Sunday, November 11, 2012

Last night's inevitable post election SNL cold opening featuring Mitt Romney.

By the way, as much fun as that was to watch, the Anne Hathaway Les Miserables opening monologue is not to be missed. inevitable


  1. Anonymous1:09 PM

    That was funny but my favorite take on "One Day More" is the version with "One Term More."

  2. Smirnonn2:11 PM

    At least it wasn't soda pop. He wouldn't want to get the "sugar blindness!" :)

  3. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Had a good giggle at comments on a story where a local traffic reporter on Fox in OK was asked about directions to Canada after Romney lost.

    Comment: "What will the teabaggers do when they have to sign up for Canada's healthcare system?"

    Response: "Get mad and leave when they make the first call and here press one for English."

    Comment: "...I had to read this twice just to make sure I didn't get it wrong the first time as to where this took place...I mean Tulsa, as in Tulsa, Oklahoma? You gotta be kidding me. That's hilarious because I bet there were a number of TP'rs there scrambling around kitchens looking for a pen and paper to write it all down too"

    Comment: "Yes, because there are no minorities, no socialists, no liberals, no taxes, and no universal healthcare in Canada... oh wait..."

    Their views are more in line with a country like Afghanistan. Religion rules, women are treated like second class citizens, they love guns and they hate anyone that doesn't look like them, practice the same religion as them, willing to throw themselves on the sword (or worse) for their leader, and the extremists among them spew hate 24/7, 365 days of the week! Tea Baggers get your passports ready! "


  4. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I think Bill Kristol has lost it!! He's going to be tossed from the GOP soon as it's not his first time making comments totally against everything GOP!!

    Bill Kristol says that Republicans in Congress should "take Obama's offer" to raise taxes on the wealthy because the GOP shouldn't "fall on its sword to defend a bunch of millionaires."

    "Four presidents in the last century have won 50 percent of the vote twice: Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Reagan, and Obama,"

    "I really don't understand why Republicans don't take Obama's offer to freeze taxes for everyone below $250,000 -- make it $500,000, make it a million," Kristol insisted.

    "Really? The Republican Party is going to fall on its sword to defend a bunch of millionaires, half of whom voted Democratic and half of them live in Hollywood?"

    Kristol got it right -- look at the millionaires in Hollywood, New York, etc -- So many of the 'celebs' that voted for him. Then you have Buffett along with other milliaraire business people who have said they would pay higher.

    Good thing Obama did win. Kristol needs healthcare -- Quick!!! Won't be long before they label him a 'Dem'!!!!

    Then the first comment post I read -- hilarious!!

    "This just in:

    Bill Kristol - the man famous for always being wrong about politics and a stallwart of imbecility from the regressive right - was abducted as he left the Fox studios this morning.

    He was seen being pulled into the back seat of a limo covered with Romney stickers and being driven by an old white guy who apparently was wearing a squirrel on his head. Kristol was seen being assulted in the back seat of the limo by what looked like Jabba the Hut - who witnesses say may run the Fox news division, and two brother's who are quite famous."

    1. Anonymous4:54 PM

      You'll have to forgive Bill Kristol. He's still recovering from that raging Sarah Palin hard on.

  5. Anonymous5:54 PM

    I couldn’t watch the show last night, because I was stuck working late in my office at DISH. I really wanted to see Anne Hathaway’s third appearance, but I wasn’t worried about missing the show because it’s available at the next day. I just got finished with the episode, and I was a little disappointed. For the first episode after a long, heated election, I expected more from the SNL crew. The cold open was a little funny, but it wasn’t the laugh I wanted to end this election cycle with. I guess that’s what Colbert and the Daily Show are for.

  6. Anonymous6:41 PM

    The funniest part was when Romney threw Rove off the balcony.

  7. Anita Winecooler9:02 PM

    It was funny, but somehow I can't picture them having a "party". I loved that he couldn't tell one son from another, guess the white shirts all look alike to Mittens.

    I tuned in the opening to Stephanopolus this a.m., just to see if George Will had the ballz to show his face. In his place he had Greta Van Mush Mouth - didn't watch any of it, but I'm sure Greta must have been unhinged.

  8. Anonymous4:05 AM

    The Romneys are not this benign.


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