Friday, September 07, 2012

Sarah Palin believes that Senator John Kerry diminished himself by mentioning her name. But not nearly as much as the Republicans diminished themselves by choosing her as their VP candidate.

Click on giant head to play video before it topples over.
Gee first day back with full access to the internet and the Grizzled Mama says something stupid. It's like I never left.

This time the dimwit seems to have forgotten that she ran for the Vice Presidency in '08. (Too many Red Bulls laced with vodka crazy lady?)

She starts off calling the Democratic convention (I'm sorry I believe she MISPRONOUNCED it as a "Democrat convention.") a "bunch of bunk." Which in Palin speak must mean "An incredibly uplifting experience that made the Republican convention look like an amateur production of "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" put on by the local KKK in a little backwater town in Georgia."

Cavuto, who can barely be understood with his lips so tightly sealed to Palin's lily white anorexic ass,  brings up the fact that John Kerry made this remark during his speech at the convention, "Sarah Palin said that she could see Russia from Alaska. Mitt Romney talks like he's only seen Russia by watching Rocky IV." Which by the way WAS pretty funny.

The Lunatic from Lake Lucille responds by essentially telling one of the few truths she has EVER spoken:

"I think he diminished himself by even mentioning my name."  In that we have to agree as I believe ANY important politician today ONLY diminishes themselves by mentioning this loser. However then Palin goes on to make herself sound even MORE pathetic and perhaps even a little deranged:

"I think he diminished himself by even mentioning my name. Hows does he even know my name? (WTF? Apparently Palin has managed to do what the rest of he country has still not managed to do, she forgot she ever ran for the Vice Presidency. Oh, how I envy her!) I mean aren't these guys suppose to be this big wig elites, who don't waste there time on the little people, like me. Me representing the average American? (says the woman giving an interview on cable television to honor her million dollar contract from her own home studio in her house.) I did say Alaska, in Alaska you can see Russia from our land base. And I was making the point that we are strategically located on the globe, and when it comes to transportation corridors and resources that are shared, and fought over, Alaska, and I as the Governor, had known what I was doing in dilling (sic) with um...some international issues that had to do with our resources that could help secure the nation. So it's funny that he would take a little potshot like that. But's funny he even knows my name."

Yes it IS funny that a sitting Senator who once ran for President himself would have learned the name of the VP candidate who ran four years later. I mean what does John Kerry do, read the newspapers?

Okay I tend to avoid talking about Palin's health anymore, since when I do she sometimes feels the need to fake a marathon, but did anybody else notice that she seems to be all head these days? Her shoulders are SO narrow that it looks like somebody placed a Sarah Palin head on the body of a twelve year old. (And wouldn't THAT be cruel?)

You know I always wanted Palin to disappear from the public airwaves, but it seems like she might be disappearing from our reality altogether. (Sort of like Marty McFly in the "Back to the Future" movies.)

Pretty soon the only thing we will be able to see in these interviews is a  giant wig, and an oversize pair of glasses, attached to what will appear to be a broomstick.


  1. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Out with the old!

    1. Tania8:46 AM

      Oh Jesse, that head is positively ENORMOUS. You know how artists know the proper proportions of the body etc? They probably have them online if you want to look them up to prove there's something way off. And it isn't just a big wig. I can tell you that the rough rule of thumb I used to use in artwork was that the head should go ten times into the body. It looks closer to five of hers now!

    2. Tania8:55 AM

      Oh and Gryphen, that jacket has those little shoulder pads sewn in to keep the jacket nice and square on women without nice strong square shoulders.

      I can also tell you I've struggled with my weight and my BMI was in the underweight range earlier this year and I was ordered to gain weight immediately as it was wreaking havoc on me. Probably one of the main things that bothered me about how I looked was that I felt my head looked silly on my ridiculously lanky body. I felt people were staring and that lack of proportion bothered me more than the visible bones above my chest which troubled me a lot. I think it's a visual cue that tips people off as to 'this person needs immediate help NOW', as often the opposite is comically the case on very overweight people too. It is a sign of body dysmorphia (which is usually bunk!) that Palin hasn't been alarmed at it herself. I personally think that as women start to show their age, as Palin is rapidly now, a tiny bit more weight on the face and body is MUCH more flattering. Skinny does no favours to her face and neck; leave that for us girls in our twenties and thirties. Madonna would probably still be attractive if she gained a dress size or so, but instead she frightens people.

    3. Anonymous9:18 AM

      It is her diet and the postage. Skull is not loosing weight like the skeleton. Sad to see this happen to anyone. Before our eyes, amazing. A few celebrities have someone who cares enough to move them into treatment. Not her cult. Is she bringing in enough money to die for?

    4. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Oh does it get any better than this?quick picture of the broom with wig, large glasses on the broom. Please. Push and push it hard. Wow on FIRE. Send it to Jon stewart, Snl, leno and all the rest. The Luau has begun 60 days of fun and deep pit pigs.

    5. Anonymous9:32 AM


      The thinner you are, the more your wrinkles show. Older women who maintain a lower than healthy body weight look sickly.

      Older women with a little weight on them look energetic, younger, and happier. To me, an older woman who is 5´2´ and around 150 to 170 lbs looks normal.

      Women have an extra layer of body fat. Men are hard-wired to be attracted to the female figure - not twelve-year-old boy butts.

      I could care less about big breasts and tiny butts. I like women who look like women.

    6. Remember how Gary Trudeau portrayed Dubya as a talking empty cowboy hat in his Doonesbury cartoon strip? Sarah could be portrayed as a wig and glasses. That's about all that's left of her - except for the shiny lower lip.

  2. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Sarah is yesterdays garbage.

    1. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Never thought I'd live to see the day when the garbage takes itself out!

  3. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Blowback from this appearance on Cavuto last night…

    What did the Morning Joe crew learn on Friday?

    ...apparently there is peyote in Alaska
    ...Sarah Palin is complaining about elites from her in home studio in Alaska built by someone else also discussed at the @ 16 minute mark

    1. Thanks so much for the links - especially the second one! The Morning Joe crew practically HOWLED with laughter at the idiocy of her statement about Kerry being diminished by mentioning her. This moron is going to be a painful embarrassment to the republican party for YEARS to come - and it couldn't happen to a more deserving nest of vipers.

    2. Anonymous9:20 AM

      I was hoping Republicans will keep her until she takes them out with her. It looks like only Fox News will do that with the BIG HEAD.

  4. PalinIsGod'sGift6:36 AM

    Meh. Bristol is SO right, DemoRats are classless and Godless and since most Americans are Christians you bet oBummer is TOAST. Lol.

    1. Anonymous6:58 AM

      I'm a liberal Christian Democrat as are my parents and children. Many Democrats are Christian because that feed the hungry, don't cast the first stone, turn the other cheek, care for the poor stuff comes directly from Christ. In fact, I'm a Democrat BECAUSE I'm a Christian.

    2. jcinco7:16 AM

      what a childish moron you are.

    3. Anonymous8:26 AM

      There's a cult freak at the sea'o'pee goes by that dumbass handle "palin is god's gift to america" I wonder if it escaped the nurses to take a crap on here or someone is messing with us. Meanwhile the queen of idiots has just finished digging her own political grave- that was the last shoveful of dirt, now jump in you money hungry hateful thing, it is time to reap what you have sowed.

    4. You're right: Palin IS God's Gift. I've never seen such a great season of SNL as I did in 2008. She's worth the laughs.

    5. PalinIsGod'sGift6:36 AM

      Oh of the patients from the Asylum has escaped and found their way here again! I can understand why this nut ended up here...the Asylum is nothing but doom and gloom and constant infighting with some bible verses thrown in for good measure!

      Uh...Mr or Mrs "PalinsGodGift" person...don't you have some couch cushions to turn over and change jars to empty and send to Beefy and Baldy?

      Why are you on here harrassing us "Godless" folks instead of on some street corner (HeHe) preaching?

      Beat it troll...grown folks are talking here! LOL!

    6. We should all take class lessons from you, then. I'd love to see you thrown out of a fancy ballroom dinner at the White House for showing such careless disregard and disrespect for the sitting President. Shame on you.

    7. Anonymous8:54 AM

      6:36 AM Glen Rice is a Christian, Sarah knows him well. Real Christians don't Run Prostitution Rings, nor commit ADULTERY. You Palins will never address that, because you know that the PIMP DADDY is Todd Palin. You know that the Palins are products of SATAN and never attend Church. GRIFTERS and PIMPS are the SCUM of the earth.You WASILLABILLIES are the MOST WELL KNOWN UNWED MOTHERS IN AMERICA. Hey, Tri-g, who is your MAMA? Hey, Tri-pp, when was your BIRTHDAY? Willow, how old is your NEW BABY? LIARS.

    8. Anonymous9:17 AM

      Sorry, but I think some of you fall for this too easily. When someone creates an obvious "troll" name like "PalinIsGod'sGift", you can be pretty sure it's no one from the peepond, and most likely someone who's not pro-Palin, just yanking your chains.

      As it says on the bottom of the page, "Don't feed the trolls!
      It just goes directly to their thighs."

    9. Anonymous10:02 AM

      9:17 I agree although sometimes you just can't tell "rill" Palin cultists from trolls with too much time to spare.
      And there is a commenter at c4p "PalinGodGift toUSA" that has got to be a fake, actually I bet most "peeps" there are probably paid by the DirtyPac to keep the Palin illusion as long as possible, to a stingy cheap charlatan like Sarah every penny counts.

  5. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Sarah Palin is lucky the nation wasn't reminded of her silly, pointless, insulting phrase "when Putin rears his head up" which truly illustrated her abysmal lack of foreign policy experience or potential to learn it.

  6. Anonymous6:40 AM

    WTF happened to her? Time is not Sarah Palin's friend anymore.

    1. I agree. I think that something must be really wrong with her physically. The change is too drastic to be normal aging.

    2. Anonymous7:22 AM

      She looks like a stick figure with a big bowling ball of a head and what ever happened to her upper lip...did she chew if off??

    3. Anonymous7:33 AM

      I have never seen anyone age that fast.

    4. Anonymous8:01 AM

      I thought perhaps folks were being unkind about her appearance but it really is true. She does look like a man there.

    5. Anonymous8:10 AM

      She and Michelle Obama are the exact age -- one month apart. Exercise, eating right, and being full of love and devotion show themselves in the beauty of our first lady.
      Sarah can't run a marathon, loves and glorifies junk food, and is consumed with bitterness and anger. It shows now on her face and in her heart.

    6. Anonymous9:03 AM

      Its because Sarah doesn't eat and does lots of hard drugs. No food + hard drugs = you look like sarah. Let that be a lesson kiddos. Her picture should be used for Anti-Drug ads.

    7. Anonymous9:19 AM

      Sarah Palin: The Keith Richards of politics*.

      *Apologies to Keith Richards.

    8. Anonymous10:53 AM

      Sarah is currently very depressed due to recent events and will be hospitalized within three months for "exhaustion".

  7. Wow, what's going on with Palin's visage? She really looks.. different or severe or worried or something in this video.

    1. Anonymous6:44 AM

      I can see you turning green from my porch.

    2. Yeah sorry about the green but she just makes me nauseous.

    3. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Who ISN'T turning green from viewing that mess? Pass the bucket...

  8. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Notice how Sarah Palin stays away from commenting about Gabby Giffords at the DNC?

    Why is that Sarah? Is it because your cross hairs has done enough damage to her?

    1. Jeanabella7:19 AM

      Gabby was so beautiful last night on stage & this is after she was shot in the head! Sarah looks like she's been through 40 miles of bad road even after all the money she's grafted. She has a serpents heart & it shows.
      Sarah is forever connected to the shooting in AZ after her crosshairs! She did that & everyone knows it.

    2. Anonymous7:45 AM

      When the camera panned the audience you saw many had tears in their did I. Every time I see Gabby I'm reminded of all those innocent people killed by a deranged, mentally-ill person and the equally deranged, mentally-ill, self-absorbed media whore by the name of Sarah Palin.

  9. Anonymous6:45 AM


    Sarah how does your kids even know your name? Instead of doing your job as governor or mother, you were hiding out in your tanning bed eating Taco Bell Wraps all day long!

    1. Anonymous7:58 AM

      Attempting to play "miss average american" when her name was plastered all over this country only four years ago indicates that this woman is either in early dementia or absolutely "wishes" people would forget all about her and her divisive, ugly rhetoric from the stump.

    2. Anonymous9:22 AM

      You gotta get your Palinese-English Dictionary out.

      "How does he even know my name?" translate to: "He said my name! He said my name! Someone at the DNC said my name! I'm relevant again!"

  10. Anonymous6:46 AM

    who is that strange man with the glasses and long hair?

    1. Anonymous7:25 AM

      Yes, I agree, she looks like a man in drag.

    2. You know I think we are beginning to insult men in drag comparing Baldy to them!

      RuPaul would not be amused by the Baldster! LOL!!!

  11. jcinco6:52 AM

    she looks so masculine..someone let her know hormone treatment is available...

  12. Anonymous6:55 AM

    It is good to know the Secret Service will never waste another dollar protecting this piece of SCUM or protecting her fucked up family.

    Sarah .. hope the Fox gig ends real soon.

  13. In hindsight, it's unfortunate that Kerry mentioned Sarah's name. It gives her a teeny, tiny opening for to expand on her slogan: It's all about ME! She really is deranged and, after the examples of women who worked hard and achieved their dreams were paraded before the enthusiastic crowds at the DNC, she presents herself as the exact opposite of those dreams realized.

    Sarah, get back to your failed brood of slackers and let real women move this country forward. Women who value their intellect and who work hard to achieve their dream and to see their children achieve even more were deservedly celebrated at the DNC.

    Sarah, try to understand how disgusted many are with you for blowing the opportunity to be a positive force in your country. Go back to your bunker by the dead lake and watch your stupid, slacker husband and children on reality TV. That's the best they can do thanks to your pathetic example.

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      I agree, it was a mistake to mention her by name anywhere, anytime, ever (also too you betcha).

    2. Olivia9:31 AM

      I would love to see them stop using her name and just call her McCain's running mate or the ex governor from Alaska or that shitty piece of white trash from Wasilla or the lunkhead with all the illegitimate grandchildren or the 2toned prick's wife. Everyone would know who they were referring to, it would provide much amusement coming up with descriptions and it would piss her off to no end.

    3. Anonymous10:26 AM

      I am fine with hearing her name when she can play the victim card and her minions can say too bad she got 25 to life but maybe she can eat now and get treatment for the drug problem in PRISON.

  14. Anonymous6:59 AM

    She looks haggard and manly. Giuliani in drag.

  15. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Except for the fact that her shoulders move occasionally, I could almost believe the body and the lake backdrop are one of those painted scenes that you stick your face and neck through to make a funny photograph....

    It really is sort of sad to watch someone disintegrate in public, but then again she has never been terribly kind or concerned about her family or anyone other than herself, so I suppose it's no big surprise that no one is willing to intervene. And let me head you off here Kristy - no, I don't know the Palins personally (nor do I want to). I am simply offering up my observation/opinion as is still my First Amendment right, at least until the Koch Brothers complete the purchase of the White House for Mittens

  16. AJ Billings7:03 AM

    $arah, you are SO pathetic, still trying to repair your hopelessly shattered reputation by defending a moronic statement from 4 years ago.

    You were defeated, you are a quitter, and your response to Cavuto shows that Kerry's dig hurt bad.

    When you play poker, $arah, you need to keep your voice and your face under control. In that video on Cavuto, your voice tone goes up, just like every time you lie.

    Your 4 or 5 facial tics showed exactly how much that STILL bothers you.

    Yep, you are history $arah, and that's why you weren't at the convention, and still sound like an IDIOT!

  17. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Heads ups dude: Bristol writes yet another brillliant post about democrat party: no dignity, no Jesus Christ. But hey, as long as Hussein keeps sending you all those food stamps and welfare checks all is well. Losers.

    1. jcinco7:20 AM

      bristle just needs to keep her knees together and shut the fuck up. she knows even less than her idiot mother...PS Dumb twat didn't write anything...she couldn't write a grocery list.

    2. Heads ups? Do you proof read before you hit publish? Also too, points off for over use of colons (that's the : key by the way). Okay where to start....first of all, it's the democratic party. If you're going to lord your wondrousness* over us, at least get that part right. Second, I don't think a single speaker left the podium without mentioning God, Jesus or Christ somewhere in there speaches. It actually irritated me because not everyone believes in the same thing so if the dems really want to be inclusive they need to add a few more religions, and non believers, into the mix next time. A "May Gaia bless you" would have been a huge hit with the Wiccans for Obama section of the populace. Third: Records show that the highest percentage of the population of food stamps and other public assistance right now is in the so called red states.** Last, but certainly not least is this money quote: "Bristol writes yet another brilliant post..."? Please, if Bristol even knew about that post before reading your comments here at IM (everyone say Hi to Bristol!), I'm a size 2 :)

      *I know wondrousness is not a rill word but it SP and company can make up stuff, so can there :p

      ** Food stamp $ by state:

    3. Anonymous7:31 AM

      There is more dignity for a person on welfare ( and the majority that are happen to be southern republicans) than someone pimping out their kid to make money.

    4. Dear bigot at 7:04 --

      The fact that you think Bristol writes "her" blog is tragic enough. But to actually state that the concept of "God" applies only to the Christian religion truly plumbs the depths of total ignorance.

      I don't know how to break it to you, but white people get food stamps and welfare, too.

      It's vital that we maintain the food stamp program, particularly for children and seniors.

      Oh, why am I bothering... Must be the PMS. Just go fuck off, 7:04.

    5. Anonymous7:50 AM

      Ha, so if Romney wins those red republican states will have to slash their food stamps program.

    6. Anonymous8:03 AM

      What Kerry said got Sarah SOO wee wee'd up that she had to rush over to Bristol's blog and get Nancy to help her write some more snark. Yes Sarah, you will forever be eating your own words and thanks for reminding the world how thin-skinned and petty you will always remain. You will never move forward. You'll never get over being a loser and quitter. Shoulda' kept your day job but too late. Not even your or Bristol's trademarks are worth 2 cents now. Shut up, go home and roll around in your VanityPAC money you got by fooling your even more pathetic followers. America is moving forward while leaving you and your "felled" ideologies behind in the dust.

    7. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Who is this Bristol person and why should we care?

    8. Anonymous8:39 AM

      Heads up dude? Lol! Looks like Willow the pillow has too much time on her hands.
      All the $$ Sarah Palin grifted from the rubes will not ease the sting of so much ridicule and the worst is yet to come.
      Ailes will not renew her contract, the Cavuto interview is everywhere, the final nail and she did it to herself of course.
      But her cult thinks she's so persecuted and long suffering, ha! Being universally despised and vilified is such a small price to pay, just ask Christina's parents or any of the grieving relatives of the Arizona dead.

    9. Oh my goodness-- I get food stamps? That's such a shock to me. I've been working since I was ten years old, and the only time I haven't had a job is when my husband (a Naval Instructor, btw-- did you know the military isn't all red?) asked me to quit so i could take care of our son at home.
      And it's not the "Democrat Party," it's the Democratic Parry, just like it was the Democratic National Convention. It's not called the Republic Party, geez. It's even harder to take someone seriously when they don't even know what the hell they're arguing.

    10. Anonymous8:41 AM

      @LOSER 7:04AM You Palins have been receiving WELFARE for years. When have any of you GRIFTERS worked a 'RILL' JOB? Alaska's Health System takes care of your Family. Otherwise you would look even worse than you do.Remember, Sarah, 'ONCE YOU GO BLACK, YOU NEVER GO BACK'. That is why you are so obsessed with President Obama. Pimp Daddy Toad does not have a LARGE ENOUGH TOOL to satisfy your FETISH. Bristol went back to Hollywood to get some more of KYLE MASSEY. You are the LOSER. PIMPIN' AIN'T EASY'. BWAHAHAHA.

    11. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Beefy and "writes" in the same sentence sent me into peals of laughter! Thanks Troll!

      And if I were you I wouldn't be talking too much shit about food stamps and welfare checks if I were you troll...because I guarantee you that in less than 10 years Beefy will be just like "Octomoron"...including having 14 kids!

      And we all know that "Octomoron" is not only on food stamps and receives welfare checks for her litter...but that Beefy and her hidden children will be grateful for the food stamps and welfare checks keeping her from being hungry and "whatnot"!

      Dumbass are not HELPING! LOL!

    12. Anonymous9:06 AM

      Willow did you birth your latest child or was he aborted like Bristol aborted the DWTS baby? Why do Palins love killing babies?

    13. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Bristol is blasphemous and wants others to be like her.

    14. Anonymous10:41 AM

      Words of wisdom from a semi-literate high school drop out whose only claim to fame is having a failed politician for a mother and getting knocked up a few times before she turned 18.

    15. Sally in MI10:50 AM

      Giess what, 7:04? God is NOT in the Constitution. On purpose. Imagine that a President decides that all schoolchildren should pray to the Christian God every morning. Then imagine that we elect a Hindu President and SHE decides what we should worship her God. The next one is Jewish, and we have to ignore the New Testament and never say "Jesus" again. Then we elect a Muslim, and all of us are to pray to Mecca 5 times daily. Do you see the problem? Do you see the REASON we keep religion private and government public? And Bristol doesn't write her blog, dummy. And as far as her worshipping Christ, if she did, her son would not even have heard the slurs he utters to adults.

  18. Anonymous7:05 AM

    a broomstick with a white camisole showing the new cleavage, boy she is looking brutal lately

  19. Anonymous7:05 AM

    The woman is mentally ill. There's no other explanation for her behavior. Also, too on Huffington Post where he says "I mean, aren't these guys" runs all the way to "resources that could secure the nation" written as one incredibly long, disjointed, crazy-assed run on sentence. A classic.

    A Fan From Chicago

    1. Anonymous7:30 AM

      Hey Sarah, we all know your name because you've become our national joke, oh, let me correct that by saying an international joke. Everyone I know just laughs at you and not with you.

  20. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Sarah Palin has been reduced to a punchline.

    1. Anonymous7:57 AM

      Time to celebrate because we all knew this day would eventually arrive, didn't we?

  21. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Sarah should really do something about that manly chin of hers.

    Whatever you do Sarah , stay away from Bristol's chin doctor. One facial cosmetic chin screw up in the family is enough.

    Second thought, I take that back, Sarah you should let Bristol's correspondence graduate cosmetic surgeon/town butcher give you a make under too.

  22. Looks aside (kerryann says from her glass house) Senator Kerry was not, in any way, saying anything bad about her. He was making fun of Rmoney. Is she so self absorbed that she thinks that everyone is talking about her (rhetorical question folks)?

  23. Is she alien - who would say such a stupid thing about oneself - I believe there is one major reason we will not see Sarah Palin as a political candidate again and that reason is the person who gave the pledge at the convention Thursday evening.

    I watched Gabby Giffords and the tears came. What happened as a result of hatred and vitriolic rhetoric should be more than a sufficient reason to change the path of US politics forever.

    Gabby's life is a miracle to behold - and equally sad to remember as it used to be. Those who died because they cared enough to be with her that day are much more significant than a losing VP nominee - who has just realized she is a laughing stock - and really should be ignored.

  24. Jeanabella7:15 AM

    An International joke, Sarah continues to try to look like SEcupp but fails of course & winds up looking closer to Phyllis Schlafly the right wing nut!
    Sarah should send Gryphen a "thank you" for posting her dribble. She's a lost soul.

  25. Anonymous7:15 AM

    That was my first thought, too. Does she really thing others, especially politicians, are as ignorant and self-serving as she is, only knowing the next person they are going to be paid to tout or to criticize. Why does it befuddle her that John Kerry or the rest of us observant folks out here know who and what she has been doing for the last decade. Lots of us remember the attractive but dim woman who sat next to Gov Janet Napolitano on the Charlie Rose show years ago, which those in her party who were looking to recruit based on the gender sparkles and tingles scale apparently saw also. Yes, Sarah Palin, we know you, watch you and will continue to be vigilant against your still dim but definitely more vicious partisan bs. Shapeshifting, morphing from frontier maverick to Republican darling to self-appointed Tea Party Queen, we are watching you, and it isn't getting any prettier. There is always QVC.

  26. "big wig elites"? Palin can't open her mouth without speaking in distorted polar opposites. Now she distorts she is an unknown little guy the big wig elites (enemies) don't know they exist. I believe she believes her irrational claims that she secured our nation, AK and governor were the seat of control of foreign power.

    I am not a psychiatrist but contend she has a personality disorder.
    She looks sick and progressively more ill.

    There was information from the campaign that Palin became obsessed to lose weight reacting to the information she needed to learn. For a woman with a great figure even on camera assisted by a team of shoppers, stylists, hairdressers,make up artists this was symptomatic. It appears to me there are familial issues of looks are the road to success. Maybe control showing up to get your way superficially using your looks to manipulate and control.

    I don't see or hear from the Palins anything about healthy self care. I do support even getting assist from a surgeon to correct a perceived or real defect. Bristol did not take a balanced approach inclusive of acting lessons, preparations and obviously had issues. Gaining massive amount of weight results in a fat face. Simple logic. Big boobs to not make up for illogic and ignorance.

    Their entire family exemplifies minimal education and plastic surgery fixes. It is sad to see the display.

  27. Anonymous7:20 AM

    She's too stupid to realize that Kerry's comment was about Romney but notice how she ran as fast as a nine year old to the nearest microphone to make it all about her.

    Folks Sarah is what a desperate dried-up has-been looks and acts like. The world doesn't care what she tweets anymore so now she is reduced to stealing with other people say and do so she can hopefully get a sliver of spotlight.

    Pathetic Princess Dumbass. She's just determined to go away embarrassingly. Keep yapping that maw Sarah about the stupidist things that pop into your lil empty head - you've earned everything you've done to yourself.

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      She will make a jackass of herself before leaving the public scene - of this we can be certain - as she is doing right now. The GOP wouldn't permit her anywhere near their convention, just like Shrubbie. That was the last slap for this wannabe. Someone who cares for her needs to counsel her and tell her the truth - that she never passed English 101 during all of her years of high school and college (yeah, right!) and only makes a total idiot of herself each time she opens her mouth. It's also so obvious that when her 'writer' composes things for her, we all know immediately that that type of grammar and vocabulary could never come out of The Quitter's mouth. She's a national fool and is now being mocked openly. On MSNBC this morning the entire gang (including another egomaniac Joe Scarborough) just burst out laughing for minutes about her ignorant remark about Kerry's speech.

      It reminds me of a car wreck in slow motion - the entire highways slows down to gawk but once you realize that it's an unpleasant and sad situation, you really have no interest in gawking any longer; in fact, you begin to feel sorry for those involved.

      This is the level to which The Quitter has devolved.

    2. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Maybe that's why Fox news is letting her speak. They know that given the chance Sarah will continue to self-destruct by her own mouth. What better way to get rid of her?

  28. Anonymous7:22 AM

    The troll is truly desperate to provoke a response with her outrageously silly comments.

    1. Anonymous8:14 AM

      No, I'm not a troll or Kristy or outrageously silly. Your Party booed God for all America to see, "once you vote black you never go back" and your women admit they are cheap sluts want us to pay for their abortions and birth control now THAT is outrageous. Stupid blog, stupid liberals.

    2. Anonymous8:29 AM

      Oh no, of course you're not outrageously silly. You're outrageously hate-filled, bigoted and misogynist.

    3. Anonymous8:45 AM

      If republican women don't use birth control why don't they have more children? As for a slut, I qualify a slut as those who sleep with married men, such as Cindy McCain and Caligula Gingrich.

    4. Anonymous8:14 AM're not Krusty...but YOU are just as STUPID as Krusty and that is FACT! LOL!

    5. "once you vote black you never go back??" Wow, you're not a bigoted racist at all. Secondly, maybe fewer red states would have welfare and food stamps if they used birth control. You Republicans love to trash those on welfare. But seeing how many (R)'s get caught up in these sex scandals, maybe none of them practice what they preach. Rules are for commoners, right?
      I wonder how many Republican wives were told by their husbands to get abortions? Do you have any idea how many good little Christian Republicans are sleeping around WITHOUT using birth control? "Oh, it's no big deal, I'll just get an abortion." Way to teach your kids that the "rules" apply to them. You don't want to pay for their birth control? I don't want to pay for the four kids they've popped out by the time they're 20.
      But I suppose in your mind it's okay because the more kids you birth the higher you're exalted in heaven. Too bad the hubby was caught getting serviced by a random dude in the airport bathroom. Cuz that's against your "rules" too, right? Just another example of not even being able to practice what you preach.

    6. eclecticsandra9:01 AM

      8:14, you are obviously constructing a reality that exists only in your head (and in RW media). The inclusion of God in the platform was booed, not God. They objected to railroading, even if it was by the President, their hero. One person had a stupid button on her hat. I'm sure (ha) that no one at the GOP convention had any racist buttons. I think they would have been forcibly removed. And if you are referring to Sandra Fluke, she is an articulate woman with more grace and poise than you could imagine. You are indicating stupidity, not us.

    7. Anonymous10:20 AM

      Gryph, you know you've made it when Rush Limbaugh (8:14) gets all wee wee'd up enough about your blog to stop in and leave a comment!


    8. Anonymous 8:14 AM
      your women admit they are cheap sluts want us to pay for their abortions and birth control now THAT is outrageous. Stupid blog, stupid liberals.
      You are a horrible, disgusting person. You are a stupid, vicious, disgusting, LIAR. Sandra Fluke NEVER said she wanted taxpayers to pay for her "abortions and birth control. NEVER. She wanted women's insurance for which they pay the premiums, to cover birth control.

      What a disgusting piece of low-down, lying, un-Christian, God-mocking filth you are. You have no morals or ethics whatsoever.

  29. Anonymous7:23 AM

    Gryph, I can't wait for your take on what it keeps calling, "once you go black buttons referring to the Once you VOTE black buttons some conventioneers were wearing.

    1. Yes I noticed that Palin mentioned it a number of times. and even predicted that HER mentioning it would be the take away from this interview.

      Just another example of how little she understands of exactly how she is perceived.

      Personally I thought it was too easy of a shot, especially since SHE went black and was so overwhelmed that she then ran back into the Toad's spindly arms.

    2. Anonymous8:14 AM

      Palin WANTS to go back, but Barack doesn't think about her much less dialing her number. Hey Sarah, try calling your little buddy Tank. He'll take you!

    3. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Now that I know how much those buttons upset the bigots, I went ahead and ordered a hundred of those babies from Zazzle.

  30. Anonymous7:24 AM

    Nobody could be that stupid. It is impossible to be that stupid.

    Seriously, this has to be from the Onion, right?

    That woman is comedy gold.

    1. You said it, Anon.

      It was obvious she had not seen Kerry's speech nor was she prepared for "Nill" Cavuto's question about why women and minorities support our President.

  31. Anonymous7:33 AM

    She was asked why women and minorities still support Obama, and freaked out about some "Once you go black, you never go back" button alleged on Drudge Report.

    What little filter she had is disintegrating.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      It's the heavy meds she's on. I cannot imagine the pharmacological 'cocktail' this woman takes every day just to function. She's been so oviously drugged up during recent interviews that I'm not surprised that they gave her "the hook" on the night Lyin Ryan spoke. You never know what kind of illiterate word salad erupts from this woman's mind when they allow her off the leash.

  32. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Hey Sarah, wash some clothes, you wore that outfit for your last interview. And have Tawdry brush out that dirty wig for you too.

  33. bad wig. same dead lake. fuck her.

  34. "Alaska, and I as the Governor, had known what I was doing in dilling (sic) with um...some international issues that had to do with our resources that could help secure the nation."

    Wow, that's actually very eloquent. Borderline pithy, one could say. Hey, Gryphen, am I mistaken or does this quote have the makings of a new state motto? This could literally be her lasting legacy. Everyone knows that Alaska's current motto - "Big and Cold" - is due for a replacement, anyway. And "A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man" is already taken...

  35. Anonymous7:42 AM

    When i hear a Republican I hear Hate, when I hear a Democrat I hear Hope.

  36. Anonymous7:43 AM

    How funny that an illiterate, uneducated slut who lives off the generosity of other people runs around talking about other people's class. Think she's jealous she doesn't have any?

    1. Anonymous8:24 AM

      Exactly, her entire Family lives off of others' money. Sarah had better get some help for her MENTAL CONDITION.

  37. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Everyone who witnessed a great american patriot (Gabby Giffords) slowly walk on stage (looking great, BTW, while the Lucille Lunatic is turning into a decrepit, necrotic old hag before our very yes - and, yes, if you are ugly on the inside, it will eventually tarnish the outside - Palin is the quintessence of this fact)....had to be moved and immediately recall Miss Whacko Blood Libel's crosshairs over Gabby resulting in her almost losing her life. We all celebrate her incredible recovery as it will be a perpetual reminder of how hatred and intolerance of a low-intelligence human can endanger the lives of others. Sarah Palin has become the poster gal for hatred and division in this country.

    As for her health problems, it's becoming patently obvious that she has serious health issues; not the least of which are very serious psychiatric problems which did manifest themselves when she was a Veep candidate. If I were her physician, I would strongly urge her to take some time off, get herself well and treat whatever maladies she's obviously dealing with presently.
    Those above who have said that she is morphing into a Loretta Lynn wig and a pair of oversized glasses is absolutely spot on! In some respects, it's very sad to witness the self-destruction of this woman which is becoming increasingly obvious to everyone in this country. It's time for the GOP's reichwing propaganda station to give her the boot. She's become a liability to everything Fox and needs to go away now.....far, far away....maybe to watch Putin as he rears up??

    1. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Count me out on being sad to witness this piece of crud disintegrate.

    2. Anonymous9:20 AM

      Palin's disintegration is her karma. I'm very grateful to see it in our lifetime. Validation of karma in the world is more important than she is. We will all reap what we sow. Hallelujah!

    3. Anonymous10:13 AM

      Anon 8:31 Ditto! She sure didn't seem too sad when her hatefulness contributed to the Arizona shootings.Karma, baby!

    4. Anonymous10:25 AM

      People were in tears while watching Gabby come on stage and do the "Pledge" last night with her dear, dear friend who has been by her side since the shooting.

      Gabby looked so, so cute and showed us all such happiness to be there!

      Think of all the "work" (therapy) she has had to endure to be able to walk and talk again.

      Sarah Palin was responsible for that shooting and I'll say that to the day I die. I'll never forget the map of crosshairs that she published before and after the shooting.

      Sarah Palin - hell awaits and I hope you suffer horribly during the rest of your miserable life!

  38. Anonymous7:48 AM

    I am envisioning a pile of RNC wigs and clothes next to her chair in her in house studio and she just grabs one when she has a fox interview.

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      Too funny!

    2. Anonymous9:51 AM

      an empty chair with a broom, wig, and glasses half burnt up. Can anyone do a quick photo of this .

  39. Anonymous7:49 AM

    BTW, where did Scarah's shoulders go? Maybe that's what we're seeing 6 inches below? Her badly-done breast augmentation was so clear (balloons on a stick) when she wore the tank top that I don't think she'll venture out in that get-up again.

  40. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Gawd! Negative Sarah in all her full-blown glory just oozing snark and ugliness. She can't hide it and it shows in her facial expressions. It's just eating her up that she's not the center of anybody's universe. She actually believes that she represents the average American and dares to lecture that we need to do something for our kids?!? I bet it just galls her with jealousy to watch Michelle, Barack, Sasha & Malia as the great role models that they are for American familes. ROFLMAO!

  41. Anonymous7:52 AM

    I haven't seen this posted anywhere yet. Not that I read thru the 1000 comments at Huffington Post.

    At the end she says something like "I just want to go ask Kerry 'Why the long face?'"

    What a F'ing Bi-otch. Is she trying to insult him because he has a God given long face? He's not a middle school girl. He is not going to go run in to the bathroom and cry because you insulted his looks.

    She just makes herself look so pathetic and small.

    1. Anonymous8:08 AM

      She insulted him way back in 2009 with that same comment. What's funny is that her daughter Bristol now has a long face with a pointy chin.

    2. Anonymous8:19 AM

      Sarah was comparing Kerry to BRISTOL THE CHIN. BWAHAHAHAHA.

    3. Anonymous8:20 AM

      That reminds me of her email where she calls Jewish Republican Rep. Jay Ramras "bird-nose" and "va-jay-jay" saying that she needs to keep the likes of him away from her daughters.

      Typical Sarah. Mentally and emotionally she is still 12 years old and out for petty revenge.

    4. Anonymous9:23 AM

      The joke wasn't even original. But people who've never heard it before think it was - and very clever of her.

  42. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Holy crap!!!

    She is butt fugly! That is not hair, it's a helmet. It does not move.

    Our first lady, whom is just as beautiful inside as out, had the most stunning hair when she gave her speech. Sarah really does look like a bobble-head.

  43. Awwhh the old insufferable bat is still burning from her old "Russia" ignorant, airheaded comment. The insane cow already admitted that she had no dealings with Russia, Putin or any foreign deal making, she is a vapid plastic lying coot.

    she is acting as if her meds don't work any longer. I too don't know why Sen. Kerry would mention her name especially knowing that she was booted out of her own convention without reason (she was told not to be anywhere near the gop convention or else.) HAHAHAHA

    What she hasn't realize either is that nobody is afraid of her skankass. We have the goods on her and her dysfunctional family. We told the story. Ha! The fraud can't stand it. It's driving her to extreme craziness.

    Watching how great President Obama is isn't helping the old 6moomoo either. HAHAHAHA ~banging hand on table with laughter)~

    And she still doesn't know that she WAS a one hit gop wonder.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      She's still touting that she did 'good' work in Alaska!!! Ask Alaskans! She is going down in the history books as "Alaska's Worst Quitter Governor" EVER! The pipeline she stated was under construction while on the campaign w/McCain STILL is NOT under construction. She fucking lied then and continues to now!

      Alaska wishes the Palin/Heath clan were not even affiliated w/the State of Alaska. They have brought nothing but shame upon our state - to include Toad (the pimp) and Bristol (the whatever?). The kids should get away from that family, change their names, get further education, etc. before their money runs out.

      Sarah appears as if death is upon her. Hell is awaiting her there is no doubt!

  44. Anonymous8:07 AM

    John Kerry: one of our Massachusetts Senators.
    Just to let Sarah know the breadth and depth of his knowledge, this Monday, the day before the Democratic Convention started, Senator Kerry was in a small town in the westernmost part of the state -- difficult to get to in the best of times -- to attend the funeral of a young soldier who had been killed in Afghanistan.

    Sarah, John Kerry is always on the job, in every way.
    If you feel that he slighted you by mentioning your name, I'm sure the family of that fallen soldier didn't feel insulted that he knew their name.

    It goes without saying that you should be flattered that he brought you up at all -- it gave you your only prime-time air during either convention.

    1. Anonymous8:20 AM

      Very well stated. Thanks.

    2. it took her 4 years to find an excuse to reopen that wound.... and even after four years of dwelling on it she couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation. Aye-yi

  45. Anonymous8:09 AM

    What a complete and utter dumb ass this thing from Wasilla is. She even insults herself, when she is spewing hatred. I believe that she is dying from the inside out. Just look at her. It is only a matter of time before we scoop up this pond scum, and take it to the Wasilla dump. I would have said the Lake, but I would not do that to the innocent fish. RIH(Rest in Hell) BITCH.

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM


    2. WakeUpAmerica11:12 AM

      The lake is already dead.

  46. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Was it an unscripted question? Seems like he asked her opinion just as Kerry had finished his speech and we all know she cannot think on her feet or improvise to save her life. Tsk tsk. Lol.

  47. LMAO @ Baldy's shoutout to Glen "BabyOil" Rice!

    The Tranny man said..."Once you go never go back"...what's that you say...oh ...she said "Once you VOTE Black" bad then! LOL!

    Wow...she/him = "Shem" is looking really BAD! Poor thing looked like a feral rat with horn rimmed glasses! The Asylum is saying that the bald fella will be on with InSannity tonight! Let's hope she takes a shower and wear some clothes that doesn't look like she slept in them before tonights broadcast! LOL!!

  48. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Where did she learn to make her mouth into the shape of a fist?

  49. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Sarah has turned into a bitchy old nag..too much money, botox, pills, booze etc..go home stay away from the spotlight and learn to love your family and STFU!!

  50. Anonymous8:18 AM

    What a hideous looking Hate-filled SKANK. Pimp Daddy must have found a new Mate in Hollywood, and Sarah has experienced a MELTDOWN. She is so STUPID that she thinks that she was never on the National Stage.
    Sarah, your LIES have caught up with you. If Fox is not embarrassed, they deserve her.

  51. Anonymous8:19 AM

    I have a physician friend who works at an emergency rehab clinic -- they see addicts in the worst stage of their addiction and attempt to detox them and get them well. I showed him this picture and he said three things:

    Uppers (best guess was prescription drug abuse, which he sees more and more now in white, middle class women)
    Severe liver damage

    He predicts she's six months away from a serious trip to the hospital for liver failure, possible death. She looks that bad to him, and he's seen it all.

    By the way, I downloaded the photo to Photoshop to show him and he didn't even know who she was. When I told him it was Palin he didn't even believe me!

  52. Anonymous8:25 AM

    False modesty, another charming Palin trait. I watched a couple of minutes with her sorry ass muted. What was she talking about when she did her mouth all weird? Damn, nobody thinks as much of Sarah Palin as Sarah Palin, and she is such a fecking witless dogface. Not cute or charming or witty, Sarah, just a witless dogface. I hope it chewed you up good to see the beautiful and brilliant Michelle Obama thrill the world. You're lucky your name got mentioned even once in the DEMOCRATIC Convention. Wasn't about you, just your name, but everyone knew you'd run with it. Tossed you a bone, bitch.

  53. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Palin: Kerry 'diminished himself' with 'potshot' at me

  54. God, she's so stupid she's now insulting herself!

  55. Now I will write a post that's befitting of the coot.

    Her hair looks "willow-ed" clipped on. The blending her hair is not working, I can see where the real strands end and the nasty hairpiece begins. Fail!

    OMG your pasty make-up looks caked on and dry. Scrape about three layers off. Fail!

    Get some new glasses. I know the larger glasses are in style now, but they don't work on an old skinny dried up skank like yourself. Get some age appropriated glasses so your globe won't look so freaking big, clown. Obvious fail!

    Speaking of looking like a 20 year old skank...why are you wearing a puffed sleeve shirt? Are you in piper's closet again? (h/t IM poster) Why is your shirt opened exposing your wife beater, you desperate old goat?

    You are one hot mess. Seek help before it's too late. Not you 6moomoo, it's too late for you and toad.

    I heard you were even a bigger hit at the gop convention. Just like bustol is going to be the biggest hit on dwts. Haters are going to hate. ROTF

    We know what you did in '08.

  56. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Why does she do that little pop up thing--is she so full of shit that she farts during her interviews?

    What a curious way of trying to make a putdown by saying someone is so smart that he wouldn't recognize plain ol' Sarah.--who we all know reads all of everything and has served so many years in the Senate, oh, no that was as Govenor, oh uhh, she didn't serve two years?

    1. Anonymous9:50 AM

      John Kerry is a great speaker!!! Was fun seeing so many of those wonderful Democratic speakers at the Democratic Convention!

      It was far superior to that of the Republican Convetnion in substance, quality, energy and diversity! Plus, the attendance greatly surpassed that of the Republican Convention (watched both!).

      I am even more charged and can hardly wait to help get out the vote for electing more Democrates across the nation!!!

      OBAMA/BIDEN 2012

    2. WakeUpAmerica11:10 AM

      Sarah can read? Who knew?

  57. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Palin is always the clown. She can't quiet blame having a senior moment, she is not even 50.

    The Clint chair, it was a senior moment.

  58. Anonymous8:56 AM

    How pathetic. She's still defending the owning that Katie Couric gave her in 2008. You're an international joke Sarah and we own you. You are our puppet. Where's TRI-G???

    1. Anonymous9:44 AM

      Looking forward to Katie's new TV show (interviewing others) that starts this month. Know she'll do a great show and have interesting guests.

      Sarah, you idiot, you might want to watch it and see how attractive, smart and kind people treat others.

      Sarah, you continue not to have a clue about much of anything!!!

      To hell with you, honey!!

  59. Randall8:57 AM

    Yes, Sarah IS a little nobody - a nasty little nobody with no one to blame but herself for being a such despised caricature.

    This is why so very few even listen to you anymore, Sarah:
    because you never figured out the difference between expressing an opinion and being a hateful bitch.

  60. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Sarah is a sick woman both mentally and physically. Her "family" is too afraid of her to stage an intervention like we've been suggesting for four years. They also don't give a shit about her. Her own family hates her guts. They obviously don't care about her health or they would've done something by now. She's on illegal drugs. meth, coke, you name it, sarah does it. Thanks to sarahpac "postage" money. Suckers.

  61. Smirnonn9:11 AM

    "...but did anybody else notice that she seems to be all head these days?"

    Yes, Gryph, I did. And I figured out why.

    It took a while to do the math, but once I estimated the approximate density of her brain and figured in the gravitational constant it became clear.

    Her brain is so dense it's a singularity. A black hole. And it's slowly consuming everything around it, especially her body.

    Soon she will be nothing but a dark, dense ball of hate with a wig and glasses.

  62. Anonymous9:15 AM

    She's gettin' that tweaker mouth.

  63. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Wow...she dissed herself without even realizing it. How sad is that? Even she realizes she's not relevant anymore. And, FOX aired that humiliating moment -- it's just cruel.

  64. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Thank you for the laugh!

    I know, Sarah does look like a head on a stick. How much thinner can she get? All that dieting, plastic surgery and she's got no where to go.

    I think Sarah was extremely in bitter mode in that interview. What she says and what she means are two different things. It's like she was only angry that John Kerry only addressed her now. So, she gets up and leaves with her toys and goes home. Now, she's one of us. We little people. The "How does he even know my name?" really means, "how come he never mentioned me before, aren't I important enough for him?

    And, the "I think he diminished himself by even mentioning my name" really means "he and the rest of the GOP are so elitist and big boy Washington crowd that little humble servant's heart ME could never ever be considered significant". It also means, "I'll retreat back with the rest of the little people and show those big boys how the little people love me."

    And, the "funny he would take a little potshot like that" actually means, "how dare he make fun of little me, who carries the banner for all the little people". Of course, Sarah in her $100,000 per screech role has nothing to do with being an elitist snob who expects charities to dole out $$$ to hear 'little Sarah/who me?' speak. She one of us until she's one of them, until she's one of us...............poor bitter Sarah.

  65. Anonymous9:22 AM

    LOL even Lego hair thinks we should ignore her!!!

    She is sooooooo retarded!!!!

  66. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Her wig is growing but not her brains!!!

  67. I'm pretty upset by Sarah's comment about 'the button that has been ADVERTISED...that’s being CELEBRATED at the DNC....'

    She's the one who yells at the lamestream media for 'not taking that one extra step' to get full information and who schools journalists to stick with the 'who, what, why, when, where' of reporting. She sees a photo, taken on the first day of the convention, of one person's hat with one offensive (but probably intended as humorous) button and she freakin' turns it into a racist celebration at the DNC.

    There's zero information about how many people had the button, whether or not the person was a state delegate, who was selling the buttons, whether or not any party officials were aware of the button and asked for it to be removed. The complete irresponsibility of Palin and Cavuto, for not questioning her allegation, is reprehensible.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      This has got to be the umpteenth time this ninny grabbed onto some itsy bitsy thing and tries to turn it into something huge in yet another desperate attempt that it will get everyone's attention turned on her. Like the time she tried to blame liberals for moving the words "In God We Trust" to the edge of a coin only to find out that GW Bush did that.

      Sarah, along with your stock in trade (your looks) you've lost your hatin' mojo. Get used to it!

  68. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Thanks to Fox we can have few laughs!

  69. Anonymous9:33 AM


    A request, could you pl. post this on your blog, folks can sign the petition and kick the ASS out.

    1. Anonymous10:51 AM

      If you want to see Erickson go then hit CNN in the wallet and go after the advertisers ... a petition is civilized but won't get it done.

    2. Anonymous11:00 AM

      Here's the link to the petition:

    3. Anonymous11:27 AM

      Sorry that wasn't a good link. Hope this works.

  70. Anonymous9:41 AM

    She really seems drugged.

    1. "seems"....uh...I think Baldy IS drugged! What other explanation can there be for the shit that comes out of that thin lip monsters mouth....

      "METH is a hellavu drug"!

    2. Anonymous10:37 AM

      Meth can age you REALLY fast..just saying.

  71. Anonymous9:54 AM

    I like the analogy posted above that she is throwing dirt on herself in her demise. It is sad but she was incapable of grasping she got enough rope to hang herself. She will lay blame elsewhere. I doubt her family sees her physical self as it is. Up is down and black is white for them.

    1. Anonymous10:49 AM

      I think she was unprepared for that question and while trying to "diminish" Kerry she inadvertently diminished herself.

  72. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Better quit sarah. It wont stop until you completely go away and take your family with you. Fox pull the plug quick.

  73. Anonymous10:03 AM

    How is a millionaire one if the little people?

    1. Anonymous10:47 AM

      I think she was making a dig at her own party for not being invited to the RNC convention when she said big whig elitists not knowing her name. She has a very twisted mind that Sarah.

  74. I'm sorry but God and religion have no place in politics, period. Too many fake Christians making a killing off of people's religious fervor and further pitting us against each other.

    1. WakeUpAmerica11:09 AM

      I agree. Furthermore, I feel pretty confident that God doesn't give a rat's ass about our politics.

  75. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Big wig elitists?? How about Mitt Romney and his many mansions, at least the one where he's building him a garage elevator. And what about his fancy dancing horse?? How many of we 'regular Americans' can afford one of those?
    She simply cannot admit that she was terribly unprepared and way over her head in 2008. And she still is. She can't admit to any of the many, many gaffes she committed.
    And yeah, I think she's on something. And it isn't Bayer aspirin.

  76. Anonymous10:13 AM

    What really is so staggeringly obvious is her own party didn't want her anywhere near their convention in Tampa! Even Fox news canceled her Wednesday night interview that week because apparently they got wind of what she was going to go on and on about - her sugar daddy McCain. And of course, George W. Bush was never even mentioned! Sarah was their darling in 2008 and now they can't get away from fast enough.

  77. I forgot to include this in my post, but it should be noted for the record that this lunatic is calling out "big wig elites" from under a big wig herself, while speaking from her in house studio located in an elitist compound situated by a dead lake.

    I think my irony meter just committed suicide.

  78. JenniferinVA10:21 AM

    There is no mention of her by anyone in any context that escapes her notice. She completely lacks the ability to poke fun at herself which is what John Kerry did to himself last night with his reference to "being for it before I was against it." She is so remarkably thin-skinned for politics, and every time she does this she makes more of an ass of herself.
    They were laughing at her on Morning Joe and her comment has run all over the various news programs this morning.
    She needs to toughen up like she once famously told the Alaska legislature on the tarmac in Anchorage back from her humiliating 2008 loss. Remember how tough she was back then?
    Since that time, she has lashed out at anyone who would dare speak her name, ask her a "gotcha question" or not recognize her right to be head of the republican party. It's silly and sad at the same time. The various cheap wigs sitting askew on her head as she spews her venom don't help.

    1. Anonymous10:40 AM

      She was never tough. She was always thin skinned. Chuck Todd was laughing at her also, too! Someone on his panel said she was trying to extend her Fox contract and another person said he was glad she realized she was irrelevant. Like someone said Sarah is comedy gold! The comedians must love her.

  79. WakeUpAmerica10:25 AM

    Morning Joe crew were laughing hysterically about that statement this morning.

  80. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Most of Sarah´s interviews never get aired. Ailes has miles of embarrassing footage.

    Sarah is so proud of her new boobies! ItÅ› a hoot to watch her answer every question delighted, convinced the boobies will slingshot her back into relevance. But, sob, she is reminded of Fox´s dress code, for the Nth time, and must change and do a retake. This process is quite fun to watch.

    Does it show?

    You betcha!

    Also, too, the transmitter in her home is on 24/7, even when it´s turned off. And, yes, she is that dumb.

  81. Sally in MI10:35 AM

    The use of "Democrat" as an adjective is no mistake. It is an insult to Democrats. As if the GOP has ever once been respectful of the other party in the past decade anyway.
    And she isn;t mad at Kerry. She is steaming that the GOP not only didn't want her input, they never even mentioned her all week. Poor picked on rich girl. You are finished in the news unless the state of Alaska gets some brass and finally indicts you for fraud.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      On the other hand, the GOP has become a childish, self-centered party that is unfit to govern. You don’t need to look any further than in their immature refusal to call the Democratic Party by its real name – instead, they insist on the Democrat Party, the same way that the bully in some 1980s movie would call a character “slob” if his real name was “Bob.” What is the purpose of this? I don’t know. It demeans every Republican candidate when they say it. But it also is of a piece with the Republican inability to engage an elected president from the Democratic party. Republicans didn’t just go after Clinton’s policies – they called him a murderer, a drug dealer, a rapist. They didn’t just go after John Kerry’s policies – they accused him of faking his heroics, of lying his way to a Purple Heart and a Silver Star (in the process raising doubts about the integrity of those awards for every soldier who has won them), and of shooting a boy in the back. They don’t just go after Obama’s policies – they accuse him of being a Kenyan, a socialist, a communist, a euthanizer, and on and on.

      Until the Republican party grows up, until they stop lying about economic realities, until they can finally start to behave like they believe in their ideas rather than just demonizing their opponents, then the party is at risk of becoming a minority party forever. Rage, delusions and lies are not the path to power.

      I hope.

  82. Palin is hilarious. In a pathetic way. She debates and responds like a fifth grader. Taking an obvious joke - and being all serious about it. To show she is a serious person. With serious ideas. About serious issues. For our super serious nation. Which is a city on a serious hill. Plus God, also too.

    I apologise for insulting any fifth graders who have more intelligence in their pinkies than the Wasilla Grifter.

    1. Anonymous11:08 AM

      Excuse there are a lot of smart 5th graders out there. Nobody is as ignorant as the Wasilla Hill Billies.

  83. Palin is hilarious. In a pathetic way. She debates and responds like a fifth grader. Taking an obvious joke - and acting like it was meant to be a serious comment and so decides to be even MORE serious with her response. To show she is a serious person. With serious ideas. About serious issues. For our super serious nation. Which is a city on a serious hill. Plus God, also too.

    I apologise for insulting any fifth graders who have more intelligence in their pinkies than the Wasilla Grifter.

  84. Anonymous10:46 AM

    OK, so I'm curious. A few weeks before the RNC in Tampa, Sarah told Greta (who asked about whether or not she'd be at the convention) that 'Romney's people had talked to her people.' and apparently, they were trying to work something out. So, did that really happen or was she lying and bluffing trying to save some face?
    I'm interested in whether or not anyone really did approach her about playing some sort of role at the convention, or she's a lying sack of shit. Which is it??

    1. Anonymous10:59 AM

      She lied to save face. The Repubs did not want her near that convention.

    2. I totally believe Romney's "people" talked to her "people". [would have given anything to have been in on THAT cultural exchange]. Romney's "people" had to make it crystal clear that while Palin's "people" could come to the convention, The Double Breasted Alaskan Dingbat herself was not only not welcome, but a restraining order would be issued if she showed up.

  85. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Sarah had MANY opportunities to practice what she preaches - especially that as being Mayor of Wasilla and Governor of Alaska. In essence, she had the political world by the balls (literally = old white creepy guys) if only she had the grace, dignity, and intelligence to make the U.S. a better place for all Americans, especially for those of women.

    But, NOPE, all the people got to see was a woman reliving her beauty queen days with absolutely no brains whatsoever. How fitting and justified that she is falling apart so rapidly. The GOP knew EXACTLY what they were getting themselves into by putting Palin in as VP candidate. They cannot play dumb on that one. Karma is SUCH an equal-opportunity bitch.

    I have to admit, it's been quite the freak show from day one and quite entertaining at that. Thankfully the woman never got close to the White House and hopefully Mittens will not either.

    Still, President Obama has one hell of an economic mess on his hands. We'll see how he AND Congress handle this. Even with his best efforts, Americans are facing austerity such as that of Europe. Cross your fingers everyone and prepare for the worse.

  86. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Watching Sarah Palin on Fox News (Cavuto) is proof that the WAR ON DRUGS has failed. Not only failure but we are dependent on the ill gotten goods and cottage industries that surround it. Scientology isn't running clinics for free, it is business.
    When can politicians talk about the War on Drugs? Are they all like Sarah Palin? Fox News has to know she is loaded and they are part of the problem when they use her and ignore the bigger problems.

  87. Anonymous11:03 AM

    This woman really is ugly. And her two daughters too. They remind me of the Wicked Step mother and her two daughters in the Cinderella Story. And who might Cinderella be in this modern version? The Truth.

  88. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Since when did FOX believe in nepotism?

    I was surprised to see them talking to Sally Heath on FOX. Was Sarah sick?

    Time is not nice to Sarah and Sally.

  89. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Horrible wig! She looks like a guy in drag there. She used to be so pretty.

  90. WakeUpAmerica11:16 AM

    She's drunk.

  91. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I have figured it out. Todd turned into a woman, Sarah into a man. Perfect union!

  92. Anonymous11:25 AM


  93. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Todd, keep feeding her those drugs. We all know that you can't wait for her to kick the bucket. All of your pimping money from her dumb ass will be yours. That is the only reason why you are still with her, is for the Money. She will be gone soon, your plan has worked.

  94. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Sarah Palin, that's one rough looking man.

    How in hell did she win Miss Wasilla? Was it a Friday night and everybody was drunk or did the rest of the contestants look like Sally and Creepy Chuckie Heath?


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