Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Uh oh! It looks like the Palin-bots are "getting their panties in a wad" over the HBO movie "Game Change." Update!

These are some recent tweets from ABC's Michael Falcone, who apparently has been getting an earful from Palin's paid defenders.

As you may or may not know Meg Stapleton was Palin's media mouthpiece, right up until she mysteriously quit two days after my "Two Babies" post And Randy Scheunemann is Palin's so-called "foreign policy adviser." (Boy, there's somebody who's essentially just stealing money.)

So I think we can discern from this that the Grizzled Mama is all "wee wee'd" up about this movie and sending her surrogates out to "refudiate" everything that this film is about to show the American People about John McCain's horribly unfit running mate.

Damn, is it March 10th yet?  I can hardly wait for the REAL fun to start!

Update: Here's what inspired Falcone's tweets, a conference call with  Palin former staffers. (In other words people still being paid to defend their queen.):

“If the book was very misleading, the movie’s going to be far worse,” said Palin adviser Randy Scheunemann. “It gives fiction a bad name to call this fiction.” 

The Palin aides repeatedly criticized the authors of the popular book, Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, for writing about Palin when they weren’t physically there covering the things that were reported in the book. 

“It’s a false narrative cobbled together by a group of people who simply weren’t there,” said Palin aide Jason Recher. 

“There’s only one person qualified to tell that story, and it’s her,” said another, Doug McMarlin. 

But Stapleton gave the most impassioned defense, accusing the media of an “insatiable desire to beat and beat and beat” Palin. 

Stapleton also accused Steve Schmidt, a top adviser for the McCain-Palin ticket in 2008, of exacting revenge on Palin. 

“Schmidt is infamous for lining up and destroy,” Stapleton said. “He is abusive, he is abrasive, and he is nothing short of a world-class bully.” 

Scheunemann added: “I think it’s pretty clear that he’s at the heart of this.” 

In response, Schmidt said he has seen the film and that it is accurate. 

“The movie was, for me, a powerful rendering of an extremely intense experience that I went through, and I think the movie shows Sarah Palin in all of her complexities – a person of great talent and great strength on the one hand, but also a person who wasn’t prepared for the job she was nominated for,” Schmidt told The Fix. “The movie explains how that happened and why that happened.” 

None of Palin’s staff said that they had actually seen the movie, but said they were basing their reactions on the trailers for the film and what was contained in the book. 

 “Looking at the trailers alone gets my blood boiling,” Stapleton said, referring to a clip from the trailer of Palin’s character lying on the floor of a bathroom in the fetal position.

"No we haven't seen it, but we are told that we have to hate it! So we do!"

One has to wonder just how this woman is still able to exert such control over these people. It can't JUST be a monetary thing.

By the way that "false narrative comment" in the fourth paragraph, is a phrase that Palin uses ALL OF THE TIME now. Which kind of makes you wonder if these responses were not scripted for these "former advisers."

You know kind of like Brad Hanson's statement, that he and Sarah NEVER had an affair, which he had no idea that he had given.

Update 2: There is more in depth reporting here.

Palin even dug up Thomas Van Flein and dragged him into this flame war.  She is DEFINITELY pissed!


  1. Anonymous2:25 PM

    fuk you meg, fuk you too $carah....suk it you useless skanks

  2. Anonymous2:30 PM

    They'd be wiser to ignore it altogether. They're just creating free publicity for HBO!

  3. Anonymous2:31 PM

    It might be that Meg Stapleton is forgetting what under the bus feels like.

    On the other hand, it might be that the hush money payments from Palin vanish unless Meg Stapleton dances the Palin again.

    Meg Stapleton has zero credibility for a clear perspective of Sarah Palin's deficiences.

  4. Anonymous2:32 PM

    OT a little, just a little

    for your review AGAIN - check out the photos of Sam Loudon

  5. Sally in MI2:32 PM

    If Meg Stapletongue knows anything, it's how to recognize a bully.

  6. Sally in MI2:32 PM

    The Palin-bots wear panties?

  7. Anonymous2:33 PM

    A real coup would be for them to move the air date UP and show it much sooner than the 10th. Yep, that would be sweet!

    Or even to a 'sneak preview' showing before the 10th, with a mini reel of scenes in the movie that really whet the appetite for the full movie.

    They could really milk the PR and hype up their viewing audience in anticipation of the really JUICY stuff.

    I hope they do a massive marketing job, flooding the airwaves, the social media outlets, outdoor signs, behind the scenes shows, making of shows...yep, it could be awesome.

  8. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Stapleton and Scheunemann? Were there ever two more honest people?

    But seriously folks...

  9. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I think that this is what's been making Palin is furious and flailing, she is TERRIFIED at what the movie will reveal about her and she has NO CONTROL of the message.

    She is so accustomed to manipulating things to make herself be something and someone she isn't, that she's fuming that she can't bully her way into that control.

    She and her bots will do all they can to discredit the movie before it airs, but the more vocal they are, the more obvious it is how freaked out they are, which leads me to believe that the film will be surprisingly accurate and truthful as to the breakdown of this narcissistic monster.

  10. Anonymous2:38 PM

    Twitter can't save you now Lou. Pushing back just makes more people want to see the movie. The days when bad publicity benefited you are long over. No one views you as a victim any more. Not after Gabby Giffords. Your own party knows the truth and that scares you.

  11. WakeUpAmerica2:39 PM

    Oh did little Meggie come out of her hole, raise her freckled head, and spew her anti-truth venom?

  12. carrieoki2:40 PM

    Thanx for keeping your blog running. I stop by for the entertainment and go through comments when I have the time. Spending somewhat less time here, as am buckling down, helping to organize, & spread the word. Going to trounce the GOP at election time. Obama/Biden 2012!

  13. angela2:42 PM

    Why does Palin do it? Doesn't she get that if she ignored the movie like she said she was going to that a huge portion of the populace would never have even thought about it. Keep reminding them that you were a whack job during the 2008 campaign Sarah. Then you can be a victim--againnnnnnn.

    Haha. Its true! The stupid woman CANNOT let anything go. She is clinically unable to do it. Good
    dogs Palinbots, good dogs. Run and do the Grisly
    Medusa's bidding.

  14. Counting the minutes until March 10 ... tick, tick, tick! EVERYONE I know will be watching this extreme take-down of the Wasilla Quitter. Somebody better buy her some Depends, since she's got a thing about being "wee-wee'd up." Though in Narcissist Sarah's case, I'd say she's "mee-mee'd up!"

    Great watching KARMA deal with this uber-phony.


  15. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Supposed conference call by Palin today with "who" ? in push back on movie. WTF does she think she can do other than sue? Please do Sarah! Can you imagine the depositions this would bring? Feeling giddy about the prospect!!

  16. Hi Sarah, Welcome back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  17. Virginia Voter2:48 PM

    Sigh....I can just imagine the frantic texts and emails written with lots of capitlal letters and exclamation points Sarah has been sending to Staplemouth and Scheuneman.

    Sarah still doesn't get it that the more she and her flunkies bitch and complain, the more people will want to watch Game Change. But shhh, dont tell her that.

  18. Anonymous2:50 PM

    maybe she will finally have the ultimate nervous breakdown and retire to a rubber room permanently.

    I'll betya she's wearing depends cuz she's scared shitless over part of the truth of the campaign coming out.


  19. Anonymous2:51 PM

    How's that libelly suity thing going, S'Error?

    Thought so.

  20. Anonymous2:55 PM

    The Pbots can shriek and moan all they want. The email between SP and Steve Schmidt regarding Todd's AIP status was a snap-shot of an exchange between a spoiled, deceitful candidate and and a steely, disciplined professional.

    Schmidt called her on her fibs and refused to let her play victim. I wonder if he was one of the staff she "accidentally" greeted in nothing but a hotel towel. If so, it didn't work.

    I expect the book "Game Change" will get another sales bump after the HBO movie is released.

  21. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Meg Stapleton and Randy Scheunemann? Really?

    The Palins are now at the point where they have to pay people to be their friends. You can't get more pathetic than this.

    Remember, one of Randy Scheunemann's biggest clients is George Soros.

    So in essence Palin is palin' around with Soros.

    You can't make this stuff up.

  22. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Stapletongue's lips are flapping. Must have climbed out from under her rock!!

    Who's paying the braindead bitch now??

  23. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Oh, please sue, please, please sue! Maybe if you bundle the lawsuit up with the one that you claim to be doing against Joe McGinnis, or better yet--triple up with a suit against Shailey Tripp for her new book, Boys Will Be Boys, about Todd's prostitution ring. Just imagine, you'd get The Deal of The Century, a three-fer, so to speak!

    Stupid fuckwad.

  24. Anonymous3:06 PM


    Frank Schaeffer on Martin Bashir show on Santorum and Franklin Graham.

    Schaeffer caused me to do an 'arms up touchdown cheer' as he called out Graham for loaning Palin the charity plane for book tour!!!

  25. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Have the 'tread tracks' heeled on Staplebitch!! Too bad there weren't pics to see the scars!!

    She lost cred in the Rethug party right along with Palin

  26. Anonymous3:08 PM

    Well this guy is certainly intent on giving HBO and Game Change as much publicity as possible with all of his tweets. Keep on complaining, bots, you are just generating interest in the movie and I LOVE that.

  27. Oh, how delicious! Way to get people anticipating the HBO movie. She must be very nervous. CPAC and numerous television appearances; cameo appearance by Trig; and getting her stupid movie picked up by a cable network to run the day after the Game Change premiere.

    Palin does it again: victim mode doesn't work so well any more, does it, quitter queen?

    How can anyone title a movie about Palin as "The Undefeated?" What a lie.

  28. Anonymous3:14 PM

    “Schmidt is infamous for lining up and destroy,” Stapleton said. “He is abusive, he is abrasive, and he is nothing short of a world-class bully.”

    For me Stapleton is describing Palin not Schmidt !

  29. Anonymous3:15 PM

    She is fighting too much for somebody who is so confident and has nothing to hide...
    But it's free advertising for the movie, so thanks Sarah

  30. hedgewytch3:17 PM

    The funny thing is that all the Palins, the Palin-bots and everybody else who are professing so hard that this narrative is false, will be tuning in to watch it just as eagerly as the other "haters". LOL

    And HBO doesn't care if you love or hate Palin, as long as you are tuned into the program.

  31. Anonymous3:25 PM

    3/10. Suck it, palinbots.

  32. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Sarah Palin staff lashes out at media, film:

    Former Sarah Palin staff are lashing out at a new HBO movie depicting the 2008 campaign, going so far as to accuse the media of metaphorically beating her.

    “Look with your own eyes at what she and her family have endured...” said former Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton. “Any lesser man would have hanged himself by now.”

    Palin adviser Tim Crawford last week told The Fix that the movie “Game Change,” which is based on a book of the same name, is “fiction.”

    In a conference call Wednesday, several former Palin advisers agreed.

    “If the book was very misleading, the movie’s going to be far worse,” said Palin adviser Randy Scheunemann. “It gives fiction a bad name to call this fiction.”

    The Palin aides repeatedly criticized the authors of the popular book, Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, for writing about Palin when they weren’t physically there covering the things that were reported in the book.

    “It’s a false narrative cobbled together by a group of people who simply weren’t there,” said Palin aide Jason Recher.

    “There’s only one person qualified to tell that story, and it’s her,” said another, Doug McMarlin.

    But Stapleton gave the most impassioned defense, accusing the media of an “insatiable desire to beat and beat and beat” Palin.

    Stapleton also accused Steve Schmidt, a top adviser for the McCain-Palin ticket in 2008, of exacting revenge on Palin.

    “Schmidt is infamous for lining up and destroy,” Stapleton said. “He is abusive, he is abrasive, and he is nothing short of a world-class bully.”

    Scheunemann added: “I think it’s pretty clear that he’s at the heart of this.”

    In response, Schmidt said he has seen the film and that it is accurate.

    “The movie was, for me, a powerful rendering of an extremely intense experience that I went through, and I think the movie shows Sarah Palin in all of her complexities – a person of great talent and great strength on the one hand, but also a person who wasn’t prepared for the job she was nominated for,” Schmidt told The Fix. “The movie explains how that happened and why that happened.”

    None of Palin’s staff said that they had actually seen the movie, but said they were basing their reactions on the trailers for the film and what was contained in the book.

    “Looking at the trailers alone gets my blood boiling,” Stapleton said, referring to a clip from the trailer of Palin’s character lying on the floor of a bathroom in the fetal position.

  33. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Sarah Palin’s Allies Take Pre-Emptive Strike At ‘Game Change’ Movie
    By Michael Falcone

  34. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Oh God - Meggamouth Sapleton has reared her head again!!! Sweetie - get your ass out of this situation!

    You live in Anchorage, AK and if I ever saw you in a grocery store, I'd tell you the same thing. I thought you were smarter than that!!! You are far better educated than Palin. Never did understand how or why you involved yourself with her (after your career w/Channel 2) except perhaps to 'supposedly' better yourself? You didn't do that by a long shot! You turned in to the mean girl which was shown on TV and the nation. Something I'd not be proud of in retrospect. You need to think what your child will see of you eventually. Many people in Alaska do not like or respect you, Meggamouth.

    Your mean attitude was shown on TV in Alaska with Les Gara (a Legislator) on the steps of the Juneau Capitol Building. I would not be proud of that, Meg! You showed yourself to be one nasty bitch!

    Palin is a fraud and liar and it is being proven more and more. I'll bet Alaskans and the nation will eventually see more of what Sarah and Todd (since they were co-governors!) did that was fraudulent during her short time as 'quitter governor'. Meggamouth - you are not going to want to be associated with her!!!

    Parnell needs to be recalled - he is assisting in covering up her and Todd's actions. Alaska government is corrupt and has been for so long. It makes me want to barf!!!

  35. Anonymous3:30 PM

    'Game Change' -- Anatomy of a Smear of Sarah Palin

    You can't smear slime.

  36. Anonymous3:33 PM

    The tweets are explained here...

    ABC News’ Michael Falcone reports:
    Seven of Sarah Palin’s closest confidantes have yet to watch the HBO film “Game Change,” which portrays her 2008 vice presidential bid, but they said they have already seen enough.

    On a conference call with reporters on Wednesday, these current and former advisers to Palin, unleashed a torrent of criticism at the movie, which will premiere on Mar. 10.

  37. Oh Goodness! Baldy is REALLY worried about "Game Change"!! Check this out...

    Former Alaska governor and 2008 vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin is holding a conference call Wednesday evening to push back against the upcoming HBO movie Game Change—a dramatic account of the ’08 McCain-Palin ticket.

    During the 5 p.m. conference call, Palin is expected to challenge the representation of her in the film, which is due to air on March 10. The film reportedly will focus on the choice of Palin as a vice-president candidate and the interpersonal conflicts in the campaign.

    Link to the article....

  38. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Don't forget that the folks who produced "Game Change" for HBO contacted both Sarah and her attorney regarding input about the production and neither responded!!! Perhaps because sister Sarah could continue playing the victim and hollering that it is not accurate.

    Give us a break Sarah! You are an asshole, fraud and liar. Too much is out there showing you so - with emails (Frank Bailey and his book).
    You and Stapleton need to go play in the mountains of Alaska and get lost!!!

  39. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Martin Bashir calls out the lying GOP 'christianists' as exactly the frauds that they are.

  40. Anonymous3:44 PM

    But ... they have not seen the movie yet. How can they be so upset and critical ?

  41. Anonymous3:44 PM

    No such thing as bad press, eh Sarah?

  42. LORD...Meg Stapletongue is earning her "STFU" money! Check out this...

    “Look with your own eyes at what she and her family have endured...” said former Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton. “Any lesser man would have hanged himself by now.”

    But Stapleton gave the most impassioned defense, accusing the media of an “insatiable desire to beat and beat and beat” Palin.

    None of Palin’s staff said that they had actually seen the movie, but said they were basing their reactions on the trailers for the film and what was contained in the book.

    “Looking at the trailers alone gets my blood boiling,” Stapleton said, referring to a clip from the trailer of Palin’s character lying on the floor of a bathroom in the fetal position.

    Link for the rest...

  43. lostinmn3:48 PM

    I have to agree their response is far too severe for their own good. They should just button down the hatches and let it air without a peep. No one at Fox is going to ask her about it after the fact so her only threat is if the "lamestream" media picks it up. Of course that begs the question that if Sara is nothing more today than a Fox consultant isn't she the lamestream media now? Or is the lamestream media any news outlet but Fox?

    She does astonish with her stupidity. BTW - noticed the fire wasn't burning. Why didn't sea of pee pick up on that message - the fire is out for her candidacy. I saw it and it's amazing they aren't analyzing that like they do everything else.

  44. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Wouldn't it be great if there is some productive fallout from the movie. Beware the Ides of March? I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  45. MadCityKaren3:56 PM

    I'm so looking forward to the movie! And the subsequent implosion coming from Lake Lucille and Sea of Pee later the same evening ...

  46. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Oh Boy Stapletongue has come out of hiding??? LOL! It must be AWESOME movie.
    In the tweets she says that is a bad portrayal of Herself?
    Really? I didn't even notice.
    Now REALLY... why are the bots All rilled up?
    B/c this will destroy her political career that's why. I guess none of them can't read so didn't read the book.
    It will show what a fricken bullet we dodged in 08 and hopefully get some Alaskans off their PFD asses and Expose the bitch!!!

  47. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Meg Stapletongue in all over the net, blasting out nasty statements about all the people involved in the campaign and in the movie.

    She claims that Sarah is the ONLY one who can tell this story...well Sarah had her chance, and she blew it off, didn't she. Besides, she used her first book to rewrite the history of the campaign and her life story, as well as trashing anyone she had a vendetta against, but now she's got her sycophants crying poor Sarah, leave Sarah alone, trying to deflect from the utter devastation this HBO film will render.

    I can't wait until March 10, it's gonna be a barnburner.

    People are putting together 'viewing' parties with drinking games and LOTS of popcorn. It's all over Twitter and Facebook all the 'Let's point and laugh at Sarah' parties, so people don't get so completely depressed and despondent at how close we could have come to having her in power, because of a horny, old, washed up politician who was on his last leg to capture the presidency.

    It was cynical, selfish, reprehensible and crass. It was craven and desperate. And McCain will take the dishonor to his grave.

  48. Okay....I know the patients at "Craizes4Palin" are NUTS but those fools have a post up that they got from the drunk "Beerfart" Big Journalism's titled...hope I can get this out without busting a gut from laughing...

    "Does HBO's 'Game Change' Legally Meet the Definition of an 'In-Kind Contribution to Barack Obama" me some "Crazies4Palins" idiots...they put the "cra" in crazy!

    Umm...the genius' think that "Game Change" is a DONATION to President Obama's re-election campaign! I have never seen so much insanity posted in one place!

    All this screeching that Baldy and company are doing is having the OPPOSITE effect! More people will want to see what the fuss is all about...I think what Baldy is trying to do is to get HBO to declare the movie "fiction"...but HBO is standing behind the TRUTH!

    I can not wait for this movie! It will be quite the birthday present for myself...because I will watch this movie over and over and over again! And I will laugh and laugh and laugh at how stupid, crazy, and ugly Baldy is!

  49. Anonymous4:06 PM

    funny that everyone who defends her is somehow financially tied to her and her future. They aren't biased at all. All 3 are hoping for a spot in a Palin Adminstration (I just threw up in my mouth) Have they even seen the movie? No. They were just given their talking points. All these preemptive strikes tell me she's scared shitless about this movie.

  50. JenniferinVA4:07 PM

    This phrase "wee wee'd up" is something she says all the time, but I recall Obama first saying it on the campaign trail in the summer of 2008. I only heard it once from him, but she's latched on to it for dear life and she sounds silly every time she says it.
    I wonder if she knows that she stole it from Obama.

  51. Anonymous4:07 PM





  52. AJ Billings4:16 PM

    Well Meg, Randy, $arah, and assorted Palinbots and family, we KNOW you come here to read up on what others think of the whole Paylin grift over the last 4 years.

    This one statement of Meg's reveals just how much we are going to enjoy your pain, angst, and suffering when you see the accurate portrayal of the Ancient Crone of Wasilla:

    Said Staplemouth:
    “Looking at the trailers alone gets my blood boiling,”

    That's good Meg, we take great pleasure in your rage and hatred, and $arah, we know you're going to watch it too.

    And secretly $arah, you will admit to yourself that you were a fuckup, you were a monumental idiot during the Couric interviews, and you blew a one in a billion chance to be President.

    But then, we'd expect nothing less from a Quitter, a Grifter, and a nasty hypocritical idiot who uses her family, religion, fake pregnancies, and push-up bras to "get what she wants"

    Schadenfreude on steroids $arah!!!

  53. angela4:16 PM

    Happy Anniversary Gryphen on your 2 babies post!

    Sarah probably has a voodoo doll of you!. Keep giving her the shit that she deserves.

  54. Anonymous4:28 PM

    i said before toddy boy was the daddymaybe now you get a glimpse from mommy? huh meg?

  55. WakeUpAmerica4:29 PM

    I had completely forgotten about Stapletongue, bless her little heart. But now, I wonder if she isn't our Sanctimonious Troll? Hmmmmmm. Maybe that has been her job since she "quit" Palin et al.

  56. Anonymous4:31 PM

    It looks like Sarah Palin is the one who is wee-wee'd up over Game Change.

    She got Meg Stapleton, Sarah's former bully, to come out of the wood works to defend her...betcha' she paid her some big bucks out of SarahPac.

    It doesn't matter what they say because many people will be watching and so will the Palinbots even thou Sarah said not to.

  57. Anonymous4:31 PM

    How about some lead-up preview specials of scenes and depictions expected to be contested by Palin. Then, the main event followed by a few specials looking into the contested scenes/depictions and various reactions to them?

    It's the basic, tell them what you're going to tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them.

    Triple play or more for the "harsh" parts just to make sure they get a full, fair, and balanced exposure with the masses. Palin, the grift that keeps on giving.

  58. From the Sea of Pee
    section9 1 hour ago in reply to vintageTP
    Actually, this is the case. For a time, Levi's bodymen (one of them was named Tank, the other, Tank's boss' name I forget) were two bagmen for the Alaska Democratic party. They were fronting for two wealthy donors who owned pistachio farms in California and were big time Democratic bundlers. These were the same two bundlers who fronted Jesse Griffen and his blog who's job it was to attack Palin day and night.

    Robert Stacy McCain and Dan Riehl exposed them two years ago, in early 2010.

    They are deranged!

  59. Anonymous4:33 PM

    Love the fucking Update!

    Dance Sarah Dance!

  60. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Of the seven Palin attack dogs, only three were actually working with Palin on the campaign.

    Randy Scheunemann, Meg Stapleton and Jason Recher

    How is it that the others are authorities on what happened on the campaign trail?

    Next we'll be hearing from Kris Perry, Ivy Frye and Rebecca Mansour about this "false narrative."

  61. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Think how silly Ailes is going to look when it finally comes out that he hired someone who faked a pregnancy.

  62. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Who plays stapletongue?
    And who were the "other" reporters" in the conference call?
    Time to also push Joe's book & all the "Palin" books!!!
    I've emailed Nick to get his DVD's out yesterday.
    People are going to want ANSWERS how close we came to the precipice!
    How that bullet just whizzed by us.
    As usual the Cons don't get it.
    "why not make this movie about Obama they say" Hello! The book the movie was called "Game Change" Baldy was just that!
    I think they didn't have enough about her in the book I wanted more...
    Red meat about Dumbassed Sarah Heath Palin!!!

  63. Anonymous4:40 PM

    “There’s only one person qualified to tell that story, and it’s her,” said another, Doug McMarlin. 


    Palin was asked to respond but never did. Now her butt wipes are saying there's only one person qualified to tell that story and its Sarah Palin?

    Sarah its getting close to zero hour!


  64. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Oh my God, Meggamouth. Run for the hills! You are doing nothing more than continuing to discredit yourself by being involved w/Sarah Palin. You were such a sweet gal when w/Channel 2. You are no longer. You are now the 'mean, nasty' gal that went on baord w/the fraud, liar and unethical woman that Sarah Palin has proved herself to be.

    I feel sorry for the child you birthed that will see the videos of you - a mean, nasty, onery woman that you didn't appear to be when w/Channel 2! I'll wager the executives of Channel 2 could hardly believe what they saw once you were w/Palin. If you thought she was going to bring you further as to position and money, you were so horribly wrong. I'm truly surprised your husband didn't dump your ass!!!

    Jump off the wagon train, Meggamouth - NOW - many in Anchorage do not respect you! You are doing harm to you and your family by being involved w/the Palins.

  65. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Very strange because the book has been out a long time,
    And she has known about the movie for a year.
    Randy S is not her advisor anymore. There was a story out about this months and months ago where he told her he didn't have time for her. And I thought Jason was gone.
    Is she frantically calling all these people to " get ahead" of the movie!?? What an idiot she is!!

    This only makes people want to see the movie Sarah.
    Can't you control yourself! You have no common sense.
    I guarantee you HBO is thrilled with this response and expected it! Keep giving them free advertinsing moron!!

    Sarah when the " lsm" wants to interview you about the movie, just say NO COMMENT!!!

    Sarah you never ever learn. And you are simply proving what Schmidt said in the book about you!!! Remember when you wanted to " get ahead" of the AIP story and you told Schmidt to lie and he said NO WAY!!

    This really is just vintage Sarah. This over reaction and trying to do damage control. It's too late and it makes you look desperate and defensive. No one believes you.
    Get a grip Sarah !!!! Don't you have a single advisor who does the right thing and tells you to sit down and STFU ??
    It's time!!!!!

  66. Anonymous4:42 PM

    Oh noes, Randy Scheunemann works for George Soros!

    SarahPAC was created by notorious democrat rainmaker John Coale (who just happens to be married to Greta).

    Have the religious right fallen for a false prophet, the mother of lies?

    Repent before it's too late.

  67. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Meg, dear, Sarah Palin DID tell us her story. Sarah Palin wrote in her book that she boarded a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak without a medical check for a premature Down Syndrome baby.

    That is the boast of a mentally unstable woman. So Meg, dear, don't sweat the "Game Change" movie. There is far worse to come in the Sarah Palin exposure racket.

  68. Anonymous4:46 PM

    .....Palin even dug up Thomas Van Flein and dragged him into this flame war.  She is DEFINITELY pissed!.....

    This means Sarah is having to use her SarahPac money to pay Van Flea which means one less wig she can buy and one less SarahPac Palin-Heath family vacation this summer.

  69. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Do people even READ anyomore? Jay Roach is a director trying to do an honest piece. He contacted Palin AND her lawyer to give THEIR take. NO RESPONSE.

    So, because Stapleton and 2 or 3 staffers say, that wasn't it, it's all BS? Meghan McCain? Does anyone REALIZE how big a campaign entourage IS?

    There were PLENTY of people who SAW and, lest they be unemployed, kept their mouth SHUT but witnessed!

    Aren't her WTH rants on Fox to this DAY enough proof to people that she's mentally incompetant? This woman has SERIOUS issues, and isn't it too darn bad it's being outed.

    Say what you want, trolls. It's about DAMN time. She can't "refudiate." We have it in BLACK and WHITE, and that burns you, doesn't it Queen Esther?

    BLACK. You always lost to and will continue to.

  70. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Meg Stapleton will never get another job other than Palin lap dog. Sad. She is one nasty piece of work. That she will put herself and her reputation up for a fraud makes me feel that she is beyond pathetic.

    Palin can say whatever she wants, but she is an amatuer. People respect the authors, HBO and Julianne Moore. Palin and her gang looks like they protest a little bit too much. She is way out of her league.

  71. Anonymous4:49 PM

    This is the same "Meggamouth" Meg Stapletom that recently appeared on the Public TV Station (Channel 7) for their recent Alskan Auction to raise funds. When I saw her, I immediately removed myself from their auction and did not provide them any funds even though I appreciate what they are doing and liked some of the art work they presented.

    Meggamouth is far better educated than Palin and I do not understand why she added herself to Palin's coatstrings. A major goof, little Meggamouth!

    In order to gain the respect of folks that live in Alaska, Meggamouth, you need to move away from the likes of Palin. If she is paying you to be her spokeperson, you are in big trouble! I know I have no respect for you or the idiot Sarah Palin! Notice I did not call you an idiot - Meggamouth - I'm giving you a 'tad' bit of latitude!

  72. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Sarah said wee weed up because she is hopelessly in love with Obama. He LIVES inside her head.

  73. Anonymous4:57 PM

    bil maher on bristol today

  74. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Sounds like the palinbots are getting all wee wee'd up without viewing the film. Sarah was given a choice to be involved and she chose not too. Smidth chose to be involved and has seen the movie so I guess I will take his word for it that it is accurate and appropriate.

  75. Anonymous5:02 PM

    I don't think our troll is megamouth or RAM.
    They both are articulate especially RAM but our troll is practically illiterate. I vote for one of the Palin girls, April M or one of Sarahs sisters.

    Actually why isn't RAM at this newsconference.
    This is all too funny!

    Great advertising for the movie!!! What the hell did they expect.

    Sue Sarah sue!!! If It's all a lie, you will win!
    But you won't sue because its all true and there are like 25-30 witnesses to the truth! ROFL

  76. Anonymous5:06 PM

    A guest on The Ed Show just took Sarah down. He said she was delusional about being picked as a candidate through a brokered convention. Had other choice words for her. She is a stupid evil woman.

  77. Anonymous5:07 PM

    if I was Sarah I would not go there. There is so much in her governing years to focus on as her truly absurd intellectually bereft behavior. We are all lining up to talk.

  78. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Seriously, she is going up against Steve Schmitz? He has seen worse, done worse and played in the Big Leagues. She is chump change and he is not afraid of her. Trust me, for all of this to come out, he got the ok from the GOP. Want to push him? He has his own e-mails from you.

  79. Not What You Want to Hear5:08 PM

    Here is what I would say to this coterie of paid and pathetic lackeys. If Palin didn't have such a long line of "disgruntled" people in her wake, then yeah, I might chalk it up to two unprofessional politicos. But so many people you would expect Sarah Palin to have cordial relationships with end up in permanent discord with her.

    The almost son-in-law. The next door neighbor. Her former right-hand man Frank Bailey. And the two people who were most responsible for her in the 2008 campaign. I have never in my life heard of campaign consultants coming out so strongly against a candidate they once tried to elect. Ever. But there is obviously something about Palin that sows major strife and chaos and drama at every point of her life, both personally and professionally.

  80. Anonymous5:08 PM

    The book has been out forever now and the lead up to the content was obvious so WTF With the over reaction?

  81. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Hahahah! Poor Tranny Granny ( no disrespect to real trannies meant)
    She is all wee wee'd up ( asaying she stole from President Barack hussien Obama and I could care less. Will be having a party at my houd=se on the north rural side of san Antonio to view it and I hope to invite as many GOP members as I can ( most of them already view SP as a long dead joke anyway) Go Granny Go, spin your head all the way around, but you can never stop nat'l media hehehehe

  82. Movie or no movie, I already know that $arah Palin is a political retard.
    $he runs a dysfunctional family, and and has the emotional and intellectual IQ of a junior high kid.
    I suspect that Trig is the ONLY one in the family who is normal.

  83. Anonymous5:10 PM

    LMAO..... me thinks she doth protest too much!!!!

  84. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Yes! Let’s go back and look at the Stapleton dustup video when she meets Wes Gara after the election! Epic fail Stapleton!

    The Palins should just go back to the compound and take care of Trig in a loving way — and make sure Piper makes it through high school.

  85. Anonymous5:13 PM

    ...said former Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton. “Any lesser man would have hanged himself by now.”

    Thanks, Meg, for finally admitting that Sarah Palin is a man. Is that in the movie too?

  86. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Oh revisit the campaign:

    She doesn't know anything...
    A broad scale of national security issues!
    Palin the "GameChanger"!!!
    Suck it Baldy!!!

  87. GinaM 4:03PM

    And I will laugh and laugh and laugh at how stupid, crazy, and ugly Baldy is!

    Me Too! I love how you Tweak her Beak!

    And I will laugh and laugh and laugh at how stupid, crazy, and ugly Baldy is!

  88. Anonymous5:18 PM

    palins use blackmail not money

  89. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:21 PM

    Bet Miss Wonderful is gonna try and persuade her lawyers to demand that HBO run a disclaimer at the beginning of the film--ya know, "All persons and events pictured are fictional, all names have been changed to protect the innocent, blah, blah, blah..."

    Go ahead and do it Sarah. You'll look like an even bigger ass than you already are.

  90. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Astoundingly, we Alaskans were so bamboozled by this idiot! It only came to pass in the 2008 campaign that we saw her for what she is: A slut to any message that advances Sarah Palin. She was not in any way an advancer of the people’s cause in Alaska. She was a myth carefully crafted to be whatever would get her elected. It was shocking to see how quickly she turned into a mouthpiece for the sickest type of hate and racism. I say" So long Sarah Palin. You are an empty suit that showed your true colors in 2008.”
    Alaska resident and voter

  91. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Wait a minute. Ms Sarah is wee wee'd up over a film she has not seen. So, that would mean that she knows what is in. This means that she knows what is in it because she remembers her behavior and knows that what will be shown is the truth. She is very afraid of the truth. From her pregnancy with Trig to her "graduation" from U of Idaho to her road races where no one can remember seeing her even though she had the race times of elite runners (OMG, I can barely type this without gagging) to her deep faith in a church she never goes to to her hunting skills that require Daddy's help every step of the way to her Christian values that allow her to sleep with Glen Rice while dating Tod) to her "Belmont Girls", she LIVES A LIE. Nothing scares her more than having the rest of us know her secrets. She is not upset about this movie because it is inaccurate. She is upset because she knows it is true and Sarah does not do truth.

  92. Anonymous5:27 PM

    I hear that Queen Elizabeth has already requested popcorn for the screening of "Game Change".

  93. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Those of you who know the truth and have all sorts of proof, it is past time for you to step up.
    She and her network of malignant minions need to be driven off for good and all.
    M from MD

  94. laprofesora5:30 PM

    Why would anyone believe anybody who had been on the Paylin payroll? What a waste of hot air.

  95. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Sucks to be Sarah right about now.

    No control over an HBO movie to be shown on millions of TVs in just a few days (HBO! for crying out loud!), no way to stop it, discredit it, or distract from it.

    And the movie is based on a well respected, impeccably researched, and highly praised book written by pros.

    Also the movie's character roles are delivered by no less than award winning actors, well regarded in their industry.

    No less than Steve Schmidt has gone on the record to state that the movie is accurate.

    She is well and truly screwed!

    And just in time for marginalizing her for the convention and all related VP invitations, king-making, and cabinet posts.

    She is not just a LOSER, but a batshit crazy, third-rate amateur, grubbing and grifting LOSER!

    She thinks her 10 week VP run, after being picked by a desperate McCain, qualifies her to be anything other than another has-been, also-ran, loser.

  96. Bristol's Real Chin5:35 PM

    "Very strange because the book has been out a long time"

    But Sarah's fans aren't book readers, so much. (Which is why her PAC has to keep buying books and distributing them). They DO watch TV, but I think the reason she's been asking for more money is so that maybe they'll have to cancel HBO.

    I wish HBO would do more advertising of its free month that people can get just in time to watch the movie!

    And I look forward to more publicity when the Emmys come out again.

  97. hauksdottir5:38 PM

    Scheunemann was a $900,000 lobbyist for the government of Georgia, working furiously to get the US involved in a land war with Russia... overlapping with his time as McCain's political advisor. McCain was eating out of his hand. Or something. He also sent his buddyboys Graham and Lieberman to Georgia for meetings and greetings... and receptions.

    "Scheunemann has tried to distance himself from Georgia as McCain’s campaign has geared up this year. He de-registered as a foreign agent in March. But he still owns his firm. And that firm signed a new $200,000 contract with Georgia on the same day McCain called Saakashvili and then issued a public statement in support of Georgia. A McCain aide denied there was any connection."

    Now why would Scheunemann be uniting Neocons and the government of Georgia?

    "One of Payne’s groups touts Scheunemann’s ties with Georgia as a way to forge deals with the Georgia state-run oil company."

    As Steve Clemons says: "It stinks".

    It surely does. Oil deposits have a certain acrid reek.

    Considering Palin's neocon favortism (alternating the Star of David with the Key and the Cross), and her insistence upon raping the Alaskan wilderness to get a couple of years' worth of oil... with the untraceable donations to SarahPAC... it is obvious that Palin and Scheunemann would be hitched over more than just the money. The money is just the lagniappe.

  98. Heads up, Sarah, iceberg on the horizon!

  99. Anonymous5:42 PM


    "And McCain will take the dishonor to his grave"

    the canary sang long ago - he has a list of dishonorable things to take to his grave. SP is just one more of his sins.

  100. Anonymous5:42 PM

    She's pitching fits so she can get more money and attention. It would be funny if it only caused more people to reveal more truths about her that she'd rather they didn't.
    M from MD

  101. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Taaaaaaaawd, they're wrecking my grand plans. Assemble your hookers to protest!!

  102. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Meg Stapleton lost all credibility when greed and Palinism took her over. Good riddance to bad trash!

  103. Anonymous5:49 PM

    No doubt Meg has been collecting a paycheck for trolling IM all along.

    Hi Meg!

  104. Anonymous5:50 PM

    It is absolutely delicious I tell you.

  105. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Sarah and her main flying monkey are all wee-wee'd up.

    Keep poking that stick in the ant hill you two. Pretty soon all the fire ants (and skeletons) will be coming out to bite you. Keep up the good work!

  106. Anon 5:07 PM...

    if I was Sarah I would not go there. There is so much in her governing years to focus on as her truly absurd intellectually bereft behavior. We are all lining up to talk.

    Anon 5:07 PM...
    Seriously, she is going up against Steve Schmitz? He has seen worse, done worse and played in the Big Leagues. She is chump change and he is not afraid of her. Trust me, for all of this to come out, he got the ok from the GOP. Want to push him? He has his own e-mails from you.


    That must mean Steve Schmitz KNOWS where Trigs Birth Certificate is!

    Hi Steve, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  107. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I wonder why Palin's "chief of staff", Michael Glassner, wasn't on the conference call?

  108. Anonymous5:57 PM

    What Stapleton did while employed by Palin was sinful, and she owes Alaskans an apology.

    Neither Stapleton nor Scheunemann have any credibility left when it comes to Palin. I wonder what they got paid this time.

    I hadn't planned on going to see the movie, but now I suppose I'll have to. The trailers were interesting.

  109. Olivia6:00 PM

    Soooo funny! Palin can't be bothered to see it, her minions aren't allowed to see it, none of them have seen it yet but they are falling all over themselves to make sure everyone else in the country will want to see it. Nothing like free publicity. Keep it up you pathetic idiots. The rest of the country will see it and draw their own conclusions. How dumb can you be?

  110. Maybe she should sue somebody, eh?

  111. Anonymous6:01 PM

    “Look with your own eyes at what she and her family have endured...” said former Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton. “Any lesser man would have hanged himself by now.”

    Meg, we have not yet begun to beat the bitch and her nasty-ass family, which really only means Bristol, and Todd a little bit, but nobody's done anything at all to anybody who didn't deserve the fuck out of it. Every time Palin insults my president she invites another beating. Anytime she gets Bristol to lie for her in her crappy book, she invites another beating.

  112. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Dear Scarah Payme....suck it bitch.

  113. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Didn't she in a recent interview advise others not to waste time watching this movie?

    Then why the sudden blitzkrieg attacking the movie that no one has seen? Based on trailers? C'mon now!

    She must be going crazy! She's obviously pulling people together to help lay contrast to the movie and put her in a better light.

    Joe McGinnis was right. She has no modulation in her response. She is freaking out!

    Can you imagine the screaming, tantrums, pill popping, pacing and can throwing going on in that household right now?? Can you imagine her cursing a litany of people she's blaming for this?


    oooohhh my babies.... i miss sleeping with my babies...

  114. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Yeah, she's wee wee'd up because she knows the truth. Also too she knows it's a safe bet that her dumb-sh*t base -- including those to whom she is related -- would never actually read an intelligent, well-researched book, the only readers of which had IQs well into triple digits, which means they wouldn't have supported the likes of Sarah Palin, ever, on any planet. But a made-for-tee-vee movie, that will actually reach people. Who knows, maybe knowing the movie was coming out was enough to get her to finally stick her own warty nose into the book. Is it any wonder the old dear has her panties in a wad?

  115. Anonymous6:11 PM

    The book is already out, and the movie is just showing what's in the, there really shouldn't be anything 'new' that isn't in the book, should there? How bad was the book? (I didn't read it). OR is it the fact that the visual representation is more believable than a written representation of what she's like and how she behaved?

  116. You know what would be perfect?

    If HBO offers free access to HBO for all cable subscribers for the first 10 days in March, in honor of college basketball March Madness.

    Hint, hint.

  117. Not sure why a false narrative is such a bad thing in the Palin camp. It's exactly what she has used about herself to promote her various hockey and pit bull 'mom' images and provided her the material for her constant and very lucrative beat down of the President.

    Her loyal apologists should save their breath and direct their advice to Palin. If she will quit lying about President Obama, her detractors just might quit telling the truth about her.

  118. Anonymous6:32 PM

    Drowning people are often full of panic and can drag rescuers down with them. Do everything in your power to avoid this danger.

  119. Anonymous6:32 PM

    I guess for doing this, they will get a bonus from Pac $

  120. Anonymous6:38 PM

    I love it. My "back up go to person" about anything Palin is my VERY conservative-Faux-News-lovin' cousin! (I love him dearly, but.....)He says that Palin is "such an attractive woman, a spitfire." I spoke with him a couple days ago. I asked him his opinion on "Game Change". He said "What's that?" So I told him to go watch his Fox "News" for a bit and call me back. He did. Said he had never even heard of the book so why was Sarah so upset about this movie? He then researched it MORE, which, since he does love Palin and would like to see more of her....he watched the trailers. He is looking forward to seeing the movie now, just because she's mad about it! And to think only a day ago he had never heard about it. Thanks Sarah! YOU my dear are the best publicity EVER!

  121. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Nope, sorry, she loves the attention this is generating. The Quitter thrives on the negative press the way plants need the sun.
    No rubber room for her. In fact I imagine she is sitting around rubbing her hands and laughing. She is disgusting.

  122. Anonymous6:50 PM

    Free HBO = sweet! Thanks Kajo for the heads up!

  123. Anonymous6:55 PM

    What a great foreword to Shailey Tripp's Book "BOYS WILL BE BOYS"
    by her friend Edid Dunn. Shailey's Book will cause another Rabid Conference Call from GRANNY GRIFTER.
    Being on the receiving end of Controversy is not very Flattering, EH, GRANNY? Looks like Todd had better stay in Fairbanks when he loses the Irondog. Maybe he can find a Masseuse for a HAPPY ENDING.

  124. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Gosh, maybe Sarah needs to sue HBO, just like she sued Joe McGinniss. Oh, wait, she never actually sued him, did she?

  125. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Sarah should actually sue, not just threaten to. That trial would be more fun to watch than Game Change. I'd love to see Meg on the stand testifying how the McCain campaign did not exactly run the Alaskan government but then get "refudiated" by Alaskan employees who personally witnessed the McCain interference and collusion.

  126. YIKES!! Baldy REALLY hates Steve Schmidt! I'm sure she probably tried to seduce him...the poor guy...and he wasn't buying nothing she was selling! Used goods and know! Not to mention he probably saw her nasty ass not washing her hands after going "wee wee"! LOL!

    Steve and Nicolle Wallace are part of the Republican "Establishment" that Baldy and her crazy minions have been screeching about.

    The fact that they came out and spoke publicly about Baldy's mental instability speaks volumes! So the bot's and Baldy's paid assholes can scream and carry on all they want...Baldy STILL doesn't stand a chance in politics...her political future ended when she QUIT and the final straw was Arizona!

    Nobody is backing Baldy...she has NO POWER! She's just some dirty old mean crazy lady who lives by a dead lake in the wilds of Wasilla...screaming at the top of her lungs.....LOOK AT ME!

    She is to be pitied.

  127. SAlly in MI6:58 PM

    “Look with your own eyes at what she and her family have endured...” said former Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton. “Any lesser man would have hanged himself by now.”

    I think Meg just called Sarah 'a man.'

  128. Anonymous7:00 PM

    LOL I had totally forgotten about Hanson's statement that he didn't realize he'd given! That was priceless... Hopefully she learned to give advance notice to people that they would be releasing a statement that they didn't know anything about.

    Very sloppy Sarah, that's how sociopaths always get caught....

  129. Anonymous7:06 PM

    QUOTE: [Anonymous said...
    The book is already out, and the movie is just showing what's in the, there really shouldn't be anything 'new' that isn't in the book, should there? How bad was the book? (I didn't read it). OR is it the fact that the visual representation is more believable than a written representation of what she's like and how she behaved?

    6:11 PM]

    The funny thing is...(and I read the book ASAP when it came out as I was interested in the Hillary Clinton/Obama primary story....the Palin/McCain part of this thick book was covered in just a couple chapters. Frankly, the movie version, since it is called GAME CHANGE, should be focused on so much more! I applaud Palin on bringing so much more attention to this movie! YES! Any conservative who had heard of the book "Game Change" probably wouldn't even give a rat's ass about the movie! GO SARAH GO! May I supply the shovel to dig your grave with? Sorry, it won't be dipped in gold, only zinc.

  130. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Meg, honey, Sarah brought all this negativity on herself, just like you did. Now you're both pariahs in Alaska. At least you're not showing your face around anymore. I do appreciate you cowering in your shame. Sarah, on the other hand, still jumps at the chance to spew her hate so the world's obligated to muzzle her.

  131. Anonymous7:13 PM

    The Palins/Palinbots are in a bathysphere. The winch is broken and it is unwinding. They continue to descend. Outside is the pressure of reality. Will magical thinking be enough to hold back the pressure?
    No, it will not be enough. It is easy to understand their desperation. Sycophants, paid trolls, threatening emails, and various other nefarious ploys won't work. The pressure will be unrelenting and it is growing.

  132. Gasman7:28 PM

    Jesus! After all of this, Schmidt is STILL going easy on Palin. Shit, even the most damning things he says about her are couched in a deferential manner. Note his "a person of great talent and great strength on the one hand, but also a person who wasn’t prepared for the job she was nominated for."

    He could have just said that she a fucking idiot. But he didn't.

    I think that he knows that if he admits what an imbecilic moron Palin actually is it makes him look like an unprincipled asshat for being willing to put that simpering buffoon within a single 72 year old cancer survivor heartbeat away from the presidency.

    Fuck Steve Schmidt for not being man enough to own up to his whoring calumny by not giving a shit about the welfare of this country.

    The Palin panty sniffers are so pissed they make even less sense than normal. Jason Recher said, “It’s a false narrative cobbled together by a group of people who simply weren’t there."

    Then Doug McMarlin said, “There’s only one person qualified to tell that story, and it’s her."

    Which is it? Is the story not accurate because the authors weren't there or is it because they are not Sarah Palin? What the fuck has Sarah Palin EVER gotten right? She is a world class fuck-up artist. There's no way Palin could really write her own account anyway.

    First of all, if it's beyond tweet length, it is beyond her writing or reading abilities. Second of all, she would do nothing but spew out self aggrandizing lies.

    I am waiting to hear Meghan McCain's take on the movie. Palin's shithead posse can't claim she wasn't there, because she was. I'm betting that Meghan won't go easy on Palin.

    That poor, poor Palin fridge is going to get the shit kicked out of it very soon.

  133. mommom said...

    From the Sea of Pee
    section9 1 hour ago in reply to vintageTP
    Actually, this is the case. For a time, Levi's bodymen (one of them was named Tank, the other, Tank's boss' name I forget) were two bagmen for the Alaska Democratic party. They were fronting for two wealthy donors who owned pistachio farms in California and were big time Democratic bundlers. These were the same two bundlers who fronted Jesse Griffen and his blog who's job it was to attack Palin day and night.

    Robert Stacy McCain and Dan Riehl exposed them two years ago, in early 2010.

    They are deranged!

    4:32 PM

    Awww....I remember when shit stain teeth RS McCain used to post in the comments on IM! And you always knew it was "shit stain teeth" because his comments were just like his website...full of shit and praise for Baldy!

    But he did stumble a bit when he found out that Baldy fucked Glen Rice and LIKED it! That KKK leader had to do some serious brain bleaching to get that image out of his head and he still hasn't forgiven old Baldy for her "jungle fever" moment! LOL!!!

    That Dan Riehl character is another POS! That guy looks like that crazy loon who attempted to confess to the murder of JonBenet Ramsey!

    Yeah....they "exposed" how stupid and easily duped they are by a bald headed, screechy, no nothing idiot from Wasilla, Alaska.

    And that "Section 8Housing" talks all out of his ass...he still believes Baldy quit to save Alaska! Now that's a "dumbarse"!

  134. Anonymous7:34 PM

    GinaM said...
    YIKES!! Baldy REALLY hates Steve Schmidt! I'm sure she probably tried to seduce him...the poor guy...and he wasn't buying nothing she was selling! Used goods and know! Not to mention he probably saw her nasty ass not washing her hands after going "wee wee"! LOL!

    Steve and Nicolle Wallace are part of the Republican "Establishment" that Baldy and her crazy minions have been screeching about.

    The fact that they came out and spoke publicly about Baldy's mental instability speaks volumes! So the bot's and Baldy's paid assholes can scream and carry on all they want...Baldy STILL doesn't stand a chance in politics...her political future ended when she QUIT and the final straw was Arizona!

    Nobody is backing Baldy...she has NO POWER! She's just some dirty old mean crazy lady who lives by a dead lake in the wilds of Wasilla...screaming at the top of her lungs.....LOOK AT ME!

    She is to be pitied.
    6:58 PM

    pitied my ass, it'd be much more fitting if $he'd just up and choke on her own snot
    fuk her

  135. lilli said...

    Where are the trolls?? Guess they haven't been given their talking points yet or didn't she pay them for commenting today..your slipping baldy.
    6:39 PM

    I think they are still in that "conference call"! I'm sure they'll be here shortly!

    I can't imagine what the talking points will be to "refudiate" Baldy's mental illness!

    Time to release her psychiatric's the only way to be sure...right Baldy?

  136. Anonymous said...
    I hear that Queen Elizabeth has already requested popcorn for the screening of "Game Change".

    5:27 PM

    Hell, even Margaret Thatcher is probably being medicated back to "alert and oriented" in order to watch "Game Change".

  137. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I like how the story of a relationship between Sarah Palin and Steve Schmidt can ONLY be told by SARAH...she's the decidor!

    Also this meme about how SARAH was poorly treated in 2008 and that no one, not a single soul in the universe!, had to endure what St. Sarah had to deal with: just want to point out that Obama, when asked about Bristol's pregnancy, said, my mom was a single mon at 18, essentially saying-- leave the girl alone. Like, three days later, Sarah was whining about Obama was attacking her for being a bad mother and having a pregnant daughter. Meanwhile, there was no such attack and everybody fell all over themselves to kiss her ass and say how brave she was, a courteousy we alllllll know would not have been extended to the obamas if Malia had gotten preggers before finishing school.

    A lesser man would have hanged himself...yeah, and a lesser woman would waste the rest of her whining about slights that never happened.

    Ps...I guess Sarah and Meg are saying that Obama is awesome with this statement as Sarah --all on her own -- was responsible for more attacks on Obama than she had to endure...

    Oh! And Re: McCain and Georgia and RS...yeah, remember that awesome level of integrity --which btw was mostly ignored by the media, like allllllllll McCain's foibles-- when you hear the term Chicago-style politics.

  138. Dis Gusted7:56 PM

    Then Doug McMarlin said, “There’s only one person qualified to tell that story, and it’s her."

    Except she told her story in her own words in "Going Rogue" and it's been debunked as pure mythology and fairy tales.

  139. Anonymous7:57 PM

    This is just pathetic! Nobody is except, the retards at sea of pee is going to believe Palin is a victim. Eighty percent of the country can't stand the Skank from Wasilla.

    "Gingrich joins Palin as the ‘most disliked politician in America'"

    Also, HBO invested a lot of money in this movie & they are an award winning network with a great reputation for making outstanding true story series & movies. I doubt they will allow the skank's flying monkeys ruin their reputation.

  140. Anonymous7:58 PM

    Time to release her psychiatric's the only way to be sure...right Baldy?

    7:39 PM

    She wouldn't dare. She's been hospitalized more than once because she was catatonic. She has a long history of nervous depression or whatnot.

  141. Sarah's going bat shit crazy because Todd's not there to regulate the meds!!!Holy Krap, how may days till the Iron Dog is over?

  142. Anonymous8:00 PM

    In order to gain the respect of folks that live in Alaska, Meggamouth, you need to move away from the likes of Palin. If she is paying you to be her spokeperson, you are in big trouble! I know I have no respect for you or the idiot Sarah Palin! Notice I did not call you an idiot - Meggamouth - I'm giving you a 'tad' bit of latitude!
    4:49 PM
    Anon, I thought stapletongue was in NYC? I didn't know she was back in Alaska...
    Please tell more?
    She must be working for Sarah? But we don't see her name on the SarahPac?

  143. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Meg Stapleton. Isn't she the one Weyerhaeuser was biding on to clear cut her eyebrows?

  144. LMAO!! I'm sorry ya'll...the place to be tonight is at "Crazies4Palin"!!

    The Nuts have so MANY post about "Game Change"...each one more hilarious than the next!

    If you want a good laugh after watching "Modern Family"...head over to the insane asylum and check out what that group of "Insane Clown Posse" are saying in the comments!

    But make sure you wear your "President Obama 2012 protective shield" other wise you may feel yourself getting dumber the longer you are there!

    You have been warned! LOL!!

  145. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Well, people even higher than Schmidt and Wallace did discredit them both. Like it or not.

  146. Anonymous8:18 PM

    I'd be upset too if there were lowly campaigns losers attempting to cover their asses by lying their way through this, Especially there are statements from Sarah in early 08 interviews that refute some of the things in the book.

  147. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Sarah remember what we told you a couple of years ago?

    You remember don't you?

    You forgot already?

    Let me remind you Sarah.

    Remember we told you that


    Now do you remember?

  148. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Keep in mind that Sarah still has all the real friends she's ever had in life. Those are the people who know who she really is, and it's nothing like how she's been described. You're just pissed because you can't actually prove your hateful words.

  149. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Look at how many people have called Schmidt an arrogant chauvinist.

  150. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Anyone that enjoys KAKM channel 7 here in Anchorage needs to send a message to the station management that your donation will no longer be coming unless Meg Stapleton is permanently removed. For the last two ART AUCTIONS she has been a fixture and I will never bid or contribute until I can be assured that she is gone! I do not want to see her, listen to her, or contribute to anything connected to her.

  151. Anonymous8:23 PM

    How one can tell Anti-Palin bloggers have no clue what they're talking about and have no informed sources: they don't know, after 4 years, Trig's babysitter's name OR Sarah's friend who watches him while she's out of town. Not difficult people.

  152. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Damn. Went to the See-of-pee and now I am BANNED. ah hahahahahahaha! But at least several ppl saw my post and replied and even yelled for an admin! BONUS! My Sig-other owes me $10. My 1st post over there. Gee, they're touchy. What did I say?

    I placed one comment under the post of the photos of Trig & Todd/Irondog Post.

    I said something to the effect of "very nice photo of Trig and his Grandpa".

    ??? What's wrong with THAT?

  153. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Keep in mind the Christian Reconstructonist theology that has influenced $arah. She is listed as a member of the Council for National Policy; a secret religious right wing umbrella group that dictates policy for ALEC, the Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundation, and the Eagle Forum - among many others. They were the group who pushed McCain into his selection of her bitchiness as VP candidate.

    So while she was running for office in Alaska, she was prayed over by 3 Assembly of God ministers to protect her and give her the votes needed to win. She isn't a leader in her church - but she has learned the skills of brainwashng. She still has the loyalty of those she has abused - much like the hostage who feels empathy for their kidnapper.

    Her followers worship her, and she has learned how to instill fear of being cut off from the giver of favor. She is the classic abuser.

    See Leah Burton's post at PoliticusUSA for more details about how the dominion movement has been selecting candidates, and who is behind the groups with the $.

    = newmeximan

  154. Anonymous8:33 PM

    Stapletongue, seriously? Where ya been girlie?

    Surely you jest . . . and in the name of all things holy, don't be just another clown-on-a-string. Remember, you partially escaped the madness of Palin once, so don't allow that evil imp to rub your nose in it again.


  155. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I can see why Palin is telling America and her followers that the movie is a lie because the shit is too embarrassing.

    The Queen of England makes world policies?

    Passing out on the floor.

    I wonder would Palin tell her family that the movie is true?

    I doubt it.

    It is funny how Palin is denying everything in the movie while everybody who was involved in the campaign are just laughing at her.

    Sarah in order to restore your dignity, I highly recommend that you do another "Blood Libel" video again. It was effective last time!

    Make sure you mention the words "Blood Libel" again if you want to make your point.

  156. Anonymous8:35 PM

    NOBODY has ever discredited Schmidt or Wallace.

    And saying he's a chauvinist is an outright lie. His actions and stance on various issues say otherwise!

    They interviewed almost 30 people, it wasn't just them.
    Sorry, if Sarah was dumb enough to sue, there are many who witnesses what happened, and it wasn't pretty.

    Sarah and her pals just love to try to discredit people.
    The problem is that the FACTS are not on their side.

    Their IQs are so low they don't know when to shut up!

  157. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Anon 8:23 well I could care less about a baby sitters name. Who the F cares??

    But I do want to know what school he goes to. He is in a special pre-school right? And what therapists does he have? To not have these things in place, and the best of the best when you have money, is cold abuse.

    PS how old are you? You sound about 12. Piper?

  158. Anonymous8:42 PM

    Snarah . . . you been a very busy little serpent, and I'm so glad that you've slithered back into your hole. How long did it take for you to round up your cronies ~ and what's it gonna cost you this time? Your soul has already been long-departed.

    It's so nice to see you squirm... like a salted slug.

  159. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Anon 8:20..really?? Sarah has all her " real" friends? The ones she's always had. Wow.
    Me thinks you have no idea what you are talking about! Lol
    This is fact. She may think they are friends but many in media and elsewhere know differently.

  160. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Sarah has to always be in a fight. She must always be a victim and have her adorers lash out at her critics. Sarah isn't happy unless someone said bad things about her and she can start a school yard fight.

    Has she ever thought ahead and wondered if maybe at 80 her "friends" won't be around to defend her, as they'll all have moved on in their lives. She's going to be a very lonely lady, without the raging energy she has today. What will Sarah do to keep busy? With haters gone, and her no longer being a victim of her own making, how will she cope?

    So at present, she and her aides are starting a war/fight again against Steve Schmidt who has the backing of Rove and many other well-connected wealthy kingmakers. Doing this just because of this movie. She's barking up the wrong tree - she'll meet her match and or double her match if she doesn't stop provoking. The movie is coming out. Sarah can't stop it. It's going to reveal the truth. And, the truth will set many people free.

    Sarah can't fight against the promises of God's Law. Did you hear that Sarah? You can't. He says He will shows himself merciful to the merciful. And He will save the widows and orphans from sending you their last $5.00. And no one can hide the darkness; it will be exposed. And when that happens, it will release all those hangers-on and donors and obsessive fans from the deceptive spirit that she has put them under. Alleluia!! Yes, Sarah, time is running out and you will be exposed. And please, Get some spiritual counsel after this. And, listen to that preacher. Ask for forgiveness and you will be forgiven. But refusing to repent and continuing to sin is foolishness and is not worth losing your own soul. Nothing in this life is worth losing our own souls.

  161. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Doug McMarlin said, “There’s only one person qualified to tell that story, and it’s her."

    Sarah you are so truthful:

    Track is a combat vet.

    Bristol the fat non moving cow on DWTS has great work ethics.

    Willow the almost 18 year old junior in high school is graduating a year early.

    Okay Sarah we believe you, enough said.

  162. Anita Winecooler8:46 PM

    Haven't read the comments, but I can't believe how juvenile this whole thing is. Sarah holds a conference call with "jounnalists" along with her syncopants (where's the ravishing RAM? Too busy with her supersized hog trough"?
    And they're raging against little blips of the movie from it's trailers?

    Bwahhhhaaaa! This being re-tweeted in the twitterverse will do the direct opposite, people who never thought of watching it will surely want to see for themselves what the "blowback" is about.

    I think HBO should postpone the airing just to piss them off, then when it IS aired, they should add "neverbefore scenes" based on facts. Add the wild ride and Todd's being included in all the cc's of the emails, you know, stuff like that!

    Karma is a wonderful thing!

  163. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Hey Gryph, the flying monkeys are here to defend their Skank Queen. LOL! Ain't that precious

  164. Anonymous8:47 PM

    Look at how many people have called Schmidt an arrogant chauvinist.

    8:21 PM

    Weak tea troll. Playing the victim of sexism is something a whackjob diva would do.

    All you are doing is proving what all those people have been whispering about for all these years...the lady is fucking crazy.

  165. Anonymous8:53 PM

    MAY DAY!

    MAY DAY!

    This is the SS Sarah Palin

    We are taking on water rapidly

    MAY DAY!

    MAY DAY!

    We are sinking!

  166. Meanwhile Bill Maher hands it to Bristle.

  167. Anonymous8:56 PM

    How come she never refudiated the Glen Rice story?

    Doesn't she realize that whenever she attacks Obama that's what people be thinking of, especially Conservatives. That's the kind of tidbit that lodges in their subconscious.

    Those funny smiles you always get girl, they're not because people are enchanted.

  168. Ratfish8:58 PM

    Palin, Angry Meg Stapleton. Jason Recher, Tom Van Flein and the rest of the lyin' hypocritical Palinista mob are...........all.....................
    WEE-WEE'D UP!!!!!!!

  169. Anonymous9:00 PM

    @8:23 - thanks for confirming Sarah is never with Trig. Can you Palins get any dumber?

  170. Anonymous9:02 PM

    If Sarah really wanted to show people that all those accusations against her are lies, as a start Sarah would:

    Show Trig's birth certificate
    Release Dr. CBJ to discuss Trig's birth

  171. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Remember when $arah claimed in Going Rogue that she had to pay for her vetting? And then McCain said that was just not true?

    Good times.

  172. Tyroanee9:11 PM

    Canned goods are in high demand at the Palin funny farm of family values and feminine virtues.

  173. Anonymous9:15 PM

    O/T; LOL! :

  174. Anonymous9:22 PM

    That's Sarah and camp, "We haven't read a book or watched a movie but we'll say it's all lies and the usual inside baseball leftist liberal media attack on strong conservative women."

    Anything critical of Palin is a work of fiction and the only person that is allowed to tell the unvarnished truth about Sarah Palin is Sarah Palin?

    The woman lies like a Bristol after a few wine coolers.

  175. Ratfish9:23 PM

    What would Angry Meg Stapleton know about the campaign?

    She was detailed to work with McCain operative/New York City Goon squad member Ed O'Callahan when he was sent to take over state government when Palin was out campaigning.

    That's when cooperation with Troopergate changed, and the dynamic duo spun lie after lie through the election.

    And if Stapleton thinks a lesser man would have hung himself, she must not understand the difference between male and female anatomy, plus sge must have amnesia about that "tough" Sarah Palin becoming the first governor in modern American history to quit because the going got too tough.

    Stapleton, Scheunemann, Recher, Van Flein....pathetic liars. They know SarahPAC is doomed- and the movie will have high viewing- in part due to their over the top criticism.

  176. And to think I had a glimmer of hope that Staplegun would make a clean break of it when she quit/was fired/whatever.

    But I'll still laugh every time I see her because she got run over by a reindeer, and how funny is it that I know that but don't even live in UhLASSSka?

  177. Anonymous9:25 PM

    How one can tell Anti-Palin bloggers have no clue what they're talking about and have no informed sources: they don't know, after 4 years, Trig's babysitter's name OR Sarah's friend who watches him while she's out of town. Not difficult people.

    8:23 PM

    Care to enlighten us then so we can upgrade them from collateral damage status. Who are they? Give us some names. In today's information age, it takes minutes to track down people. I for one would love to have a sit down chat with one of them.


  178. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Gryphen, you have GOT to stop this two babies theory. Way too many people saw Trig at every stage of his life. Too many people think he is Sarah's. All the babies look alike.

  179. Anonymous9:30 PM

    I think it's high time that Palin and her flock of lost souls wake up and come over to the Light Side (we have clean panties over here).

  180. Anonymous9:40 PM

    So does this mean that Sarah is no longer ambivalent about the movie?

  181. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Well, the trolls have finally arived around 8:14pm. :D

  182. Anonymous9:52 PM

    Hey Meg. Your idol is too cowardly and chicken shit to hold a live conference facing actual people. She has to call on the phone. Kinda like her pushing Tawd out there to kiss Newt's ass on the phone for her. Oh yeah and kinda like Piper calling the radio station. Kinda like you.

    You better get some depends for your money-maker. She's really gonna wee wee up all over the place when she watches the movie. And please, go wipe that brown shit off your nose & mouth.

  183. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Each of the 'critics' admitted they have not seen the movie - so how can they call it sinful and inaccurate??

    Like $arah, delusional pie holes.

  184. Anonymous10:00 PM

    I love it! Their attacks just create huge PR for the movie - validating it and creating a much bigger audience. Brainless wonders all of them!!

  185. Anonymous10:31 PM

    @8:20 PM
    Keep in mind that Sarah still has all the real friends she's ever had in life.
    You mean the high school friends she placed in positions that they were not qualified for?

  186. Just finished watching the Repub debates and someone brought up on Gawker that neither Santorum nor Gingrich, both "Catholics", are free of the ash on thier forheads that should be present on Ash Wednesday.

    I'm in Vegas this week and it seems that 1 in 15 people here has had time to have a priest smear ash on their forehead.

    These guys are running with special attention to how Christian they are, this should be made an issue, they are talking the talk, and that is all.

  187. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Just got off the phone with van Flein: He's too busy eating a pizza to care.

  188. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Hey StapleTongue.....




    You lying piece of trash.

  189. Anonymous1:18 AM

    The producers begged Palin for her input, but she refused. Really, ridiculous statements, that if a person wasn't there they can't write about it. Golly. There shouldn't be any books written about the revolution or anything in history according to their reasoning.

  190. Anonymous1:53 AM

    I've been following politics forever, and I've never seen anyone like Palin. Watching her first interviews, my jaw actually dropped. That a Governor could be so ignorant about the world was astonishing. The point in the Katie Couric interview where Palin tried to cover up her lack of knowledge by acting all flirtatious and cutesie was like nothing I'd ever witnessed from a politician before.

  191. Anonymous2:11 AM

    $arah, how's that rewritin' history thingie workin' out fer ya?

  192. AKRNHSNC2:21 AM

    For someone who didn't care about the movie, she sure is wee-wee'd up about it! Hey Sarah, you're scared shitless about all the dirt being spilled about the campaign. Dozens of people did not just happen to tell the same story to several different people who interviewed them. They told the same story because they were there and had a front row seat. They watched your diva-like rants and your bitching because Schmidt wouldn't lie for you. That one is in an email with your name very easily seen at the top, with you telling him what story you want him to spin. You're pissed because he had the balls to tell you "NO". It's too bad a lot of other people didn't use that word with you during your lifetime. Maybe you would have been a different person...nope, you'd still be a bitch! Can't wait for March 10th, it will be good ;)

  193. Anonymous2:36 AM

    Still stuck in Alaska? Sucks to be you, Quitta.

  194. Anonymous3:18 AM


    there are none so blind as those that will not see.

    Only a simpleton would believe there is only one TriG. Facial features do not alter and completely change all the time in real life.

  195. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Keep in mind that Sarah still has all the real friends she's ever had in life.


    simple math says zero will always be zero. Why would she have any friends now? She never had any before. She buys people. She gave "her friends" high paying state jobs. Paying someone off not to talk is not really a "friendship".

  196. Anonymous3:29 AM

    Game Change featurette:

  197. Anonymous3:33 AM

    A lot of things are happening right now, Game Change, Shailey Tripp's book, Sarah's movie release meltdown, Bristol's Wasilla statue, Willow's pregnancy-engagement-graduating year early-hair school, Palin's failing sports endorsements, bad wigs, Trig's fake glasses.....

    I haven't kept up to date on what's going on with Palin's emails. Has Parnell stopped scrubbing them yet?

    Alaska, when will Palin's emails be released?

  198. Anonymous4:11 AM

    Anon @6:11: Good point--Why didn't Palin speak up this way when the book came out?

    Also, Palin's people are supposedly rational adults and they are attacking a movie they haven't seen and are claiming only Sarah Palin can discuss Sarah Palin? Pathetic.

  199. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Meg's running around without a leash or muzzle! Whoever let her out of her cage, put her back!

  200. Anonymous4:56 AM

    "The Palin aides repeatedly criticized the authors of the popular book, Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, for writing about Palin when they weren’t physically there covering the things that were reported in the book.

    “It’s a false narrative cobbled together by a group of people who simply weren’t there,” said Palin aide Jason Recher."

    The Trolls who come in here constantly whine "you don't know her" or "you haven't met her" as if watching a video or hearing the reports of credible witnesses isn't "knowing her".

    Sarah: "You people can watch me on TV but you don't rilly know what I said unless you were present at the Couric filming". Give it up old girl, it doesn't fly.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.