Sunday, January 20, 2013

Rick Santorum claims that colleges are "indoctrinating" our youth.

Courtesy of Outside the Beltway:  

Rick Santorum said the nation’s colleges are promoting a “sea of antagonism toward Christianity” and “indoctrinating” its youth with ideals that support gay marriage, abortion and pornography. 

Santorum called in to Tony Perkins’ “Washington Watch” on Tuesday to talk about the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade ruling. The conversation dealt not only with abortion but also included other “symptoms” that have changed the nation. 

Perkins spoke broadly, saying pro-choice Americans represent a troubled country that doesn’t choose life, meaning “That is to follow the principals, the teachings, the instructions of God … You see that as you’ve been in Washington, D.C. There is a rejection of this idea of truth, and that there is a foundation or morality, which needs to be upheld.” 

Santorum agreed, adding that less young people devote themselves to Christianity. “If you look at the popular culture and what comes out of Hollywood, if you go to our schools and particularly our colleges and universities, they are indoctrinated in a sea of relativism and a sea of antagonism towards Christianity.” 

“Abortion is a symptom. Marriage is a symptom. Pornography [is a symptom],” he continued. “All of these are symptoms to the fundamental issue that we’ve gotten away from the truth and the ‘Truth-Giver.’”

 You know Inigo Montoya is exactly right. I don't think that Rick Santorum understands what it really entails to successfully indoctrinate somebody.

Now look I am loathe to disagree with a man who single-handedly made the sweater vest the most mocked article of clothing in the entire 2012 election cycle, but I am afraid I am going to have to here.

In order to successfully indoctrinate somebody you do NOT start at an age when they are just starting college. No THAT is much too old.

By then they have most likely developed the ability to access a variety of information sources and learned something called "critical thinking." Critical thinking is to indoctrination what sunlight is to vampires. (And not those stupid Twilight vampires either. REAL. totally fictional movie vampires.)

No in order to successfully indoctrinate somebody you have to start when they are quite young. Say around five, six or seven years old.

And you take them to a place where they can be put in a room together and have fantastical stories drilled into their heads until they ACTUALLY begin to believe they are true. And hell at this age you can make up just about anything, they are really are quite naive and trusting.

I'm just spit balling but perhaps you could tell them a story about a man who walked on water. Or about snakes that talk. Or perhaps you could weave a tale about a man swallowed by a whale who emerges unharmed three days later. Or, if you are feeling truly lucky, you might even convince these impressionable children that a woman gave birth to a child while still a virgin.

Let's see, you could probably gather this group of children together say once a week, when there was no school. Perhaps on a Sunday for instance.

Hey, you could even call it Sunday School!

You could even use a colorful felt board to illustrate your stories, and use apple juice and graham cracker snacks to dull the children's senses and make them more susceptible to the indoctrination into a belief system based totally on ancient Hebrew fables and allegories.

You know, for example.

If you wanted to expand on that theme you could also build a faux museum which refutes virtually EVERYTHING that science has learned about this planet, and even put together a colorful and purposefully duplicitous slide show and present it to the very young children as revealed truth in order to inoculate them from accepting fact based information later in their lives.

In fact if you do it right it , or some portion of it, will likely last their entire lives. Then you can use trigger words like "tradition," or "values," or "morality" to manipulate them into making choices that are not in their best interest and may in fact be damaging to them and their families in the long run.

You see THAT is how to indoctrinate people Rick Santorum. If anything, and I know this may be very hard to accept for somebody with your limited intellectual faculties, colleges may actually serve as a place where young men and women are freed from their PREVIOUS indoctrination. A place where they might learn that the world, and the universe around it, are in fact MUCH more amazing and complex than they were led to believe it was as children.

Or perhaps that is really what you are talking about here? Not indoctrination, but the deprogramming of those who were already successfully indoctrinated? Could that be the case?

Well no wonder you see college as an evil entity, the last thing a Republican politician, who identifies himself as a Christian, wants is people thinking for themselves. After all how long will the Republican party last if they do?


  1. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Santorum has already proven himself to be on the extreme, extreme right and the American people shoved him off the cliff many months ago. He does not represent the majority, thank God!

    Where do they get these Republicans? Keep men out of women's rights!

  2. Anonymous12:54 PM

    I know there are many atheists here, and I AM a Christian. What I've learned at my "speed limit age" is to try to be the best person I can, keep my mouth SHUT, and let God be the judge.

    I wish these people would just STFU. They are the ultimate hypocrites. So "Sambo" won again. DEAL WITH IT.

    1. AJ Billings2:27 PM

      I'm one of those non-theists here, and I appreciate the comity of your statement.

      People like Santorum do a huge disservice by consistently alienating a large percentage of US citizens by his constant and aggressive preaching.

      You would have thought he was running for Preacher in Chief instead of President.

  3. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Rick Santorum is a raving lunatic. Why on earth does anyone want to interview him? Is Rick Santorum so stupid that he does not realize that NOT ALL AMERICANS ARE CHRISTIANS? Or that many Christians accept gay people in their midst, care for the less fortunate and are concerned about the plight of this poor planet? Is Rick Santorum so stupid that he doesn't realize that even his fellow Republicans (none of whom is particularly bright) soundly rejected his run for the presidency? Aaarrgghh!

    1. Anonymous6:05 PM

      Beagle mom, in Australia our far right Christian party once scraped together enough votes for one seat in the senate, as they are a tiny party. Although hideous on the social issues, when it came to bills effecting the poor, he always tried to help the poor and elderly and tried to secure increases to their payments etc. this was seen as a normal far right xtian thing to do and it actually aligned him at times with his otherwise greatest enemies - the left. I think the same phenomena happens everywhere else in the world BUT the US of A, which appears to be the only place where 'good Christians' fight against workers rights, against spending on the sick and elderly, against everything that Jesus would be proud of.

      It's a very sad sign for your country I'm afraid. It's hopeless at this point.

    2. DetroitSam9:43 PM

      Or that many Christians are the parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, cousing and friends of people who are gay?

  4. You tube has forever changed how to research history. Here is a great "refresher" on Rick Santorum.

  5. Anonymous1:14 PM

    His mouth looks like an asshole - spewing BS.

  6. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Pornography, it's been around since, well, forever. Gay marriage, same sex unions were okay back in the middle ages in the Catholic Church, no less. Abortion, it used to be women aborted their kids so they could continue to work in factories, all okay by their bosses. Adding to this, according to the old rules, a male fetus could be aborted before 90 days and a female before 120 days, again Catholic Church sanctioned rules.
    None of this stuff is "new".

    1. Anonymous4:26 PM

      If we ever get back to where the republicans want us to be, where workers are nearly slave labor again, locked up in factories, there won't be a problem with republicans being against abortion, they will support it wholeheartedly. The ruling class republicans are only against abortion in this moment to keep the support of the religious nuts. Republican ruling class women will always be able to get abortions, just as they always have.

  7. Anonymous1:21 PM

    What a pompous ass. He looks as though somebody slapped him across the face so hard, his jaw needs to be realigned. Poor litle Ricky really thought he could be President. He leads such a godly life with his wife who was once living with the busiest abortion doctor in the state. Once all her college courses were paid for, she left him.

  8. Anonymous1:40 PM

    If there were indeed a "Rapture"......chagrin would be the order of the day......chagrin felt by those who thought they would not be left behind.....

  9. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I am so sick and tired of these so called christians harping on and on about THEIR beliefs. Why oh why is abortion even being discussed in politics? Why?

    God damn! This gets old. I don't care what these people believe. I want them to stop shoving THEIR RELIGIOUS beliefs in my face. I do not believe in THEIR god, THEIR interpretations of THEIR bible, or THEIR religion. So now what? Not one of them has the right to tell me what to do with MY uterus or what I do in my bedroom or how I CHOOSE to live my life. If they don't like it, tough shit.

    It's way past time to get religion out of politics. We'd all be so much better off. How much time and money has been wasted arguing about issues that should not even be discussed in the political arena? When they could have been working on economy, jobs, (remember those Boner?)climate, education, etc. You know, important shit?

    The fake christians, our way or no way because we say so. This from the biggest band of liars, cheats, and adulterers in the world. How many millions of people have been slaughtered in the name of god? Anybody remember how the Native people of this country were treated by these god fearing, loving, good christian, godly people? I'll never forget it.

    Doesn't anyone have the balls to tell these self righteous zealots to take their religion back to their church where it belongs?

    1. You just did! (Keep up the good work.)

    2. Anonymous2:26 PM

      Oh yessss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    3. AJ Billings2:29 PM

      I estimate another 500 years before humans evolve to having a government without religious doctrine, prayer, and bible references involved.

    4. Olivia4:28 PM

      @ AJ Billings, I don't have as much faith as you do in the ability of humans to keep evolving. I think the limit has been reached.

  10. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Being afraid of higher learning and enlightenment is a truly neanderthal way of living. You can imagine a caveman saying "you speak in a strange tongue so I must destroy you". The modern republicans certainly seem proud to preserve this "tradition".

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Ugg not like bigg wurds. Say bigg wurds meen you librul. Ugg not like Libruls. Librul tell Ugg he look like pear of boots. Liberal also say erth is round? Ugg say what is erth? Ugg also say what is round mean? What is boots?

  11. Olivia2:07 PM

    One more case of wingnut projection, which they have been perfecting and heavily relying on for the last several years. I am pretty sure it is deliberate.

  12. Sharon2:20 PM

    As the great Bill Mahr says....religion is the root of all evil and power (not word for word). I think your assessment was spot on and since the GOP freaks out upon even the thought of federal dollars going toward about the federal money going to these "christian schools" where the real indoctrination is happening right now. When you think about it, their entire story is built on fear...religion and government fear them both above all else.

  13. Anonymous2:26 PM

    His mouth resembles a puckered up asshole. Just like him.

    Apparently, Rick Santorum Wants Obama to Apologize for Winning the Election

    ...Rick Santorum’s big problem with the president is that Obama is acting like he won the election. Does Santorum expect the president to be contrite and apologize for winning? Maybe Santorum would be more comfortable with the president if he kept his eyes down at all times and shuffled along several paces behind Republicans? (No, that couldn’t be it at all.)

    In Santorum’s view, it isn’t that Republicans were sore losers who forced Obama to become a stern parent in order to deal with their tantrums. Nope, the problem is that Obama is a sore winner who won’t stop acting like he became the first president since Ronald Reagan to get 51% of the popular vote in both of his elections.

    According to Santorum the problem is President Obama, and until this president learns his place and stops acting like a winner, Republicans will continue to pout.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      @2:26 PM

      That's quite a coincidence. Todd says Rick's asshole looks just like a mouth, and kisses like one also, too. Pucker up, fish picker.

  14. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Two words to describe Rick Santorum: Cray Zee

    You know he's falling off the edge of extreme when even the Catholic Church thinks he's too radical right wing.

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Two words? I kinda thought you were gonna say dip shit. Or is it dipshit? Never did get that one right on my spelling tests.

  15. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Look how they project their nasty thinking on President Obama...

    Former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) suggested Sunday that President Obama might not actually want to pass immigration reform, but instead use it as a way to further alienate Latinos from the Republican Party.

    "There's not a single Republican up on Capitol Hill who believes he wants to get it done," Santorum said on ABC's "This Week." They believe Obama "will put a measure that the Republicans can't accept and then blame Republicans and then continue to drive a wedge between Republicans and Hispanics."

    Santorum said that Republicans are ready to do immigration reform and that if the president really wants to, he can get it done by leading with that issue in his second term. "If he changes that and he says, 'no, I'm willing to actually work together and get something that we can all agree on,' he will change the tone on Capitol Hill. Don't expect it, but that's what he needs to do," Santorum said.

  16. AJ Billings2:30 PM

    We can only hope that Sanctimonious Santorum will stay out of Presidential politics.

    Here's a quote from the Preacher in Chief during his "campaign" in 2011"

    "One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country…. It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be.”

    Is this guy out of his mind? That battle was fought and lost by the ultra right religious crowd back in the 1950's, along with segregation, women's rights, and equal pay.

    Oh, and he also wants the States to be able to throw you in jail for sodomy, like the good old days in Texas

    What a MORAL SNOB!!

  17. Apparently the angry, bigoted Frothy One is planning to step up and take the nomination for GOP in 2016, given how he finished in such a strong 2nd position behind Mittens. It'll be ugly again, and a major pain in the but-tocks to have to listen to this whining charlatan every day for an entire year, but his candidacy should guarantee the Dems the White House in 2016, and then again in 2020 with the incumbent being re-elected.

    Hillary, these nuts are going to make it awful difficult for you to say no to a slam-dunk landslide win for the Dem nominee in 2016. So chill with us for a couple of years on the sidelines, as we all watch these GOP dogs chase their own tail for another 8 years.

    The Frothy One's internal un-skewed polls must tell him he's going to win in a landslide himself. I'll bet he's right. Just as right as Mitt was right about trudting the words of his own advisers.

    Frothy still has no clue why he was a one-and-done Senator that PA rejected after having to listen to him whine and cry for 6 years. That was plenty for all of us for a lifetime. These extreme RW zealots just don't get the message from the electorate, and they never will as long as they listen ONLY to the RW echo chamber.

  18. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Proverbs 22:6 "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it."
    (New International Version (©1984))

    College students are too old to fit the biblical definition of 'child'. If college students are 'turning,' Rick should be blaming the parents and churches. Wait. He may be saying the bible can't be trusted.

  19. G, I think the man (that would be YOU) protesteth too much about Frothy's fashionable sweater vest thing. Now I'm not saying you have a half-dozen of those in assorted colors in your dresser. That would be a cruel thing to say.

    But I AM suggesting that you HAD to wear one of those at some point in your fashion career, also, too. I didn't really have an option to stand my ground and say No when my Mom got one for me to wear in the 8th grade class favorite photo. It was humiliating at the time, but after a few decades, I eventually lived it down.

    Then cometh this angry asshole from Pennsylvania. And the memories come rushing back. Give it up, man. You had one of these fashion mistakes too, huh?

    1. I worked in a bank once.

      There were many unfortunate wardrobe choices made during that time. I try not to think back on them.

    2. Bad break. Bank employees and airport ticket agents have been abused that way for ages. I feel your pain. Following my sweater vest moment came the disco era, another nightmare. Had there been smart phones back then, I'd be rooming with DB Cooper somewhere out there off the grid.

  20. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Remember: Rick Santorum stole public money to support the home schooling of his children.

  21. Anonymous3:04 PM

    But it's A-OK for the CHURCH to 'indoctrinate' our youth??? Santorum missed his calling. He should be preachin' from a pulpit in some backwoods christianist church. What a load of crap comes out of this man's mouth...that reminds me of an anal sphincter, I might add. When he purses his lips together like a whiny, pouty little baby boy...

  22. Really though, does ANYBODY listen to frothy mixture?
    In that picture, his mouth looks like a puckered anus, which I think is quite appropriate.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Careful, that ain't drool...

    2. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Anal sphincter. Puckered anus. Snort!

      You guys are so creative and polite, I was just thinking big red asshole.

    3. Anonymous4:37 PM

      It's hard to tell the exact color ol' Frothy is. Too much leakage. Need to call Joe the fake plumber.

  23. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Except Mr Sant...oh...rectum foam......own wife had a late term abortion to save her life. I think what Ricky boy means is abortions only for wealthy people. They always got safe abortions when other women were dying.

  24. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Joe Scarborough On Meet The Press: Republicans Only Won The House By Gerrymandering

  25. Anita Winecooler7:31 PM

    All I needed to learn of Santorum was through a simple google search. Everything else is white noise.

  26. Randall6:22 AM

    Rick "Don't Google It" Santorum is one crazy, mixed-up, and disgusting human being.

    Someone needs to do the world a favor and de-program his children before they become dangerous.


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