Saturday, April 27, 2013

Mormon church gives its blessing to new Boy Scouts proposal to allow gay scouts while still vilifying gay adults. Oh yeah, that will work!

Courtesy of Wisconsin Gazette:

The Mormon church has given its blessing to the Boy Scouts of America on its latest proposal to lift the gay ban for youth members but continue to exclude gays as adult leaders. 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints posted a statement on its website saying it is satisfied with the proposal, which the Boy Scouts announced last week and will submit to its National Council at a meeting in Texas the week of May 20. 

The Salt Lake City-based church said it is satisfied that the Boy Scouts of America has made a "thoughtful, good-faith effort to address issues that, as they have said, remain `among the most complex and challenging issues facing the BSA and society today.'" 

It added the proposal recognizes that "Scouting exists to serve and benefit youth rather than Scout leaders, a single standard of moral purity for youth in the program, and a renewed emphasis for Scouts to honor their duty to God."

Obviously the message here is we love you so long as you are young enough for us to manipulate and possibly indoctrinate, but once you get too experienced and set in your ways to change,you are out of here.

I think it is pretty clear that the Mormon church still sees homosexuality as a deviant "life style choice" and that they can possibly do their own version of conversion therapy by exposing these kids to the outdoors and "manly" typed of behaviors, something that they feel will be undermined by having gay scout leaders, as if THAT will somehow fundamentally change their sexuality.

It is ridiculous, it is scientifically untenable, and it is insulting to those young gay kids who are essentially being given the message that you are one of us until you turn eighteen but then you are dead to us.

Fuck the Boy Scouts!  And while we are at it, fuck the Mormons!


  1. Remember, folks, the second "m" is always silent.

  2. Anonymous10:12 AM

    When did the Mormon Church take over BSA? Who cares if they 'approve' of this stupid policy or not? And why are my United Fund dollars going to a group that meets in churches, while they deny funding for GSA, which meets in public schools?

    1. Anonymous11:32 AM

      The girl scouts will gladly take your donation directly :)
      BTW I had openly gay GSA camp counselors in the late 50's early 60's.

      Little Rabbit

    2. Anonymous1:45 PM

      We stopped donating to United Way a long time ago when we realize how bigoted an organization they are. We give to the GSA, Planned Parenthood, and all other charities directly.

    3. Balzafiar1:55 PM

      They quietly began infiltrating some time ago, and they did over time get members of the church into high positions and now essentially control it.

      While they are not the only ones, the Mormon cult is the largest of the insidious religious cancers eating away at the heart of our country.

  3. Well, it does square with Mormon historical practice to allow black members who then couldn't serve in the priesthood... why not give it another go with yet another group?

  4. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Religion is like having a penis. It's okay to have one - it's okay to be proud of having one - just don't try to shove it down my child's throat.

  5. Leland11:23 AM

    I especially like your last three words, Gryphen!

  6. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Gryphen, you wasted a "fuck the...", the BSA and the Mormon church are now one and the same and have been for decades.

  7. I wonder if they're planning a special badge for only the gay scouts. A sorta "Scout the Gay Away" thing so by the time they leave scouting they are "straight".

    Since troop leaders come from scouting and is pretty much where you go after you achieve Eagle (another thing the Mormons have cheapened and corrupted) these gay scouts know that even if they attain Eagle Scout level, they'll NEVER be able to lead their own troop.

  8. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Sarah Palin is a homophobe. Look at this roster of bigots and slimy, grifters and cheaters, liars and misogynists, anti women's rights and shit stirring assholes...

  9. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I think the Mormon cult pretty 'different' anyway! This issue doesn't surprise me, but it's totally screwed up!!! They'll come around eventually - they'll have to as more and more folks fall away from their teachings.

    1. Leland2:31 PM

      I would prefer they simply fade away and NOT come around to awareness. Them and every other organized religion!

  10. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Scouts are just a silly anachronistic and really kind of "gay" pursuit. (I don't mean homosexual when I say "gay" I'm just repeating what most young people have to say about scouting.) Being in scouts gets you picked on, beat up and called all sorts of names. I'd never let a kid of mine be in such a program as these poor kids are bullied because of their scouting.

    1. Anonymous3:51 PM

      Careful, 6:45. Your opinion is certainly welcome, but using your limited survey of "kids" as a source for your knowledge and "facts" reflects on your own critical thinking ability.

      There's an up-side to scouting that you will never understand by forming such a strong opinion based on a survey of non-participants. But if your desire is to editorialize rather than to learn or understand, by all means continue on your path. Best wishes for continued success.

  11. Anonymous5:38 PM

    The thing that continually amazes me about you, Gryph, is that for all your talent as a writer, your incredibly hard work as a blogger and your great gift at self expression, you continue to believe you can fight hatred, prejudice and bigotry with... hatred, prejudice and bigotry.

  12. Anita Winecooler7:34 PM

    What a great endorsement! I bet the Roman Catholic Church is kicking themselves in the shins for not thinking of that one first.

  13. Anonymous3:34 PM

    / I am Nancy and found this blunt article on the net. Reaction? /

    Mormon Porn & Boy Scouts

    by Aaronita Smith

    Wayne Perry, Boy Scouts president, is pro-gay - and, believe it or not, MALE porn is officially part of his religion!
    Scholars, including Mormon ones, know of a hard-core porn sketch in the Mormon-approved "Book of Abraham."
    This Book is part of the "Pearl of Great Price" which, along with the "Book of Mormon," is LDS-authorized scripture.
    Figure 7 in Facsimile 2 in "Abraham" shows two beings facing each other. Joseph Smith described them as the "Holy Ghost" and "God" (the Father), the latter showing an erect male sex organ.
    Mormons were offended when Smith's newspaper published this sketch in 1842, so the phallic part was whited out for more than a century until the "restored" LDS church restored the X-rated drawing in 1981!
    LDS scholars have hushed up the fact that the "Book of Abraham" is not about the biblical Abraham but actually portrays ancient Egyptian documents showing occult obscene sketches.
    Those scholars also know that Smith fraudulently altered them so that he could (blasphemously) portray the Christian trinity as sex fiends in order to promote polygamy among his followers!
    For more info see "Book of Abraham" (Wikipedia). And check out the Tanners' "Mormonism - Shadow or Reality?" which reproduces the original Egyptian sketches Smith plagiarized and exploited. Also Yahoo or Google "Facts From Mormons (By a Utah Resident)," "God to Same-Sexers: Hurry Up," "The Background Obama Can't Cover Up," and "USA - from Puritans to Impure-itans."


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