Saturday, April 06, 2013

Rachel Maddow cleverly destroys the NRA's newest argument against gun control legislation.

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That was beautiful!


  1. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Rachel Maddow is beautiful. Period. I would love to hear her and Sarah Palin go toe to toe on the issues...any issue...Won't ever happen because Sarah Palin is afraid and would never actually debate anyone..anywhere...anytime.

  2. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Bill O’Reilly is ‘Furious’ Over Being Treated Like Fox Treats President Obama

    I never thought we’d see the day when Bill O’Reilly was getting the Obama treatment by the Right. But he is.

    Remember when the very Christian then-Senator Obama made the comment “they cling to guns or religion”? Oh, you’d have thought the world was going to end. Fox News never let it go. Context was irrelevant! Lately, Bill O’Reilly has been making the argument that the (right wing) opponents of gay marriage haven’t “been able to do anything but thump the Bible.”

    This is not going over well. The Right descended upon him with glee; Rush and the posse of fumers are hysterical. Commence semi-civil war meltdown.

  3. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Pastor Rick Warren’s Youngest Son Matthew, 27, Commits Suicide

    The Saddleback Valley Community Church announced on Saturday that Pastor Rick and Kay Warren‘s youngest son, Matthew, has committed suicide after the 27-year-old’s long struggle with mental illness.

    In a statement, the evangelical megachurch remembered the son as “an incredibly kind, gentle and compassionate young man whose sweet spirit was encouragement and comfort to many.” Matthew apparently suffered from mental illness, depression, and suicidal tendencies. He took his own life on Friday.

    “Despite the best healthcare available, this was an illness that was never fully controlled and the emotional pain resulted in his decision to take his life,” the statement said.

  4. Anonymous2:43 PM

    I have sympathy for the family, but have to wonder what kind of treatment this young man got..I mean, wouldn't their first method have been prayer? And the second? Suicide is epidemic in this country and the availablity of guns is not helping.

  5. SHARON3:19 PM

    I listen and read alot of politics (depressing) but if you want to know the facts about what the states are doing, GOP states that is....Rachel is a must see every night. I hope and pray the same people that had the sense to stand in line for hours for Obama do the same in the next midterm. Staying home and allowing so many states to be taken over by the GOP has done unbelievable harm to this country. Night after night she reports on these new laws being passed taking us back 50 years! I can not imagine what it is like living in states like that...backward and stupid. They don't care about jobs, health, civil rights...nothing but religion and sheer hatred. They are going full throttle having this power at last...wake up sheeple get rid of all of them. This gun thing is getting more and more ridiculous as the days go NO at the UN treaty was more disgraceful than the disability provision, and that was bad enough. We have now joined Iran, N Korea and Syria in wanting free guns for everyone voting against the entire world..Republicans look in the mirror and be proud you have raised the bar of shame and hatred for our country. We thought Bush/Cheny and our Congress was the ultimate disgrace but have managed to drag us down even lower. What could be next?

    1. Anita Winecooler7:32 PM

      I can't agree more! Thanks, Sharon, very well stated!

  6. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Yah yah yah. Do facts mean anything to you? Then why are you going after assault rifles and not hands, which kill 2 1/2 times the people than ALL rifles do, not just assault rifles?

    Why not be really thoughtful and admit we need to work more on the why people kill instead of the how? And for starters why not admit that our aggressive government using the military and police force to settle differences and force their will on people sets the tone for the rest of us. And how our disgraceful prison system breeds violent criminals and how our boozed up and drugged out population (not just talking illegal drugs, but prescription drugs as well) contributes to the problem. And our military chews up and spits out our young people leaving too many with mental problems. And how about the state of our mental health care? And the breakdown of civility in our government and even our everyday life.

    Focusing on "assault" weapons means we aren't talking about the real reasons we have so much violence.

    1. Anita Winecooler7:35 PM

      You're right! YEah yeah yeah, if Adam Lanza had a hand gun and not an assault weapon, the outcome would have been MUCH worse!

    2. WakeUpAmerica11:31 PM

      I don't think it is an either/or argument, Dipshit. If we tighten up gun laws, it doesn't mean we shouldn't also be addressing the causes of such deadly aggression. What a silly argument you made. the current discussion is gun laws.

  7. Despite our outrage over the slack gun laws and what happened in Colorado, Connecticut and Arizona, the NRA is still getting its way on gun laws in Congress. It is very discouraging.

  8. Anonymous4:42 PM

    In some states, I cannot legally own a switchblade, nor can I make a zip gun or own nunchucks (even though anyone with opposable thumbs and an IQ above 80 could create either of those things inside of ten minutes). I can't even buy certain cold meds off a store shelf without signing for them on the off chance that I'm investing in a meth lab.

    But assault weapons with 100 capacity magazines? Hell yes I can buy as many as I want! No questions asked.

    This is ridiculous and sane people know it, which includes the majority of gun owners (including myself).

    My advice to the perpetually fearful: go get yourself a can of bear spray. You don't have to waste time and money at a firing range perfecting your skill. You don't even have to zero in on a stationary target with any accuracy. Just point in the general direction and push the spray can. And nobody dies.

    What is wrong with this picture? Aside from everything?

  9. Anita Winecooler7:42 PM

    Rachel is an absolute treasure of a journalist. She carefully sets up the dominoes and skillfully sets her argument in motion with facts. This one was brilliant . She started off with lock picking (interesting to watch, but not much of a "story" in itself) then she progressed to the real guts of the news item, the flimsy non-arguments the NRA gives juxtaposed to the reality we're facing as a society.

    I wish she had a show on regular television, she deserves a wider audience.

  10. WakeUpAmerica11:28 PM

    LaPierre looks like Mole from Wind in the Willows only not nearly as enchanting. Maybe he is Mole's evil twin.


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