Monday, July 22, 2013

Good news, Norwegian Marte Dalelv will NOT serve jail time in Dubai for the crime of being raped and then reporting it to the police.

Courtesy of Nyheter: 

Dalelv was sentenced to prison after reporting a colleague for rape. Norways foreign minister confirms that she has been pardoned. 

Dalelv reported her colleague for rape while on a business trip in Dubai in March. She ended up being thrown in jail and charged herself. 

Last week Dalelv was sentenced to 16 months in prison after being convicted for having extramarital sex, drinking alcohol without permission and giving false statement to the police. 

Dalelv appealed the case and has been anxiously waiting for the next round of court hearings. She received a summon to meet Dubais chief prosecutor on monday. 

She got the news about the hearing around 11 a.m. local time. A few minutes later the norwegian minister of foreign affairs, Espen Barth Eide, held a press conference in Oslo.

 - She is free and can go home when she want to, he said. 

- The Emir got her pardoned himself, Bart Eide elaborated to VG. 

- Its historic that this matter had such a quick solution, and that the highest circles in Dubai intervened. 

After the alleged rape Dalelv was first suspended and then fired bye her employer, Al Mana Interiors. The given reason was «unacceptable and improper behavior». The company's managing director, Mr. Wissam Al Mana, signed the letter personally. Al Mana is married to pop star Janet Jackson.

16 months for being raped? You know that is what happens when you find yourself in a male dominated culture that worships a religion which devalues women and blames them for all the sins of society.

You know, like the one that WE have been struggling against for the last two hundred plus years.

And if certain conservatives get their way our women can expect similar treatment from our law enforcement in the very near future. Though as many of us well know in some places in the US there is no need to wait, this type of always "blame the woman" attitude is still alive and well.

By the way you KNOW the Emir would never had said boo about this if it had not attracted such attention, and condemnation, from around the world.  And this is just a taste of what the woman in Saudi Arabia have to put up with every day of their lives.


  1. Anonymous2:21 PM


    Janet Jackson's new billionaire husband SIGNED the letter (from the design company this woman was working for while in UEA) which told her she was:


    due to

    "unacceptable and improper behavior", ya know, like being raped. SHEESH! Some people!



    The victim Marte Deborah Dalelv is speaking out, because she wants other women to know about the fuckery going down in the UAE…in case they didn’t already know about Sharia Law.

    Marte will appeal the sentence in September and the Norwegian Embassy was able to get her out of prison and into an aid compound in Dubai.

    Marte was working in Qatar as an interior designer for Al Mana Interiors. Janet Jackson’s billionaire husband Wissam Al Mana is the firm’s managing director.

    VG, a Norwegian newspaper, says that three weeks after Marte reported the rape to the police, her bosses at Al Mana Interiors told her that she was suspended from her job.

    Usually when you get suspended from your job, it means that they’re just getting your last check together before they fire your ass completely. That’s what they did to Marte.

    Three weeks later, she got a termination letter.

    Marte was told that her contract was ripped up due to “unacceptable and improper behavior.”

    Janet Jackson’s husband signed the letter.

    Dear Ms. Dalelv,

    Further to the suspension letter notified to you on 20th March 2013, we hereby inform you that you employment with Al Mana Interiors W.L.L. is terminated for misconduct and breach of your employment duties, effective immediately.
    As mentioned is the suspension letter dated 20th March 2013, your employment agreement is termination due to your unacceptable and improper behavior during your last business trip in Dubai, which has resulted in your arrest by the Police Authorities in UAE.

    The full and final settlement of any outstanding benefits can be discussed wih Mr. XXXX XXXXXX. At the same time, you are requested to hand in any company property given to you on account of company work.

    The present letter has been given in accordance with article 61 of the Qatar Labour Law no 14 of (2004), and a copy of which will be submitted to the Labour Department, for their records.

    Wissam Al Mana
    Managing Director

    Doesn’t it warm the core of your soul know that by “improper behavior” they meant “rape.”

    No "So Sorry you were raped"~

    More like`

    "How DARE you SHAME us?! Give us our swatches, prostitute!"

    Good luck with your tourism, UEA!

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Ok, I don't know if this chick was hard up for a job, but I'd rather eat dog shit than work in Dubai, or any middle eastern country for that matter. I wouldn't waste vacation time and money going to any country where women are not even second class citizens , but are kept like slaves in hideous burkas, not permitted to educate themselves, work, or drive. They treat cattle better than women, so fuck that. If I want to see a desert, I'll go to Arizona.
    So go ahead and attack me for stereotyping all middle eastern countries, but every week there's another story about 12 year olds being sold into slavery, journalists getting raped, etc. it's dangerous enough in "safe" countries for women traveling alone. Why put yourself in even more risk by entering a country that views you as a possession and not a human being. Again, fuck that.

    Virginia Voter

    1. Anonymous7:19 PM

      "every week there's another story about 12 year olds being sold into slavery, journalists getting raped, etc."

      You mean like the US or Canada?

      "entering a country that views you as a possession and not a human being. Again, fuck that."

      Better not visit Texas or the US Congress.

  3. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I went to a presentation at work by a woman who spent several months working and studying in Dubai. Listening to her talk about how she had to behave and dress, and about the way she was treated, especially being a white woman, made me wonder why any woman would EVER set foot in that country.

  4. Anonymous4:53 PM

    He's a total sellout and scum:

    It's Now Clear That Russian Intelligence Speaks For Edward Snowden
    The Intel In Snowden's Head Could Be More Damaging Than The Material He Leaked

  5. Elsie5:51 PM

    "Unacceptable and improper behavior"? Really?

    I have to wonder how two-faced her husband is about a RAPED woman's "unacceptable and improper behavior" compared to his lil wifey doing her "wardrobe malfunction" boob thing on the Super Bowl show with Justin Timberlake in 2004? I guess there's his Muslim culture and then there's enjoying his own little honey at home. Either way, he's still an ass, and no way in hell I'd ever bother to travel to his part of the world.

    If you forgot the infamous "wardrobe malfunction", there's a youtube on it, of course:

  6. Anonymous6:49 PM

    Female Genital Mutilation On The Decline Worldwide, Report Says

  7. Anita Winecooler9:31 PM

    The ONLY good thing is that she's free, but what happened to the colleague who RAPED her?

    Let me guess, he got a promotion and a private concert with Mrs Al Mana?

  8. Anonymous7:21 PM

    "worships a religion which devalues women and blames them for all the sins of society"

    For being an atheist, Gryphen is awfully big on parroting what he hears from other people instead of finding out things for himself. Where in God's name does Islam blame women for all the sins of society?

    Literally asking for a citation here because unlike Christianity, there's no such concept as original sin and Eve is not even mentioned as disobeying anyone when it comes to the Adam/Eve fall from heaven story.

  9. Anonymous10:04 PM

    From Tumblr:

    fun fact: iraq, pakistan, afghanistan and saudi arabia have a higher percentage of women in the government than the us & the uk

    Indonesia, so-called home of Islamic terrorism in Asia, has had a female Prime Minister. Your move, America.

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