Thursday, February 23, 2012

"I can't take it anymore!" New article from the Washington Post on the just released Palin e-mails. Update!

"Go ahead look. You are not going to find anything THIS time!"
There is not much yet, but then journalists are just getting started .

In fact, according to this article, many of them were not even notified that they had been released.

Several media organizations, including, said they were not informed of Thursday’s release.

So far my favorite parts are the ones that describe her frustration over the fact that her choice for Attorney General being fought tooth and nail by the people of Alaska:

“Those who want to turn this into a kangaroo court will soon see you confirmed as Alaska’s AG,” Palin wrote.

(He would ultimately be rejected)

And of course her unbridled anger at the numerous ethics complaints filed against her for...well for being unethical!

Palin’s frustration over a series of ethics complaints filed against her, one of the issues she cited when stepping down, emerges in a series of e-mails on March 24, 2009. 

“These are the things that waste my time and money, and the state’s time and money,” she wrote to then-Lt. Gov. Parnell. 

In an April 2009 email, she commiserated over a story indicating another ethics complaint was to be filed: “Unflippinbelievable... I’m sending this because you can relate to the bullcrap continuation of the hell these people put the family through,” she wrote to Ivy Frye, an aide during the first part of her term, and to Frank Bailey. 

Later that day, in an email to her husband and two top aides, on the issue, she said: “I can’t take it anymore.”

The rest, as they say, is history.

I imagine this is only the tip of the iceberg so I hope that there is much more to come. And I REALLY hope somebody puts these online soon so we can ALL get a look at them.

Update: The e-mails are now available online.

I am about to go to bed, so I will look through them tomorrow.

Let me know if you find anything interesting.

You know like this one from September 26, 2007.


  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    Throwing cansd at the refrigerator?
    or curled up on the flor in a catatonic state?

    Which Sarah is coming into the office tomorrow?

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Sarah Palin really thought she could get Wayne Anthony Ross in as AG?


  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    "I can't take it anymore" very Presidential.

  4. Anonymous7:32 PM

    "I can't take it anymore"
    When the going gets tough, Palin quits.

  5. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Sarah, on her first day as POTUS: “I can’t take it anymore.”

  6. Anonymous7:34 PM

    OT but--Palin was on Hannity on 2/21. Hannity actually lost viewers as his numbers were larger on 2/20. TVbythenumbers has the info.

  7. Anonymous7:35 PM

    Question. Does Palin still get paid from the stste even after quitting?

  8. Anonymous7:40 PM

    That snarling puss of hers says it all.

    You're goin' down, asshole.

  9. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Imagine Obama sitting around worrying what the opposition thinks of him. It is a sign of a very small mind that Palin was so obsessed with such things. But, of course she probably had a lot to worry about what with her dysfunctional family issues.

    She came out and showed her true colors in the campaign. It is so interesting she was so out of touch that she thought everyone would approve of the Wayne Ross nomination. Why would anybody in their right man think that man wouldn’t be controversial? She is a chameleon.

  10. Anonymous7:42 PM

    This comment on the Politico Game Change exclusive is priceless:

    ~So this clown Recher states the idea of getting paid to consult was “ridiculous”?
    "I would be pleased to confidentially consult with you on this and suggest we discuss a formal agreement to do so."
    So, what the hell would a formal agreement to consult then be anyway? What a snowbillie rube.

    Although truth be told, who really cares for we are talking about Sarah Palin, the Tanya Harding of politics, where breezy ignorance meets unfathomable syntax.~

    Read more:

  11. Anonymous7:43 PM

    Brings to mind a few sayings we learned in my HS sports days about "winners never quit..." and "when the going gets tough...". I'm sure you all remember how those taught us about character. She doesn't have that "still" spine after all, huh. What the heck did she think being a big ol' governor was going to entail? One big Sarah Palin lovefest, for crying out loud?

  12. Anonymous7:44 PM

    "I can't take it anymore!" What a weenie. Is she mentally ill? She begged AK voters for the job! Then she QUIT!

  13. Anonymous7:47 PM

    I thought she was supposed to so tough and all that...ha! "She can't take it any more" because she was being scrutinized, which is something she can't stand.

  14. Anonymous7:50 PM

    One thing that has been revealed by the emails and is perfectly clear to anyone reading them is that she was not suited for high office. She will have to rely on celebrity or will have to start her own business. After learning about the way she conducted herself as governor, no one will ask her to be in their administration. Ever.

  15. Anonymous7:51 PM

    "I can't take it anymore!" That sure sounds presidential to me. Way to go, Sarah!

  16. Well...for sure these emails have been redacted but some of them must have slipped through un-redacted...because notice they just quietly released them....something good is in some of those's going to take a couple of days...but I betcha'(Hah!) tomorrow there will be some very interesting info gleaned from this batch!

    I really want to see these emails so I can compare our Baldy troll writings to Gov Baldy's writings! LOL!!!

  17. Anonymous7:54 PM

    The emails mentioned validate what Palin has said.

    I question how her family was put through anything except Todd who took a master hand in Troopergate.

  18. Anonymous7:55 PM

    She mentions divorce!!!!

    ", when we get a divorce..."
    In September 07...

  19. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I'm keeping positive and thinking something will slip through Parnell's crack and an email will get released that Palin did not want released.

    But everybody knows that Parnell is Palin's puppet and owes her.

    But he will fuck up, somebody always does and Parnell will have to live with that shame in Alaska.

    Parnell won't volunteer anything because we know how Todd and Sarah works, they may have some goodies on him too.

    Parnell doesn't want Mutual Assured Destruction.

  20. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Clinton didn't let no stinkin' civil or governmental challenges stop her in her tracks. Hillary Clinton put up with a whole lot more in her lifetime,and did not step down, nor give up. She went on to successfully run for Senator of NY (which no pundit supported her intra or exparty but the citizens of NY, Republican and Democrat recognized her political talent and dedication and voted for her and she won.) She then went on to run for the Presidency. Ultimately became Secty of State.

    The continuing Palin whine just illustrates how unfit she is for public office. Any public office.


  21. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Looks like the ADN is placing the emails on their website- currently have about 148 online there:

  22. Anonymous7:58 PM

    10 Days and counting
    Posted by Shailey on Thursday, February 23, 2012
    10 days and counting until the release of my new book Boys Will Be Boys: Media, Morality, & the Cover-up of the Todd Palin Shailey Tripp Sex Scandal.

  23. Anonymous8:01 PM

    palins are pissed at O'rielly. LOL

  24. Anonymous8:10 PM

    She must be the most unself-aware person on the face of the planet.

  25. Anonymous8:14 PM

    In a Sept. 26, 2007, email to Perry and her husband Todd, titled "Marital Problems," Palin writes: "So speaking of... If we, er, when we get a divorce, does that quell "conflict of interest" accusations about BP?" Her husband was a former BP employee on the North Slope.

  26. Ratfish8:17 PM

    In a Sept. 26, 2007, email to Perry and her husband Todd, titled “Marital Problems,” Palin writes: “So speaking of... If we, er, when we get a divorce, does that quell “conflict of interest” accusations about BP?” Her husband was a former BP employee on the North Slope.

    So why wasn't that released during the match covering 2007?

  27. Anonymous8:21 PM

    9/26/07 e-mail re marital problems

  28. Anonymous8:24 PM

    She can dish it out but she can't take it.
    She should never have gone further than PTA president.
    And the country needs to pay attention to this mediocre, angry, nasty quitter!
    So she and anyone like her can never threaten our country again.

  29. Ah, HA!!!! The Monkey Chronicles finally get aired... This is SO much fun watching this thing just get ground down to the rim....

    I hate to sound like a heartless bastard, but this one and anyone that has colluded with this looser deserves everything they get - and more.

  30. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Sounding real presidential in those emails. Unflippinbelievable?!?! Could you imagine the kind of language this woman would use to represent the country if elected?

    Thank D-O-G she lost!!!

  31. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Even if the e-mails don't give details of her underhanded ways, they divulge her impatience and anger. Not the sweet hockey mom with babies cooing at her knee image. She sounds like a person who was consumed with what others thought and how to maintain her good image.

    I wonder who gave the OK from the State to allow these to be revealed today? It's a bit curious. Actually, these being disclosed now is perfect timing in view of her teasing to enter the race at a brokered convention. Maybe the SOA isn't so pro-Palin as one would think.

  32. Anonymous8:45 PM

    In a Sept. 26, 2007, email to Perry and her husband Todd, titled “Marital Problems,” Palin writes: “So speaking of... If we, er, when we get a divorce, does that quell “conflict of interest” accusations about BP?” Her husband was a former BP employee on the North Slope.

  33. Hi Sarah, Welcome Back!

    Quick question, Where's Trigs Birth Certificate?

  34. Amy in Juneau8:48 PM

    A little o/t, but anyone know how the lawsuit filed against her by Chip Thoma ever turned out?

    So glad liar-quitter is finally getting some much deserved karma. :)

  35. Anonymous8:53 PM

    So she was talking divorce in the same month she was "getting pregnant" with Trig?

    THAT is the height of irresponsibility. She could have used some abstinence or birth control back then, if they were even sleeping in the same bed, and/or she ever conceived a child with an estranged husband at that time.

    It just adds to the mystery of that baby, since mom and dad hated each other by that time.

  36. Anonymous8:53 PM

    This was funny. Sarah Palin, shut the hell up!

  37. Anonymous8:54 PM

    this has 12,000 + up and you can search but after you click on it you have to download the PDF-I have only just begun! What fun!

  38. Anonymous8:54 PM

    She came out and showed her true colors in the campaign. It is so interesting she was so out of touch that she thought everyone would approve of the Wayne Ross nomination. Why would anybody in their right mind think that man wouldn’t be controversial? She is a chameleon. But she doesn't have a goldplated dildo like your dotter has. This is boring. You need to get back to your gay threads tomorrow.

  39. Anonymous8:56 PM

    Her eyes are so hard, so soul-less, so blank.

  40. Anonymous8:57 PM

    wow, that bball game mustve really worn her out.
    "I can't take it anymore".

    what a pant load.

  41. Anonymous9:00 PM

    "I can't take it anymore!"

    Ah, poor baby. Must have misplaced the set of cojones she had in her purse.

  42. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Surely her family suffered only because she was so awful to be around. Otherwise there is no logical connection between the ethics complaints against her and her family.

  43. Anonymous9:05 PM

    It's possible that Parnell was personally involved with the Sarah/Todd adoption of Trig. That's why the emails may have been so overly scrutinized.

  44. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Does Sarah Palin suffer from narcissistic personality disorder?

    All politicians may lie, but not all politicians lie like Sarah Palin. Many people in public life lie to avoid getting caught when they do something wrong; call them “I did not have sex with that woman!” lies. Or they mislead about their own experiences and accomplishments, like Hillary Clinton and her untrue tales of dodging bullets in Bosnia.

    Palin, however, lies when there’s little to be gained by lying, and she lies when everyone knows the truth. If Bill Clinton were a Palin-style liar, he’d still be insisting that his relationship with Monica Lewinsky was entirely chaste, or he’d claim that he never denied it in the first place. If Hillary Clinton lied like Palin, she’d put the Bosnia anecdote in her next memoir. Palin’s new book, Going Rogue, coupled with her recent media appearances, evinces a dishonesty that seems as much clinical as opportunistic. Maybe Palin really does suffer from narcissistic personality disorder.


  45. Anonymous9:05 PM

    Another horrible photo of her. The woman is one ugly broad inside and out!

    Can hardly wait to hear about the emails that have just been released. Wonder how much info is actually not being distributed? Is there a way that can be found out?

  46. Anonymous9:18 PM

    So, slithering sarah has been spinnin' for multiple reasons, as surely this latest email dump didn't come as a surprise to the lipsticked pit-bull.

    oh. happy. day.

    And the best is yet to come...

    Tick tock.

  47. Anonymous9:20 PM

    This is one woman who can dish out the nasty, but sure can't take it! What an idiot and mental case! I appreciate, respect and love our President Obama and his wife, Michelle, and their two lovely daughters, more and more as each day passes.

    No one will have her in their administration after all the newly released emails are reviewed, Toad's sexual partners book is released and the movie is shown on HBO in early March.

    Sarah, you are not going to have one bit of credability left!

  48. Anonymous9:28 PM

    I just mistakenly left a link to the June 2011 email dump on Crivella West-I was so excited I thought it was the newest-Sorry! Must.get.sleep.

  49. Anonymous9:28 PM

    If ANY politician has the right to say "I can't take it any more", it would be President Obama, and the First Lady. What they have been portrayed as, accused of, and lied about is far more than the Quitter has ever had to endure. Thank the Lord, he'd never even think it.

    And her fan club cries victim at any slight. The poor cuda, maybe they'll make her a martyr yet.

  50. honeybabe9:35 PM

    can we say for whom the bells toll? it is for thee ms. p. down for the count to thunderous applause.

  51. Anonymous9:37 PM

    One of Palin's followers sent Palin an email:

    ...but I firmly believe this country is going to
    vote for a white man over a black man, regardless of the change policies Obama is
    marketing, and regardless of John McCain's qualifications.....

  52. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Palin's push-back (not to mention the legal threats) on the "Splitsville" post now takes on new meaning...

  53. Anonymous9:46 PM

    From: Sent: To: Subject: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:05 AM Mason; Janice L (GOV); Perry; Krishna Y (GOV) NEA
    Ugh guilt trip on NEA meeting . Yes, I'll go do their Saturday event, a quicky, hopefully. But we'll have to find a legitimate Piper/willow reason to travel Friday night - Sunday from Juneau to Anchorage . Is this possible?
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One

  54. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Buzzed through a few of the laughably redacted items and one hit right away in results 141-150:

    From: Sarah Palin []
    Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 7:06 PM
    To: meghan;;;
    denby_Iloyd@fishgame.state.ak. us
    Subject: blogs
    Meg -
    Shoot. I made the mistake of looking at the ADN blog to find out about today's "Sarah Palin the
    Blogger" issue ... I knew I shouldn't have looked through it!
    The first entry I looked at was a slam of you or your answer to the blog issue. The rant sounded
    familiar - like someone we may know. It was ridiculous and offensive.
    The other entry I looked at was a question about my ethics... it said I was trying to get my
    "Dad's best friend the deputy job at F & G". (Obviously referring to the Mat-Su guy, Corey
    Rossi, whom a lot of game guys were lobbying for - my dad passed on a few comments from
    guys he was hearing from that were favorable to Corey.) I just called my dad, he confirmed that
    1.) Corey Rossi is not his best friend 2.) he's not lobbying for anything for Corey, he was passing
    on comments from Alaskans who wanted to make sure I heard their input 3.) he would never try
    to sway me to hire anyone 4.) he knows I'm not micromanaging Denby and the choice of
    Denby's teammembers is in Denby's hands.
    It was another offensive blog entry.
    And it sure leaves me puzzled as to the rumors that are able to spread like wildfire. Kind of
    makes my stomach turn over.
    Looking at that blog was also my reminder to NOT waste my time and energy peeking at it to
    find out what's on readers' minds.
    Tibbles - where is Denby on putting together his F & G team? Until he gets his deputy(ies) in
    there, we'll keep hearing controversy re: who's doing what.

    I'll shall NOT waste another minute of my time looking at them there BLOGS!!!

  55. Anonymous9:49 PM

    From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 8:09 AM Mason; Janice L (GOV); Perry; Kristina Y (GOV) Todd Re: NEA
    Does the state or First Family need to present them with anything? Resolution or Proclamation or any individual award or retirement or long-time anniversary notation of any teacher/principal?
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One
    --- Original Message----- From:
    Date : Wed, 16 Jan 2008 17:05:23 To:"Janice Mason" ,"K Perry" Subject: NEA
    Ugh- guilt trip on NEA meeting. Yes, I'll go do their Saturday event, a quicky, hopefully. But we'll have to find a legitimate Piper/Willow reason to travel Friday night - Sunday from Juneau to Anchorage. Is this possible?
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One


    I think the department of law needs to convene a kangaroo court for the loons that sent the witch from Wasilla!

  57. Anonymous9:52 PM

    From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Monday, January 21, 2008 1:01 PM Leschper, Beth (GOV) Mason; Janice L (GOV); Perry; Kristina Y (GOV) Prez
    Am I going to pres prayer brkfst- did they find something official for me to do there? Does AGIA ties in to this trip and/or NGA, and/or Newsweek trip...
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One

  58. Anonymous9:56 PM

    From : Sent: To: Subject:
    Importance: Monday, April 14, 2008 9:28 AM Todd; Mason; Janice L (GOV) Re: Trip
    J- pls put him on those fits. Thanks ------Original Message------ From: Todd To: Governor Sarah Palin
    ReplyTo: Todd Sent: Apr 14, 2008 9:27 AM Subject: Re: Trip
    I spoke with Kris, yes RGA will pay for my trip. ------Original Message------ From: Sarah To: Todd Palin
    ReplyTo: Sarah Sent: Apr 14, 2008 9:15 AM Subject: Trip
    Janice said rga was willing to pay for staff to travel - ask her if they'll pay for first spouse instead of staff
    ------Original Message------ From: Todd To: Governor Sarah Palin ReplyTo: Todd
    Sent : Apr 14, 2008 9:10 AM Subject: Texas
    Can I go to Texas with you

  59. You know the old sayin'

    "When the going gets tough,
    Sarah Quits."

    ...Oh wait, no, that doesn't sound right... it actually goes like this,

    "When the going gets tough, the TOUGH get going."

    Sarah? She quits!

  60. Anonymous 7:41 PM said...

    Imagine Obama sitting around worrying what the opposition thinks of him. It is a sign of a very small mind that Palin was so obsessed with such things.

    "Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people."
    -- Eleanor Roosevelt

  61. Anonymous10:11 PM

    Oh that Piper is such a little diva. Looks like Sarah's little youngin is a mean little booger as a pup.

    I wonder will Piper grow up to be foul mouthed as Willow and Bristol are against Gays and the elderly?

    Hey Sarah how about keeping your little ones out of grown folks business. I can see Piper pushing adults around in a year or two! Opps... too late!

    ...Oh no. Last night Piper overheard me griping about Lyda' s action - and she said : "Can you
    pull her hair?"....

  62. Anonymous10:13 PM

    8:54 PM#2, Gryphen can take it but Sarah can't.

  63. MicMac's post at 7:55 reminded me that Palin used the word "whine" in reference to Hillary Clinton's dealings with the press. Clinton, with her granite demeanor and dignity in the face of scandal, is just a wee bit more advanced in her career than the international laughingstock and crybaby Palin.

  64. GinaM 7:52 PM said...

    Well...for sure these emails have been redacted but some of them must have slipped through un-redacted...because notice they just quietly released them....something good is in some of those's going to take a couple of days...but I betcha'(Hah!) tomorrow there will be some very interesting info gleaned from this batch!

    I really want to see these emails so I can compare our Baldy troll writings to Gov Baldy's writings! LOL!!!

    Quick question, Do you think you could find where Sarah "filed" Trigs Birth Certificate?

  65. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Willow, you read IM for me. I can't take it anymore.

  66. Anonymous10:22 PM

    From: Sent: To: Subject:
    Palin, Sarah (GOV sponsored) [] Sunday, October 21, 2007 2:47 PM Frye; Ivy J (DOA) Re: Ramras
    I'll bring my trough of make-up in case I end up spending the night in Ketch!
    Can Jay be any more of a disrespectful yahoo in his questioning of Pat today?
    ----- Original Message ----- From: Frye, Ivy J (DOA) To: Palin, Sarah (GOV sponsored) Sent: Sun Oct 21 14:41:52 2007 Subject: Re: Ramras
    Well we look forward to seeing you if you make it to town ...we're in the middle of tropical storm juneau. I'd stay up in God's country aka the mat-su if I were you : )
    ----- Original Message ----- From: Palin, Sarah (GOV sponsored) To: Frye, Ivy J (DOA) Sent : Sun Oct 21'14:36:58 2007 Subject: Re: Ramras
    Oh yeah- and I jsu read your letter online ® Frontiersman !!!! cheering.
    I'm cheering . Todd's
    I'll be in Juneau tonight. But not to hold Jay Bird- Nose Ramras ' hand . What a doof.
    ----- Original Message ----- From: Frye, Ivy J (DOA) To: Palin, Sarah (GOV sponsored) Sent: Sun Oct 21 14:35:16 2007 Subject: Re: Ramras
    P RA_GS P01 _0006912
    Searchable Analytics at Posted by, Mother Jones and Pro Publica.
    You're handling it very graciously-if I was pat I would have jumped over the table and strangled him. Who does jay think he is?!? He needs to shut his mouth, set his ego aside, and try and learn something. And another thing, if he's so upset about being in jnu during his "offseason" he shouldn't be a legislator!
    ----- Original message ----- From: Palin, Sarah (GOV sponsored) To: Frye, Ivy J (DOA); Galvin, Patrick S (DOR) Cc: '' Sent; Sun Oct 21 14:31:08 2007 Subject: Re: Ramras
    I heard it.
    Sheeesh... He's basically just announced I'm not around HIM enough! Doesn't he know why? I have two teenaged daughters, everyone knows gotta' keep the young 'uns away from the likes of Jay.
    ----- Original Message ----- From: Frye, Ivy J (DOA) To: Palin, Sarah (GOV sponsored); Galvin, Patrick S (DOR) Sent: Sun Oct 21 14:27:39 2007 Subject : Ramras
    Your comments to ramras were right on-he was way out of line. You're right, we're here to restore public confidence and the governor has to run the entire state, not attend committee hearings to make jay feel better. Kee up the good work. I'm here to help you guys anyway I can!

  67. Anonymous10:26 PM

    OMG, this is absolutely BRILLIANT! The Flying Monkeys will NOT like this one little bit, but WE ALL will.

    Sarah Palin, shut the hell up!

    Sarah Shut up!! part 2

    Sarah Shut the hell up!! part 3

  68. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Unknown From:
    Sent: To: Subject:
    Mason, Janice L (GOV) [/O=SOA/OU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/CN=RECIPIENTS/CN=JLMASON] Monday, April 14, 2008 9:46 AM Palin; Sarah (GOV sponsored); ''
    RE: Rga
    Governor - RGA is working on Todd's flights now - we should hear shortly. They will pay for him to accompany you. Janice
    -----Original Message----- From: Palin, Sarah (GOV sponsored) Sent: Monday, April 14, 2008 9:26 AM To: Mason, Janice L (GOV); '' Subject: Rga Importance: High
    J- instead of rga paying for staff, and/or rga (or state) paying for Security on this Texas trip, pis let them know First Spouse is available to travel instead - they can pay for Todd. Pis chk on fit availability for him (on my fits). Thanks

  69. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 3:40 PM To: '' Subject: Telephone Calls - 04.17.08
    Daniel Hahn (332-7022) called and asked if the Governor would like to buy a chocolate lab from him. They will be ready for adoption as of April 15. He said he met the Governor at a gun show and he introducted himself as "cowboy."
    Mike Bradner (" Wa&te .. ) called and asked of the Governor would call as Mike ana Tim would like to "catch up" with the Governor personally. Mike stated that they know the Governor really well.
    Thanks and hoping all is going well in Texas, Janice

  70. Anonymous10:47 PM

    O/T This guy truly tells it!

    Santorum SUCKS!!

  71. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Smell the fail.

    These are redacted differently than the previous batch.

    I am interested in the ones that should have been released before but were not released until now.

    There should be plenty of time to vet the Game Change movie before it shows. The desperation is palpable in some of the emails I looked at at the ADN website.

    Just picked at random and took a look. Also, too, staffers and others in the administration telling her NO, and perhaps the redactions are where they tell her "OH HELL NO!".

    Of course it was a different failed Sarah that returned after losing the election in 2008. One that was probably very obnoxious to deal with on a day to day basis.

    Hilarious- the email chain where cable news is saying she supports "O's" STIMULUS PLAN and she says she doesn't. She herself quotes Glen Beck and the Cato institute as sources in the same sentence. AND there are a bunch of redactions.

  72. Anonymous10:59 PM

    The Sarah Palin Church Video
    Part One

    The Sarah Palin Church Video
    Part Two

  73. Anonymous11:06 PM

    Unknown From:
    Sent: To: Subject :
    Frye, Ivy J (DOA) [/O=SOAIOU=FIRST ADMINISTRATIVE GROUP/C N=RECIPIENTS/CN=IJFRYEj Friday, February 08, 2008 5:15 PM ''; Perry; Kristina Y (GOV)
    Re: Bog
    Man, he gets you flippin coming and going. I'll gladly write a comment on his blog or a letter as soon as I get home. Does he not watch the news?! Everybody knows teresa resigned.
    ----- Original Message ----- From : To: Perry, Kristina Y (GOV); Frye, Ivy J (DOA) Sent : Fri Feb 08 17:02 :38 2008 Subject : Fw: Bog
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from cellular One
    -----Original Message----- From:
    Date : Sat, 9 Feb 2008 02:01:50 To:"Sharon Leighow"
    Cc:"Frank Bailey " ,"Mike Tibbles " ,"Mindy Rowland"
    Subject: Bog
    Funny that the story tease is : "She bows to the pressure and appoints a Native"... when the story is that Theresa withdrew so we filled her slot with someone else . He happens to be someone brought forth by AFN and others.
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One

  74. Anonymous11:13 PM

    From : Sent: To: Cc: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 12:38 PM PARNELL; S (GOV sponsored) Leighow; Sharon W (GOV); Leschper; Beth (GOV); Perry; Kristina Y (GOV); Frank Bailey; Frye; Ivy J (DOA) Fw: Email
    Subject: Someone leaked my internal email from this morning to an ADN reporter . It's now posted on
    the blog . This is amazing . These recepients are our team members. Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One
    -----Original Message----- From : gov.sarah®
    Date : Wed, 23 Jan 2008 21:23:59 To:"Sunny Cayce " Subject: Email

  75. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Let's not forget about "Game Change"

  76. Anonymous11:28 PM

    From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Sunday, June 29, 2008 1:05 PM Kel Goode; Goode; Kelly C (GOV) Mason; Janice L (GOV); Pent', Kristin Y (GOV) Dillingham
    Kel- Talked to Todd about the trip to Dlg for Bryce's bill signing- he agrees that the perception would be that this is way too self-serving and "coincidental" that it would happen to fall during the peak of the comm fish season- so please scratch that idea of traveling to Dlg for it. If Bryce is around Anchorage would he just want it signed locally?
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One

  77. Anonymous11:28 PM

    What do you mean there is a job recession in Alaska?

    All ya gotta do is take dick-tation from the governor's son.

    It must be nice screwing the governor's son, makes it so easy to get a job working for the governor.

    No resume or interview required since Track interviewed Britta like Sarah interviewed Glen Rice.

    Palin cronyism at its best!

  78. Anonymous11:42 PM

    "I can't take it anymore"

    Wasilla Warrior, my ass.

  79. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Oh Sarah doesn't it make you mad how those rumors about Bristol being pregnant in April of 2008 was not true and you as governor had to use your office and state resources to squash it.

    Bristol wasn't pregnant in April 2008 because Tripp was born in Dec 2008.

    Oh oh wait one second Sarah it may look like Bristol was pregnant in April.

    Looks like you owe some people apologies for calling them liars!

    Don't we feel foolish Sarah?

  80. Anonymous11:56 PM

    as many of you, self confessed, I peruse the C4P...
    after four years, I still don't get it...

    conservativemama 5 hours ago

    "Love how she comes out swinging right away. Always timely, always spot on. The ability to communicate so much with so few words is a gift.

    Lincoln at Gettysburg. Spare, elegant,eloquent.

    Palin with twitter and Facebook is spare, elegant, eloquent, witty. In today's world of political commentary she has no peer."


    How is it their world view is so skewed, from mine/ours?

    Am pondering my Lenten resolution, to simplify...will it include offering up my on-going study of this mystery, this misery, this ms P?


  81. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Why would you highlight an email that 1. is old 2: is clearly a joke 3: has nothing to do with anything related to government secrecy..

  82. Anonymous12:00 AM

    From: Sent: To: Subject :
    gov.sarah© Wednesday, January 30, 2008 3:35 PM Perry; Kristina Y (GOV); Fradley; Tara D (GOV); Mason; Janice L (GOV) Letters
    Hate to bug u Kris, or anyone else: but do u remember we did the letters of recommendations for Britta Hanson? Her mom needs more copies of it, I can sign new copies. If we don't have it anymore , can someone print off a few copies of Elle Fuller's letter of reco , replacing Britta 's name in it ? She needs it for college scholarship apps . Thank you!
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One

  83. Anonymous12:14 AM


    "...I wish I could shame people into ceasing such gossip about a
    teen, but can't figure out how to do that...."
    -Sarah Palin
    Gov of Alaska

    Hate to be the one to break the news to you Sarah, you are a grandma again. Bristol had wild sex in a canvas tent in April after drinking wine coolers while her friends were outside listening. You should buy one of Bristol's book, it has all the information about her baby's conception in it.

    Bristol was pregnant in April and she had a healthy baby boy born in December.

    You should meet him, he's named after your husband's prostitute, the one who is releasing a tell all book about your husband in 9 days.

    The town of Wasilla has even placed a statue of Bristol to commemorate her ordeal in the canvas tent at the Wasilla high school.

  84. Anonymous12:25 AM

    From : Sent: To: Subject: Friday, March 28, 2008 8:54 AM Mason; Janice L (GOV); Tibbles; Michael A (GOV); Lopez; Thomas M (GOV) Cowdery
    May I have a copy of his Security Report Reprimand/Warning thing re: Willow sneaking in the puppy?
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One

  85. Anonymous12:57 AM

    From: Wayne Anthony Ross
    Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:53:38
    To:"Palin, Sarah"
    Subject: Info
    Hi! Just for your info... I got a call yesterday from an attorney friend in Juneau who is a
    big supporter of yours. Says you are doing a good job and are well liked. He compared
    you to Hammond or Egan with regard to political skookumness. His only concern was that
    you were becoming isolated from your supporters. He says your staff is keeping your
    friends away and that he, and others he did not mention, no longer hear from you and are
    unable to get through. He also was concerned about what he referred to as your reliance
    on your commissioners. He says his impression is that you aren't managing (or paying
    enough attention) to what is happening in the various departments that your commissioners
    are overseeing. I asked for an example and he mentioned the DOT, saying that it is going
    through "meltdown".

  86. Anonymous1:09 AM

    Could we get fruits, low carb stuff, and small bottles of champagne? Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One
    From: Sent To: Subject: Monday, July 28, 2008 12:25 PM Fagerstrom; Erika (GOV) Food for house

  87. Anonymous1:21 AM

    From: Sent: To: Subject : Wednesday, September 10, 2008 2:10 AM Leighow; Sharon W (GOV); Kris Perry; GOV Barber
    Do u remember who the barber is who's going to trim my hair? Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T

  88. Anonymous1:32 AM

    From: Sent: To: Subject: Sunday, January 27, 2008 6:33 PM Frank Bailey; Perry; Kristina Y (GOV); Frye; Ivy J (DOA) Re: Fw: Hmmmmm
    True, true. And no way to stop it - 1 was just thinking on the flt though it's fishy again that things talked about internally end up blogged. Never ending mysteries there though. Sigh.
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular one
    -----Original Message----- From : frank bailey
    Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 19:31:09, K Perry Subject: Re: Fw: Hmmmmm
    Kris. . .did we know who rfn was?
    My understanding was that there were non-media types on that press release mailing list also... and that it was a compilation of a few media lists (sounded like a mess last year when I tried to find Juneau-only media... gave up and just built one myself).
    It'd be interesting to see what Sharon turns up. It'd be very easy for a mole to get on that list.. .they probably just emailed and asked to get on it.
    F wrote: Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One
    -----Original Message----- From:
    Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 03:17:59
    Searchable Analytics at Posted by, Mother Jones and Pro Publica.
    To:"Ivy Frye" Subject: Fw: Hmmmmm
    Unless I'm mixing up bloggers here - here's my take on something fishy:
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One
    -----Original Message----- From:
    Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 02:26:42 To:"Governor Sarah Palin" Subject: Hmmmmm
    There's a blogger named rfn. He started off as a big supporter, now he's a critic who picks and chooses what issues to support us on. This morning he posted the press release we sent out 4:45pm yesterday on Conoco" s response ... and added that, essentially, I over- react and panic with responding via pressers -like it's a bad thing. How would this blogger have received the emailed presser unless he's a valid media person (and why would a legit media person bother to be a regular blogger?), or one of our folks sent it to him?
    Strange thing is yesterday it was one of our folks who, as he does so often, warned me I'd again look like I was over-reacting... and he did not want any pressers going out... He cautions often that it doesn't do any good and even though he^ say he agrees with me that we should be communicating more often and clearer with the public, he is very, very hesitant to ever want pressers or statements going out in response to timely issues.
    Trying to put two and two together here, trying to remember if this is the blogger who criticizes me but says very supportive things of a select few in the administration.
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One

  89. Anonymous1:44 AM

    Anon @10:26 PM
    Thank you for the links to Sarah Palin Shut the Hell Up

    In Part 1, little Sofie picked up the newspaper and held it like she had seen it held before! Imagine that, a child who's going to be a reader because Daddy obviously reads all of them.

  90. Anonymous1:50 AM


    From : Sent: To: Subject :
    gov.sarah Friday, February 15, 2008 1:47 AM Mason; Janice L (GOV) Fairbanks
    Just arrived. Princess has us in only one room, only one bed. I'm haggling with them now to at least get one other bed for the four of us tonight- and more space even when the First Gentleman arrives also.
    Not sure why they believe I only wanted one room and one bed for a family of six... Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One

  91. Anonymous2:02 AM

    please refer to the marital problems e-mail = it appears to have been written from baily to palin - and not-from sarah

  92. Irishgirl2:46 AM

    Ha...people were complaining of her exploiting her kids back in June, 2008. And she does read blogs!

    "Ok- I had to finally read a blog (yuck!) be of comments I heard about
    wesley's account of the bear sighting in Juneau the other day.
    Sheeesh- nothing's changed since I stopped reading that ADN blog nearly
    two months ago!
    But Wesley does need to clarify that, NO, I was not looking for
    publicity-I did not approach him about seeing three bears by the
    mansion... he approached me about it after hearing that I was one of the
    crowd looking at the bears that morning and he asked me to comment!
    Could he at least clarify that on the blog (without me having to admit
    to him that I actually spent the time reading his blog entry and the
    bloggers' replies)."

  93. A. J. Billings3:02 AM

    Here's an email from this new batch, shows typical Paylin bullshit paranoia about an "enemy" and her constant obsession with her privacy.

    From: gov.sarah©
    Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2008 7:53 AM
    To: Kreitzer; Annette E (DOA)
    Subject: Confidential Fw: Leak

    I need to talk to you about. this. I'm hearing very disturbing theories on COS's
    participation in this. Pls track down the sender of the email as soon as IT guys can do

    -----Original Message-----
    From :
    Date : Thu, 24 Jan 2008 16:50:57
    To:"Mike Tibbles"
    Cc:"Annette Kreitzer"
    Subject: Leak

    Mike- we need to find out asap who leaked the email yesterday- hate to see you or anyone
    else being accused of purposefully setting me up with it being leaked, but that's what I'm
    hearing. I'll put that to rest when it's revealed who leaked it.
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular on

  94. Anonymous3:10 AM

    I can't seem to face up to the facts
    I'm tense and nervous and I
    Can't relax
    I can't sleep 'cause my bed's on fire
    Don't touch me I'm a real live wire

    Psycho Killer
    Qu'est-ce que c'est
    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
    Run run run run run run run away
    Psycho Killer
    Qu'est-ce que c'est
    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
    Run run run run run run run away

    You start a conversation you can't even finish it.
    You're talkin' a lot, but you're not sayin' anything.
    When I have nothing to say, my lips are sealed.
    Say something once, why say it again?

    Psycho Killer,
    Qu'est-ce que c'est
    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
    Run run run run run run run away
    Psycho Killer
    Qu'est-ce que c'est
    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
    Run run run run run run run away

    Ce que j'ai fais, ce soir la
    Ce qu'elle a dit, ce soir la
    Realisant mon espoir
    Je me lance, vers la gloire ... OK
    We are vain and we are blind
    I hate people when they're not polite

    Psycho Killer,
    Qu'est-ce que c'est
    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
    Run run run run run run run away
    Psycho Killer,
    Qu'est-ce que c'est
    fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
    Run run run run run run run away
    oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh....

    Psycho Killer by Talking Heads

  95. Anonymous3:11 AM

    new bright shiny object for the obamabots

  96. A. J. Billings3:14 AM

    HEY STUPID $ARAH, now we have it confirmed!

    Paylin Whining , first class style:

    "Kind of makes my stomach turn over"
    "I can't take it any more"

    Poor, poor, widdle, $arah Paylin, can't take even 2 years of being Governor, loser, and quitter.

    First you get elected to a position MUCH higher than your competence level, then you LOSE the race for McCain, then you QUIT on the Alaskan people, and betray your oath of office.

    Poor, poor widdle $arah, always the victim, never the beauty pageant winner.

  97. Anonymous3:16 AM

    If she can't "take it anymore" with "the people's" scrutiny, how in the hell does she ever think she could handle the scrutiny that comes with the most powerful position in the land? She's a delusional lazy person who just didn't want to work all that hard anymore, especially when she saw $$ signs all over the option of quitting.

  98. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Who in their right mind would write an email like that: "If we, er, when we get a divorce...."??? You would maybe SAY it somewhat like that, but WRITING it???

    I have the distinct feeling as if they phonied-up some emails before they released them.

  99. Anonymous3:35 AM

    If you look close enough at those emails, you'll see what an actual grifting trainwreck and incompetent she really was.

    I think after she got back from her VP puffing up and national exposure, the AK legislature started working on getting her removed.

    And exactly how much petty cash did she fritter away on her kids? Even baby wipes were bought with govt petty cash, according to one memo, not to mention the money she gave away to the teens.

    And another memo shows her asking about being reimbursed per diem for being in "juno"--is that chutzpah or what?

  100. Anonymous3:38 AM

    In one memo, she's hiring a babysitter and the teenager's name is redacted in the back and forth (natch) memo headings, talking about how she works in her mother's daycare and will be over that night to meet Trig and play with Piper, but the name shows at the end as "18-19 yrs old, knows CPR."

  101. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 3:40 PM To: '' Subject: Telephone Calls - 04.17.08
    Daniel Hahn (332-7022) called and asked if the Governor would like to buy a chocolate lab from him. They will be ready for adoption as of April 15. He said he met the Governor at a gun show and he introducted himself as "cowboy."
    Mike Bradner (" Wa&te .. ) called and asked of the Governor would call as Mike ana Tim would like to "catch up" with the Governor personally. Mike stated that they know the Governor really well.
    Thanks and hoping all is going well in Texas, Janice

    10:43 PM

    So who are Mike Bradner and Tim and Daniel Hahn?

  102. angela4:10 AM

    So Gryphen, you got it right about Sarah and Todd wanting a D-I-V-O-R-C-E!

    I knew it . . . . .

    Not if, but "when" they get a divorce.

  103. ", when we get a divorce..."
    In September 07...

    Wait! If the Trig scenario is correct, then she was already "pregnant" and contemplating D-I-V-O-R-C-E.

    Something doesn't add up. Does it ever with the Palins?

  104. angela4:31 AM

    So Sarah was pregnant with Trig when she was talking about divorce? How the hell did a forty-something woman in a bad marriage get pregnant?

  105. Not What You Want to Hear4:38 AM

    Why is it, that in every MSM story about Palin's legal bills, it is just assumed that the $500K number she threw out there is correct? No one has ever seen the actual bill. And even if that really is how much she ran up, then it begs the question....if she was innocent of these ethics charges, why did she have to lawyer up for all of them? And why did the bill get so high? Did her lawyers have to spend so much time on these charges for a particular reason?

    While there may have been many charges, a lot of these seem like they would be quickly disposed of with communications between her staff and the personnel committee if there was no truth to them. That she had to get outside legal help for so many of them really is a red flag.

    And this business that she was going broke paying for legal bills. If memory serves, the McCain campaign released her personal finances which indicated she and Todd Palin owned assets worth well over one million dollars. She could have paid her bills. She could even have found a law firm to defer the bills until she left the governorship, at which point she could have paid them back after making money off books and speeches. With her prominence in the GOP, there are many Republican law firms that would have jumped at the chance to represent her, and gladly given her extended payment terms.

    I think she was just making an excuse to leave a job that was no longer glamorous for her, especially after national and international fame and money beckoned.

  106. Anonymous4:39 AM

    lol...I was reading a bit of this blog this morning before work. My five year old foster daughter, asked me...who is that ugly face? Out of the mouth of babes.

  107. Anonymous4:43 AM

    Lisa Demer asking some very pertinent questions about financial disclosure in this email. Todd and Sarah's answers have of course been redacted!

  108. Anonymous4:48 AM

    It seems like she spent a lot of her time focused on scamming as much money as possible from the state for travel. Grifters gonna grift!

  109. Anonymous4:50 AM

    Palin flip-flopping on Ted Stevens and whining as usual.

    From: Palin, Sarah (GOV sponsored) To: Leighow, Sharon W (GOV) Cc: Perry, Kristina Y (GOV) Sent: Sat Apr 11 18:58:16 2009 Subject: Re: Clarifying statement Geeez. And they wonder why we eventually give up and choose not to try to avoid the press. If there were any other way I could speak to Alaskans without going through some of these reporters, I sure would. I should not have directly responded to Rena without being doubly sure what she was asking me... these are those obvious "gotchas" that they seem to wait to nab me on... just like the use of the "rejection" word with the stimulus pkg.

  110. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Methinks the P-camp has been "making noise" about Game Change to deflect attention away from these pesky little emails which they tried to quietly dump for public consumption.

    Sarah P. and Sean P. are joined at the hip, for he knows far too much and quite possibly complicit is her shady dealings.

  111. Anonymous5:08 AM

    WAR appointment.

    Sarah says:

    Get your butt confirmed then, and change some things!!! You're killing me!

  112. Not What You Want to Hear5:12 AM

    A perfect example of how her bots alter reality in order to keep believing in their idol - a comment from c4p: "Now tell me, what other politician could have withstood the scrutiny of having all of their email communications read by not just the media, but people who were looking for a smoking gun. There isn’t one."

    ALL of their email communications? ALL of her email communications have not been released; in fact, there are thousands that weren't. There are probably tens of thousands more that were erased forever from her yahoo account.

    So if anyone ever repeats a similar sentiment about Palin having "all" of her emails under counter by asking why so many WEREN'T released.

  113. Anonymous5:16 AM


    Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 10:49 AM

    To: Leighow; Sharon W (GOV); Hughes; Rosanne D (GOV)

    Cc: Frank Bailey; Ivy personal; Perry; Kristin Y (GOV)

    Subject: Wesley- correction

    Ok- I had to finally read a blog (yuck!) be of comments I heard about wesley's account of
    the bear sighting in Juneau the other day.

    Sheeesh- nothing's changed since I stopped reading that ADN blog nearly two months ago!

    But Wesley does need to clarify that, NO, I was not looking for publicity- I did not
    approach him about seeing three bears by the mansion... he approached me about it after
    hearing that I was one of the crowd looking at the bears that morning and he asked me to
    comment! Could he at least clarify that on the blog (without me having to admit to him
    that I actually spent the time reading his blog entry and the bloggers' replies). And I
    didn't put my kids in any danger, as the idiot blog comments claim.

    Now, remind me to not peek in again at that ridiculous media forum - it's the most
    unhealthy and idiotic forum imaginable. Hopefully others can do that for us and call
    people on the untruths and misperceptions they read there.

    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One


    "Hopefully others can do that for us and call people on the untruths and misperceptions they read there."

    Can we hire some trolls?

  114. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Thought this one was pretty funny. Bristol asking he mom for some more "Cash Flow" during Feb 2008

  115. Anonymous5:35 AM

    It seems to me that she is just absolutely oblivious to why she "sets" people off. How she cannot realize that she is going to tick people off because of that is just dumb. Did she not realize people weren't just going to do whatever SHE wanted? Did she think she could just go in there and do no work? Did she think all she was going to do is get praise?

    I guess after looking through her prior emails, etc., it is clearly obvious that her emails & whatnot make her look like a teenager that just never grew up. She wants to be in the spotlight without do anything.

    Kind of sad (if she hadn't perpetuated so much trauma on our country).

    I still cannot believe that she had to pay for her own legal battles. That makes no sense to me........Or was that just made up bull crap to so that she could say poor poor me?

  116. Irishgirl5:49 AM

    Bloody hell...I have just spent an hour or so looking at the emails and the woman did no work at all. She spent the whole time whining and plotting and trying to defend herself. She was/is a total disaster!!

  117. Anonymous5:57 AM


    WOW- does anybody else think that kid could be TRIPP's TWIN?????

  118. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Pitching a fit because the State wont pay for Track to travel. Just imagine how much time this wasted...

  119. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Haven't read through the comments yet, but I ran across this one I found interesting:

  120. Anonymous6:05 AM

    @ 8:53 PM

    silly goose - Sarah was never pregnant with Trig. Even the C4P's admit that now.

  121. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Is 1:32AM refencing WAR and his e-mail (shown @ 12:57)?

    Might be pretty interesting to him.

  122. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Makes ya wonder what's in the Yahoo account emails, don't it?

  123. Anonymous6:25 AM

    @5:57 AM

    always thought Tripp looked like a little girl.

  124. Anonymous6:34 AM

    It almost seems like she was defeated. Hmm.

  125. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Re: the Bristol preggers [non]rumor source. It's really funny - $carah is looking all over for the source, yet she totally ignores Willow, the pregstick sniffing sister.

    Because THAT is the likely source. And April would be right about the time someone due in late December would be missing a period and using a preg test.

    $carah really is dumb and clueless and a bad disconnected parent, isn't she?

  126. Anonymous6:42 AM

    The numerous email quotes I've seen here seem to all be from last year's email release...not only because of the dates, but I recognize the content.
    The new emails:
    Thursday’s release includes 17,736 records, or 34,820 pages, generally spanning from October 2008 until Palin’s resignation as Alaska governor, in July 2009.

  127. Anonymous6:43 AM

    "Pis chk on fit availability for him (on my fits). Thanks"

    EEks, she can't even spell testing lingo - who's the public "doofus" now, $carah?

  128. Anonymous6:45 AM

    She had to borrow a jogging stroller for the photo shoot:

  129. Anonymous6:49 AM

    If we don't have it anymore , can someone print off a few copies of Elle Fuller's letter of reco , replacing Britta 's name in it ? She needs it for college scholarship apps . Thank you!
    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One

    Shows two things, one, she is lazy, and willing to lie. She just devalued Ellie's letter by a ton, and Britta's.

    Hey Britta - how does it feel to be thrown under the bus. And I bet you were soooo proud of that letter weren't you?

    No good idea not to really marry Track, wasn't it? THAT is what your daughter's grandmother thinks of you "fungible." Poor Britta.

    And yes, before you start, Britta took the letter and the job - fair game. If she distances herself and announces it publicly, then she can be let out of the criticism. She obviously has parents who can support her, so it isn't a "no choice" single mom issue.

  130. Anonymous7:04 AM

    silly goose - Sarah was never pregnant with Trig. Even the C4P's admit that now.

    6:05 AM

    'Splain, please.

  131. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Palin had promised an "open and transparent" administration, and when Alaskans learned that was Orwellian for the most secretive administration in state history- complete with private email systems for public business- requests for disclosure mounted.

    And then Palin whined and got all "wee-wee'd up."

  132. Anonymous7:20 AM

    @7:04 AM

    there have been a few comments about TriG's adoption over there

    That's something that would have not been heard of just a couple years ago when they were in complete denial. Now it's considered plausible.

  133. Anonymous7:44 AM

    @7:04 AM
    there have been a few comments about TriG's adoption over there

    That's something that would have not been heard of just a couple years ago when they were in complete denial. Now it's considered plausible.

    7:20 AM


    Never fear, they are working up to a completely valid reason for his adoption, facts notwithstanding. They always do.

  134. SapphireBlaze7:49 AM

    Piper's question is not surprising...

  135. SapphireBlaze7:51 AM

    Ohhhh, now Obama "STOLE" her ideas!!

  136. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Oh, Lordy... they "got" Trig?

    From today's c4pee open thread:

    generictrainee Today 10:10 AM in reply to Ory Hebert

    The reported email about "divorce" wasn't that from 2007 , they got trig 2008.. Just saying..

  137. A. J. Billings7:57 AM

    The guy that hacked $arah's Yahoo account had no idea what he could have done with that trove of nasty, vicious, criminal behavior.

    If he had know anything about tech stuff, he could have installed a POP email proxy on his PC, and DOWNLOADED ALL of Paylin's Yahoo emails to his PC from a public wifi cafe.

    He'd then have all her ravings, lunacy, and illegal behavior on his computer to post on the internet.
    He could also have deleted most of the rest, so she would have NO history of email left on the web.
    That way, she would be left wondering what was missing.

    I bet that some folks (cough cough) might have even paid money for those.

  138. Irishgirl8:23 AM

    When asked to give a response to Obama's first 100 days, they even have to give her talking points.

    "Please let me know if J you would like me to arrange this. Possible talking points: Stimulus Bailouts Gitmo Iraq Cabinet choices.

    Palin replies:

    "Do they know I'm on a ferry, in a plane, visiting schools- tied up. Tell them all I am swamped in these SE towns."

  139. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Too fucking funny. She's complaining that the media reported she was opposed to the appointment of Kathleen Sebelius. It was really an organized effort by her bots to block the nomination! Hah! Hoist with her own petard.

  140. Anonymous8:35 AM

    bristol asking sarah to get piper a cell phone

    erika wondering why willow has sarahs blackberry
    12 may 08 vandalism case????

    what did sarah need champagne at home for?

  141. A. J. Billings8:50 AM

    $arah took her gloves off? REALLY!? Can't imagine what ticked her off this time? Poor , poor $arah, always someone pickin' on you

    From: gov.sarah©
    Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 9:44 AM
    To: Ivy personal; Todd; Perry; Kristina Y (GOV); Frank Bailey

    Subject: Re: Halcro

    He is a sinful liar. He's got to be called on this - I'm not going to keep on letting his
    be be ignored and even accepted. Sharon and Beth need to help on this too, to communicate
    with mainstream media that they're discredited when they go to Halcro as a legit source.

    Who could have even spread that lie to Halcro? Bitney? Anyone else around here?

    >>>>> Yep, there's our $arah, always on the hunt for the latest person to persecute, cuz She's always the victim, right Baldy?

    Sent from my BlackBerry® device from Cellular One
    ---=Original Message-----
    From : Ivy Frye
    Date: The, 5 Feb 2008 10:19:21
    To:Sarah Palin , Todd Palin , Kris Perry
    , Frank Bailey
    Subject: Halcro

    I have never "shuttled" kids to school on state time-or any other time. Anybody who
    knows anything knows the governor takes her kids to school by herself or with security
    every flippin' day.

    Anytime I hang out with you and your family it's because I want to!

    This guy is a LIAR! I am ticked!

    I'm calling him on the flippin' carpet.

    I'm glad he's
    given me a reason to take the gloves off!

  142. This just in from Urban Dictionary:


    an act or habit of misusing words ridiculously, esp. by the confusion of words that illustrate that you are full of crap.

    "All human beings begin their life as feces," is one of Bush's most famous malapoopisms.

    Just about sums up Sarah a.k.a. Mrs. Malapoop.

  143. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Hey Sarah has your marriage to Todd turned into a business arrangement only?

    You sure are making a big fuss over Game Change a documentary about you, but when it comes to Todd, he is on his own.

    There are no mention or denial from you about a book coming out about your business partner Todd and his pimping side business.

    Oh well, Todd is not the family bread winner so I guess you're not too worried about Todd's image?

    He is just a drain on your pocket book he carries for you in his purse.

  144. Anonymous9:22 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Oh that Piper is such a little diva. Looks like Sarah's little youngin is a mean little booger as a pup.

    I wonder will Piper grow up to be foul mouthed as Willow and Bristol are against Gays and the elderly?

    Hey Sarah how about keeping your little ones out of grown folks business. I can see Piper pushing adults around in a year or two! Opps... too late!

    ...Oh no. Last night Piper overheard me griping about Lyda' s action - and she said : "Can you
    pull her hair?"....

    10:11 PM

    Juicy's little diva seems to have anger management issues like her father the bully who challenges the elderly people at Alaska's airports and beats up Alaskan citizens just for being black.

    I wonder how times Little Piper Diaper has been in to see the principal for her disciplinary issues?

    Does Piper Diaper push on her teachers and principals like she bullies adults while on vacation?

    Could this be why Sarah has no friends, Sarah's kids are too disrespectful??

    That little diva is not even in junior high and already has that Sarah, Bristol, Willow and Todd mean girl junior high personality.

    Piper keeps that up she will be just like Bristol, pregnant with no baby's daddy!

  145. Anonymous9:29 AM

    A lot of emails center around $arah's schedule. There is even email regarding Trigg having some sort of medical procedure done. Why are there no emails regarding $arah having medical appointments? You the 9 months leading up to Triggs birth? Oh, right. $arah didn't give birth to him.

  146. Anonymous11:25 AM

    The Crivella West e-mails are NOT the new ones. Try searching on Unflippinbelievable to find the one quoted as being from April 2009. You won't find it.

  147. Anonymous11:32 AM

    The divorce email looks like a joke to me. Probably $arah was responding to talk that her marriage was on the rocks and also that people were accusing her of a conflict of interest with the oil industry. I can't stand $arah but this particular email just shows she has some humor. She might be human but she's a dreadful excuse for one.

  148. Anonymous11:48 AM

    LOL email

    Ken an idiot, wants her to run for president in 2020!!!!

  149. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Holy shit so many emails abt her hair!!!!

  150. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Juicy's little diva seems to have anger management issues like her father the bully who challenges the elderly people at Alaska's airports and beats up Alaskan citizens just for being black.

    I wonder how times Little Piper Diaper has been in to see the principal for her disciplinary issues?

    Does Piper Diaper push on her teachers and principals like she bullies adults while on vacation?

    Could this be why Sarah has no friends, Sarah's kids are too disrespectful??

    That little diva is not even in junior high and already has that Sarah, Bristol, Willow and Todd mean girl junior high personality.

    Piper keeps that up she will be just like Bristol, pregnant with no baby's daddy!

    9:22 AM

    Piper do you want a daddy for your high school baby?

    Then knock that shit off!

  151. dominicastar2:51 PM

    how many email address was that bitch operating on???

    This is new to me. Someone with this much address has something to hide!

  152. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Wouldn't you just LOVE to know what she wrote about C4P that got redacted out of this email suggesting that she "denounce the website?"

    1. Anonymous10:53 PM

      This is the so called smoking gun. Look at the date.

    2. Anonymous8:46 PM

      Forgot to tag the 10:53 pm comment with the date. It was made on 9-19-2014. Today is 9-20-2014

      This ( is the so called smoking gun. Look at the date on that email.

      Recent current events for 9-20-2014 include the Palins involvement in the now nationally infamous Beatdown at the Hoedown which featured nearly the whole Valley Trash family.

      Stay tuned for the icebergs.

  153. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Sarah and Todd prayed for their strength. "And for God to totally turn things around... Enough is enough. May we see victories and feel His hand of mercy and grace."

    God answered you, Sarah. You just didn't accept it. Too good for God's judgement.

  154. Anonymous5:13 PM

    President Obama can take it. He hasn't quit. And, for your edification Quitter, being President of the United States of America is a tougher gig than acting out the role of Alaskan Governor. Coward.

  155. Anita Winecooler7:58 PM

    I'm sooooo loving this! Shailey's book, Game Change and the e mell dump is tossed out in an effort to take attention away from the first two events. Coincidence? I highly doubt it.

    She has tons of emails about stupid trivial shit, always trying to find a way to shaft the Alaskan Taxpayers, finding excuses for her family accomodations paid for, She worries about the most petty nonsense (Who's going to do my hair? What's on my other calendar on such and such a day?, Find me some talking points to speak about.... etc etc etc.

    All I see is a cowering, mentally ill woman, in too far over her head.

    And she admits every post you've done, especially splitsville.

    Where are the emails for pre natal visits (for her, or Bridrool?).

    We really dodged a bullet because the Bloggers exposed this nutcase to the world faster than McCain could dodge having her asked questions in public.

    I think they're still "married" until they know any actionable legal trial has been covered or the statute of limitations runs out. A spouse can't testify against another spouse, but once divorced, all gloves are off.

    It must suck big time living in that house, for the kids and Sarah and Todd. Living a lie isn't healthy for anyone.

  156. WaStateUrbanGOPer1:14 AM

    How piquant that Sarah Palin mocks Jay Ramras as "bird nose." Ramras is Jewish.


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