    Remember how surprising figures defended Sarah against Joe M? That is going to happen again, especially when people who actually meet and/or KNOW Sarah watch these clips/movie. PROPAGANDA.

    What I think will truly help things is if HBO makes the Obama/Hillary story. That was the meat and potatoes of the book and exemplifies what is gravely wrong with the country. Julianne Moore can finally play Hillary.

    Thing is, the real story of Obama will never be told and Hillary has successfully made herself over into a good person now. Pity. We need to know that truth.

  39. Anonymous6:49 AM

    McCain is a sympathetic figure. This is a good, honorable man who trusted those around him, who really isn't apart of the partisan bs, and who is just moral. I bet his greatest regret is hiring Schmidt.

  40. Anonymous6:50 AM

    Agree, these movies will always be made and they add to the landscape. It's a pity the democrats don't receive equal treatment. There's are major stories that get ignored on the left. Cmon the fuck on media. We need to know what goes down for real, not just this inane crap that doesnt matter.

  41. Anonymous6:54 AM

    ...the internet has gravely distorted and ruined what were once small problems.

    6:45 AM
    Could you clarify this thought please. It makes no sense as written. Perhaps you could give an example of what you are trying to talk about.

  42. Anonymous6:54 AM

    WOW that looks awesome.

  43. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Don't worry what they write about you. Measure it in inches. People who make public figures a huge part of their lives are sad creatures of habit and a weird loneliness. I love that quote by the way.

    Rational people don't judge others based on non-personal experiences. End of story.

    I agree with Morning Joe.When you put something on the big screen, it loses value. Look how disrespected that film about GWB was. Even dems wrote it off as tripe.

    ISSUES PEOPLE ISSUES. We have an unfair country. We need to begin treated people as people and not partisan puppets. The dems get away with too much.

  44. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Sarah's 2 appearances on FOX last night....notice her hair is darker and she adds more extension in the 2nd one. As for the tie dye look, more pathetic by the day.



  45. Anonymous6:56 AM

    "Fuck all you Palins.. your grifting days are about over."

    lmao. You're criticizing people who are busy leading private lives, working their normal jobs and just being them. YOU and your blog posse have given them all the power of the media they have. Just ignore what you obviously resent. It's not hard. Millions of people do it, as they have lives outside hatin on people they dont know.

  46. Anonymous6:56 AM

    The troll is AWAKE. AWAKE & SING, troll. Your IQ is still not high enough to comment here. We're liberals; we have standards.

  47. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Aon 6:37, I never stop laughing. What's your excuse? Life is beautiful. You could learn a lot from Palin about being happy with yourself and your life.

  48. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Im sure J Moore is good, but she doesn't look like she captured the star power Palin has. That isn't learnable.

  49. Anonymous7:01 AM

    There is no distortion in the fact the Sarah Palin has boasted in her books and in interiews/speeches about her supposed irrational risk to an unborn child in April 2008.

    Sarah Palin boasts of having boarded a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check AND avoided NICU hospitals to have the baby INDUCED in a small hospital not even rated to handle twins. The other risk factors Sarah Palin says she ignore are premature Down Syndrome fetus and over 40 year-old mother in her 7th pregnancy with a history of miscarriages.

    Why didn't the book/movie "Game Change" cover Sarah Palin's irrational boast of the risk she supposedly took? The answer is, NO drama. If everyone admitted in the first 5 minutes of the movie, that they did KNEW Palin was mentally unstable, but ran her for VEEP, then the movie would be OVER before it began.

    John McCain, the McCain campaign staff and the GOP power brokers ALL knew that Sarah Palin was mentally unstable before they picked her for VEEP. It was

    T R E A S O N.

  50. ThanksABunchJohn7:02 AM

    Morning Joe had John Heilemann on for the segment about Game Change. I found myself feeling very let down. Every one was going on and on about how "fair" HBO was being to Palin in the movie, and that many people will be surprised as to how she will be shown in a more "human" light. They basically said it's a story about a small town mayor who was out of her depth, and what a national campaign did to someone who wasn't prepared.

    NOT the Palin we know. I smell VICTIM all over this. Granted Joe and Mika have not seen the movie, but Heilemann was very careful to say that HBO treated "both sides" equally fair.

    I still can't wait to see the movie, but, like all things Palin, I think the truth will continue to be elusive.

  51. Anonymous7:02 AM

    This is one time where I can't wait to hear her reaction! Hahahahahaha! She's nuts!

  52. Anonymous7:03 AM

    "They are probably all receiving their talking points right about now."

    Yes because we need talking points to point out the obvious bias.

    I think this will show that being in a national campaign is one of the most difficult things a person can be apart of. You're constantly lied about, you're constantly the recipient of nasty, gender based (or whatever) remarks, you dont eat as youre too busy, you dont sleep. Meghan McCains just one person who had these issues, yet she vocalized them and doesnt regret anything. Thats a real person. I'd be shocked if Palin didn't act that way. I wasn't shocked Hillary did, or by McCain's behaviors. The GOP has the extra hurdle of not having media compliance. Dems have it so easy, comparatively.

    Is the country going to one day change and be fair to both parties or are republicans just going to have to run as democrat and change the party back to what it once was, great.

  53. Randall7:03 AM

    On the other hand...
    I saw the Glen Beck movie a few days ago on TMC:
    "A Face in the Crowd"

    ...good movie.

  54. Anonymous7:04 AM

    "I'm thinking....did they honestly just assume that nobody coulda become a Governor who was that stupid?"

    Well, the staffers watched Obama, who had no qualifications or achievement succeed in winning the nomination, albeit with party support, so anything's possible.

  55. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I wonder if theyll show her as a tenacious quick study as she was. Probably not.

  56. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Well, I can see the troll nest has been stirred today with this post. Here's a newsflash for you trolls, she IS mentally ill. It doesn't take a doctor to see that, it's painfully clear each and every time she puts her botoxed, masculine, out of control personna on our television sets. She is a mess, she is dirty, she is bald, she is vile, she is nasty, she is still unable to get over her loss to the big man in the White House. She is a loser, a quitter and a piece of shit mother, a pathological lying, hypocritical skank. Doesn't take any kind of doctor to diagnose THAT!

  57. Nancy In New York7:07 AM

    "Sarah is completely the breakdown? When? Where? huh??????

    Did you read Game Change? Sarah looks like the sanest of all who are portrayed. Well, Obama looks sane, albeit cocky, but why wouldn't he? He had the media kissing his rear."
    You better get to a doctor stat. Seems you've caught the same delusional disorder that plagues your Queen.

    What part of rolling around in a bathrobe while clearly becoming unhinged from reality is SANE? And that's just the TRAILER.

    As far as your 'cocky' Obama statements, I'll chalk that up as you being the type of person who thinks
    a watermelons on the front lawn of the White House email is absolutely hilarious.

    And furthermore, the only one who had the media kissing their rear was your beloved Palin. If the media was actually doing their job in 2008, she would have been laughed off the national stage after her interview with Katie Couric. Everyone handled her
    with kid gloves.

    I'd say it was like the emperor having no clothes syndrome, but we all know how Lil Sarah From Wasilla made out like a bandit on that
    free wardrobe-y from campaign donations thingy don't we?

    Private jets and bendy straws? You betcha!

  58. Anonymous7:08 AM

    Nancy, way to be mature.

    And the Kennedy's are still a powerful family who will do anything to avoid THEIR nasty secrets spilled out into the world. Though, nothing's really secret anymore.

    Ill give Palin this, compared to old, past politicians, she's kind of boring. She's got pizzazz, but she's a little too nonscandalous to be a successful politician. In COMPARED to some of the most known ones from decades ago I mean.

  59. Anonymous7:08 AM

    >>>Does anyone have links to Sarah on Fox last night on Hannity and the Napolitano show ? I want to see her tie-dye look.........


  60. Anonymous7:08 AM

    OMFG! This looks fucking awesome!! I'm so glad they decided to focus on the drama provided by that nut job, Palin !!

  61. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Jeeze, Gryph. You hit the troll jackpot with this post!

    Already we have:

    media electing Pres Obama
    you don't know her
    sentence starting with "Sad is,"

    Waiting for Axelrod, thuggery, Chicago machine, unvetted and immature.

  62. Anonymous7:09 AM

    And 7 months after that last scene, she purchased land and started building her Kennedy like compound in Alaska. Kennedy, Bush, Palin. 3 of a kind.

  63. jadez7:10 AM

    lets be real serious for a second.

    because people just say words then move on and really dont think very much.

    but this woman palin is without question mentally unstable and probably by now is being held together with medication.

    i have always said that palin would never be allowed near real power and her influence in politics is really negligible.

    she is beyond bizarre and what we know of her is merely a tip of the iceberg compared to what the real insiders know.

    in fact she is so bizarre and so unstable that she is actually protected by that because no one can believe it possible.

    she is literally insane.

  64. Anonymous7:10 AM

    I think this movie will make poor little Sarah look like the victim
    used & abused by the big bad GOP
    just what she wants

  65. Anonymous7:11 AM

    The troll comes out swinging. Listen here, Sarah was in our face, that's what we know and that's what we take objection to. Your "You don't know Sarah" hissy fit is baseless and lame.

  66. Anonymous7:11 AM

    I'm still impressed at her ability to go from Alaska to being on a national stage EVERYDAY for 2 months. There was not one moment where she wasn't visible. That takes talent and self-discipline.
    6:39 AM
    Wrong! It does not take talent and self-discipline. It takes a relatively incompetent puppeteer and a campaign staff willing to commit treason to keep mentally unstable Sarah Palin looking presentable. Sarah Palin, however, was NEVER able to sound competent when she wasn't spouting prepared lines.

    Sarah Palin was NOT allowed to give interviews at the beginning of the campaign because she is too stupid. Sarah Palin managed to remain standing during her VEEP debate only by the kindness of Joe Biden and her refusal to even answer the moderator's questions.

    All Sarah Palin had to do during the campaign was do what she was told to do AND hide her ignorance, stupidity, incompetence, viciousness, and arrogance.

    John McCain never had much of a chance at victory. But he lost every shred of hope by choosing Sarah Palin as the running mate.

  67. Smirnonn7:11 AM

    Anon @6:27 wrote:

    "Also, where are the trolls? I'm surprised they weren't ready and waiting to pounce on this topic."

    Spoke too soon, my friend. Scroll up for some good laughs!! :)

  68. Anonymous7:13 AM

    I do appreciate that book and movie make it crystal clear that Sarah Palin did, in fact, mention the proximity of Russia to Alaska when she was asked about foreign policy experience. That event was NOT the imagination of Saturday Night Live.

  69. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Links to last night are on the comments for the POTUS and his dog post.

  70. Anonymous7:15 AM

    >>I'm still impressed at her ability to go from Alaska to being on a national stage EVERYDAY for 2 months. There was not one moment where she wasn't visible.

    THAT is a lie. Flat out lie.

    They hid her away from any sort of press interview claiming that she wasn't being treated respectfully after she totally bombed on her first two major interviews.

    She was hopped up on Red Bull, in and out of depression and manic episodes, stupors and over the top out of control fits and tantrums.

    You're delusional if you think that she had ANYWHERE near the exposure that every other candidate in history has had. She was shielded, hidden away, held on a tight leash and only allowed out when the narrative could be controlled.

    Take your lies elsewhere, no one here will be convinced no matter how you spin it.

  71. All I can say is to echo anonymous at 6:03 am (your first commenter) Yowza. It is one thing to know all of this as we have for almost three years, it is another to see it played out on the screen! It scares me all over again.

    P.S. Gryphen, I still have not felt comfortable enough to open and drink that bottle of champagne. I think I will save it for when babygate crashes open ... and it will, someday!

  72. Anonymous7:16 AM

    The palinbots will work overtime to convince Sarah ¨Game Change¨ will not taint her public image.

    They must handle this matter delicately, they must continue to ignore all manifestations of Sarah´s retardation, and they must above all else pretend Sarah still has a public image.

  73. SEND IN THE TROLLS. Don't bother, they're here!

  74. Anonymous7:22 AM

    6:39..She's Back!!! "you don't know her" Avocado Guacamole in Brooklyn again. You don't know her either so STHU.

  75. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Whoever is playing Todd looks like Gomez Addams in that clip. HHAHA

    And Willow looks about 7 years older than Bristol. Those actresses shouldve switched. Im sure the movie will be entertaining. Isn't that the point?

  76. Virginia Voter7:24 AM

    OMG, this post is going to tie up Bristol and Sarah all fucking day.

    I see they are already writing their nonsense ad nauseum this morning.

    Ladies, give it up, you convince no one here. People will subscribe to HBO just to see this movie, and I think I see a Golden Globe and an emmy in Julianne Moore's future.

    BTW, Sarah and Todd's candidate and his campaign is being investigated for 1500 counts of felony voter fraud. Read it and weep bitchez.


  77. Anonymous7:24 AM

    When I think of Hollywood manipulating politics, I think of all the loudmouths who aren't even registered to vote or didn't vote. Oh and they're hypocrites.

  78. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Also, where are the trolls?

    They apparently slept in, but they're awake now with their sanctimonious "they don't know Sarah" script.

    Um, trolls? The authors of the book interviewed the people (Schmidt, Wallace, etc.) who worked with Sarah during the campaign. I think you have the wrong script.

  79. Virginia Voter7:31 AM

    HA, HA, 6:55...was Sarah WEARING PAJAMAS last night on Fox??

  80. Anonymous7:31 AM

    We need to organize a Alaskan showing of this film...

    Gyph, you know we deserve a theater...

    OMG !!!! Alaskans WE NEED TO MAKE SURE THIS IS PLAYING IN ALASKA, LIKE WITH A CELEBRATION...! It can and will play out as a bipartisan event, for sure...

  81. Nancy In New York7:32 AM

    Don't worry what they write about you. Measure it in inches. People who make public figures a huge part of their lives are sad creatures of habit and a weird loneliness. I love that quote by the way.

    Rational people don't judge others based on non-personal experiences. End of story.

    I agree with Morning Joe.When you put something on the big screen, it loses value. Look how disrespected that film about GWB was. Even dems wrote it off as tripe.

    ISSUES PEOPLE ISSUES. We have an unfair country. We need to begin treated people as people and not partisan puppets. The dems get away with too much.


    Look Everyone it's the "you can't judge a person you don't know troll".

    Got one question for you fair and balanced troll:
    Do you know Dubya? Then how you can judge something about him was unfair if you don't know him personally?

    Got another question for you. If you're so hot and heavy to get away from partisanship, then why do you single out the "dems" only as 'getting away with too much.'

    Do yourself a favor, get your ass off of the segway, get unglued from fox fake news, breath some real fresh air and clear the 'conservatives are always persecuted' cobwebs from your head.

  82. Wooooof.

    I can hardly wait for the opening.

  83. Anonymous7:34 AM

    I was wondering where the troll has been. It must have been busy yesterday, what with 2 interviews and hair and clothing changes to deal with.

  84. Calli Pygian7:35 AM

    JM tries, but doesn't quite capture the intensity of insanity that oozes from SP... of course, portraying insane is a considerable challenge for the sane.

  85. Anonymous7:36 AM

    This movie will prove Sarah Palin right!!!

    Vetting candidates takes months, especially when they are sociopaths like she is.

  86. Anonymous7:37 AM

    6:57-6:58 same person..How do you know she is happy? How do you know she has star power? YOU DON"T KNOW HER EITHER! From seeing her bitchy self in interviews she's sure as hell is not happy and her star power has totally faded away and she's turned into a joke, someone turn out the lights-she's done.

  87. FYI...
    Julianne Moore will be on The View tomorrow.

  88. Anonymous7:39 AM

    6:39 am

    THERE you are!!

    Troll, you're late.

  89. Anonymous7:39 AM

    I wish I could say I don't know Sarah Palin. If only...

    As it turns out, the people having first hand experiences with her wrote about them. You can't rewrite history, Sarah, just because you don't like how you are viewed. You have no problem letting your opinions known. Why should it be different for anyone else?

  90. Anonymous7:43 AM

    OMFG...can't find my way through the troll shit!

  91. Anonymous7:46 AM

    HELL'S BELLS! The trolls are up!

    Someone forgot to set the alarm...they all woke up at once!

    Have a CRAZY day, Sarah.

  92. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Lyin.' Trig, and The Fetal Position, Oh My!

    londoN bridgeS

  93. Anonymous7:49 AM

    For those new to the blogesphere, A "troll" is another name for a good person who thinks objectively without hate.

  94. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Hi, Sarah:

    Read all these comments in your favor? They knew you were going to make a beeline to this blog. Everyone knows they dislike you as much as we do. Probably more.

  95. Anonymous7:50 AM

    I'm holding off with the champagne as well. Hey, it may take years before baby-gate is exposed. Maybe one of her daughters can write a book, whenever one of them gets the guts and true patriotism. It could be cathartic; they could live a new life, a new slate, free from the lies of their parents.

  96. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Anon @6:39 and others with similar comments:

    If Sarah Palin couldn't manage the stress of two months of campaigning, how on earth did she think she'd manage being Vice President, or God forbid, President?

    Can't you see that your attempts to paint her as a victim contradict your attempts to make her seem strong and determined?

    Also, in response to all the, "the Palins are just living their happy lives out of the spotlight...." comments, then why is Sarah Palin appearing on any Fox News show that will have her, as often as they will have her? Is it in her contract? When does her contract end?

  97. ghostwriter7:50 AM

    Anonymous @ 7:05 am wrote:
    "I wonder if theyll show her as a tenacious quick study as she was. Probably not."

    Bitch, please. Quick study? She hasn't learned any new talking points since 2008 and is so dumb she has to have her Facebook posts ghost-written.

    Tenacious? The Half-Term Quitter Governor? You do know that Alaskans despise quitters, don't you? Almost as much as we loath whiners. Sarah has hit it out of the park in both categories.

    The reason the film doesn't show us what a quick study Sarah is is because she isn't.

  98. Anonymous7:51 AM

    BLAH BLAH BLAH, trolls. Keep spinning your lies and sending your money. Ignorance, thy name is "Palin supporter."

  99. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I see Sarah is back today with a nice try on candy coating 2008. Sarah - you better hope the republican nominee doesn't get too close to being elected president next fall. If they do someone will undoubtedly release the proof that you shoved a pillow up your shirt and John McCain knew it - this is the stuff that will forever turn real Americans away from the GOP. Liars willing to put a mentally unstable pregnancy faking freak on the ticket.

  100. Anonymous7:54 AM

    oh gryphen, you made my morning.
    thanks. :):)

    they all knew she was Insane.
    they didnt care what she would do to the country.
    they just hoped to win.


  101. Anonymous7:57 AM

    6:56 said: "You're criticizing people who are busy leading private lives"

    I don't know if you've noticed but this family has chosen not to be a private family. How thick are you?

  102. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Hey screech your worst nightmare came true, back to the small time in alaska, no more book tours, no more teevee shows(unless you make it on hoarders with the craptastic pile of junk) , and no more bus tours, just the dark,cold and clouds of alaska, where everywhere you go people loathe you.

  103. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Well Sarah, your 'Big Dog' guy has bit the dust.

    Gingrich Lowers Expectations In Nevada And Michigan

    With a likely loss in Florida Tuesday, Newt Gingrich is headed toward a rocky February. As if a loss of momentum weren’t enough, Nevada, with its large Mormon population, and Michigan, where Romney grew up, were always going to be tough states for Gingrich. Romney won those states in 2008. So it makes sense that Gingrich’s campaign is tamping down expectations there.


    Gingrich Suffers From Low Support Among Women Voters

    In a recent Florida poll, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney were neck and neck among male voters, but Romney was leading Gingrich by 19 points among women — contributing significantly to Romney’s growing lead in the state. In the past 3 primary contests, women voters haven’t impeded Gingrich, particularly in South Carolina. On the other hand, in national polls, Gingrich trails among women voters, meaning it’s a problem that’s unlikely to go away soon.


  104. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Time to start diggin' through SarahPAC FEC docs:


  105. Anonymous8:02 AM

    <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
    I noticed (among lots more fun things LOL) they have in fact changed the back-drop in these last 2 interviews, yesterday, from that ugly green, junk/crap, fake-fire-place, etc., room -- and back to the darkened, dead-lake back-drop.

    Think they may have been taking note of all the great comments here? hahaha

  106. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Rational people don't judge others based on non-personal experiences. End of story.

    6:54 AM
    Rational people must and do evaluate candidates for public office based on non-personal experience.

    Furthermore, rational people evaluate individuals based on publicly available information. For example, Sarah Palin has written two books about HERSELF. Those books portray a mentally unstable person. End of story.

  107. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Todd Palin to robo-call for Gingrich


  108. WakeUpAmerica8:07 AM

    I see an enema in Palin's future.

  109. Anonymous8:08 AM

    I've been looking forward to seeing Game Change but it might be also-too scary to watch. Sarah as she was in real life? No illusions? Yikes! Chills my spine.

  110. Anonymous8:08 AM

    hahaha Sarah doesn't like this post as you can see from her relentless spew of non-sensical delusional comments starting at 6:39AM. Hey Sarah, what's really buggin' ya hun? Still don't know where Willow is? Piper not going to school? All I know is if Sarah is so wee-wee'd up over this post, I am happy. Keep going crazy Sarah. Your mental illness is showing. I can't wait until the day you are led away in handcuffs to the insane asylum. I also can NOT wait to vote for PRESIDENT Obama in November if for no other reason than to get sarah's panties in a wad.

  111. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Palin made the short list. She certainly entertained the idea and accepted. It was obvious she was not up on current events, unprepared, uneducated in elementary level geography and much more including clueless how to dress for business.

    Running as VP on a presidential ticket is not the same as a beauty pagent where pretty women can answer serious questions in word salad that make no sense.

    Palin got as far as she did BSing people.

    I thought the wild card McCain played to get votes on a hockey mom with a special needs child was a giant red flag. They hid her deploying the talking point of sexism and attacks as if no one would question this hockeyom poster family with the knocked up daughter and easily disproved lies such as the bridge to no where.

    Her rambling irrational answers about her foreign policy experience was a big nail in her political coffin. To this day she lies Tina Fey made it up.

  112. Anonymous8:10 AM

    People who make public figures a huge part of their lives are sad creatures of habit and a weird loneliness. I love that quote by the way
    LOL. That's a quote? It doesn't even make sense you retard. You should stop quoting the voice in your head if you want to be taken seriously.

  113. Anonymous8:13 AM

    See I told you Sarah was our puppet. She can't resist posting comments here. I love it. You make my day with your stupidity sarah. Keep it up. Sometimes my co-workers gather around and we take turns reading your comments aloud. So many laughs. Good times.

    The funniest part is, Sarah thinks she's anonymous.

  114. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Wishful thinkin', 6:39 AM #1. Best pray up some better talkin' points.

  115. Oh man I can't wait to click the video and read the comments, but this is O/T for y'all:

    "'Yeah! How you like me now, F.E.C?" Colbert told the Federal Election Commission in a cover letter. "I'm rolling seven digits deep! I got 99 problems but a non-connected independent-expenditure only committee ain't one!''

    "We raised it on my show," Colbert told his fans, "and used it to materially influence the elections -- in full accordance with the law. It's the way our founding fathers would have wanted it, if they had founded corporations instead of just a country."


    LOL "I'm rolling 7 digits deep!!"

    God, i think the Daily Show and the Colbert Report are the best thing on tv right now.

    And the fact that Stephen Colbert (NOBLET!!) has appeared...

    ...in front of the UNITED STATES CONGRESS...IN CHARACTER??!?1?1

    It is jaw-dropping.

    You want to talk about Performance Art? Herman Cain needs to take a seat and watch Stephen Colbert!


  116. Anonymous8:16 AM

    She is still a puppet. I've been wondering about Todd's involvement in Gingrich's campaign and it reminded me of his connection with AIP, the seccesionist group. Devon wrote an article for HP in 2009 about the Palin's and AIP.


    Todd's affiliation is well-documented. You can read the rest of the very interesting transcript which discusses how AIP members need to become Republicans so they can become electable, and effectively infiltrate state government.

  117. Anonymous8:17 AM

    That isn't learnable.

    6:58 AM
    You're still a retard Sarah. Keep makin' up words, it cracks us up here.

  118. lostinthemidwest8:18 AM

    I'm guessing these are PAID trolls...

    No one in their right mind can truly believe the crap they are spewing.

    Someone is wasting their money paying these people (?) to write this.

    No one believes it, and except for the comedy factor, there isn't much reason to actually read their posts.

    Scrolling thru them is somewhat time consuming tho.....

    Can't wait to watch and record this. My grandchildren need to see just what a traitor McCain is to this country. And has been since the Vietnam War.

  119. Irishgirl8:18 AM

    LOVE the trailer. Hello to all the trollies!

    O/T Sarah Palin PAC fundraising craters

    "While Palin was in Iowa in August during the bus tour, her PAC footed the bill for one of a pair of $600 meals at Des Moines’ 801 Chop House, a pricey steakhouse that is a gathering place for political insiders.

    Around the same time, the PAC also contributed $5,000 – its only contribution of the period –to the Iowa Republican Party, which puts on the Ames Straw Poll, which is held at a fair at which Palin appeared. In October, the PAC spent $2,000 on “Constitutions” from Washington’s National Archives.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/72210.html#ixzz1l3bzaxy9

  120. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Why did joe call her a mayor she wasn't a mayor she was a governor.

  121. Anonymous8:19 AM

    "Fuck all you Palins.. your grifting days are about over."

    "lmao. You're criticizing people who are busy leading private lives, working their normal jobs and just being them."

    and FUCK you troll.. last time I checked they are still trying to get in my face.. on magazines or in reality shows...

    How many private citizens "trademark" themselves?

    Private lives my ass... as I said, FUCK all the Palins.

  122. Anonymous8:21 AM

    And 7 months after that last scene, she purchased land and started building her Kennedy like compound in Alaska. Kennedy, Bush, Palin. 3 of a kind.

    7:09 AM
    Wow Sarah, you're extra delusional today. Hitting the drugs a little hard this morning? What's the matter? Rough life? HAHAHAHAHA

    In case you couldn't figure it out you are nothing like kennedy or bush. LMFAO. Hilarious.

  123. lilli8:21 AM

    Since we all know Sarah reads these, how about she does her interviews from the kitchen table..like the little homemaker, family values, real Amurikan she tries to portray..remember when she said they discuss thing around the kitchen table..come on Sarah, put your apron on and do it!

  124. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Am I going to have to buy HBO to find out whether the movie documents Sarah Palin waltzing out of the shower wrapped only in a towel for the benefit of McCain staffers?

  125. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Sarah Palin PAC fundraising craters

    Sarah Palin’s political action committee raised $756,000 in the second half of last year – a steep drop off from the first half, when she as flirting with a presidential bid.

    Palin’s relatively meager second half haul came despite heavy spending on fundraising and a bus tour that fanned speculation she might seek the GOP presidential nomination.

    In all, Sarah PAC spent a total $1.2 million, leaving it with about $1 million in the bank, according to a report filed Tuesday with the Federal Election Commission.

    Much of the spending went towards a robust direct mail program that cost about $275,000 and was supplemented by an Internet fundraising operation that cost at least $51,000. The bus tour, which took Palin through early primary states including Iowa and New Hampshire, cost at least $79,000, including hotel stays, driver fees and gas.

    Palin announced that she was not going to run in early October and, for a while at least, she receded from the political spotlight. She’s recently come to Newt Gingrich’s defense, and her PAC’s report shows that it still maintains a political operation that could allow her to be a force in the presidential or congressional races.

    Sarah PAC spent about $400,000 on the consultants who form the core of her small, but devoted staff. New addition Peter Schweizer, who was hired as a foreign policy advisor to replace John McCain holdover Randy Scheunemann, was paid $60,000 in the second six months of the year. Other core Palin staffers include chief of staff Michael Glassner (who was paid $62,000), speechwriter and Palin Internet defender Rebecca Mansour ($48,000), fundraising consultant Tim Crawford ( $93,000), researcher Andrew Davis ($45,000), and conservative coalitions liaison Pam Pryor ($36,000).

    While Palin was in Iowa in August during the bus tour, her PAC footed the bill for one of a pair of $600 meals at Des Moines’ 801 Chop House, a pricey steakhouse that is a gathering place for political insiders.

    Around the same time, the PAC also contributed $5,000 – its only contribution of the period –to the Iowa Republican Party, which puts on the Ames Straw Poll, which is held at a fair at which Palin appeared. In October, the PAC spent $2,000 on “Constitutions” from Washington’s National Archives.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0112/72210.html#ixzz1l3dZxPND

  126. Anonymous8:25 AM

    My favorite picture of Sarah is election night when she is CRYING like a lost little girl after her stunning landslide defeat by President Barack Obama. Whenever I'm having a bad day, I look at that picture and feel better immediately. Then I also remember how the McCain campaign had to literally shut the lights off and close the curtains to keep the deranged one from getting on stage. I guess they told you to sit down and shut up eh Sarah?

  127. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Looks like Sarah is pretty much out of money:


  128. Irishgirl8:26 AM

    I forgot to mention earlier that RAM is still being paid from the PAC.

  129. Anonymous8:27 AM

    7:03 said : "word salad... I wasn't shocked Hillary did... more word salad ..."

    Sarah, you are no Hillary.

    @7:49 Troll is another name for an ignorant Palin.

  130. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Anonymous said...
    When I think of Hollywood manipulating politics, I think of all the loudmouths who aren't even registered to vote or didn't vote. Oh and they're hypocrites.

    7:24 AM
    You mean like Bristol Palin?

  131. Anonymous8:30 AM

    You TROLLS should be happy that TODD'S PIMPING was not in the Trailer. Track's Brakeline cutting, Willow's Gang Vandalism and Alcoholism, and Bristol's SPREAD THE LEGS ABSTINENCE Speeches are all open
    for review. Hopefully the WILD RIDE
    will be exposed in the movie, along with the Teenage Brothel at the Palin Compound..

  132. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Obama invited to perform on 'American Idol'


  133. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I don't see any release date, not even a guesstimate. Any know when it will be available?

  134. ohmygod!!!

    "We could really win this thing"- "John McCain"...

    There actually was a moment in time,

    when this "may" have been possible.

    You can't tell me "G*D" didn't send Barack Obama to be EXACTLY what this country needed at EXACTLY the right time.

    That's one of the reasons the 2008 election (and the book "Game Change"- seriously, READ IT, you will NOT be bored for a second!),
    was so incredible.

    You had a White, Male, "War Hero" (I have issues with this label, but we'll give it to the old fart)-

    Against the democrats:

    -Hillary Clinton
    -Senator John Edwards
    -Senator Barack Obama

    Anyone who says that Barack had the Wind at his back and the nomination "all wrapped up" is a liar or a fool. It was intense. Hillary really liked Barack, but she didn't like him enough to "let" him be President before she was, o hell no!

    If you'll remember in one of the debates John Edward has to remind the moderator that he is even there! Handsome, smart (little did we know!), a "sure thing"...was relegated to "also ran" status.

    Because it wasn't about an empty suit. It was about electing the "best" leader of the free world.

    Didn't Sarah Palin herself say that "God wouldn't let the wrong person win"?

    Well, you're a housewife in Alaska again, so I'd say God did us all a solid.

  135. Anonymous8:34 AM

    For those new to the blogosphere, a "troll" is another name for a delusional person who thinks subjectively without reason.

  136. Anonymous8:35 AM

    Trying to speak rationally and objectively with people like the typical posters here is pointless. Ignorant people don't want to see truth.

    Have fun! Enjoy your hack lives. Im out.

  137. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I'm happy for the work this film provided to writers, film crews, etc., but did this bullshit really need to be made?

    Just the trailer made me want to puke.

  138. Anonymous8:37 AM

    Wonder if they are going to show the prop baby in the movie..he was the main ingredient for her running for VP.

  139. The caffeine troll is a busy bee. The big question is, does she drink Red Bull, Mountain Dew, or double lattes?

  140. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Anon at 6:10 am,
    You are not kidding - about Sarah's mental decline and her garbled form of speech. I especially loved this convoluted line from the other day:

    "Independents, I don't believe, are going to continue to support that type of agenda, certainly GOP participants shouldn't be!"

    What is with her placement of the negatives? She is so strange.

  141. Anonymous8:43 AM

    "When you run out of timely material"

    Are you on the right blog? I thought Gryphen lived for fluff and superficial, pointless news and rumors.

    6:40 AM

    Isn't that why YOU'RE here?

  142. lol at the troll definition @7:49.

  143. "I miss my babies"- Sarah Palin

    BARF!! LIES!! She knew she couldn't spout her true feelings so once again she uses her kids as her shield against EVERYTHING!!

    They couldn't fault a "mom" for missing her "babies", could they?

    Neanderthals, right, Sarah?

    Soooo, that means that once the Palin postule popped all over the RNC that sister sarah was A-okay, right? No?

    Still a dumbass, crazy bag of bones?

    David Sedaris (YES, brother of AMY SEDARIS, who worked with Stephen Colbert! Comedic geniuses flock together!)-

    humorist and writer wrote an essay in the New Yorker (10.27.08) about his total confusion about UNDECIDED VOTERS IN 2008.

    Sedaris writes:

    To put them in perspective, I think of being on an airplane. The flight attendant comes down the aisle with her food cart and, eventually, parks it beside my seat.

    “Can I interest you in the chicken?” she asks.

    “Or would you prefer the platter of shit with bits of broken glass in it?”

    To be undecided in this election is to pause for a moment and then ask how the chicken is cooked.

    I mean, really, what’s to be confused about?


    Read more http://

    Hint: Sarah, for once, you're NOT chicken.


  144. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Do these people not realize there are pictures of her diligently studying and being prepped? She doesn't appear too stressed. Wasnt one in Going Rogue?

  145. Ailsa8:48 AM

    Anonymous 6:41 AM said...

    Sarah is completely the breakdown? When? Where? huh??????

    Oh dear, it's catching. Soon there won't be a Palinbot left who can talk in complete, comprehensible sentences. It's fast becoming a public health issue.

    Listen Anon: Do not be a worry, the elite, your uppers, force you to cover by the obamacare mandation. You cannot be a pre=existing condition. OK?

  146. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Holy crap. I hope GinaM gets here soon. The troll droppings are pretty thick.

  147. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Anonymous said...


    Running businesses and raising family?

    The last thing Sarah Palin raised was Glen Rice's member in her sister's dorm room while Tawd was waiting for her!

    10:58 PM

    Sarah Palin said she is to busy "Running businesses and raising family" to run for POTUS.

    LOL.... Sarah what's so hard about being a pig rancher?

    Ya open the barn doors at night, the pot belly pigs roam the streets, they breed, come back in the morning pregnant, ya wait 9 months and start the process all over again...

    Sarah, tell me, what's so hard about that business? Ya don't even train or educate them pigs of yours. They just eat, breed, shit and sleep.

    The hardest part of your job is finding names for your piglets. Really what's so hard about that? You look out a window and see a truck and say "Let's name this little bastard Truck!" Ya see Tawd banging away on his girlfriend and say "Let's name the other little bastard Tripp!"

    Sarah since you are so busy counting your piglets, I'll even help ya out with Willow's new little bastard. How about naming that young'un

    "Oh Shit Not Again".

    So what's so hard about that? I just did your work for ya!

  148. A note to Gryphen: When you run out of timely material (not likely), please take a few minutes to try and transcribe a few minutes of any one of Sarah's appearances on Fox.

    I'm not gonna get all snarky on ur butt and tell you to "do it urself" like some people like to do to suggestions posted here...


    I have "tried" to transcribe a Palin interview and I can not tell you how difficult it is.

    You find yourself trying to write a sentence, but as you pointed out, Sarah does not SPEAK in sentences; she does not even speak in coherent sentence snippets!

    You will think you have a sentence and then she is "em, im, errs" into a whole other word salad.

    You will review the same piece of video four, five, six times trying to capture the insanity,

    and you finally realize,

    Bitch ain't worth it. And you shut it down.

    There are some "transcriptions" online but be sure that they could not capture Palin as she truly appears on TV. It really is mind-boggling that she was able to get "a" job at all...Ever...

  149. Anon 8:01 - Thanks for the heads up on the SarahPAC FEC year-end report.

    Confirmed: RAM is still on Sarah's payroll!

    I guess that tells us a little something about Sarah's opinion of Bristol.

  150. Ailsa8:55 AM

    Anonymous 7:04 AM said...

    "I'm thinking....did they honestly just assume that nobody coulda become a Governor who was that stupid?"

    Well, the staffers watched Obama, who had no qualifications or achievement succeed in winning the nomination, albeit with party support, so anything's possible.

    Oh good, we're all on the same page now you are admitting Sarah Palin has no qualifications or achievement[s], and is stupid.

  151. The caffeine troll is a busy bee. The big question is, does she drink Red Bull, Mountain Dew, or double lattes?


    Maybe it's Demi Moore!

    And the answer is: whip-its!



    This made me think of Sarah "All I ever asked for was a Diet Dr. Pepper" Palin!

    Yes, Sarah. You're soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy-going. Yup. Sure.

    But at what point does that make you a "dead fish"?


  152. Anonymous8:57 AM

    " A note to Gryphen: When you run out of timely material (not likely), please take a few minutes to try and transcribe a few minutes of any one of Sarah's appearances on Fox. Maybe the transcripts are on-line, saving your ears from bleeding. Sarah does not speak in complete thoughts or sentences; she is quickly becoming incoherent. Add her quirky body movements, and Sarah is completing the breakdown that we'll see in Game Change.

    6:10 AM"

    And the reason YOU can't do it is?

  153. Marleycat8:57 AM

    Anonymous @8:35 AM: Please, PUKE AWAY, SARAH!!!!

  154. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The Palins work for Romney. Why else would they endorse Gingrich? They know that their endorsements ruins people.

  155. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Interesting. But she doesn't have the North Dakota accent in real life.

    I'm definitely watching it. You betcha.

    It takes talent and discipline to do something like this?
    No it doesn't. It takes a personality who is supremely self-confident and completely self-absorbed.

    It takes a level of superficiality and shallowness that can transcend what will hold thinking people back - fear of inadequate preparation, not being good enough, too many responsibilities to manage, failure, etc.

    It takes that unique quality of selfishness and narcissism, committed to one's self at the exclusion (and expense) of all else, and a single-mindedness - common to movie stars, athletes, astronauts - that is a critical ingredient for success in those fields.

    It also takes the support and sacrifice of _someone_ else to keep it going. Dedicated, unwavering, reliable and invisible. Someone behind the scenes who takes on the responsibility of the mundane details of life for the rockstar.

    Couldn't happen without these things. Intelligence? Nah.

  156. Ailsa9:04 AM

    Anonymous 7:49 AM said...

    For those new to the blogesphere, A "troll" is another name for a good person who thinks objectively without hate.

    Who, in addition, has delusions of intelligence and can't spell blogosphere.

    Better? You're welcome.

  157. Well thanks Gryph... I just lost my breakfast...

    History awaits with baited breathe to EXPUNGE THIS BLIGHT of history from the planet's memory.

  158. Anonymous9:10 AM

    I dont want to judge this before I see it but at the end when it shows Julianne Moore at McCain's concession speech, she's grinning. Sarah wasn't grinning. She was trying not to bawl. In real life, there was no smirk or underlying outward emotion. She was genuinely sad that, after enduring something that would kill most people, she lost. Thats hard to deal with in front of thousands.

    STRONGEST WOMAN EVER. And, despite illwishes, she and they get stronger.

  159. They all agreed how unfair it was to her how she was thrust into the public eye without any help.


    I would LOVE for them to explain how a person ACCEPTS A JOB, and THEN has the boss APOLOGIZING FOR EXPECTING THAT PERSON TO DO THE JOB?????

    Could they also explain how running for City Council, running for mayor, and running for Governor were NOT IN THE PUBLIC EYE???

    MJ is pathetic; might as well have a Kardashian commenting...

    (that's funny how you just happened to see it; same thing with me and GMA or something; you think it's going to be innocuous but you find yourself shouting

    (me, anyway)

    at the TV b/c they're celebrating Kim (Urine Inspiration!) Kardashians

    fake- money-whoring-gay-people-can't-married-cuz-it-ruins-the-sanctity-of-marriage-72-day-wedding-calling-it-AMERICAS ROYAL WEDDING!!!

    George "I used to work for President Bill Clinton" stephonopuoluuou was a willing participant.

    puke. puke. puke!

    it's a representation of what they think of America(ns)- and obviously - they think we are dumb as rocks...
    and sarah palin tries to prove them right every day.)

  160. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Good one, 8:10 AM#2.

  161. Anonymous9:17 AM

    8:08..that would make a great poster: Get Sarah's Panties In A Wad, Vote Obama 2012.

  162. Anonymous9:17 AM

    An European viewpoint said...

    I won't watch the video - but from the capture, it seems she did move the vase with the plants to hide the electrical socket, following IM posters' suggestions.

    So yeah, she's still reading IM...

    So a quick question for you from Europe, Ms Second-runner-up : where did you get the training for your way to say "helLLOOO" to (presumed) foreign world leaders ? On that prank tape, you sounded like an old seasoned prostitute !

    I agree with you : nobody cares for you in US politics anymore, but you still could have a huge entertainment value as a freak. Don't let it slip past you - they say that fame must be grabed by its hair, and that fame has only hair on the front (unlike you) !

    So would you/any of your trolls care to weigh in, how you came by your past whore-y voice, or is it another one of your closet secrets ?

    12:23 AM

    Sarah Palin is global!

    Even the Europeans can see through Palin's bull shit. Everybody is laughing at Newt's Tundra Turd,

    LOL "...it seems she did move the vase with the plants to hide the electrical socket, following IM posters' suggestions.

    So yeah, she's still reading IM...

    LOL great observation, you can see Sarah's electrical outlet from your house in Europe!

    Must of been real funny watching Sarah's roaring 1000 degree crematorium "Gates of Hell" firing inferno in her fireplace the other day and as soon as an IM reader mentioned something about it, Sarah reduced it to something more believable.

    What a dumb shit... Can't believe Newt has a position for Palin! What is Sarah Palin going to do for Newt? Perform interviews on Newt in her sister's Alaska dorm room since we all know that Callous is into open marriages?

  163. Kathi in NJ9:18 AM

    This makes me so happy.

  164. Anonymous9:22 AM

    O/T Donations to Palin PAC drop by more than half:

    "Among the expenses: $50,450 for DVDs and shipping to donors; at least $2,022 for copies of the U.S. constitution from the National Archives; nearly $60,000 for video work and photography; and $16,900 to a group listed as "Republican Presidential Travel," for charter air services. About $2,600 was for Todd Palin, Palin's husband, dated Aug. 29, for airfare, food, lodging and fuel.

    Palin also listed $225 for a tour of Mount Vernon, one of the stops on her "One Nation" bus tour last year, and $932 for clambake catering in New Hampshire, her last stop on the trip's first leg. Bus repairs, dated Oct. 27, were listed at about $1,100."



  165. Anonymous9:23 AM

    This is where Sarah's priorities lie...

    Videos $72,108 (almost 10% of receipts)
    Craighead photograpy $10,566

    SP paid her personal photographer more than she donated.

    Rep. Party of Iowa donation $5,000
    Vets family contribution $500
    Paws & Effect contribution $300

    $5,800 donated out of $755,538 = .00768 of receipts (not even 1%)
    So for every $1,000 she took in, she donated $7.68.

  166. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Anonymous said...

    OMG!! Love them showing her curdled up on the floor after a break from reality, but maybe that is harsh. You can't have a break from reality if you have never been in touch with reality.

    Little Rabbit

    6:09 AM

    HBO is about to make a lot of money!

    Great job HBO!

    Now if anybody wants to make more money they should follow up with "Babygate" and "Emailgate" and "Troopergate" and "Dairygate" and "Pimpgate" and .....

  167. 6:26 AM

    Comparing the Kennedys with the dysfunctional hillbilly palins is just plain crazy. sarah palin crazy.

  168. (ahem)9:27 AM

    Sarah Palin is a very happy person with a very happy family and a very happy husband.

    She went from being just a simple housewife from Alaska to being thrust on the national scene for two months. She was on call every minute of every day, even when she was in the shower. She didn't even have time to get dressed before answering the door to let people into her hotel room.

    Sarah Palin was the most sane person in the entire campaign on both sides. She was the most moral, the smartest, the bravest, the best looking, the best athlete, the best cook, the best former POW, the best former Constitutional professor, and the tallest.

    In short, the reason Sarah Palin lost is because the media distorted everything about her. Every time she opened her mouth she looked insane, immoral, and dumb. That's the media's fault.

    So, how about you don't NOT reporting bias and NOT don't stop NOT writing lies and NOT stop distortions about America's #1 family, the Palins?

    Jealous much? Biased much? Distorting much? Much much?

  169. Smirnonn9:27 AM

    Completely OT but I damn near bust a gut when I saw this:


  170. Sweet anny9:29 AM

    Anonymous said...

    For those new to the blogesphere, A "troll" is another name for a good person who thinks objectively without hate.

    This is my favorite one so far.

    Had me laughing out loud.

  171. Anonymous9:30 AM

    You know McCain will watch Game Change and will be saying,

    "Newt will surely loose now that he has that "Don't know shit moose pie retard in his corner! That wonky eyed bitch not only cost me my election, those rat bastards took all my clothes with them!"

  172. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Julianne Moore is way too pretty to play that old hag Palin.

  173. Anonymous9:33 AM

    PAC is not doing well! How is she going to go out there and do everything she can in the 2012 election cycle if she doesn't have any funds??

  174. Anonymous9:36 AM

    anon 6:43 writes:
    She may have wanted to stay down there then but she obviously got over that quickly after the loss, as they purchased the vacant land in mid 09 next door.

    But forgot to say:" So they can house all the other kid's Bristol has birthed and also, too to have a place for Tri-G and his caretakers as the gamble didn't pan out and now Sarah has to 'raise' Tri-G."

  175. "I still don't know how you think one person could destroy a country just by speaking common sense and ideals most people believe."

    Yeah right troll. her vitriol and hatred of the United States caused the az massacre which killed 6 and injuried 14.

    Common sense for dumbasses like you and the repugbaggers.

    Go directly to hell.

  176. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Sarah, a woman who can´t even run a family vacation in the Lower 48, believed in her heart she was single-handily carrying the 2008 campaign. Is this craziness or retardation? I believe it´s a little of both.

    Sarah has been delusional for quite a while. She is oblivious to how others see her. The other Miss Alaska contestants believed Sarah had a learning disability and a speech defect. Some postulated Sarah had suffered a serious head injury as a child. All took pity on the poor thing with the stocky figure who believed makeup magically turned her into a beauty queen.

    And they all laughed quietly, politely to themselves about her wonky eye.

  177. Anonymous9:37 AM

    It seems that Granny Sarah's rapidly growing group of deflectors are speaking out now left and right since she has insisted on showing the world her blatant stupidity so she can get some of that attention there. Here's another one:

    Sarah Palin, The Coward's Endorsement?


  178. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Jeebus Christmas it's a troll convention here right now!

  179. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Irishgirl -- I notice the RAM payments, too. Do you think she had a contract through the end of the year?

  180. Anonymous9:41 AM

    @645a.m. You joke!

    You wrote:
    I still don't know how you think one person could destroy a country just by speaking common sense and ideals most people believe.

    SPEAKING COMMON SENSE AND IDEALS MOST PEOPLE BELIEVE??? Like putting sharp shooter targets over Gabby Giffords district? Like grinning and encouraging it when people shout "Kill Him!"

    God save us from Sarah Palin's 'common sense' and 'ideals.' God save us from Sarah Palin period!

  181. Virginia Voter9:44 AM

    Hmmm, interesting link to the SarahPAC disbursements:


    I guess Marilyn Lane, Tiffany Lane, and Carol Ryan are Trig's nannies, and there's another lady in Calabasas CA who made $2500 per month all for part time clerical positions. Sarah spends a whopping $12,500 per month employing 4 people all for part time clerical jobs. That's more than an executive secretary makes even in a big city.

    Sarah is pretty busy over at the politico thread....awesome.

  182. "I so don't want to go back to Alaska," she whispered through clenched teech. That line gave me chills.

    Sarah perjured herself in the Personnel Board Troopergate investigation. Of course, she didn't want to go back to AK, fearing the legislature would reconcile the different Troopergate findings. Also, too, the governor's job was way over her head. She'd convinced herself she'd be better at faking the VP job with more power to 'squash' her perceived enemies.

    Is it too much to hope the movie sheds some light in that corner?
    I still haven't given up hope the legislature will investigate the investigations.

  183. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Anonymous said...

    McCain is a sympathetic figure. This is a good, honorable man who trusted those around him, who really isn't apart of the partisan bs, and who is just moral. I bet his greatest regret is hiring Schmidt.

    6:49 AM

    "....I bet his greatest regret is hiring Schmidt...."

    I don't think so!

    I betcha McCain is just sick that he ever heard the name Sarah Palin.

    I hope the Devil burns an everlasting fire scorching tattoo of her name on his chest to remind him through all his time in damnation what he did and the turmoil McCain put our nation through.

  184. "The dems get away with too much.

    6:54 AM"

    This is what the typical racist bagger says when they know damn well the dems don't come close to the debotury, hatred, racism, tons of -isms, silliness, rudeness, miserable, trashy, craziness, nutbags, hillbilly stank as the repugbaggers.

    Try again and this time stop say, "I know you are but what am I," and come up with a viable, mature response, slowass.

  185. Marleycat9:50 AM

    Virginia Voter said @7:24 AM -

    Thanks for the link to Brad's Blog re: Newt's voter fraud! What a hypocrite anti-American traitor to exercise so little control over campaign workers they are out committing voter fraud (and other unnamed crimes)!

    Hey, Sarah, is this what you meant by great American entr-manurialshit of Gingrich? Let's hope your campaigns of the past, and illegal activities also get intense scrutiny - we'd all like to see you prosecuted for your crimes against America.

    Tell me, while Todd was pimping young prostitutes, were you the Madame ruling the stable of young sex workers for the Bigwigs of AK businesses, Government, Politicians, Faith-based "Leaders", Local, State and Federal Officials, in exchange for political support/muscle?

    I wonder if Gingrich has already put those special "Todd" skills to good use procuring a little special comfort. Make sure Todd gets tested for STDs and HIV when he gets home before you . . . . never know what he might have picked up - oh wait, you guys don't do the big nasty anymore, do you - NEVER MIND!

  186. Smirnonn the Magnificent9:51 AM


    Would you please let us know the general area(s) that the trollies are posting from? Or, how 'bout if I just guess "Alaska" and you let us know if I'm getting warm? :)

    Love the blog, as always. I vote we all moneybomb Gryphen on the release date of "Game Change" (3/10) as a kind of "thank you" to Gryphen and to annoy the trollieSerror. (Annoy the paylump, vote for Gryphen!!).

  187. Anonymous9:53 AM

    >>I don't see any release date, not even a guesstimate. Any know when it will be available?

    HBO’s film Game Change, about the 2008 Republican presidential ticket of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (Julianne Moore) and Sen. John McCain (Ed Harris), will premiere March 10, the day of four GOP primaries including Kansas.


  188. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Think about it: she's so sick she'll think this is just GREAT, showing what an important historical role she played.

    Details, shmetails.

    They made a move of her life! A beautiful actress played her up on the big screen!

    Short version - Sarah Palin is too stupid and too grandiose to grasp the reality that this displays her in a truly terrible light.

    Also, too, you know she's given this poor struggling actress the role of a lifetime, so she can now make money and a career off Sarah.

    Bet on it.

  189. jcinco9:54 AM

    I wouldn't go to the grocery store looking as unkempt as she did in that judge napolitano clip. She's wearing the little red leather jacket she stole from the RNC in the sean interview. I thought she said she returned all those clothes so they could be donated to charity. A little "red" leather jacket isn't like a little black skirt that folks can't say for sure was ripped off sarah.

  190. Anonymous9:56 AM

    President Obama Sings A Duet With Al Green


  191. Anonymous9:57 AM

    If she can't find a way to get some money into her PAC, will she be grounded in Alaska?

  192. "Anonymous said...
    I think this movie will make poor little Sarah look like the victim
    used & abused by the big bad GOP
    just what she wants

    7:10 AM"

    Oh please. The insufferable bitch stop being a perpetual fake victim January 8, 2011.

    If she wants to play victim after the truth has been told, I say let the dumbass try.

  193. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Do they show the pretend Sarcozy phone call? That alone should do her in, if people have never heard it. "John McCain and I LOVE You, Mr. Sarcozy" Yes, she actually said that.

    And remember folks:
    Trygve means "brave victory" in old Norse. Tri-G means trisomy G, trisomy 21, Down Syndrome. Sarah named "her" prop kid, the reason she got the VP nod, for his medical condition. That's some fucked up shit there!And that's not even taking into account that she did not birth him. She stuck a pillow in her panties and pretended!

  194. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Gak! The trolls must be all wee wee'd up because they certainly are trolling today!

    Troll comments on this site are like a thermometer, providing real time readings of what the bots are worried about in Scarah's world.

    This movie's going to win people over just by being a good story, told well and carried by great actors.


  195. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Moore looks SO DISGUSTED to be playing SP! Moore also does not look INSANE enough, though I am sure she did a great job! I think she would have had to do some drugs and not eat for a couple months to get "that insane look" Scarah always has but wasn't willing to jeopardize her health over an HBO film...

    Palins/Trolls: FACT: Palin is INSANE! That is why we elected Barry!

  196. Anonymous10:04 AM

    this is what happens when there is too much inbreeding, you get sarah paylin and her brood.

  197. Gasman10:08 AM

    It needs to be said daily: FUCK JOHN MCCAIN for unleashing this shithead buffoon on America. That bastard should be known for NOTHING else. He still refuses to admit what all but the most moronic flying monkeys know: that he had no idea just how stupid Sarah Palin actually was.

    His urinal shaped tombstone should read "THIS FUCKER GAVE US SARAH PALIN! PISS HERE."

  198. WHEW! "Attack troll" showed up with a VENGEANCE! Snapping and snarling...posting whatnots and thingamagigs and even threw in some President Obama jabs! How much coffee did you have troll! Goodness gracious....I can't imagine the comments Gryphen didn't post!

    But alas...as others have pointed out....you're wasting your time defending that crazy loon! Sure Morning Joe and the crew said somewhat nice stuff about Baldy...But the movie will speak for itself! The fact that they didn't pile on should be a reason why Baldy should be WORRIED! In addition to being laughed at while she's "pundinting while high"...they now can see how completely out of her depth and stupid she was during the 08' campaign!

    Baldy has to be insane to even show her mannish face on FAKE News...because any other person with any self awareness would crawl into their crate and stay there! But not old Baldy...she'll be on TV spewing, sputtering and coming completely apart LIVE! Good times everybody!

  199. Anonymous10:10 AM


    Mika Brzezinski Tears Into Reince Priebus’ ‘Disgusting’ Obama Comments: ‘You Made A Fool Of Yourself’

    “I mean, really,” said Brzezinski, “Do we need to talk about that comment by Reince Priebus? Who I like a lot. But that was just absolutely wrong. That just lowered it even lower.”

    “It’s the politics of contempt,” Matthews agreed.

    “That was disgusting, I’m sorry. Take it back,” Brzezinski continued, placing the blame on the RNC as a whole:

    You all screwed up in a big way. You all sat around in a room and said, “Oooh! This would be so cool to say. Hahaha.” You slapped your knees and then you went on the air and then you spit that out, you vomited it out and you made a fool of yourself. Are we done? Does anyone want to add?


  200. Anonymous10:15 AM

    WOW !!!!!

    200 already?

    That was fast!

    Gryphen you really need to get advertisers on this site.

    Ya need to go public like FACEBOOK!


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.