Thursday, February 23, 2012

Oh yeah, Obama and Biden are TOTALLY afraid that Santorum will be the GOP nominee. However will they deal with him?


  1. Anonymous2:58 AM

    That is hysterical.

  2. Hahahahaha love it!

  3. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Thanks! What a great way to start my day.

  4. Anonymous4:26 AM

    I consider it my civic duty not only to vote in every election, but to google "Santorum" at least once every day

  5. Great comment with the picture!

    I thought that Santorum jumped the shark last night in the debate. Even though he tried to hide the crazy, it came through the television.

    Insane Clown Politics Ron Paul came across as the sane one and that, in itself, is scary. The meme of the End of Times coming if Obama gets a second term was almost funny if it were not for the fact that gullible people are convinced that it will happen.

    The Daily Show showed clips from 2008 where the same scenario was predicted if Obama was elected. One guy even predicted that Al Qaeda will be dancing in the streets if Obama was elected. To which Jon Stewart said that they were now dancing to get away from unmanned drone attacks.

  6. Anonymous5:58 AM

    Santorum reminds me a lot of Hitler. No joke.

  7. Anonymous6:14 AM

    If VP Biden and President Obama ever need a Hallowe'en costume, they should dress up as the Blues Brothers. Say they're on a mission from God and sing 'Sweet Home Chicago' among other blues favorites just to annoy a Palin and a Hannity.

  8. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Speaking of Frothy,

  9. Anonymous9:22 AM

    As many predicted, Santorum is just a "flash in the pan." (Or, a FLUSH in the pan.)

    Just as he looked to have a chance against the Romney juggernaut, he pulled a Gingrich "to the MOON, Alice" act, and ended his chances.

    Even the crazed religious zealots find the guy too weird, now.

    So we are back to having to worry about Romney, obviously. That polls show he could get around as many votes as Obama could, really disturb me.

    I mean, REALLY? Are there that many people Romney and the Taliban-like extreme right, have not alienated? By my count, there are only a couple hundred old, fat, white, Southern guys, dressed in sheets with eyeholes, who should be in favor of the ridiculous "platform" of anti-sex, pro-war, devoid of job creation malarkey being pushed.

    Just how freaking stupid are the others?

  10. Anonymous10:46 AM

    e Santorum Fornicus Rectum

    Latin for...

    Santorum is a Fucking Asshole

    Would make a great bumper sticker:)

  11. Anita Winecooler5:18 PM

    ha ha ha

    Love the graphic!

    At this point, it doesn't matter who gets the GOP nod. This last was a joke.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.