Saturday, March 30, 2013

Apparently CPAC showed a video encouraging viewers to prepare to take up arms to fight their government. Gee, and we thought the craziest thing there was Sarah Palin and a Big Gulp!

Courtesy of Alternet:

Attendees at last week’s Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) were reportedly thrilled by a short sci-fi video depicting a dictatorial near-future government and the underground "Movement on Fire" that springs up to resist it. The video, a thinly veiled advertisement for violent insurrection from the “Tea Party Patriots" group, boasts professional acting and Hollywood production values. But underneath its bright, professional sheen lurk dark overtones of End Times paranoia that will resonate with millions of American fundamentalists. Its apocalyptic imagery is as ancient as Revelations, its glossy look as modern as a Revlon ad, and its near-subliminal barrage of rapid-cut imagery rings with the terror-fueled sermons of 1,000 preachers. 

It stands on its own as agitprop-cum-entertainment for the far right, which is filled with armchair revolutionaries whose favorite fantasies involve the same elements used in this video: attractive people, video-game-like locations, nightmarish bureaucracies and the world-changing power of their own oratory. “Let our lives be the spark that ignites the fire of liberty,” the protagonist shouts at one point. His words resonate with memories of historical heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice rather than yield to tyranny.

You know for a minute there I thought this was another one of those bad ScyFy Channel presentations. But come to think of it Sharktopus had a much more believable plot.

Apparently in the Tea Party version of "taking back our country," it has a lot to do with breaking credit cards in half, though I am not exactly sure how that helps throw off the yoke of oppression.

"I am going to break this cheap ass card in half and run around dressed in leather until you stop giving me stuff !"

Yeah you know nothing makes the nipples on these teabagging morons harder than the idea or overthrowing the government voted into place by the people they don't agree with.

Apparently their definition of a "patriot" is much, much different than the one found in the dictionary used by most Americans.


  1. Anonymous4:22 AM

    These people are off their meds...that's the only explanation I can come up with. Extremely mentally ill and potentially violent lunatics who are off their meds.

    1. Anonymous6:03 AM

      You may be correct. Before Reagan, there were institutions for severely mentally ill people, now they're out on the streets. Literally- I've had homeless schizophrenic students in classes. Sometimes they're sad but other times absolutely scary.

  2. Anonymous4:27 AM

    If they are as good at protesting a dictatorship as they are at choosing candidates, we're probably in trouble.

  3. A J billings4:41 AM

    I hear this "take our country back" meme everywhere, as though somehow we lost our Constitution and country already.

    I see bumber stickers that reference it, and radio shows from the far right that want to "restore America".

    I'd like to know when America got "lost" since these Teaparty types and evangelicals think it used to be so good.

    Was it great in the 1920's when women couldn't even vote, and the stock market was much less regulated? Sure, it was good for the wealthy, the criminals dealing boogleg whiskey, and the thugs on Wall street who made fortunes.

    I don't think it was great in the 1930's with the depression

    Maybe the Teaparty types liked the 1940's, except there was this little conflict called World War II.

    I know, it was the 1950's,when the blacks and wetbacks knew their place. Churches were so much better then to

    Segregation was great right?

    No gays on TV, and you never really knew they were anywhere, because they'd get beat up or osctracized if they dared to come out of their cloister.

    Those were the good old days when a divorced woman could not get a mortgage without a man's signature.

    Women were paid less, but hey, they were just girls, right?

    Uncle Joe McCarthy was our hero then , leading the fight against all the commies in the Senate, just like Allen West failed to do.

    Couldn't have been the 1960's, because then the women folk decided to get all uppity, and burn their bras, and suchlike.

    Also too, them damn hippies wanted liberty, and to smoke their dope, and get out of Vietnam, that war of perfect freedom for everyone.
    The blacks really caused trouble too, wanting to vote, and eat in a cafe with all us good white folk.

    By 1970's and 1980's it was just about over, and we had athiesm rearin' it's ugly head, and them awful Carter years, and the only bright spot was Ronnie Raygun.

    Yeah it had to be the 1950's that the Teabag, and Freedom works, and Limbaugh, and Palin, and all the rest of the pig ignorant ultra right want to take us back to.

    Or do they just mean that since we have a mixed race President that the real problem started for them? He's too moderate, or to progressive, and hasn't started any wars, and isn't the right "type" of Christian

    Yeah, that's it.

    1. SALLY in MI5:31 AM

      I always find it so ironic that the only true CHRISTIAN we elected President (Jimmy Carter) is always held out by the Christian right as an example of a bad leader. My God, he teaches Sunday School, lives his religion every day, is anti-war, for the poor, and for equality. Just like the Jesus they pretend they follow. Of course, none of them would even recognize Jesus today: they would walk right past the dark-skinned, bearded, robed poor man and sniff self-righteously about 'takers.' They have truly sold their souls to Satan, who is
      laughing hysterically at how stupid they are.

    2. MissSunshine5:40 AM

      Thanks for your rant, AJ. My Teaparty relatives in the south are always talking about how the "Fathers of our Country" had it right. Yeah, that was when slavery was accepted, indentured servitude, and women had about as much rights as livestock.

      Pretty much only white land-owing men had any power, and I think that is what they are trying to say, in a coded, socially accepted way.

    3. Anonymous10:45 AM

      But Sally, you're only supposed to TALK about being Christian...not actually DO anything about it!!!

      The really IMPORTANT thing is what you do on Sunday morning...wear the right kind of clothes, sit in the right pew, sing the right songs, and make sure everyone sees you put those donations in the collection plate.

      If you're a good enough (right kind of) Christian on Sunday morning, you can be a racist, misogynistic, hateful, cheating, lying, greedy person the rest of the week but the li'l baby Jeebus will still love you 'cause you prayed the right prayers loudly enough so even those heathens in the back row of the church could hear!

      Not like that Jimmy Carter fella who spends far too much time with those icky POOR people!

    4. Anonymous2:24 PM

      I think you are right about they want the 50's back AND when minorities knew their place. Everybody wants the same rights now, how dare they! Get back in your place!

  4. C'mon, I thought everyone knew “Development" is evil incarnate... just like progress, and thought.

  5. One of the (many) things I don't understand about end-timers is why they think that taking up arms to fight Antichrist would be useful. If you're still here then you're going to Hell in 7 years unless God kills you with one of his many judgements and tribulations first. Unless you wise up and say the magic words about believing that Baby Jeebus is going to bring the pork chops which earns you a ticket to Heaven. And if you've got that pork chop then you don't have to be afraid of dying, you should welcome the lions when they are let loose upon you in the arena, eat at Mickey D's every day (super size of course), and never never NEVER see a doctor.

    1. Revelation 13:3--this day in history 32 years ago Ronald6 Wilson6 Reagan6's Press Secretary took a bullet to the head and the world's acceptance of Reagan's agenda was transformed, a marvel to behold. Of course endtimers WORSHIP him.

  6. That didn’t even make sense, but it was strident enough to pry them out of their Barcaloungers. I suppose they can run around the kitchen for a while and then collapse with a piece of pie.

    If the government is giving away free stuff, and no one seems to be working, where does that free stuff come from? If the guy was supposed to make some sort of contribution, where does his income originate? The whole thing is a dog-whistle against any sort of government largess.

  7. bws585:31 AM

    Feels like a cheap rip-off of the Hunger Games

    1. That is what it reminded me of also.

  8. Anonymous5:41 AM

    What a bunch of hogwash. It was nice of them to throw a couple of black folk in their but i noticed there were no Hispanic or Asians in their doomed city. I love how they constantly talk about limited government but then turn around and tell people how to live their life, who they can and can not marry, what medical decisions they can and can not make. they can have this country back when they pry it from our cold dead hands ad we outnumber them. Can't we sacrifice one state and send them all their to live in their Utopian land of limited government ,free market and fiscal responsibility.

    The end times is a joke and to be honest most of them would be stuck here with the rest of us.

  9. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:00 AM

    Brought to you by "He-Man Gubmint Haters Club."

  10. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:09 AM

    Just watched it again and what I found VERY interesting is that the eeeeevil dictator's last name is "Marcus." Not usually perceived as a, um, "Christian" name, eh?

  11. Anonymous6:21 AM

    I see Republicans losing their majority in the House in 2014; and they might as well forget about ever winning the White House in the near future. Obama thru 2016; then Hillary thru 2024; then possibly Warren or another Democrat thru 2032.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      I sincerely hope you're right, but that's ONLY if the Dems can get enough people to the polls to counterbalance the gerrymandering that's happened all over the country. It will be difficult enough in a presidential election year, but it will be nearly impossible in 2014 in many places.

      Let's hope that the GOP continues to follow their current course of saying the most outrageously stupid things they possibly can until most middle of the road Republican voters get so fed up they stay home on election day.

  12. SHARON6:29 AM

    These people are so beyond stupid, there isn't even a word. They keep re electing the evil greedy bastards that have ruined this country. Even the lowest IQ can follow the events that brought us to this level. If there is going to be an will be us getting rid of the entire GOP party in government. I so agree with the post of giving them a state (Texas) where all the gun freak patriots can live "free" to practice their version of religion. Wonder how long it will last before they all shoot each other? My guess is not long.

  13. One word: SEDITION.

  14. Chenagrrl9:17 AM

    Whoa, someone had a bad "Les Miserables" dream. Kind of expect the shouting fool to burst into "One More Day."

  15. Chenagrrl9:18 AM

    Who produced this? Mark Burnett?

  16. slipstream10:08 AM

    Hey, did anybody notice that the Development Party logo is . . . Sarah Palin's "crosshairs"?


  17. Anonymous10:50 AM

    This movie is Juicy's wet dream. Ewwwww.

  18. Anonymous1:56 PM

    I guess I need to watch it. I saw 5-10 minutes of that Bible show and swore off anything Burnett/Downey. I can't say I watched anything they did before but enough is enough. If this comes close to that I may jump off a bridge or get drunk and I hate that feeling too. Wash my eyes with bleach is horrible as well... on second thought I am going to skip this one.

  19. Anonymous2:16 PM

    My god these people are crazy.

  20. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Take back our country
    Protect the 2nd Amendment
    From the Kenyan Muslim Marxist
    Give to SarahPAC for 2016

  21. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Sarah Palin, the GOP’s New, Kinda New and Old Voices

    ....Cruz is owned (gun) lock, (gun) stock and (gun) barrel by big-time arms and NRA interests and has threatened to filibuster “any additional gun restrictions.” Rand Paul has joined him in the effort. Then there is the re-emergence of “Mama Grizzly” Sarah Palin. From the CPAC podium, she clawed away at the president for his “lack of leadership.” She also growled about certain consultants who keep losing elections while making millions. Just like Sarah who keeps losing media gigs while making millions.

  22. Anita Winecooler7:19 PM

    I love the metallic tiki torch, nice touch!

    All this time I thought Grandma Hooters was "The entertainment". I guess it's time for Todd to put his gun back in Sarah's rack and call it a day.

  23. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I don't know... I kind of felt a twinge of empathy when I saw how much I owe the IRS.

    I'm joking!

    Well, I don't want to write that big check, but I will... as I do every year. Hey, wait a minute... I thought us "libruls" weren't supposed to be paying taxes... I thought we were all on Welfare with free phones and other gubment perks. Dammit FOX! You promised me FREE stuff for being a left-wing sycophant. I got NOTHING!

  24. Anonymous6:28 AM

    Adam Lanza's mother was a doomsday prepper which is why she had so many weapons and ammo clips in her house. She thought that there would be an economic collapse. How'd that work out? I find these insane and profoundly stupid people infuriating and extremely dangerous. Gah!!!

  25. Anonymous8:31 AM

    Conservatives Not Happy With Sarah Palin’s PAC’s Financials


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It just goes directly to their thighs.