Saturday, April 06, 2013

Rush Limbaugh rewards young listener with I-Pad for "discovering" that climate change is a hoax after visiting his school library. Dafuq?

"Okay just how small is my audience these days?"
Courtesy of Salon: 

On his show Thursday, Rush Limbaugh hosted a climate expert to explain how global warming is “a hoax.” Sorry, did we say climate expert? We meant 13-year-old kid from Indiana. The young man called into Limbaugh’s show and said he had done his own research at the local library for a school project and concluded that it was obvious that man-made climate change is bogus. 

“It was really easy for me to find this evidence, really easy,” said young Alex. “I believe the reason that the liberals do not have the evidence [that it's a hoax] is because they do not want the evidence. They don’t want to hear that it’s wrong.” 

Alex said he found all the information at the library, because he didn’t have a computer. Limbaugh was so impressed that he told Alex he wanted to send him an iPad, assuming his parents were OK with it, in order to help him with future research.

I don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, or any radio at all for that matter, but I just so happened to hear this exchange with this young man as I was driving in my car. 

It should be noted that at NO time did Limbaugh ask this young man WHICH books in the library supposedly provided this evidence which refuted the findings of virtually EVERY climatologist on the planet, nor did he ask him WHAT it was that he read that led him to conclude that climate change was a "hoax."

In fact all Limbaugh did was congratulate this child and offer him a free I-Pad (Limbaugh gives these away with some frequency.) for his completely unsubstantiated remarks.

The next day Limbaugh followed up on that conversation by saying this:

Folks, just exactly as the news media is no longer about the news, there aren’t any news outlets, it’s a branch of the Democrat Party, so too is much of science today. The Democrats have literally politicized everything they can use to expand government, which is their primary objective. Whatever they can do to grow government, they will politicize it… ‘The consensus of scientists.’ Well, they are all politicized as well. The global warming scientists are just Democrats, folks. They are all part of an agenda. It’s where they get their money, it’s where they get their funding to study all this stuff… Government money, grant money. So they’re all part of the agenda.

So since Limbaugh really cannot argue his case based on the evidence he has to undermine that evidence by claiming it is tainted with liberal bias.

Which, and I hate to agree with Limbaugh here, it kind of is. But not because the scientists doing the research start off that way, but rather because the evidence and facts do not respect mythology or stone age rationalizations.

I have to wonder just how long that young man will hold onto his contention that climate change is a hoax once he has an I-Pad to help him do some REAL research?


  1. eclecticsandra7:04 AM

    I suspect this was a very bright 13 year old (maybe his age) who got a good idea about how to get a free I-pad. I think there is an ancient wisdom about how fraudsters are the easiest to defraud.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Yep! B/c I would like to see WHAT books he researched out there.

      Most likely "IF" he did RW propaganda books.
      But ya, Sandra, I think you hit the nail on the head!

    2. Balzafiar9:36 AM

      Limbaugh does not care; he got to hang out with another 13yo boy.

    3. Balzafiar good show!

  2. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Limpballs Logic fail: If it's a hoax, why does anyone need grant money to study it, just make shit up, like Rush does.

  3. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Anyone get the nme of the kid or where his schoo/town? One bet it's SOUTHERN Indiana, or a religious school.

  4. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Isn't that typical GOP crap? No evidence, just a kid saying what Rushbo wants to believe. In other words kid, the evidence is there all over the place, that global warming is real and deadly, but since your patron doesn't want to see it, you won't even look for it. Someone should tell the kid that real research involves looking at ALL the data, not just that which you agree with in the first place. But then, of course, he wouldn't have been awarded his free Ipad. (Hey Rush, are you gonna tell the kid he 'didn't pay for that?')

  5. Randall7:53 AM

    What I'M waiting for is eventually seeing that kid on Colbert or Stewart and finding out that he's the son of some liberal guy that put his kid up to making FUN of Limbaugh.

  6. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I love listening to Rush´s trembling voice now. He´s scared shitless. It´s like election night on FOX.

    For example, Limbaugh was talking about marriage yesterday and how if the gay marriage is OK then dudes will be marrying their sons so as to pass on their inheritance without having to pay THE DEATH TAX. This shit just makes me think that Rush wants to have a son and marry him. Who the fuck would ever do such a thing? Where do they get the idea that there is just this huge crowd of otherwise normal people that would be like 'oh, gay marriage? time to fuck my children!'?

    Listening to Rush is like watching a drowning rapist.

    1. eclecticsandra9:33 AM

      Why wouldn't someone marry his daughter now to avoid inheritance taxes?

  7. Olivia8:13 AM

    The only reason he was able to find the "evidence" he found is most likely because his parents have restricted his access to all that liberal science. Having the IPad won't change that.

  8. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Please note Limbaugh's use of "Democrat" as an adjective. It's a noun. When talking about the opposition party, it is "Democratic." This is a constant trick by conservatives, hatched about ten years ago and gaining steam, to refer to liberals as "Democrat" -- rather like a rat. And so no one thinks that they are the true party of a democratic country.
    Which we're becoming less of -- in Tennessee, the legislature is considering whether to go back to the bad old days, having the state legislature (Republican) nominate U.S. Senate candidates, instead of having open primaries where the voters can decide who they want.
    Also, please note Limbaugh's use of "grow" as a transitive verb. This is now common usage, but, to me, signals that the speaker or writer is lazy, and has adopted a word that wasn't supposed to be used in this way.

    1. Anonymous12:18 PM

      Also, please note Limbaugh's use of "grow" as a transitive verb. This is now common usage, but, to me, signals that the speaker or writer is lazy, and has adopted a word that wasn't supposed to be used in this way.

      THANK YOU! That usage irritates the hell out of me. It seems very common with evangelicals, along with their appropriation of the word "disciple" as a verb.

    2. Anonymous3:36 PM

      One of my longtime pet peeves has been the GOP pejorative use of the noun "Democrat" as an adjective, always done with a sneer. Frequently the person hurling the insult is saying how he/she just wants a reasonable debate. What a joke! When this happened while President Harry Truman was around he called the "Republicans" "Publicans" in response to the misuse. That should have ended it but unfortunately the slur has persisted into the 21st century so I'll continue to fume every time I hear it.

    3. Republicans play a lot of games with language. Like renaming the Inheritance Tax the Death Tax.

      Many years ago a policy went out to Republicans to refer to the Democratic Party as Democrats and use Democrat as an adjective, not a noun and avoid Democratic. Why?

      They wanted to emphasize the sound RAT in Democrat. Subliminal messaging.

      They've hammered it home so often and so long that it has caught on.

      I've tried correcting it when I happen upon it but it has become pervasive.

      It's why we've switched from liberal to progressive. Because the Republicans have made liberal into such a negative.

      To me what the Republicans are doing with semantics and language manipulation is on par with hate speech.

  9. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Slightly odd that LImbaugh gives away iPhones. I'm assuming, hoping, it doesn't mean he has a tie-in with Apple. And Apple seems like the least-likely company that Limbaugh would like or endorse.

  10. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Personal Account of Palin’s Appearance and Speech at the Shiavo Event

    ....Palin’s 40 minute screech was one that we all have heard ad nauseum over the years. It seems she stuck with the birth version from Going Rogue. She talked about the ultrasound tech noticing a thick neck and CBJ calling her a few days later and delivering the DS diagnosis over the phone at 2:22 one cold winter afternoon. She talked about keeping the” pregnancy” a secret until 7 months, wearing layers of clothes, etc, etc. She said she held Tri-G as soon as he was born. Yeah right. Doubling down on the fantasy high risk premie delivery . If you listen to the videotape, I apologize in advance for my sighing and other vocalizations of disgust and incredulity…but I did not curse! I stared Sarah down the entire speech.

    My face told a story every time she spoke about the pregnancy and birth. I had my camera and Iphone up and recording the entire speech. I was pretty close to her and perhaps it is wishful thinking, but I think she saw my scowl and quizzical looks and got unnerved. She would look down at her notes A LOT .

    The crowd obviously had not heard many of her jokes before, because they earnestly laughed at the “my kid has more chromosomes than your kid” and other old, old, old recycled same- old jokes. Since she was talking to Catholics she mentioned she was a Catholic and then went to Assembly of God church. She talked about God a lot. I absolutely see her becoming the next Tammy Faye Baker. These people, even though many were obviously successful in life, lapped up her bull@#$% and asked for more.

    Her speech ccntent was disjointed, and she took up a lot of time making doctors, clergy, veterans, Terri’s parents all stand up individually for applause. Then she read some of the Constitution She went on and on about death panels again and I saw a lot of people nodding their heads in agreement. I stopped looking at the crowd then because I can’t fix stupid. She talked about Philadelphia which made me laugh because although the Marriott is 5 minutes from the world famous Art Museum, the Reading Terminal Market , our beautiful City Hall and other exciting parts of the city, we pretty much know she spent her time in the hotel room. I wonder if Todd moseyed over a few blocks to Arch St. to check out the working girls?

    After milking the speech along for exactly 40 minutes...

  11. Anonymous9:22 AM

    13 GOP Senators Pledge To Filibuster Gun Control

    The number of GOP senators pledging to filibuster any gun control bill has grown to 13.

    The original supporters of a filibuster, Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), Ted Cruz (R-TX), have now swelled their ranks, according to Politico.

    In addition to Paul, Lee, Cruz, Rubio and Moran, the Republican [sic] who have signed the second letter are Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Mike Enzi of Wyoming, Jim Risch and Mike Crapo of Idaho, Dan Coats of Indiana and Pat Roberts of Kansas.

    Arizona Lawmakers Are Invited To Wear Bullet-Proof Vests On The Job

  12. Anonymous9:23 AM

    I heard this also- one numbskull talking to another.
    Since we are on the topic of the professional right,
    I found it so offensive that Limbaugh would use dead soldiers as a hook to sell his ice tea.
    He told his audience that if they bought his ice tea , a " portion "
    of the sales would go to a fund that helps the children of fallen soldiers and law enforcement.
    That is disgusting and sick . And typical.
    Limbaugh could personally contribute millions to the fund all by himself , but, instead he uses the imagery of flag draped coffins
    to sell his ice tea.
    Just like Palin using Terri Schaivo's corpse to enrich herself by trying to fleece old fools out of $ 25, 000.

    BTW- It looks like Limbaugh has lost a big chunk of his audience .
    He always claims he has 20 million listeners-it's down to 14 , with Sean Hannity almost at the same level.

  13. Anonymous9:26 AM

    A technique often used by liars is to accuse others of what they themselves are guilty of. So Rush points to the Demos as the guilty ones who tainting everything, while knowing deep in his heart that HE and the other Tea-partying/Teabrain Rethuglicans are the ones doing it.

  14. Hey, Rush, if you hate science, feel free to stop using electricity.

  15. Do they get 100 shares of Microsoft (a sinking ship) if the kid discovers that LIMBERGER IS A HOAX ???

  16. Anonymous10:04 AM

    When can we expect a peer-reviewed research paper from this precocious 13-year old.


    1. If the little twerp even knows how to do citations (which I doubt) you'll see wikipedia and unvetted sites he found on google and swallowed hook, line and sinker.

      13 year old makes him a 6th or maybe 7th grader. I doubt this kid knew how to do anything like scholarly research. He used google (big no-no) and then just clicked on whatever lame propaganda website he found that matched what his parents spew at the dinner table. You better believe they listen to Rush while they're eating dinner and both parents are 'baggers.

  17. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Wow, I'm impressed!

    I didn't realize that the Democratic party had become sooo powerful that it has been able to influence and control scientists all over the world for decades and force them to produce fake research that falsely proves climate change is real.

    So, why didn't I hear about this grand conspiracy sooner???

    1. Good point. I thought we were all lazy, shiftless, unemployed types sitting around waiting for freebies.

    2. Anonymous2:03 PM

      Nefer -

      That's only AFTER we're finished controlling the media and all scientific research, causing the international economic meltdown, forcing people who aren't even pregnant to have abortions, collecting all the guns from our rill 'Murican neighbors, filling children's heads with librul propaganda, melting the polar ice caps with a bunch of Democratic hair dryers, and making the li'l baby Jeebus cry just because we can. Only after we're done with all that can we lay on our couches and collect welfare, and then cash in our food stamps to buy filet mignon, lobster and champagne.

      It's just so hard to find enough hours in the day!

  18. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Hey, assmunch Limpbaugh- can I get an iPad for proving GCC is a hoax?

    OK, here goes:

    It's a hoax! I found it in a book!

    Can I have my iPad now?

  19. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I took my husband back to my hometown last summer during prime iceberg viewing season to show him a real iceberg up close and to catch some whales while they came in to feed. Not an iceberg to be seen nor any whales, he accused me of taking him on a wild goose chase till one of the old timers sitting on the wharf starting shaking his head and told him " you won't see many of them anymore waters too warm now. My husband paced for cooler weather the temperatures in Newfoundland when we arrived and the whole time we were there were the same as when we left Maryland. This time all Canadians were accused of lying about how cold it is till he started talking to people. lol They told him that it's been getting warmer every summer for the past few years pretty soon we'll have to ship in some sand to make real beaches. lol. i love my dear beautiful Newfoundland but she's not called "the rock" for nothing. I don't think they'll believe till we don't have a planet left and then they'll blame the "liberals" for not doing anything about it.

    1. Oh, the planet will survive. People, animals, birds, insects, plants, fish is another matter. I'm sure some will survive. Probably have a much better chance if we're extinct. Or at least so greatly reduced in numbers that we are no longer able to do any more harm. Perhaps then we'll have finally learned our lesson and live in harmony with the planet rather than treating it as something to be subdued and conquered.

      Because you know, the earth will always win.

  20. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Hate in the heart of a 13-year-old ...... USA! USA!

  21. I'll tell you exactly what happened here.

    1. This kid has no school library.
    2. This kid has no school librarian.
    3. This kid's teacher has taught him NO research skills.
    4. He said he went to the local library because he doesn't have a computer at home. RED FLAG!
    5. He went to the local library, not to look in books or even ask the librarian. He went to use the library computers.
    6. He used GOOGLE.
    7. Then he read the first bogus climate change denial website that came up.

    I'm a national board certified librarian. I'd bet what little money I have left over from my paycheck (which is very little since I am on my third year of furlough days and am looking at furlough days continuing next year and no raise since 2007) that this is exactly what happened.

    How sad that Limbaugh has poisoned such a young mind. But for that, I blame the parents. I'm sure they listen to Limbaugh all the time, which is what prompted the young man to call in.

  22. Anita Winecooler7:01 PM

    OK Rush, science is bad - remove your cochlear implants and step away from the mic. While we're on the topic, quit doing those oxy's. Biomedical Researchers, Scientists and doctors came up with the formula.

    What else is wrong with this picture? A 13 year old mensa member from Indiana, with no access to a computer not only listens to Rush, but phones in? Rush has been scammed! I wonder if the kid knows he needs wifi or a data plan to use the IPad?

    Jon Stewart's funny take on CNN


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