Monday, February 13, 2012

Sarah Palin has some kind of photo-op outside of Fox studios, and the internet responds to her hate filled CPAC speech.

I am not sure who arranged this, or what for, but here is Palin leaving Fox after her appearance with Chris Wallace yesterday.

As far as I can tell there is no video of this event on the internet, and these pictures only show up in two places, so I am not sure who took them, or why.

However I DID  receive links to some rather interesting take downs of Palin's CPAC speech, that were sent to me by loyal visitors and that I thought were worth sharing.

First we have the ever entertaining Wonkette, which starts their deconstruction thusly:

From 4:42 p.m. until about 5:19 p.m., if you can imagine surviving that long, Palin speechified in the Marriott Ballroom at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel Wonderland Amusement Park [& Conference Centre -- Ed.] about all sorts of truth-defying, lie-inducing, reality-denying, delusion-inspiring wonders of unreality. Thus the only way to accurately, objectively–yes, objectively–report on this delusion is call it Deconstructing Sarah Palin.

Wonkette does not hold back in their description, and demolition, of Palin's rabid attacks on the President, and his policies, and takes great pleasure in pointing out how far removed from reality they were.

This is similar to how News Corpse approaches her ranting, and points out her top ten hack attacks and lies:

1) [Obama] promised to transform America, and that’s one promise he kept, transforming a shining city on a hill into a sinking ship. 

Remember how shiny America was in 2008 when the McCain/Palin ticket was so soundly defeated? The economy was in free fall, we were bleeding jobs, and there were two wars in progress. Obama took command of this ship after Bush and the GOP had already run it into an iceberg, and he has managed to keep it afloat and steer it back into safer waters. 

2) When I listened to his State of the Union last month, I was really struck that he barely mentioned unemployment. 

Which State of the Union was she listening to? It certainly wasn’t the one Obama delivered where he mentioned “jobs” 33 times. Her dreadful comprehension skills may explain why she was unable to answer a gotcha question like “What do you read?” 

3) He’ll invest your money in bullet trains to nowhere, but he’ll stop Boeing from building airplanes anywhere. 

It takes balls for Palin to reference the “bridge to nowhere” that was a boondoggle she supported in her home state of Alaska. And it’s no less ballsy to berate initiatives like high-speed rail that would create jobs and improve the infrastructure for commerce. Also, The NLRB decision to oppose Boeing’s plan to to move their facilities to South Carolina was intended to save the jobs of workers that Boeing proposed to abandon in Washington state.

Very good stuff there!

The Atlantic went a step further and discovered that despite her feral attacks against Obama, that many in the crowd at CPAC were less than impressed with her appearance:

Palin's speech was received ecstatically by the capacity crowd in the CPAC ballroom. But in interviews, many audience members said they were glad she wasn't a candidate for president, and some said she'd lost her hold on their attention. 

 "I was very pro-Sarah when she ran, but I'm not sure about her anymore," said Lisa Everington, a defense employee from Richmond, Va. "She had a focus before. Now, I don't have a clue what she's supposed to be about." 

It is kind of interesting to me that so many journalists were surprised by her fast and loose use of lies, and that she was so hateful toward the President.  I assume that since I have been listening to her Fox News interviews, and breaking them down for mass consumption, that I was less taken aback by her speech, and in fact found it to be pitch perfect for the crowd at CPAC.

The question right now is will this give her the exposure she was clearly seeking to launch a comeback of some sort, like a new book or reality show?

I have no doubt that she is done with politics, but let's face it, she's running out of money and has to do SOMETHING to inspire people to loosen their purse strings and continue financing her bizarre lifestyle.

Bristol's reality show disappeared without a trace, Todd's "I can ride a snowmachine" show never even got off the starting line, and Palin's political punditry is barely covered by the press these days, despite the insane things she is prone to say.

I would say that desperation is now a permanent house guest in that crazy ass compound on Lake Lucille.


  1. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Todd had a reality show? Uhhh, news to him I imagine.

    People pick apart republican speeches yet continue to ignore democratic lies. Why?

  2. Anonymous7:20 AM

    WOW, these pics really show how her face has changed from all that plastic surgery. Her eyes are a different shape than they were three years ago!

  3. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Palin is imply a repetitive automaton. She has nothing new, just the same old lies. She spews lies she thinks Republicans will buy. Let's face it, regardless of what some said after her CPAC trollery, there was cheering so obviously some are still living in the past with her. I went an read some of the comments on Politico, just for giggles, and boy, oh boy, some clown named Don Moody was all over everyone. He's declared Sarah just a "housewife" and oh so smart! LOL Just a housewife, eh? That would be news to even Sarah!

    Her political career is fried, like her mind. 50 and finished! It's times for her to disappear completely.

  4. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Bar$tools 'reality show' was supposedly filmed when she wanted to give away those 100 signed 'best sellers' of hers. Has anyone seen anything at that 'event'? WAS $he able to get rid of those 100 free books?

    Re. 'Screechy WHO?'... We know that $he needs some influx to her PAC. We also know that 'supposedly' the CPAC did not pay her - but maybe we just found out WHO paid for her (at least the flight and 5* hotel stay for her and her brats) : Faux Noise!

  5. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I think my favorite part of a Palin hater's commentary is when they take her words, that are meant to be of joking nature, and treat them like it's the most serious thing in the world. Like thinking she's serious when she said she is responsible for creation more jobs than the current admin (despite the current admin not actually creating jobs or providing a stable environment.) That and their sense of sarcasm is non-existent. Remember when Palin tweeted about something and jokingly said at the end "Bush's fault"? Yeah, People here took that seriously.

    People are feeling better because those who have jobs know they won't be laid off because their company is probably at bare bones. People who don't have jobs have stopped looking and therefore don't factor into numbers, other than benefit programs.

    If you can name one thing that has been done to support business (one concrete measure) I will be amazing because it means you have a fantastic imagination.

  6. Anonymous7:33 AM

    it looks like from the reflection in the window, there is hardly anyone there

  7. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Sarah Palin is a one trick pony. She has the same shtick she had during the 2008 election - ATTACK OBAMA! ATTACK OBAMA!

    It didn't work back then and it certainly won't work in 2012.

    Let her rant. She looks the fool. She IS the fool!

  8. Anonymous7:39 AM

    The "Book Signing" was taped for a show.DH and I were sent invitations to be among the first 100 and get a free book and we were advised we would have to sign a release.The pic in this article of Paylin at the podium shows the reflection in the background.It looks like she is just posing,no one there but her and the camera ,no adoring crowds.It must be for some show they are pitching.

  9. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Well, at least her boobs looked aligned at the photo-op. Good for Sarah, finally getting something right. Brava.

  10. Anonymous7:47 AM

    I think the thing about a wig is that is supposed to look like your own hair. That rag mop looks it was just plopped on Sarah's head. Does she know the correct way to put on a wig? I've seen actresses backstage pin their hair tightly to their scalp, add a stocking cap and make sure that everything is smooth and secure. I think that Sarah just plopped that thing on top of her own hair with no preparation. For a woman with millions, she can afford a hair stylists. Even SarahPAC can afford a stylist.

  11. Anonymous7:47 AM

    Are they leaving the dorms? sorry, just couldn't help myself.

  12. Sarah doesn't have to worry about her name fading in the near future. With Shailey Tripp's book coming out next month, she's going to have plenty of publicity. Cans will fly.

  13. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Pretty skimpy top for the cold we've having down here.

  14. I think the photo op outside the studio was faked. Wouldn't they show the "crowd" she was speaking to, or at least a tv reporter or something? I see people in the second photo but they seem to be congregated down the street and are actually holding their distance, ha, ha Sarah. They don't want to approach you; they are not even curious enough to come near you to hear what you have to say. Faker, Faker, Quitter!

  15. Virginia Voter7:55 AM

    I zoomed in on the pictures, and , yes those are black jeans Sarah is wearing. How professional. She must think that she's back at the home studio where no one sees her , ugh.

    Bristol's book signing was supposedly being filmed for Lifetime television, so perhaps this was too? All of these faux reality are staged, so maybe it was just a set up for the cameras. I haven't seen any mention of it on TPM, Politico, Huff Po or even on the Fox News web site.

    So sad Whitney stole Sarah's thunder.

  16. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Dear Sarah,
    Make a note to self: if you are going to present "polished and Presidential" up top (nice jacket by the way, cut & color are good choices for you), you might want to avoid situations where you can be captured in hi-def from the waist down... the wrinkly black jeans are too long, look sloppy & disheveled, and the beige, yellow or whatever color shoes / boots don't help the look. The dark hair showing underneath makes the hair on top look fried and in need of some serious conditioning too.

    I don't for one minute mean to imply that I like you, respect you or in any way think you are even remotely qualified to think about, let alone attempt to run for President... just think you need to do a better job teasing the bots if you want to keep the grifting going. If you are only going to do one thing in your life woman, then for God's sake take a little pride in your work and don't quit this half way through too

  17. By the way, a caption on Bristol Palin's book signing photos (where again we saw NO audience) read that she was in town filming her reality show. Her reality show is dead in the water so stop talking about it as if it is real. Get real Sarah, and btw where is Trig?

  18. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Anon @ 7:20.

    I think the point is that Todd DOES NOT have a reality show... but it wasn't because his wife didn't try to get him one... It was just that nobody wanted to see it when Sarah tried to sell it.

    As for picking apart speeches. Feel free to pick apart any speech you like. You know... that first amendment thingy.

  19. Anonymous8:02 AM

    There's a poll on Fox News that asks whether the President should have changed his mind on SUPERPACS. The options were, "Yes, it levels the palying filed," "No, he should have stuck to his principles," or "It doesn't matter." Predictably, the Fox crowd is voting "NO!" because heaven forbid there be a level playing field for the next six months. I'm sure the Fox crowd would love it if the Kochs and Adelsons spent millions of dollars bashing the President for them, while he had to settle for $50 dollar donations from several million of us. They are truly a desperate bunch.
    Oh, and to the troll at 7:25AM...GM is now the most successful car maker again, and creating jobs, because of the Obama plan to lend them the money to stay out of bankruptcy...which they have repaid. Grow up.

  20. lostinmn8:05 AM

    Yeah, even the bloggers are starting to speculate she's going to be the candidate if it gets to a brokered convention. I'm not going to panic - the second her little bald head comes above the horizon the bullets from the GOP will start flying again. You really think Mitt, Newt, Rick and Ron will stand back and give her a free pass? If she isn't careful she'll get sucked into the mess without ever even declaring. If they are tired of beating on each other there's always Sara and really? Aside from a few delusional people who keep emptying their pockets and the news media that wants headlines she is an afterthought for most Americans - a pleasant afterthought - that she's now done as a force of nature.

  21. Anonymous8:12 AM

    She's so ridiculous with her Blackberry in both photos like she is SO busy. Busy checking the blogs. Can you even imagine President Obama with a Blackberry at every photo op?!

    How can someone even think they are qualified for POTUS when they dress like a teenager. Look at the length of her pants/slacks. Going to be ground up fabric by the end of the day. She embodies TACKY!

  22. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Oh, geez, Gryphen: now that she's baaaaa-aaack, won't you please consider some way of putting the whole story forth, with all you've got, in some easy-to-digest way that might finally develop some legs?

    We can all see that "energizing the base," with no matter how ridiculous slogans, code-words, and dog-whistles, is her job now. Please let's get the hoax out there so the electorate can be on guard for the various other forms of voter fraud that are surely on the horizon. BEFORE we have another disaster.

    Please: it's time.

  23. Anonymous8:18 AM

    @7:20 A.M. Lies are the lifeblood of Sarah Palin and her followers. And as for Todd, Prostitution would be his Reality Show.

  24. Anonymous8:18 AM

    Wonkette comment WIN:

    "That's a great outfit she's wearing, for fighting Moon Nazis."

  25. Gasman8:19 AM

    If you look at photo #2, you can see reflected in the window behind Palin the throng of maybe 2 at this "press conference." I can see one reporter and maybe one cameraman. She is such a lame ass phony and cheapskate that she can only pry her purse open wide enough to hire two phony people to attend her "press conference."

    How sad and pathetic is it that she has to fake such an event? Nobody gives a shit about her any longer so nobody is waiting for real. She has to pay people to appear to be interested in her.

    My how the mighty have fallen.

  26. Dinty8:23 AM

    @Anonymous dumbass 7:25

    There was this thing called the 2009 Recovery Act, commonly referred to as "The Stimulus". Over $700 Billion in tax cuts, infrastructure investments other measures that created 213,000 jobs directly (many more indirectly). Measures in the stimulus bill have taken my company from a valuation of $3M to $40M in 3 years. I'm looking at a valuation of $100M in the next 2 based on conservative projections. Measures in the stimulus bill are directly responsible.

    As it stands, the economy is back on track, and 200,000-250,000 new private-sector jobs are being created every month (that's not my imagination, that's based on The Bureau of Labor Statistics own reports). As the months go on, unemployment numbers are steadily decreasing. If the trend holds, November 2012 will have an unemployment rate in the low-mid 7% range. Ronald Reagan was re-elected in 1984 with an unemployment rate of 7.2%.

    4 more years!

  27. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I see she left the Wonder Woman cuff bracelet back at the hotel. Note to Sarah....find a tailor to hem your black jeans so they don't bunch up like that. Better yet, that jacket should be worn with dress pants, not black jeans. Nice helmet wig. HAAAAAAA! Do you think that looks beautiful?

  28. Chenagrrl8:25 AM

    Maybe she's being escorted out?

  29. Anonymous8:29 AM

    "I think my favorite part of a Palin hater's commentary is when they take her words, that are meant to be of joking nature, and treat them like it's the most serious thing in the world. Like thinking she's serious when she said she is responsible for creation more jobs than the current admin (despite the current admin not actually creating jobs or providing a stable environment.)"

    Hey, asshole, no one took her seriously, but not because they knew she was joking. We expect that she will include at least one lie about the President and his record every time she speaks. Not funny, not cute, not interesting, just the only thing a middle-schooler with a big grudge is capable of--insults. She's a vile pig.

  30. Anonymous8:33 AM

    nonymous said...

    WOW, these pics really show how her face has changed from all that plastic surgery. Her eyes are a different shape than they were three years ago!

    7:20 AM

    I wonder how many surgeries Sarah Palin had? The neck surgeries doesn't seem to last long. One week her neck looks like a turkey neck then the following week it looks like a tight piece of old leather. Sarah definitely has her mother's and father's genes.

    Sarah's would look like Jan Brewer's older sister if it wasn't for SarahPac paying for Palin's weekly plastic surgeries.

    Todd would of left that wonky eyed wobbly neck looser long time ago if he had to pay for her surgeries or if woke up one morning next to a Sarah Heath's look a like!

    No wonder Todd was getting his loving from Miss Shailey Tripp.

  31. Anonymous8:34 AM

    "If you can name one thing that has been done to support business (one concrete measure) I will be amazing because it means you have a fantastic imagination."

    7:25 AM

    And another thing, asshole. After saving the auto industry--a business, last I checked--the President set about stopping "business" from fucking us over again. My fantastic imagination includes picturing you on the streets with nothing but a cardboard box for a home.

  32. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Love the jacket, tailored pants, hair still a disaster.
    Hate the screeching lies, envy and venom for our intelligent, handsome EMBATTLED POTUS.

  33. Anonymous8:35 AM

    @7:25, let's see: you have the stimulus package, which created a lot of work for contracting companies. The payroll tax cut, which helped the self-employed. The Affordable Care Act, which will make it easier for small businesses and self-employed people to buy health insurance. That's three off the top of my head.

    Oh, and because Great-Granny-to-Be LuLu and family spend so much time at Applebee's making fun of Obama supporters, he has helped that business, too.

  34. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Sarah is a creature of habit.

    Todd is out of town and Sarah is interviewing a big black man again and again and again.

    We know Willow! A one night stand is not an affair.

  35. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Well the pee pond remains clueless. From yesterday:

    Kay: "Right now (one day after) there are 13 different youtube videos of Sarah's speech. Total views: 36,224. Not bad for someone that's 'irrevelent' (sic)

    36K out of HOW many millions? Yes, she's relevant, all right.

  36. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Sarah is doing fancy pageant walking.

    Did the plastic surgeon permanently attach the blackberry to her hand?

  37. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Looks like she has found a new Glen Rice.

  38. Anonymous8:47 AM

    So now Sarah thinks she is Whitney Houston?

    Black Whitney Houston had white Kevin Costner for a bodyguard and now white Sarah Palin has a big black body guard?

    Sarah and Bristol must be wetting their panties with excitement!

  39. Anonymous8:48 AM

    If you can name one thing that has been done to support business (one concrete measure) I will be amazing because it means you have a fantastic imagination.

    7:25 AM
    Try using "amazed" for "amazing" here. It doesn't make sense as written. (You might think you are "amazing" but you are not.)

  40. Anon @ 7:20 - "People pick apart republican speeches yet continue to ignore democratic lies. Why?"

    What "lies" are you referring to? Be specific.

    I'm not really expecting an answer, but surprise me.

  41. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Kinda funny that her announcement that she was not running for President was overshadowed by Steve Jobs' death, and now her big CPAC speech was overshadowed by Whitney Houston's death.

    It's got to suck for her to have a big moment stolen by people who are so much more accomplished.

  42. Anonymous8:52 AM I see another future photoshopped picture like the Iowa 1/2 marathon scenario?! We should probably hold on to these. It was also interesting in the published photos of the WOTY meeting. The only photos I've seen are zoomed to her so we don't see her crowd of undergrads. I think we all know if there were many students there we would have all seen photos with the crowd and her in the background. OOPS...I've given her another idea for a photoshop!

  43. Anonymous8:52 AM

    More pics of the so-called "photo-op".

  44. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Photo needs a caption

    "mentally unstable woman needs job"

  45. Anonymous8:56 AM

    I wonder if Willow has a body guard too?

    Looking at Willow's swollen puffy DC pictures, somebody beat the shit out of her! Poor thing could barely keep her eyes open.

    I hope it wasn't Sarah who caused the domestic violence because Willow is another Palin pregnant underage high school drop out!

  46. A. J. Billings8:57 AM

    The insane asylum known as C4Pee still has inmates ranting on and orgasming over $arah, and how she'll " have an open door", and somehow gracefully skip the nasty nominating process where you have to debate, and give policy positions, and other hard stuff.

    They see it all as G*d's hand, and the magic wand will wave, and $arah will just ascend to the podium, and rill 'Mericuns will bow the knee and worship her highness.

    The Pee People just know that all the rest of us are "dirty libruls" and "gay or lesbie basturds" that don't work, sit around and smoke dope on welfare, and for some reason are against $aint $arah.

    Although you wouldn't think so $arah, icebergs can sneak up on you in the dead of night.

  47. Same jacket as in her 'interview' with Chris Wallace only a different color?? I keep hoping that as she continues on with her weight loss tricks that she will eventually just disappear leaving only a lapel pin and a synthetic wig sizzling on the ground.

  48. Anonymous9:00 AM

    It looks like there are only about 4 people at the "press conference." Totally looks staged. The one camera light in the back was probably filming her for some big break out video on the fabulousness of her highness.

  49. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Willow is not looking too good.

    Just imagine what Bristol would look like if she didn't get her Jay Leno chin and lipo?

    That harsh Alaskan weather must be hard on women up there!

    Look at Sally Heath too, no wonder Sarah gets her Nips and Tucks.

  50. angela9:03 AM

    Why does Palin look photoshopped beside the man in the coat? She is lit completely different from him.

  51. Anonymous9:03 AM

  52. Anonymous9:03 AM

    My guess is that was staged for a political commercial. Heaven help us all.

  53. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Reflection in the window shows this is a staged photo-op.

    She is a textbook narcissist.

  54. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Sarah Palin: Still Bitter

    Historians who will look back on Sarah Palin's career will be interested in how the 2008 election formed her world view. During her keynote speech to close up CPAC, it was amazing to see how resentments from the 2008 campaign still made appearances in her rhetoric.

    Derision for the media and the "establishment" is nothing new for Palin. But deriding campaign consultants? That's a uniquely Palin grievance. She attacked them for trying to tell candidates what to say even though "they are not willing, or able, to run for dog catcher." It was a uniquely Palin perspective, a product of her 2008 experience.

  55. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Of course Palin is bitter. She decided to run in the Politician Beauty Contest and not only lost but was resoundingly mocked as unfit to have even entered. It was the political version of being told "sorry but you're ugly, don't have a good body, and you have no talent." For somebody with her lack of knowledge and abilities (and MASSIVE persecution complex), that's a massive blow to the ego that she'll fester over for the rest of her life.

  56. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I think Palin and her supporters have no clue how hated Sarah is. If she somehow did win at a GOP brokered convention, do they really think Democrats and Independents will vote for her? For that matter would any Republican with a brain cell throw their vote away on her? She's a joke to most people now. BTW, no one but a political junkie watched CPAC, no one gave a rats ass about Palin's speech.

  57. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Is she blind? I am so tired of seeing her hairline under her wigs! But to be frank, I'm very tired of seeing her, as are all but 36,000 folks in the whole wide world & the world wide web. Remember, only 20% of her Twitter followers are real:
    She's got nothing but fake support and media time.

  58. Anonymous9:09 AM

    nice jacket but it doesn't fit right.

    Idiotic jeans that are miles too big.

    Wig plopped on head with real frizzed out hair peeking out underneath.

    Press conference with zero attendance.


  59. Anonymous9:09 AM

    That guy looks like Byron Mcelderry, who is the process server on the show All Worked Up from True Tv. Was he chasing you to serve a subpoena quitty pants?

  60. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Well, sarah, you can puke up your lies and the Obama team will take you down:

    Obama campaign sets up 'Truth Team'

  61. Whoa---why are her pants legs down past her high heel(I'm guessing)shoes and therefore dragging on the ground? Does she not know the concept of "hemming"?

  62. Anonymous9:11 AM

    "....I have no doubt that she is done with politics, but let's face it, she's running out of money and has to do SOMETHING to inspire people to loosen their purse strings and continue financing her bizarre lifestyle...."

    Sarah needs that extra money just to keep up with her face and neck lifts,

    Now Sarah will also need money to pay for Willow's facelifts, ankle lifts and make over then it will be Piper Diaper's turn and with Bristol, she is still a work in progress.

  63. Anonymous9:11 AM

    "I so don't want to go back to Alayaska."

  64. Bristol's Real Chin9:17 AM

    "If you can name one thing that has been done to support business (one concrete measure) I will be amazing"

    Here's what I wonder. Do Palin's supporters like her because she speaks English as poorly as they do? Or do her supporters start out speaking correct English and then slowly deteriorate as they watch more and more of her? Which came first?

  65. Anonymous9:17 AM

    O/T GAME CHANGE is a Must See HBO Movie. Everyone should watch it. McCain is trying to justify his BIG BLUNDER of picking the Drug Addicted
    Vice Presidential Candidate. How lucky we are that he did.

  66. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Still wearing the 2008 clothes...stolen from the RNC,and spewing the same crap!

    Pretending they have activities, is just a way to griff from the PAC and not use their own money.

  67. Anonymous9:25 AM

    She attacks President Obama because she is a racist. She still won't accept that the country decided she wasn't GOOD ENOUGH for vice president. Americans don't elect losers. Uhh Sarah? We told you to sit down and shut up almost 4 years ago. Why is it taking you so long to understand that?

  68. Anonymous9:30 AM

    @ Anonymous 8:38 AM - Total views: 36,224. Not bad for someone that's 'irrevelent' (sic) 36K out of HOW many millions? Yes, she's relevant, all right.8:38 AM
    I bet most of the viewers were people like us and journalists, for comedy relief or curiosity.. She is definitely going to be "irrevelent" when her Fox contract is up. Next up: "Game Change" movie next month, and is Brad Sharlott still writing his book on her faked pregnancy?

  69. Anonymous9:31 AM

    A lilac colored jacket is for spring/summer color, worn in spring/summer. And lilac just doesn't go with black jeans, black camisole. Lilac, or light purple are pastel colors and don't go with strong colors like black.

    A white camisole would have been better. It's obvious she just reaches in the closet with her eyes closed and pulls 'whatever' out. I believe she does this on purpose so she can wee-wee up the eltes at Fox, in Washington and her 'haters'. It gives her the attention she otherwise would not get.

    As for the faux press release and photo-op, it's another game, ploy of hers to look relevant. Probably the filming technicians at Bristol's book signing were hired to go directly to the Fox News entrance to film Sarah for some mysterious future endeavor.

    It appears Sarah is not passionate for politics, but only in lucrative deals for herself and her family. She keeps her options open and keeps an assorted amount of projects in limbo while the wind on one particular day tells her where to go. If one fails, she can rely on the next, and so on, and so on.

  70. Are you sure this isn't an outtake from a new "30 Rock"~

    Liz Lemon gets a new wig?


    Oh, blurg...

    SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!


  71. People pick apart republican speeches

    Your mom doesn't give speeches, she gives Simultaneous Rectal Exams.

  72. Anonymous9:34 AM

    The News Corpse article was an awesome read.

  73. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Anonymous said...

    She's so ridiculous with her Blackberry in both photos like she is SO busy. Busy checking the blogs. Can you even imagine President Obama with a Blackberry at every photo op?!

    8:12 AM

    Don't you know by now that Sarah Palin constantly needs her Blackberry in case she gets her 3pm phone call that one of her kids is incarcerated or pregnant again?

  74. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Uh-oh. Did Sarah seduce Daddy Ailes AGAIN?

  75. Anonymous9:39 AM

    When is she going to buy some new clothes, that is the jacket she wore for the Barbara Walters interview when her book came out.

  76. Anonymous9:41 AM

    LOL that Sarah Palin just loves her Blackberries!

    She has one in her hand and two walking next to her and we all know there is one set that she has been fascinated with but just can't seem to get her hands on it.

  77. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Ummm where's her "son" Trig?

  78. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Who's the goon behind her in the first photograph?

  79. Anonymous9:44 AM

  80. Anonymous9:44 AM

    It looks like Sarah weighs about 100 pounds now. NOW we know why, in her appearances on Faux, she appeared "drugged." Diet pills and downers.

    If you saw her naked (eweee) she would look anorexic - flesh covered bones, no muscle. Might also explain her deteriorating hair and use of wigs.

    Sarah will do anything - anything - to look hot and get ratings.. It will NOT get her to the White House, however.

  81. I'm not going to panic - the second her little bald head comes above the horizon the bullets from the GOP will start flying again.

    Oh Damn! "Her little bald head" had me bust out laffing!

    I imagine a cartoon where she sticks her beehive up - Mitt Romney shoots her wig off her head [ ya know - cuz he's used to hunting "varmints"!]

    The wig shoots in the air and Baldy does a "Ruh roh" and dunks back down life a gopher.

  82. Anonymous9:45 AM

    What's Palins favorite kind of rice?


  83. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Good grief - Does Palin have to video EVERYTHING she does? What for? Another Sarah Palin "reality show"? "Look at me! I'm here, everywhere - me me me. "

  84. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Hey dipshit @ 7:25 looking for ONE concrete measure done to support business - how about saving the AUTO INDUSTRY, countless direct and indirect jobs and now to the point that GM is #1????????

    So will you be "amazing" now?


  85. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Here's a great way to start the day!

    Obama leads Santorum by 10 points among all registered voters (53% to 43%) and his lead over Romney is nearly as large (52% to 44%). Romney ran about even with Obama in November and mid-January. Obama has a larger advantage over Newt Gingrich than over Santorum or Romney: Obama leads the former House speaker by 18 points (57% to 39%). Obama has made gains among independent voters. Today, 51% of independents favor Obama in a matchup against Romney, up from 40% a month ago.

  86. Anonymous9:55 AM

    So...Tawd was left at home to puree baby food and home school Piper? Or... when the cat's away.... a man just might need another "massage." He might just be glad to have Mama Cat and her sex kittens out of the house for a while. You know, to clear the air.

  87. Anonymous9:55 AM

    McCain came out in support of Palin today on national news!!! Friggin' amazing.

    I'm not so sure her political career is toast. She was silent for months - preparation and surgeries? She is speaking better than she use to.

    I'm very anti Palin and have always been - I'm in Alaska - never voted for her mainly because she could not debate when running for governor (which she won and quit). The majority in Alaska do not support her anymore - thank God! She is a liar and fraud...

  88. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Hey, is Tank working security for $arah now? (first picture) --- Maybe Levi's payments were not enough...

  89. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Of course she is promoting a brokered convention. She sees herself as the anointed one and there is no substitute. By staying out of the race she avoids the "vetting" process that she talks about so much. She can't debate and doesn't have real solutions to any of the problems she snarks about. The other Republicans in this race must realize that she is not supporting them because it's all about herself . . the true and rightful candidate (in her mind).

  90. I will read the post at length later,but had a quick question. What's LL Cool J doing walking behind Scarah? Is he filming a new horror film we haven't heard about starring her as the blood sucking monster? Or,are they bringing back the "Breck Girl" commercials from the 80's? Scarah has on her power wig,maybe this is a still from her commercial audition?

  91. Anonymous10:04 AM

    This link was left on one of yesterday's IM comment threads:

    ".... Anyway, I think this is a bit funnier than glitter bombing, and totally worth pretending to act like a conservative while I was waiting in line; there were like 25 people there—the first 100 got a free book.

    The other thing I told her was that she was such a great role model to young teens, showing them that if they get pregnant, it doesn't matter—"You can still win Dancing with the Stars and be rich and famous. The baby doesn't get in the way!" I think the ghostwriter might have picked up on the trolling, but I got my picture and my free book just the same...."

  92. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Damn it!

    Somebody is always stealing my thunder!

    Steve Jobs
    And now Whitney!

    Why can't I get a fucking break!

  93. CSpan was showing her CPAC speech on Saturday night and I caught about half of it. Her wig looked great!

  94. I didn't watch the dipshit, but heard a tiny amount of her screech on NPR before I turned it off. If you want to strip paint off furniture, I recommend you play a youtube of her next to the item. Get earplugs to protect your brain and sense of hearing. Palin, the GOP Stripper.

  95. To Anon@7:25? You will never be amazing.

  96. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Sarah I am actually going to say something nice to you here, ready?

    I love that purple jacket on you. It's much better then the omnipresent red!

    Maybe you should be willing to make a few (hundred) more changes now and MAYBE you wouldn't be half bad! lol

  97. I have to give it to old Baldy...check out that first picture...she looks like she's running towards something...what could it be? Camera's? An armored truck full of money? A Glen Rice lookalike (since she's partial to lookalikes!) What has Baldy's face so light up like a Christmas tree?

    And the brother behind her is a knock off of one of President Obama's Secret Service agents! Knowing Baldy she asked the security company that BaldyPac is paying for...if she could go through a picture book(something she's use to looking at) of their bodyguards and she picked this dude specifically! In Baldy's alternate universe...she's the President! LOL!!!

    I'm with Gasman on this one...let Baldy play her little dress up games(while wearing her ill fitting or inappropriate clothes) as long as she saying crazy shit and looking crazy while doing it nobody takes her serious anyway...I for sure am enjoying watching the "Baldy Palin Reality Show"!

    She's so fucking entertaining that it's impossible to take her seriously! This is probably the "dill" that the RNC struck up with her! Throw her some bones (she is after all a pitbull with lipstick)like the CPAC speech...anything to shut her up!

    So I'm going to keep right on laughing and talking about her "Bear Pelt" wigs and clothes that she gets from "The Wilma Flintstone, The Janet Jackson and the Dolly Parton Collections! I ain't mad at her....go ahead Baldy with your bad self!

  98. An excellent take on her speech (es) from a conservative columnist:

  99. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:27 AM

    Guess her backers have gotta try to stir up "something else" since she didn't grab the top headlines this weekend. Who knows what'll come out of this little scenario?

    BTW, on the plastic surgery thing--one old Hollywood makeup trick I read about awhile back consists of pulling and taping the skin up behind the ears, giving an even tighter look to the cheeks and eliminating jowls. I think they also did something similar to the back of the neck. This is then secured behind the head under a--you guessed it--wig. It's like a quickie facelift, and could account for the constant shapeshifting changes under the helmet roadkill headpieces.

  100. Anonymous10:32 AM

    What's up with Palin's left foot in that top photo??? It looks like two people are taking the same step.

  101. Sarah, don't be so a tailor to shorten your jeans..or quit wearing Bristol's jeans and buy yourself some jeans in the Petite size or get taller heels! Jeans dragging on the ground are tacky and it ruins the hem.

  102. Sarah Vs. Sarah said...

    Are you sure this isn't an outtake from a new "30 Rock"~

    Liz Lemon gets a new wig?


    Oh, blurg...

    SHUT IT DOWN!!!!!!!!!


    9:32 AM

    LMAO! Oh no you didn't quote my girl Liz! Remember that episode when Liz was taping her "Deal Breaker" promos and Pete and Jack were looking at in her in High Def! And Pete shouted "MOVE AWAY FROM THE SCREEN PLEASE! Because Liz look like an old crone with warts included!

    I have said this about Baldy so many times....High Def is NOT her friend!!

  103. Well, at least her boobs looked aligned at the photo-op. Good for Sarah, finally getting something right. Brava.


    Liz Lemon:

    This better be important Jack, I was in the middle of buying a bag of bras on Ebay.


    Sarah = Liz?

    eh? eh?


  104. Anonymous10:45 AM

    Anonymous said...

    What's Palins favorite kind of rice?



    Sarah Palin prefers Glen Fried Rice, she loves the scrambled eggs she gets with each serving.

  105. The insane asylum known as C4Pee still has inmates ranting on and orgasming over $arah, and how she'll " have an open door", and somehow gracefully skip the nasty nominating process where you have to debate, and give policy positions, and other hard stuff.

    AJ - I firmly believe that that drum beat "most vetted candidate ever" will surround her (by her paid lackeys, that is.)

    It is laughable to us, but the fact that ANYONE listens to her at ALL proves that she has not been neutered.

    Gloves. OFF.

  106. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Anonymous said...

    LOL that Sarah Palin just loves her Blackberries!

    She has one in her hand and two walking next to her and we all know there is one set that she has been fascinated with but just can't seem to get her hands on it.

    9:41 AM

    Its no secret that Sarah and her homophobic skanks love chocolate covered nuts!

    Wouldn't be surprised if Molly and Sally had some.

    They melt in your mouth and not in your hands.

    Sarah is more into those grande chocolate covered walnuts.

  107. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Oh, I see the Wasilla-billies are back from DC - they are out in force again!

  108. Otto Katz10:54 AM

    First of all, her pants are about 2 inches too long. Second of all, could she fit anymore plastic under that wig?

  109. For those who are wondering what Baldy's next job or move is...I believe the RNC has hired Baldy!

    She's the GOP's comedienne!!

    Of course she's not on par with Carol Brunett or even Phylis Diller.

    I would say Baldy is along the lines of....I know...VICTORIA JACKSON!!

  110. Randall10:57 AM

    When she rants and just outright LIES like that - she pushes herself further and further away from any kind of credibility.

    But it's all she knows.

    I think she looks good, though.

  111. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Regarding those photos. The harsh light of day is not kind to the ex-governor.

    Also, too, thought this little piece was amusing -

    "Sarah Palin Receives the Most Depressing Rendition of the ‘Happy Birthday’ Song We’ve Ever Heard"

  112. Anonymous11:04 AM

    In that first photo she looks like she just got escorted out of Saks for shoplifting.

  113. Baldy comments on the death of Whitney Houston...same security guy in the background...

    Check out the wind blowing Baldy's "Pelt" every whicha way! LOL!!!

    She looked nervous than mug...hoping that the pelt wouldn't jump off her head and scurry on down the street!

  114. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Let's face it: This 50 year-old woman cannot dress herself. Think about it.

  115. Anonymous11:15 AM

    She looks like a liquid lunch cougar cruising the department stores for some chocolate afternoon delight.

  116. conga111:17 AM

    I just visualized Romney putting her wig in a pet carrier/crate and strapping it to the top of his head.

  117. ghostwriter11:28 AM

    Anon @ 10:04 AM...

    I liked your link to

    So--the picture of Willow. Looks like she's got a bit of a tummy on her, neh?

  118. 8:34 AM,
    Sorry hon, those are not tailored pants, those are the same jeans she wore with the Hanna Montana belt at the Grifter of the Year Award thing.

  119. Does $arah not realize that $he gives away her glasses' 'prescription' (NOT)
    every time $he's photographed in profile?

  120. Anonymous11:47 AM

    To anomymous at 7:25,I knew someone would catch on about palins sense of humor.She is absolutely hilarious.Yes sir when ever I need my chuckle for the day I look up palins latest press release.By the way that second photograph is amazing.An open microphone and palin has her mouth shut.Maybe someone photoshopped that one huh?

  121. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Well, she's still batshit crazy and doesn't know a thing about politics, but she looks great. She's as tiny as I've ever seen her, but of course we know that it's because she's borderline ana and lives on redbull. Still for her age she looks great.

  122. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I just had an epiphany and was able to see things through the "trolls" eyes and I gotta tell ya, some of you do come across as seeming a little jealous of the ex-Gov. I don't know if there are others on here that are 48 and a size 6 and have healthy full heads of hair, but I don't see many old ladies that look like Palin when I visit the grocery store.

  123. Anonymous12:33 PM

    GinaM said...

    Baldy comments on the death of Whitney Houston...

    11:07 AM

    But but I had nothing to do with Whitney's death... How come nobody believes me?

  124. Anonymous12:34 PM

    There are about five people watching $Pay at that contrived gig. You can clearly see it reflected in the windows behind the Quitter.

    Thanks for the link to News Corpse. Great stuff there!!

  125. Anonymous12:34 PM

    No wonder Todd was getting his loving from Miss Shailey Tripp.

    8:33 AM
    So Sarah likes black guys and Todd like chunky chicks!

  126. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Seems to me something is very off with the shadows in the first pic. The guy behind her doesn't appear to have one and hers is strange.

    Hate the too long pants.

  127. Anonymous12:41 PM

    So--the picture of Willow. Looks like she's got a bit of a tummy on her, neh?

    11:28 AM

    Oh shit that means Sarah is about to go on another wild ride LOL...

    Sarah went to DC looking like a junior high school tom boy bully and will be returning to Wasilla with a baby bump with her fluid leaking again....

    How come in the Palin family when a child sneezes Sarah is the one who catches pneumonia?

    Sarah always has to cover up for those retards!


    So--the picture of Willow. Looks like she's got a bit of a tummy on her, neh?

    11:28 AM


    Um, Wow.

    Do NONE of these women know how to dress??

    Why why WHY is Willow wearing WHITE??


    You're either preggo or you've got a tummy. Either way, a white doily dress ain't yo friend!

    GinaM: Liz is awesome.

    Liz: Great news Jack. I've got a new life philosophy that I call Lizbianism.

    And, I want it to be clear: I mean NO disrespect to Liz Lemon by comparing her to Sarah Palin.

    Thank you. ***

    O/T, Gina- I've been meaning to check out Key & Peele- is it as funny as the promos? Only 1 or 2 shows so far, right?

  129. @Anonymous dumbass 7:25 (again)

    I also forgot to mention how the Presdient's leadership has helped the economy grow. Just look at this chart of the Dow Jones Industrial average from 1/20/2009 (Obama's Inaguration) to today - up 61% in 3 years.;range=20090120,20120206;compare=;indicator=volume;charttype=area;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=off;source=undefined;

    The fact is that this country is strong, and is doing better than the Republican people driving this narrative of negativity would like you to think it is.

  130. Anonymous12:49 PM

    The cosmetic surgery is incredibly obvious! I wonder who does her work. I have friends in their late 60s who look better and obviously went to more expert surgeons. The bottom of her face does not match the top and the neck and chest are truly hideous.

  131. Somebody posted this link the other day and I think a lot of us missed how hilarious this article is...

    Check out these quotes....

    “I’m a fan of hers, but not for president or vice president,” Christina Weller, a Romney-supporting junior at Calvin College in Michigan, said. Her fellow classmates sounded even less impressed.

    “I like her too,” one bespectacled Calvin junior said, “but she says stuff where I’m like ‘Really?’ Some of the things that come out of her mouth…”

    Kristin Miller, a sophomore, summed up her interest in the event thusly: “It’s curiosity, free lunch, women in politics.” A tentative Romney supporter after watching his speech yesterday, Miller said she wouldn’t recommend putting Palin on another GOP ticket out of fear she would scare off undecided voters. Still, she added that “the media likes to make her look stupid, but I don’t she is.”

    Love the title of the post...a spoof of "Waiting for Guffman"!

    Here's the link....

  132. Anonymous12:53 PM

    This is called "pretending you're important to a none-existent crowd and hoping it fools enough people to make it true". She is so hoping that something gets going for her by creating bogus scenarios but I think she only has her Sea of Pee fanatics, her family, and a couple of close staff that buy any of it. Once the president starts his second term, she will disappear from view.

  133. Anonymous12:54 PM

    The Directors & Producers of Game Change are frantically filming a new add-on ending. In the new ending, John McCain is putting a wilted daisy on Sarah's frozen grave. John snortles and starts to guffaw, when Sarah, the Stiff, shoots up above the ground straight from her underground coffin bunker and McCain soils his trousers. Carrie re-visited.

  134. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Hey Sarah, where's TriG's Birth Certificate? You Lie about being TriG's birth mother. Show us his Birth Certificate and prove to the world you are not a big-fat-liar.

  135. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Anonymous said...

    The Directors & Producers of Game Change are frantically filming a new add-on ending. In the new ending, John McCain is putting a wilted daisy on Sarah's frozen grave. John snortles and starts to guffaw, when Sarah, the Stiff, shoots up above the ground straight from her underground coffin bunker and McCain soils his trousers. Carrie re-visited.

    12:54 PM

    They just had another rewrite of the script.

    Sarah reaches up from her piss marked tomb with one of her anorexic claws and grabs McCain's one testicle and says "I'll be baacckk" then she runs off and disappears into the freezing dark snowy woods of Alaska to her cosmetic surgeon wearing one of Bristol's long pregnancy scarves wrapped around the loose skin falling off of her neck and face.....

    Then the scene follows Todd as he runs after Sarah carrying her purse....

  136. Anonymous1:22 PM

    claws for hands

  137. 12:32 PM
    An "epiphany" huh? Baldy may be 48...but the way she's been looking lately she looks more like 68! And where is this "healthy full heads of hair" Baldy is suppose to have?

    Oh....did she forget to unpack the suitcase full of bear pelts fashioned into wigs...if so, does that mean there is a bunch of hair laying around the Hillybilly compound?

    And that size do you know what size Baldy is? And how proud can you be if you are so thin that you look like a lollipop!

    It's impossible to be jealous of somebody who is an INTERNATIONAL joke!

  138. Anonymous1:26 PM

    She did this to show that she CAN go out in public without a family member by her side (although I think she brought a body guard, at least that's what it appears like).

    But .... what's this? It wasn't a solo public appearance? Just a staged one? FAIL. Try again. Maybe a few meds would take care of that.

  139. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Still unable to keep her tongue inside her lips.

  140. Anonymous1:31 PM

    The security guard says it all! She's not Presidential. Secret Service agents are in great shape! No, she's more like P-Diddy! I guess she was jealous of little old Levi (another playa wanna-be), and got herself her very own Tank! SO funny.

  141. Sarah Vs. Sarah said...

    And, I want it to be clear: I mean NO disrespect to Liz Lemon by comparing her to Sarah Palin.

    Thank you. ***
    O/T, Gina- I've been meaning to check out Key & Peele- is it as funny as the promos? Only 1 or 2 shows so far, right?

    12:45 PM

    I love me some Liz...and no worries...Baldy WISH she was as funny and smart as the character of Liz Lemon! HAH!
    Remember "Sandwich Day" episode?

    "I'm gonna cut ya' so much you're gonna have a chin!"

    And no, this is not what Baldy said to her daughter!

    And that Key & Peele started on Jan 31 on Comedy Central. I haven't watched an episode I just saw the promos thanks to DKey!

  142. Anonymous1:38 PM

    12:25 said: ".... she's borderline ana ... for her age she looks great...."

    Only someone trying to prove they're hip would say "ana" for anorexic and only people with a screwed sense of body image would think that looks great. I think there are a lot of unhealthy perceptions of food and emotional relationships that you are fostering. The troll comments sound like they come from some really messed up people.

  143. 12:32..I don't see many 48 women at the grocery stores dressing like a 25 yr old, wearing big falsies, wearing Texas big hair and tons of makeup either..but I've seen them in the casino's in Vegas. Sarah's what they call an Alaskan Hoochie Mama.

  144. Everything about Sister Sarah is, glasses, teeth, face, boobs,wearing her Christian and patriotic symbols, birth mother to Trig, her books, her speeches,her great marriage to Todd..have I forgotten anything...

  145. Need a good laugh folks? Well then listen to "Baldy Palin Radio" with Ladonna Curzone interviewing the Baldy Palin impersonator who showed up at "Crazies4Palin" birthday party for Baldy who never showed up!


    19:04 of crazieness!

  146. Anonymous2:04 PM

    You have it backwards Gryph: politics is done with her.

  147. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I just had an epiphany and was able to see things through the "trolls" eyes and I gotta tell ya, some of you do come across as seeming a little jealous of the ex-Gov. I don't know if there are others on here that are 48 and a size 6 and have healthy full heads of hair, but I don't see many old ladies that look like Palin when I visit the grocery store.

    12:32 PM
    Epiphany : I don't think that word means what you think it means.
    Still trying to sound smart granny baldy? It's funny that we now have you admitting you don't have a full head of hair and are anorexic. Tell us more puppet Palin. We own you.

  148. Anonymous2:29 PM

    does sarah have a new boyfriend?
    looks like it

  149. Anonymous2:32 PM

    I find it interesting that the Palins' core fan base appears to consist of gay teenage boys and angry, hate filled adults (what happens to gay teenagers who grow up repressed).

    Pimp your daughters out in Dupont Circle then head over to CPAC and do some race-baiting.

    Constituency covered.

  150. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Is it me or does she look just like a Perils doll in these pictures?

  151. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Honestly, I think the sell-by date on the baldy thing has long passed. It's gotten about as mouldy as RAM's toilet mat. Time to work on a new nickname. Take a month and then come back and show us what you've got.

  152. Anonymous3:05 PM

    A few people were commenting on Willow's weight. Imagine how tough it would be to have this very thin mother and be a fat kid like she and Bristol (well, Bristol looks thinner that she was but still has a ways to go...) I wonder if Piper will follow in their chubby footsteps or be thin like Mom?

  153. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Those claws are those of an anorexic woman - or an eighty year old one - NOT those of a healthy 48 y/o woman!

    No color in them also, too.

  154. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Also, too, I have NEVER seen a woman with an absolutely flat stomach!

  155. Anonymous3:34 PM

    what a damn shame these wack job, money grubbing fake politicians on the right really are... They do not care about this country; they only care that an african american is leading the greatest country in the world back to the prominence it had lost. Can one imagine Sarah for PTOTUS and a"shadow" presidency of her uneducated spouse...whew!!! Our current president is allows them to continue to underestimate how tough he really as well as how smart.After his second term I would love to see Hillary or Elizabeth warren step to the plate because they are sharp heady people. I am a firm believer that men should be leaders, but these women are just awsome. Too bad Sarah took the low round of snark and criticism instead of of crossing the aisle and work to help make our country be all that it can be.

  156. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I just had an epiphany and was able to see things through the "trolls" eyes and I gotta tell ya, some of you do come across as seeming a little jealous of the ex-Gov. I don't know if there are others on here that are 48 and a size 6 and have healthy full heads of hair, but I don't see many old ladies that look like Palin when I visit the grocery store.

    12:32 PM
    Epiphany : I don't think that word means what you think it means.
    Still trying to sound smart granny baldy? It's funny that we now have you admitting you don't have a full head of hair and are anorexic. Tell us more puppet Palin. We own you.

    2:16 PM
    Epiphany means exactly what I think it means; perhaps you are the one that should consult the dictionary.

    One of the definitions of Epiphany:

    "a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience."

    I still think that you are a jealous hater and No I'm not Sarah Palin.

  157. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Also, too, I have NEVER seen a woman with an absolutely flat stomach!

    3:09 PM

    Well ya don't need to look at Willow... She is turning into the Pillsbury Dough Girl!

  158. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Anonymous said... Well the pee pond remains clueless. From yesterday: Kay: "Right now (one day after) there are 13 different youtube videos of Sarah's speech. Total views: 36,224. Not bad for someone that's 'irrevelent' (sic)
    36K out of HOW many millions? Yes, she's relevant, all right.
    8:38 AM
    Some slightly more relevant statistics from youtube

    Katie Couric Interview 780K
    Palin on foreigh policy 4.4 million
    Palin can't name a newspaper 2.5 million
    Katie Couric interview part II 1.3 million
    Sarah Mania - interviews 5.1 million
    Supreme Court question 1.8 milliom
    Sarah Palin discusses Russia 875K

  159. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Anonymous said...

    A few people were commenting on Willow's weight. Imagine how tough it would be to have this very thin mother and be a fat kid like she and Bristol (well, Bristol looks thinner that she was but still has a ways to go...) I wonder if Piper will follow in their chubby footsteps or be thin like Mom?

    3:05 PM

    Simply fucking amazing!

    Ya got this Me Me Me Miss Alaska looser runner up woman who did not feed her kids while they were growing up, they had to fend for themselves.
    Then she did not teach them family values or self respect and now each one of them is unmarried and is popping out babies like a candy dispenser while in high school or after getting kicked out and now her fat daughters are being forced to get plastic surgery in their late teens just to keep up with their 48 year old going on 70 years old anorexic diet pill plastic surgery junkie momma.

    That aint right!

    And you telling me Sarah Palin got Woman of the Year?

  160. Anonymous said...

    Honestly, I think the sell-by date on the baldy thing has long passed. It's gotten about as mouldy as RAM's toilet mat. Time to work on a new nickname. Take a month and then come back and show us what you've got.

    2:46 PM

    I have taken your comment under consideration and have contacted my lawyer to get his advice. I was informed that due to SP trade marking her name that I am unable to use her name unless I compensate her.

    Per legalise, so forth and so on, henceforth, I will have to continue using the non trademarked name of Baldy Palin! Luckily, I don't have to go away for a month since my lawyer was able to give me an answer post haste.

    But if by some crazy fluke SP decides to trademark Baldy Palin I do have a back up name to use in it's place. And it's actually YOU who gave me the idea for the new name!

    I present to back up name............

    "Moldy Palin"


  161. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Also, too, I have NEVER seen a woman with an absolutely flat stomach!
    3:09 PM
    ya, she must of padded herself so those jutting hip bones didn't stab someone. Like her bodyguard, the AA she probably gave a BJ to.

  162. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Anonymous said... McCain came out in support of Palin today on national news!!! Friggin' amazing.

    I'm not so sure her political career is toast. She was silent for months - preparation and surgeries? She is speaking better than she use to.

    I'm very anti Palin and have always been - I'm in Alaska - never voted for her mainly because she could not debate when running for governor (which she won and quit). The majority in Alaska do not support her anymore - thank God! She is a liar and fraud...

    9:55 AM

    McCain always supports her - if he didn't he would have to admit to having his brain somewhat lower than his head when selecting her as his VP

    As for "sounding better" - what speech did you listen to - this was scripted and via a teleprompter so her usual lack of sentence construction and grammar was missing - otherwise it was the usual screech against President Obama. No facts, no sense, just hate.

    And ranting against compaign consultants - if it wasn't for them John McCain would never have heard of Sarah Palin - she never stops biting the hand that feeds her.

    Back at the post topic - I've never seen a press conference with ONE lonely microphone - setup it was.

  163. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Bristol and Willow are not and have not been fat. They have been /are pregnant and/or post-partum. There is a difference. Bristol is now 1 year post partum and is looking trim, healthy. Her face is settling in, but it is different, plastic surgery will do that.

    I am disappointed for Bristol that she is again filming a fantasy life for a reality show. Wasn't it just last month that she sold a story to a magazine that she was done with all that?

    Willow, well we all saw her FB announcement of her status change to engaged, then the page was taken down, then Dirk over at AkWTF promised an expose. He is still working on that according to his latest comment.

    She appears to be pregnant. I would guess 3-4 months or so. I am sure that the stress of her family life has not been easy and her weight gain shows distinctly in her face. Perhaps the Granny will play it off again and flaunt it in our faces, then suddenly another god child will appear.

  164. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I still think that you are a jealous hater and No I'm not Sarah Palin.
    3:35 PM
    As if ANYONE would be "jealous" of
    BJ aka Baldyjobber palin....LOL!
    Fuck off Brooklyn get yer head out of baldy's ass will ya!

  165. Anonymous4:07 PM

    anon@1232p: say what?!? What do old ladies at the grocery store have to do with the price of tea in China? We're talking about a 48-year old who was blessed with decent looks and probably would look pretty good, if she took care of herself and exercised for real instead of pretending to run half-marathons without breaking a sweat. I know plenty of 48-year olds, not to mention older women, who look d@mn good: athletic, health-conscious, gorgeous shiny hair that actually belongs to them...or lovely naturally gray hair that they wear well. Some of them (us) are size 6s; some are 2s and some are 14s. Not one would wish for a nanosecond to be the freak show that Sarah Palin has turned into.

  166. This is the way all repugbaggers answers questions:

    Q. Why do you like the color red?

    RA. Because it's red.

  167. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Some good analysis in the comments section:


  168. Anonymous4:36 PM

    @ 1:47 PM lillibird said...

    "Everything about Sister Sarah is fake.....have I forgotten anything?"

    Yep. Her height. She uses stilts for all public appearances because she wants to be tall like the first lady. I will give Michelle Bachmann credit for accepting her height and not using ridiculously high heels to create illusions like Sarah does for everything. It's all about the illusion.

  169. Anonymous4:44 PM

    Hipster troll likes to use LA gossip rag lingo to sound like the trolls are hip.

    BTW- Saying someone looks good for their age is a backhanded compliment. And looking good for 48 will never be as good as looking good for 20 something. As a matter of fact, the harder she tries the more she just comes off with a creepy "cougar lady down the street" look.

  170. Anonymous4:52 PM

    to anon 3:38 AM

    So there are 13 vids and 36,224 TOTAL views - that breaks down to under 2,800 views per vid. And I presume the bots rush around watching each and every one of them - so we can assume there are about 2,000 Palin supporters - yes, certainly not irrelevant! You 'betcha!

    Phuket Tom

  171. Anonymous5:25 PM

    You know if we want to know what's going on at C4P we can go over there ourselves. I can't think of anything more pointless or boring than reporting every stupid thing that happens over there.

  172. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Game of Life said...

    This is the way all repugbaggers answers questions:

    Q. Why do you like the color red?

    RA. Because it's red.
    4:14 PM
    Unless President Obama says: Its Red.
    Then suddenly they answer: Its blue.

  173. Anonymous5:33 PM


    That was an awfully short month.

  174. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Looking good for your age is one thing; trying desperately to not look your age is another. The first can be done, the second can be done too, it's just never good.

  175. Anonymous5:38 PM

    Let's see if we can vote it to #1 link for the dog lovers amongst us.
    4:45 PM
    How do we vote?

  176. Anonymous said...


    That was an awfully short month.


    "Take a month and then come back and show us what you've got."

    "Luckily, I don't have to go away for a month since my lawyer was able to give me an answer post haste."

    See how that works...problem solved!

  177. Since 5:25PM is so anxious to know what is going on at "Crazies4Palin"...I think I'll take a little visit to see if the patients have come down from their high of Baldy's speech and her half ass appearance on Chris Wallace's show.

    I should be back shortly with a full report...hang around 5:25PM...I would love to hear what you think!

    PS...Just to be clear...I'm going to "Crazies4Palin" and not C4P...the swingers club!

  178. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Press conference seems faked.

    What kind of diseased fucktard would fake a press conference?

  179. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Hey peeps. Apparently Sarah looks good for being ALMOST ano. Ano would not be good. Almost-ano definitely rocks, especially the lovely hands.

  180. Anonymous5:57 PM

    Sarah loves the color red because she can go from gutting a moose to CPAC and not have to change her clothes

  181. Anonymous said...
    You know if we want to know what's going on at C4P we can go over there ourselves. I can't think of anything more pointless or boring than reporting every stupid thing that happens over there.

    5:25 PM

    You might have a mouse in your pocket, and if so, please speak only for yourself and said mouse.

    I appreciate people taking one for the team and saving our slippers by giving us a report.

  182. LOL @5:25 who has easily demonstrated something more pointless and boring.

    It's time to quote from Saul Alinsky, who is not Satan but was a community organizer who worked to make poor people's lives better.

    "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage."

  183. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Check out the wind in this video! Wow, must be some heavy duty wig tape Sarah's using!

  184. Anita Winecooler6:20 PM

    I couldn't stop laughing at the photo of Baldy alongside the black bodyguard rent boy. She's got no hem, her clodhoppers are barely viewable, and Mr Rice Fill in is wearing dockers with the cuffs rolled up!

    The part of Trig palin (aka the prop) is being played by Sarah's blackberry, which she lovingly strokes, caresses, and talks to regularly, even if no one's on the other line. The photo op is as fake as she is.

    Loved the post, especially the news corpse one. Finally people are admitting that Baldy has become completely irrelevent.

    Thanks for the link to te boyculture post about the book signing with "F Troop" and Namcy French. So the guy was there and about 25 people showed up? ha ha ha!

    I had an eppiphany of sorts, Chunky Style Willow, at least, showed some class, apologizing to the guy for the "Fag" comments on facebook. Guess she really needed to give away Beefalo's book baaaaad!

    They should look into First Lady Obama's "Let's move" program.

  185. AKSyrin posted this on her blog and then took it down!

    " AkSyrin Sherry Whitstine
    Just saw Willow Palin workin at a local coffee shop. It must be her first job and the first day on the job. We tipped her $3.. It's..."

    This is what was left on her Twitter! I wonder if she received the "STOP BLOGGING! STOP BLOGGING NOW phone call! LOL!

  186. Anonymous6:50 PM

    "BTW- Saying someone looks good for their age is a backhanded compliment. And looking good for 48 will never be as good as looking good for 20 something......"

    For someone who looks malnourished, I guess Sarah Palin's huge head looks ok on her anorexic neck and boy body.

    I wish I was able to say Bristol is the only one with a huge wide face, but all the Palin females seems to have huge heads! That is why Bristol got the Jay Leno to attempt elongate her face. Nobody believes Bristol's lie that her long ass chin is the result of a mouth alignment and loss of 5 lbs.

  187. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I am posting before reading comments so forgive if I'm repeating, but what is with the length of her pants. This woman cannot dress herself appropriately to save her life! The jacket had promise until you got the lower half and now the whole thing is just a hot mess. I don't get her. She's a loon.

  188. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Looks like she is doin some fancy pageant walkin'.

  189. Syrin's tweeter about Willow is still up on her site.

  190. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Of course, the sartorially intelligent commenters noticed her unhemmed pants. What a piece of trash.

  191. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Wow, I ambled through this blog looking for at least one intelligent comment, but couldn't find a single one. Clearly a Liberal site since the only comments have to do with how badly people talk, dress or substance to any statements whatsoever.

    Lies? President Obama is the biggest liar of all, and he has you believing in him, nodding your little heads up and down like the good doggies in the back of a car window. I do not like her, but at least Sarah Palin is more open and honest with her comments than the entire Obama Administration.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.