Monday, July 22, 2013

Actually I think this might be an insult to the Hindenburg.

Let's be honest this is giving a little too much credit to any potential Sarah Palin Senate run. In real life her trial balloon would quit halfway through and then plummet to the earth before starring in a reality show that demonstrated what a crappy balloon it was in the first place.


  1. Leland2:21 AM

    In reality, the helium in her balloon would fail to rise!

  2. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Ohhh! It's burst into flame...It's fire...It's crashing...It's crashing...Terrible...Oh my, get out of the way please...It's burning and bursting into flames...It's terrible...This is the worst catastrophe...It's a terrific crash ladies and gentlemen...Oh the smoke and the flames...Oh, the humanity...

  3. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Just a prick tease for cash, nothing more. Some "Christian," no?

    1. Anonymous8:43 AM

      Yes, but the more money her bots send her, the less they can send to a viable candidate.

  4. Anonymous4:51 AM

    One of her Facebook worshippers a few days ago declared: "Sarah, we need you back in the Senate."

    Her bots' grasp on reality seems tenuous, at best. Perhaps they should go read the Constitution, to start with.

  5. Cracklin Charlie6:08 AM

    That cartoon is by Lee Judge, the cartoonist for my local paper. He's pretty great, and the tea party types HATE! him. There's a letter to the editor practically every day, demanding that his cartoons be removed from the Kansas City Star. This cartoon just ran last week, and so far, there have been no letters from Palinbots to express their poutrage.

    I think this one is pretty good. He seems to recognize the potential for disaster that would accompany a Palin run for Senate.

    Oh, the humanity!!!

  6. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Send up a trial balloon?

    More balloons? The Belmonts didn't do the trick?

    1. deebee7:04 AM

      Her PAC has hired Madonna's designer for tips on Belmonts' remodel.

    2. Anonymous7:18 AM

      LOL 6:13

  7. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn6:59 AM

    Normally I'd say "Oh, the humanity!", but let's face it--this broad ain't human...

  8. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Sarah is running out of tricks to deceive her fans into contributing to her PAC. They really thought that she would run for president in 2012, and they still think that she is going to run in 2016. This is just another tease, and it's amazing how often they fall for her tricks.

  9. Excellent metaphor for Palin.

    A gasbag filled with a lighter than air substance, which crashes and burns when the going gets tough.

  10. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Say, when is the balloon-boobed buffoon's FEC filing hitting the street? I've seen reports of others so hers must be due.

    Can you say PO$TAGE! LOL

  11. Anonymous10:03 AM

    She is Ballon-Boy family all over - and her antics are kit as contrived and desperate.

  12. Note to Palin worshipers: Don't you dumbasses get it? She will NEVER run for a political office again. She is just going to string you fools along like the mindless sheep that you are. When her PAC starts running low on botox funds, she will hint that "maybe" she'll run for something..anything to get you to wet your pants and send her more cash.
    And,I really would like to know how many of you bots actually receive any kind of fliers from SarahPac since she spends so much on "postage". I bet you clowns are really stupid enough to believe that too.

    1. Anonymous10:32 AM

      You'll eat your words when Sarah Palin becomes Senator Sarah Palin.

    2. jcinco11:18 AM

      lol, not happening...if she throws her hat in any race she'll be vetted this time around, she can't take that go take of your kids bristle.

    3. Anonymous5:21 PM

      I want to hear her spell "senator" first!

  13. Anonymous10:28 AM

    I juat seen the news on tv about a Royal Baby Watch, how come Princess Bristol didn't receive the same excitement when she was in labor? Why was Queen Sarah embarrassed?

    1. Anonymous10:46 AM

      I guess Queen Sarah was embarrassed that Princess Bristol was underage, unmarried and still in high school?

    2. Anonymous10:56 AM

      Where is Prince Trig? There are no pictures of the DS prince enjoying the Royal fishing trips or any Royal trips?

    3. Anonymous11:06 AM

      Queen Sarah was more excited about high school dropout Princess Willow getting her GED and entering hair school.

  14. Anonymous11:31 AM

    The Royal Baby is a BOY!

  15. Anonymous12:48 PM

    "Sorry Sarah Sez" hasn't been on Faux in quite a while. I wonder why.

    1. deebee1:15 PM

      Top secret leaks........both of them.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.