Friday, April 26, 2013

"Hair school" graduate Willow Palin determined to get mother to stop dressing like a skank. Or something like that.

Recent "hair school" graduate Willow.
Courtesy of the National Enquirer:

Sarah Palins daughter Willow is convinced her mom needs a new image, and she’s now got the training to do it. 

Willow, 18, recently completed a hairdressing program at Penrose Academy in Scottsdale, Ariz. She’s planning on opening her own salon, says a source, and wants Mom to be her first customer. 

“Willow thinks Sarah’s appearance is old and tired. She wants to give her mother a fresh, new hairstyle – something that will make her look younger,” a source revealed. 

“Sarah’s been reluctant to change her look because it’s so identifiable. But Willow is convinced she can win her mom over.”

Yeah I can see why Palin would be resistant to getting a do over, after all who would want to mes with THIS kind of perfection?

Oh God my eyes!

You know perhaps Willow should put a little time in before she tackles something like this. After all doctors usually start off doing small biopsies before they tackle the removal of a thirty pound cancerous tumor.

Perhaps Willow could start with a less needy subject.

Sure go ahead and laugh, but at least HE has more of his own hair to work with than somebody we could mention.

By the way I found this part of the article kind of interesting.

Willow used money she earned for appearing on sister Bristol’s reality show, “Bristol Palin: Life’s a Tripp,” as well as her mother’s TLC reality show, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska,” to pay for beauty school, says the source.

So all of that bragging that the Grizzled Mama did about how HER daughter managed to finish an entire year of hair school without having to go into debt, is kind of undermined by the fact that the only reasons she could have paid her way is by playing herself in reality shows featuring members of her family.

Wow, how "average American" of them!


  1. Anonymous2:45 PM

    Willow wants to "do over" her mom to make her look YOUNGER? Good grief, she dresses like a preteen now! What next, diapers?

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      Willow HAS been styling her moms hair & wigs.

    2. Anonymous7:41 PM

      Is that what a Colony Girls Gang Member looks like? Or is that the look of a New Unwed Teen Mom?

    3. Anonymous7:44 PM

      BWAHAHAHA that's about right, an emaciated old wrinkled fake tanned Skank in a diaper.

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    Another stupid remark by Palin. Since everyone knows that she is worth millions by fleecing her supporters, she says her daughter attended "hair school" without incurring debt? Such gall.

    1. Anonymous7:24 AM

      Why does she call it 'hair school', that is so backwards. It is called cosmetology school.

    2. Anonymous7:26 AM

      PS: OR it is called 'beauty school', but I have never heard it called 'hair school'.

  3. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I'm trying to decide which politician's plan for college makes more sense: Romney: borrow money from your parents vs. Palin: get on a TV reality show, make a s**tload of money and you, too, can go to college. Oh, Hell, they want a high school diploma? Hair school will take a GED? Great, home study, and we'll find someone to take the test for ya. There ya go.

    1. Anonymous3:29 PM

      Stop knocking the GED, 60% HS graduates fail it.
      That said, yeah to your post.

    2. Anonymous5:05 PM

      @anon 3:29 Not knocking GED's. Some people work very hard to complete high school because they didn't get a chance when they were teens. Willow seemed to have gone to high school for about 2 years, off and on, and she has a GED. How does that work? I am knocking the ease with with 18 year old Willow not only finished high school and got her GED, and then completed studying hair styling for another year or so.

    3. Anonymous5:10 PM

      3:29 PM Do you really think that Willow and Bristol passed a G.E.D. Test without help or a proxy? That entire Palin Family is Mentally deficient.

    4. Anonymous11:10 PM

      Thanks alaksa tax payers for funding high school drop out willow's hair school!

  4. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Maybe Willow could experiment on Sarah's many outdated wigs -- shampoo, cut and style might work wonders and give Willow lots of practice.

  5. Anonymous2:52 PM

    You can tease, back-comb and dippity-do yourself to tears, Willow... but you'll never be able to makeover your mama's evil heart and shriveled soul.

    But keep on polishing that turd, sweetie! As long as Mama can wobble around on a stage in hooker shoes and tight sweaters, she'll hang on to her base.

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    "Hair school" still cracks me up; they are SUCH hicks. It's been called beauty college since Jesus was a baby.

    1. Anonymous5:46 AM

      Psssst - Palins can't pronounce cosmetology college.

    2. Anonymous7:32 AM

      Anonymous2:54 PM

      ''"Hair school" still cracks me up; they are SUCH hicks. It's been called beauty college since Jesus was a baby.'''

      I was thinking the same thing. It is called 'cosmetology' or 'beauty school'...NOT 'hair school'. An people wanted those unpolished hicks in the White House.

  7. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Wallow says Sarah needs a mulligan 'do-over' so she can be a MILF again? The truth is so often cruel to Granny Grifter. Bless her heart.

    She needs something to go with that new rack of hers. Maybe a new face?

    1. Anonymous11:11 PM

      Fix that wonky eye and saggy turkey neck while you're at it willow.

  8. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Palin uses her family as props.
    1. Track: fighting in Afghanistan to protect our freedoms (Do you love your freedoms?)
    2. Bristol: preaching abstinence and religion
    3. Willow: 18 years old and ready to open her own small business. (She earned her tuition money by appearing on TV, a path that any other student could surely follow).
    4. Trig: Right to Life
    5. Tripp: Lovable little star of "Life's a Tripp" until he let go with his "F Bomb"
    6. Todd: Earned his stripes, but that won't erase the other Tripp gossip
    7. Piper: Let the kid grow up out of the spotlight. Give her a break.
    8. Chuck Sr. and Chuck Jr. follow in the family tradition, writing a lame book and cashing in on Sarah's fleeting fame. They are selling copies directly on the internet for $25. New copies at Amazon sell for $12.45, used $1.22 (If you have Amazon Prime, there's no charge for shipping).
    9. Heather: super woman and marathon runner, not to mention one of Sara's consultants (answering her mail and holding off the reporters who want to bug her), and baby sitter (how much does SarahPAC pay for those services?)

    1. Anonymous5:48 AM

      Thanks for letting me know @3:01. $1.22? I have Amazon prime and we're out of TP.

  9. Gryph... You posted this same picture a few days ago when the life-changing news of this thing called 'Willow' actually emerged back in public... I was sure it was a put on.. But, I guess not!!!

    W T F ??????

    How does something that ugly actually get let out of it's zoo cage ?

    1. Anonymous2:31 AM

      It's a Halloween costume.

  10. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Good for Willow! She deserves credit for setting aside enough of the easy money to pay for tuition instead of blowing it all.

    1. Anonymous3:59 PM

      Oh please...surely you don't believe that. Skank's PAC paid for it.

  11. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Trump is looking like a raving beauty when compared to skanks.

  12. Anonymous3:21 PM

    "She’s planning on opening her own salon," because every recent graduate of hair school is rich enough to afford to open their own salon, right?? And remember, Willow didn't have to rack up any student loans, like other students going to college...
    Who didn't see this coming? How long before 'Willow's Weaves, Waxes and Wines" salon opens on Bravo TV or the Style Network? You know this young bee-autch will have her own reality show like Jerseylicious or something real soon.
    I'll even bet this was all set up right about the time big sister Bristol's show tanked....I can hear Sarah now in negotiations: "OK, yeah, Bristol's life was a mess instead of a tripp, but OK, I have another daughter, she's been around the block a few times, dropped out of high school, but, hey, who didn't! She likes 'doing' hair (and boys!) and she wants to go to hair when she graduates, how about you offer her a reality TV show? It'll be so funny and entertaining and for serious political commentary, I'll drop in from time to time (like 15 minutes every episode) to provide viewers with some good-old Palinisms, down-to-earth real 'merican values-type programming. And in the credits at the end, we'll provide viewers with the e-mail address to contribute to my PAC."

    1. Anonymous4:11 PM

      I bet you're right. I don't believe the Palin's do anything without ulterior motives. Doing hair is hard work and doesn't pay very well-two things the Palin's have no interest in.

    2. Wouldn't it be interesting if Tabatha Coffey of Tabatha's Salon Takeover paid her salon a visit?

    3. Tabatha is a lesbian so I doubt if she would look at the creepy little runt.

  13. WakeUpAmerica3:24 PM

    "hairdressing program"
    WTF is that?

  14. Anonymous3:51 PM

    So why does her mom need to be around for the new look? Can't Willow just substitute some new wigs?

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Sarah can't put a wig on straight.

    2. Cracklin Charlie7:57 PM

      Maybe they should use more pins.

  15. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Some of the more "progressive" hair schools only require a 10th grade high school education. If someone doesn't require a student loan or a pell grant or financing and can pay cash that would be enough of a qualification for admission.

    With the full service boutique salons that are the hot trend in beauty now, Willow should have studied bikini waxes in hair school. She could really clean up doing those.

    1. Anonymous4:58 PM

      Hair, I just like doing hair. Maybe some movie makeup, but hair. I like hair. And, no, Mom, I don't want to be responsible for running a whole shop. I can't keep track of all those people, the shampoo girl, nails, waxing, appointments, accounting, taxes, business license, rent, why did you tell people that I was going to run a business? I just want to rent a chair in someone's salon, show up when I feel like it and do hair. And, I don't want to be in the media. Could you just shut up about me?

    2. Anonymous5:02 PM

      Willow's attention span is too lacking to work on any human being. Would you want her working on you?

    3. Anonymous6:08 PM

      If I didn't know better, I'd swear 4:58 really was Willow.

      Seriously...what 18yr old wants to deal with all of that? That's all crap her mother made up because self-aggrandizing lying is what Sarah does...

    4. Anonymous7:11 PM

      @anon 6:08 No, it wasn't Willow, but I can guess what she sounds like from watching Bristol's TV show. (Bristol sounds about the same. They are both stuck in the middle of high school, as far as their level of communication).

      That raises another question. Sarah has two Facebook posts today. One is written with complex sentences, punctuation, vocabulary and good grammar. The other post sounds as if a "cool" teenager wrote about a "kick-butt" race, real "cool." Who wrote each post?

    5. Cracklin Charlie7:56 PM

      The punctuation and capitalization skills at 4:58 are way too advanced to be Willow.

      But the sentiment may be about right.

  16. Anonymous3:54 PM

    Hoe exactly do you groom a pile of shit?

    1. Anonymous4:55 PM

      where's the like button? LOL!

    2. Anonymous5:01 PM


    3. Anonymous5:23 PM

      With more shit skills.

    4. Anita Winecooler6:41 PM

      Start with a pitchfork, three dabs of crazy glue and lower the roadkill till it hits the cue ball.

    5. Cracklin Charlie7:53 PM

      I think they need to use more crazy glue, Anita! Or maybe switch to Gorilla Glue!

  17. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I think Sarah is just the right person to bring back the "mullet". Go for, Willow!

    1. Anonymous4:21 PM

      When her wig slips back too far, her do sorta looks like a mullet.

    2. Is she a cosmetologist? She doesn't even seem like she got training as a make-up artist. More like a clothes stylist.

      They haven't come out and stated what she got training for, and she doesn't used the terminology of a cosmetologist or make-up artist. Or is she that stupid?

  18. Anonymous5:12 PM

    She wants to do her mother's hair? What, has she been collecting it from the drain?

    1. Anonymous5:22 PM

      She HAS been styling her mothers crazy hair & wigs.

  19. Anonymous5:21 PM

    The crazy hair & wigs on top of Lego head was styles/pratcised by Willow. Her styling skills sucks, how she grad. beats me.

    1. Anonymous5:54 AM

      Because "hair school" of the sort willo wwent to is simply not that demanding. One has a disconnected set of skills to show capability in to grad. That will get you a chair at a chain of $12 clipper salons. REAL stylists go on to study more - Aveda, Paul Mitchell, Tricoci - at least in the Midwest..

  20. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Woops, there went the scissors, Mom. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. You'll look good with a pixie cut, I promise, Mom. Anyway, hairs grows quickly, and you have all those wigs and things to cover it up.
    While we're at it, wanna try being a blonde? Platinum, honey, sunkist?
    It works for Zsa Zsa Gabor, why not for you?
    You could even try getting contact lenses, so people can see your eyes. You could make yourself into a blue-eyed blonde. See who recognizes you at the debates!
    But first let me take the pruning shears and lop off the mop on top of your head. Whew, Mom, when was the last time you washed up there?
    No worries. They taught us at hair school how to use a lice comb.

  21. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Does Aunt Heather receive childcare pay for Willow's youngest Baby also, too? How many Palin Babies have the Palins(no husbands) dumped on Auntie Heather? Heather must have enough to be considered a Nursery
    School. Maybe Tri-pp will start 1st grade there this year, he is old enough.

  22. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Once a sex skank always a sex skank.

    Right Sally and Chuckie, Sarah and Todd, Track, Bristol and Willow?

    Everybody into the premarital sex pool.

  23. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I don't know if I would have Willow cut my hair. Doesn't she have the ass burger disease or something?

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      As a grandma with a grandchild with autism, Asperger's is nothing to be made fun of. Lies and deceit from day ONE are fair game.

    2. Anonymous7:45 PM


      Genetics are a real doozy sometimes.

    3. Anonymous8:05 PM

      Who said Asperger? I said ass burger.
      Willow is packing a couple of Big Macs back there.

    4. Anonymous2:37 AM

      I'm with you, 6:25. Asperger's has become the flavor of the month --many things are ascribed to it, but no one who has it or who is the parent of an "Aspie" can understand the subtle distinctions that make each and every one of them different.
      I wonder what developmental problem the world will pick on next.

      I DO know that, whatever their diagnosis, the Palin family has serious psychological issues that they've ever acknowledged or addressed. In addition to sheer laziness, it's not for nothing that all three adult children can't finish high school. They undoubtedly have poor role models from their parents, as well as low IQ, dyslexia, or other TREATABLE handicaps that could be addressed if the Palin parents paid any attention to their children.

    5. Anonymous6:28 AM

      Given Willow'sattitude, I don't know if she can be trusted around sharp objects. She just might stab the Bitch in the neck.

  24. Janice5:59 PM

    As I said before, Willow will be doing Sarah's hair and be paid big bucks from Sarah Pac. Sarah will be appearing at a lot of places, Willow will be Sarah's personal hairdresser and get 5 star hotel and meals paid as perks. I think this was all planned out. If Willow gets a Salon, you can bet she will never touch anyone else hair. Willow will never work 9-5. Remember Bristols condo in Alaska, gone... her house in Arizona, gone,... Gino, gone, shows gone.............Levi gone........The Palins never finish what they start.

    1. Anonymous6:25 PM

      If Willow gets a salon, you can bet Sarah will hire high priced hair designers while Willow sits at the front desk taking credit. Maybe Sarah will get Willow a hair reality show? Alaska are you ready for another Palin Alaska Film Tax Credit payday?

    2. She finished hair school.

    3. Anonymous8:07 PM

      Any student who paid the tuition, 'finished' Hair School. There are no Failures there.

    4. Anonymous11:16 PM

      Sarah is so paranoid about her balding head she actually forced willow into becoming a hairdresser. Too bad it will end up in the tell all eventually.

    5. Anonymous4:30 PM

      " Alaska are you ready for another Palin Alaska Film Tax Credit payday? "
      Think AK killed that, she is probably working with leatherface for one for AZ....

  25. Anonymous6:07 PM

    “Willow thinks Sarah’s appearance is old and tired."

    1. Anonymous6:15 PM

      That's why Todd was banging his prostitute Shailey Tripp

    2. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Didn't the borderline retard say that her mom is hot?

      But Bristol isn't having it."I don't think [Julianne Moore's] a good interpreter of my mom," Palin the younger told E!. "I think my mom is way hotter than that. I think she doesn't have that accent. It's kind of silly, but my mom's awesome."

    3. Anonymous6:32 PM

      Dem fightin' words.

      Sarah spent all that money on her neck and facelifts, fuck me shoes, and teenager clothes and Willow thinks her appearance is old and tired?

    4. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Talk about ungrateful bitch, Willow only went to high school for two years and walked away, mommy then paid for her hair school, Arizona apartment and will buy her a salon.

  26. Anonymous6:08 PM

    One thing I hae noticed about all the Palins is their passive aggressive behavior. That's because they cannot speak honestly with each other and resort to vague inuindoes. I wonder IF Willow ever gets a pair of scissors near Sarah, she wouldn't make Sarah look like the clown in that picture of Willow above. You know, just to show how "fake" Sarah is. Wasn't it Willow who told her mother she was so fake?

  27. Anonymous6:11 PM

    Willow, 18, recently completed a hairdressing program at Penrose Academy in Scottsdale, Ariz. She’s planning on opening her own salon, says a source, and wants Mom to be her first customer. 

    Willow knows with SarahPac paying Willow as their new hair contractor for Sarah, she can retire after her first cut.


  28. Anita Winecooler6:57 PM

    I love your "zombie" pictures! After seeing Willow PMSing with her head in Bristols fridge on BPLAT and how bitchy she truly is, I can't imagine her holding onto clientele and I truly doubt she has either the talent, business sense, ambition, nor the slightest sliver of attention span to cut, style, color, perm, set, etc hair correctly, let alone apply makeup, do waxing, brazillian blowouts, and skin consultation. Color Corrections? forgetaboutit!

    In other words, Baldy and Uncle Donald are the perfect specimens to start with! I imagine an asymmetrical cut that accentuates the wonk in the wonkeye. If Sarah starts walking funny, we'll know how good Willow is with hot wax where the sun never shines.

    OT Billo has Glenn Beck on his show.... huge conspiracy boston bombing theory about to be exposed! He has "many" sources inside the administration to back it up!

  29. Here's the link to Penrose Beauty Academy.

  30. Anonymous10:20 PM

    What an old dried up looking hag trying to dress like a teenager. She looks like the meth whores walking up & down the street in certain parts of my city. I really don't think any amount of hair school degrees is gonna help her.

  31. Anonymous2:35 AM

    Dolly Parton had a show in Nevada last night. OMG

  32. Anonymous3:34 AM

    In order for Willow to open her own business, she needs to PASS HER LICENSING EXAM and she needs one for whatever state(s) she works in. ot sure if they have reciprocity among the states or not. If she can't pass the license, then she will be stuck with doing her families hair and hope they don't sue her for practicing without a license if she messes up!

  33. Anonymous6:14 AM

    Good Luck with that Willow. Your mother only has one look. The look of a HOAH!

    1. Anonymous8:25 AM

      The Heath and Palin curse.

  34. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Sarah is scared that if she cuts her hair she would look like Creepy Chuckie

    1. Anonymous11:21 AM

      Anything would be an improvement.

  35. AKRNHSNC9:41 PM

    Gryphen, I distinctly remember Sarah speaking about how she and Todd saved all their annual checks from the APF for the kids "college education". Why would Willow need to spend any money other than that which was supposedly saved for her? Unless, of course, Sarah was lying as she often does and has spent the kids checks on stuff for herself? Beauty school isn't expensive so I can't imagine why there would ever be any talk of Willow going into debt for school considering Sarah's millions?! What a fucking cheapskate she is, spent the so-called college funds and wouldn't pay for her daughter's beauty school. Willow obviously didn't earn very much while she was on the reality shows if she needed $$$ from both of them. Is there anything that the Palins tell the truth about??? Hell, NO!!

    Sarah proves, once again, that she's a disgusting excuse for a human being and even worse as a mother.


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