Tuesday, April 02, 2013

For profit prisons churning out waves of angry, violent white supremacists.

Courtesy of Mediaite: 

The nation’s “for-profit” prisons have been incubating thousands of Aryan Brotherhood gang members and, as their sentences expire, they are prepared to flood the nation. This wave of white supremacist gang members will emerge from the nation’s prisons and engage in a terrorist campaign of targeted revenge which will soon evolve into indiscriminant mayhem and racial violence. At least, this is the warning of an anonymous former prisoner writing for The Daily Beast

“Law enforcement may have a real problem on its hands,” writes a former prisoner who declined to share his name in a piece recently published in The Daily Beast. “They’re being tight-lipped about it, but it’s something they should have been aware of for decades. They had to see it coming.” 

“Four people have been killed since the beginning of the year in a series of shootings that appear to be connected to the homegrown jihadists of the Aryan Brotherhood,” Anonymous asserts. He cites the murders of Kaufman County, Texas District Attorney Mike McLelland and his wife, his predecessor Mark Hass, and Colorado prison chief Tom Clements as examples of bloodshed committed by the Aryan Brotherhood. Reports have linked the assassination of McLelland to his targeting by Aryan Brotherhood members. 

“Many of the first men locked up when our nation embarked on a policy of for-profit mass incarceration near the end of the last century are now returning into society,” the former prisoner writes. “And, as predicted by numerous professionals, they are sicker and more dangerous than when they went behind bars.”

In other words what is happening in Texas may spread across the country as more of these angry racist bastards get out onto the streets.

You know I have been reading a lot about the school-to-prison pipeline that has emerged in various communities around the country, including Texas, Mississippi, Florida, and many other places in mostly red states.  It is often identified as largely impacting the black community, but it certainly shuffles through its fair share of youthful white "offenders" as well.

The state allows these private prisons to crop up and then feeds them a steady stream of young people. A large number of who were expelled from their schools, due to their "zero tolerance policies," for small infractions like drug possession, or fighting, or even skipping class, and then pushed out into a community where they are destined to get into trouble and are eventually locked in cages.

In those cages, abandoned by society, by their schools, and often by their parents, they learn how to survive by following the rules put in place, and reinforced, by criminals. A set of guidelines that rather than turn them into functioning members of society, instead turn them into feral creatures who learn to fight for what they want, and to ONLY trust their fellow gang members. Gangs, by the way, often identified by ethnicity.

Then after the prison can no longer milk the state for funds to incarcerate them, they are released into the communities that abandoned them in the first place.

It is only a matter of time before many of them re-offend and go back into the only place they have ever felt welcome. But NOT before they put in to practice on the streets the "skills" they learned in prison.

As long as private prisons remain so profitable there will be no real attempt at reform. So while the communities embrace this false sense of security, in reality the very prison system that they trust to keep them safe may be breeding the kind of lifelong criminals that will one day return to victimize them again, and again, and again.


  1. Anonymous10:10 AM

    O/T ... Palin investigations that don't produce. ....FBI....For a long time we have been curious about Eric Gonzales.

    Is this Alaskan FBI man the same one who made an announcement the weekend after Sarah resigned? He said there was no investigation by the FBI into Sarah. This was shocking to many because the FBI don't usually make press announcements. And on a Saturday?
    Anonymous: The AK FBI man you are talking about is Eric Gonzales, and of course he was not lying because the FBI had no investigation on Sarah because they were using her as an operative against Shawn.

    1. Anonymous12:03 PM

      Where is Shawn in prison? That was so long ago I don't remember much.

  2. I’m glad you’re covering this. The survivalists and “Aryan” people I’ve known are just big talkers compared to these guys. I don’t know where we go from here.

    1. Anonymous12:06 PM

      If they were committing crimes they would tell you? The ones I've known lie. My uncle had one for a neighbor for years. A great neighbor. Who knew a life of crime would catch up with him one day?

  3. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "For profit" and "prison" -- two terms that should never be used together.

    1. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Show me a for-profit business, and I'll show you a business that works to get repeat clients.

    2. Anonymous12:46 PM

      Dick Cheney has $80 Million of his war profits invested in private prisons. These "investors" should be investigated. Some of them, like Cheney belong behind bars. I think it should be illegal to tattoo an entire face. Where do they expect to get jobs looking like that?

    3. fromthediagonal4:33 PM

      mexmer...you are right!!!

  4. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Is that a picture of Bristol's next baby daddy?

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Oh wow The guardian too says:

    Five reasons why the Republican party shouldn't take advice from Sarah Palin


    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      It is the SarahPalin Party now. The time to return bad merchandise has expired and Republicans are forever branded with the criminal.

      I am looking forward to the Terri Schiavo screech. Can't wait to see the latest attire for Republican women. We always want to know when clean wigs will come back in fashion. Sarah is so important to the culture.

  6. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Buzzfeed’s Andrew Kaczynski tweeted a possible new idea for a TV show. He tweeted, “I think we should give Bristol Palin and Meghan McCain a reality TV show and call it McCain-Palin.” That’s actually not a terrible idea. I might actually watch. It couldn’t be any worse than “Sarah Palin’s Alaska.”


    1. Anonymous11:33 AM

      I hope everyone hammers Meghan about her father and why she is an accomplice for the fraudsters.

    2. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Miss McCain is a style maven. She really must comment on old Sarah's rags.

  7. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Is that a pic of Francine Schaeffer Cox after his new prison makeover?

  8. Anonymous11:09 AM

    When will it end? I guess the rich plan on living in their own gated...prison..I mean..communities.

  9. Anonymous11:12 AM

    This is where Parnell and the Dept. of Corrections want to take Alaska's prisons. They do NOT have the interest of corrections officers or prisoners at heart and the price will be paid!

    1. Anonymous11:40 AM

      ...and keeping Shawn Christy when they know he is innocent of stalking, but rather $arah is of sexting with a minor.

    2. A. J. Billings12:17 PM

      IF Sarah really did sext with a minor, where is the proof of that?

      I know that Shawn's life is in big trouble due to the prison sentence, so this is somewhat on topic.

      if that's true, why don't the people most in the know, (Gryphen, Shannon Moore, Jeanne Devon) blog about it?

      or maybe I've just missed those posts?

      Gryphen, you have any thoughts on this?


    3. Anonymous4:11 PM


      We all know that "data" can't really be deleted in this current technological world, so where is the proof of the "sexting"? One would think that Mr. Christy's computers would still have proof even if Sarah has changed phones or computers. I just won't buy any of this story until actual proof comes out that this happened. This blog seems to not touch this story, or may have in the past and moved away from it, just like the Shailey Tripp story.

      The proof is simply absent in both of these tales.

  10. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Nine schools on lockdown after two inmates flee Texas jail

  11. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Smaller government, larger mayhem.

  12. Good background reading, 2010's The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander. Discusses 'color blind' justice with poor whites as collateral damage. It's worth the read.

    1. Excellent book. Alaskans should read it while thinking of Natives in the place of the black and brown people she discusses. Keeping people traumatized insures they can't rise up and fight for their rights as well as assuring that a large percentage of them will use drugs and alcohol for self medication. Prison destroys their families, causes them to loose their ability to make a living or even find a place to live. This is done intentionally.

  13. Anonymous12:09 PM

    LOL now the C4pees are pissed @ redstate

    Redstate Clown Compares Governor Palin to Con Artist

    truth hurts :)

  14. Anita Winecooler6:28 PM

    Those Texas murders are a wake up call. I had to chuckle when Rick Perry said it could be white supremecists or the mexican drug cartels they have in texas. The one district attorney went after and broke up a huge ring of white supremecists, then got murdered. Coincidence?

  15. This guy might as well go ahead and become a eunuch too. No woman is going to tie herself in matrimony to this guy.

    Of course, if he's already struck out three times, maybe some of the brotherhood inside will find that particularly attractive. Or not.

    Perhaps that's the point. A deterrent?


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