Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Cute little boy, terrified refrigerator.

Picture come courtesy of Brancy's blog.

Don'tcha love it when the Palins accidentally post evidence that the stories about them are true?

All I have to say is I have had the same refrigerator for eight years and it remains dent free.


  1. Anonymous12:05 PM

    off topic but needs to be shared.


    1. Anonymous4:30 PM

      Isn't that sweet! Teaching Tripp to sit on the STOVE-TOP!
      Yes its the kind of stove the burners are hidden
      Look at Payme attempting to look "Kitchen smart" http://i.imgur.com/3qGyUyO.jpg
      (Pic via KAO)
      Any of y'all would you have your kids sitting or STANDING(see above the Toad has TriG standing on the edge of the stove)
      Wow, just wow...Inside look at the wasilla Hillbilly compound...and it ain't purdy complete with dented fridge that Levi and Joe M told us about.
      Thanks Bristol!

  2. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Stupid Palins.

    1. Anonymous1:35 PM

      Not too long before the expression "dumb as a bag of rocks" is replaced by "dumb as a busload of Palins"

    2. Okay...okay....this shit is beyond funny! Did the stove take a picture of the fridge getting an ass beating...because WHY would anyone post THIS?

      Beefy...you're getting played dummy! Someone in your inner circle (my money's on Wallow) don't like your trampy ass!

      Please whoever you are...do not....I repeat....DO NOT POST ANY PICS OF BEEFY NAKED!

      Thank you in advance!


      PS...but please post a pic of Baldy without that ratty ass wig...I got money on how many strands of hair she has left!

      Vegas Odds Baby....Vegas Odds! LOL!!!

    3. Anonymous2:17 PM


    4. Anonymous2:23 PM

      Speaking of Easter, check out the pictures and/or video of the President and his family walking to church on Easter Sunday, all dressed up, sitting in a pew, singing glorious hymns, listening to a sermon, kneeling, praying, belonging humbly to a congregation.

      You can be an atheist or believe in another sort of religion, but of course you can recognize that the Obamas know that Easter is first and foremost a celebratory religious observance, and they participate as true Christians.

      Their girls might have gotten Easter baskets, there was an Easter egg roll on the White House lawn the next day, but the centrality of going to church and worshipping was a big part of their day. I'll bet they had a happy Easter dinner together and invited friends to join them.

      Standing in the snow with a mop bucket and sticking a kid on a kitchen counter with an egg carton filled with (very probably just-dyed) eggs shows that the Palins do not, and maybe never did, know what Easter is all about.

    5. Anonymous2:50 PM

      Can you imagine the Palin's putting on the Easter Egg Roll at the White House? NOPE!

    6. Anonymous4:39 PM

      Anon 2:23--

      But but but the Palins are MUCH busier than the Obamas. Why, Sarah has almost one speaking engagement per month. And Todd and the rest of the family, you KNOW how hard they work at their jobs, don't you? Wait, what's that? You mean NONE of the Palins are employed at all? Ummm, never mind.

    7. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Our President and his family are exceptional. You don't see him or his family all slumped over like the poor posture example of Sarah Palin and her family. They have no clue that the way they carry themselves makes a huge first impression, even when people don't consciously remember that mental picture sticks in their brain and the message she sends is we are the Palin family of hunchback losers.

  3. angela12:11 PM


    1. Anonymous4:41 PM

      If that fridge could write a book about what it's witnessed...

  4. Anonymous12:12 PM


    I read somewhere over at the C4P that not only did Sarah secure the state championship for Wasilla in 1982, but she did it on a broken ankle.

    Now I'm not a doctor and I haven't stayed at a Holiday Inn Express recently, but I find that hard to believe.

    I've had a broken ankle and let me tell you, if I had to walk on it (forget basketball), I would have cried like a little girl.

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      OMFG! I read that shit too! It was written by "Token" Ross the crazy school teacher! That crazy ass loon wrote up some crazy post about the President missing some bball shots and then had the nerve to go on about Baldy's bullshit bball from....wait for it folks...over 30 fucking years ago! No way did that old ho have a broken ankle and still played! That's more of Baldy's lies!

      The only bballing Baldy is doing is...reminising about her time with Glen "Baby Oil" Rice and staring at the fine brothers at that Phoenix game!

      That heffa can't even HOLD a basketball...she could barely hold up her Big Gulp of Rum & Coke! The nuts are getting nuttier over there! If you asked me it looks like Baldy getting busted on her PAC has caused her nutbags to lose their last touch with reality!

      The comments over there have become so bizarre! Her cult followers are acting like a dog in a corner...snapping and snarling at anybody who comes close! Have you seen how they're going after folks on Twitter?

      All this for BALDY? WTF is wrong with these people?

      Krusty? Care to explain? LOL!!!

    2. Anonymous12:44 PM

      How funny, I broke mine too in high school. I cried just like a little boy...

    3. Anonymous12:51 PM

      The final score for the game was 58-53. Sarah made one point in the game. She hit one free throw and missed the other in the last 30 seconds of the game. Who knows about the ankle....broken doubtful, sprain or stress fracture perhaps. Factoids from local newspaper.

    4. Anonymous1:40 PM

      I broke my ankle in high school. I didn't cry. Nor did I walk without crutches.

    5. Anonymous2:11 PM

      that game was already well in hand when the little $kank fraud put one in then clanged the other

    6. Anonymous2:55 PM

      I thought it was a sprained ankle not broken....leave it to the bots to embellish a story like their beloved $hank!

    7. Anonymous2:56 PM

      the tea_tards at the pool of piss also think it's cool that creepy chuck falsely bandaged the little $kank frauds hand/fingers to keep her out of some band function

      yes-sir-ee, learn to cheat from the fukin' best, dear ol' fuk_tard rat killer dad

    8. Anonymous4:36 PM

      Where is the "Broken ankle" BS coming from?
      That guy who had a "grisly" compound fracture sticking 8" out of his leg? Oh yea I thought old payme had a SPRAINED ankle but now the spin is Broken?
      Broken ankle = down for the count.

  5. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I have by higher Brancy authority that everyone has dents in their refrigerator doors. hee haw

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      So, is this Bristle's refrigerator? Did she catch the remper tantrums from her "hot Mom"? Where are the rest of Bristle's kids? If they are the Palin house, do they sleep there since Tripp is in pj's,

    2. No, it's Mama Grizzly's refrigerator. The shelf Tripp is sitting on is part of the center island dividing the cooktop from the eating area in her kitchen.

    3. Anonymous2:58 PM


      the cooktop that at most boils water or occasionally burns kraft mac 'n cheese ?

  6. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I won't go to the blog and give them a hit, but let me guess, Jesus is the reason for the season, he is risen, my precious joy of a child who is all boy living vibrantly knows he is risen and whatnot.

    (he is cute.)

    1. Anonymous12:58 PM

      Something seriously got to them. Bristol or Nancy are still putting so-called Easter pictures on the blog. Oh yeah, does she have a wonderful fun family. That is how they talk. It looks pretty sucky. Stupid pictures considering they are having a nervous break down over the Easter drama. Five more pictures and the same old cultists in the same old rhetoric make comments.

      They keep getting more and more pathetic. don't go there, it is sad. They did manage to find Trig and get him in the shots. No Sarah, it was Todd's turn to pose. No Willow or Bristol in the pictures.

    2. Anonymous1:31 PM

      He looks a lot like Sally. 'What? Me worry?'

  7. Anonymous12:14 PM

    The Palins' own stupidity exposes their shortcomings. I wonder how many times Todd 'ducked' those flying cans. Sarah and her Brood of Wasillabillies are the Most Dysfunctional Family of all time. You can't make this stuff up, they are comedy central.

  8. Anonymous12:14 PM

    What do you suppose is in that refrigerator besides Red Bull and Diet Dr. Pepper?

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      all of her dreams of any political future (or relevancy in anything) are shoved way in the back and covered in green fur...

    2. Anonymous1:03 PM

      "green fur"

      ROFLMAO....ain't that the truth!

    3. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Spilled ketchup; a rotten orange from 2011; a case of Red Bull; in freezer, there are two 1.75 liter bottles of rotgut vodka; and don't forget about baby formula for whichever of those skanky Ho daughters' baby that they've popped out most recently.

  9. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Tri-pp looks like he just might be what he called his Aunt on 'LIFE'S A SHAILEY TRIPP'.

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      Really, and just what does "what he called his aunt" look like? There is no need to label a little kid with what you seem to think and use as a slur.

    2. Anonymous1:15 PM

      I believe he called his aunt Willow a "bitch" that he said during her reality show(?) that was there for everybody to see and hear. With that the kid labeled himself as a child who is surrounded by adults, primarily Bristol, who use language that is inappropriate for a child to hear. It also didn't paint Bristol as a very good parent who perhaps was repeating the same parenting skills she learned growing up in the Sarah Palin's household.

    3. Anonymous1:28 PM

      Ummm he called wallows a "Faggot". It was here and all over the goddamned news.

      Yep barstool real good find example of motherhood. Oh and they all LAUGHED when he said it also,too!

    4. Anonymous2:31 PM

      Yeppers, he said "Faggot" and I bet he heard that word from ALL the Palins.

    5. Anonymous3:09 PM

      Ok, so I wasn't the only one who saw that cute little face and had a flashback of the "faggot incident."

    6. Anonymous4:53 PM

      That is how poor Tripp will always be remembered. His mother wanted that keepsake memory and she gave him that. What an idiot.

  10. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Who took the picture?

    It looks like they meant to feature the frig with the dents. Good one whoever you are.

    1. Anonymous12:39 PM

      Yep, the fridge is clearly meant to be in the composition!

    2. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Maybe Bristol did it on purpose to get back at Grandma Palin? Considering all her attempts at stardom have failed and she has no man in her life, she must be very unhappy.

  11. Their old refrigerator, a nice new one from what I can see (didn't they just build that house in 2006?). What happened to it after Matt Lauer came to visit? Or did it die a horrible death by canning?


    - KAO

    1. Anonymous12:51 PM

      Yup, different fridge in that screen shot.

      Virginia Voter

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Both pictures look as if they were both taken in the same house that Sarah and Todd live in by having the same cabinets and counter tops as the one in the Matt Lauer photo. I'm not sure if that was the message you were trying to convey, but it does appear to be the same refrigerator after taking some beatings between the period from the first photo and this one.

    3. Anonymous1:31 PM

      Don't ya'll remember the Sports center needed a new renovated kitchen? Recently?

      I guess a fridge fell off the truck and landed on the paymes house.

    4. Anonymous1:42 PM

      Instead of trying to "learn" Juicy not to throw stuff, Toad decided it was chearper to keep her and get another fridge.

    5. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Krusty, what is the same about the fridges? The width of the doors? No. The placement of the ice maker? Nope. What is the same, Krusty? Please share!

    6. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Didn't we find dents on the old one too at one point?

    7. Anonymous3:15 PM

      1:25 : NOPE!!!! DEFINITELY different fridge. Adjust your glasses, or wash them... The new one has the freezer on the bottom, and it is shiny. The old one was a matt-silver one, simple side-by-side.

    8. Anonymous3:28 PM

      Wow, you're literally discussing a kitchen appliance for no reason.

    9. Anonymous3:44 PM

      Anon 1:46, I'm not sure if you were addressing my comment at 1:25, but the refrigerator is the same as the one in the Matt Lauer photo, with the exception of a couple of battle scars. Yes, the doors are the same size and the ice maker is in the same place. As I also mentioned, the counters and the cabinets are also the same and this photo is from the same house. Since you don't seem able to see that, just take my word for it unless you can prove otherwise.

    10. Anonymous4:31 PM

      I think you need glasses :)
      The fridge is different, the old one didn't have a bottom drawer and the handles are different. Go look again.

    11. Anonymous4:42 PM

      Anonymous3:28 PM

      Wow, you're literally discussing a kitchen appliance for no reason.
      Hi Wallows!
      Its for a "rill reason" you know ;-) How mom throws cans and dents it? That kind of reason? I know you did.
      Hows hair skool Wallows, dude?

    12. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Anyone who claims that is the same frig from the Matt Lauer shot is either lying or blind. It is definitely not the same frig.

      This new one has doors of equal size and the old frig has a larger right door. The ice makers are in the same location but completely different size and style.

  12. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Duck Tripp! Incoming hard boiled egg. Those are good sized dents on the fridge. They will claim they got a good deal on it at a scratch and ding sale.

    Tripp's glasses do not look kid sized....Cute kid sorta looks like Gino.

    I hope someone has saved the photos in the order those were dispensed. I think that eventually they will come together like a jigsaw puzzle and the bigger picture will be revealed.

  13. Anonymous12:32 PM


    The obligatory "I love my family"
    more pictures. warning the repetitive smiles of a family trying real hard to convince everyone of all the fun they have. Isn't this over kill on the Easter show? It is rather hilarious. I guess Sarah couldn't make it, after all she did the pose by the lake.

    1. Anonymous12:40 PM

      lol Tripp wears glasses to hold an egg, but not while driving a snowmobile solo .....smart!

    2. Anonymous1:49 PM

      Although the title said something about fun at the cabin, Tri-G is strapped in a car seat and there is a family camper pictured. I doubt if they ever left Wasilla.

    3. Anonymous4:47 PM

      I saw Bichiols ugly ass truck with a "Toy" tower and it looked like a lot of cars there, Probably a Payme swap/gambling meet.
      Grifters gotta blackmail...
      Serra went "Running" for the the meth & vodka!

  14. Anonymous12:33 PM

    It really IS satisfying that so many of their secrets have come to light because of bloggers. If we get this minutiae right, we are more likely than not to get the big shit right.
    Am I wrong or does this Tripp seem smaller than the one who was calling people faggots on TV?

    1. Anonymous12:45 PM

      Remember all the sugar and junk food they gave Tripp and how the trashed healthy and our First Lady?

      Wouldn't it be funny if they had to put Tripp on a diet and take him off sugar?

    2. Anonymous2:18 PM

      I'd just like to say again that BLOGGERS OWN the Palins.

      Jump and bark Sarah! Ruff ruff. You need to get a new dog to prove the bloggers wrong! If not a brand new puppy, just get AGIA back from wherever you sent her.

    3. Anonymous4:50 PM

      AGIA was a German Shepherd. I thought it went to Chuckles sr. which means poor AGIA is most likely stuffed and taxidermy.
      Chuckles Sr. has a the black dog that was in SPA. I saw her with that dog when it was a puppy. Cute jumping all over her. She couldn't give a rats ass.

  15. Anonymous12:34 PM

    1 dozen eggs $3.37; Haircut at the Beehive Beauty Shop $25.00; Dollar store glasses $1.00

    Proof positive that Refrigerator was hit with projectiles...PRICELESS!!

    1. Anonymous12:46 PM

      It looks like some forceful impacts.

    2. Anonymous4:43 PM

      Yes major projectiles, entering arcs beginning somewhere outside the perimeter of the kitchen and impacting the refrigerator doors on edge at an estimated 40 mph and creating indentations approximately 1/4"- 1/2" in depth, accompanied by a metallic sound, part ping and part thud; whereupon projectiles bounce roughly 8" and fall to the kitchen floor, still good for another round.

    3. Anonymous4:51 PM

      You forgot PIG's glasses!
      Written off as "postage"...

  16. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Look out Tripp......incoming!!!

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Since we are on the subject of refrigerators, it brings back Chuck Jr's and the TV on top and looking like it could have tipped over and crashed on the head of a kid that slammed the frig door.

      You don't want to be in a Heath/Palin kitchen, especially if you are a kid.

  17. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Pure Gold. Comedy Gold.
    Proving stories denied, to be actually true.

  18. Anonymous12:36 PM

    It is all Gryphen's fault. You made me laugh so hard! I love your title.

  19. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Based on the way that picture is framed, i'd say we have someone on the inside working with us.

    Or, maybe an idiot didn't notice the dented refrigerator in the background.

    1. Anonymous1:14 PM

      I was thinking after Sarah did the hurry up shot with the yellow bucket she cut out and left Piper alone to baby sit. But Brancy said that picture was taken Saturday night, before he woke up for his lonely Easter basket. That could be a lie. I don't know how to know when or the order the pictures were taken. Now there are five more (but I only saw three), posted 4/2/13, that are to be from Easter. Not a family together just some of them and they allow Trig in on the fun, almost. Tripp is the showman on his snowmobile, a little Junker. Something about the next batch is strange.

    2. Anonymous4:36 PM

      What ever happened to the little dog Charlie..the one that was lost and then they found it, it was a furry little dog. This one looks like a chiwawa and has a different name, Lucy I think. What is with the Palin's and their poor dogs???

  20. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I bet that house gets violent. No wonder they freaked when McGinniss was next door. Who has dents like that? I've been around. I have yet to meet people who have dented refrigerators. I can't recall one.

    It is too obvious when Bristol has a comment right away that does damage control for the refrigerator.

    When are these people going to hire a consultant and figure out how to manage their commercial projects?

    1. Anonymous1:56 PM

      SarahPac claims 95% of munnie went to consultants. And postage, also,too.

    2. Anonymous2:19 PM

      You don't need a manager when you are running a conprofit.

    3. Anonymous4:34 PM

      Yes you do need a manager when you are running a conprofit. An ass et manager.

  21. Anonymous12:42 PM

    The internet, DOES. NOT. FORGET.

  22. Anonymous12:42 PM



  23. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Oh MAN, Gryph, now you've gone and done it! "Consultants" are now going to be out $3K so a pic can appear week's end on her Facebook page proving you photoshopped that fridge in!

    "Look! My real fridge isn't even stainless steel!"


  24. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Looks like a GE beveled top fridge. They have them at Sears. Wonder how many they've been thru since the Matt Lauer interview.

    1. Anonymous1:04 PM

      No kiddie finger print goop. It hasn't been there long. May be they keep extras in Todd's hangar so they can change them out in a hurry.

    2. Anonymous4:01 PM

      I went and looked at the video of the Matt Lauer interview and it's a different fridge than the one 2008. Too funny!

      Here is the link to the video... at 7:50 mark you see the old one.

  25. Anonymous12:45 PM

    That dent in the Palin fridge door is nothing. You should see the dents in Toad's head.


    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      OMG! "SHRIMP DICK" had me LOL!

  26. Anonymous12:47 PM

    And that's the new refrigerator. You should see the last new refrigerator door when Sarah first found out about Shailey Tripp. Can you say Swiss Cheese?

  27. Anonymous12:48 PM

    All the Palins are now wearing glasses. Remember, glasses make you "look" smarter! HA!

  28. Anonymous12:58 PM

    That's why nobody likes Sarah Palin. Can you imagine dealing with that bitch as a McCain staffer? Wouldn't doubt it if McCain said he voted for Obama just to keep Sarah away from the nuclear button.

    1. Anonymous1:46 PM

      Sarah would not have been the one hitting the nuclear button had they been elected (thank god they weren't!) remember - she was in the second position of vice president - NOT president!

    2. Anonymous2:40 PM

      Yeah, but she was a heartbeat away from the Presidency and who knows what would have happened to McCain if he had won.

    3. Anonymous3:16 PM

      Who would want to be president if you have to hire a food taster to protect yourself from your vp?

    4. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Which is ironic considering she's well lliked.

    5. Anonymous4:01 PM


      I want to know who likes her? It's not the GOP, it's not folks in Alaska, and by the looks of those photos it's not even her own family! Why would she be spending Easter, alone, with only Piper and Tripp? I guess they like her?

    6. Anonymous3:21 PM

      Stop lying troll! You know nobody has "lliked" Baldy for a LONNNG time! Not her husband...not her parents...not her sisters...not her brother....nor any of her children...and numerous grandchildren.

      Baldy is so dis-"lliked" that polls have been done since 2008 on how much nobody likes that bald headed...ugly face tranny man!

      Soon...her cult members will no longer "lliked" Baldy! LOL!!!

  29. Anonymous12:58 PM

    That's kind of a pathetic, last minute Easter celebration for Tripp. He got to watch Piper toss a volleyball in the air (in the snow). Sarah hid some colored eggs in the snow. (Hint. Follow the footsteps, Tripp, and you'll find the eggs). Now, he is all by himself, holding a colored egg for the last minute photo op because Sarah forgot to post Happy Easter greeting on her Facebook.

    Where is his little basket with the fake green grass, jelly beans, chocolate bunny, marshmallow peeps and all of the other good stuff that comes with Easter? How about Trig? Where's the family, the Easter ham? There's nothing except a couple of eggs. Happy Easter, kid. Oh, and tell Trig to wear his glasses, too. http://wp.patheos.com.s3.amazonaws.com/blogs/bristolpalin/files/2013/04/photo-2-3.jpg

    1. Anonymous4:29 PM

      I don't think it was Trigs day to visit these people..ya gotta pay for that, so much a month and only so many days....Sarah most likely already used up her days or couldn't be bothered.

  30. Anonymous1:01 PM

    O/T From "across the pond"

    And despite near-universal name recognition, she finished with only 7% in her last appearance in a 2016 national primary poll. That's tied for second to last, ahead only of Rick Santorum. Her ratings were so low that PPP dropped her from its latest survey. Other survey houses, like Harper and CNN/ORC, don't include her in their 2016 questionnaires.


    The truth is that Sarah Palin was very briefly a successful politician, then a divisive one; and she has chosen instead a career path as a celebrity. Republicans would be nuts to follow her advice, unless they wanted to follow her path to unpopularity.


    1. Anonymous1:43 PM

      I would have sworn I saw where she finished w/3% - not the 7% that is indicated above.

    2. Anonymous2:10 PM

      Agreed, 1:43. She was bouncing so low she was close to invisible.

    3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:02 PM

      Bouncing? I politely digress. She's now rolling across the floor gathering lint, fallen hair, dog kibble and used bits of toilet tissue.

  31. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Bristol and Sarah ... are you too fucking cheap to buy a Easter basket to put eggs and candy in?

    Hell, just use PAC money to buy it, you damn grifers.

    The entire Palin family is just a bunch of uneducated morons.

  32. Anonymous1:14 PM

    If only Sarah Palin's refrigerator door can speak

    "Help me.... please helllllpppp meeee"

  33. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Poor lil tyke is beginning to look like his clown-faced mama. In her hands, I fear, it won't be long before he starts looking like the photo in Gryphen's post just before this one. Her skills at producing a well centered, civil, law abiding citizen are in doubt based on her silly reality show.

    1. Anonymous1:33 PM

      That might be why the eye ware. The Tripp brand is being re-purposed to look intelligent. He is how old? The lens look like reading glasses. Not well fitted by a good optometrist. He doesn't use them when he is on the snow machine. Does he need them for reading? I think it looks like they are for someone that is farsighted. Any experts that can say?

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      What is the point in speculating about things that dont matter to you.

    3. Anonymous4:31 PM

      3:19 PM,

      Are you lonely?

      Seeking attention?

      How do you know what matters to others?

      Why would anyone answer your pointless question?

      What is the point since you don't matter?

      You are the speculating monitor or something?
      Silly you
      You don't have to answer.

    4. WakeUpAmerica4:40 PM

      "Anonymous3:19 PM
      What is the point in speculating about things that dont matter to you."

      You're here doing the same thing aren't you? It's called hypocrisy, Dope.

  34. Anonymous1:19 PM

    Why do you act surprised? Aren't all fridge doors in Wasilla dented?

    1. Anonymous2:20 PM

      Not mine! When you pay nearly 3 Grand for a fridge you should appreciate it!

    2. Anonymous2:44 PM

      "When you pay nearly 3 Grand for a fridge you should appreciate it!"

      When you are a multimillionaire with a PAC, $3k refrigerators are like GEDs, disposable cigarette lighters, cameras and phones. There's more where they came from.

    3. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Dude, it's an object. I fail to see what the hubbub is about. I don't see Gryphen writing about articles talking about democrat's blowouts. Obama included

    4. Anonymous3:17 PM

      Funny how you ignore the stories about Michelle

    5. Anonymous4:06 PM

      Oh, pray tell 3:17pm what did Michelle do now? Attempt to help children eat healthy food? Plant a garden? Take her girls on a much needed vacation? Cut some bangs into her hair?

      Please, enquiring minds would like to know. You seem to always post something regarding Barack and Michelle but there is no substance, no actual facts or links, you just throw out one of their names, same as you do Joe Biden, and expect us to know what you are talking about.

      You need to realize most of us here don't watch Fox News, or surf Drudge or Breitbart, so you really must share with us this titillating news of the First Family's malfeasance.

      Thanks in advance for filling us in.


    6. Anonymous4:24 PM

      I loved some of the Hillary stories. Strong women. Jackie Kennedy swore but was great to be around. Nancy Reagan horrible.

      The stories about Sarah are not the same. She called sweet Trig "retard" That is abuse. She taught the girls and they went on to name call and teach poor Tripp to be vile and nasty.

    7. Anonymous4:25 PM

      3:17..that frig is just bugging the shit out of you, Krusty trying to change the subject.

    8. WakeUpAmerica4:41 PM

      What's your point?

    9. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Look, when Michelle Obama puts a pillow in her panties and calls it Tri-G, then we will listen to your babble.

  35. Anonymous1:20 PM

    poor kid! he was cute. now he looks like lil junker. why he has to wear glasses?

  36. Anonymous1:29 PM

    I hope those are safety glasses Tri-PP and his brother Tri-GG are wearing.

    Could be dangerous in Sarah Palin's house when she doesn't get her way.

    Tri-PP to Tri-GG:

    "Tri-GG duck..... incoming... grandma is butt hurt again"

  37. Anonymous1:32 PM

    That is a newer fridge in the picture with Trip. You remember the Fox News piece where Sarah is stirring moose chili. Nov. 12, 2008. Different handles etc on the old one. Same counter top that Tripp is sitting on so it is Sarah's kitchen.

    1. Anonymous2:22 PM

      Those refrigerators get neglected and start growing the green fuzz and black goo, and the dents accumulate, next thing ya know, it's time to buy a new one again!

    2. Anonymous4:20 PM

      Sarah is a spic and span house keeper. WOW spotless. With all the people she has around you know that kitchen is well used. She keeps it shiny and bright.

    3. WakeUpAmerica4:42 PM

      Sure she does! ROFLMAO

    4. Olivia5:00 PM

      Must be fun to be one of "all the people she has around" and have to duck flying tin cans. I wonder how many of "all the people she has around" she has hit.
      My kitchen is very well used, I have people around all the time andmy fridge is 12 years old and there isn't one fucking dent in it.
      BTW, some of those "all the people she has around" say that she is a lousy housekeeper, can't cook for shit and anything that gets done around the house is done by the Toad.

  38. Anonymous1:34 PM

    IMO Tripp's glasses are wayyy too big for his face. Easter baskets cost 3$ at Walmart and we know you shop there. What's with the mop bucket? Does the entire family sport a wonky eye need to hide behind fashion glasses?

  39. Anonymous1:40 PM

    Bristol, there is no way in hell that is Levi's boy. Tell the truth, who is the real pappy? Or do you even know?

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      Yes, he looks like Bristol, but he can only be Levi's.

    2. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Bingo.. I'm glad to see people are catching on to this. Bristol knows who the REAL father is and Sarah knows too. The reality of the situation is that Tripps real dad is a (gasp) die hard liberal, and that would have been more embarassing to them at the time of her VP nod than Levi was. Take a look at Nick Moe and you'll find the answer

    3. Anonymous4:50 PM

      Who is Nick Moe?
      Tri-G REally looks like Levi. Alot!!

  40. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Tripps eye glasses do look too big for him. My guess is he's playing with an adults eyewear. I have a similar picture of my german shepherd wearing my glasses ;P Silly picture

    1. Anonymous2:41 PM

      They're Sarah's S.E. Cupp imitation eyeglasses.

  41. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Don't mean to change the topic or imply anything, but after seeing the multiple dents in the door, I'm wondering what happened to Ruffles the first Trig?

    1. Anonymous2:16 PM

      Is it time to reopen the Curt Menard Jr accident and the church fire.

      What other unsolved accidents can be reopened?

    2. Anonymous4:45 PM


      Dar Miller's death ..

    3. Anonymous4:51 PM

      Dar Miller

  42. Anonymous2:12 PM

    So, everyone in the house of palin wears gasses to look smart? or everyone has rabies and retarded?

    1. Anonymous3:17 PM

      gasses would fit better.

    2. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Looks smart

      It's easier to buy poser glasses and GED's than it is to spend 12 years in school.

  43. Irishgirl2:22 PM

    When I clicked on this post...the ad that came up was for Fridge Repair in Dublin. :)

    Seriously though, I wouldn't like to be in the line of fire in that house.

  44. Anonymous2:23 PM

    isn't it nice that Bristol and Tripp have matching glasses.

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      Tripp is definitely a Heath. Looks just like Chuck Jrs son.

    2. Anonymous3:19 PM

      Everyone seems to have gotten glasses at the same time: Piper, Bristol, Todd, Sarah, Tripp. Too bad that Trig doesn't wear his glasses.

    3. Anonymous3:48 PM

      I was just thinking that too. I bet Tripp is wearing them because everyone else--I think they share glasses.

    4. Anonymous4:16 PM

      I think they have a witch doctor or a life coach type. When you want to change an image you act like you are the new self you want others to see. You do those play acting things. It works for a child as well. Tell him he is smart and he needs the new tool to read or do better. They can do behavior modification with similar techniques. Sarah has been covering the Wonky One for a long time. Now they are all trying to change their images. Like others say glasses=smart. At least others think you are smart.

  45. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Ugh. Those countertops. No taste. Either that or it was another freebie.

    1. Anonymous3:45 PM

      I noticed that too, ugly. Plus they didn't even spring for a slab but instead took the cheap route with tile/grout.

  46. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I really don't like kids but he's kind of cute; looks more like Levi than the "old Bristol".

    1. Anonymous3:11 PM

      He looks just like young Track and Bristol.Same eyes.

    2. Anonymous4:11 PM

      The glasses are Bristol's, not the eyes at all.

  47. Anonymous2:38 PM

    That pic is hilarious - not the cute five-year-old Tripp but the dints in the frig. Now we know for sure somebody in that house throw things hard enough to dint a stainless steel frig.

    1. Anonymous3:10 PM

      Stainless steel dents. This is old, as Gryphen awhile ago, wrote about the same fridge.

    2. Anonymous4:19 PM

      3:10..you keep bring up that it is the same frig..prove it, provide a link.

  48. Anonymous2:39 PM

    On Sarah Palin's FB picture page: believe it or not ---

    Chuckles and Sally with HENRY KISSINGER .WTF?
    Bristol adorably teaching Tripp how to stick out his tongue.
    A picture of a crucifix, downloaded from the internet, alongside the volleyball pix, just to show that Sarah has sort-of heard of the events that became what we know of as Easter. Many fundamentalists don't celebrate Christmas, but I've never heard of them completely ignoring the day around which their entire religion is based.

    1. Anonymous3:18 PM

      I don't know what you are looking at. When Sarah ran for VP, more than 4 years ago, the McCain campaign had her pose for a handshake with Henry Kissinger to give her foreign policy experience. I guess that Chuck and Sally got their photos taken with him, too.

      When I look at Sarah's facebook, there's a cross reading "sustainable power source," plus the Easter volleyball photos.

  49. Anonymous2:50 PM

    A reminder:
    From Vanity Fair:

    The intensity of Palin’s temper was first described to me in such extreme terms that I couldn’t help but wonder if it might be exaggerated, until I heard corroborating tales of outbursts dating back to her days as mayor of Wasilla and before. One friend of the Palins’ remembers an argument between Sarah and Todd: “They took all the canned goods out of the pantry, then proceeded to throw them at each other. By the time they got done, the stainless-steel fridge looked like it had got shot up with a shotgun. Todd said, ‘I don’t know why I even waste my time trying to get nice things for you if you’re just going to ruin them.’ ” This friend adds, “As soon as she enters her property and the door closes, even the insects in that house cringe. She has a horrible temper, but she has gotten away with it because she is a pretty woman.” (The friend elaborated on this last point: “Once, while Sarah was preparing for a city-council meeting, she said, ‘I’m gonna put on one of my push-up bras so I can get what I want tonight.’ That’s how she rolls.”) When Palin was mayor, she made life for one low-level municipal employee so miserable that the woman quit her job, sought psychiatric counseling, and then left the state altogether to escape Palin’s sphere of influence—this according to one person with firsthand knowledge of the situation. The woman did not want to be found. When I finally tracked her down, her husband, who answered the phone, at first pretended that I had dialed the wrong number and that the word “Wasilla” had no meaning to him. Palin’s former personal assistants all refused to comment on the record for this story, some citing a fear of reprisal. Others who have worked with Palin recall that, when she feels threatened, she does not hesitate to wield some version of a signature threat: “I have the power to ruin you.”

    1. Anonymous3:07 PM

      Interestingly, people who know her love her.

    2. Irishgirl3:13 PM

      Funnily enough, I was going to post that same paragraph tonight. It gives me the chills.

    3. Anonymous3:21 PM

      "That's our Sarah"

    4. Anonymous3:43 PM

      2:50 PM

      Interestingly, those folks really do know her.

    5. Anonymous3:50 PM

      Thanks for the reminder. In case anyone wants to read more... (the dented frig story is on page 2)


    6. Anonymous3:52 PM

      G should receive some kind of internet award for the post title! Hilarious!

    7. Anonymous4:03 PM

      Excuse me

      "That's your Sarah"

  50. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Also too, the little boy who cried faggot looks more..effeminate as he grows older.
    Ok, I await the well deserved flaming.

  51. Anonymous3:03 PM


  52. Anonymous3:04 PM

    And this means, what? It's a picture of a cute boy. That is whatmatters to them. Im glad ALL of you are perfect and live perfect lives. Funny, THEY have never once claimed they're less than human , or superhuman. they're people, a family, like you and me.

    1. Anonymous3:56 PM

      Who cares what matters to "them" - Wasn't that a scary B movie from the past? Something about evil insects.

      I am all that matters and it is a picture of a dinged up refrigerator. Some kid over to the side in oversized reading specs.

      That is the kitchen of the old bag of bones Republicans are calling out for her evil doings with OPM who expected her to support more campaigns.

      Sarah Palin screwed up by spending 96% of the money others gave to her, spent NOT on candidates but to CONSULTANTS for the narcissist, Palin.

      I can't believe how dense some fools are.

    2. Anonymous4:10 PM

      Oh no no no. That's a MUCH more fucked up family than mine. Speak for yerself, you there in the Palin demi-world.

    3. WakeUpAmerica4:50 PM

      " a family, like you and me." Dumbshit, it's, "...a family like yours and mine." Illiterate idiot.

      There is no fucking resemblance of that dysfunctional, lying grifter family to mine. Since you don't know us, take your own advice and don't judge us. God, I think your stupidity may be terminal.

  53. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Doesn't take away from the fact that bloggers still spread lies about them. :) Good day people who live to hate on the internet.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Bloggers rule. The lies will get cleared up in court. So much coming up and out about Palin that it will all get covered in time. Bloggers will prevail and continue to own the Palins.

    2. Anonymous4:16 PM

      A picture is worth a thousand words.

      It has been said Sarah has a temper and throws canned goods at Todd and her refrigerator.

    3. WakeUpAmerica4:51 PM

      Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  54. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Funny that you've written about this before, a long time ago, about the same fridge. Only difference is, these people don't dwell in the past and you do, in your own nasty imaginations that exaggerate things.

    1. Anonymous4:07 PM

      Actually, it's a different fridge, but whatever. You have to admit it's funny and graphic and Sarah all the way. Flame thrower, can tosser, bullshit pitcher, insult hurler, etc.

    2. Anonymous4:16 PM

      Different frig..the other one was a side by side this one is a bottom freezer...fail!!

    3. Anonymous4:23 PM

      3:12..How the hell would you know that?? Were you in bed with they??? Or peeping thru a crack in the door??

    4. WakeUpAmerica4:53 PM

      What? I thought you said you were leaving? Another of your lies?

      However, the past is ALL that the Tundra Turd dwells in. She never forgets or forgives a slight, perceived or real. Nighty night Idiot Stick.

  55. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Anonymous2:33 PM I really don't like kids but he's kind of cute; looks more like Levi than the "old Bristol".

    Keep in mind little cute kids brought up in violent hating environments where guns are worshipped may grow up to relive the events witnessed in Tucson, movie theaters and schools every where.

    Little girls raised in households where their mother teaches them they are victims in order to get attention will most likely grow up accusing boyfriends of rape even if the girl keep on going back for more sex.

    1. Anonymous3:26 PM

      I somehow think you are generalizing all child behaviour based on a "Palin Standard" that you have set in your mind. All I was saying is that Tripp looks cute. We've not yet seen him with a gun, even a play gun, and given the glasses and his posing, he may even grow up to be a little man with an alternative lifestyle that the Palins will need to embrace. Wouldn't that be great if the Palins have to learn to love their little gay Tripp :-)

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Bad Parenting From Bristol Palin – Episode 6

      I’m giving you fair warning that this episode is utterly appalling. Bristol whines incessantly about Tripp’s behaviour and how she can’t disicipline him. She does this when Tripp is present. He is hearing every word. And yes, his behaviour is disgraceful – but whose fault is that?...Tripp sticks his tongue out at his mother. I wonder who taught him how to do that?...They go shopping for a pink gun for Sarah. They tell us at every available opportunity that Sarah has loads and loads of guns. Oh yeah?....This poor kid does not have a chance at a normal life. Levi, if he is yours, get him the hell out of there."


    3. WakeUpAmerica4:54 PM

      Actually, there was a picture of Tripp with a gun on the floor by him. We all were hoping it wasn't real.

  56. Amy in Juneau3:14 PM

    That Tripp is definitely five almost six. Hopefully Triggy has his glasses.

  57. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Bristol taught Tripp to stick his tongue out at strangers, Tripp and Willow used homophobic names, Piper pushed adult strangers, Bristol writes a book and has a reality show that belittles her baby's daddy, Todd gets into faces of strangers in Alaska airports for taking a picture of Sarah, Sarah and Bristol gets into the face of an elderly Alaskan women in Homer Alaska, Sarah constantly reverts to challenging mens genitals when she disagrees with them, Bristol dumps her trial husband Gino on the side of the road, Sarah gets even by accusing men of being pedophiles....

    Anybody surprised to see dents in their refrigerator door?

  58. lostinmn3:48 PM

    It's kind of amusing to watch the progression of who must be Bristol or one of her stooges. Little short retorts then stepping out into the sunlight and finally a full fledged string of vitriol (look it up Bristol). Gotta love these thin skinned grifters. Hey Bristol, how much does your mom pay you for consulting services every month? And what the hell do you consult about? It can't be hair or clothing or speaking style. Are you her foreign policy adviser or something?

  59. Anonymous4:07 PM

    I'm sure that there will be a lot more dents on the fridge because of Bristol posting this. I wonder if she did it on purpose?

  60. Anonymous4:15 PM

    Why is she parading /posting her sons pics on the net for the whole wide world to see/comment?

    Is she trying to get her son ready for his own reality TV?

    Why does this family use kids?- Piper, tripp trig..

    Todd come on for once show you are a man throw you voice and stop this.

    1. Anonymous4:27 PM

      Todd come on for once show you are a man throw you voice and stop this.

      If Todd throws his voice and wants to be taken seriously, he would need a microphone, amplifier and speakers with extra bass to man up.

    2. Anonymous4:44 PM

      Why would Todd stop this? Even Todd wanted Sarah to get him a snowmobile reality show starring Iron Puppy Todd. Its in their blood.

  61. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Why did palin post a FB yesterday about World Autism Day, but nothing on Down's Syndrome day recently?

    sarah, don't you love Trig?

    1. Anonymous4:33 PM

      Its not about love

      Its about money and photo ops

    2. Anonymous4:49 PM

      How come Bristol didn't post anything?

    3. Anonymous4:57 PM

      No, she doesn't love Tri-G. He was su[posed to make her VP and then President someday, 'cept he didn't. And now she is stuck with him.

  62. Anonymous4:36 PM

    I grew up in what I thought up until this moment was a dysfunctional family. Our fridge never looked like that.

    I'm sitting here thinking that maybe we didn't have it that bad after all. Thanks! :)

  63. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Tripp did you miss Bristol on Easter?

    Don't be sad, she may come home with a new trial husband that may stick around longer than one night.

    Fingers and eyes crossed.

  64. Anonymous4:40 PM

    To sum it up, everyone seems to hate what Sarah does now. How did she manage to do that? Her wicked cultist are the exception, they 'love' her fraud. The sane Republicans don't love her, just the wicked false idol worshipers will troll and send money. No one likes anyone that steals and defrauds the gullible like Sarah does.

  65. Anonymous4:56 PM

    TODD IS A FUCKING PIMP. (zim sorry , I couldn't help myself.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.