Monday, July 22, 2013

It's a boy!

Prince William and Kate have just had a boy.

Here is the announcement: 

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 4.24pm. 

The baby weighs 8lbs 6oz. 

The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth. 

The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news. 

Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well and will remain in hospital overnight. 

I am not much of a royal watcher myself but I know that this will top the news for the rest of the day.

I send them my warm thoughts and best wishes.

After all I am a big fan of babies myself you know.


  1. Pat in MA11:57 AM

    Have to admit I was watching this story...all the obsession seems silly, but the world just needs a silly distraction now and then. Glad to know mom and the new prince are doing well, best wishes to the family.

  2. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Wtf is up with Britain PAYING for these folks to travel around the world in the lap of luxury. ..

    And THEN they pay for their government?

    Sheesus christ.
    I'm with Morrissey in this one.

    Who cares? ?

    Did you hear the queen say she didn't care what the baby was as long as it came before her " holiday"??

    Holiday from what you old Queen??

    Who also recently gave HERSELF a RAISE!


    NICE knowing you, England.

    1. Anonymous1:03 PM

      What are you complaining about? The same thing happens in the United States.. Have you heard about SarahPac? People sending money to a political PAC and a certain woman from Alaska who is not a politician takes her family and relatives to the lower 48 for vacations and then she she gets to travel around and nobody really knows where the money is going to.

      To use your words,

      WTF is up with SarahPac PAYING for Sarah Palin to travel around the world in the lap of luxury?

    2. Thanks for the reminder. It's time to get a new wrap for the bus and hit the road in the lower 48 to get the PAC cash balance back up to a respectable level. Grifting ain't as easy as some people make it out to be, but it sure beats having to work in a *job* every day. You betcha.

    3. Anonymous3:54 PM

      Several hundred years ago the royal family signed over their lands and holdings worth a fortune then and much more now. In return, the Queen and her family receive money from the government to support the royal family and the upkeep of the homes associated with them. All the immediate members work hard to promote Britain and they contribute much to the economy especially through tourism. The present queen, her husband, two of her sons and both William and Harry were or are in the military. That is more than I can say fro some politicians who promote war.

  3. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Will Sarah Palin drive over to the UK to finally get her photo op with someone from the Royal family?

    1. Anonymous1:08 PM

      Maybe Sarah will bring a plate of cookies.

    2. Anonymous1:25 PM

      Maybe Sarah will bring moose stew, but she has to call around to see if anybody has moose in their freezer?

    3. Anonymous1:58 PM

      Maybe Sarah could send a few leftover baby gifts given to Brisket and Track from Palinbots that the family was unable to return to stores for cash (or sell on eBay).

  4. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I personally do find this type of news gives me a feeling of unified global happiness, which is very rare these days. So with that, we have an excuse to have a cigar and a liquid cheer in congratulations the joyous couple.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      I'll think we'll just give a toast to the new family at dinner this evening. I think it's great news; the healthy arrival of a new baby is always good news.

    2. Anonymous6:35 PM

      Nice comment, cheers to the new baby. I find it cheerful with all that is going on around us. Congrats to the new parents. Diana started a new way with raising her royal babies and I hope that Kate and William will take that level to a new high. Maybe they will actually name this little boy without some god aweful british name. :-)

  5. Anonymous1:09 PM

    Although the "Great Kate Wait" was bordering insanity levels (at least for me), I'm happy for them. Anyone who's given birth remembers, especially that first time when you have no clue what you're in for....

  6. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I do hope that William and Kate will take a hint from the Palins when deciding what to name their child:

    Since William likes to play polo, maybe they should choose "Ralph," who's made the Polo brand so popular worldwide. Or maybe he should be Prince Chukka, using a polo term for period.

    The Royal Family loves horse racing. Perhaps the tyke should be called
    Prince Waddaboy.

    Or ????

    1. Anonymous1:51 PM

      Onslow? Nigel? Simon? Basil? Humphrey? Percy? Bubba?

    2. Anonymous1:55 PM

      Just don't name him with initials that spells a farm animal like

      P.I.G. Palin

  7. Anonymous1:21 PM

    How come Kate took a long time to give birth? Kate took 9 months while the Heaths and Palins take 8 months?

    1. Anonymous2:29 PM

      Actually, when Sarah claimed to have given birth to Trig, she had the shortest, easiest pregnancy of all. As soon as McCain was chosen at the Republican nominee, she announced that she was pregnant, and 6 weeks later, while retaining her slim figure, she claimed to have given birth to a premature 6 pound baby. Sarah's parents posed with the so-called premmie who was fat and pink hours after being "born." Compared to the photos of Sarah during other pregnancies, that one was a miracle!

    2. Anonymous3:45 PM

      interesting, also too, how Kate had the nerve to look postpartum after giving birth. Guess she shoulda asked Sister Scarah for tips on how to maintain rock hard abs.

  8. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Bristol Palin is bristling at some comments made by Joan Rivers-- how long ago was that stupid show, anyway? First of all Joan was referring to how someone in Bristol's situation (unmarried teen mother) would have been viewed back in the day when Joan was a teenager. Joan's job is to make jokes, not astute political and social observations. Joan makes jokes, and she has joked about anyone in the public eye, including Queen Elizabeth. (Joan wants to know what the Queen carries in her handbag. What does a Queen need with a handbag?) If you don't like Joan's biting sense of humor, don't go on a reality TV show with her and her daughter-- unless all that you want is the money, and you love to play the victim.

    Why am I writing about Bristol on a thread about the new British Baby? Because Bristol bristles at Tripp being called "illegitimate." Well, he is. He was born outside of wedlock. Melissa's son was born to a married couple. Melissa's son does not become illegitimate when Melissa divorced, as some of Bristol's fans wrote. The whole point of being legitimate is to determine inheritance. In the case of this thread, heir to the throne.

    Bristol should not go on reality TV shows if she cannot handle the comments and criticism. She chose to go on a show with a woman whose profession is making jokes about anyone and everyone. Now, Bristol is the poor, sob, victim, and so is her child. It's time for Bristol to grow up and face the reality of what it means to have a child as an unwed teen. There are problems that go with that situation. And, a ghost written book, some speeches and appearing on TV reality shows don't make Tripp's life any better. Maybe Bristol should practice some of that Christian forgiveness and love that she preaches on her Christian website.

    Bristol should take a lesson from the British Royal Family. Diana loved being in the media, and then-- she hated the media and wanted her privacy. When you are a Princess to the Heir to the Throne, you have chosen a public life. When Bristol chose to go on a reality show, she chose to make her private life public and put it on display. Kate has shown that she can handle the attention with grace. It's time for Bristol to grow up and accept the fact that choosing to be on a TV show means that people will criticize you. Sorry, honey, that's call The Price of Fame. You wanted the money. Well, it comes with some strings attached. If you don't want to be criticized, stop putting yourself on display. And, stop writing those cry-baby blogs.

    1. Anonymous1:40 PM

      Because Bristol bristles at Tripp being called "illegitimate." 

      Bristol should be thrilled that Tripp is called illegitimate. In my neighborhood Tripp would be called a bastard child.

      1. bastard child. A child born to unmarried parents.

    2. Anonymous1:44 PM

      Speaking of Bristol and her reality shows, Bristol treats Tripp like a chained chimpanzee trained to hold out his hands for quarters.

    3. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Bristol should take a lesson from the British Royal Family. Diana loved being in the media, and then-- she hated the media and wanted her privacy.

      Remember what happened to Diana when she wanted her privacy? They had to cut her out of a car!

    4. Anonymous2:05 PM

      ANOTHER post bitching about Joan Rivers,now that the check has cleared? Is she doing installments?

    5. Anonymous2:12 PM

      Poor Bristol.

      Her youthful ignorance had followed her into young adulthood. Nothing has changed except that she is older now and has physical scars from trying to *fix* herself. Given that she is lacking in both self-discipline and the work ethic to pursue a formal education, she will remain in the comfort zone of her ignorance the rest of her life.

    6. Anonymous2:13 PM

      Life's A Bastard

    7. Anonymous2:35 PM

      Who you consider Track a bastard embryo for about a month?

    8. Anonymous2:43 PM

      Treating one’s child like a circus animal is an eventual disaster. Children are like sponges and good parents understand their children are people with abundant abilities awaiting a parent’s guiding hand. Bristol Palin seems a half-formed adult and was obviously parented by people who didn’t have time to guide her toward a skilled and fulfilling adulthood. I find it hard to see how Sarah and Todd can go on about how "all life is special" when they clearly made so little time for their children. Bristol’s life narrative will always be about this time in her life and being a child attempting to parent a child. This is sad for her, for her son and for the community he eventually will inhabit.

      The Rivers are showing the loving way to "raise up" a child. Melissa’a son will reach his potential and will understand the value and satisfaction of working hard and reaching goals.He will know he is very loved and his family honored life enough to make time for him and make sure he reaches his potential.

    9. Anonymous3:24 PM

      Anonymous@1:40 PM
      I could never understand why an innocent child would have to carry the burden of being labelled as illegitimate or a bastard because of the irresponsible actions of his/her parents.

      I hope your neighborhood would reconsider using this hurtful and derogatory term to describe a child conceived outside of marriage.

    10. Anonymous3:45 PM

      @3:24 PM would you be happier if Tripp was called a nonmarital child?

    11. Anonymous4:46 PM

      Why is there a need to label any child in regard to the marital status of his birth parents?

  9. Anonymous1:34 PM

    The baby weighed 2 pounds ... and the silver spoon in is his mouth weighed 6 pounds- 6 ounces.

    1. Anonymous6:28 PM

      OK! NOW THAT IS FUNNY!!!!!!!

  10. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Watching the live coverage via ITV. The new parents delayed releasing the news for a few hours so they could have some private time with the wonder that comes along with their new boy. Will is staying the night with Kate & the baby.

    The London Eye is lit with the colors of the Union Jack, and everyone's hitting the pub in Buckleberry, Kate's home town.

    And no, Kate wasn't "too posh to push." She didn't have a C-section, and the family will probably leave the hospital tomorrow morning. No Royal Nurse for a while either--they'll be doing the feedings and changing the nappies themselves, maybe with some help from Kate's mom.

  11. I think they're going to go with James.

    The second son, if there is one, will be George or Edward.

    Middle names will contain Phillip and Charles.

    If their second child is a daughter, I'm thinking Mary or Diana.

    Middle names will include Elizabeth and either Mary or Diana. Plus maybe Victoria or Margaret.

    Royals are very into family names and I'm sure they'll be including the grandparents and great grandparents in the names. They all seem to have four.

  12. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Speaking of the celebration in the UK, what about the celebration in Wasilla that Sarah Palin talked about? We are still waiting for Track's royal wedding in Alaska. Did we miss it?

    1. Anonymous3:41 PM

      Come and gone in the blink of an eye. Actually, all that we ever saw was a family photo, then the photo of the baby shower presents. There are no wedding photos because......

    2. Anonymous3:52 PM

      Can't you just leave the thread to what it speaks about? So so sick of Sarah Palin. really? Who gives a fuck? You know, I come here to read what I want to read, when I see posts about Sarah Palin I read them but quickly bleach my brain of what I've read, I don't even look into the comments because it's almost too much to even comprehend let alone reading more comments about her. She's a buffoon but can't there just be one thread that commenters can stick to the subject talked about? Seriously!

    3. Anonymous3:56 PM

      After Sarah gives Track his big wedding, she can then

      Give Track a baby shower
      Then give Track a Sorry Britta Divorced You party.

      Sarah better catch up to her parties for Track.

    4. Anonymous4:23 PM

      Don't count your chickens before they hatch.Sarah was ssupposed to give Track a big wedding in Alaska, Sarah was supposed to run for 2012 president, Sarah was supposed to work for the benefit of Alaska without her governor's title, Sarah created her SarahPac to give money to Republican candidates but the only ones getting money are her consultants except for some little money to a few candidates and now Sarah is supposed to run for Alaska Senator. See the pattern here? Don't count on Sarah Palin's words.

  13. Anonymous3:45 PM

    You can't be human without having great Joy for this couple. :-) It brings smiles to everyone's hearts. My son was born the same weight as this little guy. My son was also born the same year as William, just a couple weeks apart. I have english background and love watching the royal family. Was extremely sad when Princess Diana died. I still have ill feelings today with Charles. I hope he does the right thing and passes his heir to the thrown onto his son William. I don't believe he deserves to be the next King. His son William deserves to step in after the queen passes.

    1. Anon@3.45p - The Royal Act of Settlement of 1701 determines the exact succession of the British crown. Elizabeth cannot change it, despite what you may read in the Globe, which seems to have it in headlines every week about Elizabeth "giving the throne to William and bypassing Charles".

      Sorry, she can't do that with out Parliament and the heads of the Commonwealth countries okaying it. And that simply will not happen. Elizabeth is also NOT going to abdicate. She took the throne in 1951 and considers it her obligation.

      Charles isn't all that bad, anyway. He's a smart fellow - maybe a little daff about pure food or what not - and has done an admirable job raising those two boys to be the productive members of society. He'll make a fine king.

    2. Anonymous6:20 PM

      hey phoebes! why be such an ass? Did I say in anyway in my comments that the queen would do what you are saying? What I was saying has nothing to do with the queen. Get a fucking grip you ass!

    3. Anonymous9:13 AM

      Charles wanted to be Camillas tampon so he
      Could always be IN HER! !

      UH, yeah,

      That's normal!

  14. Anonymous4:34 PM

    William and Harry seem to be some of the most well-rounded and down to earth royals in many years.

    I am sure that is due in great part to the way they were raised by Diana and exposed to many experiences around the world, both positive and negative. She would be very proud of her sons and I am sure that William and Kate will do as good a job with little " " as Diana did with her children.

    Best wishes to the new family and their beautiful little (or not so little!) bundle of joy!

    1. Anonymous6:22 PM

      very well said! :-) Charles was an ass all the way. Diana wanted her boys to be as well rounded as they could be. No thanks to Charles or his mother.

    2. I am not being an ass. And I adored Diana and was grief stricken when she was killed. She did a great job for the time she was alive and then Charles took over. He did a great job, too. Those boys are the product of good parenting - which neither Charles or Diana received themselves from their own parents - and they turned out beautifully. If Diana was alive, she'd be proud and well she should be.

      What I was commenting on was that the royal succession has to stay what it is by law. I doubt if Charles will or can abdicate, even if he wanted to. I haven't always liked Charles but I've been reading about him since his Diana days and admire him very much. He has accomplished quite a bit in his behind the scenes way. He handled his marriage badly - those two should never have been married - but I've admired how he's brought those boys up.

      I just hope Diana is up there somewhere and able to see her Wills and Harry.

    3. Anonymous9:01 PM

      Charles really didnt have much to do with his boys upbringing. Who are you kidding? He married Diana because he was told to, and get her pregnant and supply the next heir to the thrown. Meanwhile he wanted horse face and treated his wife like a piece of shit. I find the whole situation with Charles and Diana disgusting, and Charles and his mother created the entire mess. Yes, the queen bitch. Hopefully these 2 new parents will change the shit of the royal family with their own thoughts and how they want to raise their child without interference from the queen bitch.

    4. Anonymous10:05 PM

      @ Anonymous4:34 PM

      heir to the thrown

      Anonymous9:01 PM

      next heir to the thrown.



      Must be a stupid Palin.

    5. Anonymous9:15 AM

      I think it's hilarious. ..

      No way in HELL is Prince Harry the son of Prince Charles.

      No way. No how.

  15. Anita Winecooler8:33 PM

    I'm kind of neutral on the whole "Royalty" thing, but I'm happy that all went well. Diana would have made a wonderful Grandmom!

    Congrats to the whole family!

  16. Anonymous2:02 PM

    I saw the little video of Prince William carrying the car seat out to the car, putting it in the back and then getting behind the wheel to drive away. New mom sat in the back with the baby. So very cute. And so very different from the recent over-the-top celebrity birth of Kim Kardashian's baby - the stealth exit from the hospital, etc. Poor Kim. Like Sarah Palin you just can't fake real class.


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