Friday, September 07, 2012

Possibly the best line from the whole Democratic convention.

And he says it with a smile.

Update: Boo!

This a sweet moment I think I could watch all day.


  1. Mebbe.

    My vote is for Gov Granholm's line re rMoney on saving the auto industry: the cars get the elevator, the workers get the shaft.

  2. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Ok get popcorns ready for Lego Hair will be on Hannity tonit to discuss DNC convention, etch out the wig might hit you. LOL

  3. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Gryph, Firefox 15 isn't seeing the pic you posted here. I had to use Chrome to see it.

    1. I had the same problem. I think I fixed it now.

      Added a cool GIF too.

  4. PBO looks like he got goosed a little bit there!

    There's a lot of love in that family. I'm proud of our 1st Family.

  5. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I am so proud of our president and you can just feel the love and support in the Obama family.

  6. Anonymous3:40 PM

    It's nice to see how much democrats SUPPORT democrats' families onstage at conventions and let candidates show love and pride ,despite human flaws EVERYONE has, for their families. NO republicans are allowed to as you all call it "using the kids."

    Is it REALLY a stretch to say Sarah was naive in thinking she'd be granted the same courtesy seeing how everyone else is treated? She could NOT have anticipated the intense stalking and immaturity that came her family's way. They are just people after all. As she said, "our family is unlike any other, with the same ups and downs, tragedies and joys....."

    Truest statement imaginable .

    People need lives and democrats need to be fair for ONCE in their lives.

    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Bragging about boarding a transcontinental flight after an amniotic fluid leak of a premature Down Syndrome fetus without a medical check when you are high risk (over 40, history of miscarriages, 7th pregnancy) AND avoid neonatal intensive care equipped hospitals to birth your baby in a local hospital not even rated to handle twins IS:

      "our family is unlike any other"

      It's also insane.

    2. Anonymous4:46 PM

      gee...guess I missed the parade of unmarried pregnant teens on the DNC stage...

    3. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Get lost Sarah. You ignorant, illiterate, has-been, jealous jack@ss.

    4. Oh dear...Baldy was just on with InSannity and if you missed it! The patients at the Asylum are NOT happy!

      Not only was Baldy on there briefly...InSannity didn't even tell her goodbye! Me thinks this interview was taped earlier and Baldy must have said some stupid ass shit and was cutoff! LOL!!!

    5. Anonymous5:24 PM

      "unlike"???? Thank the Goddess for that you Dumb Fuck.

    6. Sally in MI6:04 PM

      Golly, I don't remember another VP candidate of either party parading a 4 month old special needs child, PLUS a pregannt teen and her unsmiling 'fiance' around at event after event. Think. When is the last time you saw the Obama kids on stage with their dad? Yeah, me neither. Meanwhile, in 2008, Palin's kids were there all the time. Not in school, with her, begging for attention. And when is the last time any pols kid went on a reality TV show? Yeah, never. Fair is fair, honey. And Palin has done nothing to get our respect, Not one thing.

    7. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Well the GOP seems to have the parade of knocked up 16 yr old sluts taken. So we democrats will stick with loving, well behaved children that are being raised correctly.

    8. Anonymous6:41 PM

      Why is the same troll always posting here? INSANE! It's so sad. It really shows you the current mental state of anyone who would support the GOP in this election: needing mental health help and not very good at math.

    9. Anonymous7:58 PM

      In fairness, I think Krusty's been banned from all of the Palin sites, so we're like her only internet family that will put up with her.

      When I think about all of the nutters at the PeePond, I'm not sure Krusty is the worst of the bunch, but she is annoying as hell, even on a good day.

    10. Irishgirl8:15 PM

      Feck off!

    11. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Have you lost your way? Wrong blog?

      Sarah Palin and McCain thought humiliating a young teenage pregnant girl (who was scared out of her mind) on the national stage was a good way to grab the “we’re just like you folks” voter. Somehow they just don’t get it. You don’t use people in this way. As to Sarah Palin? She showed incredible insensitivity to her daughter. No mother I know would have been so cruel. It was a typical “me! me! me!” moment for Sarah. It is as weird as the Frank Bailey moment when she wondered aloud about having a baby while governor. We Alaskans were played for fools by a person with distinct narcissistic tendencies and the maturity of a teen-age girl. Too bad she just didn’t go straight to reality TV before messing with Alaskans. Everybody I know wishes she would move out of the state and fear having to sit next to her on trips to the Lower 48.

    12. Anonymous10:51 PM

      "We Alaskans" were not ALL played for fools. I am very happy to tell people I did not vote for her when she ran for Lt. Gov and I did not vote for her when she ran for Gov. Since I don't live in Wasilla....I didn't have the opportunity to NOT vote for her for Mayor/City Council.

    13. Anita Winecooler7:27 PM

      The Palin progeny DID get a lot of totally unwanted attention, but what's a family that loves it's privacy to do? Levi knocked, the door of opportunity opened, and he went in. (bless his heart). Bristol was tossed onto the world stage in the late stages of being "blessed", candies approached her and she preached abstinence for Dollars. Magazine Spreads of her and her sister dressed to the nines for Dollars, television interviews for dollars, Dancing for dollars, exploiting her "blessing" for Dollars, Reality show for Dollars, A ghost written memoir including allegations of rape with explicit details of forgetting pills while fornicating, then making Dollars for promoting it. A blog for Dollars, PSA's for Dollars, and now back to Dancing for Dollars.

      Chelsey Clinton somehow managed to avoid being "blessed", avoid public scrutiny, matriculate from an Ivy League University, get married, and as an adult, made the decision to campaign effectively for her Mother. No dancing, No magazine spreads, no books, no reality show, no blog, no dancing.

      That's just one example of how Dems do things right, or at least in the right order.

      Poor Krusty doesn't get it, and she never will. Why? Because she worships the Palins and believes they're victims of a left wing conspiracy.

      If that ain't crazy stupid, I don't know what is.

  7. Anonymous3:48 PM

    Two lucky young women that know their dad will fight so they can make their own decisions about their uterus.

  8. Shari4:37 PM

    It is so obvious the love POTUS and FLOTUS have for one another and for their children. First Lady Michelle is an amazing woman and mother. President Obama is a wonderful loving father. The relationship they share, speaks volumes for the character of the man.

  9. Anonymous5:06 PM

    That sure is a handsome photo of our President, you posted Gryphen.
    Our First Family are so beautiful, inside and out.
    We love them to pieces.

    1. Anonymous10:43 PM

      My sentiments exactly.

  10. Anonymous5:19 PM

    He clearly loves his family and they love him. This isn't scripted, folks. This is genuine. Did anyone else see Mrs. Obama's interview the day before where she said that Malia and Sasha would be flying in on Thursday, but they had been in school all week and would be back in school on Friday? The Obama's clearly are raising their children to be independent, smart young ladies and not 'props.' My hat is off to them. The Obama's are raising two exceptionally bright, intelligent and independent girls.

    1. Sally in MI6:06 PM

      And golly, neither girl is pregnant nor spouting off swear words, or calling up radio stations before school because they were left alone with a special needs baby and got bored.
      Yes, the Obamas make me smile, and make me proud of our nation. The Palins make me gag.

    2. Anonymous6:16 PM

      Well normal well adjusted families like the Obama's know an education is important. Not like some other politicians that kept kids out so much they got held back a yr.

  11. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Love & joy! This is what a family should be. This is the man that I want in charge of my nation. This is the family that I want to represent to represent out nation. They epitomize the values that I hold, respect, education, learning and compasion for others to name a few. God bless them all. :)

  12. Anonymous4:10 AM

    President Obama's reaction is adorable.

  13. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Love this man and family - not perfect, but hell, who is?

  14. erica from dallas9:13 AM

    President and Michele Obama have two beautiful girls. They have grown up so much in the last 4 years! As a mother I know you can't make kids behave and shine with pride for their daddy the way his girls did on Wednesday night.That clip of him turning around is adorable.

  15. Anita Winecooler7:37 PM

    What I love about the First Family is how genuine they are. These two girls will grow to be fine young ladies, with social skills, education, and the knowledge that their parents fight hard for their rights of autonomy over their brains, bodies, and the choices they need as women to contribute to society.
    You know, just like everyone else.

    Love the gif, especially the President's reaction. They've restored dignity and respect to the white house by their words and actions.


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