Friday, May 03, 2013

New GOP ad uses footage of grieving mother of slain six year old to attack President and celebrate their ability to block any new legislation coming from the White House or Democrats.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Even as poll after poll shows that obstruction of the Toomey/Manchin background check bill is more poisonous than a dart frog with an attitude, the Republican National Committee has decided to release an ad bragging about it. Political wisdom aside, though, the RNC has crossed a line that should cost them dearly with voters who have any sense of decency. Included in their gloating attack ad was a still frame of President Obama consoling Nicole Hockley, mother of Dylan Hockley, who was six years old when he was murdered at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The shot was taken minutes after the Republicans defeated the bill with a minority of votes. 

On Thursday afternoon’s Martin Bashir show, host Martin Bashir played a portion of the ad, and while this disgrace needed Bashir’s outrage if anything ever did, he was struck nearly speechless. “It’s one thing for republicans to celebrate their obstruction of the President’s efforts to prevent children from being massacred by semiautomatic firearms. that’s par for the course. But to feature a grieving mother, whose 6 -year-old has just been murdered?” 

There really are no words for how despicable this ad is, because they’re not just rubbing President Obama’s face in it, they’re rubbing Nicole’s, and every other Newtown parent who supported the effort that the Republicans sabotaged. This was an attack ad against them. You betcha, Reince Priebus, you sure showed Nicole Hockley! Pop the cork, and drink the delicious tears. You earned them.

It is hard to find new ways to get me to hate the Republic party these days, but congratulations  GOP you did it again!

The footage of grieving mother Nicole Hockley being comforted by the President being used in an ad celebrating his inability to protect future six years olds thanks to the obstructionism of your party is a so despicable it seems that the Republican party has now cast THEMSELVES as the evil super-villians fighting against the causes of good.

And they must have been over the top with glee to have captured that sound bite of the President jokingly suggesting that perhaps he should  "just pack up and go home." THAT it what they have been trying to get him to actually do since the day he was inaugurated.

There are NO LONGER two different political parties working toward the betterment of the country or on behalf of their constituents, albeit  perhaps with different ideologies and concerns. No today we have one President trying to get things accomplished, and his political party supporting him, and a group of individuals who are simply there to make sure that no progress is ever made.

And one of them even admitted that.

In other words the Republican party has now become the party of traitors to their country, and the ONLY way we will ever see any progress is to vote as many of them out in the 2014 election as is humanly possible.


  1. Leland6:24 AM

    I can hardly wait until the election results for 2014 come in. I am hoping it is a MASSIVE slaughter of the Repubes, even though having only one party in complete control of our government is historically NOT the best situation for the country over all.

    In this case, however, since the Repubes want to do nothing except destroy. I will work toward it happening!

  2. Talk about begging the apocalypse.

    I wonder if the eventual unveiling will be as shocking for the radical right wing as it was for the German citizenry when Nazi brutality was revealed to them.

    To wit: Delbert Kuehl of the 82nd Airborne Division wrote, “[After seeing the concentration camp], we were very angry – our general …made all the people of the city march past all the dead.

    The effects of slashing welfare, starving public schools of funds and forcing austerity on the people will make grim viewing for those who voted therefore.

  3. Annihilate them with votes.

  4. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Canada & France are censoring music video portraying a bullied student shot & killed at school while kids use phones to tape it:

  5. In my opinion Toomey's comment is the most important and revealing information coming from a Republican in memory. It defines them.

    1. Anita Winecooler1:42 PM

      Thanks, excellent observation, I couldn't say it better myself!I'm from Pennsylvania, and owe him a debt of gratitude for his vote and his courage.

  6. The RNC's excuse for including the final still frame of President Obama consoling Nicole Hockley was that they used ABC's news footage in its entirety, and that they don't control what ABC does.

  7. The Repubs are despicable.

  8. Sally in MI5:21 AM

    Someone send this is the Idiot from Wasilla. Here is her own party hiding behind victims and using them for pathetic political purposes. As they always do. Maybe she'll attend the Kentucky Derby today in her baggy jeans and tight white tee with the fake boobs, and get in the way of some big Thoroughbred.


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