Friday, April 26, 2013

It looks like CISPA is dead. For now.

Courtesy of US News:  

CISPA is all but dead, again. 

The controversial cybersecurity bill known as the Cyber Information Sharing and Protection Act, which passed the House of Representatives last week, will almost certainly be shelved by the Senate, according to a representative of the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation. 

The bill would have allowed the federal government to share classified "cyber threat" information with companies, but it also provided provisions that would have allowed companies to share information about specific users with the government. Privacy advocates also worried that the National Security Administration would have gotten involved. 

"We're not taking [CISPA] up," the committee representative says. "Staff and senators are divvying up the issues and the key provisions everyone agrees would need to be handled if we're going to strengthen cybersecurity. They'll be drafting separate bills." 

Sen. Jay Rockefeller, D-W.V., chairman of the committee, said the passage of CISPA was "important," but said the bill's "privacy protections are insufficient."

I somehow do not believe that this attempt to control free speech on the internet will go away anytime soon, but I think as long as we remain vigilant and  are willing to express our displeasure en masse, we might be able to block attempts to pass anything at all, or ensure that whatever is passed will NOT take away our rights to communicate freely or strip us of our privacy rights.


  1. Anonymous will protect us.

  2. Leland2:44 PM

    Oh come ON, Gryphen! Do you really believe that if we raise enough noise that CISPA will not pass? I am afraid that is probably the most naive thing you have posted in all the time I have been participating here at IM!

    After seeing Congress fail to pass anything remotely capable of being called gun control when over 90% of the American population was in favor of it, you really believe that Congress will give a SHIT about our opinions on THIS?


    1. Anonymous10:49 PM

      I hope you are being sarcastic. That is exactly why YOU/we MUST become involved and contact our senators! They will lose their jobs over this but only if WE raise our voices.

      You want to wake up one day & find out everything your do or write on the internet belongs to the government? Then wake up & do something. It's a reality. It is NOT naive.

      Again I hope you were being sarcastic!!!!!

  3. They'll just keep renaming it and bringing it back in slightly tweaked incarnations. This bill will never die until it is passed.

  4. Anonymous5:22 PM

    As long as they don't get snooped upon, they don't care who else does. Hey fellas {mostly} ya'll need to not forget one name: Anthony Weiner! Ya'll think you're safe cause you're in the D.C. Glass House?

  5. Anonymous10:39 PM

    CISPA is important if you don't want the government having free reign over snooping into your email and anything else you do online. You don't want them having free reign tapping into your phone conversations without you knowing about it do you? Same thing!!

    Sit up & pay attention ye citizens! They want control over everything you do on the internet. And that is another reason why I don't do facebook - you are adding info into a major database. The rules could be changed at any time and your privacy is NOT guaranteed in the future!!

    If you care about your privacy & personal rights on the internet please follow on twitter:
    (A news network that supports Anonymous. As official accounts do not exist, we're an Anonymous account amongst many.)


    Anon does many good works & just yesterday hacked all the NAMBLA & ALICE websites celebrating child porn day.

    If you wish to help out please visit & investigate anon websites (through their twitter accounts I listed). They need financial support to open a new website in support to continue to expose things like CISPA!

    It is THE PEOPLE's country - OUR country and OUR internet! FREE SPEECH!


  6. Anyone who tries to destroy the freedom we enjoy today on the World Wide Web deserves to pass all of their teeth in a single bowel movement.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.