Apparently Romney is following in the high heeled footsteps of Sarah Palin and will avoid the risk of being asked any real questions, by limiting his media access to Right Wing propaganda outlets like the Drudge Report,, and of course Fox News.
This from (Don't feel the need to visit and give them hits unless you truly doubt the source of this post.):
Thursday's reaction to the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare was a textbook example of how the new media’s biggest players helped galvanize the center-right political movement. And it’s no surprise what website served as the catalyst for most of the energy: The Drudge Report.
"Drudge is the single most powerful force in the media today,” said Zac Moffat, Digital Director of the Romney Campaign. Lenny Alcivar, campaign spokesman, agreed: “The Governor's simple message yesterday was, ‘If we want to repeal Obamacare, we have to replace the president.’ When Drudge highlighted that quote as a headline linked to the Weekly Standard, it began the unified message across the board on the center-right.”
In an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, Moffat and Alcivar discussed how websites like Breitbart and Drudge influence the way their campaign receives and delivers the news.
Moffat revealed, “I have two windows constantly up on my screen all day long, Twitter and the Drudge Report.”
Alcivar, who took a leave from the groundbreaking and influential Hynes Communications to work for the Romney campaign, sees a major shift in how the media works:
"When this election is over, one of the lessons that will be learned by the mainstream media is that they no longer have a toe-hold on how Americans receive their news. Never before – in a way that has taken Democrats off stride – have we seen the confluence of an aggressive online community, led by Breitbart, and an aggressive campaign team not willing to cede an inch of ground to Democrats. This combination has created a new political reality. We no longer allow the mainstream media to define the political realities in America. The rise of Breitbart, Drudge and others, combined with an aggressive Romney campaign is a powerful tool in the arsenal of the conservative movement.
If I talk to Breitbart about an issue, thousands more will hear our message than if we give a quote to one of the hill rags."
As I am sure most of you remember, after Sarah Palin was humiliated on national television by Katie Couric who asked her the trick question. "What newspapers and magazines did you regularly read?," she avoided journalists WHO were not Palin-bots or Fox News employees like the plague.
Since then many Republican have followed suit, in fact some of the GOP presidential field ONLY gave interviews to Fox News and online Right Wing blogs.
And now Mitt Romney, who like Palin is an attractive, photogenic political mannequin with virtually NONE of the qualifications necessary to actually do the job for which he is currently running, is also attempting to hide his inadequacies by making sure to only give interviews to "journalists" who will never bring them up.
Essentially Mitt Romney is a coward, and with this decision has made crystal clear what differentiates him from President Obama.
Obama does not run from a fight. And has essentially reentered the lion's den again and again.
(H/T to Think Progress)
P.S. Just a reminder that it was Andrew Breitbart himself who labeled THIS blog"defunct," which I guess goes to prove just how good HIS journalistic skills were now doesn't it?
Morality is not determined by the church you attend nor the faith you embrace. It is determined by the quality of your character and the positive impact you have on those you meet along your journey
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This is a further disconnect of Romney.
ReplyDeleteOnce again Sarah !@#$%^&* Palin has shown her destructive influence in yet another candidate's campaign and this time the highest in the land. WHERE ARE THE REAL JOURNALISTS???? They should all be cringing -- and begging forgiveness -- at the example they should be following on Newsroom...
ReplyDeleteEpisode 2 on tonight, Sunday, at 10 PM, HBO. See last week's entire show on You Tube.
The real journalists need to get off the pot and destroy Palin with the truth which would render her and her following powerless and humiliated. As long as she continues to get away with all her lies, she has a modicum of power. She must be brought down sooner rather than later. Just being a laughingstock is not good enough, she must be shown up as the liar and total failure that she truly is.
DeleteHopefully most Americans do not subscribe to the rw blogs mentioned above and still are able to distinguish reality from overblown hype and lies.
Unfortunately, many Americans are in the lamebrain beck audience and lap this shit up. Are they voters? Probably enough to make a difference. Palin needs to go down hard, and the dems need to develop a strategy to reach potential voters whatever their inclinations may be. I don't have the answer, but I'm sure there are much more astute people out there who could tip the balance.
DeleteBaahahah! Looks like Mittens is doing Palin from behind...bahahahahahaahah!
ReplyDeleteEwwwww!! I wouldn't do her with Ann Coulter's dick!
DeleteShit, Smirnonn, neither would I !!!
DeleteAnd from what I hear, neither would MAnn, other than from behind cuz s/he can't get it up and KEEP it up while looking at Sarah's face.
Which I TOTALLY understand.
Sarah would cause a lot of dicks to go on strike, even in a right-to-work state.
DeleteWho's gonna cross a picket line to let that dirty wigged-out, herpes-lipped skank mess with their package?
Fire me, if that's what I gotta do. I'd rather starve with dignity than to have my crank rot off with the Sarah-Funk she got UP in her vadge!
Hmm. Nobody mentioned that she looks as if she enjoys it, too.
DeleteAh, yes! Palins puppet masters!
ReplyDeleteSo I take it that the clown who penned this article presumes that there are no influential, independent blogs on the left?
ReplyDeleteThe right never disappoints with its idiocy.
I hope their arrogance is their downfall.
DeleteSaw Kris Kobach, the KS Sec. of State, who co-authore the anti-immigration laws for both AZ and AL. Such an arrogant dick. Chris Hayes and his guests on Up With Chris Hayes on MSNBC did a pretty decent job of backing him into a corner on his facts and figures, but he still wouldn't concede a damn thing even when they could prove him wrong. Kobach was sitting down but I would have sworn he was swaggering. Disgusting. He said once we get rid of the illegals, jobs and wages will soar. Oh, yeah, like former middle-class Americans are just dying to work on the kill floor of cattle processing plants (his Big Example).
Communicating with the media is a job requirement if you want to work in the Oval Office.
ReplyDeleteMitt just disqualified himself.
I consider myself center-right, btw, and see right through Drudge´s sensational headlines.
Deleteme, too (center-right). And I agree... I look to Drudge for objective news reporting just as often as I do with National Enquirer. Drudge is mostly for LULZ, not info.
It doesn't help that Drudge's site looks like a bunch of Craigslist ads with bad headlines.
DeleteDrudge managed to snag a couple of "exclusive" stories years ago, but only due to Matt's media connections. Now that many of the more popular bloggers have connections of their own, Drudge is just stuck being a gossip aggregation website like it was in the beginning.
DeleteHowever, if you're into conspiracy theories and wearing tinfoil hats, Drudge (and WND) would be right up your alley.
That may all be well and good for the second string harpie but judging from the grilling administered today by the talking heads of Sunday morning TV they aren't going to go away if Mitt runs. They are looking for blood and the more he ignores them I think the more they'll come after him. It wasn't pretty today - the newshounds were gnawing on leg bones and they were drawing blood and downcast eyes. It's not going to get any better if Mittens runs away. Drudge and Breitbart are known to the right and people who watch the right wing crazies but most mainstream Americans don't bother watching or give a shit. He'll lost bigger if his talking points only come from there - the MSM won't bother picking it up if he's not available.
ReplyDeleteSara was a loud mouth hooker at a bar at closing time. She got tons of attention and solidified the base of crazies but she lost the middle and indies and McCain got exactly what he deserved for letting her rub his knob to be his VP. I hope it was worth it John - and I hope you got checked for Herpes afterward
You are right. The media will not play soft with Willard. With Sarah they tried to be nice and got snake bit. I am sure they were soft on her because she was pretty (sic) and they did not want to be accused of piling on (oh gross) a female candidate (although they were fine with grilling Hillary like a steak.)
DeleteWillard the Coward (both in politics and life) is a white male, has a VERY privileged background and seemingly has it all. The media will not put up with his bull shit like they did with Palin.
Something else- the mainstream media are quite familiar with Breitbart and Drudge. They might not be allowed to run the negative stories, but the real media would rather sex a syphilitic whore than have anything to do with the likes of and The Drudge Report. That means they would have to not report on Mitt hiding from them.
DeleteThis latest stupid right wing idea requires Mitt to run and hide 24/7 from the MSM for the next few months. Good luck with that. Chicken Mitt will be the story. Even if that is not his plan.
Next week: Mitt: "I'm winning the Oval Office with Pinterest."
You've been scared of Breitbart since they
ReplyDeleteposted that email from McGinnis.
Their headquarters is in LA. Sarah has been living in LA for 2 months or more.
Connect the dots.
They're coming for you.
LA is perfect for "Sarah Hollywood" we Alaskans are glad that she is gone; it isn't soon enough for us to be no longer associated with the Quitter Queen!
DeleteSuuuuuure "they" are... You should make some little matching antennae for your tin foil hat.
DeleteSarah fled Alaska again?
DeleteWho is she snitching on now?
You're funny.
DeleteThe GOP pushed Sarah away from the table long ago. It was amusing watching her bots beg her to run when everyone knew she would not, under any circumstances, throw her wig in the ring.
DeleteConnect the dots.
WOW! Who knew Gryph was so powerful!!!! Way to go Gryphen! We got your back :)
DeleteScared of Breitfart?
DeleteHah! Hah hah hah hah (wheeze) hee hee hee hah (wipes eyes) ooh boy, (giggle).
You're a regular riot, Alice. Thanks for the chuckle. I needed that. *snort*
Also, too, I heard ol' moosemunch
has been away from AK because she dropped a dime on Schaeffer Cox and friends.
Two months is a number you pulled out of your ass. Sarah is in LA because she is getting her ass sued by the Masseys.
DeleteLately, Fox News has a Los Anglese Big City backdrop behind Sarah when she appears to offer her latest insults. I always wondered if the backdrop was just dropped into a green screen, or if Sarah is actually in an LA studio. Jay Leno has a similar backdrop, but there are only so many views of downtown LA. If Sarah is in LA, why haven't all of those photographers who stalked Bristol taken one photo of Sarah?
DeleteSarah's in LA? Who's watching the kids?
Delete2:26pm, did anyone ever watch the kids? That's why you have the only son forced to join the military because of teenaged hijinks unplugging heaters on school busses and deflating tires, you have first daughter pregnant twice but most likely three times, out of wedlock mind you. Second daughter kicked out of school into homeschool and then dropped out to pursue a reality show career in Hollywood with her sister and on of her sister's children. #4, Piper, well, she's been out of the spotlight for a while, no one has seen her in Wasilla for quite some time so perhaps she in going Hollywood with her Momma for "damage control" or forging a new life on the lower left coast. Whatever, as I said before, we in Wasilla, and Alaska can't be more happy at the prospect that they are gone, baby, gone, gone gone....maybe for good?
DeleteBreitbart was a tool and sarah is a dingbat.
DeleteLol Gryph- Brietbart is dead and his little Breitbarts are after you?
DeleteLike the jerky that interviewed a Bono impersonator thinking he was interviewing the real Bono?
Video of the failed interview here
But...I thought Palin was enjoying life in Alaska with her perfect, godly, hard-working, virtuous family, shooting moose and fishing and "snowmachining " all over the place and what not. Turns out she's just another ho looking for a tv gig. Thanks for admitting it!
DeleteConnect the dots is Krusty.
DeleteHey Krusty, no one is afraid of Beerfart! The only thing is we are happy he dropped dead and wish scarah would follow.
Only one at who writes about her is Jim Holt the woody guy!
No one cares about Hacks! Not even...guttersnipes.
OMG... it's full of FAIL. Thanks for the link, Anon @ 4:37. That's hilarious!
DeleteThe jerky doing the interview is trying sooo hard to remember his scripted lines.
DeleteLook at his face. If it was a kid in diapers you'd know for sure what was going on!
Same guy that interviewed "Bono" goes after Vice President Biden. Even bigger fail!
LMAO Room Temperature Breitbart and Frigid Granny????? Have you seen Gryphen???
DeleteKrusty's off her meds! lol
Gee, and it worked out so well for McCain and Palin, right?
ReplyDeleteGo ask the average independent voter in a swing state what Drudge Report is, or who was Andrew Breitbart, and you will hear crickets...they preach to the choir. This election will be won in a dozen states by slim margins....these people t see and hear whats on their local news and in the local papers, and if Mittens doesn't do a sit down with Brian Williams, or any other network anchor, he is toast. Hell, he won't even brave the yentas on the View for Chrissake.
I hope you are correct. I know that in many rural areas of my mostly blue state, privately owned cable companies limit what news is available to cable subscribers. CNN and Fox is about it. The local newspapers and radio stations are rabidly pro life. These people are force fed right wing nuttery and don't even know there are other choices.
DeleteDrudge is SO 2003!
DeleteSounds like Mitt is going to show America how a puppet candidate that actually has a mathematical chance to be very competitive will allow himself instead to be used and exploited by the extreme right wing for their own ends, and in the process, he will piss away absolutely any chance to gain the support of those he needs most--- INDEPENDENTS.
ReplyDeleteThose who don't use Drudge as a primary source aren't going to be influenced by his site. Those who do already KNOW what they're getting there from Drudge. Popular? Yes. Influential? Much less than Mitty's advisers believe. They're confusing ability to get clicks with hyperbole versus ability to influence voters to CHANGE THEIR VOTING INTENT.
IMO, targeting the electorate by pandering exclusively to the right will just further alienate most of the moderate Republicans and Independents in the middle who are probably as informed and sophisticated voters as any segment. After all, isn't Mitt going to get the RW nut vote already?
But I guess we'll see in November.
Clicks don't mean votes, it just means advertising dollars for the site. Stupid wingers just never get it do they?
DeleteLet's follow them to rabid right wing blogs and start disseminating some Romney facts, then. Actually, Mormonism is going to be pretty easy to use against him.
ReplyDeleteThat's a good idea. It's pretty clear they aren't going to be reading here.
DeleteWhy give right wing blogs hits? No minds will be changed there. Plus you might end up with some kind of nasty disease or virus from all the klansmen and red meat dripping on the sites.
DeleteI think you're doing Mitt a disservice, implying he has Palin-like intellectual heft.
ReplyDeleteHe's shrewd and smart, and his goal for his presidency is to make sure the 1% become even richer at the expense of everyone else. The winners at the end of his 4 years will be government contractors (think Blackwater and Halliburton during Bush adm) and the financial sector that unabashedly treats banks as their personal casinos).
This story got buried under the ACA SCOTUS ruling on Thursday: "JPMorgan Trading Loss May Reach $9 Billion"
And the MSM dismiss the idea of bringing back Glass-Steagall (a law enacted during the Great Depression banking crisis that prohibited banks from operating/funding casino/investment firms, which was struck down during the good-times era of the Clinton Adm).
Lastly, the MSM often wonder why the Romneys aren't viewed by Americans in the same light as the (wealthy) Kennedys were. There are so many reasons, but JFK famously touted "a rising tide lifts all boats." Romney wants that rising tide to drown everyone who isn't part of the 1%.
Four years later, and that bitch Palin still can't leave the stage.
ReplyDeleteI like to think of sarah as that booger you just can't quite seem to flick. The moment you think you're rid of it -- it shows up on another finger.
DeleteRemember the youtube with sarah's booger?
Romney can hide from mainstream media. He can't hide from the debates. They will do him in for sure. Although, on second thought.... I suppose he could lick his lips and wink at the audience. It worked so well for Sarah Palin..........NOT!
ReplyDeleteBut it did work for SP. You and I don't like what she said, but in terms of votes, I don't think the debates hurt the R ticket.
DeleteLol 2:05. Here where I live up is not down yet.
Delete"But it did work for SP. You and I don't like what she said, but in terms of votes, I don't think the debates hurt the R ticket."
DeleteUmm, debate. Singular. Or didn't you pay attention to what you say you "don't like," i.e. "what she said."
The debates are going to be interesting with President Obama. Is Willard going to continue giving 'zero' answers to our President too? The people will really see him for who he ISN'T under that scenario.
ReplyDeleteWho in the hell would vote for a person for this important position that doesn't indicate what he plans on doing other than getting rid of everything President Obama has done on his (Willard's)FIRST day IF he is elected. Hope the majority realize he can't change many of the things he is suggesting. The approval of doing so has to go through Congress. Don't forget too that this is the man who indicated he could and would start another war w/o the approval of Congress because he would have that authorization!!!
The guy scares the hell out of me!
SP managed to survive the debates intact. People expected a wipe-out and she didn't. Sure I didn't like her answers, but I don't think she did much damage to her chances with the debate. Mitt is certainly a better debater than SP, and she has shown him how - answer what you want to answer and call yourself independent and responding to the people.
DeleteBut Sarah was debating O'Biden (sic) who was going easy on her. Mittens has to debate the president.
DeleteMrs Palin only survived because VP Joe Biden is a true gentleman who didn't want to sink her to the depths - which he probably would do given a second chance.
DeleteGood points 2:28 & 3:13, from 2:04. I'm more optimistic again. No way Romney is as good a debater as Obama for oh so many reasons...let me count the ways. NOw it's man to man with no gender political issues to consider. Hadn't thought about that. (and his wink wouldn't have the same effect). I think you're right, he can't just follow SP's example and be as successful.
Delete"SP managed to survive the debates intact. People expected a wipe-out and she didn't"
DeleteDOh Krusty!
Don't you remember what Stevo said?
The Debate would be a disaster of epic proportions?
The bar was set so low for that dumbshit...everyone was amazed she made it through the ONE fucktard debate!
And she didn't answer questions.
She gave a shout out to teacher, didn't cry when Joe (Can I call ya joe, b/c she couldn't say his flippin' name) talked about his wife who died she was a face of stone.
What a heartless kunt.
Sarah Palin was horrible in the debate (Halcro) when she ran for governor of Alaska and that was why I didn't vote for her!!!
DeleteShe wasn't any good w/Joe Biden either - he was way too easy on her and let her off the stage w/some dignity. If she was running today, I'll wager he wouldn't handle her the same way!
President Obama is an excellent debater and Romney will not measure up! Plus, President Obama has been doing the job well, knows the ins and outs and Romney knows shit!
If he acts like Palin did when w/Biden, he'll go down in flames!!!
Don't look for PBO to pull his punches in the debates against Mittens, and he shouldn't. And when Mittens tries to sell his bullshit answers in order to save his ass in a debate, look for the "lame stream media" to skewer his sorry ass for the next week for lying so blatantly to the nation.
DeleteIt won't be like the GOP debates were between Ron Paul, Newt, Herb, Mitty and the Rickies, where there was no real contrast in their positions, so no one was getting bitch-slapped for saying that they'd turn down $10 in cuts for every $1 in revenue (tax) increases. Those fucking idiots all raised their hands!
So in the mean time, we should all hope that Mitty keeps buddying up real cozy to WND, Drudge, Daily Caller and the rest of the Idiot Wing of the GOP. Keep moving right farther and farther where no one at Faux News, other than Hannity, can even cover for Mitt without knowingly sacrificing their credibility.
The worse these nuts make the GOP look, the longer PBO's coattails will be in the House races. So keep on yakking and digging, Sarah and the rest of the crazies. Here's a few more shovels to help you dig out of that hole you're in so you can TAKE BACK Merica.
One might notice the lack of creativity in Mitt's attach ads. Problem is the man has no soul, he broadcast's schizophrenia ramblings about repeal, repeal, but Mitt this was your idea in the first place. Just watch, the man will disassemble. The Drudge report is the cesspool drainage of hate speech. Appeals to the those with abbreviated understanding, much less desiring to learn anything about whats real.
ReplyDeleteO/T but germane.
ReplyDeleteA quote:
"A decade later, the Tea Party became the voice of the unleashed id of the old Southern order, bringing it forward into the 21st century with its full measure of selfishness, racism, superstition, and brutality intact.
Or, said more succinctly:
ReplyDelete"Top Rmoney aides concede Mittens is a D-List candidate wearing A-List suits. Campaign seeks strong second place finish in November."
Look on the bright side: The RNC won't need $500,000 on his wardrobe.
DeleteBless you Beldar - you are a joy - and anon at 1.54 - that is a very good point - no wonder the RNC prefers Romney over Santorum - the later seriously needs a stylist.
DeleteSorry, but I think he dresses like crap. When the campaign began, he was still relatively handsome. But no more. The evil work he is doing, the dirty money he is collecting and the horrid company he is keeping have stolen his soul and his looks.
DeleteI don't find Mitt attractive either. Think he has lost weight - has dead eyes - doesn't smile easily and when he does it doesn't appear to be authentic - he is NOT a people person and has zero natural humor to his personality!
DeletePresident Obama is so, so much better and has done a hell of a job as President of the USA in spite of the Republicans trying to obstruct his moves every step of the way. He's smart and is beating them at their ugly games!!!
Well all I can say is if Mittidiot is taking advice and direction from Scarah then whahoo, thar he blows. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteI have to wonder if these two idiot campaign staffers have been dispatched to rally the teabagger troops into a frenzy, they need the crazies to be wild eyed and pitch fork ready don't ya know.
The Drudge Report is "new media?" They've been around since 199whatever!
ReplyDeleteI live in Iowa and work in an office of 40 people. I guarantee I am the only one that knows what a dried he or breitbart is. The watch the evening news or CNN. I am the only political wonk there. U do the math. Republicans will vote for romney the middle or independent will vote for Obama and the rest won't vote. Period.
ReplyDeleteRINOs stay home. Indies vote for Obama. Good turnout for Blacks and Latinos, and then "See ya, Mitt".
DeleteDems hold onto Senate, and while they might not also get the 25 seats needed to win back the House, dammit, they sure have a better shot at the trifecta the farther Mitt has to run to the right just to keep it respectable.
When Mitt finally makes his break toward the center later in this election, the nutters will turn on him like the traitor he is, and we can only hope that will tamp down his enthusiasm on the hard right. Either way, his goose is cooked and his sauce is burned. It could be real ugly, so keep your pantry stocked with popcorn and soda.
Does Willard actually have Palin on the campaign w/him or are those two different photos and two different occasions? She would be the kiss of death for him!!!
ReplyDeleteDamn, the secrets out. "what's juice for the goose is juice for the gander". Sarah's Romney's goose! Shhhh!
Delete"Apparently Romney is following in the high heeled footsteps of Sarah Palin..."
ReplyDeleteAnd we all know how well that worked out for her, don't we?
On that subject, Sarah always walks like she's wearing Piper's girdle with her skirt all twisted and pulled tight across that "skinny, little 12-yr-old-boy flat ass" of hers. Mitt has better calves for the high-heels anyway, and a much smoother stride because he has nothing dangling between his legs like Sarah does.
DeleteWill Mitt also duck the three presidential debates?
ReplyDeleteI wonder what the Romney wink looks like?
Deletegop has lost their brain cell. Every lie they spew will be repudiated easily with vids, links and/or pics.
ReplyDeleteThis type of propaganda didn't work out for #palin, did it?
those site aren't reparable, viable, trustworthy, or fair and just. Besides who cares what a dead junkies and a egg loving, ignorant racist punks have to say.
This says a whole hell of a lot about scaredy cat #romney. hahaha
Mitt's strategy is a recipe for failure: Mitt will attempt to appease the right wing Drudge and Fox audiences thus losing the moderates and independents. The right wingers will see him as a phony (Massachusetts moderate) and will abandon him. He's not getting good advice.
ReplyDeleteThat is good news if Romney avoids reality and authentic journalists. The more he is Sarah Palin the better. She knows how to fail.
ReplyDeleteot What's up with old Rupie since he is to chop up his empire? Does he actually dislike Tom Cruise so much? John Travolta? Greta Van Sustern? Is it only Scientology he has a beef with?
@rupertmurdoch "Since Scientology tweet hundreds of attacks. Expect they will increase and get worse and maybe threatening. Still stick to my story."
Rupie would love your tweets. The mother of all custody battles coming soon.
Unsuccessful: Bristol Palin's Lifetime show banished to late slot after failing to attract viewers
Failed: The first four episodes featuring the daughter of the vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin (left), Bristol (right) attracted less than 750,000 viewers
....critics saying Palin simply sat by her swimming pool moaning about the problems of being a single mother.
The show was expected to perform better since it aired after the hugely popular series Dance Moms
Bristol hit the big time across the pond.... Daily Mail... hee hee
What a dim witted strategy. I have a brother-in-law who is very conservative, fiscally and to a slightly lesser extent, socially. Great guy, we just see things differently. We were talking about the campaign about a month ago and he said he could think of plenty of reasons NOT TO vote for President Obama but so far hadn't found one single reason to vote FOR Romney. Said he still can't figure out what Romney stands for.
ReplyDeleteI can say with no hesitation that he has never gone on Drudge or Breitbart, ever. He's a serious, smart guy who wants to hear what Mitt thinks and so far...nothing.
His wife, my sister, is my "Bell Weather Precinct," a moderate Republican who takes a long look at both candidates before deciding. She said months ago that Mitt Romney was one of the biggest phoneys she had ever seen.
At the debates is Mitt going to just stand there with that crazy pursed lipped, semi-smile on his face and remain silent when asked a question. And then email his answers later to right wing blogs?
Man up Mittens!! Put on your Big Boy Magic Underpants and get with the program.
A Fan From Chicago
No problem! This type of behavior absolutely assures the GOP will only be talking to low-information people. Anybody with a brain surfs the net and looks at all points of view. The GOP is simply too scared its world view will be challenged. Eventually the door shuts and the echo chamber soothes them to inept, unable-to-react apathy and anger. Real patriotic people welcome honest discourse, respect every opinion and are kind to each other. This does not describe not the GOP. It is full of scared, angry people who refuse to understand the democratic process.
ReplyDeleteRmoney doesn't need to be POTUS. According to Mormon theology, he will get his own planet to rule after his earthly death.
ReplyDeleteI knew they named "Uranus" for a reason! It's sooooooooooo Mitt! He doesn't deserve the now defunct pluto.
DeleteThat's true, that's what it says in the mormon bible, the book of mormon. I wish someone somewhere would really delve into that cult. by the way, you reckon he wears his mormon underwear under those $5,000 suits??
DeleteI wonder how Mitt will handle the debates? Will he declare that he'll only answer the questions he likes? Will he grin and wink his way through? Blow kisses like sex kitten Sarah did? Will he grab President Obama's shoulder with his Power Suit/Power Undies/Power Grip like he did Gov. Rick Perry's during the GOP debate?
ReplyDeleteMy money's on blowing kisses. That'll be his only option!
DeleteMr. G,
ReplyDeleteI appreciate all the work you do and come here every day. But I take issue with one sentence you wrote about Robme, namely that "Mitt Romney, who like Palin is an attractive, photogenic political mannequin. . ." There is absolutely NOTHING attractive about this robotic, sociopathic clown with his helmet hair, and "photogenic" is in the eye of the beholder. I find him ugly and repulsive and cant's stand looking at him, and I never, ever listen to him! Take a look at his eyes: the man has no soul and no conscience, his eyes are dead, just like Palin's. God help America if this cruel bastard becomes president--we cannot let that happen!
Rmoney is shifty eyed, talks too fast when he is off balance, changes his stance on issues depending on his audience, and can't relate to real people, not even when he tries.
DeletePersonally? I wouldn't buy a used car from Rmoney.
You are so right about his appearance. He looks like a mean and creepy miser. His eyes are completely dead and he is soulless.
DeleteI remember one of the Romney pamphlets from the 2008 election Republican primary. After listing some of his qualifications was this..."and let's face it ladies, he's hot!" I remember my mouth dropping open. I absolutely could not believe anyone would put that in a serious political pamphlet as a selling point to win a presidential election. Oh god I wish I had that pamphlet now. It sounds as though he may have gotten new PR people since then.
DeleteI can accept that some people think he looks "presidential" but I don't find him attractive, either.
I KNOW, RIGHT?? He looks fucking greasy. President Obama is WAY better looking!
DeleteHe can park his shoes by Ann Coulter's bed anyday! Oh, wait, the pamphlet said "ladies".
DeleteSmart is Sexy, looking like a swarmy mannequin in ladies jeans, not so much.
Let Ann unzip him, she signed up for the job, shame, she could have done much better.
I think by the time Rmoney loses the election, he will be left hanging from a pole flapping in the breeze like an empty wind sock. It's disgusting how he is sucking up to the Tea Party and the 1%. The rest of us don't like this and don't trust him, especially if he won't face the nation on all networks making his case. Hiding behind Tweets and Faux news just makes Rmoney look like Sarah Palin, afraid of the truth.
ReplyDeleteIt's obvious the gop isn't serious about elections. they attempt to undermine our political process.
ReplyDeleteIf lies are free speech then yelling fire in a crowded movie theater is what?
Mitt is a huge CHICKEN!!! Here he is clucking his way through the rest of the campaign ... I can't wait for the debates!
What a sad excuse for a man! Every time he speaks, he gets deeper in doo-doo. I'll drink to that.
ReplyDeleteWouldn't it be a hoot and holler if Mitt picked Palin as his running mate? Don't know which one would be more fun to watch - the asshole Christie as his running mate or idiot Sarah Palin!!!!!
ReplyDeleteSarah has already shown what she would do as VP. She is a loose canon, gone rogue, out for Sarah you betcha. NOBODY will ever elect her to or give her a position of power in the government. Would YOU want Sarah at YOUR back?
Deletei am curious how the RMoney team will try to convince the rest of us that he has foreign policy creds.
ReplyDeleteWell, he did all that outsourcing. Would that count?
DeleteHe already cemented his foreign creds. Remember his romantic telling of vacationing in France with The Horse Whisperer?
DeleteHe also speaks French from completing the missionary position the Church sent him to accomplish?
He had me swooning like Mortitia in that clip! (not)
Palin's answer about her foreign policy cred to Katie Couric was the one will ever top that. ' certainly does.... when Putin rears his head, where does he go? it's alaska..'
DeleteYou know, I hate to speak ill of the dead, but in Breitbart's case, I'll make an exception: it's pretty funny that IM is still going strong, and it's Brietbart who's defunct.
ReplyDeleteOf course they're going to say Drudge and Breitbart are THE news sources for the new conservative movement. Murdoch just came out and said he doesn't think Romney will win, and FNC has never been particularly pro-Romney, although they are forced to now that he's the presumed nominee. Romney's team has no where else to turn but conservative bloggers. No mainstream (and FNC is mainstream) outlet will have him. Hell, even Limbaugh isn't a big Romney fan.
ReplyDeleteOK, I have read all the comments, so let me summarize it for everyone:
ReplyDeleteMitt Romney will NEVER be president of this country.
Sarah Palin will NEVER be elected to any other office.
They both have shit in their own nest. End of story.
Good night, and have a good sleep. Tomorrow when you awake, have a great week. It's just getting better and better all the time.
Great news for President Obama. A lot of independent voters rely on the mainstream media for their news. Mitt's "new media" tactic worked so well for Sarah, I'm sure he's grinning from ear to ear, licking his chops.
ReplyDeleteBut, if the previous post is any kind of barometer,(and I use the term loosely, your readers are politically savvy and know where to find the facts) Most voters, especially Christian Independent voters, rely on the mainstream media for their news.
Mitt needs to get in front of the media and explain his religion and his role in the Church more fully, much like then candidate Obama had to address his race and religion.
I doubt Christian voters would feel comfortable voting for Mitt, without being convinced he is indeed a Christian.
Why is Running With Scissors wiggling his finger in Screechy's ear in that photo? Why is Granny Crooked Wig showing her "better side" to Straps Kennel on Car instead of the audience?
So Sarah, being fronted for VP, got away with one pitiful debate in whcih she answered zero questions, but came off as a winking fool. How in the hell will a Presidential candidate who is also a fool, manage to sidestep the one tool all voters have for a one on one comparison with the President? There is norammly a series on debates on important topics: is Mitt going to refuse to do this? How big a coward is this man?
ReplyDeleteIn the photo with Mitt, Sarah is wearing one of the jackets from 2008 run for VP.
ReplyDeleteI think this photo is from the 2008 campaign. Mittens supported the geezer/dingbat ticket.
DeleteDrudge is the driving force of the media? Please! He doesn't report on anything! He collects links and writes ridiculously over-the-top headlines on the links!
ReplyDeleteMan! I can't wait until it comes out that he is GAY!
Why isn't the media reporting more on Romneys refusal to talk to the media, like they did in 2008 with Scarah?
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting how scared Republicans are of facts and questions about facts. It simply should not be tolerated by the media.
ReplyDeleteActually, progressives led the way on using the Internet for political campaigns. The rightwingers, as usual, are just freeloading off the efforts of others before them.
ReplyDeleteBut if Mitt really believes that harnessing the, uh, power of the Drudge Report is the key to becoming the next president of the United States...well, don't anyone tell him otherwise.