Tuesday, April 02, 2013

It's Voting Day!

Okay today is the day that many Anchorage residents wake up and think "Wait, is today the day we are supposed to vote?"

Yes, yes it is.

And these are the elections that often fly under the radar and this is no exception. Even I, a political junkie,barely know WHO is running for WHAT.

However here is a run down provided by ADN, Alaska Dispatch, and the Municipality to help you sort through the candidates and issues.

My rule of thumb is if you worked for, or were endorsed by Mayor Sullivan, you're not getting my vote. (Amy Demboski, Ernie Hall, and Cheryl Frasca are all on that list.)

And if you are backed by BOTH Dan Sullivan AND Jerry Prevo, I'm looking at you Andy Clary, then hells to the no!

All in all I expect a small turnout, but I hope that the liberals get up and get motivated because the pickings are slim for our side, and Sullivan stands to gain even more support on the Assembly which as we all know is bad, bad, bad for Anchorage.

So don't just sit there, vote!


  1. Write in Nick Moe and get rid if Ernie Hall!

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Cheryl Frasca's campaign sign is so overtly Christian it is offensive. It's an "Anchor" for Anchorage, but there is no denying the huge cross above her name. She might as well pull a Governor Palin and sign everything as our heavenly creator? One person commented about that and she said, "Good grief, it is an ANCHOR, as in ANCHORage?" but then another commenter said, "I can see the cross on your sign!" pleased as punch.

    At least she's keeping all the negative comments on her Facebook page, she's not vetting comments. She's letting people have their say about her vote against the Unions and her language in her ad where she used the word "screwing" with taxpayer.


    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      imo, when I see a collection of nasty, immature comments, name-calling business directed at a candidate of politician, I silently judge those people and question their incentives, motives, and intelligence.

    2. Anonymous8:34 AM
      "imo, ...I silently judge those people and question their incentives, motives, and intelligence."

      Well, goody for you, you judgmental snot. "Judge not, lest ye be judged." Ring a bell, or are you too busy judging that you are better than everyone else?

      When I see comments such as yours, I question the commenter's incentives, motive, and intelligence.

  3. Excuse me Gryphen and folks...hate to interrupt your voting thang...but I just read this hilarious ass in-depth interview with the chick who does the "Nailin Palin" porno....here's the link....with pics and every thang! LOL!!!


    "I made six movies in total: “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin?”, “Who’s Nailin’ Paylin Two”, “Obama’s Nailin Paylin”, “Letterman’s Nailin’ Paylin”, “Hollywood’s Nailin’ Paylin” and “You’re Nailin’ Paylin.” We shot “Obama’s Nailin’ Paylin” knowing he would win the 2012 election. There was a guy in the business who somewhat resembled him. We shot it at a ranch in The Canyons, and there was going to be horseback riding.

    The premise was Paylin would be riding off into the sunset with Obama. Sounds simple, sure, but there were problems. They wanted us to ride the horse on the side of this big cliff, which was scary enough, but Obama was afraid of the horse — which made me more nervous since he was going to be in charge of the reigns.

    I was asked to be on the back of the horse, not on the saddle. We get on the horse, ready to start the scene, the director screams and the horse totally takes off. I was scared shitless and thought we were going off the cliff. This did not lead to an easy sex scene, and I can’t blame the guy at all — any man would struggle to get hard 30 minutes after a near-death experience. Also, it’s a little distracting to have sex on a bale of hay next to a shitting horse that kept trying to eat during the entire scene."

    Hmmmm...I betcha (HA!) Baldy has the "Obama's Nailin' Paylin" in her DVD player...right NOW! LOL!!!


    PS...guess where I found this article...on "The Sarah Palin Blog"...LMAO!!!

    1. Anonymous7:56 AM

      I found this article...on "The Sarah Palin Blog"

      "As far as the governor herself, I have never heard from the Palin Camp. I do know she is aware of me, as many people have asked her about the “Nailin’ Paylin?” series during interviews. She always cracks a smile and passes on the question." Nailing Sarah Palin

      Sarah does give her donors something for their time and money. You know she loves anyone that thinks of her as a sex goddess.

    2. Anonymous8:35 AM

      What is the point of this? But it's interesting how Gryphen doesn't mind comments that bring his blog down to the gutter level.

    3. Anonymous9:18 AM

      It is O/T. Jesse needs to open another thread but there are too many choices. It would be hard to decide which one to go with.

    4. Anonymous8:35 AM
      "What is the point of this? But it's interesting how Gryphen doesn't mind comments that bring his blog down to the gutter level."

      Who yanked your ponytail today? Still busy being judgmental, I see. Why are you here? Other than to be judgmental towards others, that is. I hope yu appreciate Gryphen's non-judgmental attitude in letting you post.

  4. Ummmm...looks like I have to interrupt again Gryphen!

    Baldy just posted this on her FAKEBOOK and for sure it has to be her retarded ass...so many grammatical mistakes and the fool can't even spell "gradated"...maybe because none of her kids have actually accomplished this feat! LOL!!

    Check this shit out!

    38 minutes ago
    Today is World Autism Awareness Day. There is such a need for us to understand and appreciate the complexities and mysteries of the outward challenges of those who suffer from autism, as well as their inner goodness, intelligence and unique gifts. I think of so many kids challenged by this, including my beautiful nephew, Karcher, and the patient, sacrificial families doing all they can to nurture and teach and protect their loved ones. My nephew has greater life tests and trials than most kids will ever have to deal with, but he’s also incredibly gifted intellectually, and we love him so very much. Karcher is one of the brightest students in his high school senior class; he'll be gradated next month, and he proudly works alongside his dad at the service station they own and operate in Anchorage. Autism truly is a mystery. May God bless all of these children and families, and may God give our nation a compassionate heart to better understand the purity and perspective our special needs community has to offer.

    And congratulations Karch!

    - Sarah Palin

    Shaking my head at..."he'll be gradated"....

    BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....dumbass hillbillies!

    1. Anonymous9:08 AM

      and Sarah went on to say ...

      I want Obama to stop giving my money to Autism research and to anyone that suffers with this disease. If we keep giving them money, they will never pull themselves up by their boot straps.

    2. Anonymous9:23 AM

      If "they" won't pull themselves up by the boot straps does she mean they are lazy ass welfare types or expecting entitlments? She is talking about the parents of Autistic children? No wonder she wants to forget World Down Syndrome Day. It would be touchy to call parents of Down syndrome children out.

    3. That posting should come with a Dramamine. Sure made me queasy.

      Why can't she ever talk about people with various challenges as people? She always sets them up as some sort of noble, bigger than life pet. Just there so she and her ilk can pat themselves on the back for being so noble and "sacrificial" letting these people into their lives.

      She is sickening.

    4. Anonymous10:51 AM

      Now she's dragging her innocent nephew into the fray. She doesn't want public funding for research so that Autism remains a 'mystery,' and god forbid fruit fly research ever existed that helps unlock genetics.

      Slate noted the irony of Palin mocking fruit fly research in a speech about special needs children -- when some research about autism makes use of research on fruit flies. And Pharyngula -- a blog not known for restraint in criticizing politicians who question science -- said this: "This idiot woman, this blind, shortsighted ignoramus, this pretentious clod, mocks basic research and the international research community. You damn well better believe that there is research going on in animal models -- what does she expect, that scientists should mutagenize human mothers and chop up baby brains for this work?"

      Read more: http://www.insidehighered.com/news/2008/10/28/palin#ixzz2PKjt8yYS
      Inside Higher Ed

    5. Anonymous10:54 AM

      Thank you GinaM. I left a comment on Maksim's post. It is certainly revealing about World Down Syndrome Day, Easter and now Autism. Curious indeed.

    6. Anonymous4:48 PM

      Aww, Sarah wishin' she had an Autistic instead of a DS.

    7. Anita Winecooler6:17 PM

      What's so "sacrificial" about parents of special needs kids? Ugh... nevermind... Baldy wrote it, it's not supposed to make sense!

  5. Anonymous8:15 AM

    I so agree with you, IM, as to not voting for anyone connected to our mayor. Also, do not like the connection to the Baptist church run by Prevo - you know they'll get the congregation out there and I so hope their candidate loses!

    I've already voted absentee and mailed in it. Always feels so good to make my statement. Yea, to Traini and Honeman!!!

  6. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I detest religion being brought into any campaign!!! Will make me run from that candidate faster than anything else!

  7. Anonymous9:27 AM

    Look, a timeline


    1. Anonymous9:51 AM

      She will have to work "way harder". What a sad act. It was all faked, she never worked hard.

  8. Anonymous10:50 AM

    So it's Karcher's turn to be patronized and pointed at for being different, is it? Sarah, you're disgusting the way you use children for publicity. Ask your sister if she sees herself in any way sacrificial, you self-obsessed fame whore!

    I hope when when no one's looking Karcher punches your lights out for this.

    1. Anonymous10:58 AM

      Poor Karch. Why can't she use Trig now? Track Ain't Right is off limits?

  9. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Writing from one of the bedroom suburban cities in the Kansas City metro area on the Kansas side wit some dismay.

    We have city council, school board and junior college board elections today. In order to be prepared to vote, I scoured the net to find information on the candidates. Found next to nothing. Not even the League of Women Voters had any info. Tried the KS democratic website, untion website Ss, state Democratic FB pages, etc. Received one - just one - robo call from a respected former Dem Representative advocating for one of the community college board candidates and found only two short profiles on two of the six city council members.

    So, I turned to far right websites and found they were all over this election. At least I could identify which candidates I did not want to vote for. None of the candidates decalred party affiliations so this was the only way I could determine who stood for what.

    The point I am trying to make is this: why the hell aren't progressives being more vocal about local elections? The far right are dedicated to turning out their base but the left here doesn't seem to give a rat's arse. Drives me crazy.

    We are new to this area, having moved only a few motnhs ago so I was relying upon finding info online or in the newspapers. Good grief, how are we ever going to win if we don't step up to the plate and educate people about what w we believe and start promoting our candidates?

    I realize KS is deep red at the moment, but more folks are growing dissatisfied with the GOP's repressive agenda. Our Gov is cutting one billion dollars from education!!

    Be grateful, Alaska that you have dedicated bloggers who are investigating and discussing the merits of issues and candidates. If you wind up with stinkers, you cannot whine and say it was because you didn't know or couldn't find out. Sure wish we had progressive bloggers here who would work as hard as your bloggers do.

    BTW, only 85 people showed up to vote at our polling place in a densely populated suburb. So sad because local elections have a more immediate and intimate impact our daily lives.


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