Saturday, April 27, 2013

Nobody mentioned the Iraq War during opening of the George W. Bush library, but some things are inescapable.

Her name is Melissa Stockwell and she was the first female to lose a limb in the Iraq War.

She also led the Pledge of Allegiance during the opening ceremony.

You know they can gloss over Bush's criminal activities, and lies told to the American people. all they want, but no amount of gloss will cover the thousands of deaths and devastating injuries that were the direct result of his so called "hard decisions."


  1. SallY in MI3:14 AM

    Notice how Laura refuses to look at her, and George looks a bit concerned? Two of the most worthless people ever to hold the WH. If Laura believes the crap she said about her beloved husband last week, she is more clueless than we thought, and we know all about the 'morals' of her drunken husband. Hard decisions? Really? You two had no trouble sending our finest to die and be maimed. You didn't lose one night's sleep at the ranch or one round of golf worrying over the repercussions of demlishing a Muslim country or two, and our economy to boot. No. Not as long as the rich got richer and the poor poorer. Hard decisions my butt. Your hardest decision is which designer suit to wear.

    1. Anonymous12:00 PM

      We all know someone who has fallen in love with a worthless in point....

  2. Anonymous3:38 AM

    O/T omg, just saw first pictures of Sarah at the dinner speech she gave last night.

    All I can say is, not only did she bring the girls, she brought their friends and family too.

    Her chest was HUGE. Bigger than Bristol's at the RNC.

  3. Anonymous4:07 AM

    Say what you will about Laura. She's only responsible for the death of one teenager. George is responsible for the death of thousands.

  4. Anonymous4:19 AM

    Any chance Laura Bush is on Prozac?

  5. This image should be everywhere Chimpy finds himself.. Especially in his cell at the Hague after his conviction for WAR CRIMES !!!!

  6. Anonymous5:46 AM

    It has been proven that the decision to invade Iraq ws made BEFORE 9/11. After all "Saddam tried to kill my Dad" little Georgie stated. So, to retaliate, W let hundreds of thousands of other people's Dads, brothers, mothers, sisters and cousins die to take revenge. What a guy, eh? The $500 million they used to build his "lie=bury" wopuld have been better spent helping war vets with injuries. The entire Bush family are criminals, greedy, selfish people with not an ounce of humanity between them.

  7. What's with all the grousing? Think of the advances in prosthetic limb technology spurred!

  8. Anonymous10:09 AM

    Please let's not forget the current administration's complicity in not pursuing criminal charges against the neocons, all of them, who are responsible for the torture and killing and detainments w/o end.

    where I live, if you see a crime and do not report it, you are criminally liable to some extent.

  9. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Meanwhile, what's your guy Obama up to? Just destroying civil liberties, same as Bush. The trouble with partisan politics is it blinds you to the faults of "your guy". You accept actions from "your guy" that you would condemn from the other side. If you're going to uphold standards, you need to uphold them with "your guy" first. Otherwise what's the point of supporting him in the first place?

  10. True Grits3:39 PM

    Not to mention the raid on the treasury of the United States. The loss of life and treasure was criminal - biggest mistake Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama made by not trying that mother as a war criminal.

  11. Anonymous3:44 PM

    11:12 I think "your guy" set the bar too high for "my guy" to ever reach but yes, Obama did make a mistake by not going after Bush/Cheney for war crimes.

  12. Anita Winecooler6:04 PM

    That photo says it all. Wonder if there's a group photo of the Bushes and Melissa Stockwell in the library to show the deep concern on GWBush and Laura's faces?

  13. Anonymous10:57 AM

    One good thing came out of the war, as far as I am concerned. My cousin lost a leg in a car accident about twenty years ago, when she was sixteen. She has told me that now that she's not unusual, people look her in the face instead of in the leg.

    What a price to pay for such a simple thing.


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