Friday, April 12, 2013

Ann Coulter suggests murder of Meghan McCain, after MSNBC's Martin Bashir asks if it takes gun violence in the family to persuade lawmakers to support new gun laws.

 Courtesy of Raw Story:
In a column published on Thursday, conservative pundit Ann Coulter joked that the killing of politicians’ children should “start with Meghan McCain.” 

Earlier this week, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MA) told MSNBC host Martin Bashir that he was sensitive to the need for more gun control because his nephew had been shot and killed several years ago. 

Bashir suggested that members of Congress should not have to experience the death of a family member to understand that gun violence was a problem. 

“But Congressman, is that what needs to happen to move these senators to stop threatening a filibuster?” Bashir asked. “Is that really what needs to happen? That you need to have a member of your family killed in order for you to do what the American people want you to do?” 

Conservative websites interpreted Bashir’s statement to mean that he was advocating the murder of politicians’ family members. And on Thursday, Coulter decided it would be funny to suggest the daughter of Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) should be the first to die. 

“MSNBC’s Martin Bashir suggested that Republican senators need to have a member of their families killed for them to support the Democrats’ gun proposals,” Coulter wrote. “Let’s start with Meghan McCain!”

This one is almost too over the top to believe. WTF?

You know the ironic thing is that the Right Wing news outlets tried to smear the Left Wing by totally misrepresenting Bashir's statement  in order to infer that he was making a threat against the children of lawmaker's and then Coulter just comes right out and does that very thing.

Not only does she identify herself as a truly disgusting human being (She IS still considered a human right?), but she also destroys the poorly constructed argument being made by her side of the aisle.

And this did not escape her target's attention either.

Ann Coulter, just when you think the Right Wing has hit bottom, she always manages to dig at least one shovelful deeper.


  1. Chenagrrl6:20 AM

    Right up there with Annie Girl's suggestion that a Shoot-a-Boomer program would resolve Social Security and Medicaid shortfall. Ann reminds me of the betraying reporter in "Mask." A girl's gotta pay for her condo.

    1. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Little different. Suggesting a whole class of people be shot is bad, naming a specific person be shot is vile and intimidation.

      Secret service - any crime here?

    2. Chenagrrl6:26 AM

      I was simply saying that it is not surprising from a woman who would try to be cute by condemning a group. Of course, naming your target is a direct crime.

      BTW she hangs with some GOP fat cats who think she's cute. Her callousness is an echo of their attitudes toward a group of people who have been paying their SS & Medicaid dues all their working lives and giving everyone a pretty good ride. Now that the piper must be paid we (yup I'm one) are suddenly the enemy.

  2. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Mark Begich caved to NRA pressure. I thought he would hold strong but apparently not.

  3. Anonymous6:48 AM

    There's a man inside trying to get out.

    1. Anonymous7:06 AM

      More like a 12 year old boy seeking relief from his hormones.

  4. Randall6:59 AM

    For years now, Ann Coulter's main purpose has been to get noticed. This's why she says these outrageous things: because it works.

  5. Is there no one with the moral courage to put an end to Ann Coulter's public forum?

  6. lostinmn7:20 AM

    Now if one of her crazy followers goes after McCain I wonder if we'll get a "blood libel" statement from Ann?

  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    I think Meghan McCain handled that well (little though I care for her politics).

    I would have said:
    Ann Coulter's remark is proof we need stiffer graduation requirements... from kindergarten.

  8. Anonymous7:51 AM

    She's calculating, manipulative and vile.
    Still, just a tad smarter than Palin, so she is offensive, rather than taking it all to heart and pretending it's about her.
    I'm a feminist, but this woman defiles the basic rights of women. She purposely makes herself as ugly as she can, and pretends with every breath that she's smart and entitled. She's not and she isn't.
    Why anyone keeps her around is a mystery.

  9. Anonymous7:59 AM

    This "woman" is more vile and hateful than Sarah Palin. I think Sarah says things more out of ignorance - she honestly does not know the meaning of some words. Sarah simply does not know a lot of things or understand events and outcomes. In a sense, Sarah simply does not know better.

    Ann Coulter on the other hand, is simply hateful. She knows better - she CHOOSES to be a vile, wretched, hate-spewing harpy. She claims she was "joking". She and Ted Nugent - what a couple of lighthearted crack-ups!

    Honestly, Ann Coulter wants to look like a woman, she just doesn't know how to behave like one. You can't just throw on some lip gloss and false eyelashes and think that qualifies you for womanhood. Ann should have finished the process and gotten the recommended hormone treatments - it would have at least provided her with some degree of sensitivity and emotions.

  10. Ratfish8:04 AM

    She was just joking- like Palin and the crosshairs advertisements!

    1. Anonymous10:04 AM

      Yea, right. Only the idiot Palin's supposed 'joke' got people killed and having to deal and live w/injuries experienced for the rest of their lives. (i.e. Gabby) Palin has hell awaiting her for that deed and she will always have to live w/it. (Even though we all know she seems to have absolutely zero regrets about the incident and has NEVER apologized!)

  11. Anonymous8:47 AM

    I really don't see that much difference in Ann Coulter suggesting violence on Meghan McCain, or Sarah Palin proposing to snatch our children and foist shotguns on them after they exit churches.

    Violent rhetoric has been a right-wing tool as long as I can remember. When they have no arguments left, they resort to threats and intimidation.

    Patriots, my ass.

  12. Anonymous9:20 AM

    ‘If Babies Had Guns, They Wouldn’t Be Aborted’

    Rep. Steve Stockman's (R-TX) re-election campaign wants its followers to know they have a new official bumper sticker out that finally combines what most assumed were unrelated debates over gun control and abortion. From the campaign's Twitter feed, which is linked to on the candidate's official website:

    Sick. Utterly, unequivocably, heinously, SICK.

    1. Anonymous12:57 PM

      If I recall correctly, there were two "babies" in the news recently that had access to loaded guns. One killed the wife of the man he was visiting, the other killed the next-door neighbor's kid.

      Yeah, let's arm kids and fetuses, and the cat and EVERYONE ELSE who has NO IDEA how to handle a loaded weapon, nor the sense to know not to point & shoot it at someone. Because, you know... 2nd Amendment and Patriots.

      That there is your well-regulated militia in action, folks.

  13. Anonymous9:22 AM


  14. Anonymous9:33 AM

    A La a Sarah Palin move, this asshat suggests attacks against people who disagree with him:

    Barry Smitherman, Texas Railroad Commission Chairman, Retweets Noose With GOP Senators' Names

    The chief oil and gas regulator in Texas tweeted a photo of a noose along with the names of the 16 Republican United States senators who voted to open debate on gun control legislation Thursday.

    Texas Railroad Commission Chairman Barry Smitherman (R) retweeted a photo Thursday afternoon as part of a flurry of anti-gun control tweets he sent out from his personal Twitter account. The retweet lists 16 GOP senators, then includes a picture of a noose and the word "treason." The original tweet was posted by Lissa St. Clair, a self-described "crazy writer" who tweeted that people should make sure the senators don't "have seats in 2014."

    ..."Barry Smitherman's reprehensible action is disturbing, disgusting, and has absolutely no place in our political discourse," Progress Texas executive director Matt Glazer said in a statement. "To suggest that any American, let alone a U.S. senator, deserves to be hung for a democratically cast vote is absolutely unacceptable."

  15. Janice9:39 AM

    OT... Sarah has a picture of Willow and her classmates on the Today Show. Willow has joined the flock of drifters now.

  16. Anonymous9:39 AM

    I'm beginning to wonder if any Republican elected officials or members of the chattering class actually have two working brain cells to rub together. The whole damn bunch of them are pathetic.

    A Fan From Chicago

  17. Anonymous9:58 AM

    If this doesn't turn your stomach, you have no heart. STAGGERING.

  18. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Get the dirty sock and some duct tape.Time to shut that bitch up.

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      Not a fan of Ann;

      NOT a fan of your comment.

      Violent and degrading imagery. Just like Ann.

  19. Anonymous10:00 AM

    This woman is as nuts as is Sarah Palin! Seems to run int he Republican crowd BIG TIME between the men and women.

    Screwed up group no doubt about it!

  20. Anonymous10:17 AM

    You know that $arah would be taking advantage of this Coulter/McCain flap, except that $arah hates both of them.

    Along with about 500 other people, they are on her #1 enemies list.

    Before RAM can spew out any response to gin up controversy, Ram must tread a fine line between supporting either of them, and dissing both, while still giving $arah-Baldy the publicity she desparately needs

    $arah, did you ever think about WHY your enemy list is so long, so varied in scope, and why so many Americans don't like you, your blood stupidity, and your hateful rhetoric?

    Probably don't care do ya, but maybe it might answer Sally's questions.

  21. Leland11:15 AM

    Not QUITE off topic. It still pertains to the picture above.

    It seems to me that with so many Repubes being in favor of all sorts of weapons being available and spouting about training and safety and the like, it would not be hard for at least one of them to remind this idiot posted above that using a firearm (and I am not talking about combat here) without safety glasses is patently STUPID!

  22. Anonymous11:25 AM

    The Right Dissolves Into Hysteria Because Boehner May Allow Votes on Guns and Immigration

    Speaker Boehner has sent the right wing into a frenzy by suggesting that he may ignore the “Hastert Rule” when it comes to guns and immigration. The Hastert Rule is the belief that no legislation should be allowed to come up for a vote without the support of a majority of the House Republican caucus. Boehner said, “Listen: It was never a rule to begin with. And certainly my prerogative – my intention is to always pass bills with strong Republican support.”

    Boehner’s comments suggest that he is planning on allowing votes on gun legislation and immigration reform without the support of a majority of his caucus. Leadership definitely wants immigration reform passed, so it looks like the Speaker will once again rely on majority Democratic support to get a major piece of legislation through the House.

  23. There's a reason why she's called Annthrax.

    She's toxic to humans.

  24. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I love that Grifticia is too cowardly to respond to Coulter's frequent attacks.

  25. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Meghan McCain is not my favorite person but why would a responsible newspaper print a column that called, however Jokingly, for her death. Ann Coulter may not like Meghan McCain but there is no reason on earth why she should suggest that she be killed. I guess Ann Coulter would insist that it's her First Amendment right to call for someone's death. Well, I don't think so and I don't think a good editor would think so either.

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Exactly! What "publication" is this?

  26. Anita Winecooler6:33 PM

    Poor Ann, her dad's Mr Ed and her mom's an Ass - no wonder she's always angry.

    I'm on Meghan's side this time. Words matter, and with the inflamed gun yahoos in a tizzy, it's even more threatening.

  27. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Is the Bald Cadaver going to allow another pun-dint like Annie the Raging Trannie talk this kind of shit--- making jokes about killing Sarah's political mentor's daughter?

    Trannie punks Baldy once again and dares the Quitter to say something. And Sarah NEVER dares to speak up... LOL Baldy is such a coward!

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      What about SUPPORTING OTHER WOMEN, Sarah?

      Does only YOUR family receive vicious threats?

      Can't speak on behalf of THE CHILDREN???


  28. emrysa8:53 PM

    it's interesting how some women think it's "hot" to pose with a gun... when the only guys who find that shit attractive are total losers.

  29. I'd call Ann Coulter a cunt, but that would be an insult to vaginas. Vaginas have warmth and depth. Ann has neither.

    Seriously, what a hateful, toxic woman. What kind of upbringing did Ann Coulter receive? It must have not been very good. A feral alley cat acts with more dignity and decency than Ann.

    I truly think the reason why Ann says these vile and nasty things is because she has very little talent (other than for self-promotion) and her writing skills are somewhere in the sub-basement. I've actually read some of her articles and books and I'm appalled not just by the content but by Ann's piss-poor writing aptitude.

    As for Meghan McCain, well, I'm not a fan, but calling for her shooting death is totally disgusting.

  30. Anonymous5:00 PM

    Palin supporters are all over Ann Coulter at PAYME 4 PRES 2016. But not a Tweet nor a word from their Queen about Ann. Sarah is a Coward. She is afraid to attack Ann Coulter.


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