Sunday, January 20, 2013

Oh look the Walking Dead is back! Oh wait that's just Sarah Palin.

Okay since so many of you sent me this link I guess we might as well post the picture from the same day as yesterday's post.

By the way over at the link above I found the most stalkerrific Palin Facebook page EVER!

Kind of makes me think this is the kind of page that John Hinkley would have created and dedicated to Jodie Foster if Facebook had been around in the 80's. Pretty scary stuff.

P.S. For those angry that I teased them about the Walking Dead, don't worry it really IS back on February 5th. Until then you will just have to make do with the hideous substitute above.


  1. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Here's the enlarged version (as in boob job)...

    1. Good grief! How totally tacky. Esp on a middle-aged anexoric.

    2. Anonymous3:50 PM

      A wonderful photo of Todd/Trig on that link - easy to see where that child gets some love - I find it sad that he was used as a prop for Sarah - and like to see a photo where he is his own person.

    3. Although I can't stand Todd I agree that he is very loving towards Trig. F*ck Sarah.


    4. Anonymous6:01 PM

      Ditto from a non- dittohead. Because, Fuck Rush, too. Grifter's and shills both.

    5. Anonymous7:00 PM

      RE: Facebook

      On 10/7/12 - Palin is wearing a Girls With Guns Jacket.

      (She is wearing a GWG t-shirt in the recent Car Show photo)

    6. Anonymous7:28 PM

      She still loves her some Wonder Woman bracelet though. You'd think Trig or Tripp would have made her a new one at Vacation Bible School or something. Even macaroni would be better than that nappy thing.

    7. Anonymous7:49 PM

      You don't know these people Joanne. You don't know ANY of the Alaskans you stalk and "talk to". And you still support people who are lying pieces of crap. I trust your judgment NOT.

      Trig travels with Sarah to AZ. YOU have a lot of growing up to do. Making premature, ignorant comments about strangers ISNT being a mature adult.

    8. Anonymous7:51 PM

      Trig has a very loving family. His siblings and parents adore him and his nephew learned how to be a protector and little lover around him . No shortage of love there in that family that's for sure.

    9. Anonymous8:56 PM

      7:49 and 7:51 PM LIAR!!!

    10. Anonymous10:32 PM

      At least Bristol finally admitted that Trig and Tripp are brothers. Perhaps Trig has been permanently remanded to Bristol?

    11. Anonymous5:50 AM

      earned how to be a protector and little lover around him

      weird phrasing......
      Anyhoo, glad TRi-G gets love from the Palins. I know Sarah looks at him as the gamble that did not pay off. She despises him.

    12. Anonymous7:26 AM

      I have seen enough of Palin to know what she is. She damages herself (and tries to damage others) every time she opens her mouth. I wish someone in that family would get a real job and that the kids would get an education. I don't think the word "education" is ever brought up in their household.

    13. Otto Katz9:38 AM

      The flickr account has been closed, and the link no longer works. :-(. Anyone have a mirror?

  2. Anonymous2:56 PM

    I made the mistake of going to the site. The picture of her and the young leering man is pretty disgusting. Her transparent black shirt is pulled down in front and her cleavage is exposed in a very non-presidential candidate way.

    1. Anonymous3:33 AM

      And fake cleavage at that (LOL). Much better investment for her than that face.

  3. Anonymous3:00 PM

    She looks totally stoned in that pic.

    1. Anonymous3:30 PM

      If you look at the blown up pic... link above, look at the girl with the drink in her hand, her pupils are normal, and then look at Baldy's pupils!!!!
      Fucking wide open to the max!
      She is flying high!

      Now I know you will all Diss me but I do "kinda" like her belt from what I can see of it.

      Oh the stalker page on fb? Looks to be the work of our resident troll here Krusty.

    2. Anonymous7:52 PM

      Sorry, I mean no disrespect but you have it wrong, and the opposite way around. When someone is on drugs, their pupils are very small, ofter referred to as "pinpoint pupils". Looking at her pupils from this photo it would appear she hasn't been using drugs.

    3. Anonymous8:32 PM

      depends on the drug...
      narcotics reduce, i.e. pin-point pupils...

      here is the wiki article for your edification on the many drugs that cause dilation (cocaine, anti-depressants, psychedelics, etc):

    4. Anonymous8:52 PM

      Krusty Anon 7:52

      You are an idiot...WTF "pinpoint pupils" WTF

      Pupil dilation, what's also referred to as mydriasis, happens when one of two muscle groups become activated, namely the iris sphincter (yes, that's what it's called) and the iris dilator. The sphincter response is triggered by the parasympathetic nervous system (what regulates our autonomic bodily processes when we're at rest), and the dilator by the sympathetic nervous symptom (what controls physiological responses requiring a quick response — like fight-or-flight).

      Needless to say, psychotropic drugs can have a profound effect on both of these systems.

      Depending on the type of drug taken, therefore, either muscle group can become engaged. Essentially, if a drug can trigger a parasympathetic or sympathetic response, there's a good chance that it will also impact on pupil dilation. Specifically, mydriasis can be caused by stimulants and any drug that influences the adrenal glands — what can trigger certain parasympathetic responses.

      For example, drugs like MDMA, ecstasy, cocaine, amphetamines, and some antidepressants (like SSRIs) can increase serotonin levels in the brain — a crucial neurotransmitter that regulates mood, including feelings of happiness and well-being. Serotonin agonizes to the 5-HT2A receptors in the brain — what has the downstream effect of triggering the mydriasis response, and in some cases, psychedelic episodes.

      Oh man!!! Krusty you are creepy and way off your meds tonight!!!

    5. Chella9:08 AM

      As someone who has been on pain management since forever, I can attest that opiates make your eyes pinpointed, and the pinpointed term is used by doctors.

      It's the drugs on the other side of the spectrum that give you big pupils.

  4. PalinsHoax3:06 PM

    Why, it's none other than GWG - the Great Wasilla Gargoyle !!

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      Greedy Wasilla Grifter

    2. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Grunky Wrinkly Grizzly

    3. Anonymous6:02 PM

      "Got Weed, Granny?"

    4. Anonymous6:06 PM

      Grifting Wasilla Grandma

    5. Anonymous9:07 PM

      Grungy White Gal

  5. Help me out here. Is the Quitter wearing a camisole, or is that just a black bra? I can't tell looking at this on my iPhone, other than it's tacky, but that's the norm for her, unless the RNC is footing the bill and a team of hygiene consultants enure she bathes at least every other day.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      looks like a very UGLY black bra over the equally ugly classless top.
      Here is link to the blown up pic:

      From 2:47 PM

    2. I'm out of pocket away from my laptop, so I have to use my imagination where my reading glasses don't do the trick with this iPhone. With her drug and alcohol issues, I guess it's up to the Pimp to prevent a wardrobe malfunction like her her wearing her padded push-up bra OVER her t-shirt.

      If this is the onset of dementia or another physical illness beyond her culpability, t's sad to see it happen to anyone. But if it's just Sarah getting her party going, I just hope a responsible adult is taking care of the minors she calls her children, regardless of the true identitity of the birth mothers of those two kids.

    3. Anonymous7:47 PM

      Tank top plus over shirt. She's out having fun, not going to a business meeting. GROW UP


    4. Glad she's got YOU as an image advisor, Fat Boy.

      Oh, by the way, Creepy Jr, how's the family doing? I mean the wife and two boys that you ditched after knocking up that skanky young co-worker. Yeah, that family. Now, who needs to grow up?

    5. Mary Barbour1:28 AM

      The flickr account links above seem to no longer work: "This member is no longer active on Flickr." It doesn't take long for IM to pull SP's puppet strings!

    6. Anonymous6:15 AM

      While we are discussing bras, look closer at the person with her in this picture. Isn't she wearing a bra with her shirt open to show it? Looks like "birds of a feather flock together"? I would expect some expensive hookers hang out at places like this car auction, hoping to catch the eye of those rich old men.

  6. Where do they actually live?

    1. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Who, Sarah's boobs or Sarah and Todd?

    2. Anonymous3:46 PM

      Oh I'm sure come PFD it will be Alasssska!

      Doncha know all the Ruff & Tuff Alaskan's leave during the winter and go to sunnier climes....

    3. Anonymous7:47 PM


    4. 3:44 "Who, Sarah's boobs or Sarah and Todd?" Todd and boobs are one in the same.

  7. Anonymous3:22 PM

    She is Cross-eyed and Stoned in that pic. Who dresses like that in public?

  8. Anonymous3:22 PM

    I went to the stalker website.OMG..What strikes me the most is the dramatic weight loss in a few months.She was thin before but now she is emaciated. Her health is in serious trouble.I would say if this keeps up she be the late Sarah Palin in six months.

    1. Anonymous5:36 PM

      I checked out the stalker facebook also too. YIKES!!!

    2. Anonymous7:59 PM

      I agree. But where is Todd and the rest of her family? They should be talking to her into getting a treatment in a treatment center that specializes in anorexics. Maybe they're more interested what's in her will, and not her.

  9. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Is she trying to be a star-lette, a politician, or a pal to her daughters? What a wasted person.

    1. Anonymous7:46 PM

      Yet you're sitting on your ass trashing strangers instead of using your precious time helping those in need, taking in a homeless person, feeding a homeless child, or rebuilding homes.

      You're pathetic. At least Sarah believes in charity and living privately in that regard.

    2. Anonymous8:54 PM

      7:46 PM Stalker is apparent throughout your POSTINGS. You are not Liked by the Palins, so go away.

    3. Anonymous8:59 PM

      @Krusty 7:46, Sarah believes you are a creepy stalker !!! Charity and living privately, you've got to be kidding. Stop lying Krusty stop lying right now. Take your meds fool.

    4. Anonymous10:29 PM

      The only charitable thing Palin has ever done is take some cookies to Russian Mission. Keep in mind, Russian Mission wasn't even the AK native community that was having food issues, it was Emmonak. So Sarah's only charitable act was taking some cookies the the WRONG village! Oh, wait, she gave a thousand bucks to Down Syndrome charities, there was that also.

  10. Anonymous3:44 PM

    Wasn't she appearing at a 'car' show in this photo? Boy, has she fallen from grace in the USA!

    1. Anonymous5:40 PM

      It's a collector car auction.

      Think beanie babies for the rich.

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM

      how is attending an auction that benefits a great organization a bad thing? Grow up and stop judging ALL The people who have lives and aren't just living to trash strangers.

    3. Anonymous8:52 PM

      7:45 PM Your MEDS are taking a toll on your coherency. You are writing the same old SHIT
      over and over, GROW UP, OLD WOMAN.

  11. Anonymous3:54 PM

    That woman, who was born the same year as Michelle Obama - a woman of class and intelligence, is the polar opposite. Sarah Palin has no class whatsoever.
    M from MD, who was also born the same year as they and wishes she had it together as well as FLOTUS.

    1. Anonymous4:50 PM

      So does she. Beaten by the back woman again.

      Karma. Or slammed door from God. Pick which you prefer.

  12. Anonymous3:57 PM

    I notice the year 2008 is missing entirely from the FB AllThingsPalin page.

  13. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Holy shit! That woman is LOADED! As in DOPED UP to the HILT! Look at her eyes! Medicated, stoned, drugged, whatever you want to call it, she is DEFINITELY cooked.

    1. Anonymous7:44 PM

      Mature. Why not choose not to judge people you've never met?

    2. Anonymous8:04 PM

      When someone is high their pupils are "pinpointed", not opened widely. That's what police look for when they pull someone over for suspicion of DUI. The photo actually shows the opposite, that she has not been using drugs.

    3. Anonymous9:05 PM

      7:44 & 8:04 bwahahahaha "pinpointed". They only thing that is "pinpointed" is your head. You are pathetic girl. Sarah is a greedy nasty vindictive skank, and yes I have met her, also too.

    4. Oh, 8:04, give it a rest. Drug use and alcohol abuse are common causes of dilated pupils.
      (As well as poison. And brain damage.)
      Mrs. Palin was drugged or drunk or both that day, as evidenced from the video.

    5. Anonymous9:33 PM



      awww, never the fuk mind ...

    6. Anonymous10:26 PM


      Beg to differ there. Many drugs, both legal and illegal cause widely dilated pupils. Most amphetamines, including meth, widely dilate the pupils. One of the symptoms of Ketamine abuse is dilated pupils. There are very few drugs that contract the pupils.

  14. WakeUpAmerica4:18 PM

    Just refer to her as Skeleta, and we will know who it is.

  15. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Here are two more pics of her from the car auction. Ewww

  16. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Michelle Obama's new hairstyle (the bangs) is so cute and makes her look younger. Sarah Palin, on the other hand, keeps looking older and older. She obviously doesn't know that wigs are supposed to be cared for and not just plunked atop one's head!

  17. Anonymous4:26 PM

    The Wonky-Eyed Witch has her buzz thang going on there. Feeling no pain. Nor anything else.

  18. Sally in MI4:29 PM

    My goodness, no wonder Ailes dumped her for a younger model.
    Karma, Sarah, KARMA.

  19. Anonymous4:32 PM

    John McCain must be so proud of his VP running mate. Doesn't she look Presidential?

    1. Anonymous4:51 PM

      She wouldn't even make janitorial staff.

    2. Anonymous7:02 PM

      She doesn't practice much at home. Reeks of urine smell several feet outside of bathroom. I'm not referring just to "Todd's bathroom" either. Those people don't bother to flush unless they see someone about to step in and powder their nose. Out of town for a few days. No problem. We'll flush when we return home. Nasty people.

    3. Anonymous8:49 PM

      7:02 Seems to be an insider who was thrown under the Palin Bus.

    4. Anonymous5:57 AM

      She doesn't practice much at home. Reeks of urine smell several feet outside of bathroom. I'm not referring just to "Todd's bathroom" either. Those people don't bother to flush unless they see someone about to step in and powder their nose. Out of town for a few days. No problem. We'll flush when we return home. Nasty people.

      Hey, that's just Palin being common sense fiscally conservative, dontcha know.
      Ever hear of "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down?"

  20. Anonymous4:42 PM

    There is a way to dress both casually and stylishly, and still look sophisticated and classy. ESPECIALLY when you are (supposedly) a professional woman in the public eye.

    Too bad Sarah Palin completely lacks the knack to dress that way. She looks shockingly tacky, in addition to the tasteless and age inappropriate clothing choices, she looks so emaciated.

    If she thinks she looks GOOD this way, that's yet one more indication of her utter lack of judgment.

    1. Anonymous6:50 PM

      Sarah heard "cars" and she dressed for NASCAR. This was supposed to be a high end auction for collectors.

      There must be something special about that red-white-and-blue beaded patriotic cuff that Sarah wears all the time. Sorry, it looks like something that would be worn to a 4th of July picnic. Sarah wears it all the time. It's not exactly a classy piece of jewelry, but at least it's not a Jewish star.

    2. Anonymous7:43 PM

      You're not judgmental at all. I assume you must be the recipient of some prestigious humanitarian award. No? SHOCKER

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM


      You forgot "immature", and "grow up," you must be slipping Krusty, No? Get those words in there weirdo or Sarah will be very disappointed and you'll have to sent more $$$$$.

    4. Anonymous9:56 PM

      Krusty is getting all worked up because she's been outed as stalking Sarah again with those private pics that she lifted off Palin relatives' Facebook pages.

      Good going Krusty. You'll be rooming with Sarah's other stalker friend soon. Too bad that those folks at that particular institution aren't going to let you sit in your own urine-soaked pajamas in bed all day and scour the net to defend your dream lesbian partners, Sarah and Brisket.

      Best of luck to you in evading Sarah's legal team's subpoenas and cease & desist advisories. Sarah doesn't fuck around when it comes to getting things her way. Unless you're pumping money into her PAC or her personal account (actually, no difference between the two), Sarah's got no use for you. Remember that. You're just a nuisance whom she considers a safety threat.

    5. Anonymous2:56 AM

      Jesus Christ, who is this idiot who sits on these threads all day bitching at everyone's comments, trying to defend trailer trash druggie Palin? And you have the nerve to tell others to grow up and get a life? It's no wonder you aren't welcome around actual people, you're fucking annoying as hell!

    6. Olivia6:59 AM

      "Jesus Christ, who is this idiot who sits on these threads all day bitching at everyone's comments, trying to defend trailer trash druggie Palin? And you have the nerve to tell others to grow up and get a life? It's no wonder you aren't welcome around actual people, you're fucking annoying as hell!"

      She is an immature, judgemental, unemployed, mentally ill wacko who does nothing all day or night except post here and on SPHASH, whining about everyone being immature and judgemental and doesn't comprehend the irony(or hypocrisy) of it all.

  21. Anonymous4:47 PM


  22. Yeah that website is either Krazy Kristy Krackhead or RAM. Sick, sick, sick.

    1. Anonymous5:06 PM

      It's Krusty, one of many similar things she has posted all over the net: dozens of fake FB accounts with fake FB friends, full of the same pix and FB crap, she has even made videos of her stupid pix and stolen FB scribblings. I'm not even sure I really want to know how much space on the intertubes is taken up by Psycho Krusty. I hope she falls out of bed on her head and drowns in her chamber pot.

    2. Anonymous6:01 PM

      I wonder how long it will be before Krusty gets a letter from a Palin lawyer telling her to take that page down.

    3. Anonymous7:39 PM

      You're super mature anon.

    4. Anonymous8:46 PM

      7:39 You are a Psycho, and dangerous to the Palins. The Asylum is your next stop. You are too crazy to be in jail.

    5. Anonymous9:13 PM

      7:39 Krusty, take your meds right now !!!!

  23. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Her pupils are so dilated. Old ass druggie! Probably a pill-popper, or maybe even a crackhead.

  24. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Didn't Sarah's sister Molly get implants too?

    The Heaths and Palins must believe that God made silicone for them so they can improve what he gave them flat broads?

    1. Anonymous7:39 PM

      Grow up. Don't slander.

    2. Anita Winecooler7:44 PM

      Their bodies are temples that are perpetually being rehabbed - shame they aren't!

    3. Anonymous6:10 AM

      7:39 How many times to you have to be told that slander is spoken not written. You really never made it out of 4th grade, did you? Please don't think you can reprise your big success on DWTS on the show "Are you smarter than a 5th grader?" Those kids would eat you alive!

    4. Anonymous7:11 AM

      7:39 Krusty, get a sharpie and write the following on your hand: Slander is spoken. Libel is written. What is wrong with are worse than Sarah trying to memorize her talking points. BTW, implants - definitely... believe it!

  25. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Remember how Piper dressed when she went to DWTS Allstars? Somebody dressed that little elementary school girl to show her little chest. Very inappropriate garment for that age. Seeing how old Sarah dresses I'm guessing Sarah must of dressed that little girl to look like a diva tramp, look like a Palin.

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Uhhh, she has older sisters. Borrowing their dresses for special occasions would be normal. Grow up.

    2. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Pipers Older sisters are too fat to loan their clothes to Piper. Try another LIE.

    3. Anonymous9:11 PM

      Anom 8:43 do you actually want us to believe a multi millionaire would allow her underage daughter to wear such a revealing dress on a popular national tv show because she borrowed it from her adult sisters who are constantly on the look out for husbands? I got a bridge to no where to sell you.

    4. Anonymous10:20 PM

      Piper's kind of getting to be the little porker as well. She needs to take some advice from Mommy on dropping the pounds before it goes much further.

  26. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Could that website be the creation of ME ME ME Louise Sarah the same imaginary blogger that used to compliment Gov Sarah Palin's incompetent job as governor?

    1. Anonymous7:38 PM

      huh? It looks like someone who wanted a timeline???


      Considering how many lies there are and how many lies bloggers still perpetuate, that timeline isn't a bad idea. NO anti palin blogger is less stalkerish. But the bloggers are more ignorant.

    2. Anonymous6:08 AM

      "IDK" = Kristy.

      The sheer amount of her comments here makes it pretty clear she's the "someone who wanted a timeline."

  27. Anonymous5:27 PM

    We know what side of the gun rights issues Sarah is on, in spite of seeing her not knowing how to handle or load a rifle. She couldn't hit the caribou, either. Still, Sarah is wearing her "Girls With Guns" GWG tacky t-shirt to show her support.

    Can anyone read the other letters under the GWG sheer shirt? It looks as if she is wearing a black tank top that has its own message shining through. It could also be part of the sparkly sheer shirt's bad lettering, "Girls & Guns" meant to be a "shadow" behind the "GWG" in the circle.

    Enlarging the photo produces another interesting discovery. There is a vertical line of rhinestones and a horizontal line of rhinestones, which form what RAM would call a surveyor mark and which targets Ms. Palins Gun Shirt. The lines cross right between her boobs, dead center in her chest. Yes, whoever designed the gun shirt has turned its wearer into a walking target.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      yep, you're correct:

    2. Anonymous7:11 PM

      It's probably that damn Skinny's t-shirt she's been wearing for 5 years. Either it's the same one, or one of her criminal brood stole a case of them from the warehouse where they were being silkscreened. Sarah is always on the hunt for free stuff. No questions asked.

    3. Anonymous7:24 PM

      Your absolutely right! What a stupid dumbassed bitch!
      If someone shoots her, will the R's say "she asked for it"?

  28. Anonymous5:30 PM

    I zoomed in on Sarah's eyelashes and was wondering if Trig did them while Sarah was passed out?

    1. Anonymous8:04 PM

      She probably gets eyelash extentions, they last about 3 to 4 weeks.

    2. 8:04 "She probably gets eyelash extentions, they last about 3 to 4 weeks" You are confusing the extentions with her underwear.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. Anonymous5:35 PM

    Mark it down:

    Dec 19, 2012 was the last time that we will ever hear the skanky one on the Fox News waves. It's done. Over. The airwaves are free to breathe and will quickly recover from the Palin stench.

    Oh they may throw her a bone on occasion just to keep the 'bots' fired up, but she will not have her regular toxic dump on ReGreta, Sean, Billo, and any other unlucky host that got stuck with her.

    From now it's car shows, bike shows, gun shows, snowmachine shows, revving up the horny and desperate, with what is left of her 'charms'.

    1. Anonymous5:45 PM

      I predict a leaked sex scandal involving at least one Palin in 2013. Gay sex, phone sex, internet sex, go to jail sex of some sort, who knows? always good for ratings, see Kardtrashians. It could happen, and derail her 2016 presidential fundraising.

    2. Anonymous5:54 PM

      Free from the Palin stench? Obviously you don't live in Wasilla?

      Lysol, Listerine and Mr. Clean can't clean our town!

    3. Anonymous7:14 PM

      Time is the only cure for what Sarah has done to the State of Alaska. I hope she does at least 20-25 years of time for her crimes. That will help us recover.

    4. Anonymous7:36 PM

      Please. Wasilla's amazing. There ARE people who've never met her. Sadly, those are the people who opine the most. Most just live happy lives without obsessing over ONE person.

      Get a clue. YOU create your own happiness. ALASKA is huge. Why are you so negative?

    5. Anonymous6:09 AM

      Come on, now. I know there are some good people in Wasilla, but Wasilla is not "amazing."

    6. 7:36 "Most just live happy lives without obsessing over ONE person."
      Krusty the stalker is talking to herself again. Obsessing over her obsession with ALL-Things-Palin via Facebook, Flickr and whatnot. What a maroon you are!

    7. Anonymous7:06 AM

      I heard that Kristy constantly writes anonymous post after post here and on other blogs trashing the Palins and then writes responses to them also so they will think she is a hero for defending them.

  30. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I looked at that website dedicated to the Palins and thought for a family that claims they get rape threats and one was actually raped in a canvas tent, why would this family post so many pictures of their family and children for all to see? In magazines, internet, tv and any media they could sell pictures to.

    WTF? Dont look at me, don't look at my child, the same child Bristol drives around with his name stamped on her license plate and has his life on failed reality shows?

    Really don't understand this dysfunctional self centered family?

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM

      Gotta admit that there was only one Palin that didn't sell out their child and it was Track. He wouldn't let Sarah use his little girl for photo ops like Tripp, Trig and Piper were used for Sarah, Bristol and the Palin family.

      As far as we know Track hasn't sold her pictures or allowed her to be seen on reality shows.

    2. Anonymous7:00 PM

      We don't know whose name is on Bristol's license plate. Everybody questions if it was meant for Todd's prostitute Shailey Tripp.

    3. Anonymous7:18 PM

      Very sick. Sarah tried to ruin the image of a very respected author and try to portray him as a pedophile trying to look into Piper's bedroom window but then dresses that little girl in clothes that older women wear.

      Those are the types of women that are dangerous to men. They are always portraying themselves as victims of men to solicit sympathy.

    4. Anonymous7:35 PM

      Uhhh, that isn't a palin-made website. And notice that they really don't post private info. Only a few pictures. It was BLOGGERS that posted actual addresses, violating privacy. Shame. But it's also bloggers that spread lies. Nothing surprises me there in terms of blogger hypocrisy.

    5. Anonymous8:38 PM

      7:35 PM Are you referring to Nancy French?

    6. Anonymous8:40 PM

      Track had no say in what Britta decides for her daughter.

  31. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Sarah is so into Sarah you know if Sarah could dance she would me on DWTS wearing g-strings and Bristol's daisy dukes while winking, licking her lips and darting her tongue around.

    1. Anonymous6:14 PM

      Vomited my cheetos all over my keyboard and underwear at this image.. Good thing I'm in the basement.

    2. Anonymous6:37 PM

      I agree that if Sarah had any talent at all she would petition DWTS to pick her to dance in a Hillbilly's second!

      Sarah went from terrible mother to incompetent mayor to fake governor and vp failure to look at my implants through my sheer top.

    3. Anonymous6:56 PM

      I would vomit if I seen an old wrinkly grandma wearing tight clothes dancing while her eyes are looking in different directions on the dance floor and she has to tie her neck flaps behind her wig.

      Not a pretty sight.

    4. Anonymous7:33 PM

      I doubt she'd ever do that. She's admitted to not being graceful. Her thing is much more sitting in hockey stands cheering or being manager. That is what those who know her best know her for.

    5. Anonymous7:41 PM

      But don't look at her or you will be called a rapist.

    6. Anonymous6:04 AM

      None of her kids have played hockey for years! YEARS!!!!
      She didn't manage any team!!

    7. Anonymous6:12 AM

      "Her thing" is sitting in the stands wearing something revealing so the camera will find her.

      And, remember when the great "manager" had to hire a city manager to run Wasilla?

  32. Anonymous5:59 PM

    She got a brow lift or some other kind of eye job.

    1. Anonymous9:17 PM

      I don't think she got an eye job. Her eyes has always been wonky like that.

  33. Anonymous6:19 PM

    God, I'm looking forward to/dreading what Sarah and the nutty nutbar rightwing nuts say tomorrow.

  34. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Look at the fb picture of her getting a blow-out at a hair salon -- without her eyeglasses on.
    I've always wondered how much spectacles change our perception of her, give her face a different plane, and help to screen her real expression, even when the glasses are clear.
    Without eyeglasses, Sarah looks quite different -- she couldn't pull off the ruff and tuff Annie Oakley bit without them. Take a look and think about it.
    She's hiding in plain sight.

  35. angela6:34 PM

    The last time my eyes looked like that I got grounded a whole summer and had the car keys taken from me for six months.

    1. Anonymous9:22 PM

      You're not up on current Christian mother's images that has changed in 2012-13. The Lady Gaga look is now in for senior citizen Godly mothers.

    2. Anonymous10:30 PM


      Last time I saw eyes like that I was visiting my cousin in the state mental hospital.

  36. Anonymous6:51 PM

    I worked in Alaska media when $arah was governor (and while running for Gov). She is a small woman of slight build but she always looked healthy.

    Not anymore. The transformation is shocking! Sadly, anorexics truly believe the less they weigh, the better they look. $arah has really 'devolved'into a caricature of her former self.

    It always struck me how whenever she came into a room, (if she showed up at all) she looked tense and ill at ease until she got a sense of how the people there felt - friendly or adversarial. If friendly, she was comfortable and cutesy and it always bugged me that she always said "cool" so much. Everything was "so cool."... If she sensed the room was a bit unfriendly, she would surround herself with staff, agency heads, etc. and keep a low profile.

    Wow, how she has fallen ... or perhaps the real Sarah is what we are seeing today. Once an untrustworthy, unreliable woman who prized 'loyalty'above all esle, it's the way she will always be. I do believe she is mentally ill.

    1. Anonymous8:37 PM

      Everything is so cool with Sarah.
      Everything is so awesome with Bristol.
      Husband is known as the First Dude to the governor of Alaska.

      What do you expect from them? Better vocabulary from a family whose mother has a degree in journalism and is the governor of a state? Do you expect their children to advance past high school? Expect them to complete four years of high school? You're asking a lot.

    2. Anonymous6:07 AM

      I believe you.
      And I think she is scared shit-less going into these venues and chooses things she bets are Palin friendly. How scared she must be to know that at any time, there can be a doctor or a nurse or a critical thinker who will call her out of faked pregnancy!

  37. Anonymous7:32 PM

    She looks hot there. Yoga works.

    1. Anonymous8:35 PM

      Yoga does not emaciate a body like that.

    2. Anonymous9:18 PM

      7:32 Who are you? Mr. Magoo. Shut up Krusty you are so blind in more ways than one.

    3. Anonymous10:02 PM

      Meth kills.

    4. Anonymous10:10 PM

      She has no ass at all. Yoga gives you nice glutes.

    5. Anonymous11:29 PM

      Anonymous10:10 PM
      She has no ass at all.

      What you talking bout Willis? Sarah has a house full of non working asses who are not going to college with all that money they have and she has one non working ass that a prostitute wrote a book about him and he has yet to deny it.

    6. Anonymous6:13 AM

      She doesn't look like she could hold herself up.

  38. Anonymous7:35 PM

    To continue the Palin are victims of men who want to rape and peek at them, I would of thought that Mayor Sarah would champion causes for women but that goes against what she did as mayor of little Wasila. After women and young girls had to deal with the trauma of being forcibly raped, they had to be humiliated again by having to pay for their own rape kits. I guess that goes with the boys will be boys mentality?

    1. Anonymous8:18 PM

      Rape victims requires rape kits even if a rapist or sex addict takes his used condoms with him.

  39. Anonymous7:36 PM

    Her hair is greasy and stringy. Her mouth and chin are red. Her boobs seem to come and go as she adjusts her see-through GWG thing. Her black bra is clearly visible. The huge honkin glitter-filled belt calls attention to her very thin hips and well, you know....that other woman part. Her mascara is thick and clumpy. Her eyes are kind of wild.

    Just think... this woman was once nominated to be the VP of our United States of America. And I am not even mentioning her lack of intellect.

    Why would she appear in public this way?

    1. Anonymous4:45 AM

      Imagine standing next to her and inhaling her stale, rancid odor. Evil destroys fleeting beauty, NO?

  40. Anonymous7:53 PM

    Is Todd poisoning Sarah? Does he tell her how beautiful her skinny model look is? Or is Sarah coming undone and no one in her family knows what to do when their awesome money-maker no longer pulls in the money?

    1. Anonymous9:13 PM

      I think Sarah looks fantastic but needs to loose more weight.

  41. Anonymous7:53 PM

    WOW. track is THE spitting image of Todd there. I know he's always looked like a Palin and his daughter was the cutest little native baby, but DAYUM

    1. Anonymous8:33 PM

      Native my Ass. You must be a Palin. Track is a Menard.

    2. Anonymous9:03 PM

      Just because Track looks like a Menard doesn't mean he has Menard blood running through him.

      Does it?

    3. Anonymous9:21 PM

      7:53 Krusty is working overtime tonight trying to score points before she gets that C & D letter again. And what do mean "was" the cutest. Geez you're a dumb-ass!

    4. Anonymous10:10 PM

      Track's kid is a ginger. There are no native gingers.

    5. Bristol's Real Chin10:26 PM

      "I know he's always looked like a Palin...." thanks, that made me laugh my ass off. As if people in the past were actually musing on whether someone who was apparently a Palin, actually LOOKED like one. That's obviously some post-revisionist crap. Nice try Krusty.

    6. Anonymous5:32 AM

      LOL, it's the "native" troll again. Even if we PRETEND Kayla is Track's daughter, and we PRETEND Track is a Palin, that would only make her something like 1/32 Native Alaskan. That's nothing.

    7. Anonymous6:14 AM


  42. Beldar B DeConehead7:56 PM

    A Dream Comes True

    A short film starring The Screechy Wretch, wearing a white see-thru babydoll pajama top, Bedazzlered dark blue Wonder bra, black Harley-Davidson low rider leather jeans with visible red thong straps in the back and sides (and front, also, too), avocado green Converse High Top sneakers with mismatched orange and yellow neon laces and a temporary neck tattoo bearing the word "Juicy". Co-starring the chief justice of the Supreme Court wearing a black muumuu.

    This scene takes place at the Alaskan White House compound on inauguration day.

    CJSCOTUS: "I.., state your name"
    SW: "I, state your name"
    CJSCOTUS: "do solemnly swear"
    SW: "do solemnly swear"
    CJSCOTUS: "that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States,"
    SW: "that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States,"
    CJSCOTUS: "and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
    SW: "and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
    CJSCOTUS: "Congratulations, Madame President"
    SW: "Congratulations, Madame President"
    CJSCOTUS: "No... we're done. You've taken the oath"
    SW: "No... we're done. You've taken the oath"
    CJSCOTUS: "Stop repeating me!"
    SW: "Stop repeating me!"
    CJSCOTUS: "This is ridiculous! Can't you all see this woman is profoundly unfit to be president?"
    SW: "This is ridiculous! Can't you all see this woman is profoundly unfit to be president?"
    CJSCOTUS: "I've heard enough. Call security, have this moron taken away and get Vice President-elect Herb Cain over here immediately and I'll administer the oath to him!
    SW: "Um... can you say that again? I wasn't paying attention."
    SW: Um... I think we did that line already...

    And... scene.

    (Don't laugh. This is exactly how the Mayans predict the world will end....)

    1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:08 AM

      Academy Awards for verbatim dialog and costuming.

      Of course, the film REALLY takes off when Screechy Wretch loses "just 40 more pounds" to fit into Trig's adorable NRA overalls, and is confined to a specially-made Harley Davidson wheelchair. Piper, who has been assigned to the role of Presidential Caretaker, is discovered to be a genius prodigy in all things Progressive. In an ultimate fit of Baby Jane-like disgust, she pays off the Secret Service to look the other way and quietly shoves Mama down the White House stairs, wheelchair and all. Piper is then sworn in as President on an extreme Left platform, while Bot heads explode in double-wides all across Rill 'Murika.

      Academy Award for pyrotechnics.

  43. Anonymous8:01 PM

    One of Sarah's paid consultants should advise her family to lower the victim image. They can only cry wolf so many times before others figure them out.

    Can't say your baby's daddy raped you to get revenge because you hate him.
    Can't say a neighbor who is writing an unflattering book about you and is renting the house next door to you is a pedophile to seek revenge against him.
    Can't turn a comedian into a pedophile because he makes jokes about you and your family and you want revenge.

    This behavior that is being taught to the next generation is something that needs to stop for everyone's sake.

    1. Anonymous8:25 PM

      Shit I wouldn't date or marry into a family whose female members use this tactic to go after guys. I would hate to be their male school teacher, male job supervisor, male store or restaurant owner, male police officer or male delivery man.

    2. Anonymous8:42 PM

      If you ask me I would say this behavior is not very presidential.

      Sarah Palin you are the weakest link - Good bye.

      Do not pass Go do not collect $200.


    3. 8:42 One does not fire Sarah Palin, she QUITS, remember. Tee hee.

  44. Anita Winecooler8:11 PM

    Krusty's been pretty busy! It must be HARD to keep track of Sarah's web presence and posting comments on blogs defending her "Idol". How sad.

    My, Sarah looks awful! Hey Sarah!, Keep it up! The camera adds ten pounds, just sayin!!!

    Fox fired you and hired someone prettier, younger, and cheaper than you!

    Oh well, at least your "secret admirer" thinks you look "healthy, beautiful, vibrant...."

  45. Anonymous8:17 PM

    That Flickr account has all of a sudden gone private. One interesting thing it had was a video that had a lot of screenshots of Palin emails and also Facebook posts from and to the kids. The emails mainly had to do with travel schedules. . . And all of the photos I could see were uploaded either today or yesterday. Gryphen, do you know anything about the Flickr account? I only saw 18 of 152 images before it went private. And I was one of only 6 views on that video. Very curious.

    1. Anonymous9:29 PM

      curious indeed!

    2. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Now that Flickr account is totally shut down... "This Flockr account is no longer active." Dang, I would love to know who owned that account. Maybe someone else saved some of those images before they disappeared? Gryphen, any info on that Flickr account? Curiouser and curiouser!

  46. No, you had it right the first time..... Walking dead.

    1. Anonymous9:26 PM

      That video was just like "Week-end at Bernies" except it was "Week-end at Sarah's". TT Todd was holding her up and positioning her arms like she was a freakin' marionette. That was some scary sh*t, G.

  47. Anonymous8:59 PM

    I have a co-worker who uses sex appeal to her advantage and sops it up like a pig eating from a trough but if she doesn't get her way she will say the way you are looking at her makes her uncomfortable and she can't do her job.

    Can't win with those types of people. My lawyer advised me to keep my distance from her. That was easy, she asked for a restraining order and I was transferred.

  48. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Are there any pictures of Sarah Palin wearing see through sheer tops before her chest miraculously grew in her elderly years?

  49. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Presidential candidate - dream over

    TV Evangelist - nope

    Reality star - tried it and failed

    Energy expert for a Fortune 500 company - yeh right

    Oil company CEO - not in our lifetime

    TV Sportscaster - tried it and failed

    TV Anchorwoman - not enough vocabulary or knowledge

    Miss Alaska - tried it and failed, female judges weren't swooned by the winking and lip licking talent portion

    Governor - tried it and quit

    Elderly woman traveling by airplane while leaking amniotic fluid down legs, on airplane and car seats while passing hospitals equipped to handle DS babies with health issues - can do

    1. Anonymous11:33 PM

      "Elderly woman traveling by airplane while leaking amniotic fluid down legs, on airplane and car seats while passing hospitals equipped to handle DS babies with health issues - can do"

      Don't mean to be picky but should change "can do" to "never proven"

    2. Anonymous4:41 AM

      Fabulous post- just says it all!

  50. Anonymous10:01 PM

    It's hilarious how she thinks she looks hot when she actually looks like an emaciated crack whore in a bad wig.

  51. Anonymous10:09 PM

    She looks like some meth head granny that wandered back stage of a Guns and Roses reunion. What an embarrassment for this country. I still can't believe the GOP thought this drug addled, mentally ill attention freak was fit to be one heart beat away from the presidency.

  52. Anonymous10:14 PM

    Todd done good.

    Married a pregnant losing beauty contestant who was a blackman's heartbeat away from being vice president of thee greatest nation on this planet.

    Now doesn't have to work another day in his life while jumping out of healiecopters for fun.

    Only In America

    God is great.

  53. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Don't have to worry about Palin as the GOP presidential candidate but she may resurface as her brother's 3rd party candidate to replenish her SarahPac funds. There are quite a few out there who are still willing to be separated from their rent money.

  54. Anonymous10:46 PM

    Oh my, Monday is President Obama's inaugural day and MLK Day as well.

    Curious what will be the alcoholic beverage of choice in the Palin compound?

    1. Anonymous11:42 PM

      Whatever it is I hope it aint that rock gut hard stuff it appeared they've been swilling in Arizona at some car auction or whatever it was. Whatever that shit was seems to have incapacitated them? Glad Trig, Tripp and Kyla wasn't there to see grandma and grandpa stumbling around in public. Oh shit it's on the internet! What's the number of those guys who cleaned up Mercede's Johnston's computer? Them excellent highly skilled quick and thorough technicians that disappeared as fast as they appeared.

    2. Anonymous11:50 PM

      Will Sarah show up at the Capitol and give her 2008 vice president candidate concession speech? It is already loaded in a teleprompter somewhere in Arizona but McCain needs to turn the lights back on so Sarah Palin, Todd and their Secret Service detail along with Shailey Tripp can find the speech. It's a doozie! A real page turner.

  55. Anonymous11:20 PM

    "Anonymous7:36 PM
    Please. Wasilla's amazing. There ARE people who've never met her. Sadly, those are the people who opine the most. Most just live happy lives without obsessing over ONE person."

    "Get a clue. YOU create your own happiness. ALASKA is huge. Why are you so negative?"


    Because Sarah and Todd Palin almost got away with their charade and it was only a handful of people in your community like Grypen who did their American duty to save our nation. There was Andree McLeod of Anchorage who was ridiculed but stood her ground and Eagle River resident, Kim Chatman who made America proud.

    If you want Sarah to perpetrate her scams in Wasilla and in Alaska that's on you but it was a few that did their civil duty to keep that con job in the last frontier and we say thank you from a grateful nation.

    But it wasn't just Alaskans who stopped Sarah. It took a village which included Malia Litman, Sarah Palin Has A Serpent's Heart, The Palin Place, The Secret Diary of Sarah Palin, Sarah's Scandals, Immoral Minority and its faithful readers and others to educate America.


  56. Anonymous4:35 AM

    But mom we don't have school today its closed, its a holiday. MLK Day.


    But its closed


  57. Anonymous4:48 AM

    I read a comment that Sarah Palin is an energy expert.

    Odds are better that Bristol will command the next flight mission to Mars before Sarah becomes an energy expert.

    You may be able to pull the wool over John McCain's tired old eyes but the world's oil companies will never recognize Sarah as an energy expert.

  58. Anonymous8:57 AM

    I think her choice of the GWG t-shirt was her message. But her logic is so twisted, it's hard to know exactly what that message is. Is she reloading her gun meme? Or is she putting cross hairs on her own chest as a martyr?

  59. Anonymous9:02 AM

    What's this nonsense that Sarah Palin is not a energy expert?

    She is cuz she said she is.

  60. Anonymous9:26 AM

    This must be her inauguration ball outfit, because I just know that President Barack H. Obama, personally hand carried her invitation to her. Poor SaraHo, nobody wants you. Bye Bye !

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Don't cha know Sarah Palin is still our Sarah the Wasilla hometown girl who never let riches change her image and lifestyle? Sarah is not the vain type of woman who spends money on wigs, designer clothes, implants, cosmetic neck surgeries, shoes, designer glasses and all those useless expensive trinkets that other rich millionaires seek after. Our Sarah is still our Wasilla consignment thrift store Sarah we have come to love and who is a strong pillar in our community.

  61. Anonymous9:40 AM

    As America's foremost energy expert, I'm sure Sarah Palin proudly serves on and unselfishly contributes to numerous energy boards, advisory committees, higher institutions of learning and research think tanks sharing with them her vast knowledge of energy she so passionately believes in.

    Thank you Governor Sarah Palin of the Great State of Alaska for sharing your expertise with America

  62. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Does anybody know where I can get one of those GWG Christian shirts Sarah Palin is wearing?

    I love her "Go With God" shirt

  63. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Folks, as loyal follower of IM for four years, I have these two observations"

    1) Gyphen can safely call himself "The Morla Majority," based on November's numbers.

    2) Sarah Palin is having several health crises. She has no more power than a D-list celebrity, and every month that passes, even her celebrity will evaporate.
    We must take into account that she is consciously or unconsciously killing herself, for psycholocial reasons known only to her. We should let up on this has-been harpy. lest we be accused of sending Queen Esther to her grave with our attacks.
    3)Unless she's egregiously disrespectul and uninformed, we should ignore her. Then the responsibility for her actions will not be based on libruls but on Sarah and her family alone. RIP Sarah, into the land of the has-beens.
    Good riddance.

    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      Great advice Bristol

  64. Anonymous10:22 AM

    As a Wasillian, Professor Sarah Palin is my inspiration. I plan on applying for the Sarah Palin Give Back To The Community Scholarship Fund Trust and taking her energy class at the University of Alaska next year.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.