Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Stephen Colbert releases his SuperPAC FEC forms. And provides a little personal note to the FEC as well. Update!

Here is the supplemental memo that was attached to Colbert's filings.

Leave it to Stephen Colbert to make even an official filing funny.

If you are interested in what is contained in the filings you can find out by visiting the Colbert SuperPAC here.

Now just for shits and giggles let's compare Colbert's haul, all done to make a point about how damaging the effects of the Citizen's United ruling are, as well, of course, for comedic effect, to what Palin's PAC brought in.

This from ADN:

Sarah Palin's political action committee raised about $752,000 during the second half of 2011, according to financial disclosures filed Tuesday, less than half the nearly $1.7 million that SarahPAC raised during the first half of the year.  (I guess it becomes much harder to trick people into giving you money, once you finally admit that you have no intention of doing what they thought you were doing all along to earn their support.)

She has had words of praise for many of the candidates -- Rick Santorum, Ron Paul, Newt Gingrich -- and said before the South Carolina primary that she would vote for Gingrich to keep the race going. 

But the disclosures, filed with the Federal Election Commission, do not show any contributions to any of the 2012 GOP presidential contenders. Palin's contributions do include $5,000 to the Republican Party of Iowa, a contribution that came on the eve of the Ames Straw Poll in August when Palin visited the state, and a charitable contribution of $300 to Paws and Effect of Des Moines, Iowa. (Really? NO money to Newt? I guess Palin is all talk, with nothing to back it up.)

SarahPAC spent $1.2 million during the second half and ended 2011 with about $1 million on hand.   

Among the expenses: $50,450 for DVDs and shipping to donors; at least $2,022 for copies of the U.S. constitution from the National Archives; nearly $60,000 for video work and photography; and $16,900 to a group listed as "Republican Presidential Travel," for charter air services. About $2,600 was for Todd Palin, Palin's husband, dated Aug. 29, for airfare, food, lodging and fuel (And whores)

 Palin also listed $225 for a tour of Mount Vernon, one of the stops on her "One Nation" bus tour last year, and $932 for clambake catering in New Hampshire, her last stop on the trip's first leg. Bus repairs, dated Oct. 27, were listed at about $1,100. 
Oh how the mighty have fallen!  I guess even a natural born grifter like Sarah Palin can only fool some of the people some of the time. (But let's face it there are Palin-bots who will NEVER stop throwing their money away on her, even if after she starts tucking her boobs into her socks and there is not a single hair left on her head.)

I think my favorite part of the expense report is that SarahPAC paid $50,450.00  for copies of "The Undefeated," which they then sent off to Palin-bots to punish them for supporting her. ("That'll teach ya!")

I swear this day simply could NOT get any better!

Update: Here is Palin's actual FEC filing. I could really use some help with it, so if you find anything interesting please let me know.

Update 2: Politico has some interesting tidbits: Sarah PAC spent about $400,000 on the consultants who form the core of her small but devoted staff.

Peter Schweizer, who was hired as a foreign policy advisor to replace John McCain holdover Randy Scheunemann, was paid $60,000 in the second six months of the year. Other core Palin staffers include chief of staff Michael Glassner (who was paid $62,000), speechwriter and Palin Internet defender Rebecca Mansour ($48,000), fundraising consultant Tim Crawford ( $93,000), researcher Andrew Davis ($45,000), and conservative coalitions liaison Pam Pryor ($36,000).

$48,500 to RAM?  Does that mean she is still on the payroll? Or was that just her hush money?

Update 3: Mother Jones has made a graph comparing Sarah Palin's fake campaign fund raising to Stephen Colbert's fundraising.

If I might steal a little something from Rachel Maddow, THAT is the "best new thing of the day!"


  1. Why would anyone donate to a PAC rather than direct to their candidate of choice. (Stephen Colbert excepted)

    A slush fund of massive proportions - explained so well by Mr Colbert

  2. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Poor $arah. I really want her to continue grifting off her fan club. She's just got to suck those people dry. But they don't like her so much these days. Maybe she could show a little leg? Enhanced bustline?

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    The best news of all is that for the last six months of 2011 Colbert's PAC took in more than Sarah's.

    $825,475 Colbert
    $755,538 Palin

  4. Anonymous2:33 PM

    does this mean that todd's gonna hav'ta revive their grow_op and resume sellin' weed to his buddies that live out in the bush for $35.00 a gram ?

  5. Not What You Want to Hear2:45 PM

    "But the disclosures, filed with the Federal Election Commission, do not show any contributions to any of the 2012 GOP presidential contenders."

    Nor has she made a single personal donation to ANY political candidate since 1996, according to OpenSecrets.org.

    That's certainly odd for someone who is constantly hitting her bots up for money so she can "support" other candidates.

  6. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Republican Presidential Travel is a DBA name of MOBY DICK AIRWAYS!


  7. Anonymous2:48 PM

    The price of RAM's silence = $8000/month.

    The price of Trig's babysitters =
    Carol Ryan $5000/month
    Tiffany Lane $2500/month
    Marilyn Lane $2500/month

    The price of a good old fashioned family vacation = $80,000

    What's she going to do when the bot money dries up?

  8. Anonymous2:51 PM

    from MoJo...


  9. Anonymous2:52 PM

    2:29pm...'slush fund'...

    aint that the truth.

  10. $300 to Paws and Effect. A good organization at first glance. Good for Sarah (wait wait! Don't hit me yet!). But $50,000 to buy copies of The UnAttended. Strange priorities. A token sum to an organization that helps disabled kids. A huge sum to buy copies of a crappy propaganda movie about herself. Go ahead troll. Spin this.

  11. Anonymous3:06 PM

    O/T - FYI

    "Komen cancer charity halts grants to Planned Parenthood"

    End to partnership has led to a bitter rift between two key women's organizations

    "Planned Parenthood says the cutoff, affecting grants for breast exams, results from Komen bowing to pressure from anti-abortion groups. Komen says the key reason is that Planned Parenthood is under investigation in Congress — a probe launched by a conservative Republican who was urged to act by anti-abortion activists."

    Sounds almost like ACORN Part II - with the exception that the Dems didn't jump up and fall for the BS as the ACORN funding was quickly stripped away.


    No more 'pink' races/products for me. Planned Parenthood is my primary charity of choice now. Komen sounds like the 'Board' is looking to line their pockets even more as they do have a higher administrative/executive cost than others.

    Komen has also become known to threaten lawsuits should you use their logo -- when the intension was the unpaid organizers were fundraising to donate to Run for the Cure. Lawyer's threats cost money and adds the fuel that Komen has become what you could consider as a 'bullying' foundation as they clearly have lost focus for what the foundation was created for.

    With so much focus on the destruction of women's rights these days when you listen to the Thugs, it's not hard to say:

    Bye-Bye Komen - don't let the door hit you on the way out!!!

    I am sending the link to friends/family and business contacts for corporate fundraising consideration by their committees and explain my views/reasoning of changing my priorities.

  12. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Unless she can come up with a new angle to suck up money, she doesn't have enough money to keep her PAC going thru the first half of 2012. How is she going to give money to the candidates?????

  13. Anonymous3:11 PM

    No money whatsoever to any candidates, even Gingrich, yet she continually is telling everyone else to vote for him. I'm certainly not surprised and I'm sure no one else is either. It's all about Sarah to Sarah. She should have used some money to help her out with appearance and how to speak, but she is a maverick. Puke!!!

  14. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Palin to Donors: Thanks for the Bus Tour!

  15. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Gryphen - you MUST grab the Paylin animation posted at Daily Kos today. It features $arah's comments on supporting Newt - her exact words when she was on Fox with the Judge - followed by a transcript. Priceless! Your readers will love it.

  16. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Sarah gave from her servant's heart...

    Palin donated $300 to Beach's charity organization Paws & Effect.  Becky Beach is a big time GOP organiser and fundraiser.

  17. Anonymous3:21 PM


    In her last half 2011 report, she is incredibly blatant about how she has used a very large sum of money.

    Perhaps the third Game Change trailer pissed her off a bit.

    How about an update on Fred's book and the Willow engagement/pregnancy.

    Let's really annoy the hell out of our Sarah.

  18. Anonymous3:22 PM

    The $500 contribution to the VETS was actually a donation to the mother of the slain Fast and Furious border patrol agent, Brian Terry.

  19. Anonymous3:23 PM

    OT: Gryph, check out the new trailer for 'Game Change'

    Sarah Palin skewered in 'Game Change' http://www.politico.com/blogs/click/2012/01/sarah-palin-skewered-in-game-change-112991.html#.TyiEozXqqrF.twitter via

  20. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Thank you, 3:06, for the information about the Komen Foundation.
    Planned Parenthood only for me, too.

  21. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Anon 2:48, How do you know who Trig's nannies are? do share.

  22. Beldar J Conehead3:28 PM

    I just don't understand the basic concept: if I wanted to contribute to an asshole like Romney, a douchebag like Newt, a fuckwad like Rick "Google me NOW!!!" Santorum or a sack of sheet like Paul Ron why would I pay The Screechy Wretch(tm) to contribute that money for me after deducting her prodigal expenses? If I were stoopid enough to contribute to anny of'em or all of 'em, wouldn't I be stoopid enuff to just waste my money directly? Why the middleman?

  23. Anonymous3:32 PM

    Did she pay her parents for stuffing envelopes again?
    Where exactly was Todd Palin that he needed to have his expenses paid for by Sarah PAC?

    I do hope her few followers will see the light, finally. Especially since she now blames them ("I didn't have an organization") instead of God not cracking open the door for her.

    And not one dime to another candidate?

    I remember hearing a story about Richard Nixon, in the mid-60s, who would head to a pay phone at any airport where he was changing planes, to call local Republicans, ask how they were, their wives (he remembered the names of spouses and kids), and what their local issues were. When the 1968 convention came along, a lot of those local guys remembered Dick Nixon, the way he'd remembered them.

    Sarah thinks it all goes one way.
    Sorry, Sarah. That's not the way to build an "organization," for which you've had three solid years to work on. You alone are responsible for your failure.

    You might refund the money to anyone who asks for their savings back. It would be the Christian thing to do.

  24. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Over $700,000. to that dingbat! Some people just have too much money around the house!

  25. Not What You Want to Hear3:45 PM

    womanwithsardinecan said..."$300 to Paws and Effect. A good organization at first glance. Good for Sarah (wait wait! Don't hit me yet!)."

    Keep in mind that it wasn't even out of her own pocket. Man, she's cheap!

  26. fromthediagonal3:53 PM

    anon @ 3:06!
    I cannot begin to thank you!
    There are many of us who have supported "The Cause" of breast cancer for many years.
    Just another self serving organization collecting money while hiding their true objectives.

  27. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Here's a late arrival in the comment section for the previous post, too good to miss:

    "Gryphen you ought not to wait for Palin to change her abysmal "studio" decor to get confirmation of her reading here. Willow 'please please love me I'm a total badass but please please please pay attention to meee' Palin talks to her friends and family behind her mother's back and loves to get laughs from her aunts and cousins by telling them how obsessively Sarah checks IM. (dozens of times a day, including while watching tv, on the phone, in the car, and yes people - sometimes when Gryphen posts some juicy goodness about Sarah or Bristol, Balderella herself is joining us while on the pot!)

    I'm sure you have also heard through the grapevine how Sarah talks constantly about suing you, funny how it never seems to materialize."

    2:54 PM

  28. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Romney wins, suck it Sarah

  29. Anonymous4:03 PM

    No wonder Todd signed up to do robo-calls for Newt. That, and no one wants to produce any of his reality shows.

  30. Anonymous4:05 PM

    She listed $2500 a month for part time clerical work to:

    Tiffany Lane
    2891 W. International Airport #C308
    Anchorage, Alaska 995021147

  31. Anonymous4:11 PM

    $932 for Clambake catering? The articles I saw about the clambake she "hosted," as the newspapers put it, said that three dozen people attended the clambake.

    If so, that's a catering bill of only $25 per person - talk about CHEAPSKATE!

  32. Anonymous4:11 PM

    anon 3:06 - Thank you for posting that information regarding the Komen Foundation. I too will be redirecting my Komen monies to Planned Parenthood.

  33. scarlet/oregon4:17 PM

    Anon at 3:06 Thanks to you I am off to donate to Planned Parenthood again and then email Komen about boycotting their pink ribbon merchandise.

  34. She spent over two grand for copies of the Constitution,and still doesn't understand it,or quote it correctly? Hmmm,maybe she uses it as toilet paper,since she shit on the people of Alaska,and would have surely shit on those of us in Hawaii and the Lower 48 had she gotten anywhere near the White House. POS,ignorant bitch.

  35. Nancy In New York4:19 PM

    LOL!! Beldar (can I call you Beldar?), the reason the crazies, um I mean donors don't donate to the repukelicans themselves is because any interaction with their Chosen Leader makes their day a little brighter and gives them hope that someday (Gawd and "Have You Seen" Tawd willing) she will lead them to that shining city on the hill where commonsense conservatism will reign supreme and EPT tests, medicare vouchers and you betchas! will echo through the heartland.

    Backasswards? Yes. But freedom (and brains)
    are never really free, are they?

  36. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Uh oh. Romney's winning in Florida. Does that mean you have to change your grifting strategy again, Quitter? Whose coattails is it going to be next?

  37. Anonymous4:26 PM

    LOL Tiffany Lane is making $2500 every 2-3 weeks for "part time clerical"??? Is that what Tri-G raising nanny's are called in Wasilly these days? I think a really good executive secretary would be satisfied making this full time, dontcha think??

  38. Anonymous4:26 PM

    200 for shredding services. LOL. Can't trust the local trash collectors Sarah??

  39. Anonymous4:28 PM

    Also conspicuous in it's absence: Any donation to a Tri-G organization.

  40. Anonymous4:37 PM

    So am I correct in thinking that she burns through $1.2 million every 6 months? If so, she had better start lining up another gig if this is her last year with Faux Noos.

  41. So in other words....as we all suspected...those brain dead idiots at "Crazies4Palin" paid for her trip to nowhere last summer!

    What a bunch of maroons! Where's our resident troll with some kind of explanation on all this money Baldy "donated to charity"!

    And RAM receives 8 G's a month! Well who paid for her to go to the fat farm?

    SIGH...time to head back to the FEC report and see what I can find!

  42. 3:06PM

    Thank you for this! I will be donating to Planned Parenthood and The Boys and Girls Club instead of the Komen Foundation!

  43. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I've been saying all along that Ram is still on the payroll, still writing all of these rambling missives. She was smacked down and shoved behind the scenes, told not to twitter or message on her own, only to support Paylin. Scarah NEEDS Ram.

  44. Anonymous4:52 PM

    OT-For those commenting about the Komen foundation, I will never give them a dime or participate in their organization.

    I am alive today because of a grant funded breast exam and mammogram that detected stage 2 Breast Cancer. I simply could not afford one it. Grants are so necessary. I am horrified at Komen and hope people will donate to Planned Parenthood. This is horribly sad.

  45. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Donate to Planned Parenthood tonight. Let the Komen foundation know that they are not necessary.

  46. Anonymous4:58 PM

    RAM still being paid -- I'd call that HUSH MONEY!!!

    She knows where the skeletons are!!

  47. Beldar Obama2012 Conehead4:59 PM

    @Nancy in New York

    Thanks for explanation. If it's truly all about Gawd & Tawd, also, too,I want no part of it. Any spare money I have for political contribution will have to go to the Magic Negro Barack HUSSAIN Obama.

    You may call me Beldar because thats my name. I'm from France. I suspect Gryphen isn't our host's real name but I'll be damned if I can prove it.

    I'm already extremely tired of Mitten's fabulous fake laugh. If he's the GOP nom, we'll have to listen to that insincere chortle until he concedes on election night in November...rat bastard.

  48. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Don't miss the math: that's $48,000 for 6 months of Rebecca Mansour, etc. which means $96,000 annualized. Double all those numbers to get the annual expense. Different picture, huh?

  49. Anonymous5:23 PM

    2:33 tell us more..

  50. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Odd that where ever you see the payments to Ram on the disclosure,it says""speechwriting, grass roots internet""

    Is "grass roots internet" code for Blog Troll?Is it Ram in her many guises playing the several trolls who comment here and elsewhere on the web,with many of the same words,phrases,etc?Common,Ram,give us a shout!

  51. Ahhh, Mr. Conehead,

    You expressed the conundrum so eloquently!

  52. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Komen Foundation can suck it. I will never buy another thing with their symbol, I will donate more $$ to PP . I am appalled!

  53. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Not What You Want to Hear said...

    "But the disclosures, filed with the Federal Election Commission, do not show any contributions to any of the 2012 GOP presidential contenders."

    Nor has she made a single personal donation to ANY political candidate since 1996, according to OpenSecrets.org.

    That's certainly odd for someone who is constantly hitting her bots up for money so she can "support" other candidates.
    2:45 PM
    Yes it is curious since that is What PAC are supposed to be for...not unlimited family ATM's....
    Well CREW is on tightening the FEC and if that happens, mama grifter is toast and all the other repigs to!

  54. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Does anyone remember when RAM dissed to Toki about Brillows?
    Oh yea, and I guess all is forgotten?
    But Toki hasn't talked since undefeated? Hush money?
    Haha and now RAM badmouth is back! Back to diss any palin to her newest flame female or male. We really never figured if Toki was a woman or man, now did we???

  55. Anonymous6:08 PM

    If Sarah can't out raise Colbert does that make her bad joke.

    OT Democratic Underground has an article that says Mitt's sons say Seamus ran away when they got to Canada. So Mittens is caught in another lie. He says the dog was given to Canadian relatives.

  56. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Toki on RAM

  57. Anonymous6:15 PM

    RAM is back so is TOKI who we don't know is female or male BTW

  58. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Sarah is not much of a fiscal conservative, she spent more than she took in the second half of 2011....no wonder we have heard she has started fliying coach again. Seems many of her flying monkeys have quit sending her a monthly check, I wonder how long it will take the rest of them to wise up?

  59. Atheists for jesus6:59 PM

    Cultivating a personna as a laughingstock has proved quite profitable for skankorama I guess. Those dues are bound to demand payment someday. Those of us who really do hate paylin are, I'm quite sure a patient group. Will she be commited or indited? Doesn't matter.We can wait.

  60. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The price of RAM's silence = $8000/month.

    The price of Trig's babysitters =
    Carol Ryan $5000/month
    Tiffany Lane $2500/month
    Marilyn Lane $2500/month

    The price of a good old fashioned family vacation = $80,000

    What's she going to do when the bot money dries up?

    2:48 PM

    All that money paid for Tri-G' 24/7 SarahPac paid for nanny just because Sarah was ashamed Bristol gave birth as an underage skank. What did Bristol do? She went out there and opened her legs again!

  61. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Anonymous said...

    If Sarah can't out raise Colbert does that make her bad joke.

    OT Democratic Underground has an article that says Mitt's sons say Seamus ran away when they got to Canada. So Mittens is caught in another lie. He says the dog was given to Canadian relatives.
    6:08 PM
    Link please! Mittens is on the records that Seamus lived a long life with them!
    Please give a link!

  62. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I think RAM is the troll. Mystery solved.

  63. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Why would RAM need hush money? She's not a sellout like the others. She also accepts people for people and knows Sarah's a good person.

  64. Anita Winecooler8:49 PM

    Damn, she's down to a million. How pathetic!

    Oh, though I chuckled at the following line you wrote, I do believe it's already happened ;o)

    "(But let's face it there are Palin-bots who will NEVER stop throwing their money away on her, even if after she starts tucking her boobs into her socks and there is not a single hair left on her head.)" Too funny, and spot on!

  65. Anita Winecooler8:57 PM

    Anonymous @ 3:06

    I couldn't agree more. Years ago, I helped raise a large sum of money for their annual race in memory of four friends who conquered breast cancer and lost their lives. The Foundation uses up a good portion of it's money pandering to pro-life causes, publicity, advertisements and frivolous lawsuits. I forgot the percentage, but what they actually donate to cancer research is laughable. And even more laughable is their actual "support" for people fighting cancer.

    Reading this doesn't surprise me, I, too, will continue to support Planned Parenthood directly. Thanks for the information.

  66. Anonymous9:00 PM

    RAM = grassroots Internet means she pretends to be several personalities & "pro-Sarah voices" on the c4p website. She is paid to make it look as if Sarah has followers still. There's that screenwriting degree workin' fir het as she writes dialogue from different "voices."

  67. Good article. I would like to correct one sentence from the financial breakdown of SarahPac.
    It should read;
    SCREECHWRITER and Palin internet defender Rebecca Mansour.

  68. Besides the $8,000 monthly payment to Aries Consulting(RAM), there was an $1,800.36 payment on Oct. 18 to Rebecca Mansour as a reimbursement for hotel, airfare, taxi.

    So it looks like RAM is still actively working for the PAC.

    Either RAM knows too much and Sarah's afraid to let her go or Sarah doesn't think too highly of Bristol.

  69. If find it incredibly remarkable that the only two women on the staff are paid the lowest wages. Mansour only bested the lowest paid man by 3k.

    Sarah doesn't seem to think much of the women now does she?

  70. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Let me see, she took in 750k in the second half of the year and spend 1.2 million in that same period?

    Someone's gonna half to cut back on the hookers.

  71. Google: sarah palin fec latest file.
    she did give only 55K to gop house mostly.

    SarahPAC Contributions to Federal Candidates
    Select a Cycle:

    Total to Democrats: $0
    Total to Republicans: $55,000Recipient ↓ Total ↓
    Barletta, Louis J (R-PA) $5,000
    Bucshon, Larry D (R-IN) $5,000
    Buerkle, Ann Marie (R-NY) $5,000
    Canseco, Francisco (R-TX) $5,000
    Coffman, Mike (R-CO) $5,000
    Duffy, Sean P (R-WI) $5,000
    Ellmers, Renee (R-NC) $5,000
    Fitzpatrick, Michael G (R-PA) $5,000
    Hartzler, Vicky (R-MO) $5,000
    Roby, Martha (R-AL) $5,000
    West, Allen B (R-FL) $5,000
    Total to Democrats: $0
    Total to Republicans: $10,000Recipient ↓ Total ↓
    Corker, Bob (R-TN) $5,000
    Wicker, Roger (R-MS) $5,000

    Based on data released by the FEC on January 02, 2012.

  72. Anonymous4:12 AM

    OMG... check out the screen capture of Sarah at the C4P site. It's under the Megyn Kelly thread. She looks like a man in drag.



  73. Anonymous5:07 AM

    Time to hire a private investigator to tail these Tri-G nannies.

  74. ghostwriter6:36 AM

    I have suspected that RAM is part of our troll infestation, especially when the vocabulary is above the level of any of the Palins.

  75. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Rebecca Man Sour gets $8,000 per month to pose as a troll?

    She'll make a fortune when she releases her "docudrama" on the Palins.

  76. ghostwriter7:35 AM

    I wonder if that's the Carol Ryan who is a board member of the Valley Republican Women's Club?
    Tiffany Lane is on Facebook. She lives in Anchorage and apparently went to work for Delta Airlines in December. Don't know what work she did before but she has some interesting "likes".
    Marilyn Lane looks like she may be Tiffany's mom. Marilyn is a friend of Chuck Heath's on FB and it looks like she may handle the office of "Governor Sarah Palin" in Wasilla.
    Tiffany Lane has a faceless Facebook friend Sara Edwards who has ties to the KidZone Early Learning Center in Wasilla and who recently relocated to Bisbee Arizona....

  77. 8:38 PM

    *waves at RAM*

    How many times do you have to write "Sarah's a good person" before you can come in from the cold! LOL!!!

  78. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Anon 3:58 -- thanks for bringing that post over to this thread.

    Thinking of how loving Willow was to Trig during the RNC this makes me sad.

    It's been said before, but those girls are looking for unconditional love everywhere 'cause they're not getting it at home.

  79. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Apparently, she's been using Republican Presidential Travel for a while. This article notes that it is used often by Newt Gingrich.


  80. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Jean, I think you're looking at the wrong set of figures. Your note says it's from Jan filing, but the numbers are from the PREVIOUS filing period.

    Look at line 23 of the CURRENT form. It's "Contributions to Fed. Candidates/Committees and Other Political Committees." THIS past six months, SarahPAC donated $5,000 to candidates. LAST time, they donated $70,000.

    If Palin were running a true and honest PAC (I know, I know, she doesn't know the meaning of the words), wouldn't the figures be reversed. Wouldn't she be giving MORE now that the races are in full swing? Looks like she sees that the money is drying up.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.