Saturday, April 06, 2013

Gun store owner who sold weapons used in Newtown massacre has license revoked.

Courtesy of Journal News: 

The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has permanently revoked the federal firearms license of East Windsor, Conn., gun store owner David LaGuercia, whose shop reportedly sold guns used in the Newtown school massacre and a second Connecticut mass shooting. 

ATF spokeswoman Deb Seifert told The Journal News on Thursday that she could not be more specific on the reasons LaGuercia’s license was revoked. It was revoked Dec. 20 and the 60-day time frame to appeal has expired. 

“It’s been revoked,” Seifert said. “It’s final at this point.” 

Seifert declined to comment on any criminal investigation into Riverview Gun Sales, which ATF agents raided in December, days after the Dec. 14 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary left 26 dead. She referred questions on any criminal probe to U.S. Attorney’s Office spokesman Tom Carson, who could not be reached Thursday for comment. 

In December, LaGuercia said in a statement that he was “absolutely appalled” to learn that a gun he sold to Nancy Lanza may have been used by her son Adam in the Newtown massacre. 

“There is nothing more devastating than the loss of a child, and I am absolutely appalled that the product that was sold several years ago would be used in this type of crime,” he said in the statement at the time. “Our hearts go out to the victims’ families and, as a father of three, I know firsthand of a parent’s loss and it’s the worst nightmare. 

“We are cooperating with law enforcement in their efforts to get to the bottom of this senseless tragedy,” he said. Citing anonymous sources, The Hartford Courant has reported that the guns used in the Newtown massacre, including a Bushmaster rifle, and the mass shooting at Hartford Distributors Inc. in 2010 that left eight dead were both bought legally at LaGuercia’s gun shop. 

I don't know if this has any actual connection to the shooting, nor do I see how it could be right now, but I will say that just having this happen might send a signal to OTHER gun shop owners to be very careful as to who they sell their guns to.

I would also have to imagine that this gun store owner was probably devastated to learn that the guns that he put out on the street were used in such a horrendous massacre.

I think if it were me I would not want to continue on in that business.


  1. Anonymous4:24 AM

    OT... for those who dip their toes into the pond now and then, there's a named joseph agibinik totally losing it over there this morning on the open thread.

    "Please, be safe, be prepare.....and hug your loved one's today. I am lost. Do not follow me."

    Hope he's not a gun nut.

    1. Anonymous5:26 AM

      Most of the folks at the pond have the same brain activity level as Terri Schiavo.

      We can hope Joe seek help before hurting himself or others.

    2. Anonymous7:28 AM

      Yeah, Agibinik seems to be a native Alaskan (living in one of the cities) with some serious depression problems. Posts have been over the top for a while. He also sounds "not quite bright." He has mentioned a mother and sisters. Hopefully they get him the help he needs.

    3. Anonymous7:52 AM

      He is talking crazy on several threads over there..they don't seem to know what to do with him, even saying to calm down and he must be off his meds. Sarah better be careful with this one and he apparently lives in Alaska.

  2. Anonymous4:51 AM

    This is not about Newtown. Something else is going on. I'm wondering if the guy did no background checks, or got caught selling to felons. There is more to this than the fact that his weapons were used in two mass shootings. And yes, I inmagine he does feel badly..STOP selling things that kill people then!

  3. Anonymous5:08 AM

    "STOP selling things that kill people then!" ??
    You mean like cars and trucks and hammers and ... well, you get my drift. I'm not a gun owner or apologist, by the way.

    The comment I came here to make is this: the gun shop owner sold the guns to the shooter's *mother, so the question of background checks or obvious nutsiness doesn't come into question. Still, I understand why he wants out of the business.

    1. Anonymous6:20 AM

      We have had two high profile DUI deaths in our community in the last week. As a result, our local conservative radio talk show host has been railing about passing tougher DUI laws, even going so far as to say that they should have an interlock device immediately upon arrest (due process, anyone) or a bright yellow license plate, and that police should have the right to pull them over at any time. This is even though DUI deaths have been greatly reduced with the legislation already in place.

      This is the same guy who rails against any attempt to have tougher gun laws. Cars have another main purpose -- let's legislate. Guns have one purpose -- to kill -- we have too many gun laws already. Go figure.

    2. Anonymous7:34 AM

      He made money off of items intended to kill, and sold items that were way too much for the people he sold them to to handle. Since you started the car analogy, though I don't think it is comparable, we require insurance, training and licenses to use a car - why not guns?

      But anyway this would be like a car salesman selling an ad stye Humvee to a fragile 90 y o when what they should have been in is a smart car. You just know the new owner will back over some kid or hit someone else, but the PROFIT is so much larger, the dealer upsells. FUCK THEM.

  4. Anonymous5:49 AM

    This shop was actually shut down for other reasons, not selling the guns that were sold in our states last 2 mass shootings. There are many other issues people in town are talking about, such as having missing guns in their inventory.

    1. Anonymous6:02 AM

  5. Anonymous5:53 AM

    MSNBC Host Thomas Roberts Asks: Is Dr. Ben Carson ‘Just A Black Sarah Palin’?

    In-artfully stated for sure.

    He could have simply asked:

    Is he another ignorant, "small 'c' christian', sanctimonious dooooosh bag?

    I mean, I understand what he's trying to say:
    This Doctor Dipshit is the GOP's latest attempt to throw something out there to try win appearance points, whether it be 'Regular Workin' Guy', Doh the Plumber, 'Hot Cougar Mama Grizz', Guv'ner Half-n-quit, or this latest 'Conservative Standard Bearer', Doctor Brain Surgeon McLookHe's Black!

    It's all pandering and trying to win points with people using people who are unfit due to lack of experience, intellect, or the infection of antiquated, religion inspired, ignorance.

  6. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Maddow Tears Into NRA: You Can’t Oppose Gun Laws Just Because ‘Criminals Don’t Follow Laws’

    Rachel Maddow tonight took on the shifting arguments the National Rifle Association and pro-gun politicians are using in order to continue pushing back against any laws, including laws that would limit magazine sizes. Wayne LaPierre argued this week that people could quickly change magazine clips, but Maddow rebutted this by pointing out only very skilled gun owners can do this (it’s even its own sport), and argued that no law should ever be rejected just because of special skills of a few people.

  7. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Notice how this asswipe can;t even bring himself to say "gun." I hope they left him one "product" and I hope he uses it wisely in self- sacrifice to start.
    Or, he comes out loud and strong in remorse fro what his profit-making is responsible for.

  8. Anonymous7:41 AM

    As it turns out authorities bungled the chance to prevent the Aurora Colorado mass murder before it ever got started, but somebody dropped the ball.

  9. I have read several versions of this story and I question why a store owner does not keep track of his inventory. Guns just were stolen out of the one appears to have noticed.

    Okay, I seem to remember years ago gasoline stations would put in a claim for unpaid customer gas for people who ahem drove away without paying.... This was, of course, a scam.

    Could this guy also be scamming his insurance company or setting someone up for a fall via the
    color of the guys skin? Why would he not report this theft to the cops otherwise.

    1. Anita Winecooler6:37 PM

      That's exactly what my comment was going to be. It sounds like he was selling a lot more than guns and kept either shoddy or no records at all. There's got to be more to this than a "pang of conscience".

  10. Thanks for the information indeed.


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