Sunday, July 21, 2013

Access to the Internet has Mormons questioning their faith in droves. Oh, I like this!

'Wait, what's happening?"
Courtesy of the New York Times:  

Around the world and in the United States, where the faith was founded, the Mormon Church is grappling with a wave of doubt and disillusionment among members who encountered information on the Internet that sabotaged what they were taught about their faith, according to interviews with dozens of Mormons and those who study the church.

“I felt like I had an earthquake under my feet,” said Mr. Mattsson, now an emeritus area authority. “Everything I’d been taught, everything I’d been proud to preach about and witness about just crumbled under my feet. It was such a terrible psychological and nearly physical disturbance.” 

Mr. Mattsson’s decision to go public with his disaffection, in a church whose top leaders commonly deliberate in private, is a sign that the church faces serious challenges not just from outside but also from skeptics inside. 

Greg Prince, a Mormon historian and businessman in Washington who has held local leadership positions in the church, shares Mr. Mattsson’s doubts. “Consider a Catholic cardinal suddenly going to the media and saying about his own church, ‘I don’t buy a lot of this stuff,’ ” Mr. Prince said. “That’s the level we’re talking about here.”

My fervent hope is that this continues to happen throughout ALL religious communities. All hail Google!

Religions can really only survive so long as people do not examine their belief systems too aggressively. Once they recognize and accept that faith cannot stand up to reason it is all over but the crying.

And of course this is why I believe that we have a responsibility to continue to have the conversation. Even though it makes people uncomfortable.

Sadly much of the burden for challenging faith and its impact on our politics, our education, and our understanding of the world around us, falls on the Atheist community.

We are the ones most likely to call bullshit, and accept our lumps for pointing out the inconsistencies and inaccuracies within the Bible and other religious tomes.

We are the ones who desperately want our fellow human beings to recognize how wonderful, and free, the world is without religious constraints or primitive superstitions binding us to archaic traditions and tribal hatreds.

And we are the ones who will continue to be vilified for doing so.

But that's cool, because the potential reward far outweighs the consequences.

Personally I welcome my Mormon brothers and sisters to the new enlightenment. 

Don't be afraid, we don't bite. And our morals are just as good as any religious persons.

Actually, more often than not, even better.


  1. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Gryphen, have you seen this?

    Pope Francis offers reduced time in Purgatory for Catholics that follow him on Twitter -- sounds like someone wants to increase his followers

    1. Anonymous5:55 PM

      Not clear from the Vatican press people whether you actually have to click "follow" or just endure a little purgatory here on earth by reading the pope's twitter feed. Here's the linky:

    2. Sandra2:23 AM

      I'm waiting for them to dig up a biblical reference for this one. I have no doubt they'll find one.

    3. Anonymous3:02 AM

      With this and that pdeo cover up pope being a saint, the real men and women who died for their faith are spinning in their graves. They no longer can sell indulgences, they just give them out like candy. Where in the hell is a modern day Martin Luther?

    4. Anonymous6:31 AM

      old schtick - one step from selling indulgences again.

  2. fromthediagonal5:15 PM

    Gryphen, you are so right:
    ... binding us to archaic traditions and tribal hatreds... and that is the crux of the matter.

  3. Anonymous5:18 PM

    I want to thank Mitt for opening my eyes.......I'm not Mormon,but his candidacy made me pursue a better understanding of his faith.....bottom line....any brain that malfunctioning does not get my vote....

    1. Anonymous3:08 AM

      This is one thing that scared the shit out of the LDS top tier, that more people would investigate their "faith" and find out it was a sham.

  4. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I was raised Mormon. It's pretty interesting to learn about the actual history of the church, as opposed to what the church says about itself. Mormonism's big problem was that it was founded recently enough that its true history remains easy to find. If you have any interest in the weirdness of Mormonism "No Man Knows my History," by Fawn Brodie is the best place to start.

    1. Anonymous6:31 PM

      "Under The Banner of Heaven" by John Krackhauer. A must read if you want to understand the Mormon Faith.

    2. Anonymous3:09 AM

      No Man Knows My History by Faith Brody is all you have to read, if you had when younger you would never have stayed in the LDS faith as long as you did. It lays out all the stuff the LDS has hidden away about Joe and Brigham.
      Another one is One Nation Under Gods, predicts Romney's run but gave no outcome. Excellent reference.

    3. Anonymous3:12 AM

      South Park creators' Broadway musical
      The Book of Mormon is the best way to learn about Mormonism and religion in general.
      You will laugh til your face hurts.

    4. Anonymous9:31 AM

      Southpark gets it all right.

    5. Anonymous11:13 AM

      "Under the Banner of Heaven" is also a must read. If more people actually read up on the bizarre nature of Mormonism, I doubt whe'd have any more presidential runs by one. It's simply too ridiculous to be believed.

  5. Anonymous5:44 PM

    But...but...they promised me my own planet!

    The B.

    1. Anonymous5:57 PM

      You only get your own planet if you are male. Females can only 'piggyback' on the male god.

      Archie Butt

  6. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Control of women is the basis of the Mormon religion. Mormon men aren't going to give up all that power.

    Anyone with half a brain would question the convenient construction of the book of Mormon by a guy with a yen for a lot of wives. They don't need the internet, a few psychology books would do the trick.

    But the men in the religion know a good deal when they see one. They don't "buy" the mumbo-jumbo, they "buy" the sweet deal they get from being born to a "priesthood" and the power it gives them.

    1. Anonymous6:39 PM

      That isn't necessarily true. I doubt males go into the religion because they can be a god. Most are born into it. Others are looking for a way to bring meaning to their lives and it resonates with them. I am not Mormon, but I know quite a few Mormon men who are really excellent human beings in all ways. I also know some who are real dirtbags. I'm sure the numbers are pretty similar to what you would find in any random group of men. I suspect that the ones born into are the ones who whole-heartedly believe all aspects of the religion. After all, they have never known anything different.

    2. Sally in MI7:03 PM

      I think the only way to BE Mormon is to be born into it, isn't it? Or do they recruit but you can't reach the higher orders if not a cradle Mormon?

    3. Anonymous7:23 PM

      please note 5:46 did not mention guys getting to be "gods". 5:46 is talking about the power here on earth to control women.

      Yes, there are good and "dirt bags" in all religions. And like many religions, Mormonism offers males avenues to power. The point is, that given that power, many men choose to enjoy the exercise of that power rather than evaluate a religion that subjugates women.

      In Mormonism, male members of the Church may begin their priesthood service when they reach the age of 12. That is a really good deal for a young male. It's a great incentive for ignoring the mumbo-jumbo

    4. Anonymous7:27 PM

      Mormons do believe that they will become Gods on their own planet.

    5. Anonymous7:58 PM

      Mormonism 101: FAQ says nix on the planet deal:

      Do Latter-day Saints believe that they will “get their own planet”?
      No. This idea is not taught in Latter-day Saint scripture, nor is it a doctrine of the Church. This misunderstanding stems from speculative comments unreflective of scriptural doctrine. Mormons believe that we are all sons and daughters of God and that all of us have the potential to grow during and after this life to become like our Heavenly Father....

    6. Cracklin Charlie6:42 AM

      They recruit all over the earth, Sally. The RLDS Church has for years recruited heavily in the islands of American Samoa, and the islands of the South Pacific. As a result, there is a very large population of American Samoans in my area, who followed the missionaries back, after their missions were over.

      The current crop of missionaries in training are all over my city this summer.

    7. Anonymous6:44 AM

      anyone who accepts that they have legitimate "power" just BECAUSE of the biological luck of the chromosone lottery is a dirtbag. Belonging to a religion that believes that power like that is legitimate is being complicit in dirtbuggery. Mormon, Catholic or Muslim.

  7. Beldar J Conehead5:58 PM

    Gryphen, perhaps you're being a bit harsh and extreme. Surely, even you can admit the reality about religion lies somewhere on the continuum between hokum and bunk.

  8. Anonymous6:12 PM

    Convinient Devine In Intervention (CDI)not (LDS)

  9. Anonymous6:22 PM


  10. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I haven't been active in the LDS Church for a long, long time. After giving the Church 20 years of my adult life, I found my world turned upside down. I know exactly how Mattsson feels, because being Mormon is more than a religion--it's your core identity. It colors every facet of your life.

    My ex-husband sexually and emotionally abused our entire family, including death threats. When he was finally confronted, he was quietly excommunicated. We, the victims, were forbidden to tell anyone what had happened to us, especially outside the Church. The secrecy was so intense that there were several members who thought *I* was the one kicked out of the Church as my ex continued to attend as though nothing were wrong.

    I told the ex if he didn't turn himself into the police, I would. He didn't, and I went to the police. Again, lots of grief from the Stake President towards me. What I didn't know at the time was that they were already dealing with a far more horrific case of abuse within our same geographical area--this time involving the family of Church leaders:

    Because I knew many of the principals involved, I was called to give a deposition to show a pattern of deceit on their part.

    The damage done to my own family lingers to this day, almost 20 years later. Some of my family have left the Church, while others remain members. I don't know if the rift will ever be healed.

    1. Anonymous7:37 PM

      I'm so sorry. You are incredibly strong.

    2. Anonymous8:56 PM

      A dear friend of mine was a member for many long years, raising 5 children in the Mormon church. She had a large group of friends and family within the circle but one day began having some 'thoughts' about religion in general and experienced some doubts. She quietly drifted away and was astounded by the speed and totality of her banishment by those she had thought of as her 'forever friends'. None of her children remained in the church after they witnessed the treatment she received and from what I can see none gravitated toward another organized religion. One of her sons married my daughter and I credit his goodness to his mother, not the Mormon upbringing. He told me privately that Mitt Romney erased any guilt he might ever have had at leaving the church. Many I believe don't realize what really goes on with the wealthy powerful ones in control like Mitt but his latest prez campaign opened a lot of eyes and ears.

    3. Anonymous12:02 AM

      It's a "religious" Ponzi scheme.

    4. Anonymous3:13 AM

      What they do to their own is bad, but what they can get away with hurting outsiders is astonishing. I;ve seen whole families forced to leave towns they moved into because they were in competition with the established LDS business. Children abused in school by a pack of LDS kids (my daughter and other non LDS kids). It is horrifying what goes on in Utah.

    5. Anonymous6:48 AM

      And it shouldn't be. People who support a religion that abuses family member are not people you need in your life. Best day of my life was confronting my asswipe relatives en masse about the RCC faith - including the abusive priest who was a cousin. NEVER looked back and couldn't be happier. Told one who tried to contact my kids on facebook that the kids knew the whole story and would tell their kids/grandkids. They stopped trying to contact.

  11. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Good! I hope the whole shebang collapses! I'd like to go to Salt Lake City but I won't while there are so many Mormons there. It's a shame! It seems like a nice place!

    1. Anonymous8:57 PM

      My son went there a couple of years ago. Air quality often sucks because of its setting in a bowl. Kinda like Mexico City. But, if you don't mind that, he said it was truly beautiful.

    2. Anonymous9:20 PM

      That's absolutely silly. Do you think they are lurking on street corners waiting to convert or shun you? There are many people living happily there who are not Mormon. My mother grew up there in her Greek family. We have been back many times. There are other religions and yes atheists as well.

    3. Anonymous6:49 AM

      And do any non-Mormons get elected?

    4. hedgewytch7:07 AM

      If you aren't a Mormon in Utah, especially in the SLC area, you can pretty much expect to be treated as a 2nd class citizen. My F-i-L lived and worked for a large Corporation for a number of years in SLC. The Corp. was owned by the LDS church. His love of going fishing on a Sunday was definitely disapproved of. He was not promoted in the Corp, even through his products were popular and selling. While those in the LDS church beneath him were promoted. They basically hired him to get a specific product from him and once they got what they wanted, they made it very difficult for him so he would quit after a few years.

      Try walking around the some of the areas in SLC not looking like a member. See how long you can stand and look, take photos, before someone comes out and asks you what you are doing and to leave.

  12. Sally in MI6:52 PM

    When Mitt was running to be Supreme Leader of America, I noticed a ton of web ads featuring people (a lot of them black) with the "I am Mormon" theme. They have all disappeared. Thank goodness. I think Mitt opened up a lot of eyes, and thank goodness for that. We women have enough to deal with the ALEC laws and the fundies and all the old white men terrified to be losing their hold on this government. We didn't need to be fighting a whole other religion as well.

    1. Anonymous3:15 AM

      That was the LDS church getting involved in an election. They were trying to counter act the fact that people outside their church were investigating all the crazy shit they believe.

    2. Anonymous5:33 AM

      The Mormon church was paying them to make those ads. They were trying to get Romney elected.

  13. Chenagrrl6:56 PM

    The special underwear thing is the first clue.

    1. Anonymous7:30 PM

      losing the "golden plates" Smith supposedly translated is another tip off

    2. Anonymous12:00 AM

      Don't forget the Angel Moroni, or the prophecy that Christ once visited North America, and will return in a cornfield in Missouri.

    3. Cracklin Charlie6:32 AM

      That's not quite correct, 12:00am. The angels are going to return to a lovely hillside in Jackson County, Missouri.

      I am sitting at my desk right now, which is about 6 blocks from the Mormon Zion. There is no cornfield there, just a huge auditorium (houses one of the largest pipe organs in the world), RLDS administrative offices, an RLDS Temple, visitor's center, a lovely church, an RV park, and a big fenced-in field.

      The fenced-in area seems a little strange to me, as it is seriously fenced all the way around (approx. 5 acres, and I have never seen anyone inside the fence, except a groundskeeper who mows that area. The church hires a local lawn service to maintain most all of the property, except the area inside that fence. That area is mowed twice a week, by the church's own maintenance team. I have always wondered if maybe it is considered sacred ground.

  14. Anonymous6:58 PM

    It seems, IMO, that that Mormons (some anyway) have been given the opportunity to seriously consider the facts (and truth) about Mormonism. This would not have occurred had not Mitt 'n Ann made it so; it was after all 'our turn' (h/t Ann Romney).


  15. Anonymous7:45 PM


    Ever hear of the exmormon phorum?

    Today's find there is "Mormon attempt at solution to the google epidemic",962718,962718#msg-962718

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      "If you gave up using the search engine on a long time ago, it’s time to try it again.

      The Church has revamped the search function and features to include Google’s powerful search technology, harnessing its signature ability to find relevant information."


      "Official, Safe Content

      The new search provides a more safe and Church-specific search experience than Google, said Brother Ward. When you search from Google’s website, the results you get back may or may not be official content, he explained. Some results might be links to members’ personal blogs or even anti-Church sites.

      The search, however, only returns links to official Church-approved content that is currently available on and other Church websites. And even though Google’s technology is used, no user information is provided back to Google. “It provides a safe, private, shock-free environment to search for approved gospel resources,” said Brother Ward.

      In other words, parents won’t need to worry that they or their children might stumble onto inappropriate content listed in other search engine results.

      Plus, search understands word usage unique to the Church, said David Crockett, project manager for search. “It recognizes that the word friend is also a magazine, and Monson is referring to the prophet, President Thomas S. Monson,” he said. That’s something Google and other search engines can’t do as well.

      “The new search really combines the best of both worlds,” said Brother Ward."

      Warning: Link below takes you to the official MORmON cult website.

      Eat Chit Mitt and Angry Ann!

    2. Anonymous6:53 AM

      appropriate content = lies and bullshit

      So teh Moron Mormons are into censorship, just like Indiana's ex gov and new illegitimate Purdue University President Mitchie (Shortman) Daniels

  16. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I think you may have missed the bottom line. Not quite the grand ending the story deserves:

    "The Mattssons have tried other churches, but they are still attached to their Mormon faith."

    1. Anonymous2:03 AM

      it's very hard to switch churches and leave the faith you were raised in.

      I am an excommunicated catholic. I was excommunicated when I was a young teenager, based on the rumor I was gay (I had no comed out as bisexual yet)

      even tho I was cast out and the church I was raised in had turned their back on me, AND even tho from a young age I had doubted what was taught to me as truth, it took me a couple of years to truly come to terms with, if you get the reference, that the cake is a lie.

      they'll come around. they always do.


    2. Anonymous3:16 AM

      It is hard to let go what has sustained you throughout your life. A guy my husband flew with several yeas ago said even if he found out it was all bunk, he'd still stay in it. Why? He felt secure in his ignorance and his whole life revolved around it.

    3. Anonymous6:54 AM

      Social reasons. Finding new friends as an adult is difficult.

  17. Anonymous8:02 PM

    I live in western NY and this past week was the Hill Cumorah Pageant, a play performed by 700 actors on the site where Joseph Smith supposedly discovered the golden plates that became the Book of Mormon. Most people associate Utah with the LDS church but it was actually founded right here in NY state (which I didn't know until I moved to Rochester!).

    The lavish production - 1,300 costumes, 10-level stage, soundtrack recorded by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir - depicts the early history of the Mormon Church. It's quite the big deal in this part of the state and I'm sure brings in a ton of money to Palmyra, a small town just outside of Rochester.

    I've never been to the pageant, but the commercials ran on tv constantly for the past couple of weeks, and the pageant is said to attract some 35,000 spectators over the 7 day run.

    1. Anonymous3:26 AM

      yep = let me take you back to biblical times, 1823. Joeph Smith was living on a farm in Oppstate NY. You mean the prophet Joseph Smith? Yep = that young man talked to god. And god said "Joe, people really oughta know that the bible isn't two parts. There's a part three to the bible Joe and I, god, have anointed you to dig up the part three that is buried on a hill by a tree in your back yard. You mean the bible is a trilogy and the nook of mormon is Return of the Jedi? I'm interested~

      Wow ! God said to go digging in your back yard. That makes perfect sense.
      Joseph dug where he was told , and deep in the ground Joseph found , shiny plates of gold. "What are these golden plates, who buried them here and why?"
      Then appeared an angel. His name was MoronI.

      from "God's favorite prophet" in the Book of Mormon.

  18. Grrrr !8:43 PM

    People have been de-bunking the LDS church since not long after Joseph Smith "founded" the "religion" in the early 1820s.

    One early example, a book called Mormonism Unvailed [sic], was published in 1834 and contains statements from various experts, theologians and even people who knew Smith personally.

    Among the latter group is one Joseph Capron who met "the prophet" in 1827, and whose statement describes how Smith was:

    " one time addicted to vice and the grossest immoralities -- at another time making the highest pretensions to piety and holy intercourse with Almighty God.

    "The family of Smiths held Joseph Jr. in high estimation on account of some supernatural power, which he was supposed to possess. This power he pretended to have received through the medium of a stone of peculiar quality.

    "The stone was placed in a hat, in such a manner as to exclude all light, except that which emanated from the stone itself. This light of the stone, he pretended, enabled him to see any thing he wished.

    "Accordingly he discovered ghosts, infernal spirits, mountains of gold and silver, and many other invaluable treasures deposited in the earth ..."

    FINALLY, it looks like the truth is starting to sink in !

    And it only took about 190 years ...

    1. Anonymous3:18 AM

      He was blasted on hat fumes, there's a reason they call the Mad Hatter by his name. Those fumes make you nuts.

    2. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Crystal gazing, channelling, he had nothing on Madame Blavatsky. The Mormon church hates all things new age, but the irony is that's where they spring from.

  19. lwtjb1:48 AM

    It isn't only the LDS church that is facing defections among younger people. Other fundamentalist graduates are really starting to think away from their upbringing and finding it wanting. They are seeing the real world now for themselves and changing their minds. Whether how soon or how often this happens, I don't know but it's out there. Once you see the real world it has to be hard to go back to fantasy.

  20. Anonymous4:41 AM

    I'm amazed to think that 21st century Mormons do not know that Joseph Smith was a polygamist! We have a friend who is a lapsed Mormon and even he knew it. In fact, he defended Mormon polygamy by saying that the men married women who were widows or along in order to protect them out there on the prairie. Hmmm. Wonder why so many of them were so very young and then went on to have so many children. . . . Our friend had no explanation for that. What a bunch of malarkey.

    On a different but not totally dissimilar note, I read yesterday that in 1870 when the Catholic Church proclaimed papal infallibility, there had been a lot of dispute over the claim among the hierarchy and, just as the new belief was being announced from the Vatican balcony, a fierce storm began and drowned out the voice of the proclamation. Maybe God was objecting too!

    1. Anonymous9:30 AM

      The widows excuse is what Mormons are taught to say. It was not, in fact, true. The first few hundred women JS married were married to other men and he only "married" them for a short term to have sex.

    2. mexmer,

      Just for accuracy's sake (and NOT to be a smart-ass) the total was 34 and the youngest was 14.

      But yes, many were married to other Mormons when Smith announced that God had told him to take these other men's wives as his own and the morons -- sorry -- Mormons let it happen.

      As the Pope might say, "Das some sick shit !"

      Check out "The Wives of Joseph Smith" for the sickening details:

  21. Randall5:31 AM

    All it should take for any thinking person to abandon Mormonism would be to read The Book of Mormon (and the Doctrine and Covenants) because the whole concept flat-out absurd.

    Of course, the same could (and should) be said of 'The Bible'*. But then, most Christians haven't read that, either.

    * by 'The Bible' I mean:
    King James
    New Revised Standard Version
    English Standard Version
    New International Version
    Lexam English Version
    on and on and on...

  22. Jeanabella7:20 AM

    every Monday morning Mom would go to mass at her church & it is especially for St. Jude. She is 94 & I drive her where she wants to go so I drive her & stay with her through the mass. Two of my 3 sons were molested at a young age by priests. We didn't know for years. Now I was brought up with church & still love some of the faith I learned but I almost yelled out this morning when the priest preached his hate message against same sex! It's so disturbing to realize the catholics are mesmorized by the false preaching. I had all I could do to stay in my seat. Mom knows how I feel, & she tells me to ignore that speech. How can I ignore it? I understand her & know she is not hateful toward anyone but she's so vested in the church, she won't let herself question the hierarchy as I do. It's difficult to be an activist who doesn't want to hurt her Mom.
    This blog is one I go to daily & appreciate the honesty Gryphen offers.

    1. Anonymous12:22 PM

      You respect your mom but you are not the same person.

      Be active- just no need to tell mom, is there?

      She is entitled to her beliefs and you are entitled to yours.

  23. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Religious Progressives Predicted To Outnumber Conservatives, Survey Finds

    A new study has found that while the number of religious conservatives is still greater than that of progressives, the religious left may have a better chance of maintaining its foothold with Americans over time.

    "If you’re using a generational snapshot today as a proxy for the future, it is is safe to say that religious progressives hold a stronger appeal among Millennials," said Robert Jones, CEO of Public Religion Research Institute, which surveyed 2,000 adults in partnership with the Brookings Institute.

    While the Christian right makes up 28 percent of the population and garners more cultural attention -- Jones found that there are 27,000 global monthly Google searches for “Christian Right" compared with just over 8,000 searches for “Christian left" -- religious progressives are only 9 percentage points behind, with 19 percent of the population.

    With each generation, the popularity of religious conservatism has declined. Forty-seven percent of the Silent Generation (ages 66 to 88) are religious conservatives, compared with 34 percent of Baby Boomers, 23 percent of Gen Xers and 17 percent of Millennials.

    "What we see is not a one-to-one replacement of religious conservatives with religious progressives," Jones explained. Instead, the ranks of religious conservatives over time are declining, while religious progressives maintain their share of the population. "But there's also this growing number of non-religious Americans." If the trends continue, religious progressives eventually will outnumber religious conservatives.

  24. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I was born into a Mormon family, and the first 25 years of my life believed it was 100% the only true religion.

    When my company bought computers for us all, and I began to google "Mormon" after hours, I was in for QUITE A SHOCK as I found out the sanitized, white-washed version of Mormon history I was taught by the church.

    I sent in my resignation letter to Salt Lake, but was still pestered by the missionaries afterward to return to "my" ward. Sorry, boys No means No.


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