Saturday, April 06, 2013

New morality clause at Catholic school causes President of Advisory Council to resign in protest.

Newly resigned Advisory Council President Jaci Russo.
Courtesy of KATC:

The President of Our Lady of Fatima School Advisory Council has resigned in response to a new morality clause the Diocese of Lafayette has asked teachers to sign. In a letter to Principal Joni Duos obtained by KATC, Jaci Russo said the morality clause is flawed. 

"By listing these 'sins,' a number of teachers are forced to either lie about who they are, or deny the things they may have done in order to keep their jobs at Fatima," Russo wrote in her resignation letter. "This is a travesty, as I know there are teachers who have had children out of wedlock and are divorced and remarried without annulment, yet they signed the clause and continue to teach." 

Russo added, "I cannot in good conscience stand by while we prevent great teachers from doing their jobs at Fatima." 

Longtime teacher Jane Riviere, who is openly gay, said she didn't sign her contract because she couldn't "be honest to its content." The morality clause bars teachers from engaging in homosexual activity, using birth control, or being married outside the church. Riviere said Wednesday that while she does not agree with the church's position, she accepts it. 

Russo, whose children have attended Fatima for the past 10 years, questions teachers who have lied or denied things to keep their jobs. 

"What does this say about their moral fiber?" Russo asks. "Is adherence to the clause based on reality, or just what each individual is willing to admit?" 

Russo also discusses Riviere's character in the letter. She notes Riviere has touched the lives of many in the community, which she says is evident in the number of former students and co-workers who have commented about Riviere not signing her contract. 

"I don't understand how she could be such a great teacher for the past 30 years, and now be viewed as unacceptable," Russo wrote. "Isn't a woman of this quality exactly who we want to teach character to our kids?" 

Believe it or not the list of "sins" that this contract included were, non-Catholic marriages, living with a boyfriend or girlfriend, homosexual activity, becoming pregnant or fathering a child out of wedlock, and of course having an abortion or helping someone to get an abortion,

I think that it is great that people are standing up for themselves and refusing to let the church bully them into hiding who they are or judging them for who they love, or how they love.

If more people were to do this these superstitious bronze age thinking assholes would have to change their mindset or watch their schools close down from lack of teachers.

Which by the way I don't see as a bad thing.


  1. Anonymous10:39 AM

    Brava, President Russo!

    O/T - Some weird comments are being posted at the Pee Pond.

    Joseph agibinik • 2 hours ago−
    If none of you see the truth in my words......fine. If none of you hear the truth in my words......fine. If none of you accept my words.....fine. If none of be it. I accept my fate. I will go gentle into the night. The woods will protect me.....will you get to the woods? Will they protect you? I have faith. Do you? My life is not held by dollar signs, is your's? I do not need a grocery store to live, do you? The "wild" is not so "wild" to it to you? Please, be safe, be prepare.....and hug your loved one's today. I am lost. Do not follow me.
    38 •Reply•Share ›

    Pete Petretich joseph agibinik • 2 hours ago
    Are you OK?
    1 •Reply•Share ›

    joseph agibinik Pete Petretich • 2 hours ago
    No. No, I am not okay. Are you okay? Mr. Petretich, are you okay?
    0 •Reply•Share ›

    joseph agibinik joseph agibinik • 2 hours ago
    I am asking you, Mr. Petretich, are YOU okay? Do you accept this government? Is this government okay with you?

    5 1 •Reply•Share ›

    joseph agibinik ZH100 • 6 hours ago−
    You do hear me, then. Thank-you.
    3 1 •Reply•Share ›

    ZH100 joseph agibinik • 6 hours ago
    You are welcome, Joseph.
    We all hear you Joseph. Don't give up and try to stay positive.
    Despite all the attacks and lies Gov.Palin is still a "happy" warrior.
    7 1 •Reply•Share ›

    joseph agibinik ZH100 • 5 hours ago
    If only I could fire all of you up.
    4 1 •Reply•Share ›

    joseph agibinik • 7 hours ago
    I give up. I am nobody. I will go peacefully. I have no reason to fight. Reason is the one thing we have in common. Besides, F-you! Take me if you, I stand!
    0 3 •Reply•Share ›

    joseph agibinik • 7 hours ago
    Who knows: maybe Z wants to lock me up.....Mr. Petretich might want to lock me up. I do not know. Do I deserve to be locked up? Maybe Mr. Bloomberg or Mrs. Feinstien says I need to be locked up. Do I? Maybe Zh100 says I need to be locked up.....or, maybe, palin45potus or amaze830 say's I should be put in jail.....who is the person or people, that would want to f*ck me? Maybe I deserve to be put in isolation and never heard from again. Politics last's only a day.
    0 3 •Reply•Share ›

    David Zimmerman joseph agibinik • 4 hours ago
    Maybe I'm late to your party, but it sounds like you're off your meds.
    5 •Reply•Share ›

    GeraldGoff joseph agibinik • 6 hours ago
    didnt i just walk by your downtown corner?
    1 1 •Reply•Share ›

    joseph agibinik GeraldGoff • 5 hours ago
    You might have......I am a bum. Is that okay with you, do I project hospitality? Am I worthy? NO, you are better than me.....aren't you?
    1 2 •Reply•Share ›

    GeraldGoff joseph agibinik • 2 hours ago
    Please reach out to someone and seek help. You are not alone. It will get better. There are many programs that are in place to help you.
    2 •Reply•Share ›

    ZH100 joseph agibinik • 4 hours ago
    "Am I worthy? NO, you are better than me.....aren't you?"
    “From the tiniest baby in the womb to the most powerful man in the world, we are equal.”-----Sarah Palin.

    1. Anonymous11:01 AM

      You have weird thoughts. You support a blog (IM) where commenters act like bottomfeeders yet you call otherwise boring comments elsewhere "weird."


    2. Anonymous11:01 AM

      Spoken like a person who is...

      "No. No, I am not okay"

      Get some help Krazy!

  2. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Given the record of child abuse in the Catholic Church, I think that they have bigger things to worry about than "sins" that do not affect another person.

  3. WakeUpAmerica10:50 AM

    I personally don't know any Catholics who have adhered completely to that code of ethics. In fact, I have yet to hear a Catholic female adult tell me that they don't believe in birth control. Every single Catholic who has talked to me about it, has said the rhythm method is a joke. Also, they don't understand why that method of "birth control" is ok and other methods aren't.

    The Catholic church is the greatest example of what is wrong with organized religion. The pedophilia alone is enough hypocrisy.

  4. Anonymous11:01 AM

    1. Ugh! Looks like Krazy Krusty has her "Internet Minutes" back Y'all! She's back to posting creepy...stalkerish "Odes to Baldy & Family" video's again!

      It's 9 minutes and 57 seconds of C R A Y C R A Y!

      Uh Baldy's "Internet Guru" Consultant or as I fondly call you...Baldy's Troll might want to alert the hillbillies that Krusty is off her meds again!

      Good luck and Godspeed RAM! LOL!!!

  5. Anonymous11:38 AM

    The only one who are bigger moral police" than evangelical fundamentalist are Catholic fundamentalist. I'm catholic and they peeve me off. everyone knows that 98% of catholic woken use birth control, it doesn't take a math genius to look around mass on Sunday and see the families only have 1-3 kids ( you'll see the odd large family but they re rare). The moral code is so 1950's it's ridiculous, no non-Catholic marriages or marriages outside the church well that eliminates all us heathens married in courthouse or other facilities. I wonder if parents are going to have to sign one next. That will get interesting.

  6. Anonymous11:51 AM


  7. The only downside I see to resignations like hers is that she will probably be replaced by some religious nut who will further entrench this kind of policy, and it'll just get worse. That being said, I don't blame her in the least for getting out of there.

    1. Leland6:19 PM

      Actually, they will probably end up hiring someone who has absolutely NO compunctions against lying about things like this.

  8. Anonymous12:30 PM

    The Tragedy of Gilbert Gauthe (Part I}

    By Jason Berry
    The Times of Acadiana
    May 23, 1985

    When young Father Gilbert Gauthe began secretly molesting a boy in Broussard in 1972, he set in motion a decade-long tragedy the details of which are only beginning to surface. At issue in the final stages of this tragedy are the troubled lives of dozens of Acadiana families, millions of dollars in damages claims and the responsibility of the Roman Catholic Church’s Lafayette Diocese for the actions of one of its priests.

    The fate of Gilbert Gauthe—who has admitted under oath to sexually molesting 37 youngsters in hundreds of incidents while a priest in Broussard, New Iberia, Abbeville and Henry—will ultimately be played out in the courts. Gauthe was indicted last October in Lafayette on 11 counts of aggravated crimes against nature, 11 counts of committing sexually immoral acts with minors, one count of aggravated rape (sodomizing a boy under the age of 12) and 11 counts of crimes of pornography involving juveniles, through pornographic photo sessions. Lafayette defense attorney F. Ray Mouton has entered a plea of not guilty by reason of insanity on behalf of Gauthe. The trial is expected for the fall. Meanwhile, Gauthe is undergoing treatment in a Connecticut psychiatric facility.

    Beyond the criminal indictment, the Lafayette Diocese and a number of insurance companies have, in out-of-court settlements, already agreed to payments of at least $4.2 million to families of nine of Gauthe’s victims in Vermilion Parish. Plaintiffs attorneys Raul Bencomo and Paul Hebert refuse to confirm or deny the amounts or terms of the individual settlements. Eleven additional suits have been filed by other victims for claims of approximately $114 million. But these claims represent only a minority of victims. A veil of secrecy shrouds this tragedy, and only sketchy details have been revealed so far.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      Don't you wonder about the suicide of Rick Warren's son, and whether Daddy's religion had anything to do with that?

  9. It should be called a "hypocrisy clause".

  10. Anonymous1:24 PM

    The Catholic Church and all their ancient dogma is a relic from a bygone era that is losing more and more members by the day.
    Ok, way off topic, but in keeping with the out of wedlock pregnancy theme...Kim K musta read all those tabloids , cause she posting pics of her naked baby belly:

    Virginia Voter

    1. Anonymous5:03 PM

      Thanks for the link. Good for Kim for putting to rest the rumors she wasn't pregnant. That's how you do it, Sarah, now how about a birth certificate to prove you birthed Trig?

    2. Anonymous8:00 PM

      She'll get back to you on that. She has piles of imprtant documents at home, you know, or in the garage with her economics books, and she is just so busy writin' those speeches and booking those 1st class jet seats, and collecting those $90,000 speaking checks once every six months. Besides, who is it you want to know about again? Tripp?

    3. Anonymous9:04 PM

      Only wokrs as proof if you aren't aware of photoshop

  11. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Banning a man who fathered a child out of wedlock is an interesting new equal-opportunity discrimination.

    1. Anonymous7:59 PM

      About time the men were mentioned. Now, I want the truth about masturbation, because that is still a sin too, isn't it?

  12. Anonymous1:32 PM

    And does this diocese guarantee that its priests are virgins?

    1. Leland6:24 PM

      Um, virgins? Where is THAT required? MANY people lose their virginity BEFORE they decide their life's work. They are only required to not do it ANY MORE!

      That does NOT mean I think it isn't sick or insane!

      A Gryphen posted here a while back, there are over 1500 species known to have homosexual acts, but only Man can think of abstinence. Which is the "unnatural" act?

  13. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Totally and completely O/T. At home and very sick watching Storage Wars NY. "the girls" just bought a locker of hooker shoes--every one of which Sarah WOULD JUST DIE!!!!! to own.

    1. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Maybe they used to belong to Sarah and Brissy. She did once say she shopped the resale store in Wasilla.

  14. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Christianity As State Religion Supported By One-Third Of Americans, Poll Finds

    The new survey finds that 34 percent of adults would favor establishing Christianity as the official state religion in their own state, while 47 percent would oppose doing so. Thirty-two percent said that they would favor a constitutional amendment making Christianity the official religion of the United States, with 52 percent saying they were opposed.

    1. Anonymous7:57 PM

      I want them to reword this survey to include :Catholicism, Lutheranism, LDS, Methodists, Presbyterian, UCC, Brethren, Quaker...I mean, jsut which "Christianianity" do they want? I'm betting against the peace churches.

  15. Anonymous2:53 PM

    So what about the confessional? I thought the confessional was to absolve the sinner? So if one of these teachers went to confession and was absolved of his/her sin then how can they be required to sign some such nonsense document?

  16. Anita Winecooler7:21 PM

    I went to Catholic School in the good old days, when nuns and priests were teachers. The odds of getting corporeal punishment were 100 percent, sexually molested was 50/50.

    Good for the honest ones who refused to sign. But it's fine with the church if one is humanly imperfect and lies to keep their job.

    What's next? Salt peter, Cattle prods and chastity belts?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.