Of course the only interesting thing about that to most of us was that Bristol was the ONLY contestant to actually gain weight. Which of course has suggested to most of us that there was a reason beyond laziness and poor eating habits that had to account for that.
November 2010, before the finals. H/T to Kajo. |
And it did.
However it mostly seemed to come from one EXTREMELY disturbed individual, who frenetically posted over and over again that we were all crazy and kept referring to this:
You fail to explain how she was slim in her week 9 costume. (Waltz)
And this:
Really because she was definitely flat bellied in some outfits in the later weeks of the show. Check out her waltz costume.
And of course this:
How did she gain "so much weight?" She clearly was no bigger than when she started. Compare her week 2 and week 8. 3 months is a long time for a pregnancy.
Her weight was pretty stable. Think of the physical a contestant would undergo
So I thought, well I like to be fair, let's all take a look at the video from Week 9 and judge whether she looked "flat bellied" or that she was really "no bigger than when she started."
By the way you are going to love this little trip through memory lane as it is chock full of Palin mythology, including the "golden child" reference, the blaming everything on Levi, the close family BS, and even features an appearance by Bristol BFF April Morlock.
My favorite part is that despite how tightly they wrapped her in Spanx for the actual dance, virtually EVERY other scene in the video shows her obvious weight gain.
In other words Palin fairy tale troll, EPIC FAIL!
![]() |
Bristol on The View after end of DWTS. Picture has only been lightened NOT photoshopped! |
I still think she just got fat. She's fat in the face, in the arms and thighs not just the belly. The pic of her pregnant in target just shows a pregnant belly not fat and cellulite everywhere like the picture above. The girl has emotional problems, it's not a stretch to believe that she binges.
ReplyDeleteThat's just what I see in the pictures. Pregnancy weight and simple fat show up differently.
And no I'm not a troll. I just think she is an emotional basket case and there were too many people around her on DWTS to use the bathroom to make herself puke.
Didn't she have her own trailer? Wasn't there a picture of her leaving her own trailer? Couldn't she have puked in there?
DeleteYes - The Stars each have their own trailer and therefore she had the privacy to puke is she needed.
DeleteTherefore Anon 7:14's comment is debunked
She has emotional problems (who wouldn't, after listening to Sarah whine?), she binges on the worst food anyone can eat, AND she was fat and pregnant.
DeleteIt's not either-or, it's both.
I suppose she could have... I don't know if she has ever made herself puke or not though.
DeleteIt's not debunked, I don't know if she ever made herself puke or not, I was just being rude. My comment does go to the fact that she gained weight over her whole body, not just the belly.
DeleteYou must never have been pregnant. You get fat where the baby is, in the rear, in the thighs, in the breasts, in the face--everywhere. That new picture shows a pregnant rear end.
DeleteO/T but hilarious! I just saw this link at Andrew Sullivan's..."How to Hide a Pregnancy" and the link goes to Tina Fey! LOL!!!
DeleteShe's reading a letter from someone who is called "Mudsomething"...maybe it's a Mudflatter who sent her the question...anyway here is the link to Tina answering the question..
No, she didn't, "just get fat".
DeleteThe point of this post is that every person who has been on DWTS has lost weight and gotten toned. Bristol is the only person who became larger with a obviously protruding belly.
Bristol acknowledged the weight gain by saying something along the lines of, "I had a more intense workout when I played basketball. The DWTS workout took my activity level down a notch."
Really. Actually. Said this.
However, she was saying something entirely different at that time. From the Daily Mail:
The prime-time show's relentless challenges took an emotional toll on single mum Bristol whose tears flowed backstage after Monday's performance.
'I'm exhausted, this is week seven now and I've been away from my home for the last two months,' she sobbed to pro-dance partner Mark Ballas.
'I'm tired, I want to go home and want to see my son. I know we got our highest scores ever but I'm just exhausted.'
This is a unbiased report that actually leans more in Bristol's favor. It reports that the workouts were grueling and Bristol was exhausted. You don't get fat from daily workouts like that.
As for appearing to have gained fat all over, that is very common in pregnancy. The reason is due to fluid retention. You gain as much as 50% more blood and body fluid to meet the demands of the developing fetus.
And yes, the photo above absolutely looks pregnant to me.
But, but,
DeleteBrisdull is STRONG!
That doesn't fit in with her being an "emotional basketcase"...
Is April Morlock still working for the Palins? She has an evil tongue. A vile girl when she attacked Bristol enemies on social media. Is she still employed as a troll?
DeleteYes, trolly...Uncle G is talking about YOU!
DeleteThen she went to Haiti and out popped the GodSon after the E interview in Az.
What is so Amazing to me, is that the Palins lie so "in your face"! I guess its b/c they hire idiots like Krusty to "correct the false narrative" EPIC FAIL!
She is not Fat she is PREGGO!
That waltz got one of her highest scores and grudging respect from viewers - but note, it was the haunting and dramatic score they danced to - very little having to do with the talent in the moves.
DeleteBristol, in classic Palin fashion, rode the coat-tails of a lovely piece to take credit as an accomplished dancer. FAIL!
She looks like a Pregnant 50 yr old woman if that's possible.
DeleteI guess in the paylin world that is possible.
And that squeaky voice. Like the Toad's.
What a bunch of Wasillahillbillies!
Never been pregnant, right? Worse yet, never looked at a photo of Bristle pregnant, right? She gets FAT when she's pregnant.
DeleteI think she got pregnant in July when she announced her re-engagement with Levi. She did not tell anyone she was preggos and then aborted just in the nick of time. She may have even miscarried, learning from mom about dangerous procedures, wild rides, etc., she took notes and WAS successful ending the pregnancy. No baby, but all the other side effects are right there before your eyes. She started to freak out when she was astonishingly able to go to the finals since it was harder to hide. I lost 5 lbs my first trimester with my first child just by walking the floors of a large box store during a mgmnt training program. I was not burning 7500 calories a day. No explanation for brisdull's experience other than a pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteThat whole re-engagement thing in July was very, very strange. What up with that?
DeleteCould the decision of doing a slow waltz on week 9 be because she was pregnant and they wanted to take it a little easier on her body?
DeleteRe-engagement would be interesting to reexamine. Also, when was she in Anchorage? Ben Barber and suddenly Levi was at the condo. Britta also lived with Bristol and Tripp, that was what we were told. If I recall right, the engagement break up was b/c Bristol thought Levi got another girl pregnant, enter Lanesia again. Bristol's obsession with 'baby' lore is the obsession that needs examining. For those that know Gino, beyond the myth, how many times has she accused him of knocking someone up? He must be a prisoner so that sweet Bristol does not have to obsess on if he is out cheating or not.
DeleteI knew a girl that had similar problems to Bristol. She was pregnant all the time it seemed. Would disappear and come back with no baby and new boyfriends. She went on like that into her thirties. They finally figured out how to sterilize her we think. Family had money and they would go back to acting like nothing had happened. No one knew where the babies ended up.
Just saying there are some extreme mental cases when it comes to having babies. It is hard to figure out the reality.
My theory is that the whole re-engagement episode was a plot to force Levi to apologize (to Sarah), with the goal being to make anything Levi had to say be not credible from then on.
DeleteBristol went behind her mother's back and got back with Levi. They planned the magazine announcement. Sarah's Lawyer negotiated the contract giving bristol 75% and Levi 25%. They planned a reality show. Granny wasn't having it. Levi said too many things about her. he was on her shitlist and no one ever makes it off her shitlist. She arranged for Levi to make the public apology and then knowing Bristol was extremely jealous, granny told her that Levi had gotten Bristol's former nemesis (laneisha) pregnant. She smears Levi's credibility and gets Bristol back into the fold offering her on of the apartments on the compound where Granny could control her.
DeleteThen Granny throws Bristol the DWTS consolation bone and the rest is history.
I question the abortion/miscarriage scenario. It usually includes heavy bleeding and lethargy (weakness). There is no way she could have been dancing and going thru the physical requirements needed. I, for one, never had morning sickness with my 4 pregnancies and had to be very careful about over eating(cravings) and my doctor never wanted me to gain over 20 pounds. Her cravings may have been too much and the old wives tale about eating for two was very compelling with her exercise regime. Perhaps she felt it would burn off all the calories. It obviously didn't! Her face had pregnancy written all over it. She was thick across the back from being so constricted in the front. That mass growing in her body had to go somewhere! Tight abs doesn't do it. Her muscle tone was compromised from the early pregnancy(ies) and it takes 9 months to have a baby and at least 9 months to recuperate. It took a lot of spanx to hold that blubbery mass of stretched muscle in if she wasn't pregnant! I would loose 20 to 30 pounds after my babies (from nursing) but my belly was like a sponge. That belly on her was solid!
Delete"Bristol went behind her mother's back and got back with Levi. They planned the magazine announcement. Sarah's Lawyer negotiated the contract giving bristol 75% and Levi 25%. They planned a reality show. Granny wasn't having it. "
DeleteWhen I read that I feel so sad for Bristol. She did try to escape her captive, only to be used and abused again. Levi too, but he is not as mentally fragile and living with the ogre. How can lost souls like that be reached? How can they even begin a journey of healing with all the tangled webs and enticements. They only know the fake and believe that is the real.
In the final analysis, emotionally bonding with an abuser is actually a strategy for survival for victims of abuse and intimidation.
"How did yesterday's superstar become today's political pariah?"
Simple, she is a criminal. Everything about her so called political career is built on a foundation of FRAUD.
Bristol wouldve done dwts with or without Levi. He even mentioned this.
DeleteI think you're beginning to obsess over the reproductive status of the Palin clan. I've long ago lost sight of what the point of this obsession might have been.
ReplyDeleteWhen lies become the very fabric you wrap ones self into produces an aura of accomplishment, it is that very fabric of failures that will lead to your downfall.
DeleteIt is not the pregnancy(s) in this family that is so intriguing, it is why they lie in it.
Obsession? No, it's fascination observing the machinations of a mafia-like secretive clan bent on taking everything they can from the clueless, and whining about everyone else.
DeleteThat, and observing their hypocrisy, which oozes from them in everything they say and do.
A good example is that few seconds in the video where Bristol is giving an abstinence speech to, who else but, the clueless. And now she's in a "trial marriage" with (note the lie in the video about "one boyfriend") the 4th man who's shared her home and bed.
The matriarch still wants to be POTUS, that is why we have to expose the lies.
Delete"4th man"
DeleteUm, Bristol's never lived with anyone alone. And she's had 2 boyfriends (if you count Ben who was a friend first). But thanks for playing.
Besides still having political ambitions, Sarah and Bristol both make money from talking about sex (or abstaining from sex). This issue is very relevant, still.
Deletewell since we're posting Palin FamFic, here's today's entry from c4p:(purportedly from $carah's brother)
I had a hockey game tonight and when it was over, I talked with a couple of my teammates about Sarah. They asked me, "Why does she still get so much attention when she's not running for anything?". I told them that I think it's because she speaks for the majority of us, and she has a gift of going straight to the heart of whatever matter confronts her. We all are pretty passionate about what we believe in, but she has the fearlessness to put her face out there, and like Sarah has said herself, "Damn the torpedoes!". She knows she's going to get hammered by the left for stating her views, but she has one very powerful ally behind her: the truth. It's pretty easy for her (at least I think) to go out on a limb and touch an issue that others would avoid because it might be "controversial", when she is confident that she's stating a fact. And one other thing: you never know with Sarah, I think she will be a force for many years to come. I'm very proud of her.
p.s. We lost our game, I broke my nose, and the VAST majority of hockey players I know support Sarah."
Reality check for Chuckie Jr:
Hey idiot - you play in a fucking beer league - you aren't a hockey player and you likely don't know any either - you and your ice buddies are other things and your hobby is you pay to "play" a game you were never really good enough at beyond high school to "BE" a player in. Face it, you all have day jobs.
And you're stupid enough not to wear the basic safety equipment like a cage for a fucking game where what is at "stake" is maybe a T-shirt, but more likely a six pack.
As fro our stupid sister Chuckie, she can say stuff because nobody is listening anymore. Speaking of day jobs, $carah best be finding herself one soon. That PAC gravy train is getting low - and BTW< how much is she paying you to post in the peepond with RAM/Brian? Does she pay you directly, or does it come through one of those shill companies, like RAM's Petrus?
If one even believed that was in fact Chuckie Jr. to begin with. Well, JUNIOR, it is a FACT that your sister does NOT speak for the majority of Americans nor does she speak the TRUTH. Too many hockey sticks to your head?
DeleteHere's the thing, little Chuck - the men want to fuck her. That's all it is. But they can't tell YOU, her BROTHER that to your face.
DeleteWomen who like her think that men will like them because they like Sarah - They think they could be a sort of stand-in to take the sausage for and in the name of Sarah...
... "Why does she still get so much attention when she's not running for anything?" ??
DeleteBecause it's like watching the police chase a drunk driver -- everybody wants to watch her crash.
Blogs like this have been "calling the cops" on Sarah since she got falling-down drunk on power in '08.
I saw that comment this morning as well, and think Toddlers4Sarah's "Chuckie Jr." is about as real as Daffy Duck. Strike that, Daffy's more legit! How the hell is Chuckles even able to think straight and post a long comment the morning after supposedly breaking his nose? That shit hurts like fire! Wouldn't he be packed and loaded on pain killers? And yet the dingalings are slathering over him and commiserating "as if." I remember that this same commenter wrote a heartfelt open letter to the teenyboppers shortly after his "sis" announced she wasn't going to run for Queen of the World--and that started a rush to donate to the Botox-n-Crunch Wrap Supreme fund. Maybe it's our pal RAM?
DeleteOld Chuckie Jr. must not play hockey often or very well. In that Easter pic with his replacement wife (wasn't she his mistress? Ah, those Palin family values on display again)and kid he looked like he's gained about 75 pounds. I guess once he got the younger model he just let himself go.
DeleteHe'll say anything to keep the money coming in since he now has 2 families to support.
Could you sound more jealous? Get a life.
DeleteLOL @ whoever when you said "Because it's like watching the police chase a drunk driver -- everybody wants to watch her crash."
DeleteHow true and it makes me think of that slow police chase with OJ Simpson.
Wow, talk about undeserved hate. I'd hate to live in your house. The hate you exude probably peels the paint.
DeleteWhat a surprise, Kristy's up first on a Bristol post.
ReplyDeleteGreat post Gryphen but I still wish you would show the stills (or the actual video- which I personally cannot locate AT all) of Bristol giving Giuliana Rancic from E! the grand tour of her Arizona home. (Which seems to have been used as a birthing center for little Trixxie Toddlin Palin Johnston (?) Barber (?) Paoletti (?) and not much else)
Her stage of pregnancy in that video is simply astounding. Not to mention the body double used at the very end, presumably because Bristol was in process of or had just given birth. I still am shocked the video didn't garner more attention.
The "I was a golden child until I met Levi" remark pissed me off. I guess Bristol forgot her many PUBLIC remarks detailing her drug use and promiscuity "pre and post" Levi as our resident troll-marm Kristy would say.
How about you just shove it... just because I think she just got fat and don't agree with you doesn't make me a troll, Kristy or a Palin cousin.
DeleteI have a working brain that I can use to make my own judgments.
So how about you get over yourself, express your own opinions(I don't feel the need to call you a conspiracy loon because of them) and let others have their own opinions without your name calling and snark.
AnonymousApr 24, 2012 08:12 AM
DeleteOUCH! Nyah must have stepped ALL over a nerve with YOU! LOL!!!
Keep it up Nyah!
We need to see that or else we know why it was shuttered.
Bristol Palin opens up, gives tour of Arizona home
DeleteRead more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/region_central_southern_az/maricopa/bristol-palin-opens-up,-gives-tour-of-arizona-home#ixzz1sykmeZIs
Yep, she's pregnant:
This side-by-side comparison pic I made last November isn't the Rancic video - but I think you'll get the drift...
The house tour video is now missing? I can't pull it up and it doesn't come up in a search. The only one I could find was a head shot of her talking about Gino. Another Palin family MO - deleting incriminating video and pictures.
DeleteThey just don't realize that this makes them look guilty. If there was nothing there, why delete it?
Apparently it wasn't Kristy. It was "Why don't you just shove it" Willow.
Delete"The house tour video is now missing? I can't pull it up and it doesn't come up in a search. The only one I could find was a head shot of her talking about Gino. Another Palin family MO - deleting incriminating video and pictures."
DeleteWho put the missing video out and who owns it? They are willing or unwilling particpants in a crime? The bigger one as well as this one Bristol cover up. Rancic was with Bristol that day, it is hard to believe the whole production company didn't know what was really going on. I can't wait for this thing to unravel. People should write to Rancic and company and inquire about the missing video and more.
A-B-O-R-T-I-O-N 'cept good Christian gals don't do those sortsa things. Course it could be she went in and found out it was a girl and then went to PP and had it removed so she could just have boys. Isn't that what PP thinks is happening in the latest effort by the right wingnuts to discredit PP is all about?
ReplyDeleteI think that if she just got fat, then that's fine.
ReplyDeleteShe should have talked about it & not gone one and on talking about how dancing wasn't as tough an exercise routine as she was used to & how the other contestants were just nervous.
It would have been very inspiring to see someone talk about the pressures of daiy life & about binge eating. She could have turned that into appearances on many, many talk shows.
But she didn't. I wonder why?
Because she lives with a mom obsessed with looks and appearance. Bristol is emotionally damaged, evidenced by the plastic surgery on a perfectly fine 20 yr old face and the binge eating. Both things she lied about. She could never admit this in public, it would embarrass her mother.
DeleteInteresting how she claimed that she was in such good shape before DWTS that the dancing was no big thang. If that was the case, why don't we see pics of BrisDULL lookin buff before DWTS?! At BEST she was "skinny/fat"...a girl who is not overweight, yet totally without tone or muscle. A girl with a higher BMI for her wieght catagory. Mush, in other words.
DeleteIt was painful to watch it the first time and many times more so this time. The only person in the history of DWTS to gain weight
ReplyDeleteShe's blowed up real good, and that ain't from just eating too much food. I have never seen the top pic before. Crap-fest, I am going to the SPANxs store tonight, if they can squeeze that gut down to normal size, there's hope for me!
ReplyDeleteoh spanx you might be my new best friend. Big shout out to Bristol, you could be their new spokes person! Because trying to wiggle out of a spanx in a tent, just ain't happening!
I too haven't seen the last photo until today either, and you're absolutely correct, "it ain't from just eating too much food". But either way, she doesn't seem to be trying very hard to hide it. Could it have been an act of defiance towards her mother or low self esteem? The first possibility may seem rather far out, but why would she allow herself to be photographed with her belly protruding out like she is in the last photograph? You would think she would at least try to hide it whether she is pregnant or just fat.
DeleteLevi, you definitely UPGRADED. I hope that the last one she dropped was not yours.
ReplyDeletePsychosis definitely runs in this family.
ReplyDeleteI think you're projecting again.
Exacly she probably got super stressed and ate like an animal that even working out she was + on calorie count....
ReplyDeleteYou gain more weight on later pregnancies than on first pregnancies. Except if you give birth to a pillow.
ReplyDeleteHeehee :)
DeleteActually, I gained 50 pounds with my first pregnancy and only 25 with the second. I learned that I wasn't actually eating for "2" and made sure I continued my daily exercise routine. So that's not a valid argument.
DeleteI just don't get it. I don't. What is going on with this mixed up family & why are they on my TV? I just don't get it.
ReplyDeleteThat picture of Bristol with Sherry convinced me she was pregnant.
ReplyDeleteBut why isn't anyone but us commenting on it? I never heard a peep about her appearance when it aired.
DeleteThat is pretty obvious, too.
The blogs were all over that last picture of her w/Sherri Shepherd. People have just moved on. We feel that poor Bristol must lie in her own bed of poo that she has made of her life and just get on with it. She has an awful mother, no education, an undetermined amount of children at age 21 and no prospects besides reality TV and now being a ghostwritten-blogging shill and fundraiser for her mother. That in itself should make us feel sorry for her, but somehow I just can't bring myself to.
DeleteThen explain why she doesn't look like that at all on GMA that same day.
DeleteBristol must lie in her own bed of poo that she has made of her life and just get on with it. She has an awful mother *
Delete* Bristol's bed of poo has criminal implications with tenacles going back to the Big Hoax and John McCain. Another creep and master of cover up. He has not been fully vetted or revealed. It is not good to move on from any of their stunts without thoroughly documenting and examing each one. It's a foul job but someone's got to do it or this country is doomed with scam artists that can do untold damage.
This will probably prompt Bristol to run up to her mommy and say "Look what they're doing?!! They're hating me again. Do something!!"
ReplyDeleteOscar Winning Supporting Actress of 2012 Octavia Spencer admitted that she wore 3 layers of Spanx to the SAG Awards and almost passed out.
Beyonce has admitted to wearing 2 layers of Spanx on tour.
In LaLaLand they will go to any extremes to change their appearance 'for the camera'.
And then there's "A la Brisket"
Well, I don't think Beyonce was pregnant. But your point still stands.
DeleteI think Beyonce pulled a scam. I saw her on a program where her tummy actually folded. Amazing. But, of course, she denied it.
DeletePat Padrnos
During the show Bristol was 19/20 years old. At that age I could eat ANYTHING and still look good.
ReplyDeleteCombine that with a daily dance routine, and more than enough money to enroll in every diet program on the planet and she should have lost weight like EVERYBODY else.
I would be very surprised if her pudgy looks were just caused by too many milkshakes. Not possible.
Don't worry about what they write about you. Measure it in inches.
DeleteIt's sad you dedicate your lives to writing words that don't matter.
It was striking to hear the negative messaging from the Godmother Madame Sarah in that video: all the whining about "haters". And Bristol herself whined too, picking up her cues from the wimpy mama grizzly.
ReplyDeleteI honestly cannot think of a time when either of them have said something that wasn't self serving, at the same time positive or celebratory. There's never any "other" in their comments, always "me, me, me".
Another thing: it must have been a first in the history of DWTS that a Funeral Waltz was danced. Not very uplifting to see the dead flat black worn by both Mark and Bristol. It must have been depressing for the stylists and seamstresses to sew that gown.
Did the gown remind any of you, like it did me, of the ugly black-on-black disguises...er, outfits The Godmother Madame Sarah wore during her 44 day "pregnancy"?
Reminds me of Morticia Addams or Elvira.
DeleteIn the Rancic interview, she said she can take the haters, but that she "hopes no one has to go through that."
DeleteI sincerely hope YOU never have to endure the way you treat Bristol. YOUD CRUMBLE.
SSRIs cause weight gain and some anti-anxiety meds create a great big belly. Hell, I'd be on all sorts of drugs if I grew up in that household.
ReplyDeleteNot necessarily. Weight gain is a recognized side effect of ssri meds, true, but not everyone is affected. Same with anti-anxiety meds. Weight loss is also a recognized side effect. It depends on the physiology of the person taking them. (My weight hasn't changed over many years, just sayin'.) However, it's possible Bristol got the brain fog side effect, and just forgot that she'd already eaten and reached for a second, third, fourth helping.
DeleteSorry but the weight gain does NOT happen that quickly!!
DeleteEspecially on a 19 year old.
Yeah, and Bristol took birth control pills to regulate her uncomfortable periods. She missed one pill and bingo! She also had jaw realignment surgery, not cosmetic surgery meant to enhance her features. Bristol has had too many medical procedures and episodes for such a young lady-- especially one who was a star athlete and a fit dancer. Let's face it, Bristol had sex and the result of it was getting pregnant. If someone came along and took her baby (or made her give it up) maybe that would be a cause of depression. Even having another kid, what a trip, didn't make up for it, especially watching him being used as a prop. Bristol would have to have some very serious emotional issues to gain that kind of weight. The most likely cause is pregnancy; it always gets Sarah's attention like nothing else can.
DeleteEven the tendency to gain weight from SSRI's would be negated by the amount of physical activity that DWTS contestants go through.
DeleteDWTS Mark Ballas looks so happy this year with Katherine Jenkins, he doesn't have to drag a lazy fat ass tub of lard around the dance floor like he did in DWTS season 11.
ReplyDeleteIt looks like his back has recovered from his season with Beefalo Palin.
His partner this year has energy, very pretty and has a personality.
Not only that, Mark's partner this year has talent and can really sing and does not rely on her mother to get things for her.
Plus, his partner has a gorgeous smile and smiles often! She's a natural in front of the camera too. I hope they win.
DeleteI'd love to know what Mark 'really' thought of Palin. I'm guessing he had to constantly baby and encourage her far and above what he has had to do w/other partners throughout the years. Plus, imagine having Sarah involved was a pain in the ass to the everyone on the show.
Eventually, the 'real' story of DWTS involving the Palins will be written about or leaked!
What? Mark's not still hagning around with Brisket in his off-time? I thought they were such good buds!
DeleteWas that a Brisket look-a-like in a fat suit?
ReplyDeleteThat's not Bristol Palin the basketball athlete with excellent work ethics is it?
Get real. That is NOT a FLAT belly. That is a protruding belly reined in with serious shapewear. It's hard to believe that she simply got fat. Didn't BrisDULL claim that she didn't loose weight because she was already in such "great shape"?! With ALL that additional physical work over WEEKS can you imagine the amount of food she would have to be consuming in order to gain so much weight?
ReplyDeleteNice comb-over, April.
To gain that much weight, she would have had to spend more time eating than dancing.
DeleteAdd the fact, that most everyone that would have eaten that much, would then have been puking while dancing.
Exactly! Exercise burns calories, calories don't come from nowhere. She would have had to be eating every waking moment including during rehearsal to pack on that kind of poundage.
DeleteWhere is everybody today? There are so few responses on all the posts. Did everybody have computer problems yesterday like I did? Weird.
ReplyDeleteWRT Bristol's weight gain - I guess I'm in the camp that she just binged - a lot. As noted earlier, her weight seems to show all over, especially in her arms and face. (That being said, when I was pregnant, I gained weight all over too). In the absence of other evidence (a Gusty-type picture), I'd give her he benefit of the doubt and just say she got fat.
Check out THE VIEW photo..that's a preggers belly.
DeleteBut that isn't what happened. Everyone at DWTS knows this and they had to sign non disclosure documents. She was pregnant.
DeleteYou can be both pregnant AND a binge eater at the same time.
DeleteI think that if I were pregnanat and in her position, I would surely be binging.
Re: non-disclosure agreements.
DeleteWasn't this the first time DWTS had people sign these?
Re: non-disclosure agreements - it's the ONLY time that DWTS had people sign these.
DeleteWe had an area power blackout when the segment on weight was coming on. We missed it.
ReplyDeleteSo I have no idea whether they showed Bristle :(
They did not...but Kyle Massey lost 20 pounds, and Melissa Gilbert has gone from a size 6 to a 2, although I don't see how that bustline fit into a 6.
DeleteThe bustline didn't change because it's silicone enhanced...
DeleteWhen will these passe Paylins go away? They want to be hated, so let's not give them the satisfaction. We know what they are, no need to feed the flames of the "pity me" Paylins. Hate uses too much energy that we should focus on more worthwhile ventures, ie Obama 2012 and Warren in 2016.
ReplyDeletePersonally I think Paylins' next gigs should include WWE in a celebrity tag team match. You know those girls fight dirty so WWE fans can get an eyeful of those surgical scars and fillers. Paylins don't forget they'll be showing your pores and zits on the BIG Screen in HD!
LOL - the thought of that made me giggle. :-))
Bristol is the only person to appear on DWTS, participate in grueling weekly practices and gain weight. Even heavy men and women lost weight. They brag about it. Bristol would have had to #1 do no practicing #2 do little dancing #3 spend all of her time binge eating to gain that much weight.
ReplyDeleteBristol's life is manipulated by her mother. It's very sad. Bristol posed for a magazine cover in white, along with Levi and Tripp (also wearing white) proclaiming another engagement and hopes for a TV reality series. Sarah quickly put an end to that dream and put Bristol on DWTS. Bristol had no talent for dancing, not much of a personality and just average looks. The people who design costumes for DWTS did a heroic job working with Bristol, disguising her waistline, putting her in modest, non-revealing costumes with lots of flowing skirts. Bristol was bound and corseted, spanx'd and beautifully made up so we wouldn't notice what she and Levi had been planning. (We'll never know if it was Levi's or not, anyway).
I feel sorry for Bristol who has to announce her life in the tabloids. Look at me, I'm tired of Hollywood, I'm moving back to Alaska to lead a normal life and take care of my normal kid, I mean, look at me, I'm gonna star in "life's a Tripp" and put my adorable kid on display, look at me, I'm living with a guy and he's "fixin' up our house," this time we'll call it a trial marriage.
Bristol's only goal in life seems to be having a "reality" show (it's fake) and crafting a false image of herself. The truth is that the reality of her life is too much to bear. She can't face it. It would take years of therapy to undo the work of her domineering, manipulative mother. The only way that Bristol has a chance at survival would be, literally, to take the money and run.
Bristol, honey. You have several choices here. You can hope that your mother can still swing enough clout to put you on TV. You know what will happen. You will get laughed off TV just as fast. Please accept the truth and know that you just don't have whatever it takes to stay on TV and pull off a "reality" series. You can't even fake reality.
Bristol, seriously, you can afford to move some place, get therapy and shed all of that baggage. All that Sarah tempts you with are material things-- a big house, a big car and a TV show that is beyond your scope and talent. Wouldn't it be wonderful to lead of normal life, take care of your child (children), come to terms with having to give up things that were precious to you? You could be the first one in your family to actually grow up, work at becoming a mature, independent woman and find some peace and pleasure in this world. It's a hard struggle, but it is worth it in the end. Your choices are to remain a child that will be bullied and managed by a domineering mother or leave, grow and grow up. If you stay, you will only pass it all on to Tripp, and he will pass it on to his family. You'll read this, be defensive and write some troll comments. Try a different reaction, and think about breaking the cycle.
I had forgotten about the shot of her on The View. That young lady had a definite pregnancy going on. She may have tried to cover it a bit with that vest - but her tummy is bulging. Sorry Bristol. You are not as smart as you may think.
ReplyDeletePat Padrnos
Sure looks like a baby bump to me.
DeleteHow could she have appeared on The View wearing that shapeless tee shirt and a vest? She had nothing more flattering to wear?
DeleteO/T but far more uplifting. And I fully agree with this amazing teacher.
ReplyDelete'I couldn't be prouder that you're my President'
I guess I'm in the camp that she has emotional problems, is a binge eater, and could very well have been pregnant. Abortion? Who the hell knows. My next door neighbors are evangelical hardcore republicans. There daughter has emotional problems, is a binge eater AND has had an abortion and a miscarriage. If I didn't know any better I'd think I was living next door to the Palins....
ReplyDeleteThe Palins make the Lohans look like the Cleavers.
DeleteYou don't have a falling-down ugly hand-made fence between your yards, do you?
DeleteDo they take photo's of you sitting on your back deck & claim you are looking at them?
I'll agree, Bristol has emotional problems. We can start with a mother who was wrapped up in local politics, always looking to game the system and probably had little time for her kids (by choice). Kids who need attention act out, and when they don't get the attention they are looking for, they act out even more. Once Bristol saw her mother's reaction to "she thinks I'm pregnant and she took away my phone" you betcha Bristol did everything she could to get Sarah to notice her: drinking, sleep outs (camping) with boys, sex sex sex. "She thinks I'm a stoner." Maybe that too. Not only would it get Sarah's attention, it might hurt her political career-- that'll show her, then she might have to stay home and take care of us kids. (It's no surprise that both Track and Willow have had some episodes of vandalism, too. Piper? We watched her get bratty on that bus trip last summer, pushing reporters and screaming at them).
DeleteWhen I was nineteen, I was taking dance classes. There is no way I would have gained weight and I only danced for two hours a day. The fact that every other DWTS dancer experienced weight loss, even professional athletes, tells me that something usual was happening to Bristol's body. Her ungainliness is also noted. As we have often heard, many overweight people are "light on their feet." Not our Bristol. I felt sorry for Mark that he literally had to drag her across the stage. That ain't dancing; that's hauling.
ReplyDeleteAnd his beautiful, slim, shapely partner this year makes Bristol look like a big old oak tree by comparison.
DeleteOn the 20/20 segment last night, I think I saw a brief flash of Bristles in that blue military dress. Just a flash, no name mentioned at all. I am mystified as to WHY the Palins are so hell bent on reality shows, when they have not one iota of talent, are not that attractive, and have so many secrets to keep hidden. Who cares what they are doing, shacking up with, etc? I have a feeling that Piper, with the role models she has, will be a terror once she hits puberty.
ReplyDeleteRealty shows are about realty - which equals the Palins.
DeleteRealty shows don't require a lot of work - which equals the Palins.
Realty shows bring in lots of $$ - which equals the Palins.
That gives me another ideal for a Palin reality show...follow Piper through puberty! Nothing is below Sarah Palin to pimp her kids out, so I wouldn't be surprised if this really happened. She's such a POS!
DeleteBecause it doesn't take any talent to do one, they can control the narrative to their advantage, and still make lots of money, you know, that thing the Palin's worship.
Delete"On the 20/20 segment last night, I think I saw a brief flash of Bristles in that blue military dress. Just a flash"
DeleteDid you miss the segment that showed the huge cement truck outside of McDonalds?
Look at it again, that was Bristol eating her Diet Big Mac, diet large fries, diet apple pie and diet large milk shake Happy Meal.
The mamma grizzly has another title to add to her name: VP Disaster. Essentially the same conclusion every article and blog has in talking about Mitt's VP selection: not another VP Disaster like Palin.
It is terrific that is how Palin will be referred to in history, along with all her propaganda pieces. Documented farces like the Undefeated and her more recent reincarnation as a Breitbart activist like James O'Keefe.
DeleteI wish they would not leave John McCain's name out of those comparisons. Palin did not do that alone. She had plenty of help. One day we must know all the names of all the criminals.
With the extra pigging out and all the "dancing" she most likely would have stayed the same weight, not gained weight..something else was growing and it wasn't just fat.
ReplyDeleteIn the first picture she even has the sway back of pregnancy, eating too much doesn't cause that. I think the Palin's love to do things that are in your face, like being on the hot line to TMZ, then they turn around and use the comments to play the victim.
ReplyDeleteYep, that sway is definitely what got me to believe the DWTS pregnancy theory. My mom always guessed people were pregnant long before they showed or told....she could tell by their body language alone. A woman naturally starts standing and walking different when pregnant, that's also how I knew Sarh faked hers.
DeleteThe picture with the caption "November 2010, before the finals. H/T to Kajo" definitely shows a baby bump.
ReplyDeleteQuestions are:
Who is the baby's daddy this time?
Who adopted the DWTS baby?
Was the DWTS baby aborted?
How come Sarah Palin didn't take the DWTS baby off of Bristol's hands like she did the other one, Trig? No more embarrassing fake wild rides for Sarah? The next wild ride is reserved for Willow?
Don't you remember hearing about a toddler she introduced as her "godson" when she was in LA with the Masseys? I recall one of the Masseys saying something about how they were learning about "toddlers" and then another comment about things being "complicated".
DeletePat Padrnos
ReplyDeleteHah!!! Loved the "quote" from Levi.
DeleteFirst time I've seen that site. I laughed out loud! We used to buy the paper once in a while just to read the "articles".
That picture of Bristol standing next to Sherri Shepards fooled me.
ReplyDeleteI almost thought it was Sarah Palin's assistant, the one who blew up in size too. I'm sorry I forgot her name. The one who belittled Bristol.
That would be RAM. RAM is an interesting person, who is a 'fight to the death' Palin supporter. From what I know, she was picked up by Palin when RAM was working for "Conservatives4Palin". She actually works for SarahPAC as a speech writer and as the ghost writer. About a year ago she married her lesbian partner in New England, I can't remember the exact location. I thought then she would quit working for Palin and do something different, but she didn't and went back to work for Palin again. I thought it was interesting, but also out of character for RAM to write anything negative about any member of the Palin family. I think she wrote it to a friend she thought she could trust, or wrote it on her Facebook account to her friend which was read by one her friends friend.
DeleteHey Sarah did you call DWTS to see if they are interested in Todd for next season?
ReplyDeleteI'm sure they never had a pimp as a contestant before. It's not like they have to be stars or talented.
They did have Bristol on the show before, looks like they would take anybody.
It's hard on the dance floor for a pimp.
DeleteI can't imagine how Willow has been so silent, watching her big sister rake in the goodies: a couple of houses, maybe a TV show. When is Willow going to ask for hers? Oh, she didn't give up anything to Sarah, but she should be demanding a price for her silence.
DeleteCome on Bristol..5 days to drive 3044 from Wasilla to LA with a toddler..600 miles a day alone with a toddler????
ReplyDeleteAnd it's not as thought she'd be driving through the desert on a flat straight road, or wouldn't have to take 3 ferries to get there. Even if everything went her way, she wants us to believe she drove six straight 11 hour days to LA. Puh-lease...
DeleteI wonder how Sarah Palin feels about pimps who take advantage of down and out women with special needs kids?
ReplyDeleteI wonder if a man pimped out single mother Bristol, would Sarah be as quiet about it as she is with Todd pimping out Shailey Tripp?
Sarah seems to have strong opinions of others and publicly announced she wants to lynch them.
Does Sarah think Todd should be lynched or it is okay what Todd did? It is just Boys Will Be Boys? Todd will be Todd?
"Sandusky has been charged with abusing eight boys over a 15-year period. He denies the charges, but the scandal has forced the ouster of the university's president and legendary football coach Joe Paterno, among others."
Palin continued: “As for the perp and perps that allowed the sinfulness to go on as they had allowed in the past, you know, I say about this assistant coach Sandusky: Hang him from the highest tree. I’ll bring the rope.”
When Van Susteren reminded Palin about the need to be found guilty in a court of law before being punished, Palin toned it down to say she would "bring the rope if he is guilty of what has been alleged."
“If he abused these young children and ruined their lives, unless they get a lot of help, Greta, in order to deal with the victimization that they are now suffering from, he needs to be punished to the fullest extent of the law if he is truly guilty.”
Palin's words caused a stir on Twitter on Wednesday morning with both sides represented -- "HANGINGS 2 GOOD 4 HIM!" and "I agree" as well as "She's a lyncher" and "Must insert herself."
I wonder if DWTS would of announced that the winner of DWTS would receive a trophy and two pork chops, do you think Bristol would of at least tried harder? Do you think Bristol would of moved and danced instead of being towed around the dance floor like a giant plump sausage encased in shrink wrap?
ReplyDeleteHoly shit!
ReplyDeleteThat picture of Bristol with Sherri Sheperd was photographed at the end of the DWTS competition?
No way! That picture of Bristol must of been a couple of days before Tripp was born or at least before the DWTS competition started.
You got to be shitting me?
WTF happened to Bristol?
People always go on that show and brag about how much weight they lost, not how much they gain!
That picture was taken the morning after the final night of DWTS when the trophy was awarded.
DeleteAs in the other series of DWTS, the top 3 couples board a private plane to NYC after the DWTS show and Jimmy Kimmel for appearances on Good Morning America and The View the next morning.
The reason that Sherri is holding the sparkling ball is that it was a joke, Hey Bristol, this is what you would have won if you had won on DWTS. The sparkling ball would have no purpose before Tripp was born-- in fact, Bristol kept a very low profile before Tripp was born. First, her mother was running for VP, then her mother lost her race for VP, and we didn't see Bristol until she had her first big interview with Greta, months later.
DeleteThere were loads of shots of her with her bulge. At the Airport for example.
ReplyDeleteSo these women are liars, we know it, they don't seem to realize that they are known liars.
Liars, Liars, Liars.
That lady from the View is a big woman but is a dwarf compared to Bristol. What happened to Bristol? Bristol looks all swollen up up and everything?
ReplyDeleteWas it Bristol's time of the month again? You know pregnant!
There is a very disturbing element to all this and no one can put their finger on it. As a mother, I don't want to insult Bristol, ever. She is an attractive girl, weight on or weight off. Watching her celebrity life, since Sarah's VP run, from the sidelines, would be a study for psychologists. But from a mother's heart, it grieves me to see what Bristol has gone through with this heavy uncontrollable wild that she was forced into.
ReplyDeleteFrom all moms and dads out there, imagine if Bristol were our own child. I don't think we'd permit this merry-go-round ride on our child who: was dating young boys at 15, going out without chaperones on overnight camping trips, with alcohol, Leaving our young teenage girl at our sister's most of the time, or fending for herself and expecting her to cook and clean for her younger siblings, while trying to get through high school, competitive sports, and trying to adjust from being a child to a woman.
We wouldn't wait until we were almost 7 months pregnant to tell our children we were pregnant. Why do that? We wouldn't shock the oldest daughter with that news. Any parent would know that would create distrust between parent/child. It would raise questions from a sixteen-year-old. She'd feel left out of the loop from mom. Why didn't mom and dad confide in her? This speaks of a strange kind of relationship this family had.
Then, there are two possibilities about the next phase: Sarah is Trig's biological child or isn't. If Sarah was not Trig's biological mother and Bristol was, then here we have another huge dysfunctional chapter in Bristol's life where she has to endure giving up her baby, go through all the drama that ensued, the emotions, tears, all the angry feelings welled up in one young girl. Then her mother might have people sign non-disclosure papers legally promising that they wouldn't speak of the cover-up. Can anyone imagine all this loaded onto one girl's back, while she's trying to survive a relationship with her on-again off-again boyfriend? Then he goes off and does the PlayGirl stint, and Sarah creates the angry atmosphere at home and gets Bristol to get back at him........on and on it goes. Is this something we parents would do to our daughter?
Can anyone imagine here how all this abuse compounds itself in a young teenage girl's mind? Her mom and dad are using her and her siblings in ways that would be termed "emotional abusive" "psychological torture" - and the truth is never known because the Palins can hide it so well, so that mom Sarah can continue in her quest for power and money.
Now, if Trig is Sarah's true biological child, then it still compounds emotional/mental upheaval with Bristol, as her pregnancy came second fiddle to mom's VP campaign, rising star, only to fizzle and then mom makes Bristol do the talk show go-around with her baby, abstinence tour, mag splashes nation-wide, which would drive any sane young girl to a therapist's office. In fact, I would be very worried about a young girl who went through all that intense 4-year emotional roller-coaster ride. I would be indeed very worried, as a mother.
I can't believe these publicity hounds like Dr. Drew and others don't see this spectable of abuse, the like we've never seen, splashed across national tv, entertainment sites, and make absolutely NO advocating for this girl and others who may be the product of narcissistic parents out there. Bristol's life in the past 4 years should never never never be played out again.
It's abuse. IMO. And, Bristol, if you are reading this, don't despair. There are many girls with stories to tell and who have found grounded people and those with faith in God who've overcome. Please be an overcomer!!
When you started to speculate on the DS child being Sarah's that went over the edge for me. Anyway, no speculation is necessary. Jesse knows all the answers but can't say.
DeleteThere is no doubt in my mind that Mom and Dad are forcing this on her. She is trapped in a world where you please or you are outcast. It is very sad. I hope she'll be brave enough one day to cut the cord and go to school; make something of her life and take care of her kids. Then I hope she can help others by telling her story so that both parents and kids understand what toxic relationships are and how to end the abuse. I'd have so much respect for her if she could muster that kind of courage. But she may just know what the backlash would be; that mother grizzly would throw her under the bus and watch the wolves tear her up. Bristol must know on a certain level that she's trapped.
DeleteAs a parent, I can understand your answer but I do not agree. When my kids went to school, I tried to keep an open mind as to the people they selected as their playmates. I was happy to have them here and given them a chance. However, there is always one bad apple in the batch. If we had kid here who lied, took things, lied to their parents and was an all around pest, it was not my job to reform that kid. I tried talking to the parent, often to find that the parent was absent, on drugs, out cold from drinking or just plain crazy. Sorry, but there are enough difficult things along the path of raising children, and that troublesome kid was just not welcome in our house.
DeleteI look at Bristol the same way. It is very nice of you to show concern about Bristol. However, when your kids were 15 and came home saying, "Hey, Bristol, Levi and the other kids are going camping this week end. We'll be drinking, smoking and who knows what else." I would suggest that's a good time to draw some lines and explain that Bristol leads her kind of life for her reasons. I can be sympathetic towards Bristol and her need to act out, but I don't need for my kids to enable her.
Your fiction amuses me.
DeleteWhy are you painting Bristol as someone out of a horror story? That would imply she's unhappy or living a tragedy. You're delusional and need to step away from the computer.
DeleteGovernor Sarah Palin should of passed legislation before she quit that would require the state of Alaska to pay the Palin girls money not to get pregnant. That would of least given them an incentive not to breed. Sorta like an Alaska profit sharing.
ReplyDeleteYes, that may help excessive Palin breeding. I am also concerned for the role modeling she is doing for her target groups. I think many youth in Wasilla have already been mentally damaged by whatever lurks in the atmosphere of the area. A church or political cult, combination. The Palins do want to spread what they teach and children are important to them for that reason alone.
DeleteIf I was living with the Palins, I'd probably be on anti-depressives. If Bristol was on these, they do a big number on weight gain, especially around the waist.
ReplyDeleteStill, the photo of her with Sherry is pretty tell-tale. Dear God, this girl has been through the valley, without any true adult support, so I'm hoping that she rises above all this someday and we'll live to see a happy bright, renewed Bristol who is no longer manipulated and can cut the cord. I did it, with God's help, and it took 45 years, but it can be done!!
Bristol has a way to go. She is not the typical kidnap victim. No parent to help deprogram her.
DeleteLove and Stockholm Syndrome
While the psychological condition in hostage situations became known as “Stockholm Syndrome” due to the publicity – the emotional “bonding” with captors was a familiar story in psychology. It had been recognized many years before and was found in studies of other hostage, prisoner, or abusive situations such as: Abused Children//Battered/Abused Women//Prisoners of War//Cult Members//Incest Victims//Criminal Hostage Situations//Concentration Camp Prisoners//Controlling/Intimidating Relationships//
The Components and Progression of Stockholm Syndrome
Sympathy for the Devil
Stockholm Syndrome
It is hard to say where Sarah Palin ends and Bristol Palin begins. In that regard Sarah/Bristol have something in common with other freak birth phenomena. Yes, the nation and the world will be exploring everything about these freaky aberrations.
Freak Show ~ Catholic parents, multiple birth from a single egg
modern day multiple birthing
You sound stupid when you post this stuff. I hope you love your fantasy world.
DeleteThat picture of Bristol on the View creeps me out. She looks bloated with dirty greasy hair just like Sarah Palin. To me it looks like Bristol carried this baby to term.
ReplyDeleteO/T but about how Palin lies about everything (a trait Bristol seems to have inherited)
ReplyDeletePalin's secret service lies
Sarah Palin is wondering how come stuff like this doesn't happen to her.
ReplyDeleteSarah wonders how come President Obama doesn't bring her flowers after he stream rolled over her during the elections?
Unlike this cheerleader, the only thing Sarah gets from black basketball players are one night stands!
I watched the review of DWTS last night and noticed they only showed Bristol in the gorilla outfit - where you didn't even know it was her! I cannot even imagine being put in a gorilla suit! I'm sure having the Palins involved w/DWTS was nothing more than a pain in the ass to the executives when Bristol was involved!
ReplyDeleteNice of them to help with the cover up and promoting more propaganda. She is not only a troubled mental case, she is also a criminal in regard to the fraud and hoax of what her parents did in the political world. Very serious crimes. So sad to see ABC complicit.
DeleteThey will never have a Palin grifting on that show again!
DeleteWow...Palin a pariah:
Isn't all that dancing, dipping and all those horribly tight costumes especially in the middle harmful if she was pregnant. Why would anyone squish a baby inside those outfits?
ReplyDeleteWhat about when Mark was rubbing and grinding all over Bristol on the floor in front of Sarah. Did that hurt the baby?
DeleteThat's when Bristol was doing the Sarah Palin Christian Family Value Mambo Grind.
Those weren't tight costumes. They were very cleverly designed so that we had no idea where Bristol's waist was. Bristol was well corseted and held in place the same way that other pregnant stars are well disguised by the costume department. Believe me, nothing was horrible tight on Bristol.
DeleteBecause they care more about Fame than the baby. The baby was another mistake. She couldn't get an abortion for fear that someone would find out and ruin her mother. At that time she was still planning on running for President.
DeleteShe had to have the baby and give it up, but if she had a fundie abortion along the way caused by too tight binding/strapping/clothing or by the dancing that would have been fine.
Another picture you should put up is the Repub Convention shot where her chest sticks out about 1 foot in ront of her face, in all of these pictures, her chest is pretty small and is at face depth or less, especially in comparison to her belly.
ReplyDeleteSorry but that is a baby bump not a muffin top.
ReplyDeleteCould be both
DeleteBaby bumps don't flatten to nothing with spanx as it did that week. Sorry.
DeleteBristol's weight puzzle
ReplyDeleteHer dancing did not shed weight
It was a baby
I think several things were going on with Bristol at DWTS. 1) She was pregnant. 2) Because she was pregnant, they deliberately devised routines for her that used very easy movements or were very repetitive, so her rehearsals were not particularly exhausting. 3) She was lazy and missed a lot of practices, so she was dancing much, much less than other contestants, as well as going through far less physically-demanding motions. 4) She was binge eating on mountains of crap.
ReplyDeleteSome women look like they have a basketball stuck up under their shirt when they're pregnant; others blow up all over. The fact is that even if she were pregnant, Bristol would still have stayed slim elsewhere IF she were dancing hard and IF she weren't megabinging at the same time.
What I don't understand is, what happened to that baby? Did the combination of Spanx, poor eating, drinking (remember her birthday shots?), etc, cause her to miscarry? Surely if she was going to have an abortion she would have had it before the show, not afterwards.
And how nasty and ugly does Brissy look when she goes into her little singsong imitation of people supposedly saying she's a slut, which she counters with the lie that she was a virgin in a longvterm relationship! (did you catch that, Palin Fairytale Troll who is always trying to claim Levi and Brissy were hardly together?)
I watch that waltz and am stunned anew by what an awful dancer she was, and what simple, simple steps they had her go through. Most people could master that dance in an afternoon--and perform it much better! Of course she didn't lose weight--she never practiced!
You're forgetting one thing. The one time Bristol was actually pregnant, she only gained weight in her belly. It was round and solid. Her face appeared fullish, but not fat round as some people get when they put on weight or have weight issues.
DeletePeople forget this, that she didn't gain weight all around during her one pregnancy, with Tripp.
Where'd the "bump" go on GMA earlier that day? HUH?
DeleteThe other kicker for me was all the leaked info about how much she was eating, the admission of weight gain and the photos of her at McDonald's. I believe those were leaked by the Palins to counter any pregnancy rumors. If there is one thing Mama Palin knows, it's how to manipulate the press and obscure the truth.
ReplyDeleteAlso Brissie always has a jacket on even when it was 90 degrees in LA or she had her hands in her hoodie pockets or wore a scarf towards the end.
I also believe the Arizona house was a hideout so that none of the AK sleuths would find out about the pregnancy. As soon as the baby dropped, she was out of AZ.
I think the baby must have been adopted out because it would be tough to hide another child. I think Bristol resisted at first, so they floated the Gino is my boyfriend and we're so in love article where she said she wanted to have a baby within the next year. The feedback wasn't positive, so Granny Palin arranged the adoption through one of those Christian baby snatcher adoption agencies. Gino disappears and I believe it was publicized that they broke up. But surprise, surprise Gino reappears a year later just in time for a reality show. Nah, Bristol he's not in it for the money and sex, he really loves you and your new face.....NOT.
Granny repaid Bristol for covering the pregnancy and adopting the baby out by replacing her face. I can just hear Granny switching between sickly sweet " Bristol if you do this for me, I'll get you all the plastic surgery you've been wanting and a reality show too." And pissed evil bitch "It would ruin me if you came up pregnant again without being married. I covered for you once and I won't do it again. You already cost me the election and you won't cost me the next one. The baby is being adopted. period."
I agree with what you describe. But there was also talk about a "godchild" that Willow was taking care of while she and Bristol were in Hollywood. Could that have been Bristol's baby? Some people guess that Britta was never pregnant but conveniently adopted (took on) Bristol's latest child.
DeleteBristol has very few ways to pull Sarah's strings. Getting pregnant and having babies seems to be an embarrassment to Sarah. It is also a way for Bristol to get Sarah to get her reality shows, even though Bristol does not have the talent to get a show like that on her own.
Wow. And people wonder why gossip and lies spread so fast. Please, do yourself a favor and stop concocting these insane stories.
DeleteIf she was pregnant as the View photo surely suggests, then when did she have the baby? Where are they hiding her second baby? Or is it her third?
ReplyDeleteThis needs a thorough investigation but sadly, the speculation on this blog only leads to more confusion. Not only the pro-blog specuation but the pro-Palin shit that's thrown in to confuse matters.
More interestingly, where did that bump go hours earlier on GMA?
DeleteGryphen, EPIC FAIL.
This blog leads to further confusion because there's rarely truth involved. Only hate.
DeleteWhen did she inhabit the house in AZ? That would be a good place to start.
DeleteMama told her to come. . .
ReplyDeleteKimmel to "feast on stupid comments" at White House dinner:
ReplyDelete* On former candidate for vice president Sarah Palin: "Now she is stationed up in Alaska all the time, she doesn't have a professional hair or makeup artist any more, she is starting to look like a mom on 'Toddlers and Tiaras'. Her hair looks like bees are doing it for her."
Kimmel to "feast on stupid comments" at White House dinner:
ReplyDelete* On former candidate for vice president Sarah Palin: "Now she is stationed up in Alaska all the time, she doesn't have a professional hair or makeup artist any more, she is starting to look like a mom on 'Toddlers and Tiaras'. Her hair looks like bees are doing it for her."
oh, the Grizzled Mama is gonna love that one!
DeleteOne of my girlfriend's used to say "your hair looks like a cat sucked on it". Wonder if that's kinda the same thing?
How come Bristol didn't join the after season DWTS finalist tour?
ReplyDeleteDid it conflict with her delivery date?
Or did Brisket just pocket that easy money and took off to the nearest Cheesecake Factory? All that laying on the floor and getting dragged around must of gotten her hungry?
'''Or did Brisket just pocket that easy money and took off to the nearest Cheesecake Factory? All that laying on the floor and getting dragged around must of gotten her hungry?'''
DeleteLOL.. It's amazing how she could not dance a lick, but still was not voted off. Palin drones rigged those votes.
PREGNANT BELLIES DO NOT FLATTEN TO NOTHING. Also, You may want to place the Sherri photo and her GMA pic side by side.
ReplyDeletePicking and choosing select pictures isn't making your case clear. It's making you look foolish.
Someone doth protest too much, I believe. Hhmmm.
DeleteWhat's the point of this except to be an ass by drawing attention to ONE of MANY cases of weight issues? I stand by my belief that you are what is wrong with body image in America.
ReplyDelete1) Has anyone in Wasilla ever danced a waltz before, or after, DWTS?
ReplyDeleteHad Bristol ever seen a waltz performed or even heard the word before she went to LA? I doubt she'd ever even heard music that didn't have a singer singing over it. No symphonies, operas,chamber music or even a Fred Astaire movie has ever played at the Palin compound.
2) For anyone saying this is just "weight gain," go to wikipedia, look at pictures of a developing baby, how it creates, in profile, an unmistakable diagonal belly, and you'll know beyond a doubt that Bristol was pregnant in the fall of '10.
And that was probably the reason for the lighting-quick "engagement" to Levi the summer before -- she was three or so months pregnant, and needed a cover. He backed out and she was left with a second, or third, child on the way. Why she then went on a national dancing show is a mystery -- except for the $175,000 she pocketed per episode.
3) Why do the Palin women think that a vest, sweater, scarf, coat, or the color black will hide a pregnancy?
4) The default setting for whatever the Palins say has to be "lie."
4) The reason we care is that, for some insane reason, Sarah Palin still has political power and we need to stop it and the damage she's doing to our country.
Why are you trying to turn a fun experience into crap?
ReplyDeleteBtw, a pregnant belly could not be squashed down to THIS. Or else you have no case against Sarah Palin in the Trig story.
That is why I refer to week 9, because it's later in the season and shows no weight gain.
Sigh. Haters gonna hate.
ReplyDeleteIf youll notice, she looks bloated at the same time of each month and slimmed at others times. Foxtrot and V Waltzes are notable to me.
ReplyDelete--Bristol was never meant to be on the show for more than her contracted minimum of three weeks; the rigged voting was a surprise element, she just expected to pocket the $150,000 or whatever it was for those three episodes and go home;
--Mama Grizzly put huge pressure on her to continue on the show, when any real mother would have had empathy for her exhausted, utterly incapable, miserable and hugely pregnant daughter and at the very least would have allowed her to bow out giving the excuse of "health reasons" or a "family emergency," which nobody would have blinked an eye at;
--There were costumers working all hours to custom design corsetry and complex Spanx arrangements; the gorilla outfit was them doing two things: giving her a big FUCK YOU because she was so constantly nasty to everyone, plus it was an insider joke because they called her Magilla Gorilla behind her back; and plus it was a week off for the exhausted costumers, a welcome break from trying to do the impossible every week (per my friend who worked behind the scenes at the time)
--There were elaborate SPECIAL lighting rehearsals and run-throughs just with Bristol and her partner to get the "disguise the pregnancy" camera angles right; if you watched carefully you'd see cutaways where the camera never quite aims directly at her mid-section, masterful camera work; this didn't happen spontaneously;
---You'll see how Bristol moves in this very weird and stiff way; this is because she is literally unable to have much range of motion due to the corsets and Spanx and her pregnancy; that "back bend" you saw is actually very easy to do if you do it carefully and she was supported by her partner most of the way; you could easily do this if you were pregnant; it's more of a "tip back" not a real back bend; camera angles made it look like a deeper dip back than it was;
--That photo of Sherri and Bristol came from the View's own website and was posted the day or so after the show ended when Bristol appeared; in some footage that day her stomach doesn't look so big (they made her "dance" a little that day) but the production photo was taken later on in that shoot and the Spanx was already off; at least one layer!
Media Insider
"photo was taken later on in that shoot and the Spanx was already off; at least one layer!"
DeleteMust of been after she ate a dozen Big Macs?
This is what I always thought happened. Bristol expected to be gone in a few weeks. She wasn't counting on her mother's rabid fans. And she couldn't quit because that would just remind people that her mother was a quitter, too.
DeleteWhat's the point of this? You're making yourselves look stupid.
ReplyDeleteAnd to whomever is attacking April M, be ashamed. Why would you write such lies about an innocent girl?
No one has attacked April Morlock and I think she lost her innocence when she found out her brother was a serial killer.
Deleteu mad?
DeleteIn that first picture, she looks like she did on that walk during week 2, the one with Piper, Sarah Ivy, Tripp and Trig.
ReplyDeleteWhen you claim things like Bristol could strap herself into a spanx contraption, making herself appear flat as a board as in numerous pics, you help Sarah in her Trig deception.
ReplyDeletePoor Bristol at least two babies ripped from her arms by her mother and then her father helps her select a name for the one she is allowed to keep and it ends up being after one of his prostitutes.
ReplyDeleteYou're making her more famous. Without all of you, Bristol would have never entered the limelight at all in 2009 and on. It's all because her son's picture was sold to the magazines by someone else and she said, "huh, I can get so much more than that because people actually are asking me."
ReplyDeleteShe's the product of the media, and couldn't be more down to earth.
Just move on already. These posts are tiresome and catty.
Bristol is a bitch, and so is her mother. They are feral.