Friday, September 07, 2012

Creationism pimp Ken Ham got his feelings hurt when people pointed out he was an idiot. Decides to post another video, because he is clearly a glutton for punishment.

The video below is in response to some blowback that Ham received after claiming that Bill Nye "The Science Guy" did not understand science. I guess he simply did NOT expect people to be offended by a man who perverts science to substantiate his superstitions, to accuse a man who lives and breathes science of "not understanding" it.

Go figure. Here is Ham playing the victim.

Courtesy of Raw Story:  

“When you see such an emotional response from these secularists, when you see the name calling, the the profanity, you realize what they’re doing is trying to suppress the truth,” he continued. “In a way, they are closing their ears, covering their eyes, and they’re saying, ‘we refuse to believe that there is a god who created us.’” 

Ham said the incident showed a clash of two religions, particularly “man’s word” and “god’s word.”

No, there is NO conflict between two different religions. There is the response to ONE religious group's attempts to invade the halls of academia out of abject fear that the veil of ignorance will be lifted from our children to reveal the lies that THEY have told them since infancy, by a group of intelligent individuals who recognize that the future of our species depends on that.

I would like to point out that it was the Fundamentalists coming into our public classrooms that started this conflict. It was THEY who demanded that their faith be given the same level of academic respect that science had earned through centuries of hard work, research, and discovery.

If they had simply kept their faith safely behind the doors of their church they would not have to suffer the humiliation of being confronted with their ignorance. But they wanted to play with the big brains, and this is the easily predictable result.

Ain't it great!


  1. WakeUpAmerica4:11 AM

    We are trying to suppress the truth and Ham is trying to enlighten us? Oy. The problem with self-righteous, anti-science, ignorant fundamentalists is that they make ALL religious people look like they have 4" thick skulls.

    1. Anonymous5:23 PM

      Your point? Ha Ha, just kidding....maybe

  2. Ham is painted into a corner on his pretend science, because his business and personal income depends on his consistently lying to all the naive, non-critical thinkers who are the rubes for grifters like himself.

    Grifting $$$ and misinforming the gullible, uninformed, unsophisticated folks, those who trust the words of a Christianist like Ham blindly, has got to be a way on to the fast track for some bad karma, if you believe in that sort of thing.

    I wouldn't be surprised if he and some of the TeaBagger Crazy Orgs were exchanging mailing "sucker" lists for solicitation.

  3. Randall4:57 AM

    The problem with Mr. Ham and those of his ilk is that he stopped reading.

    He read the Bible and then stopped.

    Had he continued his education, he would have found many, many other books that claim the same as his bible: that THIS is the Word of God or THAT is the Word of God.

    He clutches his book to his chest and BELIEVES because his book says it is THE TRUTH...

    but many, many other religious tomes claim that THEY are THE TRUTH.

    But Ken, poor Ken,

    ...he stopped reading after the first one, thinking it was the only one.

    Pity him and those like him who are too lazy, silly, ignorant, or simply just too damned stupid to continue their education.

    1. "Beware the man of one book." Augustine of Hippo

      "Enlightenment is a journey, not a destination." Siddhartha Gautama

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      This guy is a piece of work. I agree with you that after he read the Bible he stopped reading anything else. But, what he also does is use the Bible to defend the Bible by siting Romans, chapter 2. Then he accuses us of trying to "suppress the truth". This man is doing nothing other than using a circular argument in his effort to defend himself. Also, saying we are insecure in our beliefs is just reflection on his part. He fails to see he's actually the one who is probably insecure in his beliefs, or he wouldn't have come back trying to defend himself and the Bible. Obviously, he had some people write back who were critical of his statements on Bill Nye, but his original statement was ridiculous to begin with, as well as being a personal attack on Bill Nye. He may sound like an intelligent guy to the fundamentalist who don't have the knowledge to examine what he says, but if you do listen to his words carefully you'll find his statements are only one step up from Sarah's word salad.

  4. Anonymous5:22 AM

    O/T Alternate reality??

    June 25, 2007
    Bristol via Myspace: "haha im a slut."

    September 6, 2012
    Sluts VOTE
    Bristol via her blog: "Do people actually wonder why Democrats have problems attracting Christian voters?"

    1. Olivia7:33 AM

      Nice contradiction of yourself, Bristol. You and your mother have so much in common.
      However, I wasn't aware that the Democrats have a problem attracting Christian voters. I don't EVER remember seeing anyone bring that up as a goal for Democrats.
      If by Christian voters, she means the gay hating, woman hating, birth control hating, immigrant hating, people of color hating folks that wouldn't recognize Christ if he gave them a hug hypocrites that infest the Republican party, you can keep them, sweety.

    2. Anonymous9:56 AM

      You just described Bristol and her mom when you described a so called "Christian" voter. Its like what the comedians says, "You can't cure stupid". And I agree, I've never heard a Democrat wonder why we can't attracted "Christian" voters, and I see ourselves as the opposite of these hypocrites. Bristol is also just too stupid to recognize she is a hypocrite in what she says and what she does. After all, has anyone ever heard of a "trial marriage", or is that the same thing as just shacking up together. Call it what you like, but it still is the same thing. And then there is her chastity pledge she said she took saying she would not have sex until marriage. It's obvious that too went out the window when she though no one was looking, although it wasn't hard to tell. Then there are all of the lies she's been caught at such as saying she works as an office manager in a dentist office when she spends so much of her time in LA trying to become a star. Bristol is living a double life and she thinks were too stupid as her to see through her lies, which no doubt is the same for her mother. Only the gullible and naive "Christians" can be fooled by their ploy, all others see right through it.

  5. "because he is clearly a glutton for punishment"

    Technically, Gryphen, you are incorrect because Mr. Hambone is a righteous man who knows his bible - unlike YOU - and understands that in the eyes of Jeebus, gluttony is a sin - along with wistfulness, excessive finger tapping, and unwarranted curiosity - to name just 3 of the 11,344 officially recognized sins in the bible.

    No. The reason Mr. Hambone keeps posting these ridiculous videos is that he is a masochist, which thru divine oversight, inattention or deliberate omission is, incredibly, NOT a sin.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      BeldarTK, you obviously don't have the background knowledge to understand the failed logic in his explanation of "Creation". Don't worry, you're not alone. Creationism is not a science, but a religious belief. The pro-ponderous of evidence supports Evolution, and is much greater than he can explain away in creationism. In science, everything is a theory, including the theory of gravity. A scientific theory is not what we usually think of theory as being something that might be true, in science it is more of a law. Creationism is not based on any science, but more on what the Bible says without any scientific evidence to support what is stated in Creationism.

      Mr Hambone (interesting name), may know the Bible, but he does not know Evolution. Not to believe in what he says is not a sin, except for maybe zealots, but is the result of independent thinking and drawing conclusions from what all of the evidence points to, Evolution. On the other hand, making false statements about Evolution, whether knowingly or not, that man all of a sudden was born from an ape, or something similar to that, is ridiculous and doesn't follow what the theory of Evolution states.

  6. Anonymous5:42 AM

    Palin, who joked about John Kerry's long face before Bristol bought her own, bristles at his invoking tired "I can see Russia" reference to her foreign policy prowess.

    As usual, no slight can go without her escalating its importance.

  7. Anonymous6:02 AM

    Using the words of Joe Biden:

    "GM is Alive
    Osama Bin Laden is Dead"

    It can be said:

    Bill Nye's brain is Alive
    Jon Ham's brain is Dead

    Joe Biden's brain is Alive
    Sarah Palin's brain is Dead

    Levi's brain is Alive
    Brisket's brain is Dead

    You can switch the names so that is a comparable name alive and Brisket's brain is dead. There are so many options available!!!

  8. Leland6:10 AM

    People like this are not really that stupid. I mean, THINK about it. Here is a guy who has a museum which may or may not be giving him any livable income. What does he need? He needs to advertise. And we give him TONS of it for free by actually REACTING to crap like this!

    Now, I am not saying these idiots shouldn't be watched and scrutinized. I AM saying we give them far too much credence and ammunition. Ammunition? To the people this guy wants to bilk, yes. Because he can pull sh*t like this and say exactly what he IS saying: We HAVE to be right! They are trying to shut me up!"

    Voila! Free advertising for his museum. Fanatics THRIVE on attention. We just need to figure out an effective way to do two things: watch these idiots like hawks and stop them making in-roads into getting their lunacy taught in public schools. In other words, shove them off the road and into a dead end where they can rot in their own filth.

    Please note that at no time have I said anything about stopping them believing what they choose.

    The only thing that scares me about successfully stopping these fools without stopping them teaching this dead end stupidity is that some day we are going to have to support the poor children who are raised with this crap and can't get work because the "education" they got was useless! (Actually, LESS" than useless because they will probably even have a hard time filling out an application for a job, let alone HOLDING a job.)

    Now THAT'S child abuse!

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      Institutional, inter-generational child abuse.

  9. Boscoe7:09 AM

    Yeah, Ken, the proof that you are right is the amount of angry blowback you generate! Just like when Westboro Baptist or the KKK says something hateful or racist, they must clearly be spreading "truth" as well. Right?

    Well, I guess we have to give him credit for trying to find *SOME* measure to validate his un-validatable beliefs with. Poor bastard.

    Unfortunately, if he understood anything about science, he'd know that for a measurement to be valid, it has to work consistently in all applicable circumstances, not just the ones that get you the result you want. Oops.

  10. Anonymous9:10 AM

    It's so sad for America. He left Australia because his dumb museum would never work here. I've never known anyone that denies evolution with the exception of one teacher in my Christian high school that could be owned by just any question about the bible or Jesus or god; he was hopeless and just got angry when anyone asked something that made religion look stupid. Which was every question really. And he was the vice principal or something and so he made the big decisions and he made the biology teachers tell us that although we were forced to learn about evolution because of the syllabus, that we didn't really have to accept it ourselves! Everyone just laughed. Seriously though, he probably wished we would all fail science - he would think denying knowledge a good thing. I hope Ham stays in America, the only remaining place in the west where such a grifter can make such money! I truly wonder how many people come away from there completely turned around and rejecting creationism after that? A saddle on a dinosaur. An English riding saddle no less, not even a hard wearing horned one to keep you in the saddle when you're riding...a dinosaur.

    I read an article on Ham today. It was linked here in the other post comments, and it made him look downright abusive as a father. He made his adult children stand up in front of the media and said in front of everyone that maybe someone might be willing to marry one of them, failing to add what he was thinking - that they would have to have low standards if anyone wanted them. Dad of the Year, that guy, right!

  11. Anonymous9:13 AM

    This idiot says the world was exactly to the year 6003 years old in 2007.

    I can't link here but please do google 'The Onion' and 'Sumerians' for the article 'Sumericans look on in confusion as god creates world' as it is proven they were not only around, but had complex trade and agricultural systems, 1500 years before that at the least. Sigh. You don't even need to broach evolution to win an argument with this guy.

  12. Smirnonn9:24 AM

    Perfect example of why arguing with a fundie or a bagger is impossible. They cannot comprehend truth or facts that oppose their beliefs. They bend whatever is presented to them to fit their world view. The bible is a book of parables, not a security blanket.

  13. "when you see the name calling"

    Ken Ham, everyone calls you an idiot because you are an idiot. You're a world-class retarded asshole who profits from destroying the minds of innocent children. You're a child abuser, Mr. Ham, and you belong in prison.

  14. Anonymous3:21 PM

    He is not "right in the head".

    It is impossible to argue with someone like that but it is imperative that we keep discussing the existence of his crazy ideas, lest our quiet makes children think that everyone thinks this way.

  15. Anita Winecooler10:45 PM

    Aww, Poor baby!

    His feelings are hurt, his mindset is the only one that counts, so he needs to disable comments on you tube and quote the bible to cover for his own inadequacy.

    Hey Ham, If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch! (No offence to dogs of all sizes)


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