Wednesday, April 03, 2013

If the conservatives and gun nuts thought they could bully Jim Carrey into silence, they do NOT know Jim Carrey!

Yesterday Jim Carrey posted this on HuffPo in answer to attack against him:  

I disagree wholeheartedly with those who say that there are just too many guns out there to control and that more gun laws won't make a difference. Change must start someplace. I'm pretty sure that no worthwhile endeavor has ever been accomplished without a beginning and reducing gun violence in America is a worthwhile endeavor. 

These mass shootings and daily body counts on your local news are terrible tragedies. The utter devastation that must be endured by the victims' families is unfathomable. These horrific events are also an invitation for us to become more civilized and to deal with our addiction and entitlement to violence. Not to shut our eyes and ears and scream at those with a different opinion than ours to "fuck off and go back to Canada." I will gladly go back and visit Canada as I have many friends and loved ones there. I am so proud of that country and everything it's given to me, but I am also a naturalized American citizen and I have been bringing as much joy as I can to people in this country for 30 years. I care deeply about our future and I feel it's my duty as a citizen to do everything in my power to make this a better place. 

For those who say I'm a hypocrite because I have an armed bodyguard, lets make one thing clear: No one in my employ is allowed to carry a large magazine and NO ONE IS ASKING ANYONE TO GIVE UP THEIR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS, though it is in the vested interests of those who profit by gun sales to make it seem so. It's just the type of arms, the easy access and the means with which to cause massive devastation to good and innocent people that I hope we can limit. It's the quality of mercy, the tiniest spark of empathy that I know lives in every one of us that I wish to ignite in you. 

And to the bullies who will try to marginalize and discredit me by saying, "Shut up, you're just an actor," while they brag about what a great president the ACTOR Ronald Reagan was, who threaten me with the demise of my acting career and much worse, I say SO BE IT! How shallow do they think I am? I would trade my money, my fame, my reputation and legacy if there were the slightest chance of preventing the anguish of another Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, or Sandy Hook Elementary School. I ask you, truly, what manner of human being would not? 

I have been aghast at the level of hatred heaped upon me, my family and the people I work with over a mere difference of opinion on this issue. Perhaps my words were a bit harsh at the onset, but calling someone a "Motherfucker" is far different than wishing them to die. It is shocking to see this concerted effort to brutally intimidate anyone who speaks of a compassionate compromise. These thugs, though menacing, are a minority but they will have their way if good people don't step forward now and make a difference. Every American has the right to speak their mind. Every American has the right to bear arms. But it is up to every American to draw the line when it comes to the type of guns that are considered a reasonable means of self-defense. 

No one is allowed to own a bazooka. In a movie theater an assault rifle with a 100-round drum magazine can cause just as much damage. 

So don't just sit there and do nothing. Contact your representatives and let them know that their jobs depend upon change. It won't always be someone else's kids in the line of fire. 

The time is now. LET YOUR HEART BE HEARD.

Carrey followed this by providing a list of the Senators in every single state.

It is clear to me that the those Fox News idiots and the gun lobbyists have seriously underestimated Carrey's commitment to this cause. There is no doubt he is in it for the long haul.

As am I by the way.

The only question remaining is, are you?


  1. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Fucking Indiana legislators want to arm teachers. I WILL be in it for the long haul, rallying parents to pull their kids out of ANY school that does. and BTW, Indiana gives public money vouchers to be used at private schools - but THOSE schools don't ave this requirement. Evidently, only public school students need to have their schools turned into prisons and study under threat of capital punishment.

    FSM, I HATE this redneck fucktard state.

  2. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Just one correction-- there are no conservatives and we need to quit calling them that. Seriously. They are not conservatives and the dumbasses that call them that are very much part of the problem. If you must identify them the conservative part should be in "quotes" as it is what they say but not what they do. Let's get to the truth. It's important. These people are trying to destroy all of our institutions, our government. They are not conservative. Please start correcting.

    1. Anonymous7:29 AM


    2. Anonymous8:56 AM

      Yea RADICALS. That's what we are up against. The My Way or the Highway attitude will kill our freedom. WE are the ones in danger of losing our country. It's time liberal progressives try to get elected and push out the minority party of NO!!

  3. Anonymous7:21 AM

    I'm totally in agreement with him, and I am in it for the long haul, too. What he said here is so well put, I'll let him speak for me on this any day.

  4. Anonymous7:24 AM

    mexmer, so what DO we call them? Assholes?
    We all know they are "Hypocrites" but they id with the "name" of Conservatives or "Cons" as I love to call them...heh!

  5. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Since when has Jim Carrey had an ARMED BODYGUARD? If he got one after the threats against him started, that's one thing. If he already had one, then he is a hypocrite because he IS part of the gun culture that bolsters the NRA's power grabs.

    1. I don't think that even the most anti-gun advocates have suggested that law enforcement or private security NOT have access to guns.

      He is not a hypocrite he is a realist.

      And if I were him I would probably beef up that security right about now considering the mental stability of the people he just pissed off.

    2. Balzafiar8:44 AM

      Many celebrities have armed bodyguards, you just never see the weapons. There are just too many celebrity stalkers out there who are not totally balanced.

    3. Anonymous8:55 AM

      Since when does Wayne LaPierre have one, 7:28 AM? Paranoid is he?

    4. Anonymous9:24 AM

      If you get threats or have a high profile life you would be crazy not to have protection. To call someone names -"hypocrite/paranoid" - for doing what is safe and necessary shows the weakness of those with the slurs and no legit arguments.

    5. If he didn't have one before, he'd be a fool not to have one now.

      If only John Lennon had had security this might have been a different world.

      All celebrities can be targets. Even those you consider not as famous or to be low key enough not make anyone irate enough to kill them. How many have died from a fanatical nutjob? Sal Mineo, Rebecca Schaeffer.

    6. Anonymous11:23 AM

      OK, so let me get this straight. Members of Congress and the Senate don't routinely have armed bodyguards - Federal prosecutors and judges don't routinely have armed bodyguards - but JIM FUCKING CARREY feels the need to have an armed bodyguard? Why? Because he's a fucking celebrity? How many of THEM routinely have gun-toting bodyguards? Has Carrey EVER been threatened or accosted, up until now?

      I'm sorry, but Carrey has NO room to talk about the NRA, or even gun capacity, if he is being publicly followed around or preceded by somebody with a loaded gun. By doing so, Carrey is adding to the problem this entire country is facing and he IS a fucking hypocrite. ANY loaded gun in a public situations is potentially deadly.. Carrey setting a very shitty example, and this information completely torpedoes that great anti-NRA video he did, IMO.

    7. Okay are you an idiot in real life? Or do you just play one on the internet?

    8. Anonymous1:53 PM

      Look, I'm not even a celebrity, and I have had too many mentally fucked up stalkers to count, and one very serious attempt on my life. SO many people today are mentally ill; loading them up with guns as Adam Lanza's mom did to her son is just asking for trouble. And yeah, sometimes it pays to have armed guards. You don't have to be Jim Carrey to need one. Just because you've never done anything to piss people off doesn't mean that whistleblowers, those in the public eye, and "contrarian types" don't deal with this stuff constantly...we just don't often talk about it, so as not to give it too much power.

      Jennifer Shepherd aka Media Insider aka Lipstick Mystic

    9. Anita Winecooler9:38 PM

      I'm always amused at the "bodyguard/hypocrite" argument. There are times when regular people need protection and using the taxpayer funded police for such incidents is justified. When one is a public figure (entertainer, celebrity, spokesperson for a hot button issue, it's common practice to hire personal professionals) David Letterman had a deranged mentally unstable woman stalk and threaten him with harm for years. Was he a hypocrite?
      It's his second amendment right, except he's hiring professionals to do it.

  6. Question:
    If it falls against my religion to own a weapon, aren't these individual law makers infringing on MY Constitutional rights by ordering me to do so?
    What a slippery slope I see coming to a courtroom near you.

  7. Ailsa7:38 AM

    Good for him!

    Another long-hauler

  8. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Dem classy liberals. LOL Love when other liberals defend the crassness of their own.

    1. Anonymous8:58 AM

      You obviously have nothing of value to add to this conversation, yet, you just couldn't stop yourself.

    2. Anonymous9:02 AM

      Crass? Google Merriam-Webster dumb ass!! Since when is advocating for a SAFER community crass?? We defend our own because we stand on that SIDE of the argument. If you have something to add to the discussion then by all means add you opinion. Making insulting statements doesn't get you anywhere but in a corner with a dunce cap.

    3. Anonymous9:27 AM

      9:02 AM

      Sad isn't it? No wonder they are losing. But don't encourage them to Google Merriam-Webster, thanks.

  9. Anonymous8:27 AM

    Surprise, Surprise: Gun Violence in Red States

    Pooh-poh this if you like, since it comes from the Center for American Progress, but the group just released a big study showing that--across 10 measures like the number of firearms homicides, number of total firearm deaths (including accidents etc.), law enforcement agents killed by firearms, and so on--the deadliest states are those with the most lax gun laws.

    The "top" 10: Louisiana, Alaska, Alabama, Arizona, Mississippi, South Carolina, New Mexico, Missouri, Arkansas, and Georgia.

  10. Anonymous9:28 AM

    ot Big improvement!

  11. Anonymous10:55 AM

    I thought Jim Carreys response was brilliant. I've forwarded it to everyone I can.

  12. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Yea, Jim Carrey!!! Great job and response! We all need to get on the bandwagon spreading 'the word' as is Mr. Carrey.

    It's horrible watching 'the other side' to this issue tear people apart for not agreeing w/them and shouting death threats, etc.

    We truly have terrorists operating in this country and need to pay close attention, determining who they are and putting their names out there in public for all to see. What assholes!

  13. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Jim Carrey does not believe in individual liberty.

    1. Anonymous1:20 PM

      Like Gryphen said..."Okay are you an idiot in real life? Or do you just play one on the internet."

  14. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I love what Jim Carrey wrote. He is a hero in my opinion.

  15. Anita Winecooler9:43 PM

    I truly respect him for standing up for his convictions and speaking out against the loonie brigade of armed bullies. We need more people like him to speak up and figuratively stand his ground. Death Threats shouldn't be taken lightly, the fact that he's getting barraged with hate mail shows the need for background checks at a minimum to pass into law.
    The irony is these loonies are making his point for him.


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