Thursday, February 23, 2012

RNC issues political ad attacking Obama for singing. Uh, I don't think you're doing this right.

It cracks me up that all of the sudden the GOP is COMPLETELY focused on the high price of gas. Which as we most of us know is not really something that the President can exert any control over.

A point, by the way, that he made in a speech just today:  

"It's the easiest thing in the world (to) make phony election-year promises about lower gas prices," Obama said, offering his most comprehensive rebuttal yet of the intensifying Republican criticism. 

"What's harder is to make a serious, sustained commitment to tackle a problem that may not be solved in one year or one term or even one decade," he said.

But what else do the Republicans have to work with?

They thought they had a bad economy on their side, but it's improving.

They have attacked the bailout of the car companies, but if you look at it that is clearly an Obama success story.

They at one time hoped to attack him for being weak on defense, but he has too many dead terrorist notches on his belt for them to even consider doing that anymore.

So all they have are the gas prices, which for some low IQ folks might have actually worked.

However in my opinion using the President singing "Sweet Home Chicago" as a backdrop for this ad is an EPIC FAIL!

I would be willing to bet that only about one in ten actually bother to look at the graph, or read the message at the end, and that all most people are going to take away from this is the knowledge that their President has a damn fine singing voice.

Are you guys even trying to win this election?


  1. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Im 1980,Anderson ran on a platform of a dollar a gallon gas tax to fix our energy dependence.Those of us who had survived the oil embargo were ready for a dramatic attempt to fix this dependence once and for all.We should have done so.....something could probably been achieved by now.....

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    My husband said it best, "Obama is going to win this election because he is just smarter, kinder and better than them."

    The GOP is bending over backwards to be assholes. Karma is a bitch - especially to assholes. Or a Palin. ;)

  3. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Gryphen :-)

    You should maybe do an update and make the point that the oil price rise is almost entirely due to the Iran situation. The GOP candidates have been Iran Hawks trying hard to out do each other in being tough. If there advice was followed on Iran the price would be massively higher right now, and so the whole thing on gas prices is a major piece of hypocrisy. It doesn't actually make any sense.


  4. Anonymous4:57 PM

    The graphics in this ad are a complete fail. But a quick test audience check probably yielded:

    a) pro-Obama people see the President
    b) anti-Obama people see "the other" having a good time

    The point of the ad is fan the flames of hatred while pretending to being "factual".

  5. You got that right Gryphen.
    As an outsider all I could do was look at the President, with his beautiful smile and listening to him sing, bought that smile to my face again.
    Bet they don't keep this add running long:-)

  6. Anonymous5:29 PM

    In emails, Palin tells husband ‘I can’t take it anymore’ before stepping down as governor

  7. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Sarah Palin aide sought ‘confidential’ ‘Game Change’ role

  8. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Exclu: Palin aide discrediting 'Game Change' offered to 'confidentially consult'

  9. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Next they'll be making attack ads blaming Obama for the weather.

  10. Anonymous5:43 PM

    They are so wrong. Even if we opened ALL the possible drilling locations, gas prices would NOT go down immediately and if they do it would only be about 3 cents. Epic fail is right!

  11. I was on Calgunners forum today, and someone had started a thread re gas prices and how it was all Obama's fault...Forty posts later from a bunch of gun "nuts" and he was put in his place but good.
    The general con-census is that greedy speculators have driven the price up, and Iran has nothing to do with it, and neither does Obama.
    That dog won't hunt, even with the gun crowd.

  12. I was on Calgunners forum today, and someone had started a thread re gas prices and how it was all Obama's fault...Forty posts later from a bunch of gun "nuts" and he was put in his place but good.
    The general con-census is that greedy speculators have driven the price up, and Iran has nothing to do with it, and neither does Obama.
    That dog won't hunt, even with the gun crowd.

  13. Anonymous5:49 PM

    The gas price drama can be traced in large part to speculators, you know - those Wall Street futures guys. They use the Syria crisis and the Iranian threat to cover their asses, but it comes down to oil companies and speculators raping the American public.

    We now export more oil than we import. Think about that. Remember when, under Bush, the oil companies actually shut down domestic refineries? Well, now is payback time for consumers for not paying attention and connecting the dots.

    This has nothing to do with President Obama.

  14. Anonymous5:54 PM

    They warned Obama that if he didn't approve Keystone there would be a political price to pay:
    Keystone XL pipeline: Oil chief issues threat to Obama over decision
    API president Jack Gerard says if Obama rejects Keystone project, the decision would affect November's national elections

  15. I agree too Gryphen, I had to watch it again to see the graph - all I paid attention to the first time was the singing...he actually is pretty good!

  16. Anonymous6:09 PM

    OT But Jason Recher appears to have sought a confidential consulting role on Game Change and wasn't at all unfriendly with the producers when they contacted him. Sounds like he sold Sarah out. Inneresting....

  17. Anonymous6:15 PM

    O/T Politico report that Recher sought confidential role in Game Change if formal agreement could be reached. He now works for SarahPac. How long before he is fired? He would have "spilled" if paid...or at least that is the take on it from the screen writer.

  18. Anonymous6:24 PM

    You're exactly right, "What else to they have to complain about". It seems this election so far is running on empty from the Republicans stand point. In order to find any complaints they have to ignore where Bush left the country. The other only complaint they have is "Obamacare". Then they end up making lies just to do so.

  19. Anonymous6:26 PM

    You're exactly right, "What else to they have to complain about". It seems this election so far is running on empty from the Republicans stand point. In order to find any complaints they have to ignore where Bush left the country. The other only complaint they have is "Obamacare". Then they end up making lies just to do so.

  20. laprofesora6:36 PM

    This is all they have? So sad. By November the GOP ads will just show random Rethugs drooling and mumbling to themselves.

  21. lostinmn6:36 PM

    The evening news took this argument apart tonight putting the blame squarely on the guilty - Wall Street speculators and big banks being the #1 culprit. They of course deny, deny, deny but the media and even the POTUS are starting to call this shit out when it happens. POTUS is taking no shit from these people right now, coming down hard and fast with every blow they try to land - he's faster, smarter and has learned to counter punch. His remark today was classic. The GOP has nothing but gas prices and their solution is to 1. drill, 2. drill, and 3. drill.

    It was just freaking awesome. Think that was a shot at the candidates, Fox news and Sara all rolled up in one

  22. Anonymous6:48 PM

    The President didn't cancel Keystone:
    he asked for more study, because the Congressional Republicans had speeded up the process in order to produce just this result. They played politics with the issue -- then and now.

    All the viewers who hate Obama will just see a black man singing the blues. They probably think it's Satan's music.

  23. Randall6:48 PM

    "Drill, baby, drill" is such nonsense...

    The Bakken oil shale reserves up in North Dakota are refined right there in Mandan.
    ...And gas at the pump is a nickel MORE than it is here in my home town (in South Dakota).


    ...because we don't have a national oil company like, say, Venezuela.

    ALL the oil drilled here in the USA goes on the world market - at world prices, thus;
    more oil wells here, either on-shore or off-shore,
    and/or the Keystone XL pipeline,
    none of it will make a nickel's worth of difference at the pump.

    Or... maybe the Republicans know that?

    Does that mean - when they say, like Newt said not long ago, that the solution to America's high gas prices is to drill more right away..

    Do they mean a National Oil Company?

    I guess that would solve the problem:
    put a few more refineries along the Canadian border up there in Montana and North Dakota and run a nice, SHORT Keystone XL pipeline right to the refineries.

    Cheap gas at the pump...

    but it WOULD be socialism...

  24. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Gas prices have NOTHING to do with President Obama. Do people not know how this works?

  25. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I love how President Obama came out about the oil companies being subsidized by our tax dollars and pinpointed their profits which is in the billions!

    Governor Parnell, you are one of the governors he was talking about!!! I hope the Senate/Alaska Legislature keeps discussing and votes NOT to financially incentivise the oil companies in Alaska - especially w/no guarantee they will produce more oil in the state!

  26. Anonymous7:24 PM

    5:54 The only reason President Obama was anti the Keystone Pipelne was due to the way it was proposed to be built. It concerned the water issues in the midwest. A worthy concern I would think since water is a problem in that area of the United States!

    Again, only part of the story is told to make President Obama appear to be anti oil!

  27. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Ohh this is good Gryph. Grab the popcorn.
    Sarah Palin aide sought 'confidential' 'Game Change' role

    Read more:

  28. Anne In DC5:00 AM

    This ad is based on the rank stupidity and petty childishness of people who have absolutely nothing to run on. Watching the quartet of clowns who are the candidates for the GOP nomination make fools of themselves by blaming the president was only more of the same block-headed ignorance and stupidity the GOP nomination process is all too well known for. Those of us who want to keep any of these buffoons from ever reaching the WH need to get out and vote en masse in November.

  29. Anonymous5:46 AM

    When the retardicans say it will be Obama's fault that gas prices will hit $5.00 a gallon, I have to remind them that gas went over $5.00 to almost $6.00 during the bush reign of error.

  30. AKRNHSNC8:15 AM

    For those of you who live in Alaska, when drilling was at its most abundant in your state, weren't gas prices still higher there than the rest of the country? This puts the GOP's lie about more drilling meaning lower gas prices, to the test.

    Drilling is way up in the US with over 350% increase in the # of oil wells that were being drilled during the Bush administration. Consumption is at its lowest and export at the highest level in decades yet the GOP still tries to spin the lie that drilling means lower gas prices. I know there are the idiots who will believe anything they are told by FOX or any GOP rep but the facts tell another story, the real one.

  31. Anonymous3:50 PM

    if we need gasoline at a lower price it should not be the USA's largest export. It is and you should ask anyone who wants lower prices at the pump how this will happen when there is more profit for selling the gas we produce outside the country. We need to repeal George H W Bush's 1991 law which allows the the large banks and investment houses to control the fuel commodities market.


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