Friday, April 12, 2013

It looks likes a certain astrophysicist has just about had enough!

You know as hard as it is for the rest of us to watch our education system held hostage by the superstitious and ignorant, imagine just how MUCH worse it must be for somebody like Neil deGrasse-Tyson.


  1. I can certainly sympathize with him. Some days I wish I had someone more intelligent than my dog to actually carry on a conversation/debate without calling on some unseen deity to validate a point. I follow Neil deGrasse-Tyson's tweets and I love to quote him and Carl Sagan.

  2. WakeUpAmerica10:23 AM

    It is no worse for him than it is to those of us who are teachers.

    1. I have no doubt you are right about that.

    2. Leland11:04 AM

      Even with all the crap being thrown at teachers today, you are still teaching?

      Good for You! My hat is off to you!

    3. WakeUpAmerica12:32 PM

      40 years, and believe me, I have seen a lot of crap come down the pike. The district in our conservative community wouldn't even let us show the inauguration in Jan. 2008 in the high school because some parents couldn't handle that we had a black family in the White House. That was a first for me.

  3. Even his wonderful sense of humor appears to be getting pushed to it's limits..

  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    The stupidity has no bounds of decency:


  5. Leland11:07 AM

    I would LOVE to watch a Congressional hearing in which he was testifying about science and the religious crap being thrown at us and our government. Just the looks on the Fanatical Congressman/women would be worth the price of a ticket - assuming the idiots didn't cut him off or get up and walk out!

  6. his next tweet:

    Those who say I'm their favorite Astrophysicist, when confronted, often confess that I'm the only Astrophysicist they know...

    and a gem from an essay:

    In all eras, across time and culture, only three drivers have fulfilled that funding requirement: war, greed, and the celebration of royal or religious power. The Great Wall of China; the pyramids of Egypt; the Gothic cathedrals of Europe; the U.S. interstate highway system; the voyages of Columbus and Cook—nearly every major undertaking owes its existence to one or more of those three drivers. Today, as the power of kings is supplanted by elected governments, and the power of religion is often expressed in non-architectural undertakings, that third driver has lost much of its sway, leaving war and greed to run the show. Sometimes those two drivers work hand in hand, as in the art of profiteering from the art of war. But war itself remains the ultimate and most compelling rationale.

    Sad but true, in my view.

    1. Yay, War! I knew there was a good reason to love it so! Remember too, no Interstate Highway and National Defense System no Grateful Dead (no MK Ultra no Merry Pranksters, no DARPA no Internet).

  7. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Dana Perino Raps Back At Jay-Z (VIDEO)

  8. Anonymous11:34 AM

    God bless America: Sarah Palin-lookalike is the #1 porn star in the world

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      Ewwww. Ewwww. Ewwww.

  9. Anonymous3:02 PM

    This is precisely why many non-religious folks are choosing the homeschool option or choosing charter or private schools. Children are simply being held back from learning by the insinuation of religion into curriculum, that and most public schools are just wayyyy to crowded and it's difficult for a child to get the necessary attention.

    1. Anonymous5:18 PM

      I feel very lucky to have public schools where my children are stimulated and cared for and where they can get an excellent education.

      Of course, I'm in Boulder where people who are religious generally keep it to themselves.

      I also feel very lucky to be able to choose to live in a community like this.

  10. Anita Winecooler7:04 PM

    Huge fan of Neil's, and he's spot on with the first tweet especially. I have profound respect for the profession of educators. I have teachers in my family and I've seen first hand the hard work and bullcrap they have to deal with from the administrators and managers.

    Where are our priorities?


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