Friday, April 26, 2013

For the first time in history a sitting President gives a speech to Planned Parenthood. Let the Right Wing freakout begin! Update!

Courtesy of the Washington Post: 

President Obama spoke to nearly a thousand Planned Parenthood supporters Friday, telling them efforts to restrict abortion access across the country represented an effort to “turn back the clock” on women’s progress. 

“When you read about some of these laws, you want to check the calendar, you want to make sure you’re still living in 2013,” Obama told the crowd. 

In the past two months, four states — Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas and North Dakota — have adopted some of the most stringent restrictions on abortion in the nation, while Virginia has also imposed new rules on abortion providers by making them comply with hospital-style building standards. Lawmakers in 42 states have introduced legislation this year that would impose some kind of limits on access to abortions. 

Obama — the first sitting president to address the group in its nearly 100-year history – took aim at North Dakota’s law, which bans abortions as soon as a fetal heartbeat can be detected, at around six weeks. 

“A woman may not even know that she’s pregnant at six weeks,” he said. As long as Planned Parenthood and other groups have to fight to defend women’s reproductive rights, he added later, “you’ve also got a president who will be right there with you, fighting every step of the way.” 

In his speech, the president highlighted the fact that women visit Planned Parenthood clinics for routine health exams as well as reproductive services. The group is guided by the idea “that women should be able to make their own decisions about their own health,” he said. “It’s a simple principle.”

Of course just the IDEA that the President would speak to Planned Parenthood or support a woman's right to choose, flipped the Right Wing (And of course Sarah Palin) out.

But you conservatives keep right on attacking women, because that has certainly worked out well for you in the past.

And no, just because a hypocritical, anti-female woman like Sarah Palin is willing to attack Planned Parenthood on your behalf, does NOT give you cover. Most women hate that bitch's guts!

Update: Entire speech can be found here.


  1. Anonymous4:55 PM

    Yea, I love our President!!!! He knows he has the backing of the majority in the USA! I'm delighted I voted for him twice!

    To hell w/the Republicans - especially in our Congress and House! Vote them out of office each opportunity you have.

  2. PalinsHoax4:56 PM

    Hummm. Palin. Palin. (Looking up into the sky while trying to remember . . .)

    Is she the one who, when Piper was still an infant, said "Get that f***ing baby out of here!" and kicked the bassinet towards the door?

    Isn't she the one who got a "Twobull" after Piper was born?

    Isn't she the one who stuffed a pillow up her shirt and pretended to be pregnant?

    Tell us, Palin. Just how did you give birth to Trig with your tubes tied and singed?

    1. Anonymous8:03 PM

      Exactly, she could not have been pregnant, and her entire Family went along with it. John McCain must have made some heavy promises and Payoffs for their silence. Some day soon, one of Sarah Palin's followers will see the light and 'SELL' the Story of all of her LIES.

  3. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Palin and the other conservatives say they want the government out of their lives yet they do not want women to have the right to choose. Hypocrites!!!

    1. Anonymous6:00 PM

      Yeah, the conservatives want government out of their lives but they want government in their vaginas. Any laws that limit women's reproductive freedom are examples of too much government.

  4. I’m guessing Hillary could have had more children (regardless of what she says), but she was working too much to properly parent, and knew it. Yeah, I want her as president. I want her as president of the world (my husband will hate me for that one, he thinks she's too far to the right).

    1. Anonymous3:30 AM

      I think that both the Clintons did a pretty good job of "parenting." Their daughter is well educated and well situated in life now. Chelsea may or may not have been an only child by choice. Whether she was or not is not anyone's business.

      Frankly I wouldn't care about Sarah Palin and her children were she not always using them and had she not done such a shoddy job parenting them. And then, of course, criticizing everyone else.

  5. Leland5:29 PM

    "Most women hate that bitches guts!"

    And from what I can tell, most MEN, too!


  6. erica from dallas6:08 PM

    97% of Planned Parenthood's patients are using clinics for regular well women health care check-ups, diabetes screening,std's etc. 3% of Planned Parenthood are abortion clinics and all self funded using no Federal or State funds. NO tax money used at all. Std's are a huge problem. In small towns women and men are afraid to share their personal information with their local doctor and they are more PP is much more efficient than the public hospitals, saving us tax payers money. Also...Lots of people around me love Hillary. She is a strong tough woman that scares come men and confronts weaker women.

  7. Anonymous7:02 PM

    How does forcing a women to carry an unwanted pregnancy to term turn her into a careful guardian of a fetus, giving it adequate nutrition, prenatal medical care, and a healthy lifestyle? Is she suddenly transformed into a person with the financial, emotional, physical resources to do the best for a fetus? NO!

    The wealthy women of the USA can fly off to a foreign country to get an abortion. The ONLY women that will be controlled by limiting abortion are poor women.

  8. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Palin does more damage to a cause she is trying to promote, than she does to help it. When she tries to influence the public with her line of faulty logic and vitriol, she only ends up doing the opposite. Most people can see her failed logic and separate it from the truth. She'd be better off saying nothing, than saying something and hurting what ever cause she is for or against. The only people who don't seem to be able to see this are her low information followers who fall over everything she says without having the intelligence to question what ever it is she ays.

  9. Anonymous7:20 PM

    For the umpteenth time:

    Make all forms of birth control FREE and easily available for EVERYONE, and watch the abortion rates plummet.

    But no... we can't do that. Someone might decide it's "okay" to have sex without marriage. And those people should be punished!

    Like having to make a decision whether or not you can BE a parent or can handle pregnancy... and then going through with an abortion isn't punishment enough. Have they campaigned for open records yet? I'm sure that's next. We need to shame these horrible women! Because... Jesus would want it that way.

    Stupid-ass, illogically-thinking, Right-wing nutjobs like Sarah Palin and her minions like to pretend they have a grasp on morality, and that morality should be legislated.

    So, drunken unmarried teen sex which results in a pregnancy = good. But having free birth control available to that promiscuous teen = bad. Not only bad, but she has to be paraded through the press while the world judges her.

    And, after all that -- let's do an abstinence campaign. Not a responsible sex (with birth control and condoms) campaign. Because if *I'm* stuck in this situation, then so shall you be.

    1. Anonymous10:22 PM

      Excellent comment!

    2. Anonymous3:32 AM

      Better yet, let's have universal health care and help for single moms who have to work at low or lowish paying jobs to support their children.

  10. Anita Winecooler7:25 PM

    I'm so proud he chose to do this speech. He doesn't just pay lip service, but stands up for issues he cares deeply about. Planned Parentood fills a much needed void in our society on so many levels, by providing services to Women, Men and Families, especially in areas ill served by medical and social services.
    I can't wrap my brain around this six week bullshit, but then I couldn't wrap my brain around female's bodies having a mechanism... forced vaginal probes, etc.

    Don't want health services? Consultations? Access to birth control? Family Planning Advice? Cancer screening? STD testing? Abortion? Then don't go to Planned Parenthood. Problem solved.

  11. Anonymous8:22 PM

    Although I am highly critical of Obama in a number of areas where he is far too accommodating to conservatives and far too dismissive of the poor hopeful suckers who actually voted him into office twice, I do give him props for this. This is one of the issues he is not weak on.

    1. Anonymous3:34 AM

      Anon at 8:22 pm. Be more critical of the GOP which has been engaged in highly seditious activity since January 2009 in their efforts to derail the government.

  12. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Planned Parenthood was my only health care after I graduated fr om college (the university provided health care for students) and the time I got a job that provided health care. That was many many years. I support Planned Parenthood! They provide a vital service to many many women.

  13. Anonymous12:28 AM

    I heart our president and am proud to say I voted for him 2x !!!

  14. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Gryphen- Please let us know all the things you know to finally expose Palin's Trig lies.

    PLEASE! Find a way.

    This has been the most agnonizing, nauseating time of watching and hearing this woman while she completely gets away with her lies.
    I have snapped up every book and article and while they have me convinced, they have all stopped short of enough proof that Palin would be forced to respond or that the media could not ignore.

    Please! We need something to make her go away and I need it to be her lies, not just that the public got tired of her.

  15. Anonymous4:36 AM

    Okay, it took me a while, but now I see what the groupthink is over at the peepond.

    There are exactly 1.5 TRUE conservative politicians in the US: Sarah Palin and Ted Cruz. Ted only counts as 1/2, because the second he says anything remotely critical about Sarah, he'll be labeled as a RINO,or a crony capitalist, or be exposed as a member of the permanent political party.

    I would have noticed sooner, but I guess there was still a part of me that thought some of the peepond groupies might have a minimal amount of common sense. Now I see the truth. Sorry it took so long.


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