Friday, September 07, 2012

I was a little disappointed in the Daily Show last night, but then Stephen Colbert came along to take up the slack.

Ahh, now THAT was almost worth waiting two days to see!

I was very excited to finally get to watch the DNC coverage, and then the Daily Show and Colbert Report, make fun of that DNC coverage. But Stewart simply did nothing to satisfy my insatiable desire for parody.

Thankfully Stephen Colbert brought the goods.


  1. Sharon5:02 PM

    I feel bad for you Gryph having to endure that terrible storm and esp not having internet or TV during the convention. The Daily Show pretty much sucked (first time I ever said that) and Colbert killed every night. I guess it has alot to do with the Dems not, not alot of joke material. I am glad you have all the speeches to catch up those internets.

  2. vegaslib5:41 PM

    I too was really disappointed with The Daily Show. I know it's probably due to the fact that the DNC speakers aren't nuts and say stupid shit, but damn, it just wasn't funny to me.

  3. Anonymous6:27 PM

    " Idiot half-term governor"

  4. Evening Jesse O/T but a thing of beauty

    From DailyKos

    Sorry NYG - I've just become a Vikings fan

  5. I agree with the other comments. I just watched the Daily Show online, and it was the worst I have ever seen. What was he thinking!

    Colbert was great though.

    1. I agree. I realize they are taped ahead of time, but it was clear that the DS thought they would be coming on after several hours of DNC screw-ups. It was jarring after an evening of great speeches ending with Michelle's.

      Wednesday night we watched all of Bill's speech.

      Thursday, again, the earlier taped DS seemed completely disconnected to what we had just watched.

      I think if they had opted for live coverage and improv, it would have been much better.

      I can't stay up long enough to watch Colbert; I shouldn't even watch the Daily Show. I will look up Colbert clips.

  6. Anonymous3:53 AM

    I think Jon Stewart sometimes goes to far in his notion of "fair and balanced." There really was very little to mock and make fun of at the Democratic Convention. Not a lot of hypocrisy going on there.

  7. Anita Winecooler7:50 PM

    Thanks for the Colbert Clip. As much as I love the daily show, when it's good it's really good, but when it sucks, it's a letdown.
    Colbert had me rolling, satire and perfect timing, a winning combination.


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