Saturday, September 29, 2012

CNN commentator: Fox News is engaging in "Vaudeville journalism" in attempt to deny reality of failing Romney campaign.

Courtesy of CNN:  

I bring you this report after having ventured into Bill O'Reilly's "No-Spin Zone," and believe me, his initial shout-out urging viewers to exercise "caution" before watching is fully, if unintentionally, appropriate. Apparently in Fox World, "no-spin" means "I am now going to share my news-based fantasies." 

The Wednesday broadcast featured Dick Morris, Karl Rove and Dennis Miller, an a-cappella chorus humming O'Reilly's favorite tunes: that the mainstream media is rooting for Obama; that the polls consistently misrepresent a race that is still a dead heat; that Romney will re-emerge from this autumnal swoon by winning the October 3 debate through his superior if often-invisible oratorical skills; that Romney is in decline simply because voters don't yet understand the necessity of top-end tax cuts, the sanctity of corporate profits and the horror of social welfare spending run amok. 

Across its programs, the Fox News mantra is "there's still plenty of time." That's a truism, but chanting the obvious is not among the standard definitions of journalism. Institutionally, Fox is in denial about the state of the campaign. Romney is looking very weak very early. The attempt to avoid reporting this state of play in a "fair and balanced" way is producing comical results. 

Stylistically, the O'Reilly quartet may be on to something new. We've had mainstream journalism, alternative journalism, conservative journalism. This appears to be vaudeville journalism. Wednesday, the verisimilitude of the performance was maintained by the illusion that of the four, only Miller is a stand-up comic.

You know I posted earlier about concerns that the Romney defeat might signal the end of the Republican party as we know it.  (Fingers crossed kids!)

But now I am beginning to wonder what might happen to Fox News once the Romney campaign explodes into an all consuming fireball, singeing the overly tweezed eyebrows of Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, while also burning the blonde right out of Gretchen Carlson and Megyn Kelly's hair?

I mean the Republican's own personal propaganda machine is going to look pretty lame after this election, especially if they continue denying reality until the bitter end.

Is it possible that after this shellacking they might have a change of heart and decide that it is time to join the REAL journalists, and report actual facts and news?


Why would they? Not when they have four more years to hate on Obama, and gear up their sexist comments and anti-Hillary rhetoric in preparation for 2016! Hell no!

No in order for Fox News to change, this election would have to affect their ability to make money. After all profit is their motivation, NOT journalism.

However with their demographic (Older, white, really stupid people) starting to die off, they may soon start to experience a serious dip in viewership, and a loss of advertising dollars. So I guess we might actually see a day when Fox News goes the way of the Dodo Bird.

Unless of course it evolves.

What am I saying? In order to evolve they would have to accept the findings of scientific research. And as we know, Fox News does NOT understand science.


  1. Anonymous3:32 AM

    o/t but this is related to Palin Vegas thread from yesterday. Go back and watch the interview video at 2:30 andon for a few seconds (keep sound off!). Palin has a habit of placing her hands in an inverted triangle over her genitals when she talks. I noticed it here and in the Katie Couric interview when she was asked what she reads, and in a picture of her supposedly 7 months pregnant.
    This is a huge psychological "give". Many people, esp women, clasp their hands protectively in front of their genitals, especially if nervous or threatened. Palin, on the other hand places her hands over her genitals in a way that mimics a woman's normal pubic hair distribution pattern. She is ALWAYS calling attention to her sexuality consciously and unconsciously.
    I have always said, since 2008, that many a future PHD will be earned by studying the psychology of Palin.
    Sorry, don't mean to hijack thread but this just hit me like a brick remembering psych 101.

    1. Olivia6:44 AM

      It is interesting because that is not a normal position for the hands to take when walking or talking. You are definitely correct on the psychology. It does appear to be something that she does without awareness, which makes all the previous speculation about sexual abuse something to be considered.

    2. Anita Winecooler6:13 PM

      I've noticed that habit of hers many times, the photo they provided as visual proof of her pregnancy (elan Frank), has her drawing attention to the area with the same hand gesture.
      Yet, at the governor's meeting while sitting next to Janet Napoletano, she's bending down effortlessly scratching her ankles and legs (another "nervous tic" tell) while in the late stages of "pregnancy". She's a case study, and you're right, it isn't normal behavior at all.

  2. Anonymous3:46 AM

    Related to Palin and her hands, watch 20 seconds until 1 minute of this video as well. Repeated angry inverted triangle making.

  3. Anonymous4:05 AM

    OMG this gets better and better. Sorry Gryphen. Make a post about this PLEASE:

    In American Sign Language, VAGINA can be signed as follows.
    Both hands use the L handshape. Use your thumb and index finger to form an 'L', and fold the remaining fingers in. Create the 'L' with both hands and turn them upside down. Then, bring the two thumbs and two index fingers together.

    The sign resembles an inverted triangle.

    Note: as in English, this sign can be offensive and should be used in an appropriate context.

    The upside down triangle has multiple meanings. The most common being; it symbolizes homosexuality, water, female sexuality and goddess religions.

    Your uterus can be located by making an upside down triangle with your thumbs and index fingers. Join both your thumbs at your navel and extend your fingers downward, toward your pubic bone.

    OMG she is a sicko. I wonder when she started making this symbol unconsciously. Now after reading where your uterus is, this is her give about the fake pregnacy also!!

    Improve answer

    Read more:

    1. Anonymous5:53 AM

      No need for $carah to consult wiki, didn't she say that Trig was being taught sign language to converse with them - NOT saying they taught that sign to the kid, but that the family had to learn it to.

    2. Anonymous6:23 AM

      serious or snark?..I can't tell.
      I am sure a boy toddler has no need of the word vagina for a really long time. Words like help, hungry, thirsty, drink, bathroom, tired, etc are more critical, don't ya think?

      (If Sarah is teaching him

    3. Anonymous7:37 AM

      As a sign language interpreter myself, I can tell you that many of the sexually-related signs are considered 'iconic' signs. In other words, the signs look like the words or concepts they represent, similar to many of the signs for animals or sports. Even if you don't know sign language, you would be able to guess the meaning of many iconic signs.

      I sincerely doubt that Palin is learning ANY sign language and is certainly not learning that kind of vocabulary. However, because of the iconic nature of those signs, it would be quite possible for her to be unconsciously gesturing in ways that imitate various body parts.

  4. Olivia4:41 AM

    Fox and the clowns who work on the air for Fox know that they NEED President Obama as a target for their rabid hate machine in order to keep their ratings up.

  5. Blue Girl Liz5:37 AM

    Fox News is an extention of the Republican Party. It always has been, and it's a complete joke that it is 'fair and balanced.'

    But I'd like to caution people. Fox News is fearing that the polls are correct, and that Obama is headed for re-election. It is in panic mode and why its so-called 'reporters' are getting more shrill.

    However, do not get complacent. Polls can be wrong. In 2004, polls had Kerry leading up until voting closed on Election Day!

    I live in a red state. Red, red, red. There's no hope in my state turning blue. I will still vote. But I would like to urge anyone living in a battlegroud state to get out and volunteer to help the elderly get proper voting ID, and to help them get to the precincts. And to consider early voting, to avoid possible long lines and wait times on Election Day. It's important! Urge your younger neighbors to get the facts and to register.

    Voter ID laws were enacted for the very purpose of suppressing the Democratic vote. Fact.

    1. Anonymous9:09 AM

      I live in a state that has been red for a number of years, but it is turning this year per all indications!!! Finally - slowly but surely! Just make sure you get out there and vote for President Obama and VP Biden no matter where you are throughout the nation.

      I suspect the Repubs and their extreme right are going to get pretty damned nasty in these weeks that are left before election.

      I love how cool our President ALWAYS remains. We must do the same. Get out and vote!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    2. Anonymous9:45 AM

      @ Blue Girl Liz. I'm in a blue-blue-blue state and I hope those in swing states will take your advice. It's so easy to become complacent when the polls are "on your side".

    3. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Well said Blue Girl, we must also pay close attention to expose potential corruption behind the scenes, and not waiver in our support of the President.

    4. Anonymous11:04 AM

      Well, let's hope so. If a red state turns blue...good for us, good for America. Oh and yes, the right-wing nutcases and Fox News (same thing) will turn very ugly in the upcoming weeks. Look for Fox News to proclaim Romney 'won the debate' even before it's over with!

  6. Boscoe5:38 AM

    Faux will be fine in the short term. Don't forget that they've already been seeding the "voter fraud" meme. I expect them to lean heavily on that one when Mitt is crushed in Nov.

  7. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Pssst "singeing." although singing eyebrows would be sort of funny in a "talking cat" kinda way.

  8. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Take this fun little quiz to find out how you see things...

  9. They need close polls so that when they rig the Diebold machines the results showing a Romney win can be plausibly claimed to be within the margin or error.

    We must widen the race as much as possible!

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      My thoughts exactly. We must be vigilant in our support of Obama, and pay close attention to expose what goes on behind the scenes with corrupt voting issues.

  10. Anonymous7:08 AM

    FOX wins either way.

    With a GOP president, they get to lie about the Dems in Congess.

    With a Dem POTUS, they get to lie about POTUS.

    It's all about $$$ and nothing else.

    FOX embraced the Tea Party in 2010 because they saw an opportunity to ride a they've turned to Rombot and the establishment and the TP is nowhere to be found on FOX.

    It's always been about $$$$

  11. Not What You Want to Hear8:11 AM

    Love the term and hope it catches on! And also expands to "vaudeville punditry." I think we can all agree on who that would perfectly describe.

  12. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Dirty lithe dirty secret of Fox News is that they understand they will make more money if Obama wins! In the meantime, they have to pretend the race is close so their viewers don't completely go into a catatonic state prior to starting their new nd improved bullshit once Obama is re-elected!

  13. Gryphen ~ You forgot to mention that the FoxSpeak folks are sitting with their feet in buckets of water because their PANTS are on fire ~ also, too.

  14. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Check this out:

    Looks pretty good for Obama right? Then look down a bit at the reent changes. Note that they are all in Romney's direction.

    This is far from over and if Romney does well in the first debate we are going to see some more movement in Romney's direction. Spinning it is comfortable and 'feel good' but that's all it is. Spin!

    1. Anonymous2:13 AM

      9:04 AM Spinning is what you are posting.

  15. Anonymous9:05 AM

    They are obviously getting concerned per this article. MSNBC is also beating them in the ratings which probably has something to do w/this! I NEVER watch FOX - love Rachel, Chris, Ed, the Rev and Lawrence. They provide us factual information!

    Can hardly wait to receive my absentee ballot and place my mark for Obama and Biden AGAIN. They are doing a hell of a job in spite of the bullshit put out there by the right!

  16. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Watched the vegas video. What a joke that somebody would try to interpret that as some kind of sign language or that it had any meaning other than the way she holds her hands when in front of a camera. Can anyone say 'desperation'?

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM
      Can anyone say 'desperation'? are correct...Baldy in Vegas is in serious "desperation" mode! LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous2:11 AM

      9:26 AM Can anyone say 'MEDIA SKANK WHORE" and
      "EFFEMINATE PIMP DADDY"? Grifters will try anything for a 'DOLLAR'.

  17. Anita Winecooler6:34 PM

    Fox will be just fine. They deal with fear and stupidity, just look at O'Reilly and the panel of factually challenged fear mongers! The only thing that would put a wrench in their whole format would be an Obama Biden win, a democratic held House and Senate.
    Even if Romney knocks all the speeches out of the ballpark, as well as Ryan with Vice President Biden, voting has already begun and the public perception of Romney won't be changed by these speeches alone.

  18. I'm with Bosco on this one. Fox's loyal fans will be expecting a close race and will be sure the Democrats stole the election. The birther movement will look like kindergarten compared to the stolen election movement.

    But I also agree with those who warn that it isn't over until it's over. Let's see if their Manchurian candidate Diebold machines will be set into action to save the election.


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