Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Romney wins big in Florida. In other news refrigerators lose big in Wasilla.

This from New York Times:

Mitt Romney rolled to victory in the Florida primary on Tuesday evening, according to early returns and exit polls, dispatching an insurgent threat from Newt Gingrich and reclaiming his dominant position in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. 

The commanding win by Mr. Romney offered a forceful response to the questions that were raised about his candidacy only 10 days ago after a stinging loss in the South Carolina primary to Mr. Gingrich. On Tuesday, Mr. Romney urged Republicans to begin coalescing around his candidacy and to focus on the party’s long-term goal of defeating President Obama. 

“How important is Florida?” said Mr. Romney, the former Massachusetts governor whose presidential candidacy effectively in a loss here ended four years ago. “Today it’s the most important thing in the world to me.” 

The outcome of the Florida primary promised to reorder the rest of the Republican field. Sensing vulnerability in Mr. Gingrich, Rick Santorum began running a new advertisement in Nevada and Colorado comparing Mr. Gingrich’s positions to the dual Democratic villainy of Representative Nancy Pelosi and Mr. Obama, saying his support for policies including the Wall Street bailout was “a slap in the face to the Tea Party.”

"A slap in the face of the Tea Party." Oooh that's gonna piss off a certain Grizzled Mama!

Gee I guess Todd's falsetto robo-calls for Gingrich did not help him one little bit now did they? The recipients probably thought they were being prank called by the neighbor's teenage daughter.

Wait, what the hell was that? I swear I just heard a godawful screeching sound coming from Wasilla!

And here I thought today could not get any better.


  1. Anonymous4:54 PM

    "Gee I guess Todd's falsetto robo-calls for Gingrich did not help him one little bit now did they? The recipients probably thought they were being prank called by the neighbor's teenage daughter."


    excellent Gryph, succinct and most excellent...8)

  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Sarah's endorsement ain't worth spit.

    Newt is the new Joe Miller!

  3. Anonymous4:55 PM

    And palin's touch of death claims another victim! Ha! I knew her cowards endorsement was poison. She's such a pathetic cowardly loser.

  4. Anonymous5:00 PM

    The SCREECH on FOX tonight wearing a Thick Brown scarf to hide the flat chest. Same old tired talking points.
    Says that she will vote for whoever keeps the contest going. Her Faux Endorsement of NEWTON LEROY is comical. Her hair looked like she just got out of bed, hideous. The Fridge is catching it about now. A VISITOR FROM UNITED STATES should be surfing this site after she completes the destruction of the Fridge. Nice LOSS in FLORIDA, MADAM LOSER ENDORSER.

  5. Nancy In New York5:06 PM

    Poor Sarwah, this hasn't been her month has it? She
    was so looking forward to running the Department of Energy on the moon.

    And the Attack Muffin Newt is so despondent, he decided to suspend the search for his fourth wife for one night.

  6. Gingrich is now offering his speech that he will stay in the race and win due to "people power, not money power" along with a history lesson taking us back to 1863 when Lincoln spoke at the inauguration of Arlington Cemetery. And on to Reagan...

  7. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Thought you'd all enjoy this little exchange form the Huffpost commentariat (I'm still chuckling.)
    So Newt won the country folks in upper florida and the swamp people below Orlando. Newt knows how to stir up the angst among the less sophistica­ted crowd.

    That is the very M.O. of the Republican Party.

    So which part of the Florida Penis did Newt capture?
    Looks like Newt got the scrotal zone and Mitt got the tip.

    I enjoy your fine descriptio­n of the electoral map!

  8. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sarah's appearance on Fox tonight was brief, to say the least. Can you say irrelevant?

  9. So, who's up for a little third party spoiling?

    Newt, how about you? I know you're not done hearing yourself talk and "presidential candidate" sure does sound sweet. You've got the e*e of the t*ger (don't want to get sued) and a lot of rage yet to be displayed.

    What about you, Sarah? Think about how much money there is to be made. Another book deal. More free underwear for you and your husband?

    I'll bet you can out-Newt Newt if you put your mind to it.

    We away your decision with baited breath.

  10. Anita Winecooler5:26 PM

    Isn't it Craptastic?

    Did you get a "Thank You" card from Mitt yet, Sarah? ;o)

    Troll comments in 3-2-1.....

  11. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Maybe it's because it's 9:25 pm here in Florida, but it took me a minute before I realized what you meant by "Refrigerators Lose Big in Wasilla."

    I love it!

    Tom, in FL

  12. Anonymous5:27 PM

    Hey, your day might get better. Take a look at Syrin's blog!

  13. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Sucks to be you Sarah..loser!

  14. Anonymous5:34 PM

    "Hi, I'm Todd Palin. You might remember me from such endorsements of failed candidates as Joe Miller and my wife, Sarah Palin.

    I fish and I like the feeling of a hot, vibrating snow machine between my lets. Other than that, I don't do anything except be Sarah Palin's husband. You should definitely listen to what I say.

    I used to belong to a separatist group so believe me when I tell you that voting for Newt Gingrich is the best thing you can do for America.

    If Newt doesn't win, I don't get paid and I've got room in my new hanger for another plane. So, get out there and vote Gingrich! God wants you to."

  15. lol. Piss off a Palin. Vote for Romney. I'm laughing my ass off. Obama 2012.

  16. Earmark Ulu5:37 PM

    It ain't over yet...unfortunately. If you figure that Gingrich and Santorum are splitting the Tea Party vote, and find a way to combine them (such as Santorum dropping out), the horse race becomes much closer.

  17. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Newt just gave a laundry list of what he'll do in his first day as President. Which of course is never gonna happen.

  18. Sally in MI5:42 PM

    Oh my. Sarah picks yet another LOSER. Sarah, can you spell LOSER? Can you tell that even Fox thinks you're a LOSER? Do you know now that even the C0fPee-ers think they've been had by a LOSER? You could get in the race now and nobody would even notice you. And I hear that somebody in Wasilla is asking questions about Trig...better hole up for a while and think up a really good story about that fake birth of yours..hard to get pregnant when your tubes were tied, huh?

  19. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Just watched the Scarah on Fox. I swear Bret Baier turned to Megyn after the interview with a smirk and Megyn looked about to laugh. These people are dying inside after talking wifh her. They will probably throw a party the day of the last interview they have to endure.

  20. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Today's word salad (same as yesterday's)...


  21. Anonymous6:00 PM

    On CNN, also too, they said Newt's speech was odd. He never congratulated Romney and talked about what he would do his first day as President. What confidence huh? Sound familiar? At least he is somewhat intelligent unlike his Wasilla chearleader.

  22. imnofred6:01 PM

    I watched a few minutes of Newt's speech (gag) and I found it hilarious that he is trying to portray himself is the "anti-establishment" candidate. How much more establishment can you get than speaker of the house??

    I'm glad this group of morons are finally packing up and getting out of my state. Thank God!

  23. laprofesora6:02 PM

    OMG, her hair!!!


  24. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I have a theory about The Palin's support of Newter.

    I think they are starting to realize the money they've already grifted isn't going to last forever. They are after all Nouveau Riche or "New Rich" just like lottery winners. And most lottery winners are broke again in no time. The Palin's have been peeing money like it will never run out but the money hose is being screwed shut on them.

    They know and we know that Sarah can never mount a campaign for public office because the Hounds of Hell will be unleashed on her if she tries. This Presidential campaign was the last gasp she had to fleece her minions as after this, she won't be able to pretend to run again. No one will take her seriously.

    She's also lost her ability to summon up fake TV shows to enrich the family coffers. And her speech making career has dried up. All she has left is her FOX noise career and FOX has pretty well shown the world that they are just toying with her now and soon that will be gone.

    So what's a girl to do when she has developed rich tastes but she's running out of dough? She panders of course. And Newt was the perfect candidate for her. He was hungry for the little support she has left from the lunatic right wing fringe for a last ditch effort at a shot at the title. And all Sarah had to do to get his attention was to roll her eyes at him and wink. He's such a dog it really took no effort on her part. So Todd throws his support to Newt (Hey if Newt can get us to DC, they have way more high class hookers than Alaska does) and Sarah comes out supporting Newt, but coyly doesn't endorse him officially. She does everything on FOX News except stand on her head to get people to vote for Newt. Why? Because he offered her a way out of her woes. He's the life ring. He promised her an important part in his administration if he won. Well that could help not only with the money thing, but she'd be under the wing of the President. No law enforcement would come after her then, right? That's her thinking any way.

    So why not come right out and flat out endorse Newt? Easy again. Because he might lose and she will then still need a way out. When it becomes apparent Newt can't win, watch her do back flips to court the guy who wins the nomination. She still needs a job and protection. That won't work out for her though. Then the fun begins.

    So that's my theory.

    Don't worry Sarah, after your arrest, you can plead not guilty by reason of insanity. I think you'll find there are many of us who will vouch for your insane character. Spending the rest of your life in API wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to you.


  25. sharon28536:10 PM

    I've been commenting on the palin mess for the past 3 years and I never, ever have any mercy on her.

    She's a griter with a jealous and vindictive streak running down her back like a skunk.

    But for some reason tonight I felt a sense of pity for her and I don't know where that came from!

    Maybe because she's aging and all of us know how much she depended on her looks and cutsey act to get by. Whatever, I still can't stand her.

  26. Olivia6:18 PM

    Wonder when Sarah is going to realize the only way to defeat President Obama is to jump in and support him 100%. Throw all her money and supporters to him. Go on all those obscure Faux shows and promote, promote, promote President Barack Hussein Obama!!!
    Sarah, tell him that you love him, tell him that you care, tell him that you'll always be there!!

  27. Dinty6:19 PM

    It's funny that they thought that by using Todd for robo-cals they were avoiding the negative reactions that Sarah brings.

    Guess what Mr. Gingrich, Ms. Palin? Todd is not an independent political entity. Anyone who thinks of Todd thinks "He's the guy who is married to that nut from Alaska". They aren't thinking of him as "The First Dude" or that famous snowmachine racer, he's the guy who carries Sarah's purse (wherein is a jar containing his testicles). He carries the same negative reaction people have to his wife

  28. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Maybe Palin meant rage against the snow machine.
    Her kiss of political death marches on.
    As does Limbaugh's and Cain's.
    She appeared tonight wearing a muskrat
    around her neck on FOX saying the usual goop.
    She looks awful.
    Especially when compared to Julianne Moore.
    Chris Matthews played the trailer of HBO's upcoming Game Change
    and that's gonna leave a sting. Wow.

  29. Anonymous6:35 PM

    What the Shit was Plain wearing this eve? Fire raging behind her she wore a bundle wrapped around her neck!!!!

    her new stylist -bristol. must be fired!!!! LOL

    Palin should be melting by now!!!

  30. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Romney won by over the 50% margin, which means that even if the other candidates drop out,Newt still can't catch up.

    It's not like Newt wants to be President. He can make more money by running and selling his books than he can holding an office.

  31. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Comments are great at Mediaite. Great day indeed!

  32. "Milt" is probably strutting...well, as well as a cardboard cutout can..I guess.

    Old Baldy was on FAKE News tonight...I haven't seen it posted yet but according to "Crazies4Palin" her wig was a hot mess AGAIN!

    Has anyone seen any actual pictures of the Toad campaigning with "Fig" today?

    I'm sure once Baldy got the news that Fig didn't win...she pulled out the last strands of her real hair! Then she had a screaming fit and since the Toad isn't there to "let her get it out" then Gryphen needs to have extra security patrol his "hood" and on the lookout for a bald headed pitbull without lipstick or HAIR running lose!

  33. oppsss...I meant to say...

    "running loose!"

    *sheepish grin*

  34. Anonymous7:15 PM

    Anon 6:42, not so. It is a delegate system. The percent he won by has nothing to do with it. After today, only 4% of the total possible delegates are committed. Newt could win if he won future states with a lot of delegates. I don't think it will happen though

  35. Bristol's Real Chin7:19 PM

    "Newt just gave a laundry list of what he'll do in his first day as President. Which of course is never gonna happen."

    That's not as funny to me as his "by the end of my second term" speech from the other night. Delusion, thy name is Newt.

  36. Anonymous7:21 PM

    This should help Sarah understand how little influence she has with most people, especially the Republicans. She did everything she could do for Newt and it didn't help him, hell it might of made it worse for him. I bet we won't be hearing much from Newt about Palin after tonight.

    Palin will now find an excuse to explain her way out of not being able to help Newt. She may even abandon Newt and start supporting Romney now that it looks more likely he will be the winner. After all, she doesn't want to be connect to a loser because it will hurt her image and let everyone know she has lost her relevance.

  37. Anonymous7:23 PM

    The Daily Show -- be sure to watch it tonight. Jon just did it once again -- stuck it to Romney on Bain Capital!! To me it was a 'Holy Crap' moment.

    Jon showed a piece of film of Romney saying that the country spending money that is has to borrow is bad for the country. The EXACT thing that Romney runs his campaign on -- his business experience -- which was EXACTLY how Bain Capital operated. Borrowed money to purchase and leverage companies and then tanked them withdrawing the mega millions of assets for profit.

    In the words of Jon Stewart:

    Love his research team who pulls these videos out of who knows were!!

  38. Tonite was a Total Eclipse of the Newt!

  39. Anonymous7:51 PM

    "The Palin Family is okay.....for me to poop on!" -- Triumph

  40. Okay...just saw the crazy lady on FAKE News and Megyn Kelly could barely keep her lip from curling up in contempt when she spoke Baldy's name!LOL!!

    Baldy answered...no...strike that...she did the "I'm not going to answer the question that you asked me tonight, I'm going to speak directly to my dwindling brain dead followers" to the TWO questions that Megyn and Bret asked her....she said..."when a bell is running it's tough to unring the bell!" WTF!!!

    And she then sent out a religious message too...she said "a lot of darts and arrows that were flown in one direction and lots of dart and arrows were thrown back"!

    And the folks at "Crazies4Palin" were right...her dirty wig was a HOT MESS! The curls were half finished!

    It looked like her and Beefalo must have got into an argument while Beefy was curling it and Baldy pissed her off and Beefy told her "Finish it yourself!"

    And I can't even describe what she was wearing except to say she had to be smelly and stinking to high heaven after the interview.

    She was wearing the biggest shit brown stained scarf wrapped around her chicken neck and covering up her flat as a chalkboard chest!

    The fool was dressed like she was in a blizzard instead of sitting in front of a fake ass looking roaring fire!

    Oh one more thing...the interview lasted 4:23...and she didn't look happy to be doing it either!

  41. Anonymous8:02 PM

    "Darts and arrows and bells...oh MY" -- Her Heinous on FAUX.

  42. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Other than her oft used T & A act, her every instinct is wrong. Just so wrong.

    That woman is an idiot.

  43. Isn't it unpatriotic for Sarah to cover up our American flag with that monstrosity-of-a-dried-"flower arrangement" that Sally Heath probably made at the Senior Center?

    And congrats, Mitt. For winning in Florida, not for how you treat your dog or other humans. Just thought SOMEBODY should say it. And, magic underwear or not, you're toast in November. President Obama is 'The Dude.' The bad ass who got Bin Laden while eviscerating Donald Trump on the world stage. The courageous leader who brought General Motors back from the brink to #1 in the world. The talented crooner who wowed The Apollo AND Al Green! And you're, well, just "Willard with his magic Underoos."

    OBAMA landslide!!!

  44. Dinty8:30 PM

    Virginia Officials confirm criminal investigation into ballot petition fraud on behalf of the Gingrich for President Campaign.

    Despite the cheating they still couldn't get on the Virginia Ballot.


  45. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Holy shit, she was in full muttering shopping cart lady mode tonight on Megyn Kelly. She has totally become a SNL skit waiting to happen. Tina Fey where are you?

    Check out the contrast between the older top photo and the Tea Party Baby Jane in the video. Yikes!


  46. Dinty8:37 PM

    In re my previous post:

    This is nothing new for Gingrich, remember back in August when it was revealed most of his Twitter followers were actually fake?


  47. Anonymous8:49 PM

    The hair tonight; no words. It looked curled with a curling iron without any styling or combing. Her hair was dishevelled. What does this mean?

    Her hair looks like it doesn't care and neither does she. Her answers to questions, her inconsistencies, her refusal to endorse or cooperate with her Fox peers in conversing in a happy tone. She's always in a bad mood.

    Is she declining help from friends and family? Looks like this woman needs a desperate intervention, but may be turning concerned relatives away.

    Can't Fox send someone to ask her if she needs psychological professional help? They are just as guilty by enabling her and ignoring the way she's looking and speaking lately.

  48. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Gina M - Am in total agreement, noticed the same things tonight too. The unfinished curls, the anger, the tenseness between her and Megyn and Bret. I get the feeling that they are fed up with her, or are truly frightened by her strange behavior.

    The strange dress too, a red jacket and black top underneath with a undiscernible-colored fuzzy scarf.....I am starting to feel very sorry for her. She may need help.

  49. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Newt's racebaiting has become sickening. I can see now why he has enlisted KKK Spice, although she's not so spicy anymore. I think he was hoping to reach older, white, racist men. After tonight's shellacking, he might want to find a replacement. Dana Loesch maybe?


    “$17 million spent in one state, that purchased a lot of darts and arrows that were flown in one direction and lots of darts and arrows was thrown back."


  51. Anonymous9:06 PM

    We must all join Sarah in her support for Noot. This clown show is too good to let go before June!

    You and me and Noot, Sarah!

  52. Gasman9:15 PM

    Palin's streak as political Kryptonite is intact. Gingrich should have paid her a million bucks to NOT endorse him.

    Seriously, any claim of Gingrich being the intellectual in the field was shot to hell when he pegged Palin as being in any way relevant.

    Every new time I see Palin she looks more and more like a meth addict jonesin' for a hit. I can't WAIT to see her on air reaction to "Game Change" the movie.

  53. Gasman9:18 PM

    Anon @ 7:15,
    "Newt could win if he won future states with a lot of delegates."

    Right, or as Wayne Campbell might say:

    "It might happen! Shyeah, and monkeys might fly out of my butt!"

  54. Gingrich's whole method of operation when he was Speaker was to feed the politics of personal destruction. That was during St. Reagan's reign. Newt did an immense amount of damage to the political climate in this country his first time around. He's still there. Sarah just ramped it up into incredibly vile racism, violence and hate. They are made for each other. Neither of them can complain about the political climate these days. They both were huge contributors to that climate.

  55. scarlet/oregon10:55 PM

    sharon2853....I'm with you.

    Looking worse than ever with greasy ringlets and very odd clothing mix, she rambled on like someone on muscle relaxers. Not unusual, but there was something else tonight like 'defeat' (I hope).

    Aile's having her interviewed daily, changing interrogators, stepping the questions up to challenging.....is he pushing to break her and their contract?

    Wonder if he's trying to oust her before the HBO movie?

  56. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Todd may be a natural countertenor. I wouldn't describe his voice as falsetto.

  57. OT, but wanted to share this pic in case anyone else is as disgusted and angry with Susan G. Komen as I am: http://twitpic.com/8e8p1l

    These radical Christians are getting out of hand, and they are going to cause even more deaths if something isn't done to stop them.

  58. Anonymous11:24 PM

    A number of Gingrich's security goons assaulted and attempted intimidation to a Ron Paul supporter at his polling station.



  59. Anonymous11:57 PM

    I did a lot of cruising around the web tonight on conservatives sites enjoying the tears and lamentation. There are a lot of comments along the lines of "Why won't Sarah Palin STFU?"

    A post at Ace of Spades was titled "Is Sarah Palin a Lame Duck?"

    The answers were almost unanimously "duh!"

    This was very typical: "Once up on a time I was a huge Palin supporter. I told my daughters that I couldn't wait until the day I could vote for her for president.

    "Now her voice is one of the rare things that can send me searching for the remote control while I'm comfortably seated on the couch.

    Not sure what happened other than the fact that everything she says is somehow self promoting. Her analysis seems pretty superficial as well."

    It was surprising how many former supporters seemed to have awakened.

    Meanwhile, over at C4P, there is some delicious infighting going on, as well as some people saying they're not giving money to a PAC that pays $5,000 a month for part-time clerical help.

    It must be noisy in Wasilla tonight, what with all that singing by the fat lady.

  60. Anonymous1:07 AM

    John Ziegler, reformed panty sniffer, was right @ Failin Pailin. She was supporting Newt, without actually "endorsing" Newt so she could remain on Faux spewing venom and trying to muck rake!!! that is what she does best and if Newt is not around.....not much muck for her to rake. She is so fucking OVER...........hahahahahahahahaha

  61. Anonymous1:25 AM

    Expect more dithering from the Bitter Quitter. $arah and Toad are hedging their bets to prolong their grift. For them, it's not an election, just a crap shoot. Callous opportunists sputtering on their fumes.

  62. Anonymous4:00 AM

    "And she then sent out a religious message too...she said "a lot of darts and arrows that were flown in one direction and lots of dart and arrows were thrown back"!

    Sounds like a scene from 300!

  63. Some of the salaries being paid by the PAC indicate to me that people are being paid for their silence......

  64. Olivia5:36 AM

    "This was very typical: "Once up on a time I was a huge Palin supporter. I told my daughters that I couldn't wait until the day I could vote for her for president. "Now her voice is one of the rare things that can send me searching for the remote control while I'm comfortably seated on the couch. Not sure what happened other than the fact that everything she says is somehow self promoting. Her analysis seems pretty superficial as well."
    It was surprising how many former supporters seemed to have awakened." Anonymous@11:57

    No manner of reason, logic or common sense has been able to shake Palin supporters from their delusions about her, but Fox putting her on the air day in and day out,looking and sounding like a half crazed, meth addicted fool, is driving even her most loyal supporters away. Thanks Fox!! Good to see you perform a public service for a change.

  65. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Azure Ghost -- I saw that article in our newspaper this morning and immediately sent a donation to my local Planned Parenthood as well as donating to the national office in D.C. I've decided to send PP a check every time I receive a request for a donation from Susan B. Komen. I am more than appalled at Susan B. Komen.

    Southern Virginia Voter

  66. polgara6:48 AM

    Azure Ghost -- thanks for bringing that up. Great pic!

    TBogg has a great take on that as well.


    There's a link to the PP donation site as well as a saucy suggestion about who the gift should honor...

  67. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Not looking good for republicans in 2012.....Neither Gingrich or Santorum would have a chance against Obama, they do not inspire people. Romney may be the candidate, but he as well leaves much to be desired.

  68. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Azure Ghost, Just read about the Susan Komen issue with Planned Parenthood, & feel it's highly uncalled for SK to withdraw funding. Abortion ought to be a choice for women, period, not government. Planned Parenthood will need funding from alternative sources, my donations will go to them & not SK.

  69. Anonymous10:03 AM


    Romney says he doesn't care about the very poor

  70. How about some updates on Crate Gate.

    Seems in an off the record disclosure two of Mitt's sons said Seamus ran away as soon as they got to Canada.

    They may or may not have caught him. There are reports that anywhere from a few weeks to a few months after the Canada trip, Seamus (may or may not have) been sent to live with Mitt's sister in California. Maybe because they had more space. Maybe because Seamus kept running away from the Romney's and ending up in the pound. (Who could blame the dog if he was being crated up all of the time. This according to Mitt. I'm sure Seamus liked that as much as he liked those car rides on the roof.)

    Check out dogsagainstromney.

    And the new definition of Romney. http://spreadingromney.com/

    Now he says he doesn't care about the very poor. They have a safety net. (That I'm sure Romney and his fellow Republicans will be dismantling as soon as possible.)

    If you want to gauge the true character of a man, you can do two things. Look at how he treats his Mother and look at the way he treats his dog.

    No loving dog owner would put their dog in a crate on the roof of a station wagon. They'd put ALL of their luggage and crap on top of the car so the dog could ride inside. DUH.

    This incident doesn't show cool crisis management. It shows callous disregard for a defenseless living being. It's insensitive. It's cruel.

    Sorta like all of those employees that Bain destroyed in their buy outs. Pensions gone. Jobs gone.

    Yeah. That.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.